Tik Toks That Show Gen Z Is The Best Generation | Daily Memes

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[Music] would you how that showed bloom yet Bobcat I saw bullet day 23 in the chamber i hain't found me yet but when they do they gonna be surprised have you been served yet ma'am no catch anything I met my husband tonight Oh someone's got the l-word leprosy no it starts with an L ends with an E alright guys please just be honest if you worked at the movie theater would you or would you not check under my hat you know I live in my college dorm with my cat and she's always sitting at this door like something is there and it freaks me out and I learned the other day it's because people like to sit here and play with the cat under the goddamn door oh my god now come back there's a fire truck in Disneyland I'd like I don't know what happened but like everybody's running is crazy I just found the best website ever it's called find the invisible cow it's hot and cold but it says the word cow if God loves me why can't I smoke crack without burning my lips hey so I've been trying to find my glasses for the past 10 minutes because I can't see I'm blind without them but I can't find my glasses because I can't see without my glasses oh no I'm stuck step bro come help me [ __ ] I'm a man with God a lot of people have been saying that they recognize me and they don't know where I'm from and I just look familiar and I've been trying to keep it a secret but somebody exposed me so I'm gonna replay what you know me from a dream Michael Oh Kai you're just know that is not Gina I'm just a hater Gina y'all the real talk [ __ ] all of these hoes they think they better whatever cuz they got cars but you know what I walk [ __ ] you ain't ever heard a walk-in look at how fast I'm going this is running [Music] [Music] they got Negro espresso now that's good that's good holy crap that was a song let's get the [ __ ] out of me shut up here's the thing so he was wearing a flannel shirt today so God told me about six years ago that my husband was gonna wear a flannel shirt so I saw him and I was like that's him you know what I mean right it was red which is like hey miss Griffin you know I'm really fast at math are you yeah try me twenty-six thousand three hundred forty-eight I didn't say I was good [Music] nice which one am I get it [Music] nice are you here to rob me or something okay so how are you gonna come into our store wearing god damn face mother oh dear Lord yes please dude what what here is a short film that I've been making for a while that I wanted to show you guys so I can't wait to see you take on the company that I built no dad I just want to smoke weed no [ __ ] my son sucks dude shut up dude all you talk about is the fire and I don't care you're writing but and then I taught you how to spell butter because I didn't want you writing but in church right away you know it makes me really sad that people hate on others for using certain voices with their dogs because the thing is is that he doesn't know that I'm talking to him an ex-detective neck days didn't he know that I'm talking all right I need everyone's attention right now Super Smash Bros but sorry someone is in here right now sorry someone is in here right now sorry someone is in here right now before you you don't need to do this sunscreen nope nope nope Beckett close the top Oh close the top please well don't squeeze it because you squeezed it honey no no don't get out don't get out put your seat belt on my word where did that go do you have the sunscreen guys yeah thank you why did you squeeze the sunscreen with unicorn cake oh god be careful there's a cop slow down that's why we're dad which cars in it it's in the black and white one okay okay so like I do cheer and if you don't whatever I'm good or not oh my god I can't with her oh my god oh my god he's red I think so many of them oh my god we'll have it the [ __ ] way haha dacoit now somehow I'm in the wrong so I just caught a wasp we're gonna put it in the freezer to make it go to sleep and then we're gonna see if we can tie a string on it and make it our pet yeah yeah I am and I hear that's the first step to being fine you're gonna be fine you're gonna be tip-top shape and top and toes and fly you're gonna act awesome and self short we're gonna seem contemplative nonchalant and bored you know that really really tall girl that you go to school with well that's me 16 years old six foot one and a half huge [ __ ]
Channel: Monstro
Views: 3,874,129
Rating: 4.9138889 out of 5
Keywords: monstro, tiktoks, Tik Tok Vines, Tik Toks That Made Vine Get Deleted, ironic tik tok, tik tok compilation meme, tik tok compilation, tik toks vine would be proud of, tiktok vine energy, tik toks, tik tok that radiate vine energy, gen z humor, vines, tiktok vine, Tik Toks that radiate the same energy as vine, tiktoks that feel like vine tiktok, tik tok memes, Vine Humor, tik tok vine, Funny ironic tik tok, tik tok like vines, Ironic tik toks
Id: 3fmGZ3AQ9eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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