Julian Kyula at the Excellence in Leadership Conference 2017 (2)

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[Music] in order for you to be able to be made manifest to make obvious if you go back to that slide it's best to make obvious it's a pleasure there's no compromise to make apparent to make clear to make visible my prayers in this next dispensation this next dimension of what God is doing in this dispensation of grace that God's people will be able to hear and understand some very important things Nimrod who was a king of Babel introduces the Babel onyx system the first time you hear things like interest in the Bible was during the time of Nimrod interest was never God's agenda the original word for interest in its original Hebraic terms is venom are we together just walk with me so important you understand that this dispensation is very key to what I want to talk about today so God says might still not strive with man any longer he lifts up his spirit from the earth and man decides to govern himself and starts to do all kinds of things let's go back so that's the third dispensation the fourth dispensation from there is when we move from human government which is from the cloud to Abraham and then God after his spirit lifts and decides you know confuses our tribes on the earth finds one side finds a man called Abraham whose father was a idol worship by his whole family was in idol worship and starts to speak a promise to Abraham because of a word he had given to Noah and if you checked Abraham is actually north descendant and so he starts to release that promise he gave to Noah to Abraham and we start to see that promise from Abraham and the next dispensation after that is after the children of Israel are delivered removing to the dispensation of the law this is the time for Moses all the way to Pentecost time and seasons and then from there you move from the time of law and come into the time of grace the dispensation of grace which is from Pentecost all the way to judgment from that time of Pentecost until the time of the coming back of our Messiah that's the time when you're going to call it the time of please go back it's the time of grace the dispensation rate in right now has broken certain things and you must understand this in business and understand that this is not the time to be a prince that walking this is not the time to be a prince that is happening the dispensation God has released on the earth that has given us an enablement to do some impossible things on the earth and I want you to understand the dispensation that will come after that is the dispensation of judgment and after that is followed by the millennial dispensation so that's yet from Genesis I've just taken you in ten minutes from the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation now I want to do something so that you understand where we stand as children of Abraham as children of promise as children who believe in our Messiah and Lord and Jesus Christ and some of the things he did and why this is important let's go to the next slide now and then you move into the eternity from there so time time is an amazing thing next slide time is sandwiched between eternity past and eternity future and in that time the whole Bible has been broken interested in dispensations certain ages and certain divisions so everything you need to understand about time is that we are living in a very special time for children of the kingdom next slide now in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 34 verse 5 the Bible says Moses my servant is dead in the book of Joshua chapter 1 verse 2 the Bible says Moses my servant is dead I want you to know that the first Moses being spoken about in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 34 verse 5 is Moses the friend of God Moses the servant of God Moses the man of God Moses the one who dined with God the one who saw God face-to-face the one who God did not appear to in visions and dreams most of you look at me like what does this have to do I am coming Moses the one who did amazing things in that time this was Moses who died indeterminate 34 5 but in Joshua chapter 1 verse 2 the Bible says Moses is dead now that Moses who died in Joshua chapter 1 verse 2 next slide is not Moses the friend of God is Moses the season there's a difference between the Moses in Deuteronomy and the Moses in Joshua because the Moses in the next time that God is appearing to Joshua he is saying by the way Joshua just like I was Moses so shall I do with you not what I did with Moses I will do with you one of the fallacies in the church is that we are obsessed with what God did with our fathers and God doesn't want us to idolize what we did with our fathers he wants us to know that just like I wanted them so shall I be with you and so you have to understand your time and season I thank God for the race that people like Billy Graham run I thank God for the race that people like Smith Wigglesworth run I thank God for the great revival than the times we saw in the Azusa revival I thank God last night yesterday morning we had an icon of a genuine our generation the bishop edible was here on this stage Jehovah is good I mean I need to plant seed right now in Jesus name [Applause] great man general I can God Nigeria you're blessed with amazing generals look at your own father here but to some again great man Rasta some and nici doing amazing things all over the world I mean some of us if we had have that church on Facebook would be very happy you look at the great people you look at the pas de bourree here in Nigeria I'm very close to the family that become very close and just the other day I was speaking with Archbishop margarita Xhosa and I've been to the house and I sit there and I spend time with them and I can smell the air of a great general but God doesn't want me to either like that man he wants me to understand just like I was with him so shall I be with you I don't need to say that I will do with you what I did with him because when you look at this dispensation of Moses it was an error it was a season are we together it was a season that he talked to water and water split it was a season that they would talk to a rock and the rock gives water it was a season that amazing things would happen and a season when people just put up their hands they preached the praise and worship man and then the Prophet and the war would be won but that season ended and God said I was with him I'll be with you but there's a difference because the first thing that Joshua's and that you well did was that they went across the jordan unlike the other season they got with the second thing that happened is that as soon as the last lot crossed over the bible says mama ended in other words that season four aid was over that made me think that I believe with other shadow of a doubt that when our fathers founded Africa that was a time of Moses but I believe we're living in a time when manna has ended this is not the time for Africa to be getting aid this is not the time for us to be begging the World Bank and the IMF you saw that our problem that time was for Moses that season has ended now why is this particularly important to you because the children of the kingdom must understand that there's a time for certain things to be put in place this is not the time for children of the kingdom to be begging for scholarships this is a time I'm praying that God will give you the ideas to whip out a checkbook and be able to pay fees for even the fourth generation why I want to give you some secrets today are you ready for me so understand that we are living in a time when everything is possible and nothing is impossible [Applause] somebody shot Moses is dead Paul Paul did not say at Miami he said imitating me a lot of us are caught in this admission oh my god when I remember the 70s we are not in the 70s when this church started in 1995 I was a 20 year old boy now do your math my wife was still my wife was still in school after salmon pasta Nica have been doing the work of ministry for years what you're seeing here is an investment of time there are some things that don't happen overnight we're living in a time when consistency is important don't get me off my message go back to my slide I have 25 minutes I have stuff to tell you can we talk so understand your season next slide now what is the marketplace the Bible defines the marketplace as any place or part of public resort a place of a place or broad street as well as a forum of marketplace proper way of goods like sports for sale and we're public assemblies and trials were held that's where that's what we mean when we say the marketplace and so I'm going to go through the next ten slides very quickly the next slide that's the marketplace the classroom is a marketplace education is a marketplace you look at next slide please keep going this is the marketplace tourism next slide marketplace marketplace just keep rolling until I tell you stop banking economy media stop there go back media phone companies arts and entertainment all that is marketplace all that is marketplace one of the companies I own even here in Nigeria is I want that right now some of you are borrowing airtime from I don't know what your quality I keep forgetting but as I'm preaching right now people are giving me money it's a marketplace are we together and and and and what what do you call it what would you call it here the one on Airtel and glue near time yeah extra time yes so while I'm standing here I don't normally I think we do over a million transactions in Nigeria but they I'm getting paid to talk to you why we have to change our thinking about the terms we're living in away together so understand as we continue to grow as we do this and I've seen the kind of thing that when we go to India I'll talk to you about Indians I'll talk to you about the Hindus I'll talk about the Arabs I'll talk to you about all these people in the little time I have but I need you to catch what I'm trying to say go back to my slide that is marketplace media phone companies all that is marketplace [Music]
Channel: Daystar Christian Centre
Views: 3,739
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Id: Gwo7Z9zNcBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2017
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