Transformation | Dr Wale Akinyemi

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] I am so excited today I hope you are as excited as I am because I get very excited when we can in church challenge starter school so let's start with my one of my favorite scriptures Romans chapter 12 verse 2 he says be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God now let me back up last week I talked about the fact that the anointing stands on two legs the leg of wisdom and the leg of power and I said that a lot of the church in Africa we have focused on the leg of power but you see when somebody is operating on only one leg that is a disability and so we may have been operating a church that is disabled and that is why we've not been able to achieve some of the things God wants us to achieve if power was all that was needed to take this land Kenya particularly would have been taken because we have seen Crusades we've seen power we've seen all that but the challenge has been the second leg the leg of wisdom and then we said how do you know if you are walking in wisdom and I showed you different scriptures to show that anytime wisdom was mentioned productivity was there so when there was wisdom it produced something and we looked at Solomon and the fact that his wisdom produced poems produced solutions for people and people paid for that so today we want to look at our and listen before I went to them if your wisdom if you say you have wisdom and you don't have anything that can be seen because the Bible says the Queen of Sheba when she saw his wisdom so wisdom must be seen if you say you have wisdom and you don't have something that can be seen that wisdom has produced then maybe your wisdom ISM maybe in China or something I don't know so you don't understand what I'm saying all right now and I am very very very people say okay what is your wisdom produced wali well I have written 15 books 7 of them have been published the rights to publish seven of them have been so I sold the rights to a company here and then when you look at some of the organizations I have worked for they can attest to the wisdom that God has given me and I'm not talking of I'm talking of fortune 500 companies some of the biggest companies in the world I'm talking of even the government of Kenya I teach transformational leadership at the Kenyan School of Government and what that means is there's the strategic leadership development program and this is the program that you undertake before you hit the level of permanent secretary or principal secretary and so that means if you're going to be a principal secretary at one stage you will be my student Priska and it is all of my greatest joys today when I'm working with State corporations different state organizations and I meet people at the helm of affairs who say you're my teacher because they passed through me at the School of Government I've been doing that for five years so wisdom must have something to show but let's talk about transformation be not conformed but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that means one of the greatest impediments to transformation is conformity your strength is not in how similar you are to others it is in how different you are I remember when I was younger five year old six-year-old boy I never forgot my mom was gonna buy me my first wristwatch and so she bought me my wristwatch and I put it on my right hands there now while a wrist watches are put on the left I said why she said because that's how it's always been done and I did not understand but right from then I was rebellious I put it on my right hand I'm turning 50 this year and I be wearing it on my right hand and I've not died so that means there was no reason for putting it on the left hand you know the things we do for no reason just because that is the way it has been done you cannot win the future by reliving the past it's somebody hearing me today you cannot it's a new day that's one of my favorite it's a new day so if you want to be conformed you will not be transformed I am a there's a book I read many years ago that turned my life around it's called the blue ocean strategy anybody know a book tournament and you know I decided this is it it is a low level of thinking to be focused on competition I need to create a business where it's any model where it is suicidal for competition to follow me let me tell you I like swimming so I go to Mombasa and I get a boat and go out into sea and when I get there I come out of the boat I'm just alone with the captain of the boat come out and I swim it is so quiet the only sound is the sound of water and I said where are the noisemakers they are at the beach they can't swim so that means if I see any other person in the deep it means they are also deep swimmers like me the conversation is different the conversation at the beach is competition the conversation in the deep is collaboration so stop speaking the language of the beach get into the deep you know what when I am in the deep if I begin to hear the sound of competition it means I have not gone out too far I need to go further because I need to be Jesus was speaking as the crowds pressed against him he moved back as the crowd pressed against him he moved back then he got to a point the crowd pressed against him he got a boat and went in the water and left them there you have to differentiate yourself oh thank you is somebody hearing me tell the person sitting there just hold somebody's hand and say I am so unique and you are so privileged to be holding my hand because until the next time you hold my hand you will never hold the hand just like my calibrate your uniqueness we celebrate our uniqueness don't want to be like it well I remember when I first started speaking I was preaching so you know I grew up I had what we call a TD attention deficit disorder I cannot sit in one spot I'm always moving around so huh so I had this friend when that guy speaks he stands on one it looks so dignified I want to be like this so I will stand and I start then I see people start praying for me it was sleeping so one day do you know when I got my deliverance one day I overheard him saying to somebody else I wish I could be like Wally the guy just talks walks up and down and laughs and so on serious and people get the message seaweed so I'm spending my life trying to be like somebody who is spending his life trying to be like me I listen I am happy being Wally if somebody hearing me so if you going to be if you got to be transformed you cannot afford to be confirmed now status quo will not let you go freely so you're going to have to fight your way out literally fight your way out okay so you know every government I have worked for every organization I have worked for have a transformation agenda but the problem is they're trying to transform and conform at the same time so the end of becoming deformed so let us define transformation are you ready when you hear the word trans-atlantic what does it mean across the atlantic trans-sahara across the sahara trans desire so listen it does appear that the word trans means what cross are we agreed that the word trans means across then that means transformation is so simple do we need help to miss it so transform means across forms from one form to another how do you explain this even better think of the butterfly one form is the egg another form is the caterpillar of the lava another form is the pupa and the first form is the adult so you have four distinct forms that are different from one another a movement from one form to the other you know what we have called transformation in a lot of Africa excessive activity within a form so we are working hard for 10 years what was the eggs in fact in some cases we don't even know there's another form called a caterpillar we are so happy with our form what is the proof that transformation has taken place let me give an example a young boy a little boy in in Legos in the 70s you know and there was this election coming up and the politician 1978 the politicians were promising and you know when I looked at what they were promising listen everything is centered around some key things they promised water roads electricity schools hospitals isn't it 1978 the election was 79 2014 the campaign is on again what are they promising now women I'm talking about Nigeria don't get me to trouble go don't don't get me in the don't get me deported I'm talking about night where am I talking about my jaw I'm talking about Nigeria what are the promising again so in fact you could take the video of the 1978 campaign and played in 2014 without editing so how do you know if transformation has taken place your problems will change if you are still dealing with the same problems transformation has not taking place you are still within a forum you don't confuse activity with productivity don't confuse motion with progress if somebody hearing me today now on a personal level how will you know that personal transformation has happened are you ready your prayer points will change your purpose will change now isn't it because you've moved to a new form but it is the mindset that makes transformation possible is it because my challenge is this a lot of people want to enter into the new form holding on to the sinking of the old form you want to become a caterpillar with the mentality of the egg you do know that the challenges of the end of the challenges of the caterpillar are different so if you enter if you try to enter the next forum with the mentality of the last forum you will make progress because you would not know how to handle it you won't so what do we need to do let me give you some scripture how many of you remember when the children of Israel in the wilderness they needed water what did God tell Moses to do to hit the rock isn't it so he hits the rock and water came out then the next time they needed water what did God say speak to the rock but what did Moses do because his mind could not make the transition and that's where so many people are their mind cannot make the transition because you're saying things worked at least to some level in the old in the old form isn't it things worked why do we need to go ahead we need to change it things have worked what you've forgotten and I say this a lot of times you know to call organizations that are pioneers the fact that you have pioneered it means you have taught everybody how to do it and how not to do it so competition everybody is going to come copy that's why the next disruptor is not going to be setting up a social media platform like Zuckerberg that space has been taken I said that space has been taken so Moses could not make the transition because we say look at you last time we hit it and it worked now this is where a lot of people and when I have ministers conference is this is one of the things where I tell pastors a lot listen he hit the rock he was in disobedience yes or no but the water came out so sometimes the water comes out not because of the minister or because of you but in spite of you because of God's love for his people so the water came out I can imagine you know and this is how a whole generations miss it so everybody seen the water coming out and he hit it you now see also Rock hitting Ministries International incorporated hits the rock T times church international talk it is your mindset that will make your transformation possible you know when you put a ball who put a ball in water okay you take it to the bottom of the pool when you release the ball what would happen it comes back to the top immediately now that is the way you need to treat your current form you need to build so much capacity that your current form will eject you to your next form that I am too much for this place and it is just you that means when you are a thousand-aire begin to think like a millionnaire when you are a millionnaire begin to think like a billionaire is somebody hearing me because as long as your mind stays in a form your body will not leave the form once your mind leave one form then your body will follow like I said you cannot claim the future by holding on to the past he takes away the first to establish the second this well the perfect is done away with the impasse and when the imperfect is done away with the perfect comes the interesting thing is that the imperfect was once perfect for a season let's look at something first samuel chapter 23 is about making the transition this morning first channel 20 a summer 23 + 17 this is David and Jonathan he said we are not for this is Jonathan speaking for the hand of so my father will not find you and you shall be king over Israel and I shall be next to you and that also my father knoweth now listen jonathan is Saul's son but Jonathan is in a strait between two you know I he knows his next form what is his next form to be the vice president thus he knew it it says David you are going to be king I know it I will be number two so he knew the next form but he was look he looked at the new form and that form is in the wilderness been chased it did not look like anything you want to be with you understand then he looked at his current form current form I mean the palace this is comfortable now guess what happened so he knew the next form but the comfort of the current form stopped him from moving to the next form let me tell you the greatest hindrance to where you can be is the comfort of where you have been a lot of people know I should be in this business all you know what every dream has a demand the problem is not that you don't have a good dream the problem is the demand of the dream I knew I said I want to be a top consultant around the world and I knew that kind of dream has a serious demand so let me tell you what my my normal day is like I go to bed latest 9:30 10:00 they're about to be a miracle to see me awake after 10 I am fast asleep but 2:30 a.m. every single day I am up I'm working my study I'm reading I'm writing I'm developing curriculum that is when my day starts then if I am traveling to work outside town I leave home about 6:00 there about sometimes I leave my house at 4:30 5:00 to go to the office so listen by the time everybody is coming in at 9:00 I've already done a foodie so I get two days for the price of one then people are saying why don't you sleep sleep is overrated let me tell you let me prove to you that it's overrated if you sleep eight hours a day which is what is recommended you sleep eight hours a day by the time you are celebrating your 75th birthday you would have slept a cumulative of twenty five years one third because eight over twenty four is one over three so that means you would have slept at 75 you'd have slept 25 years then you stand before God and when they call your name for 25 years the only thing that is written and the man slept then you spend another 15 years just talking gossiping you spend another 10 years watching Africa magic so by the time so by the time you are 75 effectively you have only lived for 25 somebody help me so that's what my share now that is the demand of my dream that I have to be ahead if your mind is at the same level with your life you are average you are mediocre you would not make a difference nobody will remember you if your mind so if your mind is at par with your life your average if your mind is behind your life well I can't forget that one that means things are happening in your life under your mind is trying to catch up where you need to be is that your mind is ahead of your life that means when I am in a took took I have already imagined what it is like inside my Gulfstream are you hearing me and so I am developing my mind for that there is no advantage in being the brightest among fools not benefiting being the most intelligent amongst the ignorant the church is used to light shining in darkness that is easy where the action happens is when the light has to shine in lights saw was walking on the road to Damascus at noonday when the Sun is the brightest and the Bible says he saw a light that was brighter than the light of the Sun at noonday that's where he wants you to be that amongst the intelligence they say you are intelligent amongst the brilliance they say you are the chief brilliant one amongst the rich they say we respect you he's somebody animated among the influential they say are you a man of influence he's somebody hearing me today amongst the game changers they say you at the mentor to the game changers and CEO of CEOs and leader of leaders is somebody having me today I have had the privilege of having people who want to be President people who want to run for office in different countries comment and sitting down to receive counsel sorry God told me that I'm sending you to Kenya as a Joseph to influence the land my mother prophesied that before she died and then many years later God wanted me to see that it was true my father had a stroke I thought he was going to die went home to Nigeria to see him and then I told him to pray for me as began to pray fugly he had an encounter with God is that father thank you because I will not die because your daughter who is with you that's my mother prophesied that wale would be Joseph in that country and Joseph sent for his father so father I thank you because while they will send for me he got healed immediately and I have sent for him and he's been coming here like twice or thrice in a year is somebody hearing me you were not made to conform you are made to stand out the eye has not seen ear has not heard neither has it entered into the hearts of man what God has ordained and prepared for those who love him he said but he has made them known to us by his Spirit and then God gives you an idea and the first thing the devil says who have you seen that is what you seen and then you sit down if you are not willing to be different you will never make a difference if somebody hurry me if you are not willing to be different you will never make a difference it takes you standing out to become outstanding hallelujah is somebody hear me today Exodus chapter 62 we see that Jonathan he missed it because of the comfort of where he was be he was he could not reach out to where he was ordained to be as well 1635 says and the children of Israel did eat manna forty years until they came to a land inhabited they did eat manna until they came onto the borders of the land of Canaan so the the manna stopped at the border of the promised land oh my goodness are you ready for this a lot of people miss out on their promised land because they have the mentality of the wilderness what do I mean by that the dynamics of the wilderness and the dynamics of the promised land are different the wilderness operated an NGO economy that ran on donations so whether they did anything so in the wilderness there is no economic activity but they are guaranteed mana will fall down and all the food is delivered then they enter into the Promised Land and at the border of the Promised Land the manna stopped signifying a new era that we are moving into a new economy we are moving from a donation driven economy we are moving into a skills driven economy where yes there is milk you will have to learn how to milk the cow you will have to learn how to create all sorts of things from hides from the hooves from the horns from you are going to have to learn how to do that we are going to have to learn how to extract honey without being stung you are going to have to learn all the things you can do with the honey so they were moving from a donation driven economy to a skills driven economy many of God's children are in the promised land right now but it's not working for them because they have the wilderness mentality they are waiting for who will give them some in the promised land it does not work like that it does not listen to this one David was anointed to be king yes or no Annie was not anointed by just any moment prophet you understand sir let me teach you it would mean now who is the moon I will tell you if somebody whose reasoning faculty is in a state of suspended animation so what that means what simply means as the moon the the person is here his brain is here there's no connection between the person and his brain Yanis are insane another definition of Momo is somebody whose brain if he did not have a brain he would not miss the fact that he does not have a brain because the brain was never used if he could sell the brain he would get top dollar it's as good as new it wasn't used a memo is somebody who thinks accidentally that's why I wrote creative thinking so you can jump that then the worst part of a mu mu is a mu is someone who thinks is thinking and is looking very serious what are you doing I'm thinking Milla is a lion he's just rotating ignorance from one side of the head to the other lift your highness I refuse to be a MooMoo say that I refuse to be a MooMoo all right so David is unknown yet not by a MooMoo he's anointed by the greatest prophet in the land isn't it what was he doing before he got anointed he was looking after immediately after he got anointed what did he go back and do to look after sheep that means there was no difference before anointing and after a night that is where a lot of God's children you have been anointed you have been laid hands on till your hair is falling you have been prophesied on you but you know what there's no difference between before anointing and anointed why so you can imagine his family who saw him been anointed le up this small boy so they are all laughing because he's anointed and his back with the ship no difference so every money integrity maguey king of the ship no difference yet he's anointed to go to the palace what was not happening then one day the king has insomnia he cannot sleep then they say we meet somebody who can play something so good to soothe the king that's the boy called defeat now this one's did not know he's been anointed they are just looking for somebody who can play this thing so David go find him he's the best in the land so listen it was not the anointing that got David into the palace it was his skill that got him into the palace then the anointing preserved him in the palace a lot of God's children are sitting nominated I'm anointed and nothing is changing but I declare in the name of the Lord Jesus today is the final day where you will not have proof of the anointing it's a skills driven economy at least justice 9 for 2 he says a living dog is better than a dead lion a living dog he talks of the unbelievers beware of dogs listen that means a living productive unbeliever is more useful to a mission than productive productive who we are some causes and drinks and smokes and does everything that you and I will look at our church he is better for a nation than an army of believers who just shout and have nothing to show for the anointing somebody hurry me when we're in the office with Reverend last week I said if the agra can people decide to shut down all their businesses in Kenya and leave that will cover hospitals it recover University it recover schools it recover hotels it will cover Bank the economy of Kenya will village but if all the Pentecostal churches in Kenya shut down life will go on and many people will be happy and that's why I say we need to think if your absence does not make a difference your presence was not necessary so it's a skills driven economy the season has changed that all the season has changed you are in the promised land the economy will be driven by your skills nobody pays me a million shillings a day to commemorate honks they pay me to solve problems if somebody hearing me today we have just been shot let me tell you I look at it and I say you know thank God for the leg of power but this leg of which you know one thing I believe churches you have I believe churches you have research departments and we look at the problems in our community see how do we solve them because the fact that you are present does not mean you are relevant relevance and presence are totally different things with me and the only way is going to happen is when we maximize this lack of wisdom and understand this is a skills driven economy that is what's going to give us the voice that is what's going to let me tell you what the natural human mind has done so you can have an idea of God's expectation the pyramids built in Egypt now this for 3,800 years as the tallest man-made structures on earth yet there was no crane there was no computer there was no caterpillar there was nothing yet they built something now listen listen are you ready for this that nobody could defeat thinking nobody could defeat their thinking for three thousand eight hundred years that's another thing if you are going to be transformational you have to be generational in your thinking three thousand eight hundred years nobody could defeat their thinking but most of us we can't think beyond one month salary three thousand eight hundred years and there was no prayer it was a mind that was dissatisfied with status school do we have to do something this was the natural human mind has done Blackwall tunnel in London was commissioned in 1897 commissioned so they have been building it in the eighteen hundred what is the unique thing about the tunnel it goes under the River Thames who was thinking about a tunnel under a river in eighteen hundred and something who people whose minds were ahead of their time I was doing some stuff with un-habitat in 2011 and there was a celebration 200 years since the master plan of Manhattan was drawn 200 years celebration and I saw a picture of that master plan when people were riding horses master that master plan had freeways who was thinking that for the church we just think listen the word that is going to transform you is not the shouting that excites your body it is not the something that excites your emotions it is the revelation that connects with your spirit see what the human mind has done three thousand eight hundred years Henry Ford said if he asked his people what they should come up with they would have said let's have faster horses nobody would have thought of cars let's just make what we have faster and then they would have set up a committee to understudy decommissioning or faster horses not knowing that cars were possible in the Garden of Eden there was water there was wings there was Sun that means there was electricity in its potential form it God never came back to the earth to put everything so are you listening everything we see on us today was already on the earth in seed form in the Garden of Eden was the confession power of our minds that would determine the life we are living in I work for the Swedish embassy listen 2011 I think it was now Sweden is the largest they have the best garbage to power program in the world they are the best waste-to-energy program so listen 96% of garbage in Sweden is converted to power electricity only 4% goes to the ground compare that with the United States 50% goes to the ground we don't know what the rate will be for Nairobi but listen listen in October 2012 Sweden had an energy crisis you know what happened they ran out of garbage and they began to import garbage from all the countries around them and those ones were paying for it if you do not utilize what you have you will have to pay to those who utilize theirs its familiarity that is what the natural human mind has done now do you want to hear God's expectation of you 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 16 tells us that who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him but we have the mind of Christ so what is the capacity of that mind what is the capacity of that my what is God's expectation of you Genesis chapter 2 verse 19 oh boy are you ready for this one Genesis chapter 2 verse 19 he says out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air now the next sentence is crucial he brought them to Adam to see what he would call them and whatsoever Adam called every living creature that was the name thereof listen when God brought those animals to Adam why did he do it it was a quality assurance test he has already made man in His image after his likeness oh he has already given man his mind so now he wants to see is that mind working the way we expected it to work and how did God know the mind worked perfectly because everything Adam named them was what God wanted to name them God did not have to make any Corrections so how do I know that you are running your business with the mind of Christ if God were to come he would not need to make any Corrections I was working for K ICC and I said what makes you international is not that you have international in your name how do you know if you are truly international I said it is that as you mean you hear at 5:00 p.m. that the General Assembly of the United Nations is having an emergency meeting in Nairobi tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. what would you do how do we know if your international you say okay and you don't have to change anything but you know what most of us we do hey Penta Penta Penta paint on this one let's change the carpet changed it so all those things we do when we are expecting somebody that tells you the potential we have but we have kept because we think oh it's a very special occasion I don't have a Sunday best attire every attire is my Sunday best it's somebody hearing me so if you are going to operate international this is what God wants that he will not have to make any correction listen humanity is no excuse for mediocrity and we are not human beings having a spiritual experience we are spiritual beings having a human experience so very quickly let me tell you how you're going to get this wisdom James chapter 1 verse 5 he says if anyone of you lacks wisdom let him ask ok ask God that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given to him so number one ask number two proverbs 13:20 he that walks with wise men shall be wise the companion of fools shall be destroyed so listen I tell my children choose your friends don't let them choose you be careful because we are the average of the five people you hang around with the most so if you are hanging around muumuus very differently I say unto you you are the other moon sorry hearing me then the final one Luke chapter 2 verse 46 let's look at Jesus Luke chapter 2 verse 46 it says it came to pass after three days they found him in the temple now let's look at what he was doing in the temple let's look at this number one sitting in the midst of doctors then hearing them and asking them so three things he did he sat he listened and he asked questions what did he do he sat he listened and he asked questions verse 47 and all that hurt him were astonished at his understanding now listen wait a minute what was he doing sitting listening asking questions when you sit you listen and ask questions you will be seen as a person of understanding as a wise person the problem is so many want to talk without sitting listening and asking questions and if Jesus had to do that nobody is exempt nobody is exempt I have had the privilege of running programs I remember from some of these are programs like this shot MBA programs and things like that I have had people come going for the programs and after those particular guy after you know next thing is a cabinet secretary next to this one is a managing director and why when you sit you listen and you ask questions you are building your capacity for wisdom all right and all right finally finally finally finally finally there are some things that I think you should know the answers to prayers this woman in second Kings chapter 4 see that my children have been taken I have not many prophets that what do you have and said grant borrow vessels from your neighbors remember a story and it borrowed vessels but once the vessels were over guess what happened the oil stopped so some of the things that I picked from the other unit learn answers to prayers will come as instructions hello hello hello hello we pray so that we can get a Rhema once we have the Rhema you don't pray about the Rhema you act on it so when you are praying or God do this then what does Jesus say stretch out your hand lift up your bed what Graham borrow water guarana fetch water the answer to players come as instructions that means a lot of people with the wilderness tality do not even know when their prayers have been answered because the answer will come as an instruction and when you act on that instruction then you see the stuff you want to see is somebody hearing me and then look not only that the level to which you can execute the instruction will be based on your exposure and capacity it's not being on is a keyboard on all right now listen this is a lovely piano and I did this in the afternoon last week now this is a piano of course it's more sophisticated than anything in my village now listen to this this represents resources what you are able to get out of this is not a function of the piano is the function of your own capacity so when I was young there was this group of people call them brothers Lazaro's so and you have to sing like this [Music] now that is one level this is another level [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] now is the same in the same Africa some people are complaining it is not Africa it is you Africa's problem is a mental problem and mental problems are not solved by medicine they are solved by information this solution listen a problem is my potential Tiger listen a problem that is rooted in ignorance cannot be solved by prayer because even God said my people are destroyed for lack of password they are his people oh he loves them but that love could not protect them from the destruction of ignorance he loves them he did not say they will be distressed my people are destroyed so if God could not use ignorance as the raw material nobody can nobody can so your is a listen personal development is personal nobody can help you let me leave you with that [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Purpose Centre Church
Views: 13,427
Rating: 4.6531792 out of 5
Id: LYgmDWgI6-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 37sec (3397 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 12 2018
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