TIA Portal: HMI Easy Alarms

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hello hi and welcome to today's video in which we're going to look at hm ice and a little bit too alarming this is a huge topic and it definitely does not fit in 15 minutes it I would have to make four or five videos two more to cover all the things that we have for alarming this is just an intro to it and how you can do basic alarming on hm ice which is very easily done and easily to be configured so I will just create a new HMI here and I will take this doesn't matter which type you have they all have alarming at least all the confer panels won't give it a name I always thought the devices do I need the devices actually don't need the device was it for this I will start anyway because I just like to have it and it's like five seconds I do not connect a PLC right now of course everything we do could be connected to a PC of course the alarms could come from a PLC I will now just use internal HMI text but you can of course apply the same things to variables that are sitting on the PLC if you don't know how to connect to the HMI to the PLC check out my video check out my channel there is a list where there's a video where I show how to couldn't communicate HMI PSC today it's all just HMI but where the variables come from doesn't matter you could also choose a Piercy screen a little meta there is this predefined screen here which is called alarms and you see unacknowledged alarms you can have alarm lines top bottom you can have pending a lamp lit there's so much there's so much I usually deselect those because I all of them because I want my own design here I just want one screen I don't want system buttons and I don't need any button so here we go a blank HMI alright the blank HMI what we need is here on the right side you see it in my tool box we have under controls we have the alarm view as a total um hello can keep in control this is the alarm view yes the alarm view you can just drag and drop this on any screen that you want to and you see this is already a nice little window already if I now save my project if I simulate the HMI now you will see some pending alarms in the beginning and they will directly go away so there's already a lot that this thing does in the background we are now adding some alarms to it I will simulate this by by pressing a button if I press this button it simulates right now a broken sensor it simulates a broken sensor as long as I press this button the sense of stays broken if I release the button the sensor is ok again right so what do I need to do of course I need a variable here and and here's one point this alarming system only works with integer or with word with like number of errors it does not work with boolean so you have to have a word or an integer or shortened to just some something like this that's why I would create now an HMI tag I would create a new tag and this will be called alarm alarms alarm couldn't collection and as I said it was an integer and on the HMI I cannot choose work because the HMIS can only work with integer and and you see I choose internal tag because it's only on the HMI you could of course if you had a Piercy connected now while select a connected PSD and choose a very over there which I do not have so there's my alarm collection I will make this float and push it on this on the next screen so I can drag and drop well it's still there so this broken sensor if I press the button this variable or one bit inside this integer will be triggered so I go here I go to properties events and I want this to be there and as long as I press the button so I want to add a function and this function is set it in set bit while key press so as long as I press the key a bit to set and I take my alarm collection here I can just drag and drop this it okay I can't drag and drop it strange that's okay I have to select it with the three dots I select my alarm collection and now in this it's an integer so's 16-bit sorry mmm so 16-bit now I'm looking just at the zero so this variable that we have alarm collection could have sixteen different alarms in there I'm right now just looking at bit number zero which is important now because if I do this now I press the button and the bit will be on but nothing else happens because we have not defined it as an alarm yet we have this variable which we one bit which weren't true and if I release it will turn false again but that's it pretty stupid we of course need an alarm right and there we have it here and on the left side we have something called HMI alarms so if I go in here in my hli my alarms we have discreet alarms we have analog we have control alarms with system events with alarm classes we have alarm groups you see there's already a lot pre-configured so we were as I said it would be maybe five six videos to cover the whole topic I would just cover discreet alarms and analog alarms right here so that's making you discreet alarm the suite means is something on or is something off that's it in contrast to analog analog is is this bigger than 23 like this is really asking for an analog number this is asking for it for a boolean so we can add new alarms I just double clicks and you see we now have an alarm with an ID one you can also give this your own IDs like I don't know a zero this is my alarm a zero I can give this a name Groton sends or one you could of course give it a better name and now I will also say hey there's a text there's an alarm text that can be displayed to the person that actually sees it and this is sends or through one is broken please repair something like this I wouldn't put the please repair yeah that's okay then we have the next is an alarm class I will get to that in a second for now I just want to to be a warning and now we need the so called trigger tech the trigger tech is of course the one I have here why can an object and drop today usually I can break and roll I am I trigger check I just selected from the drop-down here and now we also have to select the trigger bit remember what we did here on the root screen so this is connected to bit number zero of course I want that this is not just because I only have it on the HMI of course if you have it on the PSC you also know which bit which stands was connected to which bit you would have to if I now would select which number one that doesn't work because it's looking at a different spot so we have to look at this and that's already my trigger that's already my alarm so if I now actually start my HMI here what we can see is of course the stuff in the beginning and if I break the sensor now you see sensor one is broken you see it on the top it tells you acknowledge group we won't look at a lot of details you see the number that we put in here we see a time and a date we see a status that's going to be important soon and we see of course the text that we put in there sensors you want broken right if I release it not press anymore it is gone right so what does this I stand for right we will see that in a second because I want the second alarm I want the same thing I want the same thing but a little bit different so I'll take my broken sensor I have a copy and paste I'll call this broken sense or two broken stands or two and this sensor is a little bit different we can break it and we can also repair it so this one was as long as I press it it's active it's broken if I release it it's not broken anymore here it is this breaks the sensor sends are still broken still broken I repair the sensor sends was repaired right so those two kind of go together so what we need to do here is now of course not that bit while keep rest here we need of course said bit which keeps the bit active as set set bit in tag set bit in tact which keeps a bit active in tag that we select of course I want this variable my alarm collection alarm collection and now I do not want a bit zero because but zero is taken by the first sensor here I want bit one alright so this will trigger the alarm that is in or this will trigger the bit number one here if I hit this one I want to reset reset bit in tech and of course I want to reset the same bit that we just had and which is one so now if i press this bit to set if i press this bit is reset what do we need to do we need to define this alarm so i go back to my HMI alarms i add a new one maybe this is my alarm number 81 this is i would call this broken sensor through two and there is an alarm text sends or two two is broken and now also interesting here because this will stay i press it once and then it will stay until we repair the sensor right until we read and now we can also do a so-called info text if I click on my alarm and there's an info text right in properties please repair it and now I could write like at explore how to do it but I won't because I it's something generic here right now I don't want this to be a warning this should be an alarm so we can add an error so we can really see the difference and you see I cannot choose the bit that we had before because that would be the same error now I need to choose a different bit what we have now I save and I save I can now simulate and let's see so let's see I break the first sensor right suit browse Enzo zeros broker I break the other one and you see same one difference that we see here do you see this little exclamation mark e in the beginning this makes a difference exclamation mark indicates it's an error and no exclamation mark means it's just a warning warnings are usually fine they're just information exclamation marks errors pretty bad right and now a sense or two is broken and if I rip so since the one is also broken says the one is repaired by releasing the button sends are too similar but I need to press the second button look at what happens if I press the second button Texas they're they're very strange very strange Texas still there and what can we see it went from eye to eye oh right this one here only as I the second one has eye when I break it and all when I repair it it's the following if we have I that means incoming so the error is there and it is active right now the error is there or the warning whatever we place there if I do this it is incoming it is I and Oh outgoing so it's already gone we have already repaired the sensor right so I incoming or outgoing and this we now to us we need to acknowledge right there is also this acknowledge feared here if I press this this error is acknowledged because it was incoming and outgoing so it's already repaired I can acknowledge if it's just incoming and I try to acknowledge it will say ia which means incoming and acknowledged which can't be like like it's still there it tells me the problem is still there you tried to say hey it's not there but it is still there so what do we need to do of course repair the sensor this all right so that's a little bit a difference between a warning here warning is just there and as long as it's there it's here it's incoming it's incoming and it's already gone if I repair it with an error alright I have an incoming I have it outgoing it's still there and I need to acknowledge that's the difference between a warning and an error so that's discreet all right those are the script pretty simple that's just the basics you see it's already 13 minutes 20 seconds but I still want to cover the analog alarms right analog alarms are very similar the only thing we need for any local amps is now of course a new variable let's say tank pressure like we have a tank system and there if the tank has a pressure or let's say temperature I like temperature actually low temp here are true so the tank has a certain temperature and I want to display an alarm when the temperature reaches a certain value so let's say here it's an analog alarm it's any local long one treasure high right if the pressure is high but still okay I want to have an a warning not pressure temperature temperature high tank temperature is getting high that's just a warning right this is just a warning that's this plate in the same list that we just had and of course we need to trigger tech make a guess this trigger tag is now my tank temperature and we need to define here a limit which could be either constant or an HMI tech so variable I would take it a constant if the temperature is higher than 50 I could also choose lower of course that makes sense we will get a warning and I want the second analog alarm temperature hot hot hot either it's very hot right tank temperature way too high and as the as the text as the info text here I would also say here fix now not fixed not fixed now exclamation mark and this is of course now an error and I also want the tank temperature and this is when it's above 75 and of course I need to display that somehow so I will add on my screen here on my route screen I will add a slider there it is with the temperature of course this should be different it should be either the layout it should be right looks ugly now yes better that's way better and I don't want the somatic thing here here we go so with this I should control the temperature I just want to process the tag here it could of course the tech could be also from the PSC or from somewhere else right this is just simulating it here so let's see I save the project I turned my simulation mode on here so the first to the warning for the broken sends us to works broken sensor and repaired the sensor to and acknowledged it and now we should have at 50 you see the tank temperature is getting too high if you're above 50 and if we're going below 50 it would be gone because it's just this warning all right there we go and if I go above 75 that I say 75 you see it's way too hot now if I click on this way too hot and I go down here you see this this displays this info text which could be like run to it and I don't know could be some information for the guy it needs to fix the error this down here if I don't have one here is getting too high it will say no info text of error that's all it is so it's now 75 if I go below 75 you see the eye turns to an i/o which means incoming and outgoing so it's already repaired and if I go even below 50 you see the warning is gone what do we need to do here hey we repaired at the temperatures now lower so please acknowledge the whole thing acknowledge the button and we see the arrows gone so that's it for very basic it has way more to it but very basic alarming for HMIS and you saw discreet so basically boolean alarms and analog alarms all displayed here very short project 20 17 minutes that's fine so still have a second to give a price to you all everyone highly appreciated for watching the videos thank you so much if you want to support me just press the button down there like and subscribe right I also have this very nice thing in my in the info text down there I have a GoFundMe a lot of people have already done it basically thrown money at me thank you so much keep that up I love it but more important subscribe do not forget to like and I will see you in the next video bye boy and have a nice day
Channel: Hegamurl
Views: 58,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tia, tia portal, plc, siemens, plcsim, advanced, v15, v15.1, v14, clock, controller, simatic, 1500, s7, hmi, tp700, tp900, tp, easy, learning, intro, beginner, help, training, navigation, change, quick, fast, english, german, 1200, s7-1200, s7-1500, rezept, rezepte, data, user, password, wincc, flexible, basic, runtime, simulation, example, templates, screen, screens, touch panel, touch, panel, op, user view, new, new user, operator, key, appearance, visibility, language, alarm, alarm view, alarming, error, display
Id: nMGtGfOX_2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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