TIA Portal: HMI Faceplates Part 1

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hello hi and welcome to another two-year video today we are going to talk about face plates on somatic hm eyes you need a comfort panel for this so yeah that has information right in the front what our face plates like if I go to my software here I can climb the ladder and there we have two valves you see a valve here on the Left inlet valve one I can't man you control it inlet valve to here I can many controllers on the right side I can set some parameters and I can also see for example the current flow rate on there those two are the same thing right but for two different valves those are so called face plates on an HMI so information for one component that you have like maybe 20 30 40 50 times in your plant and you don't always want to create a new thing you take a face plate put it on the edge and I just put the parameters in there like one parameter here is just the name inlet valve to or inlet valve one they could have different names right another parameter is which mode is active right now they are completely independent from each other but they have the same layout here that's a face plate so how do I do this in Tia portal the first thing I have created an empty HMI here empty comfort pair on this panel I just create how the face plate should look like the best is always to take just some basic shape I'll just put it somewhere on the screen this is how big I want my face plate and let's take the let's take the valve as example doesn't matter it does matter what we take I'm just taking something valve for example on here on the valve III now on this face plate area I put all the buttons all the components that I want for example I want a bar a display bar alright how much is this thing open I'll just put that bar here I'll change it to did you do appearance or is it I always forget where the layout is and top but alright alright like this so this is going to be my indicator how strong is the valve open all right then we have maybe two buttons we have one button open and we have one button close there could be way more things right but those are just my examples because I don't want the video to be 20 hours open and close all right that's all I want on my faceplate now what we need to do is I need to link things right I need to link things that's what we're going to do in the faceplate but also something I haven't tested actually let's put a text up there I hope this is gonna work if the text doesn't work then I'm sorry already headline right headline put it here that's the name of the component so if you have a second one of these what you would usually do you go there you right click copy you go somewhere else you paste a and you have a second one of these if you want a third one you go there control C control V you ever tried one of these and so on and so on of course that is not a good way I'm doing it the right way would be using a so called faceplate to do this you just select everything that you want in this faceplate everything that belongs together to that one component and right click on on anything there on your selection and then you already see create faceplate and if you hit create faceplate that's what I'm going to do now it will ask you how do you want to name this I want to call this valve for example whatever it wants a version you can do the version on your own that is a name and a comment and stuff alright I hit OK and it's going to create that faceplate it will also open this view this visualization view this this library view that's pretty strange right on the left side I can now choose between visualization which is my standard view let's go back there right and I can go back to the library view by libraries and library view see it libraries and then top this library view which will bring me back to that library view the first thing if I go back to my visualization what I can see if I click on this now on this element I see all of those are connected and it also says here it is a face plate instance it is vavle one it is a fails face plate instance and if I go to interface and events it's empty there's nothing I don't I have not set any properties to it of course that's what we want to do so we want to change this one you can also right-click on it if you want to change it and edit face plate I cannot click it right now because if we look into the library here under libraries there is the project library and there's now types I already have one faced with in there there is no valve all right that's the one I created and you see there is version zero zero one that's what we started with and there is version zero zero two which is in work right now if you don't know how this library view it works I've made a video on about it check out my channel should be there what we could already do check this out I could already take my valve and just put it on the screen here and you see it's basically a copy but a copy that we can parameterize it with if we would have configured that already which we didn't and we can also see this one is in work if you right-click and open it we are getting back to this view in this view we can make adjustments like if for example I think hey this close button should be it that's just an example right this close button should be here then I have to release this version right I might change I release this version on top here it is now version zero zero two I hit OK and I can go back to my visualization this one hasn't changed that's strange but if I take my valve now you see every new copy is the new type right why has this one not changed if you pay close attention to it right here this one says version zero zero two zero zero two zero zero one that one still has the old version of it you could do two things now you can right-click you can delete it you can put a new one in there which is not recommended of course we're working with libraries the recommended way is right clicking in your library there is update types in your project and it will ask you which ones do you want to update the ones on the H&I do you want to delete the old versions which I recommend don't delete the old versions because where you have them for a reason maybe there was a mistake or something you had okay well and it's immediately applied and you see version zero zero two now they all have version zero zero two which is of course not correct that was just like this close button should not be there so I'll delete these two I'll go back here right click and now you see I can edit the faceplate because there is no version being worked on right now so if I edit the faceplate it will automatically open you saw it version zero zero three which is the newest version I can fix things I can add things I can release the version as zero zero three I could now also check this checkbox here update instances in the project if I hit this checkbox then our faceplate will be automatically updated to it don't have to do it manually if I hit OK if I go back to start you see this is now in the right place because I updated it automatically you see there's a lot to faceplates I might make two videos out of this I don't know yet but it's already eight minutes and I just barely explained what it is about let me say it the project now what can we do with this what can we do with this I do not have an apse in my project you would need to of course if you want to control something you need a Piercy i am just using HMI tags for this sense right now so what i would have let's go to my HMI tags i would have i am just creating some internal text which are only on the HMI they don't do anything they're just there i would for example have an opening lever which is an integer which is an integer for valve one well one has an opening level wealth 2 also has an opening lever right and there is running or valve zero 1 running or active whatever you want to call it that is of type boolean and that of course exists for valve 0 2 as well so these are just internal they would be on the PSC button this is just about how you do it and not exactly how the standards answer so these I somehow needs to link to this one so that should be valve 1 and I want the valve 2 as well I need to link them and you see down here there's something called interface and that is empty right now in this interface I have to set hey which are the external parameters where does this faceplate actually lead which would be right now if this is valve 1 I would need to put valve 1 opening and wealth on running in here which I can't because I don't have this interface so we have to decide about that interface and we have to just say hey this is the interface this is how it works so we go in here at the faceplate having a new version version 0 0 4 and in this faceplate now we have to set you see it here in the properties we have on the right side those interface values right there's the properties I need to make new properties on here those will go outside and we can set at the interface so that's what I'm going to do I will just create to write or let's just create one here we go and you see if I click on this button it will automatically create a so-called property and I can I can change the name I just click like I can't click have that is opening level for example and this one here right now is an integer so if I save the project if I release this version I want to update all the instances in my project okay that's fine perfect so this one is right now updated and you see it has an interface is something called opening level but opening level and that one is valve one and if I take the new valve that one is valve 2 so for valve one this opening level should go you can select here right now it goes nowhere none right you can select HMI tech and now it will be linked to an HMI tag of the same data type it is integer so I have opening there before valve one I choose this this could also come from the PSC right for the second one I also take HMI tag opening level for second one there we go now these are linked right now the first one works with this parameter with this HMI tech the second one works with this one so the second one is responsible for birth to the first one both one right that's how it is also we would need the next right the next would be this running variable so let's create that what do i do right click edit faceplate of course I could have done that all at once just for explanation I did it here very quick like not very quick but many times so I go to my properties I just go here at a property this I want to call why doesn't this work somehow the clicking in here doesn't work how do I call it open I think I call open dinner yeah open close good I call it open and now this is not of integer be careful sometimes you have to drag and drop that a little bit more open if it's just opened a little bit you cannot really click in here oh you can okay they they change that so other data type this should be of course boolean because it's just on or off got this I'm saving now I'm not going back and releasing the version because we still have to make some water I'll release the version does matter yeah version 0 there we go and I can now link the other two right this one here open should be links to an HMI tag should be linked to item one running and this one should be linked to valve to running right so you see there's a lot there's a lot going on here next I had a face but usually you do it all at once I also want to link this somehow right I want to link the button press for this faceplate to the actual bit but I would say I'll make a second video on going into the details you see in the center here this looks a little bit more complicated it's already 50 40 minutes I talked way too much I'm sorry for this but that's the basics right the next thing is we need to put those parameter somehow here in that view I will make a second video about this because it's been taking way too long I'm sorry if I try it they're talking too much but I think that is some important stuff that needs to be explained a little bit more and detailing shown a bit more in detail so I'll continue this in the next video sorry for the delay there yeah if you need more contents on Piercy's just check out my channel and check out our forum that we have built in there we go that's the forum a link in the description below there's so much going on here nice awesome love you guys nah and the last thing if you want to support me there is if though if you want to support me hit like hit subscribe share this channel with all your friends tell all your friends about it and in the link in description below there's also a GoFundMe that way you can toss some coin in my direction linked in the description below thanks for all your support next video we're going to continue exactly here and have a nice day stay safe stay healthy and boy thanks for the like
Channel: Hegamurl
Views: 32,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tia, tia portal, plc, siemens, plcsim, advanced, v15, v15.1, v14, clock, controller, simatic, 1500, s7, hmi, tp700, tp900, tp, easy, learning, intro, beginner, help, training, quick, fast, english, german, 1200, s7-1200, s7-1500, wincc, flexible, basic, simulation, example, templates, touch panel, touch, panel, appearance, visibility, language, alarm, alarm view, alarming, error, display, popup, pop up, linear, scale, scaling, scale_x, linear scaling, skalierung, limit, upper, lower, warning, slider, faceplate, dace, face, plate, standard
Id: -jt_mj4wFkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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