TikTokers Believe Harry Potter Is Real... Are They Serious?

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okay this next topic is pretty weird ela all right and i i have a hard time believing it's real thing it's called harry potter reality shifters and apparently there's kids that believe that harry potter is real and that they can will their way into the world of harry potter correct me if i'm wrong not so much that it's real but they could create it they could make they can make it are you sure it's not some elaborate like role playing oh no that was sort of our impression at first but as we dug in um they they take it a little bit it's it's definitely several steps beyond fan fiction or uh fantasy so where'd you find it what is it i it kept popping up i kept seeing uh uh videos pop up on like twitter and stuff of um people being like what the [ __ ] is going on with gen z uh i thought i was like i'm team gen z i like gen z but i mean this is definitely a mark against the whole generation if if i'm if i'm gonna believe this is actually not an elaborate troll but you'll see that they have quite a lot of like 160 000 likes so it has a lot of engagement so here let's watch this one if you're part of shift talk you know that we like the affirmation i am in my desired reality if you're a part of shift talk you know that we like to use the affirmation i am in my desired reality and a lot of people say that that's the affirmation that gets you to your desired reality in the end but when i used to say it i would be like okay well i'm not actually in my desired reality so i'm just saying this to trick my mind think about it like this my finger is on the lantern right this is what it looks like when i have both my eyes out this is what it looks like with my left eye closed this is what it looks like with my right eye closed so is my finger really on the lantern or is it over here who's to say can you be in more places than one at the same time who's to say it's all about perspective sure with both eyes open and with my left eye closed it may look like my fingers on the lantern but if i close my right eye i'm somewhere else all i had to do was blink like close an eye that's why everyone's like shifting is so easy because you're just putting yourself in a different reality you're changing the perspective think about it like that if you're a part of [ __ ] don't think about it like that hold on this is not this is not comedy and that's what i'm trying to figure out they're saying no i think we have to make a distinction but the top the comments are like wait this makes so much sense to me girl you changed the whole game and don't you wait but she's like dressed as hermione and she's pretty old too by the way she's not that young well gen z the the upper echelon of gen z is in their uh early to mid 20s now yeah i mean it's but don't you think she's a little old to be role-playing well she's not in cosmetic early 20s probably i think anybody over 12 is probably too old to be doing this let me sample something else you haven't shifted yet okay let me put you on this method that literally oh my god to my mutuals like shift using a variation so wait shifting is just to clear so this is that's the shorthand for when you shift is when you've now entered this new reality okay so what is shift shifting is when your transport your subconscious mind from your current reality they call it a cr to your desired reality known as dr right there's no such thing as a coin right right true that is true desired reality is not a dream it is real and contains real people time moves differently when shifting three days can be one hour so they're just like meditating what does that mean they just sit there and then it seems like it's it's like a very intense or or uh um i've seen people compare it to like lucid dreaming but um but while you wake up yeah um i i have a theory and i'm gonna piss off a lot of them but i think they're trying to do this because there's a lot of planning and meditating and i think sometimes they fall asleep and they're just dreaming right wow and they've just like kind of convinced themselves that uh something something mystical is happening guided like when they do guided like yeah guided meditation kind of foundation yeah they tell you like all right so you're now in your favorite place and you're at hogwarts imagine the beers deep you do that at therapy i've done that yeah do you think that your therapist could convince you so either doing this therapy were they hypnotizer i actually haven't really seen anything like when like i haven't had it visual next time you go will you ask them to bring you to your desired reality do you want to sports yes it works and that's the thing is i'll say like hey have you heard about shifting she's like yeah and it's not all harry potter you know this this you can go to whatever fantasy realm that you want but the from what we can tell the vast majority are trying to get to hogwarts and what you just kind of alluded to about harry being deep inside you oh there's a lot of this seems to be sexual like for real the motivation is to get there to [ __ ] draco malfoy or whatever yeah there's a lot of videos about draco wow though yeah i mean not universally i don't want to put them all in the same bucket i didn't know he was the heartthrob of the harry potter i it well there is a lot of draco they call it draco talk right i didn't yeah they called some of them called draco talk i didn't know he was the heartthrob either but i guess uh how is he the hard thing rob maybe they just want the please he's the bad boy right yeah i'm gonna come he's tom felton he's the guy yeah i mean you want to look up some draco fanfic no i mean also he's so young in that movie look at him he's like a child well they get old yeah but the audience are they're also child age so they look up to their you know okay i'm still not entirely sure this isn't just an elaborate like role-playing thing here how is shifting the hogwarts real according to fantasy fans on tick tock you can harry potter fans on the app have recently been reality shifting to place themselves in the magical world world of hogwarts in reality shifting you can insert yourself into the alternative reality through precise planning and meditation how to shift such a bizarre take on this whole thing it's like you're just you're just meditating and imagining something like well who wouldn't i feel like every kid when you watch harry potter you're like i wish i was a wizard yeah but it's like you know of course fortunately we are you're you're not a you're a mug blood all right you're a [ __ ] muggle dude yeah when i was uh telling my girlfriend about this that was her responses like when i was a kid this was just called fantasizing like yeah i mean we all wanted to be wizards sure yeah y'all are taking it way too far bruh this is like q and on for like harry potter nerds it's like damn the internet really brought these people together it is kind of a massive thing delusion uh and it's you know it's it's escapism obviously but just taken to the end look they gotta face the music harry potter is real and you're just a [ __ ] muggle harry potter exists in our world they got the magic they put the spells to do the invisibility and your ass is just a normal [ __ ] muggle you don't have magic face the music kid you got you got shafted bro i don't know uh why like give it like such an official title shifting shifting back well again i don't know how deep we want to go into it but but a b i mean you were investigating it last night and they get extremely specific in the techniques like i'm about to read somebody yeah you can you know there's long instructions there's two important factors in this there's the script which is sort of what elo was talking about which is planning ahead of time talking about where you want to go those types of things that calm you and then there's the methods so the script and methods and then there's like four uh popular methods so i don't know where you want to start 69. i mean it's totally like uh what my terror this therapist that i was trying right she was doing she has a script too huh i think they just need to take peyote and right and you really planned that [ __ ] out my i'm doing a deep planning i want to be in draco malfoy's closet and he says bad girl he sees me in the closet he says what are you doing here he ravages me and throws me on the bed he's pat he casts a spell on my mouth so i can't open my mouth and then and then he casts a duplicate on himself there's three of them and they all run rain on me [Laughter] he duplicates himself into five people he's then there's two in my butt two in my that's a ford a quadruple penetration and i say no dracco no i try to but my mouth is sealed [Music] okay if you're a raven so apparently the raven method actually let me watch this video i want to see what she was saying this girl's a pro at it we gotta interview her dan this method and i use it to lose a dream it's all about intention you know if you want to shift with it you can shift with it if you want to do something lucid dreaming with it you can do that okay basically what you're gonna do go to bed like normal wake up early then go about your day for a couple of hours then go take a nap naps [Music] [Laughter] literally just like they randomly and they shift they don't do anything if you want to include like a method you can like do meditation tap into your senses try and visualize yourself in your desired reality and then fall asleep whatever but like naps do not underestimate them i swear so many people like shift for the first time during a nap okay by the way she's right about naps i mean naps do rule naps bruh bruh oh i mean i have the most intensely insane dreams when i nap maybe you're shifting dude i'm gonna try to shift i wake up in hermione's room she says what are you doing here she duplicates herself there's 20 hermiones except it's her as an adult not as a child i'm writing a script yeah i say no hermione no and then it turns it starts turning into a nightmare lose control and then she takes out a strap-on [Music] and i say this isn't part of my dream hermione and she starts pounding me no okay i don't wanna get too trigger warning eh um i'd love to reach out and try to interview her uh yeah i mean after this segment they might not be too enthusiastic about coming on but maybe they want to set the record straight yeah maybe they want to set the record straight one of the most popular reality shifting methods is the raven method this method involves the rain in a starfish position on one's bed and counting to 100 usually with subliminal playing or with a positive affirmation said between numbers there's the alice in wonderland method this method involves meditating what's happening back here the sign just randomly turned off we're trying to turn it back on but don't worry about it alice in wonderland method involves meditating and then laying on your back and imagining yourself sitting against a tree until someone from your desired reality runs past you at which point you're supposed to chase them until you fall down the rabbit hole oh boy you are meant to find a key that will unlock the door to your dr the pillow method the pillow method is another reality shifting method gaining popularity because it's relative simplicity it involves um just put it over your face until you suffocate and pass out it's dying hey the sign just turned back on whatever you do writing down affirmations on a piece of paper repeating the before bed and sleeping with the paper under your pillow i'll stop it there's a bunch of these wait with the paper under your pillow for the tooth fairy yeah here i'm going to show you some of these other ones we saw um here's a girl sharing her experience wait there's a picture of james charles is this what you guys meant it said here's a pic this one says girl shares her experience after shifting and i click it and it's a picture of james yeah i'm gonna guess that's an error but or honey or is it yeah exactly i want to be james charles on his 22nd birthday after being accused of being a predator he's been cancelled by all his sponsors and he's only has to go to chuck e cheese for his final birthday well i'm not saying he's dying sorry didn't mean that um what is this like an old man seeing my dad for the first time in three years for me but only a day for him i loved hogwarts but let me tell you you shift you start to miss people uh dude time works differently oh man dude holy [ __ ] where's the one where the girl was like i was scared to follow the voice it said you're almost there where's that one shifting 101 the raven method hey guys so here's the raven shifting method step one make sure that you're really tired and kind of happy and again this isn't like underground [ __ ] this is 124 000 likes wow yeah make sure you're not like sleeping because i make that mistake a lot and then i actually literally fall asleep and then it actually fails number two play some subliminals on your phone or out loud number three get in a starfish position no limbs are touching don't move start to count to a hundred with your eyes closed once you hit 100 say isn't that sleep paralysis between counting each number visualize your dr it's okay if your mind wanders a little bit but try to regain that focus immediately once you reach 100 you should stop moving try to fall asleep and recite some affirmations for example i have shifted i'm in my dr i am waking up in my dr remember to be calm and have positive energy hope this i mean yeah this is kind of just lucid dreaming yeah people have been studying how to lucid dream for a while and it's probably something like this i wake up and i'm in hagrid's hut he's so powerful and so strong and i say hagrid tell me the truth is your [ __ ] as big as the rest of you and he says he says he slams it on the table with a giant thud his ale on the table falls over from the massive thud of his 20 pound [ __ ] and i say hagrid take me he he casts a spell on his dick it grows even bigger the size of me now i'm hugging his dick like a body pillow enveloping my whole body hagrid daddy i turned into a i'm like a giant fairy next to his giant man meat this is this is like a real fanfic i'm the size of a fairy and i'm his man and his giant hagrid [ __ ] daddy this is pulsating and i'm writing it like a mystery thing trisha would probably do um shifting shifting yeah trisha is a shifter for sure how do i know oh if i how do i know trisha didn't shift here from hogwarts she's a hogwarts she was she was making all those uh harry potter tick tocks the other day yeah yeah so maybe she's into it how do i know we're not in the dream world and she's shifted in here oh [ __ ] what if hogwarts is real and we're shifted into the history podcast right now exactly holy [ __ ] i sort of feel like i'm lucid dreaming right now yeah anyway back to uh yeah i'm sorry it's already internet please really and i said hagrid get me a mug of bubble beer what do they call it bubble beer butter beer beer and i pour the butter beer all over my body daddy now his [ __ ] is filling the whole hut love me the windows are bursting from [ __ ] me [Music] gross it's the door's blasted open from cockpit and it looks like a giant it looks like a giant tin can of spam daddy chill it's bursting open and i'm drowning in hagrid's giant spammy [ __ ] [Music] someone said harry potter is slowly being ruined for me well i was saying the same thing you know what ruined harry potter for me the last book oh hot take hot take things you want to ruin harry potter for me but the first one okay slot one that's such a hater okay i'm gonna come here i've been first hundred i never liked her i loved harry potter too by the way it was just bad i'm sorry but like i'm just gonna tell you guys the ending of that book was horrible yeah and i'll explain why without spoiling anything i mean who doesn't know how to answer it he spends the whole book developing all these characters and all the school and the whole [ __ ] plot of the whole story leading up to the final book is thrown out the window because he has to go find these relics that's the only way you have to go find these relics it's like okay what about the six other books no and then there's like a last episode right where it's like years later oh that was the worst bro don't even get me started on the oh wait i'm i'm not following it was a happy ending no that's bull that's so stupid it's like oh and anyway they're like oh everybody's dead and we discovered and like uh people died and we we freed whatever and then it's like fast forward harry's kid is getting it's going to hogwarts and everything's great it's like i'm sorry who [ __ ] wrote this 10 year old i gotta i got a hot take i i hate or i just dislike anything harry potter you guys are all cynics dan just said yeah dude you said you don't like the first one no i would okay you had to read between the lines a little bit zach i'll have the hot take i like the happy ending where everyone's happy i know you like happy endings i know that you guys know that there's a character in harry potter of happy endings i'm back in hagrid's hut did you guys know that there's a character in harry potter called lucius malfoy yeah he's a [ __ ] racist lucius malfoy okay what about it what do you want from me it's the dumbest [ __ ] name for a character i've ever wizard bro is he a bad guy what a surprise the guy named [ __ ] lucifer bad guy i'm not gonna even say she's a good writer because i read that whole book and then at the end i was like oh she's not that good of a wreck but people actually are criticizing her a lot now because like there's one asian character or wasn't it harry's end up being his significant other or was he get with somebody else oh he got with ron's sister anyway he was interested in this asian character and her name was chen and everyone was like oh really you got to name the one asian character chen so there's that to deal with anyway if i shift in there i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm imagine i'm in harry potter's world i rewrite the ending it's way more interesting and her name was cho chang sorry oh yeah cho chang it's like i'm sorry can you think of a less like that much better than what ethan said i said worse it's way worse yeah yeah hello my name is it's like dude could you write like maybe she doesn't need to be in cho chang i get their criticism on that i didn't think about it at the time when i was reading it jake rowling has had a million hot takes right yeah she's apparently super like she hates trans people she gets trans people it's like where did that come from didn't she get a lot of [ __ ] like for someone who wrote such an imaginary book yeah and it's all about friendship and yeah overcoming the odds as you could probably tell i'm not super familiar with harry potter but didn't she also get a lot of [ __ ] for there's like a race of little goblin guys that are obvious jews and they're all characters i i i don't think i realized i didn't make that connection personally i think she also got [ __ ] for that she did she did that as a jewish person i i i didn't make that connection they just seemed to me like goblins and i think in fantasy goblins have that reputation and dwarves and stuff yeah i get it i i've just i just heard the second hand that she had gotten a lot of flack for that but i have heard that but didn't she write a book about how like a trans mer like some trans person is a mass murderer and stuff i think so yeah that was and it was under like a pen name or something so people didn't know it was her at first but everyone figured it out yeah she's a weirdo man yeah a little bit she got so rich though what's your name again jk rowling and yeah i think she's the richest author she's a billionaire well yeah i mean listen let's get shifting on tick tock you will but those books were yes a phenomenon listen anything that gets people reading these days is awesome yeah they were a phenomenon oh i know i know and i yeah she's a billionaire holy [ __ ] that i don't know why they just never clicked for me even as a kid i always liked fantasy and stuff do you like the movies uh i haven't seen them all i've seen a couple of them they're good some are okay i don't know i'm exaggerating my hate for it i don't i don't hate harry potter i just yeah it's never been something i've been into it's so crazy to me because it's such a big deal for me growing up for most of my friends like everybody around me was always into it you know i got the last book when i was first leaving israel when i first met you that's how long it was i bought the book that just came out in the airport store and it was like cut throat rates i paid like 150 bucks for it or something and i was reading it on the way back yeah about that huh now i remember i forgot that did you guys find the one for the girl being like i'm so close but i'm afraid because i still just have a picture of james charles here guys oh i don't know which one that is that you it was the first one dan it was a girl being like i'm so i had someone saying you're almost there but i got scared and stopped oh uh oh yeah give me a second i'm fine so anyway um here's a script if you want to write a script to ela you want to write a script with me okay my name is blank i am blank years old my nickname is big salty balls i was born in my zodiac sign i'm sorry harry potter doesn't believe in zodiacs they have real magic they don't need that [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this this is stupid my blood type oh my blood status well muggle obviously anyone else dracco and i this is specifically about jericho there's a there's a script in here about draco i just sent you what i the one that you were looking for i'm pretty sure it's it's this um my personality my patronus my wand my habits my love interest do you play quidditch i will not be able to suffer physical or mental trauma and neither i nor anyone i know will die okay that's reassuring i do not need to study because i am extra smart and never fail hell yeah [Music] my iq is 80. i can speak this is crazy detailed bro oh my goodness i am never late for class okay speak for yourself why are you writing that why are you writing that in for me i have clear skin and healthy hair nails let's go talk about fantasy i have good friends with every i'm good friends with everyone at hogwarts i do not bully people with a lesser blood status to me okay sounds a little [ __ ] snob to me i am rich and can afford whatever i want i have good breath all the time did you do you found it dan i did um [Music] i closed my eyes when i open them i'm in dumbledore's office oh my what are you doing here i put my finger to his lips and i say shh i know what happens to you oh people say dumbledore's gay oh that's another thing she she did she did like after the fact after the books yeah she's like oh by the way he's gay okay they made a big deal out of it i open the and i say dumbledore there's only one man i've ever wanted [Music] i go dumbledore i'm not gay but i'm bi curious and the chime sound is getting me every time and then dumb and then this is where it always goes my fantasies dumbledore casts a spell on his [ __ ] and it gets huge and fills the room that's the same script his room the room fills with his [ __ ] meat and blasts the doors and windows out i start drowning and dumbledore's massive wizard [ __ ] his [ __ ] is a horcrux it has part of his soul and i suck it out i suck the horcrux out he's never got dome like that before he says to me afterwards ethan you may be a mug blood but that was magical okay cut it thank you thank you thank you thank you look at alfredo captain all right here's the one i was this is the one that got me interested in this to begin with please enjoy this video i took at 3 40 3 40 a.m after accidentally shifting oh [ __ ] oh my god i just shifted i just shifted this isn't the one i was thinking about okay it's currently 3 40 in the morning oh my god were you not just having a dream she said i literally woke up i wasn't even trying to shift i would you guys have me on snapchat okay so i was in my dr for only three days but the other night i was on snapchat wait okay no no it was last night no i'm not all over the place last night you had a dream and i was like or it was a few hours ago wait what i was talking about how i they're just goofing around oh my god uh yeah you clicked on the one a b cent um oh the massive one here yeah okay here there's one like a spooky one here it is this is awesome look at 200 000 likes [Music] i almost shifted last night i was so close and i heard a voice saying you're almost there but i got scared and came back i didn't expect it i'm so upset that i got scared because of that voice sounded so comforting and reassuring you're almost there i don't know why that voice made my heart race and why i can't stop thinking about it is that even supposed to happen when you shift i think she might accidentally shift it into hell jesus i think she just fell asleep i think she shifted into uh she shifted into snape's snapes okay under snape's bed it blows out the window and doors all right enough of this [Music] interesting stuff though eh we gotta get one of these people on i need to know more about it because these are not children these are like young adults yeah yeah sort of early twenties a lot of them i mean i'm sure some are teen well yeah for sure a lot of teenagers we purposely tried i include like 18 plus as young adult yeah so [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: H3 Podcast Highlights
Views: 199,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, ethan and hila, tiktok, shifting, dreaming, lucid, dream, cringe
Id: ausSnXFI3Os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 3sec (1863 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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