"Tickety-boo!" Timothée Chalamet on Wonka, Paddington, Dune & having "the coolest job in the world!"

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[Music] I've spent the past seven years traveling the world perfecting my craft you see I'm something of a magician inventor and chocolate maker so quiet up and listen down nope scratch that reverse it I've got to ask about that photo though that was been going around of you with the with the Paddington doll I want to call it yeah yeah what was going on there that's with hideo Kojima who's like uh but of course the master of of video games in Japan and he's an enormous Paddington fan he not only that pictures with the Paddington Bear but he also uh he had a Paddington briefcase that goes with the bear they got Paul assign finally but uh yeah that just shows how Paddington has this like crazy um um crazy yeah like he appeals to so many people and I think so much of Paul is in that character Paul is Paddington it's so true he's just wonderfully joyful and optimistic and childlike and I mean that in the most complimentary way you know just just a delight and it's rare with these I hate to speak in like film critic terms whatever but it's rare with these masterful directors to uh have that quality both as a person but also in your films because otherwise people feel like films with these kind of themes of never letting your dreams die or community and love they feel like sometimes it's like a Hollywood's trying to sell them something you know and I nor want to be overconfident but this really is not that and that's thanks to Paul every good thing in this world started with a dream so you hold on to yours here we go Mama the real genuine joy that he wants to give other people it's palpable yeah I could wax lyrical about him he's amazing yeah do you have a favorite Paddington moment from the films though H my favorite Paddington moment perhaps it's in the second one it doesn't have to do with Paddington Bear but when Hugh grants in his sort of like acting like Workshop I have followed this lady through the whole of London and collected everyone of clever little cluthes but what do they mean it's just a jumble of letters a it uh-uh they are not letters at all they are musical notes I'm a big sucker for like uh you know movies and TV shows that make fun of actors like even in Arrested Development there's a what's the character Nam Tobias who like yeah who goes on the on the fire sale audition am I panicked about the fire am I being brave for every else the fire it it's it's a fire sale if You' ever seen that scene I'm on fire oh my God we're having a fire sale oh the burning yeah and then they go do you want to do it again it's more like a fire stone he goes nope and then he walks out the room and he would you like to try that a little simpler maybe no I love that completely it's my favorite thing I absolutely love it what gave you though the biggest oh my God oh my God oh my God acting challenge fear the singing or the dancing both I say this to the guy who has smashed a Troy saan impression ah thank you it's me Troy saan let's [Applause] go thank you I couldn't get the Australian accent together in time that was like insecurity on my part but I had that that yeah anyway you know the film dream scenario I now want you oh wa oh the Nick Cage movie came out any appears in people's dreams my sister told me to watch that you've been on my mind recently you keep popping up in my dreams you don't do anything you're just there I want the Sleep demon of you as Troy savan any so not Choice sleep demon but me as CH exactly anyway singing dancing and you have to do it with CGI and special effects the chocolate is flying you're flying you're holding on to balloons you're spinning people around umbrellas yes lots of umbrellas is there a particular dance move that you look back on and go how did I get away with that H that's a good question I mean I mean it's so slight as to be imperceptible so I I'm weary to like but just going down the stairs in the opening number and there there was that homage to Gene Wilder I don't know if anybody pick up on it but he goes down the stairs he pops back up did you pick up on it yeah [Music] okay that's where harder than it looks you know and uh the full cane drop he does at the beginning of the film insane when you think about physical mechanics we uh maybe I shouldn't even say this because I don't feel like we failed but failure is important but we we tried um in the sort of opening chocolate store sequence for slugworth pros and fickle grber introduced the evil chocolateers let's try one of these socalled hover chunks we tried a bit to get that roll in ladies and gentlemen greetings to you all my name is Willie woner and it required like we put a magnet on the bottom of the cane and then a magnet on the floor cuz cuz he he leaves it in place and then the role itself is nearly like impossible to accomplish but actually getting the cane to stay so we figured on the original they must have built you know a tiny hole in the ground or something for them for Gene Wilder to but I don't know I want to believe yeah he just could do it yeah I agree and answer is he probably could he probably could yeah he probably could yes good in you shot a lot of this movie though in the UK uhhuh and we love to see it you can recognize B here and there uhhuh yes do you have a particular British turn of phrase that you love or that you've been surprised by and you had to ask somebody what did they what does that mean um what's going on I mean Ticky boo that's pretty I haven't been able to sneak that into my American vocabulary that' be good and what does tick boo it just kind of means like tickity boo means everything's I was about to say everything's hunky dory like everything's Tip Top hunky dory that's more my American worldview right there yeah I'm helping yeah thank you I'm the translator and are you willing to admit right now and this is my pet some possibly winning prize question are you willing to admit that British chocolate is better than American chocolate yeah it I mean it's controversial it's it's British chocolate is more fanciful it's richer it's better put together you prep I like this yeah American chocolates are full of trans fat no I'm kidding I'm kidding no no rean chocolate's delicious too though I love raisin nuts it's all good it's all good it's all a sugar rush that's the Wonka away yeah all righty you get to work with Olivia Coleman in this movie read the small print what thank you no that'll do and the trouble with working with her is that she's so wonderful yeah that you just stop acting and start staring yeah I couldn't agree more what' you say who's that in the girl what girl was she the person person that made you crack and corpse the most the person that made me corpse the most oh this is a good question too was going it probably was Keegan not sell chocolate in this town you're going to get more than a bonk on the head Keegan's like uh sort of like you think like you're a pretty good singer and then you hear like actual singers or you think you're a pretty good actor and you see amazing actor and then like you could think like you know your friends are pretty funny and then you're around like an athletic comedy God I love a banga man what is with me today he's not coming up with a good joke he's just on fire all the time he's impersonating he's probably going to do the cane trick in his back Garden he's just exactly he's just a beast but I will say Olivia helped me tremendously CU one of my scenes early on was with her and at first this tone I just hadn't acted in a movie that was so light and I was kind of having to coach myself to you know something I was proud of early on in my career I was just talking about it before is like I never wanted to feel like I was thrilled to be in a movie no matter how thrilled I was to be an Interstellar or something cuz I always feel a little prejudicial or something when I'm watching a movie and you sense the excitement of someone to be in it yeah TR say you look after her place for me right right uhhuh and um and this was the opposite you know where I was like you this this man would be excitable that girl it sounded like read the small print and they're does seem to be a lot of oh and then when I was acting with Olivia was somebody I respect you know tremendously his body work speaks for itself and I saw how much she was letting go yeah you don't want to listen to Noodle Mr W cuz she's damaged she was dropped down the laundry shoot as a bab then I felt like I could match that uh and it was uh yeah it was it was hugely insightful for me well B all seems to be in order really uhhuh hello ah then welcome to scrubing what about getting into the costume for the first time because it is so iconic you've got the Hat you've got the cane you've mentioned already you've got a jacket not similar to this yeah what was it like putting it on for the first time because I love that the costume designer for this movie is best known previously for her work on the dark night yeah exactly and that was a big conversation we had was uh you know was exactly exactly good evening ladies and gentlemen one of my favorite things with the Heath Ledger Joker costume was how beat up it was we are tonight's entertainment is the that was the only thought I had for her cuz Lindy Heming the custom designer she's a legend I wouldn't pretend to you know whatever try to affect her work but the one thing because he's a young ambitious choler but isn't the Willy Wonka that we know that's made it that's dressed to the nines both in the Gene Wilder in the in the Tim Burton Johnny version now do be careful my dear children don't lose your heads is uh that it felt like um like he was off the boat like he's battered and bruised and his clothes are tattered and and she crushed it there was no detail on that suit that wasn't it's falling apart it's singed at the edges the lining the coat lining is incredible um there must have been like a dozen of the suits and a dozen of the hats there were five I think there were five yeah there were five there was a stunt one that was um you know for all the explode car car crashes and explosions no okay but there was a stunt one that was like great scene back flip out of a burning build backp out dies V diesel makes his came slow yeah SL gun guns going off but um uh yeah she's uh she's extraordinary and that like you know that's my favorite film and performance did you get to keep a hat or a cane and if you did get to keep any of the werness is it going to get framed what do you do with it I did but I'm like Hush Hush about I don't think I was supposed to I don't know if they've noticed yet the good news is that there's no cameras running yeah exactly this is it doesn't go online or anything so you should be okay you get to do a few incredible things that for me as a film fan you as an actor I can imagine you were delighted to be able to do because it takes Cinema to have these sort of moments including hot hopping off a truck and then swinging around a lamp post yes were those little moments in your life where you go I have the best job in the world yes the definitely like um I guess on Dune there were moments where the film was so enormous yeah that it's um humbling is too General word I don't know it's like Beyond humbling it's just as you just said you feel like I got the coolest job in the world and also there's a physical element of risk here that how hilarious it would be to break a bone something like this you know I would love to go home and someone says how was your day I broke my ankle swinging around broke my ankle swinging around a lampost yeah and even like yeah this feeling like you can't speak up about your shoulder giv out because how lucky one is to be working on it but um uh there were this movie more than anything I worked on I think I had those moment you doing the locations like to be in Abu Dhabi and in Jordan on these Cliffs the Heat and the costumes and and and the den and just like wow we're working on this screen but this as far as like the sets and this easily almost physically challenging role absolutely absolutely absolutely and it's something I thought about this Wonka character is a driving force of the movie and because he's without agency everything's on the up yes you know so it was yeah I um I agree you had to bring it I have to finish it this way good day sir good day sir thank you thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe and click the Bell icon to keep up to date you can listen to my radio one movies and TV podcast screen time on BBC sounds and you can find these interviews in full on BBC I player by searching movies with Ali plum
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 414,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BBC, RADIO 1, timothee chalamet, timothy chalamet, timmy chalamet, wonka, paul king, paddington, olivia colman, olivia coleman, dune, dune 2, gene wilder, troye sivan, snl, saturday night live, arrested development, paddington 2, the dark knight, interstellar
Id: HiPyYRgdAqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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