How Things Actually Work

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hello friends it's me and today I am here with digital NEX it's me I can only be one yeah I don't video anyway oh my god is snorting okay so today I have this one in my office oh we're no longer in the closet the past few weeks I've been reporting in a closet and I got my audio foam up and the audio is better in this room and there's not that much of an echo so I think we'll start doing videos in here let's be honest I wasn't gonna fit in that closet ya know it's literally the whole recording space is the size of you do you guys like this better or do you like the closet let me know in the comments below so today we're gonna be checking out how things work you know the mysteries of the world salt I spilled my drink before in this there's still some on my chair we're gonna have wet but oh man she's really clumsy very what happens when we swallow here we oh yeah that ain't me I don't do that it doesn't just let everybody what is this do Jinxy drink some water I'm gonna see if it looks the same the gist is that how you say it you say yeah that's a gift some people siege it so ever since I heard that some people say jiff I started saying jiff I heard I heard the creator said it's pronounced jiff but the creators stupid what does the creator know is it obviously gift but I just say Jeff because it's funny I think yeah because it's like a little gift to me oh that's cute a lock and a key work so I always wondered how this works so you slide the key down and there a lot of like poles mini poles and then you activate them and turn it it has to be a certain pattern I'm assuming cuz all the ones in the key of the key have you ever wanted to pick a lock yeah you know they have noticeable time you know they have kids like you're not gonna get into details stealing anything I was just new finger and I had low wanna to pick locks so they have lock picking kits you should buy to them we can test you can pick a lock faster no I'm not like that advanced like you know what I would do I would get a bobby pin you know like the regular house doors and then just you some wiggle the bobby pin you can do that yeah you can I have done it too like the right not like a house lock well like you know like a bedroom lock a bedroom lock and Oh a credit card if you take a credit card and slide it on the side you know I did this really quiet way where I take my foot and I just burped through the door we were trying to get into a winery and it was fenced off and I took the you know what are the gate cutters can I cut the lock when did it happen a long time ago no way the owner was trying to get in and they didn't have the key Oh the owner was trying to get it I you see you were trying to sneak it no I wasn't trying to sneak in okay be just a Solman yeah yeah lime Anna she assumes things how an ant walks let's evaluate this movement there are three legs part of the hand or they Claus are they sticks there's three of them on each side and they just go on like a it's kind of like a swimming motion you look it's like it's rowing row row row your butt give me another third arms I'll do this okay and then I'll do this we would we would be a lowly an no what's the Queen Anne did you ever watch bug's life yeah this is my childhood I had the PlayStation game is this oh my diary the past its Pixar no I was like this sure to put this in Kingdom Hearts this is you the caterpillar mmm leave a like if the caterpillar looks like digital do the base is doing based on him I'm this dude how a dog drinks water brings his own little bowl with the tongue you know he goes he doesn't do that why can't you just sippy sip like all of us like come into this world life how big dogs can do they have the lips to do that they got a little black lips can't pucker up their lipstick they can but why they gotta do is sell like look I know he's doing it like get your tongue and then make a bowl with it back yeah yeah yeah I know I can't do a backward so I have to do a forward trying to try drinking water right now it's too deep but it's like crazy how they do it look look look that's why it takes them so long to journey Wow I hate when I have a ponytail because I have to like keep posting it cuz I don't know what looks better and then when I look at the reporting it just looks horrible shave it off oh let me just take it just cut this part right here nice no don't worry it'll be liberating you'd have to wear wigs you know I just do my hair just natural I honestly don't think you look good with short hair I think I look good with I don't know why all we see you with no hair with no hair but your beanie back so doesn't have bangs and then pull it back a gladiator spider hunts oh it just takes a snatches it this is that slow this animation is real no it's nice mirror what it looks animate yeah the spider looks fake it's just the reenactment come on bug I want to see what happens next does he take it and then eat it now spider see this is racist spider music we got going on you spit on my hand you smell me all the time if I talk to somebody you're gonna get spit on like you need a towel when you talk face-to-face with her see I have an excuse my mouth is still messed up this is a spider is just chilling right here do you know where the webbing comes out it was but yeah that's how we don't make it does it extra cheese guacamole this is where they learn their techniques from the rapper yes this is the primitive version I wonder if somebody saw this and was like hey what if he wins me their food like this that's how burritos are born you see how it has teeth on this bowl I want to see him eat it okay he liked all my dinner is prepared he's like yeah Apple tea yes [Music] have you ever eaten the spider no did you know that people who sleep with their mouths open naturally eat spiders hello spiders yeah but a spider I think I would know this dude he's just taking sweet all time with the Aeons like corn on the cob it's still a little too hot how a sewing machine worked oh except it does this insanely fast so it brings the string down like that okay so I'm like looking at it trying to figure out how this is like working and it's hurting my head and I don't understand I'm very confused as well so I know it's like making it to a loop and then like grasping it what do you think people are doing in their lives where they just like come up with this they're like you know understand that something that lets me stitch things together automatic that's good because people like had to stitch by hand until it's so English yeah yeah but I'm just like what do you think for me I feel like that's more simple like coming up with something like that but coming up with uber hey I hate taxis taxis suck why can't I like have somebody pick me up in that car what about the person who made the bidet okay I hate cleaning up after a messy dumpy a Taco Bell one night this has to end yeah this cannot continue this is how braces work overtime oh this is for you I remember that right to my 3d for everybody she had teeth like a vampire though do you ever know braces no I never had anything done shows I don't even go to the dentist might be okay am i doing it right get some white ass teeth girl yeah I don't get my teeth whitened I don't like do anything to my seat I just brush them really good I brush up for like three four eight having braces on man you suck what because I like if you watch when I eat around here I always feel like that cuz I know you see how I eat if anybody sees me eat they would never feel self-conscious about them eating in front of you if you want I want to see what she looks like when she eats just go look at a couch in on grass um so you see you eating yeah I don't care it's like if and if I'm gonna stay in front of somebody and eat like if they don't like it then they can leave they could leave Vicky did you don't have to be my friend that's like I don't care that's why I feel like a lot of people can't stay like videos when I eat because because I can't breathe those my nose a lot like my nose was like really hard for me like breathe so usually when I'm eating so I feel like I have to breathe in through my mouth so I just eat with my mouth open how on ladybug it takes off and flies off she opens everything up you know really butts it open the bread things are like shells for the shell for the wings cuz the wings are so there are very delicate ladylike wings and she needs a pretty outer shell to protect it I never like to pick how the ladybug yeah squish on what that cute no special max I know why would you squish a bug by accent that's a big hand I said squish a bugs on purpose I'm my house when I was growing up there was hella hella hella caterpillars like so many caterpillars those are you juicy right yeah but that was a kid I used to go walk around the neighborhood just smush all of that and then wipe my feet and subgraph like you never happened go home these are all traits of a psychopath just ahead though I hate mice if you ever did a video and there was a mouse and a be very upset meet you okay now I know if you really want free money he put me in a room full of money you there when there was a mouse in our girl no but I would have ran we had a barbecue and there was a mouse like inside it that's cursed it was in like the charcoal part where you cook so we like opened it up about to put the food on and I'm Mouse like with slow there and then we went to go like back inside to go that out and like had slithered on so how a violin string makes a sound it Wiggles and it makes a vibration can you make like a bit our mom will go honking okay see what you're working on mmm doo doo doo doo doo I don't have enough room to do it but that's how a violin string makes a sound this doesn't really explain much so this shows that we're going here what about the depth of the noise how dandelions grow Wow thank you so what kinds first the blue or the yellow oh so it goes into that blow for managers those are so cute I love them you like this two different things oh yeah I know it goes into the breeding herd so it opens up and then you blow on it and then one all that are maybe to Daniel a first letter closes up and then it's the blow thing it's ready to blow vines fine support oh so you know when a plant is growing and you have those six inches of dirt and look it looks like trying to reach for I need you help me zippers this is how a zipper works it's down low actually that's today well I hope you guys enjoyed this video make sure you check out digital nexus channel link in description below any of you guys enjoy and we should hit that like button up and make sure you subscribe to on the wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 6,984,655
Rating: 4.9388561 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, funniest, how things actually work, how, things, actually, work, facts, family friendly
Id: GnBN7Cy1YtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2019
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