HIDE and SEEK in 56,000 ACRES - Road to the Classic Ep. 15 Lake Hartwell Practice

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good morning good morning good morning guess what today is today is bassmaster practice lake hartwell south carolina that's right everybody's still asleep i'm ready to go time to go man we got to go what's up scott dude how many more days of this well two and a half oh my gosh wake up man we gotta go what's up how are you all up already did you slip in no dude i don't think i don't think so oh my gosh wake up wake up wake up we gotta go do this 12 o'clock noon i don't understand i don't i don't get where's your phones at where's your alarm jake is it set dude we got a problem what oh chuck's already gone dude oh do you realize how bad that makes this look i mean how does he even he's making us look bad we cannot have him stand here if he's gonna be all up at four o'clock in the morning out fishing at five we can't have that dude chuck you're gone dude you're gonna have to sleep in tomorrow just to kind of make up for it he's the new tom is that what reddington does all right readington's up early every day yeah readington was reading it was good for motivation on getting up early which it didn't ever work with friend and then yeah and then mccoy i don't know what the hell's going on with mccoy he's in there sleeping still he's following brandon's footsteps i'm thinking something happened to you i'm thinking i'm thinking brandon and him had a little powwow the last shoot that we did yeah and brandon was like look dude do not overachieve do not be an overachiever around here if you are then they just expect more be an underachiever get by bare minimum and then when everyone's smiling you do greatness they are they all love you brandon is that what you told mccoy because he's sleeping dude we can't be having all this chuck i'm not kidding dude don't be beating us out of the house tomorrow we got to go do it for where we gotta go come on nikoi seriously we got to go billy what the heck is billy for real words billy i forgot about billy what y'all doing where have you been all right i've been waiting on y'all man oh really yeah y'all ready whoa trying to sneak up on the phone man hey what y'all doing good morning yeah see how the echo hey check one two check like sing and sing a song like hey hey you wanna be a rock star hey hey wanna be a rock star see it's that reverb it just kind of comes back it just makes it full you know i think you revered me right in the bathroom you reburned me all the way to the bathroom now i got it [Music] dude [Music] yeah we say it every time about how we have to be serious in the mornings we're goofing around a little bit but this week's gonna be a little different dude this is a big lake there's a lot of options i can go way up one river i can go way up another river i can stay down by the dam we have to put together a game plan over the next two and a half days that represents that i think i'm ready think you're ready i think i think your plan is great too yeah that's that was good you got spider webs on you huh spider webs on you what is that oh try some fish in mine today's the first real fall day of the year first time i've had pants on or even a sweatshirt on it a long time it's going to be several different top waters several different types of swim baits and then your finesse stuff like a drop shot and a shaky head of some sort that's going to be the brush pile bite and then the shallow bite is going to be you know lunker log bandito bug buzzbait stuff like that all right what does this tournament mean you're asking yourself if you're new to this series if you're new to the road to the elites or the classic series that we're doing this is uh i think episode four tournament four out of the series so far out of eight events so we're halfway through we've got to finish in the top four or five roughly in the eastern or four or five in the central division or four or five overall and right now i'm in fifth in the eastern and ninth overall central division not so great so i've got to catch them here you know lifelong dream to fish the elites you know i've spent my entire career on the flw tour and had great success had a lot of fun over there made a lot of a lot of friends but it's time to move on and that's what we're here we're out here on the bassmaster tour trying to do something special trying to win an open trying to win an elite event and most importantly trying to win a bass masters classic the busting right here little ones there they are right here they always school right here dude there's one oh that's a bigot oh my gosh dude big spot yeah like a four pounder dude i'm serious man serious oh my god oh my gosh come on man it's a nice first fish of practice dude yeah that's that's what i'm talking about another one i don't know what it is i think it's a bass dude oh yeah it's another nice bass look at this one look at that spot dude look at this three four with him look they're trying to eat it off dude that's a good one i'm not running up any creek i promise you that this is my jam dude that's a two that's a good solid too but when that's calm dude they might not be up there like that like this wind's got them pushed down them trees up on the shoals dude a lot of those fish will go back out in those trees the little babies are trying get it get it yeah dang it oh good one she got a striper heck no you got a striper heck no dang his fan careful now you're gonna get him in the seat dude dude i thought i'd talk to you better than this there's people all over the place they're all watching us i wasn't looking this fish he's eats he ate something big look at the bell he's got something in his belly look how fat he's he's like he'll make him poop he's like man my belly's full please don't mash it okay that was a fatty okay big wad right here trying to get i'm not lined up on him dude look at this big spot dude there's a whole giant school of them dude there's like freaking 20 of them there dude oh my goodness dude oh my goodness is a fat spot right here bro there's a giant school of them right here there's 20 of them here you know that right that's a big dude that's a largemouth i thought it was a spot look at the gut on that thing dude look at that is anybody around there's a bunch right there let's go uh some midday update you know we've we're getting some bites you know some decent fish too you know mostly just cane mostly just bait you know fish that are relating to bait that's kind of that's kind of the deal really you know we're bouncing around between shallow and deep but it seems like the deep bite is pretty good so far here they come here they come oh oh it's a big spot i saw him oh i saw dude there's a whole freaking load of them dude i saw him it was like a four pounder behind mine too dude those are all spots bro all a little mega wad little mega wide dude dude everybody must be at the river i don't even see boats down anywhere good day it's good day one normally it takes us a few days to kind of figure it out so here's the deal it's like this guys we found some fish nothing crazy the potential right weather's gonna be a lot different for the tournament though so we have to keep that in mind finding those cane piles close to those areas was good because that's what they'll get don't you think tomorrow we need to go find some different fish like fish calm flat water or fish what what what i mean you're going to throw a jig you're going to no why would i want to do that i mean shallow i wouldn't want to do that we need a backup plan man if that ain't fire and you need something else to do no is that pineapple no i thought it was like four o'clock just take one piece you just smoked just smoked before wow just it just sticks it would open if it doesn't stick they would get another piece and go ahead and two or six no but that means that way i know i know he's not worth it throw this cannon in here there you go i don't know what it is yeah it's denatured because i mean listen here's the thing with chicken wings you get a chicken wing and you eat them like this right yeah you don't see what you've eaten but if you'll pull that meat back and look those little blood vessels and veins and gristle and all those tendons all up in there and you just like stop going like that just like savage no you know the actual meat just muscle like even when it's not on chuck you're too smart man if you start telling me that stuff i won't eat chicken anymore good morning morning what are you drinking coffee dunking don't look this house is fully you can make this cooking there potter piece of ham on an egg sandwich i didn't know you could cook billy i can't really can you flip it in here no it's a panda whoa that smells good man good morning everyone well you know day two is upon us we had to figure out some stuff today because uh we've got a full day today half a day tomorrow okay get up man it's not time to do that yeah it is it is time to go find them all right well day two is upon us we have got to go find some fish we all do this whole house has got a lot okay i found it you did yeah i can't catch them but i found them guess what we don't have what we don't have any mayonnaise i know i've asked that i know man how do you eat the egg sandwich without mayonnaise i mean you can't put mustard on it [Music] a lot of timber on this point i mean a lot of brush on this point well we've got all day to figure it out ah beautiful lake a little chilly this morning probably five degrees colder than yesterday i actually have socks on today tennis shoes afco sweatshirt oh yeah the chili don't oh don't throw something over oh my god dude oh my god oh my god those are stripes no those are oh my god oh my god dude those are all four and five pounders bro yeah well those stripers are largemouth brown you sure there's weren't stripers dude that was crazy see the thing about a heron lake the one thing i will tell you about a heron lake is they don't want a lot of action like that heron don't swim left to right like that's why you reel your flutes that's why you reel your top waters that's why you don't twitch you don't walk it i mean you you follow me on my going up that river thing like if i went up the river tomorrow and jacked up a couple four pounders then what then i messed up in my head you can't do both of them you know what i'm saying the risk factor up there is that two or three boats get on and you're sharing water with two or three boats on a small little river hey and i don't even know if they're up there b these are four pounders dude it's in mystery fish but i don't want to confuse myself at this point like i'm all in i'm all in on the offshore which is how you can win tournaments on this lake so 100 you can win tournaments offshore 100 you can win tournaments on school and fish 100 you can win them on camp piles shoals rock piles all the different things that's 100 way to win tournaments here on hartwell this time of the year between piles points and shoals i've got enough options that hopefully one of the three will fire off even better than the other i done snagged another one dude just a little old pup okay cool cool cool beautiful fish i love spots i think sp like spots and smallmouth to me are just pretty large mouth are just mean looking but spots and small mouth are just they're just pretty all right guys look at here this is what they're eating this right here is a heron that's a herring right there a blue back heron blue back heron that doesn't have any blue in him it's a trick it's just a trick i don't see any blue there dude that's pretty cool dude it's identical well the day is over we're gonna head on in right now get ready for dinner we found more of it we reinforced some places but again the weather is gonna change but i mean i'm telling you it's pretty strong right now some big giant schools i mean i don't have a bunch i've got a handful of some big groups of fish so we'll see it's going to be it's going to be tough i mean even today i'm trying to catch half of them still didn't catch them saw them didn't catch them that's going to happen in the tournament it's going to be a frustrating event for sure so i'm gonna have to mentally prepare for probably seeing more than i catch i mean it's just the way it's gonna end up being i don't know they choose a wrap we'll see them we'll see in the morning or maybe we'll see you tonight we'll probably bring you back tonight that's that's that's yeah get away get away get away i don't need you messing with my with my talent mccoy i don't need you mess with me like he'll he's gonna he's gonna go off and like smoke him yeah dude you see that beard that beard don't jump dude yeah think like spicy fly out of it dude stab you right in the eyes we didn't film it but we just cooked some amazing chicken on the trigger look look at this on the trailer trigger grill right there 100 juice it all right everybody today it's the last day of practice and we can only fish until 12 o'clock so i went home last night and i'm at the house this morning and we gotta see what everybody's doing [Music] he's gonna sleep all day i mean what seems to be the problem huh what seems to be the problem which room is this whose room is this hey good morning good morning he's excited what's going on in here what the heck's going on something weird going on day three of practice i gotta get i gotta get real serious with y'all for just a minute while everybody's kind of getting up half a day today a couple important things that i need to do is number one i i have about 50 places to fish that's a lot like that that's that's actually legit 50 places that's a lot of stuff i need to mark things what i think is the best what i think second best i need to drive around and drive by a lot of them and mark them and say okay i remember this this this one i think has better fish than the other ones so that way i'm not confused because there's going to be pressure on these spots and i'm going to have to like take them out of rotation and put them back in rotation depending on who's fishing them and all that going on most importantly i need to find where i'm starting so i need to go to my starting spot this morning and just see how they're set up yesterday afternoon they were set up good but in the morning they might not be and then i need to come back and get all my stuff ready and i need options you know we talked about it in the 2020 how i fished those brush piles at rayburn and i kind of just didn't get real versatile we've got different weather conditions come in and so the lures that i caught them on the last couple days and how do those fish react into might not be the ones that i actually fish with the next couple days making good decisions on the water knowing when to go and where to go that is the most important thing all right guys we're here on my starting spot where i'm going to start tomorrow i think and there there are so many fish here it's absolutely ridiculous i just don't see any cane on it there they are here they come here they come here they come here they come oh did you see that one it's a four pounder dude do you see him that's a i'm starting here dude i'm starting here that's a four pounder you saw him right yeah big wad on right there dude oh striper striper bacon yeah me either dude's a begging all right so real talk real quick i want to give a huge shout out to apco okay this is the avco reaper right here what i love about this thing like honestly guys it's super legit very very comfortable and it's thick enough that it's chilly right now and i'm thin blood it's thick enough to keep me warm but i love how you can you can bring this up around your face and that's really good right now with the covet stuff going on you can wear this as a face mask and then of course you have the hood it's just really really well made and it's awesome so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna drop a link in the description for appco this is the reaper sweatshirt check it out you guys love it fall man this is the deal very very comfortable you better buy more than one i promise you that you're gonna love it dude they're chasing it hard i can't see one no those are biggins dude those are biggins yep i just saw them all good ones dude bacon dude it's a big fish oh my gosh look at this look at this spot dude look at this spot bro they're all like that dude look at that guys that might be the last fish we catch for practice but that's a beautiful spot dude beautiful beautiful spot there's a hundred of them right there 100 100 you know what time it is billy it's time for a cinematic release lake hartwell style home run dude you want half well official practice is over now with now the hard hard part and that's the hard part is getting the boat completely organized completely organized get all the rods rigged up take out all the stuff that i don't need get a little extra weight out of the boat and um and that's it so that's that's the job ahead is get all of my gear ready and again i'm gonna have to have options man i'm gonna probably have 15 rods on the deck of my boat tomorrow with different things from drop shots to swim baits to flukes to top waters to everything time to get busy [Music] hey man hey how's it going i'm i'm good man i'm good how are you doing i'm doing pretty good i was just gonna call and ask you like wait what are we gonna do tomorrow mostly just offshore stuff like where do you wanna like meet tomorrow or so i'm thinking like more in the morning like let's meet i like to do something a little different with my killings i like to meet early really early like maybe like uh we'll meet at a ramp around the corner close by maybe like 4 or 15 or so like nobody will be there dude like we'll just kind of chill like you know kind of like getting to know each other and just kind of chill out like i like to like kind of meditate and stuff in the morning so i like meditating with my partner because we're going to be in the boat together all day so you know it's good to kind of become you know one you know what i mean like team tournament you know mentality and so i got this little i got like yeah so we'll just meet there in the morning pretty early i got like a little yo i got a extra yoga mat too and i'll bring one for you and then if anybody you know if anybody comes to the ramp we'll run off real fast because it's weird you know but but we'll sit there and like hum and stuff you know you know all that good stuff so but i'll um i'll text you the ramp here in just a minute where we'll meet okay dude see man looking forward to it see you later okay man see you bye martin's weird dude he's so weird yeah you deal with the weird things again didn't you yeah we had a rant close to the ramp at four o'clock in the morning and we're gonna meditate hum we're gonna get four in the morning are you gonna tell them not to meet you at four yeah in a minute in a little while and then i told him i brought him an extra yoga mat for him i said look if anybody pulls up we'll run up real fast because it's kind of weird i got a guy i gotta call him back i gotta call him back hang on hang on i gotta call him back who did he's going up once just said hey man i'm thinking four o'clock's a little early so i'm thinking more like i don't know 427 okay something like that all right you know exactly 427. okay yeah be there for 27. nah dude i'm just jacking with you man how many people you called telling i'm crazy already [Laughter] all right yeah i don't even know what time we blast off what time do we really blast off for real like six seven seven really seven yeah it's i'm telling you man if it falls the person makes it fall cleans it up well how we're going to add more to it like man hey man bro that's your problem do you want to become a legend like if you want to become a legend it's like the anti-gene gun nice catch with the gun i think you're a little off balance there oh man i don't know if you can do he can chicken out see see what those two right there those are both mine are you trying to get yourself you can move stuff around you can move stuff around always going with the soy sauce thing you can restructure that's a smart move well you left me nowhere to put anything you can move stuff clever ah you can take off and redo but you just can't just put everything back all right well guys that is uh that's about a wrap for uh practice video so hopefully you guys enjoyed watching all the craziness there i've got the battle wagon all uh geared up ready to go got this beauty right there she's got to figure out how to catch about 20 pounds tomorrow look i haven't come close to catching 20 pounds but i i mean guys you saw the video i mean there are some potential big bass out there we're just gonna go give it all we got that's what we're gonna do we're gonna give it all we got and so here's what i'm gonna leave you with uh thank you so much for all the support thank you for everything you guys do and we're gonna have the tournament video up very very soon actually the very next video in the series after you get done watching this in a couple days will be day one and day two of the bassmaster open here on lake hartwell guys i want to go to bed i'll see you later thank you so much [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Scott Martin
Views: 66,728
Rating: 4.9608207 out of 5
Keywords: Scott martin, Smc, Scott Martin Challenge, Fishing, Large mouth bass, Florida, Vlog, Spinnerworm, Billygottabass, Googan squad, Lunkerstv, Jon b, Apbassing, Andrew flair, Dallmyd, Fishing tip, Bass pro, Challenge, Instructional, Tip, How to, travel, travel vlog, largemouth bass, Bassmaster open, fishing tournament, new season, big bass, 2020, secret lake, lunkerstv, giant fish, lake hartwell, bass open lake hartwell, battle wagon, hiding places, south carolina, anderson sc
Id: oXZdFhGV3a8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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