73 Questions With Olivia Colman | Vogue

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
like it is such an honor to be here to ask you 73 questions here in London oh thank you and the first question is what is this place I know I said it's beautiful that turns out you play the Queen a few times and then they give you this so I guess life has been kicked up a notch hasn't it that's alright oh I'm in the presence of a queen where are my manners oh no relieve don't have to you don't have to do it again but a little bit less no that's okay so what was your first professional acting role ah it was bruising and what was your first acting role ever Jean Brodie how old were you 16 what did you grow up watching constantly dynasty Oh Olivia can I rent anything for you and your guests oh I'm just a simple cup of tea a lovely Thank You Olivia I can't proceed with this interview until I ask you a question about this masterpiece on your wall what is a story with this art here um well it's from 1706 solar original it's probably as old as your country you sure this wasn't painted more recently yeah comedy or drama both how do you know when you've nailed the scene I don't think you do I think you know and you haven't nailed it what film do never get tired of watching It's a Wonderful Life what performance is the best of all time mmm don't think you cannot say I'm not it what's the craziest thing you've ever done auditioning for a role I ate a cigarette but what good habit are you trying to adopt drinking more water what show are you currently binge watching the other two what's the most outrageous thing that you've ever done in your life um i pooed in the cupboard but i was three what's been the most difficult thing you've ever shot madame tune rj for Les Miserables because she she'd beat children what accent do you think is the most difficult to master Georgie or narenai now you famously do not have a process is that correct yes though when playing such a recognizable people does that demand a different approach yes because suddenly there's an awful lot of footage and research and documentation and then you actually have to read stuff now after reading a script what do you do I tried to work out if I've had a gut reaction to it what is the most ridiculous fact that you know apparently some cats are allergic to humans their cup of tea oh I'd love some thank you and by the way does this POV style interview remind you of your peep show days yeah after you know after you I don't know if you chose I guess I insist come on after you ladies first no come on okay well just say okay that's it oh yeah sure wow look at this yeah well and there's even more art yes and this baby oldest baby ever depicted in a painting 34 years old Wow and look at this elaborate tea setup we have here this is incredible what's nothing it's just a little thing would you consider high tea to be the most British thing on earth it's quite British along with trying to get into a room through a door politely what's the most British phrase ever after you and what joke would you say perfectly distills British humour cool my finger unless the net load it how do you suggest we drink this tea well I'll be mum today I have no idea what that means that means I'll pool okay now your first role is leaning towards a very particular brand of comedy how would you describe the humor to someone who's never seen them quite dark bit culty probably not for your mum and how would you describe yourself I think it's peculiar to describe oneself was there a time when you consider pivoting away from acting no can't do anything else can you describe your style in three words nope what's in article of clothing that you can't bear to give away my biggest comfiest pants and it would be weird to give them away mmm it's tea looks great this is a very good kind of dad it looks really nice little cloudy I think I probably nailed it what's the most extravagant thing in your wardrobe um thank you welcome I have the beautiful Stella McCartney dress that she made me for Vanity Fair and an Alexander McQueen flashback who's your favorite designer right now that's quite hard because I don't think I could choose product Stella I let sound I'm a guy from red in it what's a trend that you regret trying buuut tubes should go to perfume jo Malone amber and lavender is there any particular cause that's important for you to get behind I would like all children to have relationship classes in schools what's been the most positive change you've seen in the industry since you've started your career I think the discussion about equality although we're not there yet at least the discussion has is happening in 40 years what do you think people will be nostalgic for a life before the internet sorry I'm gonna my favorite flower peonies favorite word patek the best double-oh-seven of all time oh don't no great sorry hang on hello oh hi today ah I'm a little bit busy how many of you Hannah William Olivia can we squeeze in another ten people of course yeah William says that's fine okay yes don't turn that drunk they leave the dogs by who is that that was my man Olivia let's talk about family what's changed since winning an Oscar uh I get to hang out here and you've been dubbed a national treasure here in the UK what are your thoughts on that label I already know what that means it sounds like an old teapot what's been the most flattering fan moment that you've ever had someone said Oh wrote your voice what pre fame job do you remember most fondly definitely my cleaning job I loved it can you explain what it's like navigating the award show season um you need good people around you just to sort of push you through it and what about the red carpet what's that like that's awful I mean it comfy shoes your Oscars excessive speech was incredible like have you rewatched that since no not directly it was in the background well our babysitter filmed the kids as their reaction Tara that's so sweet there anyone you forgot to think that you were to want to give a little shout out to right now yes please Melissa and Jill it's ER Olivia for dinner this evening lobster Partridge Scavo Oh could we have all of those and do you have any good uh Coons we certainly do for gherkins pieces excellent thank you very much if you had to rename yourself as a Spice Girl what would your name be Oh cuddly spice oh we have another room with another door let's do this Olivia after you holy what is not expecting this what can you expect from a dinner party like this um well but there'll be lots of potatoes Oh what songs end up on your dinner party playlist um the final countdown by Europe if you had to have lunch with one of your characters who would you dine with him what would you talk about Queen Anne rabbits how do you feel about some word associations yes please okay selfies I think that awful Spanx great but sweaty no Marie I'm nothing so this isn't working to every well do you want to come down here yeah that's a bad idea if you can go back in time what would you tell your 16 year old self just come in back in time what's the worst that advice you've ever received you don't need to say thank you quite so much as someone who's been in a beautiful relationship for 25 years what relationship advice could you offer me always be kind to each other if you can interview anyone in the world who would it be in wine Oh Barack Obama cuz that's him what's the thing a character must have in order for you to play them hmm good lines and comfy shoes and you've worked with some amazing ensemble casts if you can create your own dream team ensemble cast who would it be oh you'd have to start with the Streep and the Dench hmm and then the Hopkins I could go on for a long time as well about 10 people maybe 15 and then in a room like it's closed doors free booze and just let the cameras roll and what film would that be [Music] what happened once the doors closed as a your gross young family Salaam what's the most unique aspect how did you say that good you are ghosts lymphomas terrible how do you pronounce it your boss tell auntie mas sorry Carrie obviously what what's the most unique aspect of being on set and working with that guy Rebecca he is the kindest and the most brutally honest person you'll ever meet now I heard that Phoebe Walbridge wrote the godmother fleabag role specifically for you what did you like about godmother she's a total if you reverse roles and you had to write apart for Phoebe who would she be I'd make her tiny little hairy man Olivia what's the question you've never been asked who would you marry dog or cat oh that's a tough one I did I say okay Oh what name would you give a secret society [Music] what's the best Wi-Fi network name you've ever seen people okay Olivia last question for you question number seventy-three who is dining exquisitely with you this evening oh um well we've got my mum and some rowdy friends The Rolling Stones and some Danish royalty and you we of course what Newt is they wait me no I couldn't possibly how could I do that well cuz I just asked you'd be really not - yeah but I'm so underdressed there's no way oh no we've got that covered William we insist come on stay get waylaid with us how can I say no to this offer yeah okay cue the party music it's time to party like we've never partied before tonight the DJ will save your life [Music] it's not very easy sitting down dancing we have some Chaka Khan if you got any Chaka Khan you should always look at yourself at that because it's more flattering never look down I don't know why they have mirrors underneath your face tell me could we have a little gin to get started thank you legend
Channel: Vogue
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Keywords: 73 qs, 73 questions, celebrity, 73, 73 questions vogue, olivia colman interview, olivia colman vogue, olivia colman 73, olivia colman 73 questions, olivia colman 73 questions interview, vogue olivia colman, olivia colman movies, olivia colman interview 2019, olivia colman vogue interview, 73 olivia colman, olivia colman the crown, olivia colman queen, olivia colman oscars, olivia colman speech, olivia colman mansion, 73 olivia, vogue
Id: L6YUOAslihA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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