Tiffany Tumbles | ContraPoints

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This is the most empathetic I've seen Contrapoints be towards Blaire White, though I fear she might not see it that way. She also levered some criticism towards Riley Dennis, as a bit of a poor communicator, that frequently plays on the hands of the Jackie's of the world that just want ''cringe''.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 55 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Breadtuber ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 02 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Natalie is really pushing the boundaries of her videos' format

That whole last section was pretty hardcore, I wonder if we'll ever see tiffany again, and if so where her character arc will go

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 48 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/reddit_is_pretty_rad ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 02 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Praise Dark Mother!

Also ContraPoints.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 27 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 02 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Natalie's content is getting waaay better, the way that it is shot, written, lit and performed.

Natalie looks heaps prettier than when she started too, you can see the hormones kicking in and her make up skills improving.

She can tell an empathetic story :)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 29 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 03 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

love her videos. Also really love her editing.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 02 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I love how she creates different characters then they proceed to argue amongst themselves about the shit that happens within the community, throwing all those labels around. Fun watch. Is she Jewish? Her humor is very Jewish. Love it.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 18 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 02 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I found this subreddit because when I check to see if videos I'm submitting have already been posted to reddit, they've always already been posted here.

So glad I found this subreddit, somehow I've never stumbled upon contrapoints before.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Desdam0na ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 04 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This video literally made me trans.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/jon_snow_idk ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 10 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

You beat me to it :)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Zesky665 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 02 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
- Hi guys! It's me, Tiffany Tumblesโ€” transgender YouTube sensation. Welcome to my world. Every week, I upload new beauty and makeup tutorials. Come get ready with me! So, I'm gonna go with the color "snowflake" from my Winter Rose palette, using a Flaunt 325 brush... Smoke it out. You wanna just kind of zhuzh it? That looks bomb. It's major. I'm vibing it. I'm obsessed! It's literally snatched. Love, love, love. Yasssss... [CLICKS TONGUE] Okay... I'm not living for it. Oh my God... I think I glued my eye shut! Fuck! But I'm not just a pretty face. I also share plenty of opinions about controversial social & political issues. Even though I'm trans, I refuse to be a victim, because I prefer to take control of my own life. Which is why I support our president, [SNAPS FINGERS] Donald J. Trump. Make traps gay again. [SASSY BELL NOISE] Byeeee! [GLASS SHATTERING] โ™ชโ™ช - Hi. I'm Jackie Jackson, host of The Freedom Report, whereโ€” I'm sorry, why does my studio look like a Japanese drag queen redecorated an Italian bordello? It'sโ€” It's hard to move past it. Anyway, tonight my guests are two transgender YouTubers from opposite ends of the political spectrum. But I've brought them here together to engage in a rational, free-thinking debate about a timeless question: Are traps gay? My first guest is Adria Finley, host of a popular YouTube series, Intersectional AF. Clarence? - Hey YouTube, it's ya girl, Adria. Have you ever considered that transphobia... is racist? - Okay. My other guest is, returning to the show, it's Tiffany Tumbles. Now, Tiffany, you've had a major change of heart since the last time you were on this program. Isn't that right? That's right, Jackie. It's pretty embarrassing, but I used to be a non-binary SJW. You poor thing! Could you say a little bit about how you came to take the red pill? - Well, I posted a couple tweets about how there are only two genders, and how I was tired of trendy teens who don't experience dysphoria calling themselves trans, and next thing I know, everyone's calling me a TERF and a traitor. So I said, you know what, I'm out. I'm not gonna put up with this culture of silencing and shame. I think it's just so brave of you. - Yeah, wow. So brave of you to come on talk shows to discuss how silenced you are. - Shut up, Adria! I had just come out as trans, and I was putting myself out there online, and then like that, the trans community dropped me like a piece of trash, and I had no support. Nothing. I was absolutely alone. Do you have any idea what that felt like? Your leftist allies are not your friends, Adria. One wrong move and you're dead to them. Those are not friends. - Well, you have real friends now, Tiffany. I think you're gonna fit right in with this new group of dangerous intellectuals who are finally taking a stand against the authoritarian left, and speaking out against politically correct dogma. Why don't we go ahead and roll a clip of one of Tiffany's newest videos? - So I'm gonna go in with the highlighter, pop it on my cheeks. Pop it on my brow, till I'm literally blinding. I am glowing! Hmm. She's doing alright, but I'm not living for it. You know what else I'm not living for? The Muslims. Tiffany, you are so funny! - I'm sorry. Are we just gonna ignore the blatant racism? - How is that racist? Muslim's a religion, not a race. - Yeah, Adria! Muslim's a religion, not a race. - Well, in this country, Islam and race are inextricably tied together. You can't just... Well, you both know exactly what I'm talking about. - Let's try to get back on track here. So, Adria: Traps. Are they gay? - Look, there's so many things wrong with the question that the only way to answer is to deconstruct it. First of all, what are traps? Are they trans women? Because if you're calling trans women traps, then you're directly playing into the lie that trans women are tricking or trapping men; a lie that reinforces the mentality that causes men to murder us. - Well, I don't think "trap" is necessarily a trans woman. What about anime? - Okay, so the word "trap" was invented by English-speaking anime fans. The Japanese word is otokonoko (็”ทใฎๅจ˜), which just means a male crossdresser. There's no implication of tricking men. But the word "trap" is sometimes used in English as a slur against trans women. So when you tell us that's not what it means, you're gaslighting the shit out of us, because we've all heard it used as a slur. - Adria, you don't get to speak for all trans women. We're not all offended all the time. I actually happen to identify as a trap. - Yeah, Adria. She identifies as a trap. - Well, she's in the sunken place. And Tiffany, that's pretty reckless. Doesn't it bother you at all that if some guy murders you, his defense is gonna be, "Well, she was a trap, I was tricked," and you'll have contributed to that way of thinking? - What do you care, Adria? No one's gonna be trapped by you anyway! - Ooh, spicy. - The fuck did you just say? - I said, no shade, but you don't really look like a woman. - Jackie, are you going to allow your guest to talk to me like this? - Well, Tiffany, you could stand to be a little nicer. - Look, dragging bitches is what I do. Facts over feels, honty. - Well, Adria, don't you think she has a bit of a point? Like, if you want to be taken seriously, you could put a little more effort in. I mean, what is this, a men's shirt? How are you gonna attract men with that? - I'm not trying to attract men. I'm a lesbian. - I'm sorry. Maybe this is a stupid question, but how can you be a trans woman and a lesbian? - Well, I'm a woman and I like women. - I dunno about that. Sounds debatable. - I'm sorry, I didn't realize when I agreed to do this show that I was signing up for the transphobia special! - Transphobia? Well, Adria, I think that's very unfair. I mean, I've invited two trans women to be on my program, and I'll have you know that one of my best friends happens to be a gay man. And what could be transphobic about that? - See, Adria, you're the reason why everyone hates trans people. You're obnoxious and offended by everything, and everyone feels like they have to tread on eggshells around you. - Thank you, Tiffany. See, you're one of the good ones. You're a good tran. - Is this what you want to do with your life, Tiffany? Be the lapdog of people like this? - No. I want to actually work toward the acceptance of trans people by being patient and agreeable, and by looking the part, and not by screeching "transphobia" at everyone who doesn't meet your impossible standard of wokeness. - And you're gonna do that by identifying as a trap, huh? Just keep reinforcing and excusing bigotry until it magically goes away? - Well, does it occur to you, Tiffany, that you're not gaining acceptance for anyone but yourself? And the only reason you're accepted is that you don't challenge the status quo? - I'm sorry, I need to interrupt this exchange of ideas, because I feel like we're just getting hung up on terminology. Look, Adria, if you don't like the word "trap", we just won't use the word "trap". The real question is, is it gay to be attracted to trans women? - It is if you're a woman. - No, I mean for men. Like... Tiffany, do you date straight men or gay men? - Well, all the men I've dated only date women, but if they're attracted to me... I mean, it's not the straightest thing, is it? - Why not? You look like a woman, and I know that you know that gay men are not attracted to these tits. - Well, I am serving up fishy realness, so, granted. - But doesn't she have a point, though, Adria? I mean, sure, she looks like a woman, but she does have XY chromosomes. - When was the last time you were attracted to a person's chromosomes? That's not how sexuality works. We're attracted to a person's perceptible features, not molecular biology. - Okay, sure, but... I mean, a lot of trans women still have their penis, and you got to admit, that seems kinda gay. - Jackie, you really have no clue what you're doing, do you? We live in a world where there's no shortage of men who want to date trans women, but there's an intense stigma on dating trans women. And it's actually dangerous, because what happens is, if a man's friends find out that the woman he's dating is trans, he may try to preserve his toxic masculine dignity by lashing out violently against the trans woman he's dating. And this happens again and again, and every time you suggest that dating a trans woman is gay, you're adding to that stigma, and you're making the world a more dangerous and violent place for trans women. - Alright, I'm not trying to use violent words or whatever. I just don't understand how a person who's attracted to women could be attracted to a person with a penis. - Well, if you want to know, I'll tell you. I am a lesbian. I'm only attracted to women, including trans women. And when I'm attracted to a trans woman, I perceive her as a woman. And if she has a penis, I perceive it not in isolation, but as a part of her female body. So I perceive it not as a male penis, but as a girl dick. - I'm sorry, what? What is girl dick? - The feminine penis. - Oh, no... - Oh, come on, this is nonsense! How could a penis possibly be feminine? - Well, it's feminine because it's on a woman, but also because hormones actually change the anatomy and functionality of the penis. - [EXASPERATED SIGH] Shut up, Adria. Just shut up! - Wait, really? How is it different? - Well, I'm glad you asked. More needs to be said about the feminine penis. Why is no one talking about the feminine penis? - Kill me now. - So, to start with, it doesn't get as hard, it doesn't really ejaculate, and it has a different mouthfeel. - Ugh. - Can we please talk about the mouthfeel? Why is no one talking about the mouthfeel? - [GROANING] - I don't think that's necessary. I'm just trying to wrap my head around this. You are attracted to women with dicks, but not to men? - That's correct. I don't like man dick. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it cums everywhere. Not like girl dick. Girl dick is everything soft and smooth. - Ugh. - What is that, Star Wars? Ugh! Do you also build computers for a living? - I mean, guilty. I also enjoy wearing knee socks. [SICK GUITAR RIFF] - And let me guess, your girlfriend is a communist catgirl. - My sweet love. - Wait, you're dating that crazy Antifa cat? - Well, we're in the same polycule. - I don't know what that means. And I'm not, like, prejudiced or anything, but I'm just not sold on this idea of trans lesbianism. Like, if you're born male, and you're attracted to women, how is it not just heterosexuality? - Well, my girlfriend is also trans, so if you follow your logic to its conclusion... - Okay, so... You're a woman who was born a man, and you like women, but you're dating a woman... ...a woman who has a penis, that's a female penis, that used to be a male penis... - [DEEP THOUGHTS OVERLAPPING] [DEEP THOUGHTS CONTINUE] ...So that means you are gay, but you're gay in the opposite way as the kind of gay that you were born as? - I can go over it with you again after the show, if you need some extra time to figure it out. [V.O.] Why am I constantly surrounded by homosexuals? - Adria, just stop talking. Look, I don't care what you do in private, but I'm sorry to break it to you. The world is not ready to hear about trans lesbianism. What trans people need right now is people like you to keep a low profile, and people like me to be our representatives. Because I act like a normal woman, and I date normal men, and I don't have a catgirl girlfriend with a girl dick. Ugh! Also, I look fucking gorgeous. I'm sorry, but that matters. - Well, you look just fine, but let's not get arrogant, sweetheart. You're not Blaire White. - Well, I haven't saved the money to have work done, so that's not a fair comparison. - What work are you having done? - I'm gonna lower my hairline, shave some bone off my jaw, reshape my brow, get some lip injections, maybe Botox my forehead. Oh, and I'm gonna fix my nose, obviously. - What's wrong with your nose? - It's kind of big and mannish. - Well, my nose looks kind of like that. Are you saying I look mannish? Are you saying I look ugly? What are you trying to say, Tiffany? Why are you doing this to me? Why are you doing this to women? - I'm not doing anything to womeโ€” Wh-What? - Look, we can't all become hairless sex dolls. - That's a terrible thing to say to a trans woman. She has to work really hard to be seen as female, and you just don't. - Shut the hell up, Adria! Don't get offended for me! Don't condescend to me! I'm not a victim! - Okay, so I'm not as young as I used to be. [SOBBING] But my fiancee still thinks I'm beautiful! [V.O.] Oh my God, I need to not be around straight people for a long time after this. [JACKIE SOBBING] All right, let'sโ€” Let's forget about it. I'm, I'm, I'mโ€” I'm, I'mโ€” I'm fine! - Tiffany, are you fine? - I'm fine. - To be clear, I'm not fine with any of this. - Look, why don't we just edit this whole thing out? Let's shoot the closer, and we'll fix it in post. Well, we may never know whether traps are gay, but the important thing is that we talked about it. I'm Jackie Jackson for The Freedom Report, where the debate never stops. - Your mascara is running. - Get out of my studio, bothโ€” both of you! Get out! We're done. - [SIGHS] - [DOOR OPENS, CLOSES] - Hi, Nick. Yeah, I'm finished. Well, it was a shitshow. No, Adria was fine. She was cringe as fuck the whole time. Let's have her back. Tiffany was the problem. She kept veering off message, and she got emotional. Yeah, don't invite her back. Get Blaire next time. And the week after... can we get Kanye West? We can't get Kanye. Get Candace Owens. Oh, and what have you done to my studio? - Hey, Adria, look... I'mโ€” I'm sorry I was rude to you back there, okay? It's just that I've been working so hard to win acceptance for trans people, to show everyone that we're normal, we're just like them. And... When you show up looking like that and acting like that, it'sโ€” it's just hard for me to watch all my hard work be undone, you know? Like, you can't be talking about thisโ€” the "feminine penis" in front of cis people. - Tiffany, you need to get far away from me right now for your own physical safety. - Ugh! Oh my God, you crazy freak! I hate Adria. She looks like a man-beast! Society needs to stop enabling these ridiculous delusions. Ugh, this hon! People are gonna see this, and they're gonna think this is what trans people are! They should not be representing us. They're nothing like me. I'm nothing like them! I need to relax. Well, it's up. I look good. But Adria's fucking everything up! Alright, what are they saying? Oh, fuck it. Ooh... [SNAPPING FINGERS] Okay! So I don't pass perfectly. But at least I know that. I may have a mental illness, but I'mโ€” I'm self-aware about it! I'm not delusional! I'm not like Adria! I'm nothing like her! Y'know, it'sโ€” it's fine. It's... it's gonna be fine. I'm gonna have the work done. I can fix this! It's my fault for not working harder! You can't just expect society toโ€” I'm not a victim! I... am in control... of my life. โ™ช [SAD MUSIC] [SOBBING] I wish I were a woman! Or anything but this... I'm destroying my body! Who could ever love this? I'm just mutilating myself... It's so disgusting! God, I'm so disgusting! So disgusting... [SLURRING WORDS] I just need to get another drink... [MUTTERING DRUNKENLY] - [HEARTBEAT SOUNDS] - I am not a victim... I am in complete... control...! [GLASS SHATTERING] - [SHOWER WATER RUNNING] - [SOBBING] Hi guys! It's me, Tiffany Tumbles. Welcome to my world... โ™ชโ™ช
Channel: ContraPoints
Views: 1,645,761
Rating: 4.9132948 out of 5
Keywords: contrapoints, blaire white, natalie wynn
Id: j1dJ8whOM8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 02 2018
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