Thunder 15 - Michael Pitts - 9.20.15

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gee moments this morning we're gonna make some decrees over our lives over our families over this territory and believe that when we say something something has to happen just a little while back I started I started thinking about the power and the blood of Jesus and I'm gonna talk to you for just a little bit about it this morning we're gonna plead the blood anybody even go to church and you hear somebody I'll plead the blood and then but sometimes sometimes when people haven't been around church it sounds funny to them because we talk about being washed in the blood and pleading the blood and if you haven't been around church it sounds a little it sounds a little funny sometimes but we're gonna get it we're gonna get it today and we're gonna play the blood over your family or your children over this territory because I'm gonna tell you something the devil can't do nothing with the blood of Jesus but get up out of the way and when I was when I was growing up in church they would say they would say something and you guys can answer they say what can wash away my sin and then you say what can make me whole again you say nothing that's good let's go more time why can't wash away my sin and you say nothing what can make me whole again somebody say Oh we're gonna read two verses while you're standing right there the first one comes from the book of the Hebrews chapter 13 now the god of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus that great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood so if I say through the blood come on shouting at one time through the blood through the blood of the ever lasting covenant one times the everlasting covenant and now I want us to read this out of the book of Revelation please the book of Revelation and I've heard a loud voice in heaven saying now has come salvation and strength and the Kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ for the accuser of the word accuser comes from the word courser for the curser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto death in the name of Jesus before you sit down touch two or three people and tell him about the blood of Jesus by the blood of Jesus Jesus hallelujah thank you guys you may be seated faith and fear are antithetical to each other which is to say that they cannot occupy the same space at the same time where there is fear there is no faith where there is faith there is no fear they can't occupy the same heart the same time the same space simultaneously fear though is not the same as concern sometimes I can be concerned about a matter I'm not afraid and I'm not in fear but I am concerned and sometimes it is my concern that actually activates my faith because when I become concerned about a situation or concerned about a matter my faith has to get up I say that to say I am optimistic person I'm not a fearful person but there is a level of concern for me about our generation in our nation there are times I get concerned about us I get concerned about us because I think sometimes we don't know what the real deal is and what the real problems are and and if you'll just allow me to say so our real problems are not the things that are seen is the things that are not seen and so when we don't really know what the real problems are we like to think that we can buy our way out from under a curse that that soul so now we say well our problem is our economy and the real problem in our time is not the economy we say well our problem is a racial problem but the real problem is not a racial problem so our real problem is a political problem but a real problem is not a political problem I like it when y'all get quiet in Seoul so to clarify with you it doesn't mean that we don't need to make proper economic decisions and I am praying for leaders that know how to run a calculator because we need to make sound economic decisions it is not to say that we don't have racial issues that need to be addressed and that we don't need reforms and we don't need proper legislations and all of the things that go with that but how many of you understand the concept that if somebody doesn't want to like you you can't legislate them into liking you they just find another way to not like you it doesn't mean that things don't need to be worked out I'm done there the answer the it is not to say when we talk about politics that way that it's not important to have godly people into offices and we shouldn't be thinking and voting and praying for leaders and all those kind of things what I'm trying to tell you though is those are manifestations of the problem the real problem that we don't really want to talk about seems like anymore is that we are a nation that wants the blessing that serving God brings but we don't want to serve it and so we won't we've become accustomed we become accustomed to living in a nation by which we've had generations of abundance and we're living off of the momentum of other people's prayers we're living off the momentum of other people's commitments we're living off of the momentum of what other people did and what other people said but now the momentum seems like it's slowing down because we live in a nation now where we think the blessing is just gonna keep falling on top of us while we while we disrespect the God that bless this nation I'm go preach for Ally I believe that there is a blessing that comes when you understand covenant so what we don't always what we don't always get to is the visible and the invisible so so we know that God is a covenant making God if you track the descriptions you find out that God made a covenant with Adam then God makes a covenant with Noah then God makes a covenant with Abraham then God makes a covenant through Moses he goes on it makes all of these covenants by the time we get to the book of Hebrews we read these words the ever lasting covenant everlasting covenant the everlasting covenant is interesting because it comes last as we read about it in the Bible but it was the first one that was ever made because it was the everlasting and is the everlasting covenant a covenant works like this you got to have the parties of the company you got to have the terms and the conditions of the Covenant you got to have the seal and the symbol something to ratify that covenant and you got to have the sanctions the blessings and the curses of the Covenant but people stand in a church and get married it is a covenant it's not just a contract it's a covenant I said it's not a contract it's a covenant the covenant means in front of Authority the parties come together they have the terms and the conditions I do and you have people standing with you that are the witnesses to the Covenant that are supposed to uphold what they just heard you only say nothing to me okay you're not supposed to put people down here just cuz they look nice in a dress and because they look cute in a tuxedo you got to have people there that are on your team so it is it is now it is this everlasting covenant the everlasting covenant was the Covenant that God made before he created the world God made a covenant with himself in the heavenly council the Bible is clear is it not that the lamb was slain from the foundation of the world God made a covenant with himself and then backed up with Adam and rolled it all the way out until the everlasting covenant would be in effect and this covenant is ratified and sealed by the blood of Jesus let's hang on for a minute now when God creates Adam just this becomes part of the question what where God creates Adam he creates him out of the dust of the ground Adam Adam means man of the mud mud man he's a mud man laying there in the ground the question becomes where does Adam's blood come from because Adam doesn't have any parents how many here in this building say yes Adam doesn't have any parents and he's a mud man so where does the blood come from so the Adam is laying there and the Bible says watch me now that God breathed into Adam and Adam became a living soul God breathed himself the knew of the spirit God breathed it into Adam and Adam became a living soul which means that when God breathed into him that's when that's when the mud man got some blood so that means there was an invisible quality to a visible thing because Leviticus will tell us later that the watch is the life of the flesh is in the blood but the life of the blood is in the breath of God so when God breathed into Adam he breathed himself into Adam's blood and so though the blood would make his body animated it was the breath of God that made his spirit alive Adam became a living soul so now Adam has desires he has won't - he has thinking he has all of these things but he is spirit his spirit his spirit so now he has the breath of God inside of his blood it's tracked with me when Adam transgresses the law of God mankind transgresses his hemoglobin does not stop flowing he didn't lose his blood what he lost was the breath of God inside of his blood so then the Bible refers to after the fall that man is dead come on God told Adam in the day that you eat you shall surely die but his body didn't stop functioning but his spirit became dead his spirit became dead to God unconscious to God unable to deal with the will of God so guess what Adam and Eve do they reproduce after their own kind so Cain and Abel are born without the breath of God in their blood they they are born with physical blood but without the breath that makes their spirit alive and so now they begin to exhibit not the nature of God but the nature of Adam somebody say I hear you this is interesting because the word mankind is not used in the King James Bible until after the fall because there was only one kind of man it was the god man God made Adam he was a god man but after he falls now this is a different kind of man he's still a man he still got but he's a different kind that's why when Jesus comes and he starts doing his thing the people will say what manner what kind of a man is this we know he's a man but he's a different kind so God had breathed his life into it here we go 2,000 years later because God had an everlasting covenant where did Adam's blood come from it came from the breath of God where did that come from because here's what God does God counts intent as action whatever you intend to do is counted as a completed act so the Bible always refers to Abraham having offered up his son even though Abraham never offered up his son but he intended to obey got it that's why when the Bible says you know in the Beatitudes that's what Jesus teaching it's not just what you do is what you intend to do it's counted as done watch this so before the world was formed you're gonna I'm going somewhere just hang on before the world was formed God had counseled with himself and determined that he would send jesus as the lamb and shed his blood and put his breath back into man and when he did that he intended that at that moment that the land would be slain and that his blood would be shed so at that moment the blood of Jesus was shed in the heart of God so everything that God intended to do was in his breath so when he breathed his breath he breathed his intent and the blood of Jesus into the body of Adam and Adam didn't was born with the breath and the life of God inside of his blood since that time since the fall of Adam every man has been born with natural blood but without the breath and so when Cain kills Abel God says to him the voice of your brother's blood is crying up to me we cannot live in a nation where we shared the lives and the blood of unborn children for years and years and think that their voice is not going up before God we can't be killing each other in the streets and act like God don't hear that 2,000 years laters 6000 years later the breath of God comes again to him to a girl named Mary because he's got to have someone born whose blood is not polluted with anger and violence and sin and iniquity he's got to have somebody that has that same breath that he intended for Adam to have he's got to find somebody so he finds a young girl virgin named Mary and he breathes into Mary because she can't have Joseph's blood Jesus can't have Joseph's blood and he can't have Mary's blood he's got to have the breath and so God breathes into Mary and Jesus gets his blood from the Father because God had already purposed it from the foundation of the world yo y'all gonna catch me in a minute I'm not just talking about hemoglobin I'm talking about the breath this is not about blood type a positive be positive stop talking about sales just talk about what we don't understand when we plead the blood of Jesus we're not talking about a blood type we're not talking about just hemoglobin we're talking about the reason for the blood of Jesus is because the breath of God is inside of the blood of Jesus Jesus blood is precious it's rare it's not polluted it's not tainted that's why he could not Joseph could not be his father and Mary can't just be his mother so God breathes into Mary and when he breathes into her now Jesus has the same thing that Adam had which was the original breath of God carried around on the inside of his blood and he was born alive to God he was born alive unto God and so Jesus comes now watch this watch this much so when Jesus is coming Jesus came to shed his blood Jesus shed his blood if you trick if you track it first of all he sheds his blood in Gethsemane he prays and his pretty pray so strong until his sweat becomes like great drops of blood and it begins to water the ground of Gethsemane then he sheds his blood in the house of Caiaphas and the house of Caiaphas they pulled his beard out and they beat his face the King James word out of Isaiah is the word vist each for countenance and it says that his vist each was marred more than any man that he was almost unrecognizable they pulled his beard out and beat him when one gospel writes about 600 people beat him he sheds his blood in the praetorium punch his pilot and then they they they whipped him in his back and he bleeds again they put crowns of thorns on his head and he bleeds again they take him to the cross and they put nails in his hands and he bleeds again they put nails in his feet and he bleeds again they stick a spear in his side and he bleeds again all the way down the Via Dolorosa tract with Jesus from Gethsemane to Calvary and it's a trail of blood and every time he shed his blood he did something for me every time he shed his blood he did something for you because every time his blood hit the ground the breath and the voice of God began to cry out on our behalf and it was in Gethsemane when he shed his blood and Gethsemane he bought the healing to my wheel because it was there he said not my will but thy will be done and the problem was when Adam lost the breath my will my want to the way I think about the thing the way I feel about a thing the stuff I desire is not what God wants me to desire so Jesus and I'm gonna shed my blood and make you a living soul again so you want what I want you think what I think you feel how I feel and he did it in Gethsemane when he went to the house of caiaphas and they beat his face and they pulled his beard out he shed his blood and bought the healing for my image that I could be restored to the image and the likeness of God we have people who are destroying their life because they have a they have a wrong image of themselves we have girls that are starving themselves because they they're beautiful but they look in the mirror and they see themselves it's too fat too ugly to most of stuff we say to our cell we look in the mirror and it was see we have a wrong image problem we don't see the image of God we don't see I'm fearfully and wonderfully made we just like oh look I got a crinkle over here my nose is flat over here and I'm too heavy and I got stuff hanging and I got dude and I'm a woman trapped in a man's body we got to all kind of image we got all kind of image problems but I want you to know that Jesus allowed them to snatch his beard out and to beat him in his face so that my image could be restored so that when I look into the mirror I could see that I am a child of Almighty God I have been fearfully and wonderfully made he changes my image and then when he goes to the praetorium and they beat him in his back and the blood drips from his back Isaiah saw it before it happened he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities by His stripes we are healed in Gethsemane He healed my wheel Caiaphas house he heals my image in the Praetorian he heals my body he bought the healing by the stripes on his bed when he goes towards the cross they begin to put the crown of thorns on his head and he bleeds from his head he bought the healing from my mind he bought the healing so that I don't have to live in fear and I don't have to live in torment I don't have to live in worry I don't have to live in depression because Jesus took the sign of the curse the thorns have put it on his head and he bled for me so that my mind could be healed in the name of Jesus he goes to the cross and there on the cross they take his hands and they put those nails in his hands and he bleeds from his hands so that he could buy the healing of my work what I do with my hands your hands are not meant for violence your hands are meant to heal your hands are meant to be lifted and Jesus wants to heal everything that you put your hand to do and they put it they put the nails in his speech so that he could heal my walk so I could walk before the Lord and walk uprightly and walk with him and Jesus came to heal your walk don't let somebody tell you you can't serve God so I can't serve God cuz everything Jesus came to heal your walk he's delivered my eyes from tears and my feet from falling didn't they pierced him in his side and now to decide came blood mingled with water just like Eve was pulled out of the side of Adam we were pulled out of the side the church was pulled out of the side Jesus gave birth to something on that cross and Jesus kept Jesus shed his blood to heal our fellowship so that we could walk with them because when when Adam saw Eve What did he say bone in my bone flesh of my flesh whether you know it or not what Jesus came to do was to give birth to a new creature he came to give birth to a new species of being he came to give birth and reproduce after his own kind - to a people who now because who were dead in their sin that whenever they say I plead the blood of Jesus we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and God says though you were dead in your sin you had blood flowing through your veins but you didn't have no breath in it but when I call on the name of Jesus if any man is in Christ he is a new creature old things have passed away and behold all things have become new God breathed his breath back into you and all of a sudden your spirit man gets up alive unto God could you take a second and just clap your hands one time I got one more point I said I got one more point I've got one more point and I'm going freakin right here because this point right here don't nobody ever talk about because what people forget to tell you is they act like the resurrection was the end of it but they never read Hebrews so the Bible said in Ephesians 4 how could he ascend except the first descend because all those people that God made covenants with Adam who fell and Noah who did righteous and Abraham who walked in faith and David who was the Shepherd came in Moses who was the lawgiver all those people who walk before God but they still was walking around only doing what God gave them to do in their day but they were not redeemed by the blood of the Lamb because God was just walking us towards an everlasting covenant and so they had a part of it so God counted them as righteous but they were not born again come on y'all this is a basic Bible theology so what God did was he couldn't take him into heaven but they couldn't go to hell so they were held in a place called Abraham's bosom not knowing that so the Bible said Jesus couldn't ascend except he first descendants and he went into Abraham's bosom and he led captivity captive and he preached himself to the Old Testament patriarchs and he said Abraham I'm the RAM that was caught in the thorns David I'm the real shepherd king and I'm the one who's taken down the real Goliath Noah I'm the Ark of safety y'all not hearing me yes sir I'm the one that you saw and he begins to preach himself to all the Old Testament Saints Daniel I'm the wheel in the middle of wheel Ezekiel I'm the one that you saw with eyes like fire he began to preach himself and right there in the midst of Abraham's bosom Jesus lit a Holy Ghost revival and said you didn't know what it was but I came here with my own blood to redeem you who were under the curse of the law to get up and on that third day Jesus got up from the ground and when Jesus got up somebody else got up with him I'm almost done I'm almost done but what Jesus did was he led a parade Jesus led a parade into heaven and that's what that's what he feasts and says that's what we read about Hebrews he by his own blood of the everlasting covenant Jesus got up and he started he walked into heaven's gates and when Jesus walked into heaven's gates Adam was with him nor was with him Abraham was with him David was with him yes there was with him roots was worth a map Joseph was with him are y'all hearing me and Jesus comes walking in to the gates of heaven now I don't want to mess up your theology and you can fix it and study it however you want to but it is my personal belief that none of them had ever seen the face of God John tells us that no man has seen God at any time I don't I don't want to hurt you but if you get this you go you will run yourself now ain't you it won't matter whether the 49ers win lose or fall apart you'd be like I don't care Jesus did something for me if you get this right here if you get this right here because Jesus is the face of God and whenever anybody saw what they thought was God Moses asked Scott one time I want to see your face I want to see your glory God said no you can see me from behind but you can't see my faith no one had ever seen the face of God so God took his breath God took his word God took his countenance and he put it down on the inside of Jesus they knew a god that they related to you but they saw him and tight but and symbol and in ceremony but Jesus said I want to do something for y'all I want you if you believe that I'm the lamb if you believe that I came to redeem Adam what you lost if you believe Noah that I'm the Ark they all got up and Jesus walked him into heaven and for the first time they saw God face to face jesus said right there that's my daddy right there so Jesus tells Mary he says I'd go to my father and to your father this is the part that nobody talks about they talk about all the other places that Jesus shed his blood but Hebrews tells me this that Jesus went into the heavenly sanctuary taking his own blood and purged the heavenly sanctuary it's what Moses didn't type in the Old Testament Moses had to put the blood on everything and make sure that the earthly sanctuary was clean but the Bible said that Jesus ascended into the heavenly sanctuary and took his own blood and purged the heavenly sanctuary see you what you got to see is that when Jesus went to the heavenly sanctuary he's not just he taking just red stuff and hemoglobin because he's in the spirit now he took the he took the sacrifice the breath of God and went into the heaven why does the heavenly sanctuary are you all ready I'm get ready to sit down are you all ready if you're ready say I'm ready put some soul down in your voices already pushed on somebody and say I'm really ready if you got a praise you get ready to release it right here because what G why does the heavenly sanctuary need to be purged because when Lucifer fail he's so violated the glory of God he's so polluted the heavenly sanctuary with his rebellion until from the fall of Lucifer all the way through the ages there was a tainted feeling because Lucifer was over the praises and he tried to snatch the glory from God but he didn't know he was dealing with a covenant God he didn't know he was dealing with a God that had already made a covenant with himself and for all of those years there was a filmer there was a violation there was a pollution in the heavenly sanctuary but Jesus walked up there by his own blood and say I came to remove the curse I came to remove the violation so what most people don't tell you about is not only to Jesus by your salvation but Jesus opened up heaven for you Jesus took his own blood and he went up through the atmosphere he went up through the stratosphere and he dealt with principalities and powers are you understanding what I'm trying to tell you that's why Hebrews says by him therefore let us offer up the sacrifice of priests continually the fruit of our lips giving thanks unto his name because now God said I'm gonna show Lucifer who thinks he's irreplaceable who thinks he can stand in my face I I'm gonna create a being that can sing a song that the angels cannot sing I'm gonna create a man I'm gonna create a woman I'm gonna create a church out of my own blood and when you open up your mouth the place that Lucifer used to occupy haha now there's a praise going on in heaven and it's not the praise of rebellion it's not this Luciferian spirit it is not a praise the people who don't know what it's like to be redeemed but there is a company of people that can say I was lost in my Siena I was dead to the will of God but Jesus shed his blood for me and when it shed his blood for me the breath of God came in me and even if my body dies my spirit can't die because I am Warner with the guard I wish I had a Holy Ghost jerks in here this voting I wish I had somebody jump up on their feet one time and clap your hands and shout when Jesus opened up a way for you he put ahead so what I'm trying to tell you is the blood of Jesus cleared out the atmosphere so you can pray that kingdom come Thy will be done I don't know if you can receive this but under the Old Covenant before the blood of Jesus came Daniel prayed a prayer but the heavens have not been cleared out so there was warfare for 21 days and I know sometimes you gotta stay in that sometimes you gotta fight but is it okay if I tell you that that was before the blood of Jesus Jesus opened up away I ain't got to wait no 20 I got to wait 21 days because the Prophet said why the words are yet in your mouth God said I will hear you and I will answer you and I will pray I just want to tell you that the voice of Satan stood in the heavenly sanctuary and accused us and cursed us before God day and night but they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony I wish I had somebody to understand that if the voice of Abel can cry out to God how much more does the blood of Jesus somebody clap your hands one time throw it out come on clap your hands real beat somebody over cop whoa I feel something up in here so when I plead the blood I'm not looking how can I plead the blood if the physical blood was shed 2000 years ago cuz I'm not worried about blood type and hemoglobin I'm talking about the spirit that was in the blood of Jesus that was polluted and untainted so when I plead the blood the Spirit of the Living God has an everlasting covenant and my faith that started off in concern turned into a praise and it turned into a prophecy and I begin to tell the devil you can't have my generation and you're not gonna curse my nation and you're not gonna hurt our cities because the cursor has been cast down and there's another voice in heaven who ever lives to make intercession for you and me is by the blood of Jesus I need somebody to shout right here right now yeah yeah there is power power wonder-working power in the blood of the Lamb there is power there is power wonder word in the press would you be free from your word and ass in theirs would you or evil victori win there is power we don't believe the blood guys help me out over these seven areas where Jesus is shed his blood we're gonna plead these and pray these right now come on give me number one Jesus shed his blood number one in Gethsemane for the healing of my designers if I say for the healing my desires number two he shed his blood for the healing of my image number three he shed his blood for the healing of my body and before he shed his blood for the healing of my mind 5 he shed his blood for the healing of my work shed his blood for the healing of my walk shed his blood for the healing of my fellowship and I didn't put it up his number he does not know anybody if I get that far everybody will receive it and he shed his blood to open up heaven and though so that means so now while I'm standing here with you and you stand in here looking at me we are sitting in a heavenly place with Christ Jesus picked up your hands and say the heavens are open come on say the heavens are open heavens are open the heavens are open we declare cities can be won by the blood of Jesus we put the blood of Jesus around our children around our families around our money around our substance so I started with a question and I think you can answer really good now I can wash away my sin one everybody one time so yeah you guys sound awesome today one more time we believe the blood of Jesus over our territories somebody needs to plead the blood of Jesus over your body plead the blood of Jesus so it is my prayer is I ready to go to my seat it is my prayer that we not live in fear but we plead the blood of Jesus over our generation over our city and we take the words of the prophecies in the everlasting covenant that God made with himself in blessing I will bless you in multiplying I will multiply you and I sent my son to snatch that cursor out of the atmosphere and to tell you that he can't curse your cities if you don't let him he can't curse your children if you don't let him he can't curse your money if you don't let him get up under the Covenant and plead the blood of Jesus this right here is the last moments we have in this Thunder it's our last last time too so some of you couldn't be here in the meetings but we're gonna sing this we gonna sing this song and everybody wants to can run an offering down here might even have a few ushers by the doors in the balcony y'all gonna come all the way down here but I'm gonna pray this prayer right now I want everybody to say this out loud dear God I come to you by the blood of Jesus I overcome by the blood of the lamb by the plot of the Lamb and the word of my testimony word of my testimony Therese not just break that prayer whether you know it or not there are people all over this building that today right here right now just had a change in their hearts and you were dead to the things of God but now you're alive in Jesus Christ and for that we give Him praise we give Him glory and we give him honor god bless you - believe I love you
Channel: Jubilee Media
Views: 9,712
Rating: 4.7669902 out of 5
Id: mSdtelTacZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 53sec (2813 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2015
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