TIA Portal: HMI/TP Integration (Human Machine Interface)

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hello when welcome to today's video where we are going to talk about taa Porter PLC programming Siemens PLC programming and today is the first part of a series of a couple of videos maybe three maybe four videos in the end we're going to have to set up a simulation for a tank system that we use a lot of analog values we're going to use an HMI we're going to use a PID controller so there's a lot in the series but we are going to start with the first step with the HM I write the human machine interface a touch panel therefore I have this is what I've already done I have created a project and I have a controller in our project a compact PLC this compact PLC is very convenient it has digital inputs digital outputs and analog in analog out already integrated we're going to use those yeah in the first step we want to hook up somehow a touch panel I don't have one physically here because I'm at home and I don't have this kind of hardware here but I was simulated therefore I will take a new device right and we want to add an HMI there's several panels depending on your Ti a portal version and license you will see more or less as I have the professional and advanced license even and this is basically I see everything if you have just the cheapest or the the basic simple version of taa you will only see the basic panels but we're going to concentrate on the comfort penofin our comfort panel I want to take this 7 inch because that's what I have at work actually and yeah I wanted TP 700 Comfort touch pen or 700 comfort comforter here is just a little more advanced display rather than the basic panels I will call you touch panel and now very important there's a firmware version right I could choose any because I'm simulating it for this it's also not too important which one you choose with a newer one you have new features if you choose the newest one and you download to the physical device there's an automatic firmware upgrade going on no update upgrade whatever because the the the HMI is actually running this display in software it's windows-based so it installs the newest version of that true I will always take the newest version now important there's two ways of doing this right now there's the way with the so-called device wizard down here and that's the way without the wizard the wizard helps setting up a lot of things as I will do it now manually I want to deactivate the visit for now the main thing the wizard helps you setting up is the layouts of the screens alarms and Diagnostics showing and communication to the PRC right we're going to set that up manually so I will do that usually I leave it on but for now of course I leave it off this will add the HMI to my project here it takes a second or two depending on your PC's speed my PC is rather fast so there we go right now this is actually a lot of strain putting onto my PC because we're all basically opening another software inside a software so I have 32 gigabytes of RAM and right now I think 6 gigabytes are taken by Ti a Porter so it's a lot but that's how it is if your PC is a bit a little bit slow it's just slower there we go so the first thing we want to setup is the touch panel and the controller here they need to communicate right for the communication we have the so called devices and networks and there's a network view here at the network view which that I will start don't go to the topology view stick with a network view for now what we have to set up is actually this one meter what we have to set up is a communication between those two a communication is a connection they need to communicate networking is just basically putting the wire into it what we want to do is directly connect those two meaning they can communicate so I can drag and drop to the panel here all right hard to see right let me zoom in but but you 200% and here we go so those two I want the connection and it's an HDMI connection you see there's more but I want an HMI connection just from here to the pen this will automatically create this kind of communication and now if you go to your touch panel right to my touch button here there's also something called connections let's check this out connections pop up I open it up and I can see our I have an HDMI connection one that's the name this communication level because they need to communicate and the we are controlling - we are communicating - controller which is our partner here there so they have a communication now what we could also set up and very quick oops is we could have an access password this password if you don't have a password on your PLC leave it open right if you have a password you need to put it in I do not have a password if I would have one you can check that here on the controller at the PLC device configuration double click on the PRC and there is down here something called safety security protection and security and I could have an HMI excess and I could would have to put passwords here right not concentrating on that right now I will have full access I don't need any password so no password meaning this is empty but here I can see they are potentially communicating good great that's what we want the next thing if they want to communicate they have to push some data back and forth write some data back and forth what we want in the first step is just PLC text it would be better to have a data block dedicated for it but I want to take just simple POC tags therefore I open my POC tags I have my default check table and a little trick here we go a little trick for the advance stones in my PC I have now under local modules the controller itself which is a compact controller there would be i/o modules too but it's a compact so the i/o in there and I can go to i/o tags in my details view and I could directly see here a list with all the available addresses right now that are already connected to something my iOS so I take my first one here this one and I will say this is my analog input I want the next one this one here QW this is my analog how to pooch and I want also to digital inputs and maybe also one digital out maybe this is empty tank maybe this is fill in tank just some random pants right and this is I don't know LED indicator so I've got those and I want those on my HMI the most simple way now as we are working into a Portland everything is connected is I actually can make this float or here we go with the trick again that we just learned I can go on my HMI here I can go to screens and I have one screen it's the setup here this is the one you can see when you start the HMI and now I can click only one time one click not double-click only one click on my default checked error here and you see down here in the details view what can we see ah we see all the tags that have been created so far everything that we create and everything the system has created so the easiest way now if I want to connect for example my empty tank button or whatever bits my tag onto the screen I can't just drag and drop right you see it would be created here now easy done now they communicate there sit I don't want to do that I want to do it a little bit of course better I want to have the following on my screen here as soon as I'm in here I have on the right side here my task cards right I have my toolbox you see it my toolbox this looks a little bit like Excel right like not Excel PowerPoint or any graphical tool what I want is the following I want a push button this here's a button right I want the button I can just pull it on here right left mouse click and hold pressed this should be my fill in tank and then I have this one here this should be my I was researching whatsoever and then I want my this one here this should be the fill lever right this is my analog input and I want this one here this is going to be my analog output you see now right now it looks empty looks ugly but this all is and the last one this one here so for the fill level just by the way for the fill level we took a bar chart was it yeah a bar chart for the this is a slider right a slide off that we can't change here you see that on the side for the analog in and we have this button here as the LED which is just a circuit just a stupid circuit so let's focus on each of those individually just by the way what I'm doing right now is with those now I'm going to change here the very right I'm going to change the inputs here you see the input address I'm going to really physically change the input you should not do that the best way would really be to use a data block we'll get to that in the next video but the first step is just the PSC HMI connection to get into that so right now it's not the best practice to use directly the input word here I would use the data block because now I'm overwriting the physical input is too small okay let's concentrate on those first those two right those two maybe let's take actually one should be a button and the other one should be this thing here a switch so we see as many things as possible see this switch let's concentrate on the button first because that's the most standard thing if I have the button I can double click I can change the text right click and I have down here my properties window I can of course change text I don't want to change the text right now what we want to do we could change the appearance and so this is you can click around here in this you can actually not make any error it's just about visual stuff except for security of course here we need password as it doesn't matter I want if this button is pressed right if you press it up we want to fill in the tank if I release it we don't want to fill in a tank so we want to set the bit when I press and we want to reset it when I don't press therefore we have on this button so called events and you see this here events let's go to events and I have click press release activate deactivate change there's several things that can happen with this button I can click it like click click I can press it press I can't release it release activate deactivate if it shows up on the screen if it doesn't show up on the screen anymore and change if there's anything happening with it the thing we want to do you press it but a bit of set you release it a bit as reset I could have on the press set a bit release reset a bit there's a standard thing for this on press here we can add functions there's a drop down I can click here on the drop down and I can search you see there's a lot of things and a lot of things hidden in there what we want what we are searching for is actually editing bits and we want to set bit while key pressed this means it was my face and the way I my face kind of in a way so let me read sets a bit in the specific specified tag to one as long as the configured key is pressed the system Factor returns blah Arora sets it to a 1 as long as it's pressed and resets it afterwards that's what it says so this is the most useful one set with work oppressed now we have to select here a bit make a guess we can just either again on the tech table I can search for my fill-in tank I can just drag and drop to the red here and you see or I could here on those three dots I can click and I can select my controller the PRC I have PRC tags default checked over and fill in tank and that's the one I want but here we go now if we press the button and this is set if we release the button it's reset simple the first thing this was a button next a switch the switch we don't need the events we can use the events but try not taking the events because there might be errors that you make if you're a beginner with this a switch is directly bound to attack so if you go on a switch properties properties you will see here I can link it tag directly press on the three dots and I can see ah this is my empty tank done that's it right if you pray if you select the switch if you click on it it's emptying the tank if you click on it again it's releasing the tank now it might be a little bit stupid clicking on it twice or so you can't change the format here I can make switch with the graphic right now it looks like this or a switch with the text now it looks a little bit like the like the button and it's very similar but you have to click it twice once is activating once it's deactivating I'm going to say here what is it empty tank you see the text changes and I'm trying to I don't know it's better now this I don't like how it looks like I can change the appearance here I want the text also to be white done not looking in in this part here too much right now because it's already 15 minutes oh I don't have to any time anymore let's hurry up a little bit no that's not hurry but let's look at the other stuff then I have the other bit thing the other bullsh operation if I drag and drop here you can see it always wants to snap to things if I click down alternative key the Alt key I can just freely move it you know I like that more this should be the LED for LEDs and so you see I we don't have properties again we cannot link a tag directly we have the so called animations right here I have animations I click on animation and there we have display and we have we can add new animations so let's click on new animations and there's appearance and visibility visibility we can make it it's there it's not their appearance we can change how it looks like so let's click on here I need to link a tag now with the dots again I will check my LED indicator and here I can down here I have to say what's happening in which range so if I click in here I have if it if the bit is zero it should look like that now again if the bit is one it should look like that so maybe if it's one it should be green done that's it that's how it works if the if this bit is now zero it looks like this if this bit is one it looks like this done see how easy that is actually next thing I want to do is for this one here and for this one I want to see the current status of my digital of my analog input so for this again I can go to properties and you can see in general I can directly link a so-called processed tag I click on the three dots and now I can only see two things that's strange right that's very strange I can only see two things why can I only see two things mm-hmm because this chart is not looking at boolean values anymore we need an analog value kind of right an integer value in our case so I can put my integer value you can see it here int in here my analog input done know this is going to display my analog input the last one this one here we could also change how it looks the appearance and so on play around with it a little bit if you have any questions on it just put it comment below it's already so much in this video don't want to strain the time maybe the last maybe the last one on this I can just simply change the scale so I want to positive negative values right now doesn't make sense for a tank but it doesn't matter so this is my another display and I want to change things in a lot of way I have the this one here however it was called what was the name the slider right the first annoying thing here I have two up and down I want don't want to move it up and down I want to move it from the left to the right and therefore the only thing here properties we have the layout and in the layout I can find down here scale position and bar alignment right the scale position you see is what's the orientation is it on the left side is on the right side and the bar alignment is which way do we move from low to high from left to right right from left to right left and right huh or from right to left right now I can push this thing here around from left to right right now actually parent with this a little bit but this I like way better right now in our scenario good the only thing I need here right you see it properties general I need to select the process tag let's see ah I get those integer values again right in the same we had before and this should go directly to my analog output it would be best to have a data block later on done all right I save my project and this is basically already all the stuff we need to configure a hint here all the variables I've used so far they are all on the PRC and now we made a link to the HMI the HMI here in the left side here has the so-called HMI tags under HMI text i have my tag table here if i open it i can see all the text that we have used so far right all the text that we have used and they are now existing on two sides where two sides the one side and this year is the HMI it exists here with this name the other side yeah right is the plc here right they exist on both and they need to be linked somehow so this is in the connection here this connection is the link between those two this is the connection we set up earlier what we can change here as well is for example an acquisition cycle as this is an a synchronic communication whatever that means doesn't really matter we're sending our data very slow here we say once per second maybe let's crank that up once per 100 milliseconds hm is our net not built for fast communication right a last thing here what we can do actually is for example I can rename a variable on my HMI I can name this for example like that and you see it is not changed on my PRC the link is still there but I can change this on the HMI without changing this on the PRC and this works through the link so be careful when changing names now I will make that of course not that stupid here we go so let's test it out I have my PRC I want to simulate now to really see if that works click on my little simulation button if you don't know how simulation works I've made a video on this earlier you can go and check that out while I'm setting this up here should only take a minute I download it now into my simulation tool here yep I know what I'm doing I'm downloading this and I want to start it there we go now my base variables are in here let's push that to the side of Zeke because I also need to now click on my touch panel here on my HMI and on top here also start the simulation for my HMI this takes a minute or two loop through here we go I need to do something in the other simulation right now see I can now push things here I can press buttons right and some stuff happens it takes one minute for me because my PSE simulation is still acting up if you've got any questions right or any hints or whatever put it in the box below in the comments below the next video in the series is going to be about the analog value processing here going a little bit more in detail actually not analog value databases data blocks right I want the communication I want a better communication and through the input outputs yeah so the next video is about a data basis then one about analog and in the end we will have one video about PID controllers yeah so here is my simulation for my HMI right let me push that up here and I have a second simulation this is my PSC let me push that up here alright that's fine so let's see if I change this here you see the number this one here my log output it's now controlled through the HMI you see I can only go from 0 to 100 because that's this scale here on the other side I have the analog input my level of the tank I can change this here on my on my on my whatever that was caught on my simulation and you see I've got a problem right the scale is way too small I can only work with values between minus 100 and 100 let's change that very quick in my TA a porter let's make a small change in my touch panel screen 1 I want this to go from so I double clicked on it I want this to go from 20,000 to minus 20000 right it looks ugly now it looks ugly so let's change the scale how many intervals do we want to have 20000 might be a little bit too much maybe like 10 now this is actually changing you see it at which interval we have the changes so maybe every 1000 we wonder again every 2,000 whoops not 200 mm that might be good yeah mm maybe even every 5,000 then we have those small divisions I don't want small divisions I want label on every and there we go this is how I know you can play around with how it looks that's pretty easy actually so I want this and I want to restart my simulation here that look should look way better and we're almost done with the video half an hour that's good oh this works just fine then I have my input which I have to control from the PRC because it's NTSC input right and you see this changes we do we do what we do and you see the communication is a little bit slow every 100 milliseconds that's how we have the communication every 100 milliseconds not every millisecond or so so it looks a little slow that's what we've got let's press the button here Badou doesn't really work let's put this switch here doesn't really work ah yeah doesn't really work those two this one will work the LED indicator but I cannot change it it has to be changed from the program and this is exactly the stuff that I meant with data blocks because right now what we can see all the stuff that we have been using so far you see a double point P here in the address that's strange this double point P indicates that it's a periphery input it is the physical input so if I press the button here here's what the PSC does it reads the in it reads this but also reads the input from the input module from here right from the physical input so which one is stronger that's the problem that's why we one reason why we're going to use data blocks the next time but therefore you will have to stay for the next video and yeah or put it in the comments below put the question there hm ice simple setup all right that's that's pretty much it for now thank you for watching if you've got any questions if you liked the video or so ever leave a comment ring the bell subscribe and you know the drill that's the Internet that's how it works thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time around bye bye
Channel: Hegamurl
Views: 76,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tia, tia portal, plc, siemens, plcsim, advanced, v15, wincc, v15.1, v14, clock, controller, simatic, 1500, s7, hmi, human machine interface, touch panel, tp700, tp900, tp, runtime, easy, learning, intro, beginner, help, training, wincc flexible
Id: cUN7lic-1hE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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