Epic Mountain Top Landing in Papua New Guinea

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Oh wow Marlon Brando is doing ATC. I didn't even know he was still alive.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/yaosio πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AdCompetitive4070 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

What is with the initial capital letters on every word?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/codefeenix πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome back to the vlog welcome here to kuroka i forgot to do the intro today because i was chatting with these guys behind me but we're going out to narambi a place i have not taken you guys before i'm excited about it because i haven't been out there in like two plus years or something like that so our generator on before you got prop push forward alternator artillery bus that's just a 23 minute flight out there we used to have missionaries out there many years ago that were there for like 20 plus years we used to have a lot of flights out to narabi but now we do not we are 7 100 pounds so we'll rotate at 62 and 74. going in guitar good morning november tango zulu request taxi narambi five pob something requesting one seven right morning roll in one zero two one click the back track one seven left for one seven right never mind fuel caps and selectors controls are good we've got all of our switches and instruments set up already there we've got all of our t's and p's set up our flaps are set indicated and verified at 20 our raiders already on standby our trams are set up if we have to board on the runway we're just going to remain on the runway after takeoff pitch for 85 knots consider pl consider feather any full flaps make my emergency call masters and crack my door november tango zooly ready lineup line up in turn once in brighton right now from next level it's already really bright out at eight in the morning love this time of year just because the skies are so blue and nice cold mornings i want to pick up a pair of these sunglasses i do have them on my website now so i've got gold silver glass lenses they're actually really nice quality so i've been using them almost for a year now and i love them i've been bringing julia ready for departure between zulu and uh yes operation with the preceding company airborne still on runway heading one to right make left turn clear for takeoff fake left track clip for takeoff once again right november tango is over something kilo air speeds alive now preferred up there taking a right there's 50 continuing there's 62 and rotate i got a bunch of birds up here in their own way i came awfully close to hitting one yesterday like he was sitting in the grass and right as i was like 10 feet off the ground it decided to take off i came about 10 feet from smacking it on my wing it was a big one too oh man what a beautiful morning all right over 85 we'll go 10 degrees of flaps over 90 we'll go zero and bring our prop to 2000 rpm truck tower nova protector zulu departed time 1-0 tracking 156 on climb 9000 estimating narambi circuit 3-3 limited user nano fountain and contact mosby primary vehicle zero decimal seven signal high jeff 6622 at one five miles one two zero seven six six two two one five miles no from our tanks all right so he's giving me two frequencies one two zero seven which is our vhf which is just the radios that come with the aircraft and then he's giving us a secondary of 6622 which is our hf radio in case for some reason i can't get all of them on vhf so vhf is basically like direct line stuff and our hf will actually transmit kind of along with the ground so go over top mountains so when we're down in valleys there's a bigger chance that we will be able to get home with hf but then sometimes you can get a hold of them just fine on vhf as well so it's kind of a hit and miss but like i said i have not been out here to narambi in like two plus years at least but i'm gonna go ahead and bring up the strip chart for you guys so you guys can see what i have to look at but narambi's the elevation is 4 800 feet so our pattern also is going to be 52 our correction 5800 feet make sure there's no notes about the touchdown zone being different there's not because it's pretty much flat it says it's a 5 slope but it looks more or less flat i think maybe the first maybe 100 meters or so might have a little bit of slope but other than that it's not it says it's a two-way runway i believe but really we'll be landing on runway zero one i've never landed on the other way can be pretty slippery at times because it's made up with this like red clay that's almost kind of like ice i don't have any landing penalties going in there it's early in the morning there shouldn't be any the winds really at all maybe one or two knots at absolute most sometimes you'll have tail ones going in there but one of the things with this place is i tend to get low on like turning final i'll get low because the whole valley just drops out below you so you're basically when we get out there you'll see but we'll be following along this ridge and we'll do a left-hand pattern but then when you're on base like the whole valley is like way way low below you so it really throws with like your visual cues off so that's why it's super important when you are going into like these type of mountaineer strips is to just always go off of numbers not off just what you're what it looks right because a lot of times what looks right is not right so i just need to make sure that i'm turning my final at the altitude that i want to so that i'm not coming in low and one way that i do that is i will put down here on my timer reference button we have our minimums that you can use for um shooting an approach like a ils or something you put in your minimums you can also put it in whatever you want so the pattern altitude was going to be 5800 so turning final is going to be 5300 feet so that's what i can put in here once i get to 5300 feet and it will remind me hey minimums minimums and then i know hey don't go any lower than this because this is where i actually want to be in case i am sagging on my approach while i'm out here i'm going to shoot it on the ground video because i haven't been out here and we don't go out here often i'm going to take the time today because one of my other flights was already cancelled uh so i have a little more time today so i'm going to shoot a quick little on the ground walk around the airstrip throughout my drone so if you're interested in seeing that check out the patreon page linked down below and yeah you can see what it looks like there a little bit more than what you see from just the video landing the chime you just heard was 200 feet yet to go up to 9000 but now that we're leveled off we're going to bring our power lever back so that our torque comes on down to 12.50 we'll just leave it at 1250 for our cruise as we pull it back we can actually take a little bit of that right rudder pressure out because we don't need as much feminine for just crews [Music] moresb 120 decimal seven november tango zulu transfer we're gonna get him there november tango zulu transfer morning no contact one two zero seven one seven miles to the south garoka maintaining niner thousand estimating the rocky time three two 1012 thanks this little area that we're going out to today with narambi there's actually quite a few little airstrips let me bring them up here so i can show you so in this little tiny section here i mean what we've got these are active ones the blue ones are so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen air strips all really really close so we go to andy combe we go to oh there's also another one here centennial is not even showing up marijuana andes and we've been there a few times simpari i've shot a video out there with you guys as well as some dinner and accompany marijuanka narambi we used to go to gama quite often i've shot into some mogu as well and asiana that's like i think the steepest one that i know of the steepest one here in png there's i think it's like uh 16 to 19 slope at the steepest like touchdown i think is 12 but then it goes up but it's short i mean it's i think 300 meters long it's a pretty pretty short place um it's not a hard place to land and and not even intimidating it's actually really fun but i have not had an opportunity to even show you guys that on a video yet anyways yeah if you're into flight simming there's a lot of places in this little tiny area that you could just jump around from airstrip to airstrip on microsoft flight sim and i know a lot of them are on there and some of them like denny and sambari i don't think are but on my patreon page i have a link to uh some guys have made them that you guys can add in there so really really cool you guys can see that the tallest mountain out ahead of me that's the ridge i need to get over top of to get down into the valley of the zambari valley area and it's the sambari people group is as foreign as far as i know so we've got sombari airstrip and then narami but it's still the same people group and it's still same language group so my plan is to come in and then head into the narambi gap there's also a safari gap in this area but we'll head in off to the left just because it's going to be a little bit easier we'll just basically descend down through it and fly right overhead enter into a left downwind and then just go through our whole pattern just take a look to see what the naropi gap is what the altitude is has been so long since i've been through it 7200 feet what i can do is put in 7200 feet i just start my descent now i do have passengers on board today so i don't like zooming down as fast as i can with them and i'm just going to adjust my descent rate by just watching my little blue arc right here on my screen because it's going to show me when i'm going to arrive at that specific altitude as we get into the pattern here there's a really cool waterfall that's just right off to the my right wing on um on left outwind so you guys will have to keep an eye out for that because it's a really cool waterfall we're going to be going directly right over top of samogu if you guys want to see a video going into there next um i won't remember to link it at the end of this video but i do have a video going into some ogu i just went in there recently uh and it was yeah that's a really cool fun place to go into that's a really great introductory that we use for like our new pilots and stuff and it was one of my first kind of uh mountainous airstrips here in the highlands that i went into just because it's like a five or i think it's like a six five or six percent slope so it's really not that big of a deal but i remember the very very first bush landing i ever did here in png like uh like a sloped strip and it was like a seven percent slope and i was super nervous didn't botch it up but i was still pretty nervous though if you're wondering do you still get nervous flying no i don't like i wouldn't say that there's any place that i've been here now that i'm nervous about flying into but there are other places that have elements about them that are more stressful they can be more stressful like depending on the winds and things trying to get in and you have tailwinds and how much weight you have and there's and maybe adding weather in there things can build up pretty quick where it can be stressful where one day can be great super fun and another day not so much but no i don't get stressed flying here to these places i really really enjoy it all right we're almost at the gap now or 69 60 we'll be landing at 6900 so we'll put our vref our approach speed down to 73 knots we said we're landing on zero one so i hit my obs button caution terrain caution terrain thank you uh it was runway zero one so turn this all the way down here to zero one zero we'll go right around this corner our selectors and brakes are good our tods are off our vrep is set up we'll do our landing light our bypass if we do need to go around power up 20 degrees of flaps for 73 knots right hand turn out reset our id 740 that's auto pilot off up and harness will just remain at 7 400 today to get through this little area and just start bringing our power back slow us down so we can get going down to 5800 feet for pattern altitude all stations narami one two zero decimal seven kodiak november tango zulu six miles to the north seven thousand five hundred circuit three two niraby just five miles out couple thousand feet to drop or about 1500 feet or so let's push our prop forward this place usually this time of year it's pretty nice but usually this whole valley is really more of a morning a morning flight because what will happen is all the the planes way down there ahead of you you can see there's some low clouds up there all those clouds will just push up in here and just fill this whole valley up with clouds and once you get in i mean if you land and it comes in man you're stuck four all right look for this waterfall wherever it is it's off here on the right somewhere a thousand feet to drop for my pattern altitude let's go 10 degrees of flaps now pop and harness are done bring my power back that will slow us down that way i get 20 degrees of flaps in oh there it is up there there's not much water and well there's not much water usually that thing is like pouring out not much water there today though all right we will plan to land in that kind of dirt area a light dirt area oh right about the first tone in around in that area 500 right we want 73 83 and 93 93 on downwind there's our pattern altitude tops to go we're going to lose 300 feet now correction turning base 5500. go out a little bit because i feel really close to it i'm gonna go out 1.6 nautical miles before we turn our base let's be a quick base though because i'm pretty close just because of this mountain i probably could have hugged it a little bit more but i didn't there's 1.6 reducing power turn the base up into 5300 183 knots there's our 83 knots we're really close to it there's perpendicular minimum minimums like i'm a little far out full flaps necklace is complete turning final 1 to 73 and don't drag in sun is bright yep i'm already feeling like i'm a little low your checklist is complete 73 knots here we go all right 500 feet on the descent that's looking good save it fast just the power a little bit that'll slow me down 500 not a headwind all right we're now committed this is really nice like a fence and everything here now like i said i haven't been out here in like two or more years and last time i was here half the runway was just dirt anyways welcome to narambi if you're interested in watching an on the ground thing i'm going to throw my drone up real quick head over to my patreon page i've got a lot of those on the ground content videos for you guys to watch after this i'm heading down to moresby to pick up some more returning missionaries back to png so anyways thanks so much guys for taking the time to watch i sure do appreciate it give it a video thumbs up if you did enjoy the video and consider subscribing as always if you aren't already we'll see you guys next time you
Channel: Missionary Bush Pilot
Views: 309,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flight vlog, pilot vlog, bush pilot, quest kodiak, flying vlog, flight vlog pilot, cockpit view landing, aviation, missionary bush pilot, flying video, pilot vlog youtube, becoming a pilot, bush pilots papua, bush flying, landing, backcountry flying, flight training, runway, plane landing, takeoff, fly with me, learn to fly, papua new guinea, cockpit landing, airplane landing, airplane, flight, pilot, plane, microsoft flight simulator 2020, microsoft flight simulator, ifr flight
Id: Fivn5zVQKQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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