The Journey Series with Churchill - Pastor Julian Kyula

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[Music] hey and now ladies and gentlemen put your hands together happy new year i hope you're enjoying yourself this year welcome whatever you're watching us from caribou sana to charity show journey series edition my goodness 2020 what a year it has been a year to remember but guess what 2021 we have all the opportunities to recollect and guess what and bounce back now today on journey series edition i'm so excited i'm so glad and honored that uh my brother uh pastor julian killer from papa center ministry actually rock has accepted to just be part of this program today and share his journey story akutoka happen booktube first of all is one of the few people who's been able to separate whatever they do he is a pastor they wanna be a shadow and doing them consistently and for a long time and being able to develop and have members of a solid base this is just a story not just of an ordinary guy a one person who is ready to transform and change this world we are living in india's story hadith in surisana it doesn't like all these big titles this is the amazing story the journey of pastor julian kula come along i grew up in many places i can't tell you if i'm a ghetto barbie or any of those or in between [Music] my my parents my father and mother my father was a career banker but he moved around a lot so i went to eight primary schools in eight different parts of kenya until i finally settled in high school uh when i decided to go to boarding instead of uh going everywhere with my father so um uh dad mom and then i have four sisters um i have an elder sister and three that come right after me uh no brothers blood brothers but i have many brothers so um yeah so i grew up in that kind of household you know where the games i would play sometimes would be people would be blow drying my hair teaching me how to make chapatis once in a while i found rough boys who would take me outside and we rode bikes so that's where i grew up how i grew up i we spent a lot of time in different parts of the country mostly in um i ended up knowing more kikuyu than kikamba because my childhood was in kikuyu land we spent a lot of time in yahoo yeah i think i was the second or third or fourth student in a school that was starting we were just a few of us in a school there called the busara academy when it was just a forest i went there recently and it's a beautiful school now and i went to moranga after that so my sister settled in yeri neary primary as you can see we were in that region and our kamba was broken because i'm a camber and you know so dad mom did their very best after i traveled all those schools i decided well my parents decided high school cannot be those games so in high school i settled again in kikuyu land here in kikuyu cambuur so i seem to have had an affinity for for central kenya one of the things that happened in 2020 last year that was very um shaking for us as a family is this man we've known this amazing man i've known all my life you know my sisters and i really really adored our father he was a good example hard-working man didn't say much loved the company of his children was always and he always gave us an ear but god called him home in january of 2020 so that was a very tough year for us trying to adjust to that my mom this has been her mate since 1972 they were they were madly in love even in old age i used to watch them and say you know these guys these guys are an amazing example of a marriage i'm not saying they didn't have their days but not once did i ever hear them fight or argue which means they knew how to hide in the secret place because after getting married i know you have to fight but but they they never brought it to us we learned amazing things through them they were they were just an amazing couple mom misses dad crazily i mean she's always at the village to be with him at the grave and just you know spend time there the one thing that became real for me after dad passed on was just taking on the responsibility of looking after my mother and also after my sisters and you know some are married some are not and i think i i see the the part around being available sometimes it's not that you're sending money it's just your time your availability your pain tears being there because 2020 was also a year we lost a few other people we know and i don't understand there was this whole 2020 and fathers and also some mothers leaving um it's like there was this harvest of fathers just going in 2020 and i think a lot of people lost loved ones so for for me as a pastor but also as a son the father it's just been an amazing interestingly pain moment giving comfort while in pain while getting comfort and i think that whole history of growing up with my sisters and my elder sister called june she's single oh my god she wouldn't believe i said that on air i have two single sisters if anyone on church alive cares to know we're a family of a very close family and those we've gotten marriage to or who've married into the family we're close we're carrying on the tradition that my father left to be able to just spend time together be close love one another because that's all we've had it's just love for one another money money is good but i'll tell you um the things that are more important than money the things that are more important than a good life in growing up you know one of the things my parents did is they were very instrumental in our being raised um you know we did all those choirs we did the children's pca acquire aic choir you know and they they they brought us up in the lord and i know that's what a lot of people my age will say about their upbringing in terms of parents and church but these guys went the extra mile so we saw them live that life you know we saw dad no matter how much he grew in the bank because he started off so let me tell you how my dad got his job my dad was coming from looking for a job back in 1960 something and he was looking for a job at kenya railways in mombasa and on his way back to nairobi after catching the train and being told he can't because my father had a limp and because of his limp the people at kenya railways told him they can't hire him and he was determined he was a determined man so on his way back to nairobi he finds a line after he gets off the train he walks a little bit in the city and finds this long line at the bank and he asks them what are you lining up for he said we're being interviewed for jobs as clerks so he joined the line and you know when he told me that story i found it amazing because he became a banker from joining a line out of the blues so he he joined this line got hired as a clerk at the bank probably that was not his dream his dream when i found out from my grandmother was to be a doctor that's why two of my sisters are doctors i think they took over my father's dream because clearly i was not going to be a doctor and so they he he took this line became a clerk by the time he retired he had become a senior manager at the bank um he had he worked at the bank for almost 40 years and uh it was an interesting life and that's why we moved around a lot because of that but their relationship between dad and mom and what we saw and how my mom always went with him in these different places except my mom stayed longer because she she had made too many friends so we we grew up seeing their relationship it impacted us on how we believe we should relate with other people they gave us space to grow up as children my mom was kalikali i had a girlfriend once who stayed home and refused to go home i don't know why she refused to go home anyway she was carried home that's my kind of mother my mother was not a joke i mean she she she didn't play and she had this look she had you all remember our mothers of the 70s and 80s so that's um she was tough dad was a lot more we used to go to him to ask for things but that was our life and that's how we grew up um it wasn't always a walk in the park we had our moments as a family troubles uh points of pain which we'll probably touch on one day when we have enough time [Music] [Music] welcome back welcome back to chat to show john series edition and what an honor what an honor in this new year 2021 to have my brother oh my goodness pastor julian killer is here with us kalibu no karimusa [Laughter] thank you so much thank you so much for accepting um to have a conversation with us [Music] he took me back yeah this is how you see you see you [Laughter] so people confuse you with the reverend [Music] with the bishop cuna maybe you may want to clarify [Laughter] bishop alan kuna you know in fact there are times people have invited me [Laughter] i've never told him yes i'm billy tatum bishop acid [Music] people confuse me and him yeah in terms of name name uh but it's i'm killer yeah he's kuna yes and you're not related in fact [Music] [Laughter] stands for district education board yes [Laughter] [Laughter] drinking yeah it was a it was an interesting childhood oh my goodness because my father was moving a lot yeah and i was almost i don't know i was not really refusing boarding but he was moving and i was moving with him so that's how it was yeah yeah your that was uh a banker a banker yeah he started as a banker and they used to transfer them so much yes i think when you grow and they feel you might steal from this bank they leave you which bank was that barclays you know when i was a student yeah i got a job as a clerk in the u.s and i used to be one of the people who opens the safe yeah one time i said meantime no it was uh i don't know i just i i just i'm funny enough i'm in the finance world yeah but i just don't know if i could be a banker in the banking sense but in our time i'm in the finance world so uh that that has worked but he was disappointed that none of us chose that lane between my sisters and i and you're the only son i'm the only son so how many sisters you four four four and they're all no two are available i told them in the show earlier yeah two are available yeah what one is yours [Laughter] two available yeah two are gone yeah so there's an opportunity i love the how did that happen a lot of my siblings were going and cousins were going to scotland yeah but i chose a different path scotland scotland yeah this is [Laughter] yes but i chose to go to the us it was a different um choice for me and i wanted to do aviation that's what took me there yes what changed my lingard i entered this plane yeah so i got into the school i started my classes yeah i had never really experienced well i had experience you know these children who got merry go rounds yes yes yes that was me now i thought the plane would be easier yeah every time i got up yeah throw up so nobody wanted me in their plate yeah i really struggled at the end i just called my father i said yes business i just decided to focus on a business uh degree i didn't i didn't bother anymore with uh with aviation yeah yeah maybe one day one day texas texas texas everything is big in texas everything yeah everything that's a mighty big foot you got there son so even if everything is big yeah miguel africa you are stuart [Laughter] i recorded so it was it was uh it was an interesting time there yeah so 11 years hey 11 years almost 12 actually yeah 11 years so when did you decide to tarot disaster ministry and school yeah i was at work one day and i had now settled i was happy with my job and i just felt strong in my heart it's time to go god telling me get on a plane and go hi opi yeah i refused i said this is the devil yeah because you saved them yes i was saved i fought it for two years but finally i bought a one-way ticket in 2005. yeah was she there she was there how did it happen it's a new year by the way it's a new year yes so i tell i tell the story so how did my wife and i meet so we were at church my brother and i yes he's my brother now called don church and we were there took a church [Laughter] no this was her sister now or the sister so we both see the sister my brother and i see this girl coming in in a new [Laughter] yeah and to show you how you know confident he was yeah i cannot be i'm busy can you drop her home can you buddy yeah beautiful taita girl yes hey miss connimenta yes so i only had a few dollars in my pocket yes this is the sister the sisters the camus colombia would you like something to bite or to take home yeah so maybe my siblings are home yeah i'd love to take some food for them yeah camus kfc italian italian city french kfc yes kfc finals fine so we bought kfc the 21 bucket yes yeah yeah kind of stairs aka panda me gentlemen nangoja africa yeah danny i can be your sister okay go and tell him thank you for buying mr nakatoa [Laughter] how did you get up because now aliposima thank you yes you don't know how did you get in what happened why did you customer how do you like my chicken eh no no i said ali kujakanissani p.i.a the next sunday yeah polyphony will you come to amer disco and you come to our clubbing eh i mean pasta kind of comes [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] we had seen a few times in houston yeah come on be assassinated yeah yeah i want to settle down and i want to settle down with your girl yeah sunny maguja home seen a job in communicable it's my first month i'm checking out see what i'm going to do yeah i cannot be arty she's a very strict lady those who know her she was a principal yes at garage what and she was also a deputy at pangani mississippi mississippi anybody who knows mrs knows she's not a joke yeah mrs mundo and my mother were both teachers [Laughter] yeah my mom yes now my wife's mom yeah but my mom yeah yeah composed the swahili song ki swahili [Music] oh [Laughter] [Laughter] yes this man sacrificed himself [Laughter] i will approach this story differently differently we got married three months after each other wow because the girls came yeah my her sister was her best mate she was her best maid yeah not to calfare great yeah that's when you started the church together you got into business i i i i started all of them at the same time so you know what i think we are bothered to read and of course the ministry and the marriage and our marriage never do that all at the same time i need to know about that my goodness what a story what a journey brother julian uh killer that's what you need to get in the way this will never stop i wish to give you two hours and you will not be almost 100 million and how you got out of that yes i need to hear about that okay we'll be right back don't go away no this is a story we'll be right back [Music] welcome back welcome back welcome back to cheshire show journey series edition uh with my brother uh julia so you are telling me you're advising me uh so when you came back starting everything together marriage be a shadow and a ministry yeah it's not advisable don't don't don't try this at all don't try this at all why it's just too many things at the same time yeah and i should have pissed myself better but you know they say experience is the best teacher oh yes so so i i think it's now i know but it sharpened you it happened yes and it made me have to get the urgency of things how's amanda oh she's fine yeah getting prettier channel the older they become the more the more to know i'll go [Laughter] the more beautiful they become so she's there yeah but there are three jamas in the house yeah you have three boys three boys who are just thinking that that she's their wife i have plans for them a competition [Music] [Laughter] so do you still go out do you do how do you even separate it i i live my life yeah i live my life ministries are calling yeah ministries are calling i enjoy it i love seeing people grow through the world i think for me it's not that i'm in the business side and church to me it's one thing yeah and when i say that people can say how can you say that's one thing i'm one person i don't have a uh you know if you if you say monday i'm this person and tuesday i'm this person then you might be schizophrenic yeah but i'm one person just like this okay schizo summer two skits oh okay so briefly [Laughter] yeah i'm one thing so when i stand there with god's people i love what i do and it gives me also the direction in the marketplace how have you managed to solidify your child so well the way you run it it's it's amazing i mean wow we we talked [Laughter] i'll tell you what i believe good people i have a great team i actually think the gift god gave me selecting people that are trainable and i've invested in them and in return they're they're becoming what they're supposed to be and it's amazing to watch so now we are branching out nataka queen we call two rivers westlands at the river machacos yeah i'm now expanding the next three four years we just i'm now sending those people ambient to a moment yeah now business instead of business yeah so this story uh via shara willi kim visa now tell me about the business business is a i think it's a calling entrepreneurship you know i'm seeing people being trained on how to be entrepreneurs but i don't think it's for everybody so business has been tough we've had some amazing times some tough moments um to me ashara yeah to me forwards in gina yes [Laughter] so that business you had a deficit of 100 million how do you counter that i think it expanded me when i had that deficit and you call it deficit i call it debt debt you cannot underestimate the power of when you're in a dark place and sometimes when you're in dark places is when god reveals his light because ideas understanding thoughts change of strategy without a vitamin d in the dark because sometimes when you're in the light in terms of when things are good sometimes you're not thinking about how to change how to change comes a lot of times in the dark [Music] holders because he was my landlord yes we became such good friends in the auction yeah i talked in the auction 38 and that man is you know i don't know if chris kirby is one unappreciated kenyan entrepreneur i'll tell you from a young perspective because we have to give to the young generation so he did that we rearranged structured we did whatever accompanied his liberty car user for one dollar and casamayor passes and i think exactly yes because now you come to a place of sit down analyze grow again and you know let me tell you i've also discovered you'll always have critics huh yeah you'll always have people that bad mouth you put you down nearly faces of you yeah after your interview so first of all we should not be afraid now that this is a new year 2021 yeah we should not be afraid to start again start again start again let me tell you whatever has been lost is nothing compared to what you'll get but there's something you have to have you know mongolian joshua yeah be bold and courageous if i was standing with my father and he's telling me son be bold and courageous i'm like but you're here i don't need to be bold and courageous when you're here because boldness and courage is not on it's not necessarily a product of the presence of god you have it inside you that is given he needs you to act so if you sit just wallowing about yesterday out of congregation i think to kenyans we need to be a lot more positive because we we have too much uh negativity hey we have too much negative a foreigners on a tour guppa we have too much negative energy so when you when you find yourself trending on kot sometimes you're you're being judged by a guy who's sitting in his house doing nothing here or another one who's doing something but we just need to start learning pat someone on the back and say hey mia yeah trend delay yeah it doesn't hurt to bring someone up it doesn't hurt to bring someone up you know i've employed so many people i've had so many employees some have things have worked out others things haven't yeah that's life you just learned to have the gift of bye-bye yeah lesson number two you can't carry everyone with you carry everyone with you so it becomes it can be frustrating when you want to but also it's irresponsible yeah uh water lisa expo who lives in ibiya shadows okay so so um i'm i'm both in fintech fintech inaudible finance and technology and uh so i'm doing something right now with some phone companies here and in america and then i'm also in real estate yeah um as the key ones i'm i'm a lot in that tech tech world yeah tech world is an illegitimate and that's the future really yeah agriculture is beautiful but but here's the lesson what you're doing is a futuristic idea yeah even if we agree with agritech but what i've learned is the reason those things may not work is because you're not there yeah so the point is presence presence part-time we assume that big dream you need to be in there you have to be a must with real estate where we are building uh affordable houses here we launched the first project in march everybody has been asking when are you launching when are you launching in march next year we launched the first project in kenya to just give people access to very affordable houses yeah by giving them a long time to pay because that's what our generation and younger need to get their first homes with business struggle yeah rent to own rent to own um and that i've been working on that for four years it was tough uh because you don't find a lot of patient capital yeah yeah so you're in our ministry must also have practicality that and i'm not saying every preacher i know well let me put your experience yeah let's go out yeah let's get people in for me that's my calling i want to settle people yeah just commodity attendance everyone is feeling it but how has it affected churches have been affected actually very hard um but i believe the church belongs to to god he is the one who has the church so it's his bride and he'll take care of it but it has been a very uh it has been a tough journey for a lot of ministers a lot of pastors console course ago they can't go online some of them so we we've had to see we've seen i mean revenues have gone down for churches people have also wanted the church to support them people have wanted the church to um um raise them to it has been tough yeah it has been tough but 2021 we believe things are going this is a different time look seasons seasons come and seasons go right yeah there's no season without a shelf life become a mozilla yes sata season so it may not be that january things have changed yeah but seasons end and other seasons come kitumu tringy aquila season and what god is teaching us 20 20 years a year of learning a lot about ourselves resilience miles monroe used to say here that purpose has resilience the ability to bounce back come up on a breath but you see kenya needs to encourage i'll talk let me talk as a businessman our leaders need to encourage people like you people like me to become you know the tyler perrys the jeff bezos because when you create the environment yes it will happen but because what what i think and i'm not saying i've had that i'm just saying i've seen it even with my friends this is a hard market to build and you see you know coca-cola amanda unilever and i see you know procter gamble yeah one and he's on the kazi yeah you can't work so hard to bring these guys and then you're so i don't want to be a politician all i'm saying is you must have some people somewhere sitting saying how do we close our back door not shut it yeah you actually took a dog on you come out on the casino yeah yeah so that the jeff bezos because africa is the next frontier it is i'm telling you it is the most untapped region in the world nobody doing business can ignore this continent but the countries that are going to win come around the venue and fix v2 yes queen guinness also south africans yeah others are going back to ghana we have to make sure as kenya we don't lose out because 15 years from now i hope we have a plan because what let me tell you what entrepreneurs like me are doing we are going out this campus you must appreciate the sounds of the land it is not that we are not patriotic but businesses are selfish if churchill knew that he could structure his business in a way that mauritius and singapore are better jurisdictions for him hi you'll be there you'll be there i'll be there and then you'll be coming to kenya say hello kenya going but we are patriotic and we love kenya all i'm asking is can our leaders just think through the process of not frustrating the next jeff bezos in their country eva mandela ramaphosa yeah alicia virgina akasema singular jella our two more americans and scotland grinder yes because in the future 50 years from now thirty years from now can you imagine you know even the valentine yeah yeah alcohol night zuma zuma aqua enter your trip [Laughter] new beginning before zuma alicorn becky ramaphosa those were all guys yeah walia kokondeg mandela leona our to california rioters yes to taomia because you can't have rioters all the time as presidents let's empower them let's empower some fatty guys yes let them go yeah yes i know who's leading they're leading they're leading yeah i hope we can have a vision as a nation that says from a business perspective this is what we see this is how we reduce our immortality child immortality rate uh women um abuse this is how we use it and not make it political let's go to work yeah fold our sleeves let's walk this affordable housing thing is a good thing the president is doing yeah but let's go to work yeah to see secure to let's go to work as it angular our good friend as we finish yes yes thank you so much for introducing him to me oh he loved you man you just connected the two of you just connected yeah thanks for making that happen another problem so what's the biggest lesson that you can share with kenyans even as we face this new year yeah dr monroe taught a lot about purpose and about the kingdom he said about purpose it has certain characteristics one is resilience you can bounce back from anything yeah kenya can bounce back from anything all of us can bounce back from anything mars monroe says you can you have resilience it's a quality of purpose yeah and that purpose is inbuilt yeah but you have to activate it okay social medias kunzima yeah tv mckety whatever you invest in yes will manifest itself whatever you invest in out of ginger yeah peter manifest out of ginger yeah it's just if you give if you if you water ginger it will grow [Laughter] joking but we are joking making it yeah so 2021 for you is a year of uh it's bouncing back bouncing back let's bounce back let's also think but let's relate well you know go to the people that matter after i lost my father i realized the value of time sorry about that thank you thank you for coming even to stand with us let's let's build relationships there are actually some things that are more important than money make i money there are things which i put more than money what yeah even if that child listen if you can't afford to take your child to a private school take them to a public school yeah yeah missouri cornerlippa 500 shillings for school fees the public schools some of them are not so bad yeah we cannot just talk to otaku remember lisa by the way we see you next week we are done let me tell you you are so inspiring you're so so inspired i love this oh wow thank you thank you so much good night
Channel: Churchill Extra!
Views: 15,061
Rating: 4.9159665 out of 5
Keywords: churchill, churchill show, churchill raw, funy videos, kenya comedy, mc jessy, churchill live
Id: K4kSycSMtyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 32sec (2732 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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