Time Capsule buried in 1976 is found in Los Angeles neighborhood

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[Music] [Music] the manager mr. Tony I got what it takes [Music] [Music] [Music] ah therefore where'd you go and you're right the ground is nice I just remember it was like at the base of this take a look come on pops oh good 37 years is it that right there yeah that's the handle it's down there okay thinking oh my goodness I buried it better than I thought yeah no well I mean the beginnings it up yeah let's stick it up okay now get serious do everything now gotcha you want some helpers you just want to dig I don't think there's anything left of it the roof this the top of it's caved in wait see what we can dig out no I'm just showing it I know I see it's like finding it was the easy part getting and I was gonna be out of work I can yeah yeah Mike I'm getting yeah oh man that's deep we're about halfway there can see okay let's take over the driveway okay oh you just got the time capsule out Oh finding it took about 20 minutes it's counting it took about an hour wife no I thought I feel weird about coming back here after all these years it seems like it going the way it's supposed to go you know [Applause] this is the list of everything latest fashions of 1976 I'm trying to read this list here my school a school record we'll skip that this capsule was compiled by William Pierce on the month of on the month of January of the year 1975 to 76 containing articles and artifacts of 1976 it was buried on Saturday April 10th 1976 do you got that oh all right holy smokes okay and this was an extra note I remembered this one I killed it up and put it inside this lid Oh to whom it may concern' okay this capsule is meant to be open in the year 2000 76 yeah if open sooner please rebury immediately take that under advisement okay let's just get to the neat stuff here's a Wall Street Journal from 1976 [Music] le times go through all these newspapers really quick LA Times travels but these are all from 76 to this weird stuff classified ads here's a neat one RTP warned on transit plan TV Guide I think that's a song it's not even wet this is the best time capsule recovery I've seen yet okay it says tape of people telling views of 1976 by William Pierce and it's so cool with the audio tape of people giving their there there's a light bulb like I said towards him but now that we don't know these were things that were really important to me these are those things he pulled a string and they pop I don't know what these were for when I was gonna unearth it I was gonna I think they would probably pop him blow up in my face this was my favorite thing when I was a kid if it was that the rocket that you know and water and pump it and these are cabs all the nitroglycerin is leaked out of the Oh cabs don't worry it's not like but that's cool if you want to see like all the nitro leaked out of these bottle cap cone caps disgusting and I had candies get a good picture that come I gotta see I put a one of those mints I guess in there it's still wrapped up and it just disintegrated oh honey okay there's all kinds of weird we're barely getting started enough all right I just didn't want to touch the rest okay I think this is a nightclub uh please plant these wherever you can let's see I have I have no idea let's here's an Air Jamaica holiday flight pack I have no idea some envelopes Jamaica okay and it just kind of didn't work out that's wild oh why would I have that I know okay okay here so uh here's a receipt from Andrews hardware oh yeah Andrews hardware yep you have enough tape oh yeah Oh excellent we're gonna use it all up the whole house yeah oh yeah we'll get to those you want to see everything don't you yeah more sugar than ice all right here's um here's a receipt from Andrews hardware look at that for six dollars in 30 cents two and a half pound drill rod okay l Rodale restaurant I think they're still around our thing not in this neighborhood here's a I have no idea I think I have a receipt here we go again with Jamaica what is it with Jamaica some codes here so this is really cool this is a hey was my one of my Planet of the Apes trading cards it's a Cornelius Planet of the Apes trading card I was really into those but this is really cool they used to give these out of the gas stations the freeway maps it's like a map of LA all right don't worry there's more stuff it gets better well it's it's just so fun to see what would have been important to you to put in there here's a young how it turned itself around in 37 years is beyond me but what kind of a spoon is it's a it's a Disneyland collector spoon from Disneyland okay all right don't worry there's a really neat stuff here Friends of the Earth senior weekly reader here 14 men are caught being smuggled in the US Senate ranch silent invaders and their threat to US workers something just never change I get no more Jamaica stuff Mickey Mouse paper Oh finally the good stuff my Richie Rich comic bug collection there's a Richie Rich success stories Oh crazy they don't even make this anymore just copy a cracked remember when when that movie jaws came out Mad Magazine I remember Mad Magazine Jamaica I am you'll have to go back in to meet your journals and here's an airsickness bag from national airlines and an airsickness bag from fire Jimmy there's stuff in this one oh I must have went to town I took that plane for everything it had here's the 707 escape plan here's some Calaveras County map yeah you know where that is mm-hmm you do sure okay that's where the cabin is right Jamaican all right this was all my favorite candy here can you turn that so I can get a sure oh it's disgusting oh man look at these are unopened monster card trading cards but all the cans all the sugar supper like so they're probably like worthless but we'll take a look anyways it's the last thing what kind of candy you liked all right well I know I liked it for the trading cards I'm gonna just try to go for these this is uh all wacky packs unopened these were like spoofs of ads it's really really valuable they must be worth dollars on eBay so let's see and here's some here's wanted poster I don't know we have to have the Helms man that would come the ice cream man here's crazy magazine covers these are all trading cards but they're still wrapped up that was really gutsy of me Barry my own open trading cards here's baseball patches okay look at that covered in covered in Guu melted out of them and here's a creature feature trading cards how about that huh got that that's a neat one yeah that's a groovy one here's Air Jamaica packet of sugar can't you damn you order Jamaica that's all that's left is the encyclopedia flight that you get from crackerjack [Music] [Applause] look at that in a pencil great bait yeah make sure yep got an like the not least this crystal crucial thing has numbers on it it's a crystal ball yeah how about that fantastic all right get out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Applause]
Channel: deathhag
Views: 4,101,994
Rating: 4.46141 out of 5
Keywords: Time Capsule, Echo Park, Bicentennial, Buried treasure
Id: O8ytynVpbbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2013
Reddit Comments

Man imagine if he'd grabbed a bunch of 'old' comic books from the 50s & 60s and dumped them in there when he was making the capsule!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/sj2can 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

Neat to see him reconnect with things that were important to him when he was a kid, especially his Jamaica obsession. I just wish he hadn't skipped over the newspapers so quickly.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/EMPulseKC 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Very cool.... now us kids have Reddit

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/wsuvancougar 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Cool video, but "found" my ass. more accurately "Guy who buried something goes back and unburries it"

The candy was probably a mistake haha.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Shenaniganz08 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
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