Time For Gonzo To Run Again!!

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when you start like that what they're supposed to do right y as most of you remember we didn't get the motor running in Gonzo last week so this week we're going to get that wrapped up and then I have a little added bonus Stacy and Candice decided they really want to pull this old motor down see what was going on with it at least pull the heads off of it we'll have that as well enjoy we're getting pretty close I think we're ready for an intake manifold get that handled and intake throttle body and then and the radiator probably the last thing we got to figure out is just the uh new oil return for the for the turbo all that stuff just barely showed up it's over there so yeah we're getting close our pile of Parts is getting small that's good it just showed up heer can you see what's he doing behind my back well do you really want to know yeah update ry's here ry's here yeah oh I don't know the should have stories with grandpa Randy hunting stories yeah hunting stories I don't know many vehicle stories but I got a few hunting story there you want a good fish story I can tell you A lot of those and ain't none of them one one the ones that all got away yeah yeah see the one thing that's common with all all fishing stories is none of them are true so they're really funny and good in entertainment but it's easy to lie about fishing very easy especially the one that got away cuz there's no evidence proof yeah I had one like that on the net n on a net and the net was should have had it the other way the net Willie oh will Buzzard kid and that sucker was doing this flipping and I'm like get it over the boat get over the boat it hit hits the side of the boat snaps the line in the water big old walleye huge walleye oh my gosh made me sick he never forgot where was that at Utah Lake that sucker was huge oh made me sick okay so who witnesses you and Willie Willie and I think his brother Ty at the back of somebody else was with I think it was Tyler Wily's never forgot it I keep bringing it up to remember like this like goodbye the back of the head since then I went got b a nap got a like this there well could come up and I got that sucker in the boat he ain't getting away the other any pattern just Cent out yeah like that yes some that working it just a littleit little made a song yeah yeah you just I just heard it I didn't make it up [Music] though this dipstick tube doesn't want to go down in the hole in the Block they'll do that sometimes but I wasn't smart enough to remember to uh check it while the engine was still out on the engine stands I don't think that's going to happen we'll have to see if we can get to it from underneath what goes on this plug on this those are big yeah that's going to be the PCV oh oh okay on the it's on the throttle body itself yeah yeah okay so that's this uh no this goes to there but there should be another so the actual PCB valve that plugs into the valve cover right there oh right here it goes through there okay just got this PCV uh upper and lower radiator hoses the intake tube and then um we'll have to go back up in the air but we got to get the turbo drain hooked up now that we got all the stuff for it I don't know whats in that box oh I think that's the that oh yeah that's the catch can that'll be our revised catch catch can here um later so not going to happen today but we'll get that done I slid it off of this fairly easy so I'm wondering if we can slide it on it yeah so go ahead and N just need a 15 there I think it's a 15 might be a 16 just put on this tensioner right here there you go there's a 15 there you go okay fan US Dusty I'm Fanning you I am Fanning you don't know it slides into those bottoms oh I see okay well that's neat TR there that goes there oh okay oh good to know I had no idea the steam pulls into there yeah oh that's kind of the high point oh okay cuz it doesn't have a crossover on the front of the head so got you I never even knew anything about steam until I started watching things on LS stuff oh I never even yeah yeah most engines have a water crossover in the cylinder head itself oh so you don't need to worry about that I see but the ls's do not just putting this oil line in for the for the turbo it draws off the back of the motor there and it was on there at one point and then it got taken off when we prime the pump they Prime the wheil system what you doing nothing he's building the motor look at him didn't get put back on oh okay that wasn't back there Tyson M pretty good mhm can't see can't film them knees are going numb blood's rushing into your head I can't see a d get on there open won't start yeah got it oh good I take that do it don't be scared hey what size socket is that here show you you all these no it's like got to be middle it's middle one it's I can tell by the size it's like a middle one it's a 15 oh look I would say it's probably a 15 okay let's try a 15 H that's way loose that's not a 15 you get your times three is out that's a 15 but it's way is it a 10 no on the that's a tan up there the big on well isn't this what we take off right here yeah you take those off too what you take the insides start there there you go we doesn't act like I'm supposed to know this stuff oh you're what you do now yeah um exactly make sure to drop that on your toe this isn't the big gun no you're be going to be fine you probably need a go cor for the half inch G you're going to be fine it's going to come right off let's see let's see it's going to move oh yeah it's going to need a/ in gun smart pants it doesn't need this piece with it you need something else give me that blue gun right on the top huh won't that work with this just Hammer that on or um no yeah I Big Orange mall well that's heavy you got it probably want an extension too am I going out here you go I don't need that do you have a spot it to put it when it comes out yeah um garbage really yeah it's Do It um if you go no you're fine if you just do outside outside kind of should I do this one then this one then this one well you got these lower ones too oh I do them at the same time yeah so go go this one and then come over oh yeah you're going to get dirty you might even get some antifreeze on your shoes too oh no I [Music] won't all right they're all out look at you okay now I need the other she a 10 10 and probably I don't do I need this big gun for a 10 T you can if you want though I mean it it gets it done oh yeah it's called Hercules for a reason Hercules Hercules Hercules do I need to hold this so it doesn't fall on me no I would um think it's going to fall do I should I move step back if it does that's his whole advice thank you my dare just stay out watch your hands they'll be filthy oh I'm not worried see that one more okay hold on yeah it's not coming off we're good you say that I'm going to let go on fall and now we just got wiggle it off oh you might need that hammer I think so this where do we hit it right on the Ed right here yeah who don't break it okay go ahead and take out the rest of the bolts there it goes I think it's kind of jammed in on this plate a little oh so what do we do now just keep hitting it there you [Music] go here we like Chad let him be I know we're having fun be let him be where you going to go see you had that loose yeah Chad your your head shining in the camera right got a little spot on the back okay we got it good job just set it on the end just set it this way yep something fell out yep oh I didn't know if that was we did it you did it out a girl see how much oil's in those cind is that not supposed to be like that oh oh I'm like that's crazy a don't touch your mouth with that but does the head look okay not anym not anym you killed it Dad the old caner a new one now caner you're getting new heads for Christmas not that one the dark one this one that the spark plug already looks bad but it doesn't look bad everything looks okay well like see how that cylinder is a darker color uh it probably was low on compression grab that let's go put it over in the solvent tank put some solvent in he act like I just wanted to take it off I know all the way to the end chop I didn't marry no quitter but you should marry a liner I'll let you do that well Chad don't use the solvent tank that's what he's got all of us for so what your nose itches as soon as you turn that on just scrub it no we're going to uh your face I got your in there there you go you need the same okay okay so go ahead and we're just going to put salvent and any both all these combustion Chambers okay and see if there's any that leaks and if they don't then we'll put it back together and put it back looks like it might be leaking yeah it might be I don't even need to hold that we got it you can't see if it's leaking when you're doing that okay well let's check back with it in uh a minute or two and see what it does none of them are leaking no none of them have leaked down well it might be the other side too should we take that off if you want okay I'll grab the hammer okay just don't get my fingers all right did you play it yesterday I want my that one's going to ooze where's the oil hey that one's oil oozing a little it's fine just hit it hit it like right there watch your feet so you don't get totally covered let's grab that kind of caught on that motor plate have the pry bar and try it off there we go so don't I'll hold this side up while you pry the other side okay we're good perfect take it back that one looks that oh that's not anifree in the is that from that's probably from what you took off okay I'll take this off put this in the Sala okay good so the other one hasn't leaked so slide that one back cool well that's good yeah so we'll see what this one does yeah hopefully these ones are good too they don't look that one looked the worst a little wsh but huh yeah they're not bad at [Music] [Music] all sweet wonder why lession I thought for sure yeah none of those I mean we jiggled it but none of them were leaking yeah before we came in that was they were all they all look good I thought for sure it' have an exhaust Val chunk missing what are we seeing don't really see anything I don't know why it was so low on compression prob just the Rings get yeah it must be at some point and just lost all seal in the Rings what going maybe that's all it needs just a new set of rings you going to hug him too yeah we'll get it apart he's a hugger you'll get a fullon hug you guys should hug [Laughter] I have no problem getting a hug oh yeah um I can't believe that surprises you we could probably just set it over there by the uh AC machine on a block and then I'm just impressed knowing if you replace the Rings it'll be good for Kenner they should be we'll have to get it apart it may need a set of Pistons but probably need some new heads cuz as Dr once only once we only need one head we don't need a set just need one okay so now she's got to buy him some really good ones for Christmas some afrs yeah dang it think the Blazer need some AFR we take the Blazer get I like the way you think I like the way you think what are those heads on your Blazer are they just St that motor's never been oh I put a cam in it LS cam in it that's it it's bone stock bone stock it runs great oh yeah boost makes everything better yep we've already yeah we' EST that pretty well so look at all those B I think we did pretty good I did too good job let's go we're so dang close we are do you want to fill this not yet what else we got up here um just the Hat pretty much just the Hat anything else that we may have forgot we can just leave that off too keep just turn I know let's let's go up the does this get to right down to the fun part and he's like no got to go back up Dusty I put it on okay I it's fine it's on okay okay good [Music] enough we got to build this uh return line so we got the fitting right there that's going to angle up and the return line will fit right through here and up to the bottom of the turbo dusty'll work on that while I fix my silly mistake with the dipstick tube what did you do with the dipstick tube I didn't test it while it was still on the engine stand to make sure it was going to fit in the hole so it doesn't fit in the hole well it probably will it's just really hard to get to I may have to pop the starter back down and and uh so I can get stupid with it to get it to go in sometimes they can just be really really miserable the old one was rusted in and I drilled it out but uh but I never checked it oh that's the oil the turbo it's the green yeah you can smell it it smells like oil no it don't CLE you smelt it I did smell it for whatever reason there's a bunch of crap in this dipstick tube hole I need trying to get that to that's weird not not much in there maybe just a little bit of rust well I don't know weird okay yeah I probably should have just had to pull that space out yeah probably would have been easier but I didn't even buddy yeah where's that other it's in my hand I can put some stuff on it I got it on my finger so if you want to a tight n I'll go since I have the goo you know what this reminds me of I don't know marshmallow marshmallow cream yeah ni he goes I don't know he's worked at the prison for a long time I true I mean come on you want a smaller one here's a 7 a couldn't let's see better do do we want this or do we want a 90 I think we have a 90 one of those yeah we only got straight to those okay it's on there it is oh it was I thought it was do I need a 45 or anything or we probably turn this down and come straight in I'd rather it stay yeah like that so I don't want this to hit it okay see the higher this is the better [Applause] good o smelly what I don't sure why not theck size did I grab what do you need the 10 I grabbed the 11 rookie [Laughter] steak all right I you never done it I've done it a 100 times at least said today just maybe in the last 4 hours let's go check on these heads and none of those ever dropped Chad W yeah we can seriously leave that off till after it runs do you want to yeah yeah I would prefer to that way if there's an issue there's one less thing in the way okay okay is that where you wanted that to through um not necessarily but that's where it's that's where it's gone y fair enough yeah this is the hose that uh closes the exhaust cut out a I thought that was up here was you moved I moved it oh just to kind of simplify things all right fuel lines are tight this faite things all did you say ish I said yes yes yes see oh we need some well let's let's get her started first fire up and that attitude we ready for the Hat no we're going to leave it off till after it runs I tried 12 times then you finally told me you PR turn it off okay we got power we can light it down if we need to covering [Music] [Music] stuff oh we need some oil how much uh five quarts in it okay or five two two two of the five you brought out you brought out a five Gall oh you didn't put all that in there oh okay yeah we just got enough to where it was coming through the top I don't know where that o the oil is that you said on I don't hear the fuel pump oh there we go all right see if it starts [Music] [Music] keep quiet what we like 50b wow that thing's way mild a lot milder than the old but yeah why is that a lot smaller cam still down though what's that whistle we found huh that home we got air going through the I you can hear the H yeah you turn it off have ruin are you okay for a minute the rocker arms are J they're Jon they're J yeah all right that's good let's put some Cooling in them it off yeah yeah I love it I love it when you start like that what they're supposed to do right yep so the rocker arms are junk wow that Motors tight why do you say that make sure you get that gasket in first oh God H one in my mouth one in your mouth y thought about just watching you put struggle to get it all together I would have I know Stacy would so why are the rocker arms the the full Crums are just wore out so the full chrum here I'll show you on these other rockers so that's the fulcrum okay and uh oh yeah these ones are trash too see how loose they are mhm that's how these are the other ones are actually even worse and they feel bad too they are more out are they oh C they are completely wore out the bearings are shock these don't feel too bad but those other ones feel nauy like the needle bearings have pounded pounded out the uh the little trunion piece so so what does that mean means I got to get some new um the ones that are in it are needle bearing I'm going to put some bronze bushing ones in it so you can drive it in the meantime oh I can drive it yeah I'll just get these done and then I'll just swap The Rock okay I super quiet we can have a conversation yeah but he say fully warmed up it'll have plenty of power probably won't hold as much anyway cuz it's doesn't have meter have meter and all that he's got the just the it doesn't smell though bubbling and this isn't bubbling it actually really is quiet probably have to go in and turn idle down why softw it doesn't need to idle near as fast as it used to Cam's so much milder so why is it smoking down here by why is it smoking by the turbo probably all the oil on it it's dripping dripping okay the turbo [Music] dripping see dripping I think got just from all the oil that was in it from burnning light from before yeah yeah there was so much oil and everything so we should stop dripping at some point it's better shut it off think we're is it getting hot yeah why does it get air locked it just gets uh air built up behind the water pump so on these the thermostats right here so they'll get a pocket of air between the thermostat and the water pump usually I'll pull the upper hose off and fill it through the upper hose but forgot you need some more green this is this is mixed oh is it doesn't look know but yeah she that was a big old water pocket yeah there rocket in there don't run dive it's coming it looked like it was coming give her a start give her a start [Music] okay I can see where it's saking out of the bottom of that that oh wow okay I was saying wow told I can see a drip drip drip drip drip but I couldn't find the exact spot from I didn't see where it was I didn't see it was Dripping wow did that get tight now yeah that's all tight just to pull that drain pipe off and see why it didn't seal up thing that's not just a little one is it okay well I guess we'll shut it off and let it pull down see what's going on with this uh you're suppos through a lot of oil with that LE yeah especially glowing right on the turbo that's good for a fire oh I you thinking about that fire extinguisher yeah Tyson can pack around a fire extinguisher he said dang it so close yeah oh runs good though yeah it does good yeah see I can get get this off without totally burning the C you can wait I want to drive it dve he's missed it wasn't so bad we just drive it anyway but yeah that's uh that's not yeah a better one drip there only got oil in it when it's running yeah oh cuz I'm like I didn't I expected oil to be coming out nope the pressurized oil from the engine runs through here and then drains through this big hose into the timing cover dang that's hot o radiator's hot too in case anybody wondered there we go all I can see is your bright light oh the gaskets it's kind of smashed yeah on that that front there Ed see yeah I'll probably have to do silicone just skilly kapuy it yep is it hot is it too hot for that to work or no this is I I what are you doing earlier we not to drive a motorcycle you're going to drive a motorcycle mhm be careful learning how to drive it huh yeah that's why I have these not much to see when it's upside down yeah backwards and hot well nobody can see the hot yeah do you need Matt to come touch it and tell you how hot it is if it's hot yeah well we just need smell a vision so you could smell my flesh boiling and blistering and stuff if you're quiet you can hear it Sizzle that is one determined man to drive a truck I know cuz I'm like just let it cool off no no don't tell them don't tell them what to do he's the boss around here this is Chad's Fab well even Chad has a boss it's dusty I mean nope okay I got to say Well done oh no no blisters no blisters you're out yeah oh he's just about ready to take a test drive but we heard it there only two seats in it okay thanks got a little bit of silicone squs out oh yeah you do we'll get that a few minutes to uh set up start it here and see what like [Music] [Music] I don't see anything yet still no reallying at the timing cover that turn fitting in the timing cover I don't know if it's my weld that's got a spot in it or what so that's a nve rat fitting to get in too yeah felt like it was going to break yeah see a little cuddle oh that one drip drip is that the timy cover yep yeah let's I'll shut it off we'll get it up in the air dang it about burns your hands and now you got more y look right there looks good sometimes the look of the weld don't count yeah I'll just have to mix up some some J weld or something and epoxy it epoxy that spot it's amazing one little spot can Le so much yeah so you're just heating that up yeah now I can see the hole I had a piece of something hanging over the top of it and since I heated that up really see it now I guess I should have run the tig over it one more time arts and crafts with Chad yep you can do burn out tomorrow at church yep not seeing the hole no more so yeah go on above it not on the end yeah it look look I am that that like bright shiny spot right [Laughter] there and he's like here hold the flashlight for me and or staring at the back of his head yeah yeah that's good good thing I don't have much pride left anymore huh I think you're good I think so got to keep it [Music] there it looks like it's staying well it's been a few hours uh I got that whole epoxied up in the timing cover and while I was under there I fixed another transmission lake so hopefully this thing will quit dripping all over the floor just because it's old it doesn't mean it has to leak from every orifice but like it old like it's so much older than you it is older than me yeah but not much six years seven years yeah seven it's not that old yeah well how much more fun are you going to be making fun of me in seven years though so all right let's see if we uh got a leak see if I did any good have you done any good in the world today I don't [Music] know I love how fre starts off it starts not [Music] guys can't believe how quiet it is I know weird no leaky leaky there I don't see a leaky leaky there yeah prob be leaky out man it was no Ley Ley anywhere still kind of Rowdy but a little bit more liveable Rowdy than it was so I definitely like it need to go drive it but it's kind of late I like that there's no bubbl bubbl yeah not blow s bubbles anymore all right once again we're out of time always seems to happen but till next time remember the words of micro work ethic is important because unlike intelligence athleticism Charisma or other natural ability it's a choice thanks for watching
Channel: Chad's Fab
Views: 55,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matts off road recovery, fab rats, fabrats, robby layton, mater, trail, recovery, rescue, wrecker, tow truck, repairs, mechanic, golden nugget, jeep, blazer, k5, chevrolet, 1972, off roading, off road, offroad, morvair, fj, fj45, banana, gris, BOB, KLOB, chaos, resotation, restor, restore, fabrication, build, Rudy, RAD, Rudy's Adventure Design, Restoration, re-build, Merlin, Merlins old school garage, chads, Wiring, wiring, will it run?, Will it run, It's Alive!, it's alive, tear down, motor, overhaul, motor trend
Id: x1_e6MZ21_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 47sec (2327 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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