Tik Tok Safety Hacks You Need To Know

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hello friends it's me your favorite messy hair youtuber and today we're checking out some safety tick tocks that could save your life have you ever been scared of a really creepy guy here's how to get him to leave you alone start coughing really loudly nobody likes a sick person especially and i think it worked like this was obviously before covet some dude started following me and i was just like sick you don't want what i got it was like never mind this is just a whole overall people deterrent i don't know if a lot of people know about this here's how to get secret access to your apartment [Music] no way no way and then somebody else tried it and then what if you live in an apartment check your locks right now so apparently there is a secret lock that the landlord or whoever got an extra key can just bust into your apartment any time there's got to be a cap where i am scared i've been seeing this all over tick tock self defense tools that every girl needs first up we got the pepper spray of course ooh it's orange is it basically chili pepper spray got a door opener a personal alarm slash led light a window breaker that ain't no comb that's a shank the lipstick too and i was like that's a normal pen in it no y'all thought i was gonna write down my number but the next thing you know you're getting stabbed if you find yourself face to face with a mountain lion here's how to survive with a mountain lion very random but i mean if you are ever in this situation don't turn your back to it or run away that will make you look like prey instead make constant eye contact make yourself appear as large as possible and make a lot of noise me face to face with a mountain lion i've heard this so many times when you face to face with an animal like you have to make yourself look big make yourself loud assert your dominance but what if it doesn't work what if they just attack anyway like i could take you you ain't nothing i see right through your tricks human so this is the gfto bracelet it comes with a handcuff key and it comes with a tungsten bead if you're ever in a scenario where you have to break your window glass the side or the back window this is what you're going to use and spread it out like this powerful indeed even thanos is jealous what if you like wearing it while you're making a tick tock and accidentally like break a window or is it in the force of the flick either way very cool wtf is this a joke someone better not get kidnapped so what you see on our car handle right there is wire now it can come in all different forms but the reason people use wire is because it will distract you for longer it takes you a long time to get it off and even if you add wire cutters it'd still take you a minute if you ever see this on your car do not approach your car alone so they wrap wire around their car handle so like you see it and you're gonna like stand in the parking lot and like try to take it off don't do that i've been seeing these all over tig talks like people will leave like a rose on their windshield and you'll be like oh a secret admirer no it's a secret kidnapper at this point if you walk out to the parking lot you see anything on your car bro don't approach it go back to where you came from try to get somebody the more people the better to walk you to your car we ain't taking no chances there's a safety tip for all my truck drivers when you're sleeping somewhere that it's kind of not safe or really sketchy like this get your seatbelt put it in through here and then buckle it into here it should look like this this trick right here will not let anyone open the door from the outside like i said this trick is perfect for when you're sleeping somewhere sketchy or somewhere that's really not safe at all truck drivers wait they ain't the predators so this works with a lot of cars you take your seatbelt wrap it around the handle and then plug that bad boy in extra safety you don't have to be a truck driver just if you're in a sketchy place anywhere sleeping in your car good trick so this year for christmas uh my parents got me this and what it is is it's a bracelet and it's called invisiwear so basically you can put this bracelet on and if you has a button on the back and if you press it twice then it will like if you're in a bad situation press the button twice and it will notify the police and your emergency contacts that something's happened to you they got safety bracelets but also scrunchy so if you're in a bad situation you can literally press the button on your scrunchie oh call the cops alert your emergency contact what kind of technology is this send your gps location no this is a government tracker kidnappers taking notes right now don't kidnap girls with scrunchies tips when you're traveling go in front of every mirror and put one finger in front of it if there is a gap you're good to go if not two-way mirror you need to get another room this is one of your biggest security risks this really doesn't do and then this can also be open from the outside you're going to grab one of these you're going to jam it all the way in because then the door can't be opened from the outside make the room completely dark then you're going to turn on your camera and see if there is any lights going on around any air vent if there is a little light on that means that there is a camera hidden somewhere these are all very good tips i am so scared of that like every fitting room i go into any hotel i'm always checking the mirror if it's got a gap you're good to go number one safety tip of all time lock your door in the car lock the door first at home lock all of your doors make sure they're always locked i get her like i am paranoid as soon as i get in my car i lock soon as i get in my house i lock every night check all the locks check all the windows i know it's very tedious what are you doing oh i see you didn't bump your head somewhere number one never take out all of your money at once keep small amounts of money and take out only what you need y'all talking about common sense but i promise you it's not so common and apparent many of y'all don't have no sense number two don't keep all of your cash and cards in the same place when somebody take it i'ma be their spirit looking at you like this my mom taught me this i know when i was six years old i wanted to take out all my allowance all six dollars and thirty cents and like count it a lot in front of the cashier at the dollar tree but like go take out all your cash at the same time you don't want people to see you with like a ton of cash whether you're traveling or not you're asking to get robbed also hide your money in different places all right five-minute crafts took a little too far but i mean they want nobody to get this hundred dollar bill not even you drill the hole in there so put it in their soap how am i gonna pull this out i'm probably gonna leave that soap at the hotel and forget about it oh in your comb this is a good one so the part attached to the bristles comes out and you can hide your secret stash in there genius easy one take your phone case off pop 100 in there i think this is probably the most practical if you got a lot of cash in your house you can always unscrew the face of your wall outlet and oh oh oh i got i got one of those they're broken right there hide your secret stash in there pop it back on for big ballers only heck situations when it's best to lie like sometimes you gotta lie that creepy person asking is it your first time visiting literally any uber i've ever been in always say no even better if like no i live here if you get into some taxis they'll ask you this and if you say no they'll take an alternate route that's longer and will cost you more money so if you are ever in a situation where your hands are duct taped together there is a technique to break out so you want to raise your hands up and then just like hit your stomach i know it's gonna hurt but like you could break free in one two three and that's a little better than a stomach achy safety tips for when you're traveling alone it's a lot more common than you think of people trying to break into your hotel room so hotels usually give you complimentary coffee but usually they have paper cups but usually they'll have glass cups in the bathroom so we're going to pretend there's a glass cup luckily this hotel room has a hinge so if somebody tries to open the door the hinge will stop the door from opening but if you don't have it you can put the glass on the handle and if somebody's trying to break in while you're sleeping you'll hear the glass fall and break before they get in pretty smart ladies listen up these are some safety tips that could potentially save your life number one if you're in a situation where you feel as if your safety is in danger someone is grabbing you they're trying to abduct you or they're following you i want you to draw as much attention to yourself as possible scream bark bark woof nah but for real if you are in a situation that you can't get out of yet go absolutely nuts i don't know about peeing on yourself i ain't trying to soil this fit but like scream at the top of your lungs you want them to put you down and be like oh i don't want to deal with this one again it seems like common sense but like it really isn't safety tips part two if you're ever kidnapped and put in the boot or the trunk of a car try to kick out the tail light stick your hand through and wave it around because the driver and the passengers of the car that you're in won't be able to see it but other passing drivers will huh so instead of kicking like the middle you want to kick the corners of the trunk both of you to assume i am that strong which i am but like yeah if you kick the corners from the inside of the trunk that'll knock out the tail light and the cars behind you they'll be like wait hold up there is a rabid dog in there or a hostage and most likely call the police hey girl girls waiting for you in the car what oh who's this [Music] i don't think i'm gonna get to know him let's go bye she just snatched her save if you see somebody in a potentially like dangerous situation like it doesn't matter if you know them or not like she just pretended to know who she was just snatched her out of there maybe saved your life if your lock doesn't work this is a really easy thing that you could do real quick i'm making this door bolt that i saw on tick tock out of a metal fork that i broke in half there's the final product broke it in half and bend the teeth now let's go put it in the door so you bend the fork teeth pop it in the door and then put the rest of the fork through it very important and it's locked it ain't gonna open anymore so if anyone throws an egg at your windshield as you're driving you should not stop because that egg was thrown by car thieves and they're banking on you to stop and pull over and the second you do they're gonna be there waiting for you and their goal is to rob you of your belongings and of your car okay this is terrifying but i've seen videos of this where people will like do anything to make you stop your car so they can rob you and take your car nope i don't care what you throw on my windshield an egg some twizzlers a chicken sandwich i ain't stopping what to do when you park your car hide any mailing addresses so if you have mail in the front seat or something packages that clearly say your address hide them or like flip them put them face down i thought this was common sense but apparently common sense is not so common hide your change hide your packages also hide your bags i was just gonna say i was like this is already stuff i do all the time make sure like nosy people can't be looking in your car because if they see something they like what's stopping them from like busting through a window and be like yoink like you can never be too careful situations when it's best to lie a repairman asks if anyone else lives with you yes and you're expecting people yes anybody ask me do you live alone are your parents home yeah they just love but they'll be back soon and uh my friends are coming over like this house is gonna be occupido nobody robbing me what to do if someone knocks at your door if you don't know them say something well then i'ma pretend nobody's home until they leave i'm not trying to have unwanted human interaction from the comfort of my own home but if you say anything like hello whatever it can prevent a robbery burglars they want an empty house so they always knock first and if nobody says anything they're just gonna assume it's an empty house an attempt to rob this happened to my friend he didn't answer the door and somebody tried to break in while he was there scary door safety tips so if you want extra security for your door you could buy a portable lock it looks like a giant key so you put it where the lock goes and then slide the red piece as far as it'll go this jams the door so it won't open so it only works on single doors no double doors no sliding doors but like still very useful i didn't even know this was a thing that you could buy so somebody's trying to like bust the door up and down they can't but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video and i hope you learned something if you did make sure to hit that like button though and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 5,468,599
Rating: 4.9455771 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, tik tok, tik toks, tiktok meme, funniest tik toks
Id: Lrch6vhWF4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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