Curse of the Demon FULL MOVIE | (Dana Andrews, Peggy Cummins) STREAM CITY

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] it has been written since the beginning of time even unto these ancient stones that evil supernatural creatures exist in a world of [Music] darkness and it is also said man using the magic power of the ancient runic symbols can call forth these powers of Darkness the Demons of hell [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] a la the [Music] I must see Dr Carwell at once yes sir who should I say is calling sir Professor Harington tell him it's most urgent I'm afraid Mr Carwell is not at home sir I know he's here I tell him I won't leave until he does see me I'm very sorry sir well go back and say Carwell that's all right B please come in this way good evening good evening mother well uh I'll go and see about some tea oh that won't be necessary we shall only be a minute call it off Castle stop this thing you've started and I'll admit publicly that I was totally wrong and that you were totally right was very gratifying to hear that but some things are more easily started than stopped but I've heard it I've seen it I know it's real you involve me in a public Scandal I protested you said do your worst that's precisely what I did please cell I'll stop this investigation when Holden arrives I'll tell him I made a mistake I'll send a statement to the newspapers oh no no no no no more newspapers all I ask for is privacy for myself and my followers well I promise all right that's good enough then you'll stop this you still got that parchment I gave you the runic symbols no they burned I couldn't stop it oh I see uh well I think perhaps You' better go home then you will help me I'll do all that I can Carwell if you only knew I do know thank you good night Mrs Carwell good night thank you again goodbye professor [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] two [Music] yeah excuse me I can't get out sorry good here they come Dr Holden yes I'm Lloyd Williamson Professor Hon's personal aid I'm so glad that i' be able to meet you here sir the professor had planned to meet you here himself but he well Dr holand yes where the Press so could you spare a few minutes what makes me news ghosts what exactly is the uh function of this convention you're attending investigation of international reports on paranormal psychology par what psychology just say mind reading fortune telling spirits and zombies operator I'm still waiting for my number I'm sorry the number you requested is reported out of order could you check it then it's to Professor Harrington's house that is the correct number but I'm sorry the line is out of order oh thank you sorry to keep you waiting Williamson uh you were saying Professor Harrington couldn't come yes I I'm afraid I have some terrible news for you Professor Harington was found dead this morning found dead [Music] sorry to disturb you like this Holden but there's so much to do in so little time I'll be right out the police say that Professor Harrington was electrocuted somehow his car ran into a power line outside his house it was a terrible accident he he must have died instantly the services will be held tomorrow I'll be there oh this is Mark O'Brien he's been working with Professor Harington and he'll continue to do so with you fine Professor O'Brian you'll have to forgive me I had a little sleep to catch up on of course uh sit down I won't be very long what is this oh these are part of O'Brien's research which is tied up with a Carswell devil cult investigation I see let me get some clothes on I wrote Professor Harrington recently that if he wanted to find the key to carswell's phony Supernatural power all he had to do was check the psychological makeup of some of his followers I know but we ran into difficulty the one cult member we persuaded to speak up a farmer named Rand Hobart was arrested several weeks ago as an alleged murderer well it could still be useful I'm afraid not his mind is in total collapse he's in a state of catatonic shock and is now in a home for the criminally insane why do you say alleged murderer well that's just my personal view a short while ago at the Asylum I succeeded in rousing Hobart under hypnosis he produced this drawing it's crude but remarkably similar to these copies of old woodcuts and medieval drawings of a fire demon invoked by witchcraft to destroy an enemy you mean you think that thing committed the murder I thought the purpose of our convention was to disprove that type of thinking yes but Mark says that he I speak for myself Lloyd i a scientist also Dr Holden I know the value of The Cold Light of reason but I also know the Deep Shadows that light can cast the Shadows that can blind men to truth what truth myths demonology and Witchcraft have been discredited since the Middle Ages O'Brien I wrote a book about it that's why I'm here then explain how an uneducated farmer like Hobart could know anything about this creature whose Legend has persisted through civilization after civilization Babylonian Bal Egyptian Seth Typhon Persian Asad hebraic Malak come in good evening KY Kumar bom apologizes for being late oh that's quite all right Kuma we're just about to begin now this is Dr Holden how do you do Dr Hood I'm very pleased to meet you your work on hstm is a great favorite of mine thank you Dr Umar we were just talking about devils and demons what are your views on the subject well I believe in them [Music] absolutely you'll find the liary straight through [Music] [Music] sir [Music] I'm sorry sir for the last volume you asked for the true discoveries of the witches and demons is not available what does not available mean it should be in our Restricted Section the oldest non existing copy over 400 years old you know yes I know seems to be missing most peculiar I'm having you checked it was mentioned in these research notes never mind I can probably find what I want in these I hope so sir do my best to trace it excuse me sir I couldn't help overhearing your conversation with the librarian your interest in seeing the true discoveries of witches and demons is that it yes I have a copy I'll gladly put at your disposal and the British museum didn't have the own the copy apparently not Dr holdon I have what is perhaps the finest library in the world on witchcraft and the Black Arts you know my name oh yes and you know mine I'm Julian kaswell it's rather difficult to talk here why not come out to my place in the country the books there if I don't find what I want I might take you up on that I'm delighted just one thing let's understand each other Mr Carwell my investigation of you and your cult won't be stopped oh but uh if I could make my point I could persuade you I'm not open to persuasion but a scientist should have an open mind that's what investigations are for oh well um in any event here's my card lard hall near Warg grieve I'll be seeing you soon I'm sure oh excuse me how comes it so so sorry here are your papers sir thank you goodbye don't leave it too [Music] long [Music] can I help you sir did you see that man who was just here I can't say that I did what do you make of this it's a visiting card no I mean handwriting on it no handwriting yes there is I forg [Music] it [Music] what [Music] nice of you to drop in Kumer oh good evening Holden Mr Holden are you ill no I'm all right hello Mark oh I founded you earlier the authorities are being difficult about cooperating on Hobart we leave the family to sign a release I have it here or if it's going to be that much trouble forget it his memory patterns are probably worthless anyway beside I've met this Carswell he's just a harmless you are a very skeptical man that's what Carswell said care for night cap I wouldn't mind Kum haven't you gentlemen heard that alcohol is the devil's brew and interested as I am in the devil I never indulge thank you O'Brian don't you think that skepticism is the scientific attitude oh sometimes all good scientists are from Missouri in other words they should continually be saying show me and if you ask sh then I look twice like water no thank you the whole question of this demon monster that you think shocked Hobart out of his mind is a perfect example of Autos suggestion in Mass hysteria just the same as flying sources someone imagines that they see moving lights in the sky and the next thing a thousand hysterical Witnesses turn up all over the world swearing the Martians are attacking us and now this nonsense it even affects ser ious men like yourselves sometimes even me but Logic the reality of the seeable and Untouchable that's what convinces me finally certainly not rumor or Intuition or funny feelings here's how I wouldn't dream of arguing with you you say show me I say look for yourself you know the devil has something here very pleasant he's most dangerous when he's being Pleasant uh look Mark I I don't want to be arbitrary about this hobot business if you're so set on it let me think it over will you good we haven't much time you know this is the release form well thank you I wonder if either of you could recognize this tune it'd go something like this and then it goes uh it sounds like a distortion of an Irish folk tune about the devil I believe present Devils accepted of course the most odd coincidence for in Northern India there is a similar tune which is also part of an enchantment spell well that takes care of that I I guess I must have heard it somewhere it kept running through my mind tell me what have you got in your program for the convention tomorrow only a few sessions on extra sensory perception the timetable is over there on the desk I'd like to look in and watch your work do you mind not at all be glad to have you Holden you not leaving us out to the 28th are you no why did you ask that well it's just that all the pages after the 28th are torn out I can't find anything on this card nothing at all no oh I could try some absorption tests but that would take time how much time tonight fine call me at my hotel when it's finished right [Music] [Music] [Music] is aren't you yes I'm plane did you know the professor did you yes I worked with him I'm John Holden then I must talk to you it's very important I'm Joanna Harrington Professor Harrington was my uncle my deepest sympathies thank you when can we meet tonight call me at my hotel all right 412 D leus thank you well come in thanks so you really are Dr Holden all scientists don't wear thick glasses I apologize for bothering you on the plane what was all that writing about anyway letters to my pupils about my trip to America I'm a kindergarten teacher I'm sorry I end it so tragically for you thank you sit down won't you would you like a drink no thanks you don't mind if I have one do you I need it it's cold tonight isn't it no it's hot quite hot do you think so I heard you're continuing my uncle's project and I believe you're in danger oh I found my uncle's diary it's all in here you make it sound very menacing it is I I think it had something to do with my uncle's death something horrible happened to him something unexplainably horrible I'd like to read it to you go ahead met Coswell at Albert Hall concert he puts three exclamation marks after that sentence Carswell can be a pretty startling character you met him this morning I see and listen to this Carwell most Pleasant lost my program during concert and Coswell gave me his a nice gesture since I saved them that doesn't sound particularly menacing wait today I found the parchment in the concert program Carwell gave me it had runic symbols drawn on it that's not mysterious runic symbols are the oldest form of alphabet they're found carved on Ancient Stones like like hieroglyphics well they're supposed to have magic powers they don't the parchment acted as if it were alive it pulled from my hand and flew Into the Fire and burn I think I can guess what Carwell has done to me I'm under some kind of witch's spell my mind is in the balance must speak to Holden about this unfortunately you came too late what you're trying to tell me is your uncle was killed by witchcraft as a doctor I can assure you you're wrong please don't treat me like a mental patient who has to be humored I also majored in psychology on sorry I didn't mean you could learn a lot from children they believe in things in the dark until we tell them it's not so maybe we've been fooling them good night Dr H well please I'm really quite flattered that you've taken such an interest in my welfare don't be if I hadn't have been away my uncle might still be alive it was an accident I don't believe that I love my uncle very much and I want to know exactly what happened to him you don't seem to share my view good night wait just a minute hello hello I've tested this card through and through there's been no chemical used on it are you sure couldn't it have rubbed off in my pocket maybe but some of it certainly would have been absorbed into the card and my absorption test would have shown it this card is 100% clean I guaranteed I see well thank you how would you like to show me the way to lford Hall and the friendly Mr Carswell tomorrow then you think don't come to conclusions I just want to borrow a book from him and discuss a chemistry problem are you sure this is cosmos's place that's what it said back there I don't know what his racket is but it pays very well sounds like a human sacrifice well you remember the magic word of course no it's magic just a tame magician so that's it that was what the answer to my chemistry problem right now now just should be good for a few minutes won't you now and I should be back ah hold and delighted to see you I hope we're not intruding not at all just my annual Halloween party for the village children I'll come right up [Music] he's just a nice old guy perhaps he's Santa Claus in Disguise I didn't recognize him I used to earn my living like this years ago you see before you Dr Bobo the Magnificent oh excuse me this is Miss Joanna Harrington Miss uh not by any chance yes he was my uncle oh I was very sorry to hear of his accident he was a man of uh great principal mother mother I'd like you to meet my mother you must try a homemade ice cream she's very proud of it mother may I introduce Dr Holden how do you do and uh Miss Joanna Harrington Miss Harrington is a niece of Henry Harrington Dr Hon's going to borrow a book from the library I've asked him to stay oh how nice do you like ice cream my dear yes I love it well come with me and I'll give you a treat would you like to try some not right now thank you say this is quite a place you have here yes yes let me show you around Snakes and Ladders an English game you wouldn't know it you see if you land at the foot of the ladder you climb up to the top but if you land on the head of a snake you slide all the way down again funny thing I always preferred sliding down the snakes to climbing up the ladders you're a doctor of psychology you ought to know the answer to that maybe you're a good loser I'm not you know not a bit just how much do you know about this book that you're after not very much only that Professor Harrington referred to it in his notes a remarkable work a few men that really understood it learned many strange and terrifying Secrets only a few is it that hard to understand I spent my life trying to decipher it the ancient Sorcerers who wrote it knew their information was far too valuable to entrust to any known language I didn't realize what I was asking for you don't believe in witchcraft do you do I believe in witchcraft what kind of Witchcraft the legendary witch that rides on the imaginary broom the hex that tortures the thoughts of the victim the pin stuck in the image that wastes away the mind and the body also imaginary but where does imagination end and reality begin what is this Twilight this half world of the mind that you profess to know so much about how can we differentiate between the powers of darkness and the powers of the Mind how terrifying ah what do I see here yes some chocolate I do believe H and there as well here we are course wonderful aren't they if only we grown-ups could preserve their capacity for simple Joys and simple belief I see you practice white magic as well as black oh yes I don't think it' be too amusing for the youngsters if I conjured up a demon from hell for them or for myself for that matter as we're not protected by the magic circle would both of us be torn to shreds and you'd spoil the party you're so right but how to prove my point ah yes [Music] yes there it's done what is a magician doesn't like to expose his magic black or [Music] white [Music] [Applause] no [Music] [Applause] [Music] where are the others they probably went around by the back I didn't know you had Cyclones in England we don't you probably could use a drink Perfect Host this way I'm sorry I miscalculated the wind's stronger than I expected much too much you're talking in riddles to prove my point a medieval witch's specialty a windstorm take my professional advice and stick to rabbits and puppy dogs you think I'm mad unfortunately you won't be able to explain away your death on the 28th of this month so easily with my prediction of it at this moment you're really serious aren't you you will die as I said at 10:00 on the 28th of this month your time allowed is just 3 days from now my time allowed oh yes your trick with a card very good too I'm sorry you remain so skeptical but as the time gets closer mental disintegration will set in first weakness and unsureness and then horror as the fear of what is behind you grips your heart because it's there Dr Holden it's there it has been from the moment we met in the museum you actually believe this nonsense I asked you to drop this ridiculous investigation perhaps you will before it's too late well it's nice to know that I do have a way out Mr Carswell the choice is yours [Music] I hope we don't run out of candles before the power lines are repaired don't you think eating by candle light is romantic yes but not on a night like this shall we have some Brandy in the living room fine I could use something to warm me up don't say it I know you think it's hopping here no as a matter of fact it's is rather [Music] chilly do you know the Ancient Mariner vaguely I read it in school I found a copy at my uncle's desk he underlined one part like one that on a lonesome Road doth walk in fear and dread because he knows a fright ful fend do close behind him tread H I hope you don't read points like that to your kindergarten class when it's important that a child learns something I use the most direct means available I get it teacher he scribbled a note on the next page I never had a kindergarten teacher as pretty as you are I'm serious so am I you wouldn't deny a dying man a last request would you you listen whether you like it or not you haven't much time left today I found all the pages of my desk calendar torn out after October the 22nd I know why he died on the 22nd John what's the matter the same thing happened to my desk calendar after the 28th and I know why you put the two together and they add up to a very obvious trick you see when a tribal Witch Doctor puts a hex on his victim he always always lets the victim know well beforehand let me see your uncle's diary in case it would make you feel better a parchment has to be passed and the person has to take it without knowing my mother taught me never to take anything from strangers and I still don't then what killed my uncle an accident with a falling power line and killed him then he should only have been burned his body was mutilated horribly the police said it could have been an animal the only thing they didn't say was what kind of animal well what do you expect me to do nobody's free from Fear I have an imagination like anyone else it's easy to see a demon in every dark corner but I refuse to let this thing take possession of my good senses if this world is ruled by demons and monsters we may as well give up right now nobody said we were rule by them but you just want me to give in to Carell's carefully calculated threats that's exactly what he wants me to do because he knows he can't stand up to a real investigation if he's so all powerful what's he so afraid of I wish I knew are you sure Carwell never passed anything or gave you anything on which the runes could have been written what if he did did he well he could have at the Museum when my notes fell to the floor as a matter of fact he mentioned the museum the other day yes well he picked up the papers and hand them back to me where are they now at my hotel I suppose no they're in my briefcase I have it [Music] here he did give you the [Music] parchment it's trying to escape it's just a [Music] wind but it is trying to escape Into the Fire that's a draft from the chimney [Music] what made them [Music] stop I don't [Music] know [Music] [Music] that's it sir number 44 thank [Music] you over here John I'm sorry I'm late I just got back to the hotel and found your message it's only a minute or two I wanted to wait and go in with you what is this all about I'm not sure I know that's why I asked you to come here like this I I didn't want to have to explain I promised Mrs Carswell I'd bring you here Mrs Carswell John she wants to help you I thought we might take a chance I mean I thought at least we might learn something well after this afternoon I must confess there are a few things I don't know oh I'm so glad you've come both of you Mr M has just telephoned he's on his way may I ask who Mr Meek is the gentleman I want you to meet and this is Mrs meek Miss Harrison I mean Harrington and Dr Holden how do you do excuse me please don't worry all your problems will be solved you'll see that's very nice may I ask how through tonight's sance sance yes Mr Meek is the most remarkable medium I come to him with all my problems ah here he is now John she's trying to help you I said I'd talk to her but this nonsense these things are phony oh please you'll hurt Mr Meek's feelings he really is a most wonderful man well good evening it is a good evening too a little warm perhaps this is Dr Holden oh so you're the gentleman who is in trouble magar well life's full of little problems isn't it let's see Mr Holden what's yours now perhaps you better not tell me the spirits sometimes resent previous knowledge well let's see if we can clear the air oh uh not being part of the circle you two had better sit by the window well Maggie no point in wasting these good people's time I must be insane to get involved in a thing like this please very well Maggie Cherry rip [Music] Cherry we all sing the spirit like iter [Music] Cherry he's going off [Music] [Laughter] that's really very quick he's so helpful you'll see Mrs Carell something's here can't you feel it that's Crimson Eagle he's mr's guide he's a red Indian Chief from obsure part of your country [Laughter] Professor will a kindly good evening to your friends good evening Mr McGregor that's Mr McGregor he always comes through he's a friend of ours bnny weather we're having it'll do a get to the floors and The Barley lovely weather Mr McGregor but I sense we have strangers in her midst to strangers but they're very sympathetic will you he them into the circle oh that's really a great honor and Mr McGregor so particular who sits in the circle here over here both of you Joanna Joanna it's my uncle don't be foolish are you there Joanna yes these things are all faked but it is my uncle I know his voice he who hurt Mr Meek got to got to tell Holden he can't fight it it's too strong he means he must give up the investigation this is crazy Carwell has the key he's translated the old book the answer is there no look it's in the trees it's coming the demon it's coming that does it don't turn the light on he's in a trance trans my eye Maggie I feel sick you're not the only one he's still alive no thanks to you don't you know that to wake a medium out of a transit to risk his life but it was real you must do don't understand oh dear Mr Holden oh don't go Mr Holden oh Mr Holden you must listen Mr me knew nothing Julie let them go all right mother come along with [Music] me but I tell you it did sound like my uncle's voice it was Mr Meek doing voice impersonations and your supposed friend Mrs Carswell States the whole thing she's looking out for her son's interest not mine tomorrow's the 28th now that would be a real miracle if Coswell could change that what if we did find he really had a translation of that book would that convince you that there is something in all this it might help then I'm going to carswell's house to see if I can find it go ahead aren't you even going to try to stop me it would be easier to stop Carell's demon than a woman who has her mind made up no lights are showing if anybody finds you there the charge will be burglary Carswell is away his mother told me if you find a re reception committee waiting for you will you believe then that Mrs Carswell loves her son not us I hope that's what does happen don't you see I want to be wrong there's nothing I'd like better than to find out that this has all been put on just to scare you off where you going let see if I can get into the house but it was my idea you didn't think for a minute that I'd let you go in there did you I'll go with you know it'll be much easier for me I can get next to the house by going through the woods without being seen and with you waiting I'll hurry back for I [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] oh why did you drop the poker it's red hot which isn't you know my boy are as pale as death there was something in here well nothing to worry you just a minor demon I set to protect the room nothing like the real thing when you meet it it may have been Miner but it had Claws and teeth oh Claws and Teeth did you bite the man oh shame I don't keep you as a watch cat I left the book in full sight for him his name's galin a very fashionable name for English cats in the Middle Ages they were used in witchcraft J now it was not that cat oh yes it was you must have awakened him you shouldn't have the time of the full moon when cats wander and witches dance oh yes they do dance I've seen them you really are crazy aren't you on the contrary it's you who seem to be mildly unhinged I mean is breaking to my house at night to read a few of my scribbles and indication of Sanity I was talked into that a Miss Harrington no doubt that's quite horribly bright young woman I don't think she'd be flattered at least her head isn't in the sand she believes that she can see she can she believes that she's alive she is she believes that you'll die tomorrow night you will Julian I thought I heard it's all right mother just a social visit Dr hon was just leaving uh is your car outside house Breakers don't leave cars and driveways oh you have a point there my boy give my regards to that intelligent young woman oh if you're thinking of going through the woods you might find it unpleasant I suggest you use the driver I'll put on the light for you I have one Superstition I like to go back the way I came he's a very obstinate young man I told him not to go through the woods he just wouldn't [Music] [Music] listen [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was dark in the trees and I saw this smoke I know this sounds crazy but I could have sworn the smoke came after me and don't forget Coswell tore out those pages I mean the book must have had the answer why would he have torn them out otherwise right well one usually has a reason for tearing things out and this feeling of being followed and Coswell says Dr Holden will die tomorrow night of this enchantment thing hex forget the hex let's say something came after me take it from there look we've been through all of this before frankly I think a bit of sleep is indicated it's extraordinary different to think a look in the morning but there's so little time if what you say is true but it is all of it doctor I don't think at Scotland Yard can be anything more than an interested spectator until I see your point you mean until you have a victim will you already have one my uncle have we got anything in criminal records to cover Phantoms and demons not that I know of I didn't think so you're right it will seem different in the morning but it is morning it's 3:00 in the morning to be exact all right if you insist on setting the wheels grinding will you please wait here spare me a minute sir there's a Dr John Holden outside sir a psychology chap that's it sir it's um it's a bit awkward he's uh it seems he's Bewitched you know broomsticks and all that think he's being followed by something apparently he's going to die tomorrow night does he say Sir well uh not exactly sir there's a young lady with him in Miss Harington apparently her uncle went through the same thing thought he was being followed by something or other thought he was going to die on certain night at 10:00 did he well that's the thing that's got me puzzled her he did you look angry maybe that's because I am with me for bringing you here no but myself for not realizing what their attitude was bound to be look Joanna let me tell you something about myself when I was a kid I used to walk down the street with the other kids and when would come to a ladder they'd all walk around it I'd walk under it just to see if anything would happen nothing ever did when they'd see a black cat they'd run the other way to keep it from crossing their paths but I didn't and all this ever did for me was make me wonder why why people you get so panicky over absolutely nothing at all and I've made a career studying it maybe just to prove one thing that I'm not a superstitious sucker like about 90% of humanity but what did you run from in the woods oh some trick Gadget that Carswell had rigged up to to frighten me away and I fell for the bait like an idiot but he told you himself not to go back through the trees that's good psychology the same as he used when he had your sweet old Mrs Carswell plant the story about his being away don't bother about him he thinks I'm crazy anyway I'm beginning to think so myself allowing myself to be stampeded like this into a state of Hysteria I suppose you mean by me I didn't say you were doing it deliberately but that's what you meant good night Dr Holden when your partner comes up tell him it was just a bad Halloween joke I want to clear up everything today even if it means having the closing session tonight is that all right with you fine hobart's been sent down today by ambulance under guard I want to get back to the States as soon as possible I'll get it you finish your breakfast yes who's calling is Mrs Carswell tell her I cut my throat anything get rid of her she's been calling all night Dr Holden has just left the day I'm sorry H she's hung up carswell's working his mother overtime let's go shall [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] all of us here know that through the use of hypnotism we can unlock certain sections of the human mind that are not accessible to memory a great deal of publicity has been given lately to hypnotized persons who supposedly recall an existence prior to birth in all cases we must ask ourselves do hypnotized people always tell the truth the subject of hypnotism brings us to a presentation of the late professor Harrington's study and investigation of people who follow witch Cults and practice devil worship we're going to perform an experiment on the platform with a Mr Rand Hobart who through an experience related to devil worship has lost all contact with reality Professor O'Brien platform is yours we have here an extraordinary subject for a period of time this man has been as you see him here he fails to respond to any normal stimulation his experience whatever it was which we hope here to discover has left him in a state of absolute catatonic immobility when I I first investigated this case the problem of how to hypnotize a unresponsive person was the major one now the proceedings may be somewhat dramatic but they are necessary the only way of bringing his mind out of the womb of Darkness into which it has retreated to protect itself is by therapeutic shock electrical or chemical for our purpose we are today using pental and later meile amphetamine for [Applause] robot look at this look at this you see only this you see nothing else only the light only this you see only the light look at this you see only this you see nothing else you see only this your eyelids are getting heavy tired more and more tired you're going to sleep sleep calm restful sleep rest sleep now you hear nothing but my voice do you understand Hobart you hear hear nothing but my voice the patient is now in a deep trance and will obey the commands of Dr Holden me amphetamine do you wish to proceed no I'll turn him over to you obart you will next hear the voice of Professor O'Brien from that point on it will be his voice and his alone that you will hear and obey do you understand that howart yes do you hear me Yes mine is the only voice you will hear is that clear yes only you obart what is the order of the True Believer those of us who believe that evil is good and good evil and who revealed this to you oer who the one who has brought us the wisdom of the true belief Julian Carswell yes now I want you to come forward in time it is the night of the demon no no you must it is the night of the demon Lord's there I see it in the trees the smoke and the fire my time allowed is almost over Hobart what do you mean your time allowed he's not in lapour with you do you want me to turn him over to you yes please Hobart from now on the only voice you'll hear is that of Dr Holden you understand what do you mean by your time allowed to prepare for my death why must you die I've been chosen how will you die the parchment was passed to me I took it without knowing ohot open your eyes is this the parchment no I passed it back to the brother who gave it to me it was the only way I had to return it to him I didn't want to but was the only way I could save myself to save yourself you had to give it back to the one who gave it to you yes yes I had to and the demon took him not me not me you are trying to pass it to me again but I won't take it I won't escap [Music] escap [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh this is terrible really terrible could you get me a car to take me to left H I can use mine but why should you want to go there I have something to return to Mr car give me the key certainly Dr hen wait I do not believe he's there how do you know Mrs Carwell told me earlier on the Tory knowing your attitude I told her you would not be interested are you yes I am she kept saying that all evil must end but how could it go on I hardly understood her but it seems that her sun is taking the 8:45 train to Southampton tonight would you know why 8:45 has a Southampton train come through yet she's in the station now give me one take it please you're [Music] trying [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening Dr Holden my boy I've been expecting you Joanna first stage hypnosis oh just a convenient way of stopping idle chatter on the train she's not harmed I'll bring her out of it now wake there's a friend here talk to him John this is abduction you know oh dear me no no no she came quite willingly you came willingly didn't you you remember we discussed it oh great length John he's frightened terrified of you I thought it was supposed to be the other way around he's trying to run away from you you see why I let her sleep this idle chatter Carwell I know now that you were right when I was wrong really but there is a way out for me you always said so yeah what's this he did you want me to admit your power you can send this to any newspaper and photostatic copies to all your followers isn't that what you want yes but it's uh too late now it's 6 minutes to 10 I guess it was my fault for not listening to Joanna I'm sorry now that I didn't listen and I want to thank you for convincing me of the existence of a world I never thought possible if only you'd understood sooner I suppose uh I still have time for a last cigarette no no thank you I've stopped smoking it must have been quite recently we got a match ah yes of course thank you that's all right you keep them I shall need them anymore you're very generous well I leave you to alone I know there's a certain feeling between you and you might want to be alone sit down your generosity is becoming overwhelming as it gets closer to 10:00 you're staying with me Carswell you've sold your bill Goods too well because I believe you now I believe that in 5 minutes something monstrous and horrible is going to happen and when it does you're going to be here so that whatever happens to me will happen to you you're insane you can't do this no you're staying here Carwell you're staying right here no I don't go hold is man insane I must go it's all right doctor we're the police as Holden knows had you under observation more or less is request fortunately for you as you can see yes I see thank you it's obvious that holdon has got a bit of a persecution complex about you something about your putting a hex on it well that's utterly ridiculous now if you excuse me I'm getting out of this station John he's lying he bought a ticket to Southampton I sought myself this is idiotic I can leave this train when I want excuse here's your book no no it's not mine I I found it here when I got on the train you bags my B oh yes yes of course yes these are his to well you want your hat and coat don't you M oh yes yes that's very forgetful of me thank you very much you passed them you sip them in my [Music] pocket it's 2 minutes of 10 come on [Music] a I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] what was that come on there's a man on the track what's happened I don't know but the trains hit [Music] him maybe it's better not to [Music] know the train must have hit him and dragged him I thought he was on the other side sir don't be ridiculous Simmons look at him the train must have hit [Music] him you're right maybe it's better not to [Music] know [Music] a
Channel: Stream City
Views: 162,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, movies, full movie, full length feature film, full length movie, free movie, film, films, full film, cinema, compilations, best of, comedy, horror, sci-fi, drama, animation, scene, scenes, funny, scary, trailer, new, fresh, trailers, official, movieclips, movie clips, The Curse of the Demon, The Curse of the Demon 1957, 1957 movie, 1957 film, drama movie, film noir, drama/noir, drama/noir movie, classic hollywood, old hollywood, hollywood, Dana Andrews, Niall MacGinnis, Peggy Cummings
Id: n51wm9802u4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 50sec (4910 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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