When God is in Control - Rev Ambrose - 2020.03.22

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it is my time now to welcome our speaker he's a senior pastor of Buckland's Baptist Church and is a man I know he's coming to give our in season just prepare yourself prepare your heart the Word of God is coming through you are blessed here is Reverend Ambrose nian Gao the speaker today senior pastor parklands Baptist let's give a hand club to the Lord as he comes to speak to us [Music] we thank God the Lord so much this day this is the day the Lord has made we shall rejoice and be glad in it thank you pastor Simon even as you have letters in prayer and we want to thank the Lord because he's a good god I believe wherever you are today the Lord is right there with you and we are so excited sparklines Baptist Church to be able to share this service with you we believe that the Lord is wherever you are you see the Bible says that where two or three gather in his name he is right there in a midst of them I believe that Jesus Christ is exactly where you are and I believe wherever you are all over this world that God has a word for you that God is going to connect with you that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above what we ask or imagine what posture Simon has prayed I know that God has heard and God is doing amazing things you see the Bible says in Jeremiah 33:3 : to me and I will answer you I will tell you great and hidden things that you do not know I believe that we are in a great season we are in a great time as the word of the Lord comes to you I want to pray and just release the anointing in your life this morning in Jesus name let us pray father thank you that your lives come in time that you always come with a word the Bible says in Matthew 4 for man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God Lord Holy Spirit here is your servant even as he opens his mouth Lord speak through him may that word reach someone today somebody may be in distress somebody may be in doubt somebody may be in turmoil but God yo let's have a word for someone for each one of us especially in the season that we are in and I want to give you and all the praise Holy Spirit come because we have prayed in Jesus name and God's people said I'll also like to ask you wherever you are today and this is our custom at parklands Baptist Church that if you're near unable to look at your neighbor and tell a neighbor you're looking good better than yesterday and tomorrow you will shine in Jesus name Amen wear shades even in the house we found God I want to use the scripture today in Sam's 1:21 asam that we know very well and that sound says I look up to the mountains where does my help come from the second verse goes on to say my help comes from the Lord the maker of heaven and earth he will not let your foot sleep he who watches over you will not slumber indeed he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep the Lord watches over you the Lord is your shade at your right hand the Sun will not harm you by day nor the moon by night the Lord will keep you from all harm he will watch over your life the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore it was very amazing and such a blessed day yesterday when our leaders led by His Excellency the president led the nation in a time of Prayer one thing I believe is that God hears prayer and in this season where people are wondering is God in control is God in charge when our leaders our religious leaders our national leaders our political leaders came before the Lord I believe that God began to do something you see 2nd chronicles 7:14 says if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven forgive their sins and heal their land I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is in control of his creation God is in control of your family God is in control of the economy God is in control of the Giants and even the little things the small things in the sea the things in the air God is in control and you know when we come before him in a time of crisis like we are experiencing God begins to move and I believe because God is in control and God's people have called on his name God is going to move in a very special way in this time what should we expect knowing that God is in control what should we expect at this time when we have called on his name in fact Philippians 4:6 says do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God which passes all understanding will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus says and the peace of God that passes all understanding will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus what should we expect in this time when we know that God is in control I want to talk about three things that we should expect in this season and in this time number one we should expect a time of divine favor secondly we should expect a time of divine restoration and thirdly we should expect a time of divine productivity let me begin with a time of divine favor this takes me too fast someone 17 the story of David the shepherd you see David came at a time when there was a crisis in and Goliath had come from the Philistines and he was threatening the children of Israel and for 40 days every day he woke up with breaking news and he kept saying that I'm going to destroy you I'm going to kill you I'm going to subdue you every day the children of Israel was so scared the soldiers did not know what to do the people who are distressed I believe there was a lot of despair in the land but you see when it is a challenge in the land God always has an answer the Bible said that God is not a man that he should lie God will come through for us why because he is in control and in his being in control God sent a shepherd boy you see sometimes God uses the things that are so small to confound the mighty God released a shepherd boy his name is David by the way when David was going to see his brothers he did not know there was a Goliath the Bible says that when he arrived there he found all the soldiers trembling and scared to death they didn't know what to do and then David asked them what is happening and they told him hey there's a Goliath and while he was still listening gilad shows up and David because of the anointing of God in his life David says who is this who defies the God of Israel it is interesting to note that David after leaving the king and telling him that I cannot use your armor David went to a stream and David picked five stones you know I love that number five because number five is a number of favor number five is a number of grace when David went and picked five stones what he was simply saying is this I am picking favor this is a time of favor because God is in control and because God wants to do something amazing God is releasing a time of favor God's people have prayed the church has sprayed the leaders of prayed I want you to know that God is releasing favor into the atmosphere David picked five stones and then he faced Goliath and he ran to us Goliath the Bible say that he picked one of the stones put it in a sling and he began to move the sling and he told Goliath you come to me with javelin and with spear but I come to you in the name of the Lord our God I want to say to you today wherever you are that yes some may trust in chariots others may trust in horses but I want to declare to the church today I want to declare to the nation today I want to declare to a mother today I want to declare to a father today I want to declare to a child today some may trust in chariots and some may trust in horses but we are trusting in the name of the Lord our God we are picking up five stones we are picking up God's favor we are picking up God's grace no wonder the Bible says for by grace have we been saved through faith we look up to the hills where does our help come from indeed our help comes from the Lord and He has given as an answer his answer is favor we have entered a time of favor take heart my brother do not be afraid the Bible says fear not for I am with you do not be dismayed I am your God I will strengthen you I will help you I will uphold you with my victorious right hand this is a time of favor what should you expect expect a time of favor that day Goliath hits the ground and I believe whatever challenges facing the world facing the nation is going to hit the ground in the name of Jesus victory is our portion in Jesus name that day Galatz head was cut off and the Philistines scattered wherever they went and that day God received all the glory and all the praise I believe that God is going to receive the glory not man not no scientist but God Himself will receive the glory but I want to talk about the second thing not only is it a time or favor it is also a time of divine restoration it's a time of restoration divine restoration I want to talk a little bit about Elijah and the shunammite woman the Bible talks about this story in second Kings I'm going to go to chapter 8 but let me talk about it in chapter 4 in chapter 4 the Bible says that Elijah found this woman of show'em and this woman was able to accommodate him and after some time this woman who did not have a child came to Elijah and Elijah was able to pray for her and she got a son I found out that his son grew up but the Bible says that one day this son became unwell in died you see there are times when God gives us something and then the enemy comes and takes it away God has blessed this country God has blessed this continent God has blessed this globe because the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof but there comes a time when the enemy comes to steal and to kill and to destroy the enemy came and called this boy to become sick and the boy died the Bible say that this woman ran to the man of God and the boy was able to be put in the man of gods bedroom and he came and prayed and the boy rose again from the dead this boy was restored to the mother but in chapter 8 of second Kings the Bible also says that there was seven years of famine and in those seven years this woman and her son left the country and went to live among the Philistines seven years later she comes back and she finds that her shamba her house her property has been taken away from her she goes to the king and says hey my things have been taken way the Bible says at the time she arrived gehazi was talking to the king about the mighty acts of Elijah and as he was narrating that story the woman arrives at that particular moment and Gaye has it turns to the king and says this is the Shunammite room and I was talking to you about and the king said woman what can I do for you the Holman said my things were taken away during a season of famine my house my farm immediately the king ordered his official and said restore to this woman her property her garden how produce I want you to know that this is a time of restoration this is a time of restoration some of us may have lost our jobs some of us are not in school right now some of us our children are at home wondering why they are at home but I want to say in Jesus name not only this a time of favor this is also a time of restoration God is about to do a new thing the Bible says behold I do a new thing do you not perceive it I am making a way where there seems to be no way I want you to believe God's Word this is a time of restoration but thirdly I want to talk about not only is it a time of favor not only is it a time of restoration it is also a time of divine productivity I want you to know that it's a time of productivity you know right now people are wondering what productivity are we talking about but I want to talk about Elijah also in a time of crisis there was a famine of three and a half years and the Bible says the water disappeared food disappeared but amazing thing is this the man of God came to God and calling on God's name and I believe that people who are calling on God's name wondering what are we going to eat what are we going to do and I believe that was Elijah's position but the Bible says Elijah I want you to go to this city you're going to find a woman of Zarafa I have commanded the widow to take care of you can imagine God is using again a weak vessel to turn around a situation and God says there's a woman a widow somebody who is helpless but I'm going to use her to meet your needs go to her she will supply your needs the Bible says that Elijah Elijah went when Elijah found this woman this woman was in a very distressful time and Elijah just said please get me some food get me some water while you're getting me some water get me some bread and the woman says you have no idea what I'm going through right now I'm picking a few sticks I have a little flour and I'm going to make some bread for myself and for my son and then we shall die what a stressful moment somebody may be at the verge of death right now but in the name of Jesus I want to say that God is sending a spirit of productivity away God is releasing you from that bondage in the name of Jesus Elijah looked at that woman and said listen this is what the Lord says your flower will not dry up your oil will not give up but make some bread for me the Bible says she went and obeyed and I want to declare to you obey God's Word we have called on the name of the Lord we have reached out to God obey God's Word the Bible says when the woman went and made bread for Elijah and brought him some water the Bible says hafla began to be productive how oil began to increase you know even in churches today wherever people are people are refusing to give offerings people are saying I have to keep my money until things turn around people have stopped being generous I want to say in this season on time be generous to your neighbor this time be generous to those who are in need let me tell you this your flaw will not dry up your oil will not give up why God is not depending on your little flaw he's not depending on your oil he's depending on your obedience he's depending on the obedience that if you obey his word he will come through for you Philippians 4:7 19 says my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory let me tell you this we are entering a season of productivity we may think it is a season where things have been taken away from us but it is a season where God is going to release favor God is going to release restoration and God is going to release productivity in your life why am I saying this I'm saying this because Psalms 120 1 again decrease I look up to the hills where does my help come from I'm asking you where does your help come from I believe that your help my help the churches help comes from the Lord the maker of heaven and earth he doesn't sleep he doesn't slumber he's watching over you we are entering into a miraculous season we are entering into a time of favor divine favor a time of divine restoration and a time of divine productivity in a moment I'll be praying for you but I believe wherever we are we need to turn to God we need to look up to him because God is favourable to us God will restore us and God will cause us to be productive may you trust in the Lord the Bible says in proverbs 3:5 and 6 trust in the Lord with all your heart do not rely on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him he will surely rekt you putz this is the time to be hopeful this is a time to have faith this is a time to say God come through for us remember us in this season and time shall we pray dear Heavenly Father thank you for your word that you're a God in control and because you're in control we can expect a time of divine favor we can expect a time of divine restoration we can expect a time of divine productivity Lord as this nation looks up to you reach out to us dear Lord as this nation looks up to you may we experience a divine restoration as this nation looks up to you maybe explain maybe experience a time of divine productivity wherever you are at home wherever you are if you are in a place in an office maybe you're watching on your phone why don't you take a moment to believe God and say God you are in control and my expectance is simply this I'm entering into a time of divine favor a time of divine restoration and a time of divine productivity father thank you for hearing our prayer thank you for the miracle thank you for the miracle that is about to take place and receive all the glory and receive all the praise wherever you are believe God believe God believe God god bless you and I believe good I am back on air want to appreciate past Ambrose for that a good word and I know that we in a special season and that the Lord is blessing us and that the Lord will uplift us despite the situation that we are in we are here to encourage you that even when is happening we need to continue to worship and to own a goat and the way to worship God is not just listen to his world but to be doers of what the word says and one of the things that is expected of us is that we shall continue to give to the Lord as a way of worship because the Bible says give and it shall be given back to you in this time of economic strife who do not want you to lock and the way not to lock is to give so that they can come back to you even in a larger portion press down together and we're calling on you also to give so that even the fragrance of our giving to God can reach out to other people we are not only giving to God but also asking you to give out to the people who are near you who I need you remember the woman who gave the rabbit oil to Jesus but the fragrance went and everybody could tell the price we want that wherever we are even this time when we are doing Church at homes and in our neighborhood there are fragrance of giving go out everyone that you know that is in need we ask you to give to them mineral what we receive in church as we always do will continue to reach out to the needs of our members and other people that who reads whom we know are in need therefore the giving details who are the screen you give our tithes and offerings through pebble number eight nine zero nine zero zero and then you can put your counts as tithes or offerings or whatever else you want to liberate it will come back to us let me repeat the number it is eight nine zero nine zero zero we'll be having some music as you continue to give and I will be doing the please you with you were nice to release a blessing teacher and there are spray our loving Heavenly Father in Jesus name we are here to give you thanks because even in this situation you have continued to provide and to meet our needs Lord want to thank you for those who have food and tape on their tables and roofs under their heads of God we say thank you but we know that this economics two-ish this epidemic stration is affecting our economy and we are standing here to say that this will come to an end in Jesus name so that Lord the stars of your people will be provided for abundantly so that each one of us will have enough for our needs and even to be able to reach out to those who are needy among us in Jesus name therefore lord I pray that you bless the walks of our hands in the name of Jesus I pray that you bless the places where we work Oh king of heavens and we are praying that any businesses are going down because of the currents tuition will rise up again even stronger than before in the name of Jesus we are praying that you have a God you protect our economy perfecto God even the crops you have in our fields protect our employments in Jesus name and about what we also pray that you heal us Oh king of heaven and bless our are going out and are coming in regard because we are faithful we love your God for what you've been we have received today for your kingdom and we pray to be used well to expand your kingdom therefore bless your people abundantly because that is your promise for we are prayed with Thanksgiving believing and trusting in Jesus we altar the father's arms are open wide forgiveness the precious Oh talk to the owner welcome to the all good [Music] and after that we've joined for prayer it's such a blessing to have been in this service we want to appreciate all our members from all over the world those of connector to this service today we really thank you for taking that time to be in God's presence I believe that we are entering into a time of God's favor we're entering into a time of God's restoration we also entering into a time of God's productivity wherever you are we want to speak a blessing upon your life and if you're able to stand even in your house stretch your hands to me as we command the blessing in your life today even to the nation wherever you are father we give you the glory we give you the praise and now may the Lord bless you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you may the Lord be gracious to you may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you we declare to you that you're blessed in the city you're blessed in the countryside you're blessed when you come in you're blessed when you go out you're blessed when you sit down you're blessed when you rise up the walk of your hands you're blessed your children are blessed your families are blessed your Korea is blessed your business is blessed our nation is blessed God is watching over you this week and so as you go forth we declare again your Monday is blessed your Tuesday is blessed your Wednesday is blessed your Thursday is blessed your Friday is blessed your Saturday is blessed and guess what Sunday will be full of testimonies because the Lord is with you in the name of the Father and in the name of the son and in the name of the Holy Spirit and God's people said amen may the Lord bless you even as we connect to pastor committee may you have a wonderful week in Jesus name [Music] Kenichi want you to tell us your take away from the salmon also post your prayer requests because perfectly neat we'll be praying with us in a moment also tell us where you are watching us from and if you can we have a virtual touch challenge where you are taking a photo of yourself watching the service posted so that we can see that you are watching with us so pasta Kinichi caribou sana a santhanam John Gotti but again it is of maturity pasta how did you find the someone the service what's your takeaway from the sum of past Ambrose we went to thank God because God has a word for every season for his people and today's word really is to remind us that God is in charge you know God acting in a divine way we have a divine restoration that God is going to restore in this season and you know God just to remind us that we are still going to be productive the season is not favorable for productivity but God is on our side I think pasta can you tell I make that part of productivity just like the widowed woman yes during the time of Elijah she just had something small for herself and at this time we may think that the economy is not doing well and but what pastor has said this is a season to be productive and my prayer for you is that this season will have a lot of creative ideas that will come into play new bus of ideas intrapreneurship that the water has been released you may be struggling at this moment as it were because of strained resources but I just want to remind God's people that the heavenly economy is not straight it's still operation it is still operational nothing has stopped because the Bible says in Psalm 24 verse 1 that the earth is the lowness and then the fullness there so God is still in charge he will provide for us and something else that you know pastas just reminded us you may be my blessing you know we we may think of I have seen people going to the supermarket and buying things and stoned in things out you know yeah but you may actually be my blessing I may be your blessing so this is the time of looking out for each other and it's not really a time of just touring for ourselves but a time of looking out for each other and being one another's blessing just like none of us will ah just like a light I told the woman yes what you have for yourself give the man of God he actually said prepare one theory for me you know fast fast and basically what that meant because this woman says I have little flour that is left that I will prepare something for myself and my son we eat and I so so now there was nothing for a third person so basically what Elijah was saying you have to sacrifice a the u.s. or your sons for me alright and once I have one for myself then now we can talk about you and God's kingdom had enough not only now for the three but remember that God had sent Elijah to this woman so that he can provide for him throughout that season that is the reason why God had sent Elijah for each one of us and for individuals who and living on a daily basis lord I just want to pray for them in this season when things have been disrupted and some of them are no longer going to work so they are not running further we want to ask for your provision that Lord you are going to minister it as we just mentioned you can minister through each one of us that Lord you will remind us as individuals to be a blessing to others to be a channel of that kingdom provision for others to the glory and honor of your name now that I just want to pray and declare that those in such situation will lift up their eyes to you just pray for for the password that God will show up we also have a druid mean prayer for someone who is sending an application for HRM thank you the prayers coming keep the prayers coming in the moment praying for you and as we do that kindly share this servant with someone like this service with someone open a watch party so that we can connect with those who have not had an opportunity but this time we are in a time of prayer so pray for that person was the Piper says David says I will lift up my eyes to the mountains where does my help come from and so for that person means having a court case for that person who has applied for a job you can imagine applying for a job in this season when when people are being laid up or when people are being you know probably being asked to to stay out of work for some time or even take half salary I'm sure that you are saying I am lifting up my eyes not to the mountains back to the Lord and so father we just want to pray for this one who has a court case King of glory we ask for your favour you are the righteous judge and we just want to pray that through the systems that we have the judiciary system that Lord you will execute divine judgment that father you are going to come through and and and and and let your righteousness be seen your righteous judgment be seen in this case in the mighty name of Jesus again Lord we just want to pray for this one who has exercised their faith and said even in this season I'm going to apply for a job father we ask for your divine favour to be you know upon this path on that Lord may you give this a testimony that he or she will praise you and glorify your name for what you have done in extraordinary times in Jesus name Amen amen pass acuity we have someone who want to have a personal relationship with Christ will connect with you online but pastor Kennedy if you don't mind leading this person to Christ and for many more who have not yet decided they can also join you in this prayer someone was to receive Christ what a moment make that decision then say that I need a Savior and the Bible says in John chapter 3 verse 16 for God so loved the world that He gave His one and only begotten Son so that waivable lives in him whoever puts their faith in the act of Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins will be saved and and and so just put your faith in the Lord by confessing Christ as Lord in your in your heart and and he will come into your life and you will be a new creation so I want to lead you in a very simple but very powerful and a life-changing prayer of inviting the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior in your life just say father in Jesus name I am a sinner I thank you for your love that you send your son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for me today I believe in this divine act of redemption that through Jesus Christ I am redeemed to be your son and so I invite you Jesus into my life today to save me and to be lord over my life forgive me my sins cleanse me of my iniquity and milk me a son in the kingdom I pray the living that you have heard me and from today moving forward I am born again in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy spirit amen if you have prayed that very simple prayer the Lord Jesus Christ has come into your life and I tell you that you are now a new creation the old has gone and the new has come your name has been written in the Lamb's Book of Life and from today moving forward you can celebrate as a hair of the kingdom of God through Jesus Christ amen thank you for praying that prayer with us finally past acuity I just have two more prayer points we have someone whose dad has been speaking classes over them so what to pray that Mary was that because that an authority speaking those things to them and then we have someone who wants who has a long-term chronic situation so we want to speak for healing for them and then we have a lady who is pregnant but does not feel the the man responsible is taking responsibility so just pray for that situation also and then we will wrap it up for today and we'll give you more instruction of how to connect please pray for for those kind of people and we have others of not share so cover them in that prayer so we have someone with a chronic illness we have a lady who is pregnant feeling secure the man is not taking responsibility and the third one we have a spiritual authority a dad who is speaking class instead of blessing you know interestingly past are one of the songs that we sang today we sang this song that says who you years who Co Hadi V and in that song you know the lyrics of that song there is a line that says what he says you are is what you I and and I just want especially to speak to this person who has a dad who has been speaking classes in their lives and just let you know that we have a father in heaven and this father in heaven speaks great things into our lives and only calls you to do is to be to obey your father and mother and it shall be well with you and but but but God is saying you're blessed and as you walk you know before the Lord as you trust him as you walk with him daily indeed you are blessed I just wanted to release that word for that person but let me just pray for these situations as as has been shared again Lord really our our trust is in you we've lifted up our eyes and our focus is in you in in this season Lord through their ups and downs through the uncertainties we choose to believe in your heart that says we should not be worried over anything but in everything through prayer that we lift them to you and your word says that you will give us peace in every circumstance that surpasses human understanding again Lord your word says that you are our Good Shepherd and even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death you are reminding us through your word not to fear anything because you are with us and so I want to pray for this brethren one who has been struggling with the father that Lord you may start just speaking your word into their lives and say you love them you you you are blessing them and and reversing these situations and giving them the boldness not to walk in the fear of casas but to walk in the joy of the heavenly blessing again Lord we want to pray for this lady who finds herself in a situation where she is expectant but the person responsible doesn't seem to show responsibility again Lord we just want to speak to this woman and say that God you have promised your beloved never to leave them not forsaken I mean in fact your word says that a mother may forget a child who is suckling in their hands but you have engraved us in the palm of your hands never to forget us and so lord I want to pray for whatever situation you know this circumstance will lead to that that our sister will lift up our eyes to you and know that beyond a man there is a God who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can think or even imagine again we want to pray for this one who has a chronic illness father your word says is there anything that is too difficult for you is there a disease you and he Lord we just want to pray in this season that Lord may you release your healing upon this one touch them Oh God release your healing from heaven that Lord they may have a testimony to give you glory and to give you honor again we want to cover our viewers our listeners our members our you know congregants of Pocky and the entire country into AI PO Hanson this is on Lord we pray that you are going to help us to do what we must do humanly speaking we have been reminded time and again to wash our hands to keep hygiene to observe I gene we have been reminded to you know exercise social distancing we have been reminded to do all these things that we need to do and we want to pray that Lord you will help us to obey you will help us to be conscious to be one another skipper but also Lord that we lift up our eyes to you knowing that at the end of the day you stand supreme and you're going to carry us through as a nation in this season we thank you for the church and we pray for strengthening of the church in this season that the church will be a beacon of hope the church will continue ministering hope in this nation give us creativity to know how to reach out not only to our members but many other people who may be in need in one way or another father we pray that this season the church will arise and shine and be a beacon of hope for this nation and for the entire world there will be a revival through the church there will be a revival all over the land because a bonanza is our portion we thank you and we bless you thank you for even enabling us today to have these service I know it has been a blessing to someone already we have a fruit for the kingdom one person giving their lives to you and I know there are others who may have prayed this prayer again Lord we rejoice we join the Angels to rejoice in what you have done in this season through the service in Jesus name we pray amen thank you leading us in a time of Prayer and the law I'm sure you have been blessed and we wind up for today thank you for watching online if you are encouraged by the service today please share with your friends if you have not unsubscribe if you have not subscribed to our Facebook channel to our YouTube channel please do that please like our Facebook subscribe to our YouTube channel share this message with your friend but pasta kini T yes we say now yes we we sign up by saying arise and shine rise and shine arise and shine with now a season for your light has come the light of the Lord is upon us the favor of the Lord is upon us amen his restoration is upon us amen and we are going to be productive and win this is next Sunday this time and we have a service on Wednesday we have a service on Wednesday online please connect with us blessings thank you event photography in Asia you
Channel: Parklands Baptist Church
Views: 8,132
Rating: 4.8536587 out of 5
Id: G_i3i7Z2F2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 21sec (2961 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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