DID WE JUST FIND THE TYPE-H DINOSAUR FACILITY!? -The Isle - Deinosuchus Update & News! - Gameplay

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[Music] but do you see that in the rock face over there straight ahead is the structure there's something inside is there something built inside that or is that a temple ruin what oh my god there's something over there there's something in there Zak there's actually something inside the rock face of that giant mountain another Dino I would hope there's no dinosaurs trapped inside the rock face you know just gonna point that out if there's something there is something seriously wrong pretty sure that's like a Geneva Convention being violated right there there's a giant ass waterfall we have something inside so that's like the tallest mountain isn't it on the on the map are almost the tallest yes but they have a bunker inside a rock face like that so it's like sticking out it seems like it might be like Mount Rushmore but you know dinosaur fall what is this like the Isles budgeting team just didn't have enough to put the faces carved in so they just put some flat blocks instead like let's let's get over there and check this out I'm telling you yeah we might I could oh hang on wait I don't think I can get up this either oh no we can is it just me or those little puns leading off into a waterfall just endless sources of water with all that water going down there yeah it doesn't really add up yeah something's not right with physics here it's kind of like you remember a mine crack when people could like put down a bucket of water or something in like a four-block square and get infinite water you play Minecraft you didn't play monitor you are cultured swine yeah you are uncultured as hell don't oh we got the cultured yeah we got yeah okay all right that's number against me first off oh [Music] it's glitching I'm getting that clear that's what that's what I kind of freaked out about then you just started you know sorry make fun of him not try to bash her you know Pass gaming experiences okay yeah there's this it must be that structure up there that's cause because there's nothing significant around here that warrants this kind of glitchiness oh yeah like we've kind of seen in the past where you know we have these areas we're not supposed to go in and it starts glitching so like maybe this is still in development like the rest so we kind of have to like put the pieces together and figure out what it what's his purpose and might be that or I'm gonna go inspect it again one of the peers a bit no that's definitely some kind of man-made structure inside the mountain the hell were they doing inside a map dude oh there's there's parts of the Isles storyline where they talk of buildings that are like super hidden and craft like that where like testing facilities were we just found the type edge HHH quit waiting facility there we go and is there like a winner and we I don't think so I think it's just brick it looks like what we found underwater down by that giant body oh god don't remind me let's just pause the video right here for a second because I think right about now is a good time to move into the future updates of the Isle and what they are currently working on so we're gonna go ahead and do that these come from Dandi the creator of the Isle and some of these features obviously are still in development so keep that in mind as you watch however leave input and comments down below in the comments section of course okay let's let's do that and we'll find out what our mystery building really is so the first thing we're gonna be moving into is the Deinosuchus now this is one of my most anticipated creatures for any game really to be honest with you and there's a couple reasons for that however I do want to focus on its animations right now and just seeing it come out of water it seems like they've been doing some work to this creature to my knowledge before in the past it was not working though I cannot confirm with you whether or not this is current development status of the Isle or if this is previous stuff from in the past when they were also working on this creature though I'm not aware them doing anything really to this scale in previous or recent history to be honest with you now the reason why I'm so excited about the Deinosuchus is because it doesn't stop growing this is one of the very few creatures that add at the end of its lifecycle it may be able to handle take on and even out bite a hypo t-rex it may have a higher and more powerful bite force than the biggest creature that we know of so far in the game and is a dinosaur but that's pretty exciting stuff I seriously can't wait to see this thing it's it's my most anticipated thing so far and as you can see right here this is one of their professional animators currently animating this creature trying to bring it to some life and in general prepare it for being an in-game I just don't know when we're gonna see it unfortunately now one thing I do want to move in with you as well that I touched on in my last video was the color system for dinosaurs which we will explore extensively in just a moment the coloring system I made the point of its being possibly a system where we can use it for camouflage and well that's basically what they did with the dry oh right there and then we have the hypo giga here as well which this is just showing off the I K system and just appreciate how buttery smooth it is walking up and down hills and its angular motions because its glorious as all hell [Music] they've done some serious work in this eye case system and everything was made from scratch that takes some serious devotion and talent now something else that you're looking at the trees right well those trees are special it's the Redwood biome and maybe making a return which I'm also happy about because it's my favorite biome actually Don frequently calls me when he's gotten new assets for his redwood biomes and he shows me I can't tell you what I've seen but oh my god it looks so good this is the coloring system again this is a raptor and they're gonna be going down through various colors with it again you can keep in mind camouflage or you can keep in mind alpha dinosaurs or you can keep in mind just vibrant I want to make this guy look like a puffy marshmallow another thing that makes sense does it know like like cotton candy there we go please don't do that that's that's super bad anyways you guys enjoy that and let me know your thoughts as always about what you've seen so far [Music] however enough about that this is the hypo Carnot and I know we've seen it a lot recently we've seen in a lot of different videos a lot of from people have encountered it and well this is basically the Beast being controlled from a third-person view I guess I'd like to see first-person in dinosaurs I know that'd be kind of cool see it's Horan just hanging down over the screen and they were really cool actually maybe not that good in actual gameplay though though enough about the hypo carnal you can see how it moves this is a utahraptor with camouflage as you can see clearly now some of this stuff is being altered to try and bring some better camouflage to the grass it's underneath the speed in general I think camouflage is gonna be the best when you're not moving and you're just sitting down maybe and your colors you know directly represent the grass and Ernie thew or whatever you really have underneath you it could be a very viable tool though I don't think it's going to be and make it or break it deal in any case unless it's a time to be honest with you and in that case nighttime I would probably shoot for very deep purple's blacks and possibly even very dark green somewhere around that scope of colors just so you can be sure that you're covering all the spectrum and you're able to I guess effectively camouflage in with the darkness and utilize that to your advantage something else you can see here as well is a or oh no a door oh well ad Rio or an ice at Rio with camouflage and it's dark it basically becomes invisible invisible but night-vision does seem to hinder camouflage big-time so again I wouldn't really suspect it to be too good to use I guess along with the creature eyes glowing through night vision that's also a very big killer of the system now the last thing I want to show you is this and it's the Rex holding some stuff and well I'll let the developers tell you about this and their thoughts on it but nope with that with that I can probably get I can probably get body dragging actually now what I'm thinking about it I should be able to get I'm getting ready to go to bed but in the next two days there so I should be able to have body dragging ready to for the additive the thing that I'm trying to think of to be able to drag larger corpses so you know like a juvenile t-rex would be able to drag around to dry oh and like that so I was actually flying around the map and I know we referenced the Deinosuchus a little while ago in this video and surprisingly I've found a lot of different aquatic locations for not only future noses or anything else really but even the Dino's zookas that we saw in the twitch clips and you can see like there's all kinds of little lakes going down through this this whole place right here is basically a death trap with one giant like crater lake in it why don't you get the idea right guys like it's more or less there's a lot of watery places there and then you got down here as well which we spoke about last time where you know aquatic creatures could potentially be there as well and then be actually kind of interesting I don't know I just think it's kind of suspicious that they're doing all of this work on the water side of things and adding things into the game like this and we really haven't seen too much happening on the other side of the coin you guys let me know what you think though down below in the comment section I might be onto something but more than likely this is just a weird coincidence that are not doing anything at all don't see anything here I wouldn't even try it but I bet we can get on top of this but don't know if this is actually a thing that we should mess with too much it's like a death ball drop right there - no don't die yeah I know right I don't 9 1 9 what are you add I should be about the same I think I'm 911 oh that's oh yeah hell maybe like Siad or something up here - maybe there's some kind of like oh it's the glitch again I'm starting to get the glitch oh yeah oh god definitely shouldn't be here oh I just had music start up it yeah music just started playing for me oh this look a little pathway here that's carved away - then about elite supplement that's weird it like ends up this cliff face the hell are they hiding in here now first we got the giant underwater skeleton pointing toward something massive now I guess this some kind of testing facility inside the face of a above a rock of a mountain it's a big rock though that's the little guy right there oh there's three of them there's three of them yeah wait is that a galley the other ones do need water yeah honey how do you think these guys oh they're crossing over the water oh we should I don't think I want to miss Rossi yeah I don't know if they do what are we the war burger border security here you can just cross right there and I'll kind of like get behind him all right yeah I'll uh I'll cross over right here all tides taking me away tide take me away that's funny not really I wouldn't want the bad oh boy almost like a Titanic moment [Applause] Oh God but now mi love it yeah they're crouching at you man I like you better not be wrong dude cuz I don't want to get boned by these guys alright so if they get behind us break check up yeah oh he's to Collin no we're not friends we want food yeah I I bet oh he duped me look at this little guy crossing he's smart Juke the other guy got by hey there's still one cornered over there though oh he crossed he just crossed this Bronco ran inside yeah he did cross cross cross quick he's gonna get away oh I'm never gonna catch up to that dude I'm just so slow he's gonna make it there before me wait I'm gonna Casas oh dude dude oh I better be hitting them no I didn't hit him yes oh yeah wait I'm fighting him he didn't there we go haha oh it's great yeah we can we can I think we can eat them yeah we can eat them no maybe not hang on No it might be a bug location oh no he's too close to the river man no it's always the way why can I drink all the way out here No [Music] Gandhi Gandhi fix the game now so we can eat work you hungry rexes try to grow here let's just watch friends William we're just drinking his blood that's I mean some kind of vitamin so whatever like wait there's something in the woods by you there's something in the woods to your left your left behind you behind you behind you right this I don't know what it is it doesn't look very big where I'm where I'm walking inside in the wood in the woods they kill it I'm gonna kill it oh he's accepting death oh hell yeah die did you get it was it just a baby oh it's god oh my god I mean it I needed to trace it I'm sniffing around maybe I'll find something else I'm not sure if I got another kill well what if they got a baby we could like Zena Soros with those claws but if you want to check it out and see if they have a baby sure didn't realize you're the spokesperson for Subway circa 2009 but yeah you know I'm not trying to you know be like Jared in any way or shape or form oh no I found them a bunch of danger flukes right here nothing they saw me either and I see like a bush or something I think it's Loch Ness monsters pubes they're floating huge gathered they're definitely uh we're definitely a couple Oh them on the food chain oh yeah not a chance just grabbing a drink nothing to them I thought I saw something bigger than a gala gap for you oh yeah it is a galley - yeah I see it - yeah I'm gonna chase them down new little guy oh yeah you want to nibble on you a little bit you're gonna jump over the lake you little better run it was something that chicken he's gone the galleys are all leg I'm gonna go for this Utah he's trying to like be friends but there's he knows but I'm like man I'm gonna eat you gotta eat you right now oh I'll catch up with you aren't night-vision really isn't that good yeah it's starting to get dark to know the parents are back there somewhere I think up on top of that rock face I don't really want to mess with a chin I hear a Hara oh wait is that a rocker is that a thing moving holy crap that's what's up what did I just see that right I just watched something fall through the ground I think I'm I'm having a hard time just deciphering what I just saw something just happened over here and it was really big it walked into the ocean and then it disappeared or it walked into the water and it's disappeared you're not joking no I'm not kidding at all why would I joke about seeing something like that where the hell did it go oh there it is oh wait that's a really that's a chimera oh my god like no joke I watched that thing walk like one foot into the water and then it likes sunk down just below it like a submarine actually not that big yeah I don't want to mess with it it's probably a bad idea even to the full alright is there a Pew up here there's a Pew wait what there's a few over here like a fully-grown view or a big yeah like if it's a baby I kind of want to see if we can do anything to it it'd probably kill a baby Hey look at these just over here being old dad oh yeah I don't think I want to I don't think I want to go near that right so my hunger is about half now I could be good damn I liked the sketch they have when you press insert for the dinosaur just statistics and stuff that's actually kind of cool we have an a crow coming towards us where where where where where do I run oh my god why don't we just like hide in a bush somewhere I am so low on stem oh that means you're on like a quarter know you probably have more hunger than me because you got the eeeh yeah I did eat the jelly yeah it was - where is where did you see the act though wait is it really down there like on the edge of the feet I see king I think that's oddly like a small - Rex from this distance oh my god I don't yeah I mean if it wait I think it just looked at me oh yeah we're gonna go out of here now let's leave this place I'd never cook you're already running away with the house yeah we're not I wouldn't mess with that as a full-grown reckless I think it on your ass that's it all I have to do is hide inside some moderately dense bushes they don't have stent or dueƱo do they have sin you know I forgot about that update I was oh my god I felt so safe and now I just don't feel safe anymore like someone gave Michael Myers a knife dude it's really bright or yeah day time I have like no stem so whatever we're about to run I'm innocent yeah okay oh great a head right there [Music] wait what the hell oh that's the aviary I was gonna say it's like something glowing in the rock face over there but it's the aviary all right I say we snipe the babies they've got a lot of a dope sounds like a good idea they were correct hauling they worth recalling so there there has to be something bad going on here I I think I could take a couple hits yeah I hear something there's something I don't they're making calls for a reason there's something in this tree line what no they wouldn't just be calling for no reason there's something here all migrating away now there has to be oh we need to kill one of them wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait turn your night vision on yeah oh he just he's just darting out yo oh we got a contest for that food we need that food he's attacking an afk para oh yeah oh wow why is he sending away should we go for him I was like are we even allowed to go into a hunt like that though yeah yeah there's no interference um oh oh yeah let's not let's go oh oh [Music] over the cerrado yeah you can go ahead and go for it here help me out yeah yeah me I see alright oh he's running away now just try and go kiss yeah I'm on like a quarter right now oh you try to go with a Paris he's so hungry oh yeah he's got to be desperate as hell all that parity oh yeah he just four called here's what's gonna chase in him he didn't stop there we go he just stopped all right is he oh no he's still I think he's still chasing maybe they have babies and they're just super aggressive get out of here oh my god yeah don't don't do that [Music] see what's happening yeah you're gonna be in a get I mean like we've been doing stuff with him the whole time - there we go now he's for calling over you take a bite of this now like I couldn't see anything like it just got suddenly really dark out of nowhere yeah we were like we chased after his ass feel like you should have known you start eating right there I just heard it I thought it was like gonna be a Giga or something I mean you know if either on call now I'm gonna say of either of us still hungry after this and well for now that is basically it on everything to do with the aisle we found a mysterious building inside the rock face I don't know if this is a testing facility I don't know what this might be but it has the same glitch effect that some of the other places that are landmarks have as well and I have a strong feeling that this is built into the mountain for a reason be it offensively or maybe for some kind of camouflage so they can monitor an environment or how maybe this is just a placeholder thing or it has no reason at all to be on the map either way guys that is it for now leave a like if you did enjoy this video let me know your thoughts down below as well are you as type for the Deinosuchus as I am because I can't freaking wait I seriously can't like I think that's my most anticipated creature I'll see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: Anthomnia
Views: 483,276
Rating: 4.9078093 out of 5
Keywords: The Isle, the isle game, the isle gameplay, the isle update, the isle type-h, the isle type-h tyrannus, The Isle Type - M Tyrannus, Anthomnia, the isle news, dinosaur game, the isle dinosaur, the isle hypo, the isle hypo rex, The Isle Hypo Carno
Id: GVFc1ZvzS_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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