Resoling Timberland Boots | Vibram Soles | Timberland Boot Upgrade

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hi everyone welcome back as always i'm dan at drinks sure apparent key shop i've got a fun video for you today as we are refurbishing and resolving these timberland boots with some sturdy vibram units keep watching see how [Music] all right so once again welcome back guys now let's start by talking about the job we've got so we've got these nice timberland earthkeeper boots and uh the soul is a little warm but the customer more than anything uh just wants to upgrade them make them a bit more rugged so we are replacing the soles with these vibram units they're the rockier in natural and they are going to be fantastic for this these boots also have a foam midsole so we're actually going to take that out at the customer's request replace it with a lever midsole that's just going to make it more comfortable and more long-lasting it's really just an upgrade and to finish we're going to clean up and refurbish the uppers so let's get cracking all right so let's get started we've got our boot on the last here i'm just going to start uh taking our outsole off so i'm just taking a knife and i'm just cutting right between the outsole and the midsole so we can separate the outsole away from the midsole now there's no stitching on this boot it's all glued so we need to be careful and then we're not going to pull away any of the mock welts this is why we cut around the edge to release it somewhat [Music] so yes okay so there's our outsole off down to that foam midsole and uh if you remember at the beginning of the video i said that the customer has requested that we upgrade his midsole to a lever so we're going to do that now as this is all just glued together what we have there is what's called a mock welt and uh that's not stitched on it's just glued on so it's gonna be very tricky to take this foam midsole off um by hand so what i'm going to do is just pop over to the machine and we're just going to whip it off with the sanding band [Music] okay so there he is our guys down to his footbed had the midsole taken out now before we just put the new midsole on there's the tiniest little dip in there so what i want to do is just put a smidgen of cork filler in there now this shoe doesn't have a cork layer obviously but there's no harm just plugging up some uneven gaps of cork filler and this is just going to make sure that everything feels completely flat comfortable and level from the inside okay so the next order of business is we've got our rubbing alcohol not to be confused with drinking alcohol unfortunately but we've got this just to run around the plastic portion of the shoe to prepare it for our primer and glue right [Music] okay my lovely people now just let the rubbing alcohol evaporate a little bit and we're moving on to primer now we need this primer to just ensure well we need to to make sure that the contact adhesive adheres to this plastic material so we're just putting our tech 10 on making sure we coat every single bit so there's no gaps that don't stick now we really might need to make sure we get the adhesive right on this because i say it's not a stitched shoe just like a lot of rubber units so the glue really needs to stick like wet on water so i'm going to get a coat of this on and then let it cure for uh 30 minutes this is 30 minutes on the tin however i like to give it a couple of coats over the course of an hour so we'll let that first one go off [Music] [Applause] so that's 30 minutes and you guessed it layer two i do wanna be a little bit careful here that uh some people really messy with this stuff and glue and it's okay you don't want to be careful that you don't get any uh solvents or glue on the uppers so it can stain it can be hard to get off i mean things happen splashes happen but if we can help it let's avoid it so that's our second coat give it another 30 minutes and then we can move on to the glue all right so that's been a good while laying the primer cure so now we can work putting our midsole in okay here we go i'm not even ready um right so we've got our cured primer on our shoe and here's our new midsole cut out it's just a strip of leather thinner than a regular sole but uh thick enough to give you some nice cushion so we're going to take our contact adhesive and apply a layer to the shoe on top of the primer now because this sole is just a glued sole we're getting glue everywhere on the lever side we might not necessarily put it in the middle to say pulling the cork out but on this one we want the glue everywhere [Music] so we're gonna do one coat let it dry and then do a second coat just to double up on the stickiness okay now we can work getting it on the midsole okay that's it all on there i don't need to show you the second coat so what i'm going to do is after this is bone dry i'm going to pop it in the infrared heat lamp to activate the glue again and then we can press it together okay so he's nice and hot so we can get our midsole on another advantage to leather midsoles is they're way easier to stick to so uh when we're putting on a thick heavy duty unit it's much better to glue it to lever than to a foam midsole do and now he's all pressed on you can see the midsole is way too big so we just got to cut off this excess starting to get a little busier now we're out of lockdown how was everybody else's block down let me know in the comments how bored you were i'll tell you one thing it was very quiet here at work okay so our midsoles on it is stuck is dry it's fully secure well it's not fully secure what i'm saying is for the cement to fully harden and cure um it does take 24 hours so the customer could go out and wear this now and it would be fine but it's the end of the day now so i'm going to leave this overnight let it fully cure so we've got a real solid bond and then continue with the sole so we will fast forward to tomorrow [Music] okay good morning we're back so let's continue with the job okay so now it's the fun bit put in the meat and potatoes our unit onto our boot now as i said the beginning of the video we're using these vibram rock ear units which are really cool units really tough cool color as well so we need to get our contact adhesive on there so now that the midsole has had a good 17 hours to cure we can get our glue on the bottom side of it and then once we're done with that we get a nice layer on the top sole okay same principle as the midsole two coats let it dry for about 15 minutes and then heat it up in heat lamp and work at sticking it together [Music] all right here we go nice and hot it's time to get our unit on okay now obviously we need to make sure this is nice and straight everything's lined up nicely in the middle because because if it's wonky you'll end up walking in circles okay so just press him on and then you know what time it is now hammer time now we just hammer around the edge and that is because we don't want it to scoop inwards and be concave um so to get it secure in the middle that's when we press it in a minute but for the minute for the meantime we hammer just around the edge so it kind of curves because that's the natural resting position of your foot anyway all right let's give it a press [Laughter] [Music] right so what i just did there was trim off the excess material of the ranger uh but it's far from over we need to head over to the machine now use the sanding bands just to give it that really nice flat smooth finish that you'd expect from a brand new shoe so let's get to it [Music] [Music] okay cool so there is our soul repair i don't want to let you look at that for too long because as i said in the beginning we're turning our attention to the uppers and we're going to show them a little bit of love now okay so for our wrappers they are dry dirty and faded so we're just gonna use some saddle soap to get off all the old dirt so we can start from scratch with some some conditioner uh first let's just pop these laces out [Music] so [Music] all right so now we've given him a good clean we've gotten rid of all of the dirt all of the rubbish and all of the old polish is ready to be conditioned or we need to condition the uppers so uh same as skin leathers porous it's got pores and we want to get we want to put oil oils and moisture into the upper so that it lasts a long time and stays supple so what i've got here is the woolie creme essential really nice stuff it seems to work really well as well so what we're doing is just taking a clean rag getting on there and then just working it into the uppers and you can see it moisturizing it instantly as we go so we want to make sure we get into every little crack that's dry and wants some attention and i think that'll just about do and lastly for the finishing touch i'm just going to give it some oil just to give it that waxy protection and a very light shine machine if you will and i reckon get the laces back in there and we're done [Music] okay so there we go job done new vibram units on our timberlands lever midsoles and refurbished the uppers now i'm very happy with that job i think the customer is going to like it as well now uh thanks for watching if you made it all the way to the end give us a thumbs up it helps other people see this content if you happen to be new welcome subscribe to the channel i'm doing new videos every week and finally if you're interested in having something repaired get in touch with me on the train sure and key shop facebook page and that we can chat about your job if you have anything you need to send to me the address is in the description below please don't send me anything until we've spoken or else i won't know who you are where the shoes have come from so i will finish off by saying thanks very much for watching again and i'll catch you next time
Channel: Tring Shoe Repairs
Views: 2,631,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberland, timberland boots, repairing timberland boots, shoe repairs, shoe repairer, how to, how its made, how to repair timberland boots, vibram, upgrade, resole, ladies boots, mens boots, fashion, ladies fashion, cobbler, professional shoe repairs, shoe repair channel, new channel, artisan, craftsman, cool, interesting, fun, wow, full sole repair, dan, watkins, sexy, muscle, fetish, lol, leather, leather repairs, uk, bodybuilding, local shop, old school, quirky, quality shoe repairs, quality, jp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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