Times And Seasons | Rev. Julian Kyula

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] looks after to verse 8 the Bible says and there were in the same country and and in the vicinity there were Shepherds living out under the open sky in the field watching in shifts over their flock by night and behold an angel of the Lord stood by them and the glory of the Lord flashed and shone all about them and they were terribly frightened but the angel of the Lord said to them do not be afraid for behold I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people you read verse 11 go on a heavenly knighthood praising God and saying glory to God in the highest heaven and on earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased men of goodwill of his favor somebody say I am favored let's continue when the Angels went away from them into heaven the Shepherd's said one to another let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing saying that has come to pass which the Lord has made known to us verse 16 and the baby not just any baby the baby with the capital B was lying in the manger let's continue and when they saw it they made known what had been told them concerning this child and all who heard it were astounding marveled at what the Shepherd's told them but Mary was keeping within herself all these things sayings weighing and pondering them in her heart glory be to God finally and the Shepherd's returned glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen just as it had been told them glory be to God thank you Lord for your word I'm just gonna share a few truths in relation to this amazing day the day that Jesus was born I know when you study especially now that everybody online is a professor you will see that people want to decipher and tell you Christmas is not the day he was born the 25th of December is not the exact day he was born that's the truth this is not the exact day days have shifted calendars have shifted and and what I can tell you in all sincerity is that it doesn't matter he was born whether he was born in February whether he was born according to which calendar he was born and we've chosen a day across the earth to celebrate him and to celebrate his birth amen I want to use this time not to I noticed at that time everybody goes to a church people have swaddling clothes and lambs and ass kids and a play maybe we'll do that next year but I just want to take time a few minutes to bring the relevance of what meant to what it means to each and every one of us the arrival of Jesus one of the things that we can understand from this is that God keeps his word book of John chapter 1 says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God the Word of God is dependable and the word of God can be used to know that hope shall not ashamed amen and I just want to speak into this regarding our times and seasons and believe in God I want to define for you what I believe even on the 31st we'll be coming to continue but on this day he was born Bible says the vision is for an appointed time can we go to the book of Habakkuk chapter 3 please in verse 1 I want us to just read that together Habbakuk 3:1 Habbakuk 3:1 a prayer of Habakkuk the Prophet set two wild enthusiastic and triumphal music verse two O Lord I have heard the report of you and was afraid o Lord revive your work in the midst of the years in the midst of the years make yourself known in wroth honestly remember pity and mercy verse 3 God in sun-hi region seller pause and come me think of that his glory covered the heavens and the earth was full of his praise when this shepherd saw what they saw they glorified God now I want you to go to the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 3 I'll just give you a few verses to just help you build something I want to build on very shortly Bible says to everything there is a season and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven let me assure you I'm not those preachers who come down because it's Christmas so we came for church tell your neighbor it's still some day there's gonna be a hallelujah somewhere amen I know it's Christmas Day but let's break a sweat a little bit because I just want to believe that the fact that this day falls on a Sunday your breakthrough is inevitable now watch this the Bible says to everything there is a season there's a time remember that to everything there's a time for every matter or purpose under what under heaven the core verse 2 says a time to be born and a time to die a time to plant read a time to pluck up what is AHA verse 3 our time to mm-hmm time to keep and a time to cast away stop there's a time for everything under the Sun now if you go to Genesis 822 look what what God promises lets me together while the earth remains seedtime and harvest cold and heat summer and winter and day and night shall not cease when God starts to put things in place he does it in things season I'm convinced as I've continued studying seasons and times that seasons are determined by God but times are determined by man I'm convinced and when you start to look at this I just want you to see a couple of truths there you see here that there are eight categories of seasons the Bible talks while the earth remains there is seed time and harvest those are two seasons the Bible categories is eight seasons in all our lives eight these are guaranteed seasons in our lives seed time and harvest cold and heat summer and winter day and night ladies and gentlemen every one of you is in one of these right now all right now when you talk about seasons seasons on what happens within seasons is that within a season there are times okay and and and and and the Bible talks about when the time had come for Jesus to be born it was the time the season had been declared but the time had come and you start to see certain things happen into Zechariah and Elizabeth that were to provoke something that was to happen with the birth of Jesus I'm not trying to make a Christmas message complicated but I do want to bring relevance because if he came he came because there was going to be a transition from the old to the new last Sunday we talked about transitions and we said the old taught and door had closed the New Testament door had opened we had moved into a new dispensation we had moved into a new season but within that season certain things come in play and I want you to understand that while there earth remains there are different things every human being will go through that Jesus went through there is none of these things Jesus did not go through so as far as we are concerned for every human being you will happen to be in one of these eight seasons at any point in your life but I want to show you something I want you to go to the book of first John I believe chapter 2 first John chapter 2 look at verse 12 he says I want us to be together I am writing to you who little children stop poor starts to make a John starts to make an announcement here that there are among us different categories and stages that all of you happen to be in in life now you may be in a particular season but in a particular stage of that season now this here I believe refers to timing because every one of you can determine when you will grow up he says I write to you little children because for his name's sake your sins are forgiven so category 1 is little children who are little children in the kingdom now please I want you to not be offended by what I'm gonna say because I want to believe that when a proclamation is made on the 31st that 2017 is your year it's not that the world is wrong it's dependent on what stage of life you're in are we together because when when Jesus has come he's come and at the age of 33 he was able to understand his seasons and his times and because of applying them carefully he was able to propel ahead of anybody else to accomplish what he was sent to do by 33 he was finished I'm gone some of us by sixty we're still planning and what I want us to understand is that because I believe we're in a season of acceleration say Amen I believe that we have come to a time when we can determine some things about us so the Bible talks about I am writing to little children because for his name sakes your sins are forgiven who are little children I'm convinced Lehrer children in the kingdom are the ones who are consistently in a place of drinking milk little children are the ones who are consistently in the place of saying help me hmm Christmas message help me I need help I need a job I need a breakthrough pray for me lay hands on me those are children don't be offended if you are one of them it's a stage am i talking to somebody here it's children it's children who need to be cooked for it's children only to beg and borrow hmm I'm helping somebody because I want to believe 2017 you will no longer be in this stage people who don't believe they can progress until you hook them up people who don't believe that they can do anything without your assistance people who want to depend people who just want to depend depend depend help me help me oh I need all I need oh I need those children I'm looking at children here today and children expect parents to deliver so children are constantly in the place of saying then look at what the Bible says in verse verse verse 13 so you're talking about children and then look here I am writing to you fathers so you have children and then you have what we call father's are you listening when I talk about fathers these are people who've reached a stage where they can do what they need to do to get what they need to get done in other words they have very little dependency on other human beings to get to do what needs to get done they're the kind of people who have that what I call or my varam which a kilo ho come what may I am fine my family and I we will do what we have to do if we have to sell cars we'll sell cars if you have to sell our shoes and sell our shoes but we are going to do what God has called us to do we are mandated they have reached a level of maturity that enables them to do what needs to get done without having to be like children it's a stage this group and category of people are quite self dependent they depend on Christ they depend on God but they don't depend on man this group is a group that is able to take challenges and do what needs to be done to make sure that they provide for their families because ladies and gentlemen there are there are that you know I found out that children is not a matter of age it is possible to be a 50 year old child and it is possible to be a 22 year old father and you find that you can find people who've been married for 20 years but they are behaving like there's nothing wrong it's a stage but there's a stage that you cannot stay on longer than you're supposed to there's a place to grow and mature to the next level somebody say the next level and I'm believing God that the lowest level most of you will be next year his fatherhood level what do I mean not that God will provide will bring you to a place where you trust that he is your source but as we continue reading he says because you have been you have come to know to recognize to be aware of and understand him who has existed from the beginning I am writing to you young men because you have been victorious over the wicked when I write to you boys lads because you have come to know recognize and be aware of the father verse 14 please then he says I write to you father's verse 14 our chief fathers because you've come to know recognize be conscious of and understand him who has existed from the beginning I write you young men because you are strong and vigorous and the Word of God is always abiding in you in your hearts and you have been victorious over the wicked one verse 15 please do not love or cherish the world or the things that are in the world if anyone loves the world the love of the father is not in him verse 16 I want to go somewhere with this for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eye and the pride of life in one's own resources or in the stability of earthly things these do not come from their father but are from the world itself can you go back to verse 14 and give me the KJV version so that I can explain what I'm trying to explain yeah so when you talk about this category of fathers the third category and the most important one that I want to believe God that most of us are going to propel to is where you talk about elders so you move from being children to being fathers to being elders in other words you propel to a particular place now elders are not interested even in sorting out their families elders are interested in legacy and at the age of thirty Jesus reached an eldership dimension and because a time had come I want you to understand you're not getting any younger I want us to appreciate we are not getting any younger and so when we look at times and seasons of life you cannot know where you are going unless you know what stage you're in and I believe one of the most important things is to ask myself am i a child am i a father or my own elder now at that stage the seasons would stop coming because you're a child the seasons will stop coming because you are a father the seasons will stop coming because you're an elder now go back to the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 3 watch this so the Bible says that to every for everything everything there is a season and a time I read my Bible man of God and I realize it does not say that God gives seasons and times for every matter or purpose under the earth actually no it says to everything there is a season are you listening to everything there is a season and for that time for every matter or purpose under heaven in other words God said that there will be eight reasons guaranteed in your life 8c time harvest in my time in doing what I do I have discovered that I believe one of the most dangerous things and one of the things that will come upon your life is a person who happens to be in a season where you're supposed to be an elder and you're still a child when God has released you into a time when you should have been releasing legacy and you're still a child it is possible in life to walk and find yourself extremely in a place now listen frustration is not a bad thing sometimes you can be right on time and in a frustrating point I'll show you can we go back to Genesis chapter 8 verse 22 watch this I'm going to play with these a little bit and then I'll come back to the manger it says well the earth remains seedtime and harvest elder Nancy it is possible for you to come into my life when I'm in a time of harvest one of the things that can mess you up in life is associations in different seasons because I'm guaranteed at nighttime there's a time nighttime nighttime is a guarantee are you listening to me I want you to know there is nothing wrong with nighttime because it cannot be day all the time if it is day all the time there's something we learnt in school called photosynthesis there's the train when please exchange giving oxygen and start taking him why it's a necessary shift because things work based on different seasons because some of you have been despising your season I want you to know there's nothing wrong with nighttime I want to look at somebody tell them nothing wrong with nighttime I'm guaranteeing you that at a particular time in your life nighttime is dark your nighttime is dark even Jesus our Lord and Savior went through nighttime he tried to have company in night time he was asking could you not tarry with me for an hour there's a place in your life when you're going through some things even if you have how many friends there's a time you're gonna be alone I'm looking for two witnesses on Christmas Day amen are you listening to what I'm saying I need you to find somebody tell them nothing wrong with nighttime what's most important is that you understand weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning in other words it may be nighttime but I have one guarantee while there are three means see turn and harvest heat and summer let me tell you there are some cold times of your life you will look for blankets they will not warm you up it's a guaranteed season now what makes it dangerous sometimes and I've discovered this is while I was serving a pastor in Houston when I was serving a man of God one of the mistakes I was making is that I thought that I'm supposed to participate in his harvest I realized it is possible to have two people in the same place come come but one is in day one of the problems in the church is we don't understand each other seasons and sometimes people come into a church in their nighttime and expect everybody to appreciate that Union my time ladies and gentleman you may be in your day time when I'm in my night time we behave differently in different seasons so it's not that I was ignoring you is that I needed to go through something that you necessarily have not yet gone through and therefore we will behave differently look at your neighbor say we're just in different seasons it is possible for you to be in your seat time when I'm in my harvest this is a good Christmas message and one of the mistakes people make is when they enter your life so so right now I tell some of my sons and daughters in ministry I tell them listen you you need to you know you're rushing you cannot speed up a season I cannot enter Porter's house when bush objects is enjoying his harvest and think that I will be accelerated into a harvest time while I should be planting seeds are you catching this and you need to understand seasons come and seasons go one thing you're guaranteed is that you will move from one season to another but depending on what stage in life a season finds you because when a child is found and it is nighttime oh one of the things is when when we when we're at home and and then little one you know the little one was was telling me yesterday I was carrying him and I was passing somewhere it was dark a same daddy I'm scared I'm scared to find a 43 year old who is scared of the dark if something is wrong so if I'm here and that's a child saying I'm scared it's because there's a child they are scared of something that you should have gotten over I understand what I'm saying so when my time comes and the days of preparation when you are supposed to be preparing to move from being a child to being a father you are still a child life is going to shake you because it is not God what has been said is the season thank you sir what has been set is the season so don't envy my harvest because you are not there during sin time and I found out that you will struggle with relationships that don't understand seasons you will struggle with friendships that don't appreciate where you are in life now when when when when when when when they were in the field and and and and and and and the ancestors of Jesus when when Ruth was was coming and and and she was allowed to glean from their fields one of the things I need you to understand is that it can take one man to plant but it will take many to harvest so catch this but when you're harvesting one man's harvest is another man's seed time is this too deep for Christmas so so you find that as we go into 2017 there will be children crossing over there would be father's crossing over and there will be elders crossing over the sad part is that there will be some 50 year old children crossing over and there will be some 24 year old elders crossing over I found out God does not determine who crosses over you do he'll give you the protection but the maturity is up to you you can go to a church where people enjoy being children from the pasta I'm not trying to attack another church I'm just saying what you expose yourself to you cannot go what did the disciples call Jesus rabbi rabbi meant teacher you who uplifts me you teaches me so you must enter an environment that provokes you to go to the place that you're supposed to be in whichever side of life you are in are you listening to what I'm saying and therefore exposition is your responsibility whether you decide to stay is your responsibility where you decide to learn from is your responsibility where you decide to eat from it's your responsibility and here we find that the set time the Bible says that there is a time for everything under the Sun so if you find me enjoying summer into this 2016 there were many people in winter now in Kenya we don't know seasons because in Kenya we have hot and cold dusty and windy but these people where they were when we have to understand the context from which this was being written they were in particular seasons what God was trying to show us is that while while the earth still remains human beings will go through these seasons individually but one thing is for sure grow up to ensure that your life counts in the coming year because we have a model and this model was born he was born and when it was his season to learn he learnt you cannot tell me that you want to get a degree and not go to school school is a seat time that degree is the harvest are we together therefore you have a responsibility to do what is necessary to see the results you need to see and in maturing to these things you will find that God will be glorified in your life I found out as you know even in a marriage you go through seasons this is why the Bible is clear that - what does the Book of Lamentations 3 is it 327 say it says to subvert a man without cause the Lord approve earth not in other words God won't allow a person who has understood their dimension and their calling to be subverted because of what people are saying in seasons while look at this look at this I have found out that the times of cold it is possible to have a ministry and be in a time of cold it's possible to have a large church and to be in a night time let me tell you let me guarantee what will happen in my time in case you didn't know let me take you through tutorial 101 in nighttime people will leave you nighttime is dark nighttime is lonely we live in a place where I don't know what kind of animals make noise at night there's some funny animals that make noise at night and the first day we moved in there I remember telling my wife like my little boy I don't know what that is because I hadn't yet fully understood when you're in the nighttime funny noises will be made I remember when dr. Ralph was here he was telling us that you may find yourself in a place of accusation it's a season I came to assure you the season you're in shall come to pass it shall surely come to pass somebody say it shall surely pass say it again the season I am in is not permanent because one of the guarantees I have for you here is that while there are remains seasons will change and where you are in 2016 cannot be where you will be in 2017 I came to announce a season shift in the name of Jesus I refuse to believe that I'm supposed to be permanently broke I refused to believe I refuse to believe I'm supposed to be permanently single I refuse to believe that I'm supposed to be permanently frustrated what are my beliefs my belief is this God had a plan and in the fullness of time that plan was executed and that plan worked through a woman called Mary let's go back to the Book of Luke I closed watch this Luke chapter 2 look at this here's my assurance today Luke chapter 2 you can see the children are saying you've already taken too long Luke chapter 2 and verse 16 and they came with haste and they found Mary and Joseph and the babe lying in a manger and when they had seen it they made known abroad as saying which was told them concerning this child and all day that heard it wondered are those things which were told them by the shepherds but Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart and the Shepherd's returned glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen what are they had they had heard and seen God put this in my spirit and I prayed last Sunday I remember telling you one of the things I know we are entering into as we enter 2017 I can smell the season I can smell the season let me assure you one of the things I know for my life is that it's not a dark season and and I know attack season may come another time but one thing I know about 2017 is not dark season time 2017 is a season of some progression and some working it's gonna be sweat it's gonna be work it's not gonna be easy but I know it's not nighttime how do you just know when one season has finished I don't know if I am talking to somebody here you just know when one season has ended and God cannot perpetually keep me in a season I want to announce today that the things you have heard and the things you shall see 2017 shall be that in the name of Jesus who I'm believing God for some good news in the coming year this was a year when I didn't know what phone call was coming there was scary phone calls but another season is shifting in the name of Jesus I'm getting ready for some good news I'm getting ready for some good news I don't know God God told me to tell you good news is coming in 2070 hey one of the things I've appreciated about God is that you know and seasons are ending I just can feel it I can sense it the season is coming to an era hey hallelujah what's that season a place of frustration a place of lack a place of wandering you know just say hey hey hey what's God know there's a place of calm down be still and know that I am God I I can feel it in my spirit it's a season of transition God told me this is a season of people taking their gen base and working why there shall be harvests there shall be harvest Kenya is entering a harvest time I know most of you are worried about the elections but let me tell you the elect of God I'm telling you right now elections are not going to shift the agenda of God over Kenya it shall be what God has said it's gonna be and this Christmas season I want you to know that God is making another announcement just like he did to the shepherds and they came and they had heard and they saw I decree on to you in 2017 you shall see what you have heard somebody shout good news find a neighbor who doesn't look jealous and tell that my seasons are changing [Applause] in 2016 I was a borrower but in 2017 under Linda Oh in 2016 our sindelle I don't know who I don't know who season I came to shift over here but in 2017 there will be an announced in 2016 they kept announcing other people's weddings but I believe my seasons are about somebody say yes Oh almost Christmas table you can shout Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna in 2016 I was frustrated at work 20 do you know what the Shepherd's have been they have been waiting and waiting the wise men had been waiting because all the prophets have been saying but there's a time when the Angels leave heaven and the whole must come and say men are favored of the Lord let me tell you 2017 even your enemies shall say you are favored of the Lord [Applause] somebody said my season is changing or the devil is a liar and his mother-in-law he should have killed you when he had the chance to finish you why things are changing and the crib bad news is changing to good news for years Satan had been trying to make sure that that day does not come he had been working and finishing first ones and till that time first let me assure you every firstborn among you is safe in the name of Jesus the devil hates first month but I want to make an announcement this Christmas the firstborn of fresh bones was born and Satan could not stop him and if Satan could not stop him Satan cannot stop you and Lopez born in the name of Jesus oh my god I speak to every first thing about your life I speak to your first fruits every fresh fruit from your womb is safe in the name of Jesus every first fruits on your harvest is safe in the name of Jesus or Merry Christmas about it I feel the anointing Feliz Navidad he was born he was born and you could not stop him Satan had tried to orchestrate everything to make sure that that baby in that manger did not come but every plan of Satan is defeated because the fact that Matthew chapter one exists now this is the lineage of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ why all the way from Adam we treat him and we see how he came but he came in an unexpected way what's coming to you will come in an unexpected way yes just because you're in a manger does not mean you're not a king oh my god oh my god don't confuse humble beginnings with kingly destinations I don't know who I'm talking to here don't don't don't underestimate me because I come from the wrong tribe you don't underestimate me because I come from the wrong village don't underestimate me because I look like I have cows and goats around me ladies and gentlemen I have a kingly assignment I need you to find a neighbor who's not jealous each other I have a royal assignment [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] seasons are changing 2017 my season is shifting everything about my life is gonna change one young man one young man came to me I said pasta I need to get baptized now I asked him why he said my seasons have changed I said thank you God for that message and confirmation I told him al baptized you at the end of the year because as we live one and enter the other I can assure you and here's a symbolic one of the things I believe I believe believers hear me believers hear me it will be a year of hard work but it will be a year of fruitfulness yes yes because when the Bible guarantees seedtime and harvest it means that there was a time of planting and 2016 was a year of planting 2016 was a year people worked very hard 2016 was a year you are sweating and wondering is there results but I hear because of the triumph of this day that happened on that day 2016 years ago I hear Jehovah say tell my people I have seen their planting I've seen their crying I've seen their tears 2017 can I speak to somebody this is Christmas you know it's not by mistake that it fell on a Sunday it's a miraculous day I believe a your life because all of you are different seasons I don't know what season you're in some of you in the nighttime some of you in the winter some of you in the cold none of that is fun but I decree of our lives in the name of Jesus seasons are changing whoo people thought you are finished I have good news for you I have good news for you they thought you are dead you're not dead you are just in the nighttime you are just in a dark place but you're coming out in the name of Jesus thank God for the one that sticks closer than a pasta [Applause] lift up your hands and say my season is changing that's why I'm so happy because you have to get to see that season it means you cannot die until you see it with your own eyes because the Shepherd's had to see what they had whatever prophetic word you heard over your life may you see it in this coming season oh my god is rejoicing may you see it tell somebody I'm gonna see it you know you have friends who are not gonna believe it until they see it but thank God you have faith to proclaim it before you can see it somebody say I'm gonna see it yeah sister you better see that wedding dress brother you better see that business Church availa see that expansion why I had it and as long as I had it I'm gonna see it May 2017 be that you're seeing hold somebody's hand speak a word of faith to them tell them you're gonna see it oh we give him all the glory we give him all the praise we're gonna see it prophesied of somebody tell them your 2017 won't be better than your 2016 they try to look for Jesus through the ages but 2016 years ago he came he came and he conquered death and he granted us victory and I want you to know that you don't sum up father who's always telling us you will see you will see and you never see I've made a declaration over my life I will see I will see the goodness of the Lord yeah thank you for joining us and being part of us for the last few minutes we here at the purpose Center are all about raising Kingdom champions now if you've not received Christ as Lord and Savior over your life I want you to repeat this prayer after me say Lord Jesus I come before you I thank you for dying on the cross for me I give you my life I give you my everything be lord over my life I am born again in Jesus name I pray amen and amen if you've made this prayer I encourage you to look for Bible believing Church if you'd love to join us we are located along embosser Road opposite sameer Business Park okay now for more information kindly visit www.hsn.com RG til next time keep on winning god bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Purpose Centre Church
Views: 8,751
Rating: 4.7938147 out of 5
Id: 6NdGUypZolU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 52sec (2752 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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