Idiots Across the Globe! Funniest Fails on Earth

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camel running down the mway there he is R [Laughter] kiss what the heck [Music] here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me no bro [Music] oh no breaks no breaks no breaks let's go [Music] devil where's it go it's going to open and leave it probably okay so we're walking through the woods we found this baby squirrel oh my eye oh actually she scratched me in the eye [Music] yeah oh [Applause] God h [Applause] ah ah cing comeing I [Music] think St M my back Shing it [Music] mom Chris [Music] come oh the oh this Baby's like don't really to catch dinner into the car no you want to nipple me [Music] [Applause] [Music] like very there you go I don't need none of that there you go yeah yes sir yes sir yes sir yes sir know [Laughter] for sir [Music] oh no [Music] [Laughter] [Music] don't forign spe spee [Music] wa [Music] [Applause] there oh you I don't want was a selfie with the giraffe killing me the giraffe's going to lick me out D in D D D D I mean it is I didn't do anything good you [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] see y up to you much [Music] on my oh stop it keep driving C keep oh my God sorry to smash you in screen oh my God no oh get off oh oh my God he you taking the P I don't know what that is it's like a sheet or something oh there it goes this this one this guy this guy is [Music] [Laughter] huh right long some for thee what's see [Music] wa bye bye bye bye [Laughter] [Applause] come on move move easy easy hey you hey oh Jesus oh [Laughter] [Music] f Jesus Christ sorry oh my [Music] [Music] you oh he's lost one oh here we go here we go what a idiot what a mate well done C wanker mom look at my friend's baby oh Mom she's on the she's on she's beautiful [Applause] [Music] I shall never forget the people who have contributed to make my ring a successful one thank you to all of you to my mama and papa a million for supporting me in [Laughter] this is the way Mr Rogers should have been this this is what it was meant to [Applause] be uh [Music] [Laughter] uhoh that's that worked oh my [Music] gosh okay my gosh okay I guess we don't get too close go oh my gosh oh my gosh [Music] camping B Italia an [Music] [Applause] Tesla move move get up get up get up get go oh it's going to the other D yeah I got a video that em fun doesn't work it's going be horrible [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] charge bad choice bad choice come on car [Music] hold on to [Applause] something I'm okay I'm good [Music] [Applause] [Music] fore [Music] speee foree [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] have pissing off [Music] oh go it go Let it go you can't [Music] [Music] knock them off knock them off [Applause] [Laughter] oh you're right [Music] [Music] it's oh and I got it on camera oh be [Music]
Channel: FailArmy
Views: 4,119,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: failarmy, fails, fail army funny, fails of the week, fails 2022, fails compilation, epic fails, epic fails 2022, funny videos 2022, funny videos, try not to laugh, fails of the week failarmy, car fails, expensive fails, worst fails, truck fails, skateboarding, animal fails, funny animal videos, best fails 2023, best of the week, fails 2023, instant regret, funny people, funny fails, funny pets, pranks, scare, best fails, cctv, cctv fails, idiots, fail, memes, extreme, stunts, 2023
Id: MnGCjmcUp6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 43sec (1663 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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