Prince Harry opens up: Part 1- Royal rift | Nightline

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I don't think that we can ever have peace with my family unless the truth is out there Prince Harry sharing painful and deeply personal details of the family riff that rocked the British royal family and the world there's a lot that I can um forgive but there needs to be conversations and then in order for reconciliation and part of that has to be accountability in his new Memoir spare Prince Harry Chronicles the family dynamics that defined his life and led him and his wife Megan to leave the UK and the royal family within the family as such there's a Despair and the air my brother being in the air and me being this Baron so I think it was just a really good opportunity to choose a a title that had been somewhat used against me for a long part of my life and owned that title the quote in this book where you refer to your brother as your beloved brother and arch nemesis strong words there is always been this competition between us weirdly again I think it really plays into always played by the air spare to the outside world Prince Harry and his brother Prince William always appeared close bonded by their mother's tragic death but in his Memoir Harry writes about a more complex relationship his life is is planned out for him whereas for the spare that's not really what you should do you should kind of be sitting there a little bit in the Monarch Shadow and just wait your turn in his book Prince Harry writes about a fight he had with his brother in 2019 over Meghan Markle a fight that he says turned physical when his brother grabbed him by the collar and pushed him to the floor Harry writes it was a relationship that had tension you speak about your brother and your argument there were fights almost as if you should do what I tell you no he didn't it wasn't um it's not to say that by him saying no you can't do this that there's a rule that says that I can't right it was more sort of a brother I guess competition you get a chance to tell your story now your brother may never have that chance to tell his side of the story are you sympathetic to that yes 100 and I think you know after after I've done this the book comes out I would hope that other members of the family feel as though they can write their own book how would your mom feel about your relationship with your brother now I think she would be sad I think she'd be looking at looking at it long term to know that there are certain things that we need to go through to be able to heal the relationship but do you think you have any responsibility in the breakdown of the relationship I'm without question I'm sure but what people don't know is the efforts that I've gone to to resolve this privately both with my brother and with my father constantly for the last six years but especially the last two I think my mother would realize the missed opportunity with Megan being part of the institution Potter monarchy and I think she is looking forward to the time when William and I see eye to eye in a joint at the hip again some critics are going to say well we're taking private private struggles and you bring them into the public and you're making money off of them for me having seen my family in the institutions part in constantly feeding the British press with lies Miss truths miss disinformation the way that I can correct those Mysteries is by writing something the truth in one place without going through the same people that they chose to go through Harry reserves much of its frustration for the British press claiming members of the royal family refused to set the record straight on false reports especially about his wife Megan shifting a negative Spotlight onto her in order to protect other Royals they pitched the wales's right which Kate and William are now against the sussexes me and my wife they pitch Kate and making against each other Harry says women who marry into his family face intense media scrutiny but when it came to Megan he says the British press used her race against her my wife is not visibly black but that's who she is the way that they speak about her and the way they treat her is incredibly relatable to everybody else of color with the paparazzi playing a role in his mother's deadly car crash Harry says that he feared the Relentless British media coverage of his family could endanger Megan in the their son Archie I'm trying to put a stop to this because I can't ever imagine and I don't want to imagine history repeating itself right by 2020 they had had enough Harry writes that he suggested a possible solution to the royal family a hybrid proposal that would have allowed them to split their time between Canada and the UK while still serving the queen we didn't want to leave we want to carry on serving the queen there was no compromise with the family no there was no compromise which was really sad because I still to this day believe that this was entirely possible recently you lost your grandmother did she ever expressed that she was upset at you for what or wanting to change your role my grandmother and I had a very good relationship but I had many many conversations with her both in the UK over the years in the run-up to the point of this change she knew what was going on she knew how hot it was she never said to me that she was angry I think she was sad that it had got to that point Harry writes about the jealousy says his father and his stepmother Camilla had over quote someone new dominating a monarchy end quote in the idea of Megan overshadowing them you're in the car with your father and your brother kind of casually brings up Megan and then casually drops in that um he didn't have enough he wouldn't be able to support you both how did that make you feel where did that come from my father was ultimately responsible for both me and my brother and you know our partners and our families um so it did seem a little bit strange that somehow the rules were being changed or that I was being guided on a very different path well is my my partner was being guiding on a very different path should we end up getting married Prince Harry also opened up about his feelings for his stepmother now the queen consort [Applause] when your father married Camilla you wrote I had complex feelings about gaining a step parent who I thought had recently sacrificed me on her personal PR altar what has she done at that point you felt I have a huge amount of compassion for her you know um being the third person within my parents marriage and she had a reputation or an image to rehabilitate and whatever conversations happened whatever deals or trading was was made right at the beginning she was led to believe that that would be the best way to doing it he also writes that he and his brother begged his father not to marry her and what is your relationship with Camilla now we haven't spoken for a long time um you know I I love every member of my family despite the differences I don't look at her as an evil stepmother I see someone who has done everything that she can to you know improve her own reputation and her own image Camilla was famously caught the third person in his parents marriage by Princess Diana throughout the book Prince Harry describes being haunted by his mother's death the first time I cried was uh at the burial and then after that you said you didn't cry for years why it wasn't through lack of trying you just I tried believe me I tried but there was there was nothing there it was it was I was numb did you feel guilty for not crying once I started therapy I started to understand that or at least I thought that there was this huge weight on my chest due to the fact that I hadn't cried and that my mum needed me to cry or I needed to cry to prove to my mom that I missed her I suddenly realized that actually she didn't want me to cry she really just wanted me to be happy but it took you a while to get there because that was you talked about how for a while you in your mind magical things you said she's hiding yeah yeah it's 100 it's a defense mechanism right I think for anyone especially if you're a kid I was 12 years old I refused to accept that that was that was what had happened Harry recalling a visit to his mother's grave in 2017 and a candid conversation he says he shared with his brother he felt as though she was very much in his life and helped set him up and that he felt as though she'd now moved over and was helping me set my life up I think she would be heartbroken that it's ended up where it's ended up you said you want your father and brother back do you think that this book is going to bring them back or they're going to further divide you I have thought about it long and hard and as far as I see it the devoid couldn't be greater before this book but I genuinely believe that if me and my family can reconcile can put our differences behind us but first there needs to be conversation and accountability and if that doesn't happen then that's very sad but I will focus on my my life my amazing family that I'm so grateful to have my two kids who are bouncing up and down me this morning I'm Not Angry Anymore there are things that will still anger me but I'm not angry anymore because I am exactly where I'm supposed to be our thanks to Michael we received a response from the law firm representing Buckingham Palace earlier today saying that the palace needed to quote consider exactly what is said in the interview and the context in which it appears end quote and asked that we Supply them immediately with a copy of the entire interview but we do not do that as a matter of policy at ABC News hi everyone George Stephanopoulos here thanks for checking out the ABC News YouTube channel if you'd like to get more videos show highlights and watch live event coverage click on the right over here to subscribe to our Channel and don't forget to download the ABC News app for breaking news alerts thanks for watching
Channel: ABC News
Views: 970,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Diana, Elizabeth, Harry, II, Kingdom, Markle, Megan, Michael, Prince, Princess, Queen, Strahan, United, abc, abcnews, book, family, memoir, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-96330666, royal, royals
Id: HI52nXTLmb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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