Timothée Chalamet and Olivia Colman talk Wonka with Total Film

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thank you so much for joining T films podcast we did a cover feature when it was the actor strikes we couldn't talk to you guys but we did talk to your onset Chocolatea which amazing so big questions first how much did you manage to eat and is it on your sort of Rider going forward that you have an onset chocolate here now I at all times um how much did you eat I not that much cuz in my set there wasn't any oh you drink all that poison at the end yeah that was nice yeah too much my favorite was in a world of your own you know I take a bite out of a chocolate teacup at the end which is sort of straight out of the original and that's an idea that Paul had 12 hours before we shot that scene she made it last minute boom boom boom wow cuz I thought it would be some hero chocolates but apparently she made everything yeah no she made everything yeah yeah so when you get the call from Paul about this film what's the sort of reaction is there trepidation about it like I do you have sort of worries about taking on such a beloved sort of thing or was it that you just wanted to get stuck in what did you think Timothy I mean obviously liation because the character is so beloved so people are very protective over characters and films they love so it's almost Blasphemous from the get to to go near it but then uh because it was Paul King just very excited and I loved Paddington too and Paddington and I felt like I was stepping into this Sunday roast of British All Stars you know so yeah yeah but also you are as just beautiful as Wonka totally the right choice thank you couldn't have picked a Lovelier person for me there wasn't a previous Mrs scrubb it so much easier when I talked to Paul about the singing um he said that you sounded like Bing Crosby the music supervisor and this named James Taylor so I did lessons with him and then a lovely gentleman named Eric vitro in LA and these are the men that take woeful actors and sort of give them I I get the best advice singing is acting on Pitch I always like that acting on Pitch you must have been fairly good to start with though I did it's some in musical theater a little bit in high school yeah yeah and Night Live of course we've seen you singing to a tiny horse before this yes yes I just got that tiny horse I got the actual to keep it home so tell me about the song and dance numbers this is like if you're an actor this is a sort of thing that you sort of dream about and we don't really see many of films like this so was it fun is it fun to twirl around and do the singing and dancing in big sort of set pieces and beautiful sets not me I didn't do any of that well there's the end of um scrub scrub yeah I go scrub scrub yeah she isn't really singing or dancing uh but amazing to watch everyone else do it is I don't know about you but you know when you're you do well at drama school there's dance dancing and never ever have I used it well I did one film with dancing but mainly the difficult bits were a proper dancer with my face c yeah yeah uh but yeah you were brilliant at it I loved I loved it I loved it it's a lot of fun it's unlike uh you know being like a doing a serious drama and Mining yourself or this is more like I don't know more expressive was that a conscious decision then to sort of step away from that sort of role that you've been doing a lot of I mean before you were a cannibal so was did you really want to find something like this no I feel like I just want to work with great directors and uh you know Luca guino gave me who did Bones and all the cannibal movie and call me by her name who I wouldn't have a career without Paul King is his favorite director and and Tilla Swinton these are two I like respect them enormously so they were he was on their radar before I even so when I got this it was like f like a no-brainer um tell me about the sets cuz obviously they're amazing and they're all in Britain you you filmed this all in the UK they're all real and physical was that a treat to sort of play in that space as well the only set I was in was the laundr but every drawer you opened had had the printed ble scrub it and bleacher paper and the it was amazing and the till worked and everything has been thought of so you feel like God my job's so easy I come in and they've made me look better uh we did go and visit your factory the chocolate shop yes that was my favorite set you might have broken it really actually Tom went on the Tom Davis not a small chap yeah he walked on the on the P yeah they went that's a sign and ran away what the sign saying there was a sign now I found out why right now that there's a spot on the set that it was like There's a Hole Tom Davis Davis did that scop yeah scoop what was it like when you saw those sets it was a inspiring and because of the tone too it was just because because it wasn't like some heavy film it had that old school Hollywood quality speaking of physical things my little boy watch this and wants to know uh did you choose your teeth and why and is your chocolate cabinet real how practical is that good questions um I had two sets of teeth I had the uh yellowing ones and then I had the brightly colored ones once they had eaten uh the poison so I was very excited we did go through different shades of teeth and there was one that was really grubby but we thought maybe that was too much so we went for the pale really and then pull back yeah I I never do too much you know me I'm very SLE yeah I loved uh that chocolate box was almost entirely practical and it was the throws of Co so the one thing that felt like was missing was a little hand sanitization station so they added a little little thing oh that was brilliant so the Box opens and cleans his hands make sure yeah they're not dirty brilliant so I can't go without asking you both about your next projects which are so exciting to us haddington 3 and June 2 and wicked little letters just want to what get little letters oh my God it's amazing ask did you already shoot it or uh yes we've already shot it um and it's a true story um in the 20s these poison pen letters started arriving and this this sort of pious Christian woman's house and everyone thought it was the neighbor who was a bit of a potty mouth and I don't want to ruin it for you but it was literally debated in Parliament and it was on the front of all the broad sheets yeah these letters that say you stinky ass and but would kill would kill people or no you're saying like poison letters like actual just sort of as in vicious Nast no that would been much cool an ignorant American I thought you me like with anthra or it's too late to recut it but what about Padington I'm so excited and I met Paddington and I absolutely loved it I got there quite late so they'd already done most of it and I was like a kid in a Sweet Shop it was just so exciting and again I'm not necessarily a good person in it really and what riding a sandworm for you yeah riding a sandworm yep yep is it real yeah well it's Christian Bill who put on 400,000 wow he is so me he committed I stole that joke if that makes it in there I stole that that was like that was an Internet that was a great article that we all sent around on set where somebody had put out a thing saying Christian Bale has been cast as the sand is going to put on F no but it's great yeah I'm excited I'm very excited can't wait to see it oh
Channel: Total Film
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Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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