An Introduction to HMI Programming with Siemens WinCC (TIA Portal)!

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what's going on everybody we're back again today and today we're going to be having a look at siemens tia portal but we're going to be having a look at the wind cc aspect of siemens gia portal this means we're going to be having a look at how to create an hmi and how to set it up inside of siemens tiaa portal before we get started what i'd like you to do once again i'd like you to give the video a like comment below and subscribe if you're watching us on youtube if you're not watching us on youtube head over to our youtube channel right now and hit the subscribe button so you can stay up to date with all of our new videos right let's get into today's subject so today we're going to have a look at hmis but ultimately hmi and scada systems what an hmi is an hmi is a human machine interface and a scalar system is a supervisory control and data acquisition system both are mainly visual indicators for the operators and the maintenance department to tell us how the system is running and to allow us to actually interface with the plc without us getting into the nitty-gritty side of things by getting into the actual ladder logic design this allows the operator to simply control the process via a screen and receive all sorts of updates and information from the process from that screen itself now the hardest thing about hmi programming is the fact that it's graphics which means everybody on the shop floor who's going to be working with that machine is actually going to see your hmi design which means if it isn't up to scratch a lot of people are going to notice with plc programming you can design your ladder logic any which way you want it to because there's not going to be that many people actually interfacing with the program but with an hmi it's a completely different ball game so we have to spend quite a bit of time and a lot of attention and care making sure that the screens look good and they work well today what we're going to be able to look at is how to create a win cc project inside the tia portal how to set up an hmi alongside of a plc and network the plc together and then we're just going to create a basic screen just with the button and the lamp and we're just going to control that lamp with the button unfortunately i don't have an hmi available right now so i can't download from my siemens s7 1200 plc to the hmi so what we're going to be doing is we're going to use the simulator which means we're going to use internal tags when it actually comes to tagging our hmi but we'll come on to that shortly let's get into siemens ti portland let's start developing this project okay so i've got siemens ti portal open at the moment what i'm going to do is i'm just going to select create a new project and i'm going to call this hmi test and we're just going to say create what i want to do first of all is i'm going to upload the plc hardware into our software here and then i'm going to add the additional hmi to the actual software so to upload the hardware just go to configure a device add new device and then from there you want to select controllers because we're looking at the plc aspect to start with unspecified cpu and it's a version three that we're working with select add and this is gonna add a blank cpu where we can now detect the hardware from our ethernet connection okay so next just select detect it'll bring up the hardware detection menu we're then just going to search for our plc on the ethernet network and then upload the hardware here we go select our plc and then select detect once that's uploaded what we're then going to do is add an hmi to this project to add the hmi what we can do is we can now go to portal view and then say add new device hmi and then we can select it from this area here we're just going to select the semantic basic panel and i'm just going to select the six inch series the ktp 600 basic and we'll just select the most recent one select add just like our hardware with our plc this is now gonna add the hmi to our project now what we'll see on the left hand side is two folders one folder from hmi project one folder for our plc project now you'll notice here a device wizard has popped up to allow us to create our screen through this little help wizard i'm just going to cancel this we're just going to create it from a complete fresh say okay to that and now our hmi is going to be added and there we go we've now got two folders we've got one folder for our plc here and we've got another folder for hmi over here this is all part of the one project hmi test now if i just go to my devices and networks and i just double click that you'll see our plc our cpu 1214c and you'll see our hmi all a part of this project now what i want to do is i want to link these two together i want to connect these two via our ethernet so to create the connection what we can actually do is simply just drag and drop you'll notice on our plc and on our hmi you've got this green square available this green square is your ethernet port your profinet port and all we need to do here is simply just select the green square on the plc click and drag that over to the green port on our hmi that day is now going to create our ethernet connection now to set up the connection on the hmi side double click the connections folder over here and select add new we'll call this plc and we'll use the communication driver s7 1200 the s7 1200 driver is in here but we also have things like allen bradley mitsubishi and other simatic drivers we're just going to leave it as the s7 1200 because that's what we're connected to and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to change my ethernet addresses to match what my plc is currently set up as my plc if we just go to device configuration double click our cpu my plc is now if i go over to my connections what i can then do is change the 1200 to 10.1 and then inside of the hmi side i can then change this to 10.2 when you're working with ethernet you've got to make sure that this area here the addresses both match 192.168.10 but the individual address the one and the two they are different once that's done what we can now do is get into actually programming the hmi so if i just collapse the plc folder this will leave me with the hmi area here if i go to device configuration there is the hmi and if i just double click this hmi here i can then go to profinet ethernet addresses and there you can see it's been given the address 10.2 from our profinet connection that we just did earlier what we can then do from here is we can then go further down this list and we can create what we call hmi tags tags are simply like plc tags in the plc program it allows us to identify certain objects on the hmi such as buttons lamps motors pumps etc on the hmi to certain tags whether they are internal to the hmi like embed addressing to a plc or whether they are actually looking at addressing on the plc itself so if i open up my hmi tags folder i can then double click show all tags and currently what we should see is an empty tag area now what i'm going to do is i'm simply going to add in two tags i'm going to add in input on and then i'm going to add in input to and these data types these are going to be bits so i'm just going to select that as a boolean and that one there is a boolean now you'll notice that the connection is referencing the internal tag if i expanded that it'll then pop up and say we can also connect to the plc if i selected the plc here and just checked the box there what it's then going to ask me to do is enter the plc tag that i want this to connect to so if in our plc program let's open up our main ob1 i had a program that was simply just a contact to a coil like so and here we had m 10.0 going to m 100.0 these are now plc tags so if we open up our plc tag folder go to show all tags there's our tag one and there's our tag two looking at m10.0 and looking at m100.0 if i just close that down and go back to my hmi tags now if i expand the plc tag folder and then open up plc tags go to default tag table there are the two tags that are created there so what i could then do is tie input 1 to tag 1 and input 2 to type 2 this would then create a link between our plc tags and our hmi tags so whenever the plc tags turn on inside of the ladder logic they will then react to our hmi screen however i'm not currently connected to an hmi because i'm not currently connected to an hmi what i'm going to do is i'm going to simply select this connection as an internal tag because what i'm going to do on this program here is going to be a basic button to a lamp button to a lamp when the button turns on the lamp changes color and that there is going to reference these two tags here input one and input two and we're going to do this via the simulator once i can free up an hmi from our trainer rigs i can then connect it to an hmi connected to the plc and link up the plc address into the hmi addressing on further videos so here all we're going to do just collapse our plc1 folder we've created our two tags now we want to create our very first screen now we're not going to create anything to do with the template just yet i'm going to cover that on another video all i'm going to do is just create a basic screen and we're just going to set this up to have two buttons two lamps open up your screen folder and then in the screen folder you'll see screen one we can rename this so if i wanted to rename this i might call this home and now this becomes our home screen double click this and you will then see our screen appear and the hmi touch panel appear around it this isn't the entire screen here this white border that there is the actual screen so any sort of design work that we want to do we want to do this inside of this area here now if i just go to the properties what i can actually do is i can actually change the properties of this screen you'll notice that this background color is like a dark color what i might want to do is i might want to change it to a white color or i might want to change it to a yellow color usually what we want to do is we want to try and keep these neutral colors we want to try and stay away from the bright colors like whites and yellows and bright blues and bright greens etcetera and the reason for this especially with white screens is eye strain if you've got operators looking at hmi panels all day and they're staring at a white screen a bright white screen that that can cause eye strain so what you want to do is you want to make sure that it's neutral color nice and easy on the eyes so what i'm going to do is i'm not going to choose a dark gray but i'm going to choose a light gray like that there and you'll notice that the grid color actually matches this color here as well so it might become difficult for me to actually trying to line areas of my screens up so what i'm going to do here is change my grid color to black and now i can actually see the actual grid here and what i'm going to do is i'm also going to just zoom in a little bit so i can see the screen a little bit larger there we go to add objects to the screen we work from this right hand menu if i go to toolbox you can then see areas that i can add to this screen and you've got here basic objects elements controls and graphics open up basic objects you've got things like pictures text squares circles ovals and lines if we then expand elements we then got a more advanced objects such as audio fields graphical audio fields bar charts etc dates and time which we can then add to our hmi expanding the controls here we can actually add trends we can actually add user views adding in passwords and usernames etc so not everybody can access every screen this is great for like maintenance departments and then inside of the graphics what we can then do is we can actually insert graphics from industrial images this could be things like pumps valves motors etc all inside of these graphical folders over here so if i just expand chemical for example go to two five six colors and you can see here different sorts of tanks that are available that we can add to the screen to make it look a bit more appealing when we actually look at these screens as i mentioned out today all i'm going to do is i'm going to add in a button going to a lamp so to do this open up elements and in elements the second area there will be button and what i want to do is i just want to click on the button and then select anywhere on the screen and the button is then going to appear if i then just go at the bottom here and i go to properties i'm then going to change the text to this button inside of the general tab i'm going to change this to input 1 and and then just going to copy this button and then paste it again and i'm going to drop it in line with this other button here and i'm going to call this input 2. i'm not too worried about neatness just yet this is simply just showing you how to add objects to the hmi how to target up and then how to control it from the hmi once i've added those two buttons there i'm then gonna add in two lamps and these two lamps are simply just gonna be two circles so i'm gonna have a circle here and again i'm just gonna line it up with the input one button and then i'm just gonna copy and paste that line it up with this button vertically and then line it up with this button horizontally and that makes sure everything's kept in line then what i'm going to do next is then tag up the buttons and the lamps now what i'm going to do is because i'm using internal tags i'm not going to actually use the plc program i'm going to tie input 1 2 input 1 and the lamp to input 1 as well and i'm going to control the state of input 1 through the button and we're going to see the actual state change on the lamp and we're gonna do the same thing with input two to set up the tags on the buttons all we do is we select the button that we want to modify go to events and then we got the options of what event do we want to choose so we got here click press release activate deactivate and change clicking is simply where we just press the button and then let go that there is a click press is simply where we press the button that is when it engages in operation and then releases when we release the button that is when it engages another operation we're going to use press and release so i'm going to select press and i'm going to select add function drop this down and i want to change a bit state because we're working with bits expand edit bits and then here you'll see set bit what this will do is when i press the button it's going to set the bit turn the bit on when i press the button and then what i'm going to do is in the release is when i release the button it's then going to reset the bit turning the bit off so here where it says set bit it's then asking us to identify a tag just expand this field here and then select input one go to release add function drop this down edit bits and then reset bit input one there we go and then we're gonna do the same with input two obviously with the input two tag so i'll then just edit bit set bit input two and then if i just go to the release i'm then going to reset the bit input two that's it so that's my buttons tagged up next what i want to do is then change the state or change the color of this lamp this circle here again to do this make sure the circle is selected go to properties and then inside the properties what we then want to do is go to animations and then what we then want to do is then select display add new animation it's then going to ask you what you want to do you want to change the appearance or do you want to make it visible or invisible i want to change the appearance so i'm just going to select appearance then say okay and then it's going to say right address it to a tag and i'm going to address this to input one and it's then going to say okay what do you want to do with this what's the range going to be set to because it's a bit it's got two states it's either zero or one so when this input one is zero i want the background color to be red to be red and then i want the background color to be green when the input is a logic one and i'm going to do exactly the same for the second circle add a new animation appearance located at that set it up to input two and again set the range zero and one red and green and that's it i'm just gonna group all these together line these up a little bit more to the more centralized like so and then we're just going to save our project and now all we're going to do is run the simulator to actually see these change their states to do this just select start simulation what it will then do is it then begin starting the simulation for this hmi and it's going to say here the simulation starts with the screen home that's fine we've only got one screen anyways say okay to that and here is my hmi available and this is what it would look like if we actually had the hmi visible to us what's going to happen is currently input 1 and input 2 internal to the actual hmi they are both the logic zero because these buttons are released so they are reset back to zero so these lamps are currently red when i press input one it sets the bit to a logic one and now my lamp also changes to green because now it is a logic one if i let go it's now red if i press input two that now becomes green i let go of that and now that becomes red and that there is just a brief introduction on how to create an hmi inside a ti portal how to set up a couple of tags internally to the hmi and then how to add a couple of objects to the hmi screen tag them up and then use them inside of the simulator so next week what we're going to be looking to do is how to create a template inside of an hmi using that on multiple screens certain screen structures as well where we place buttons where we place date and time how to add a logo into the plc and then how to add navigation i look forward to seeing you again next week to stay up to date on the videos remember to give us a like on facebook and that they will notify you when we are premiering our next video and also subscribe to us on youtube as that will also notify you when we are premiering on next video as well i look forward to seeing you again next week i'll see you later
Channel: Scantime Automation & Training
Views: 12,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scantime, siemens, plc, hmi, scada, wincc, tia portal, step7, hmi programming, plc programming, scada programming, plc training, hmi training, scada training, plc courses, hmi courses, scada courses
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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