I've Never Played a Post Apocalyptic Fortress Building Game Quite Like BULWARK

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what's up guys and gals welcome back to the nerd Castle today in the world of Indie Games we're going be taking a look at a game called bullwark the falconer Chronicles this is a water World style steampunk post-apocalyptic City Colony Survival game that I think is actually one of the more brilliant and interesting games that I've played in a really long time we covered a demo for this title probably about a year ago but I think during the duration of that I went in completely and totally blind didn't really know what I was doing and there's a lot of like little nuanced things to this game that are sort of emergent this game is the definition of show don't tell in the respect that this game will give you a very lightweight tutorial on how to freebuild a city and it's kind of one of those things you need to see to believe but ultimately this game is about creating sprawling cities with trade roots and things of that nature that are protected by ironclads and dragon Riders and things of that nature in order to guarantee that your Society doesn't fall and shto tell is on Full display here just like I said so instead of telling I'm going to show I'm going to take a queue from the game and we're going to dive straight in if after watching this you wanted to get the game for yourself I got a link for you down below in the description it doesn't come out for a couple more weeks but I'm very very pleased with the Bild that the developers sent over early for us to check out here at the nerd Castle aside from that you can also find a link to my Discord and my twitch stream just in case you wanted to hang out live pretty strong chance that I'll try to stream this game at some point over the weekend I don't know if it'll happen during the weekdays but maybe on Sunday or something like that because the developer said it was okay for me to show the game off before everybody else which was really really kind of him so at the beginning of the game we got three different areas of the map that we can play around on it's entirely up to you which one you want to play most of this is like factional from what I've seen and also kind of like the little build space basically easy medium and hard uh medium will give you a large land mass over here that's going to require to use a lot of trade routes in order to get things done whereas this area right here you can see it's kind of like large land masses that are somewhat close to one another so it's going to be easier to spread the Gap we'll turn off the tutorial real fast and then we'll dive straight on in on a reset map dur the war of the dunkl castellas mbridge and even Port remit nothing remained of our prosperous free houses after Decades of attrition we took what we had and left in order to resettle in peace away from the Warlords and Thoms that remain we will succeed because on our backs the past was built and from our hands the future will be Ro so with our little band of settlers we going to arrive on foreign Shores attempting to survive but we're not the only people here there's lots and lots of other people here too and we're going to have to interact with them and we're going to have to make friends or make enemies and make war in order to make the whole thing function so at the beginning of the game we start out with pretty much just our Airship this game has a very uncon it has a very very un has kind of an unorthodox control scheme I think that's going to be the biggest thing that people probably struggle with is that this game is intuitive once you've played it for a couple of hours but up until then you're going to wrestle with it and be kind of like okay so how come it doesn't just build like City sky uh but at the end of the day we need to deploy the center of our society I'll probably put it on this little Peak right here because this little Peak sounds awesome so let's drag on over here and we'll deploy it right there and you can see our little Airship dropping some stuff and there it is we have our first Outpost mindful of an outpost Al aside from there I don't really need that guy the voice acting in this game is quite good but I know how to play the game so we're going to be skipping most of the tutorial stuff this game thrives entirely on supply lines and I'll show you what I mean right here on this wood tree or I guess this tree shroom we're going to build a lumber mill and from here we're going to press the space bar and that's going to take us into building mode now in building mode you can click on buildings to select them and take a look at them everything in this game requires access to workers and if I hit the Tab Key you'll see what every building is producing right now like this is not a game that's similar to anything else that you've played really it's a game where you got got to kind of like puzzle it out in the respect to show don't tell a lot of things are unexplained in this game a lot of interactions are unexplained I sort of dig that because it kind of gives you that Loop hero experience of being like what if I play this tile next to this tile does anything happen this game does the exact same thing and so from the control method that we have you can see that I can extend out from this building and were I to right click if it's got a circle that means it'll build a tower and it will connect those two right there towers are respond responsible for building up your population these buildings right here this one is producing one wood that means it can make one Leap so if I build a walkway right there by right clicking you'll see now that by connecting the woodmill to our Freehouse Outpost which provides fists which is Manpower we've now boosted it on up and what you'll see is along these little walkways right here people will start to build little storage Depots they'll build little houses there'll be little barrels and things around and now that we've connected our Outpost to the wood we can upgrade this oh no we can't we got to have stone first all right well what we can do is if you see it's like a little square right there that means that we can put out like a little Jetty that people can build houses on top of but first and foremost let's get our wood situation taken care of this first map starts out very very easy peasy with three extractors right next to each other so we'll go ahead and build a stone mine right here you'll see it fall on out and now we need to get this connected to the rest of our society now because he doesn't doesn't have wood available build here there is no Tower with access to Wood we're going to have to build from the other side out and so we're going to go over to here and we're going to build probably a little Tower right there on that stone and you'll see it right there it's been built up and then we're going to create a walkway so we'll connect that right there we'll make a walkway right there we're having a little bit of trouble with wood right here I need to find the selection spot there it is and so now we have access to Stone and they've got like a little draw bridge that they've built and everything that they're building is entirely procedural you never quite know what your city's going to look like you can set it up so that it's based around altitude or it's like sea level but the things your little citizens build based on what they have available to them are going to be totally random I've had some really cool houses get built in particularly resourcer areas I've had really rad Towers build up in particular areas I've had other areas that are clearly like the poor quarter that don't have access to things and so with this little Tab Key you can see what's being transferred in between these different areas of our society the blue being the stone and so the more people that each building has access to you see this plus six right here that's basically how many hops it can make before it dies out and it starts getting Wiggly uh like this little guy right here so what we really need to do is we need to make sure that Manpower is the thing that we don't have a lot of however now that our tower has access to Stone we can upgrade it to a stone tower so now it's a large Outpost that's giving us plus4 and as you can see the green line is no longer wiggling it can make that jump as you level up The Outpost it's also going to get access to new things it couldn't do before so were I to put out some foundations which is what the squares mean uh we can put out some foundations here and what you'll see is on these little foundations people will start to build houses our population will go up in the top right hand corner and the more population that surround a generator building like the Freehouse Outpost the higher it outputs and so this is going to be a fundamental aspect of the game that you just need to get used to that's just the way that it plays that's just the way that it goes I'll probably put a little Tower right there too just to boost up their population even further we can upgrade those to Stone right there no problem we can put out a foundation on that side we can put down a foundation on that side that'll give us even more access to population and so you should see little houses start to pop up all along here but that's not all these towers can be upgraded all the way into command Towers once we have access to other resources once they are command Towers we can put a commander inside of them which Spawn from random world events and things like that once there's a commander inside of there based on his specialization he will assign an escort to our little blimp right here and so you'll start to have little dragon Riders and you'll have little Riflemen that are riding Eagles and you'll have little snake creatures flying through the sky that are escorting you kind of like dogs that will help you should any conflict arise and should any fight unfortunately unfold they said at the beginning of the game we're here for peace but that doesn't mean that everybody else is let's build another Tower right here in the shallows uh we can only build in the shallows so you see where the water is lighter we can only build inside those areas or on land masses those are our only options we'll put up another Bridge right there this little guy right here can't build like very big foundations and you'll get a little bit of a contextual hint as to what it is your people are actually aiding produce if you take a look I want to get these all connected there we go let's get those all connected right there and we'll completely and totally surround this trim sh uh you'll you'll be able to figure out what they are assisting by looking at the buildings that build around these areas so you see how there's like a smaller tree shroom right there there's some tree shrooms right there so stuff that we build inside this radius is going to Aid our wood production whereas most of the stuff you're going to see near this Tower over on this side are going to be related to populations and housing I saw a spot right there that I can get a tower in let's get a tower in over on this side there we go that's a good guy right there we'll go ahead and put out a little oh it didn't like the jetty right there unfortunate well we'll put out a jetty right there then maybe looks like it kind of worked it's got like a stairwell in the middle of it so I don't know if that Tower was actually worth putting down but you can see our population hops have gone up to plus six now because our population has crested almost 500 people we will want to take these over here and we don't want to like overbuild if we can help it but we do want to get a few more living areas as well for our people to be inside of and isn't this a cool game like this is a really really cool idea there was another game that came out kind of like this where you just kind of free paint buildings and they evolve and change in unexpected ways based on what you're playing around with but that game felt kind of like a plugin to me it didn't have mechanics it didn't have a hook it was basically just an artistic exercise whereas this game you've got the same artistic exercise but you've also got a bunch of citybuilding diplomacy Warfare mechanics built on in there and so this is kind of like the townscaper I think was the name of it and so this is kind of like the Natural Evolution of that idea is like all right so we've got the painting idea down now how do we take that and turn it into like an actual full-fledged game instead of something that you just kind of fiddle with till you build something pretty and then you move on now you may have noticed we're kind of like iron locked right now we can't really do much until we have access to iron I think at the beginning of the game we start out with a guy that can move iron for us yeah Captain salad tree which is apparently a very very famous name in these parts do not doubt the efficacy of the salad tree name but what we will need to do is we need to start building Harbors unfortunately and so we'll build an iron mine over here because we have the extractor for that and then we're going to build a harbor right here this Harbor is going to establish a trade route that will transfer this iron back to our base now there are a million billion different captains in this game they all do different stuff pay attention over here on this right hand side it'll tell you what they do uh so we have access to a number of different captains they all transfer different things but this guy will transfer Manpower and he will transfer iron and so we want him to do this because this mine right here is not going to have access to Manpower therefore it's only going to be able to spread Iron by like one jump until we connect it with Manpower so this guy satisfies both the need to transfer iron and also the need to transfer Manpower so we'll assign him to this trade route right here we'll go back to our little blimp and then from our little blimp we want this iron trade route to be as close to our base as possible and so we'll probably put this iron trade route in like right here I suppose we don't really need to defend it these trade routes do need to be defended as time goes along you will have to protect them but only once you start making really really long like transatlantic runs uh this little trade route right here is very unlikely to come under attack because it's right next to our Central base and it's basically just across the English Channel it's not a very long run as far as by boat goes however were we to look at the world map and were we to do a trade Lane that goes up to Molten stream and it crosses all this empty territory that's when we would probably want to start assigning ironclads to it that's probably when we'd want to start assigning destroyers to it all of those things can be discovered on the map you can see right here uh that there is a ship that is available for hire there are a number of different factions in this game and based on the mixture of factions inside your society different hostilities will come up uh so people tend to bump heads right now we are freeholders which means that we're basically freemen we can do whatever we want we're not bound to any house we're basically the free people of the world however there are the Imperium there are the Pirates there are other factions and if you invite them into your society and you build up their population centers they're going to grind gears with other people that may disagree with their lifestyle or their allegiances those people bring those alliances with them when they join your Society so you need to be very careful about who you give the okay to move into your city we do have something over here we can investigate I'm going to autopilot on over to it you can right click on the map at any time and it will autopilot your blimp over to go see those people we do need to be careful about what hands we shake right now and about what friends we make because we aren't very heavily armed at the moment we don't have an escort or anything else uh this guy right here Enon Wolfson he's got a guild business offer so this will make businesses appear nothing in this game really tells you what it does you've just got to kind of figure it out uh we will allow this guy to move on into our society because he doesn't have any pre-existing allegiances that I'm worried about there are little details like sharks in the water and the shallows things of that nature while you're playing around and it looks like now that we've supplied manpower to the iron mine it's boosted up from a plus one to a plus six which is great that means most of our society has at least shaky access to iron so let's see what that means uh that means that we can take this Outpost and we can upgrade it so there you go we've got a much larger Outpost now that we can fool around with this also means that we can take these towers over here and we can upgrade them too upgrading these towers is going to give us access to something new previously we had access to foundations now we have access to actual Paddock which are denoted with the triangles right there we can't really place them out and over the water on that side but I'll show you what these do right here and they will kind of overlay some of the this might not be a good spot to do this let's do it right here this is a much better spot so we'll upgrade that to an iron Tower and watch now we can put out these little like time dials effectively like these little clock dials that will connect and these will give us huge amounts of building space and you can already see that there's a demand for places to live inside of our society it's not stated anywhere but you can see houses filling this in already to help out with that now if we wanted you can see here that iron distribution is very very shaky inside of our society at the moment how do we boost that up well we can boost that up we've given these guys access to Manpower but they don't have access to Wood so we can't build any Bridges or anything right now by giving them access to Manpower we've boosted up their production but they don't have any way to get wood over to here and so in order for us to start turning this into a city that will then boost up the iron production which will then make our trade lines a lot less shaky over in our main society we need to start thinking about ways to get wood over here giggity giggity so let's go talk to this pilot over here and let's see maybe what they can provide us with so we've got a ship over here that we can interact with my ship and kin have my ship and kin have served dun for Generations dun is no more I was hoping to serve your new settlement and find honor in protecting your trade route the time so by doing this we get a cutter we gain a fighting vessel as well that can protect our train lanes and when we place this guy we also get free house alignment which is what we're working on anyways so that's an easy pick these guys over here also look like uh these guys over here also look like free holders this meager holding was always a last resort we need a more permanent home yeah that works for me dude temporary Haven so we can rebuild upon a spot of let's go ahead and take them now one thing the game doesn't tell you is that this this settlement right here will stay where it is unless you go into this mode right here and you hold down V and you destroy it then it gets added to the inventory of your Airship and you can actually move it to another location that needs the supplication of Manpower effectively if you wanted to change what can be placed on your cursor you press the F key uh right now we don't have anything else that we can place but if we wanted to place something new we could absolutely do that I need to get wood out to there and so I'm sort of curious as far as Harbors go are there any good spots that I can build Harbors over here I can build a harbor right there I don't know if I have a pilot that's ready to go and actively move wood I'll assign Captain Hibbard and then we need to get the connection over here so let's go ahead and build that connection there is kind of like a limit on how far away you can build from another Harbor so we're going to need to find a good spot over here it looks like I can get one in like right there I don't know if I can get one in I'd like it to be on this little spot right here but it may be too close to the other one yeah it doesn't like those placements so it sounds like we're going to have to have our wood trade Lane go over to here so let's have our wood trade Lane kind of connect like right here there we go and we are now supplying wood to this location that's good news because unfortunately we've got a really shaky connection over here but this allows us to build some platforms and things in order to get this done so we can get some very basic Towers sort of AR raid around the edge of this guy we'll probably have one break off and go down there as well we no longer have wood being supplied over on this side though so that means we probably want to work on our wood hops as well probably have that go over to there that go over to there that up to there and then connect that right there with a walkway and now we've got this thing circled on in and as you can see the people in related Industries they build boilers they build forges they build things that Aid in the mines production but for now we need to go back to our wood production and we need to get that boosted on wait what's wavering over here oh it's Manpower that we don't have over here well brother I got good news for you I can fix that right away let's put that Freeholder Colony that we picked up right over here and they will supply manpower to the rest of this settlement so there you go we don't have stone over here so we can't take any of this up to tier 2 just yet but we can play around with something like this right here where we can just put out some basic docks there we go so we've got some basic docks right there I may also put a walkway that runs in between those two manow is struggling over on this side I need to get stone over here now that's the next thing that I need to bring over so let's think about how we want to do that we do have one stone carrier so we can assign him and then let's see if we can get some Stone back over here nope I need to go over here there we go all right so if I can get stone connected on this side and upgrade this bad boy right here that'll spread Manpower throughout this entire area the captain can transport their specific we also have some kind of anomaly in our territory that I need to go investigate let's go check out the anomaly oh there's like a big tower over there never seen that one before that's new uh every time you generate the map there's different things on it so the map layout is the same but the points of interest are different each time you show up uh who are you guys has not been supplied in over a year we would go apostate and find safety in your group so these guys are the Mages Prov us our research yeah let's bring the Mages on on in I feel safer with them than I do with pirates and these guys are actually close enough that if I had a wood extractor I could connect them right away and they don't need to move I may leave them where they're at just because it's a cool terrain fixture I think it makes our society look more rad uh but we need to get everything upgraded to Stone over here and you can kind of see how the game gets busier and it gets more sophisticated and it gets more cool looking so let's get these guys boosted up over on these sides we do have access to Stone now and that means we can upgrade this guy as far as it'll go there we go and so now we've actually got ourselves like a kenchi style base over here and that should solve most of our man problems on that side stone is still a little bit sketchy but it is being supplied to some of these areas let's take this guy up by a level we'll take him up to level three as far as the stone will go that far so shall we go these guys still have access to Stone as well so we'll build that on up and then it looks like that's where the Hop ends the good news is we can now boost up population over here to spread the propagation of our iron mining which I think will be very very helpful so let's just build a couple of those right there this guy right here we can't put one down due to the landscape but we can put out a couple of those little paddocks right there this guy can also put out paddocks to boost up the Manpower that we'll have available so we'll try to do that real quick there will be some clipping and whatnot that goes into the game you'll notice it while you're playing through but only if you look really really closely if you look super closely yeah you'll see it but if you don't look closely uh the game just looks great just looks fantastic this guy over here is ready for a couple of paddocks too so we'll drop a few of those down just to boost up our mine industry get our population flowing it's at plus eight right now which is really fantastic I'm sort of curious if I can get stone transfer right there I can if I connect a walkway right here so let's take that up by another two levels there we go and now this guy can more than likely replace most of the stuff around himself with just clear building space which I think will be really really nice let's go back to our main settlement because I think it's time to work on our Stone mine over here I think our limitation on plus six Stone mine is getting us into trouble it looks like our iron is getting a little bit Wiggly over on this side however where's the iron origin at oh yeah the iron origin's over there so that would be why it's getting Wiggly okay well let's see if it can make one more hop cuz if it can make one more hop we can do something here it does make one more hop so let's go ahead and get our tow set up and from there in the interest of getting Stone completely and totally supplied to our iron Colony I'm going to try to boost up the population over here to increase the amount of stone that we produce on a daily basis this and then we'll also I may actually have everything extend out from here that might make things simpler they still have iron over here so that's good take that up another level and then we'll start expanding this out as far as it'll go there we go so we got houses starting to pop on in hopefully this stone quarry starts getting a little bit more ump to it I hope we'll put one more like right there cuz the tower looks cool on that Little Rock now I think this one will only be able to build inwards unfortunately well I didn't really want a tower right there but it did give us a cool looking little padic thing take that all the way up and this guy I can't build nothing cuz there's deep water right there all right that's boosted our Quarry up to plus seven which should help out a little bit in making an extra jump over there I also feel as though if we take this Harbor over here a walkway going across the front of a harbor will obstruct ships oh I guess it blocks connects to the rear okay so we'll connect it like that then and then we'll have that connect back to that Tower over there with a walkway and it's just beautiful how everything in this game just naturally flows and does its own thing with very little user input like everything in this game is effectively controlled by like three buttons everything you've seen me do today was on left click right click or the F key you know like it's just incredible the amount of functionality that the developer of this game has gotten out of just like three keys the whole thing functions really really well and look at what we've built in 30 minutes dude look at that right there and the thing is the entire time we weren't just building this to show off we weren't just building this to do some art project it turned into an art project but we built this right here while trying to satisfy needs and make our Goods jump further so that we can continue developing out Industries and things of that nature like there's a functionality to the Artistry here that is that is very very remarkable I don't think I've ever played a game quite like this before uh we can build a command Tower if we want that's what I built right there if you have a commander you can assign them to this Tower and it will act as a defensive tower for your city and it will also assign a Garrison to your little Supply ship up here I'd like to actually do that we do have a foreign ship inside of our Waters so I need to go investigate that looks like it's pirate faction there is word amongst Freehouse traders that you offer aite for we captains will you have me and my ship there is word among uh I will actually this guy transports everything you have enrolled a trade ship captain interesting assigned to transport Goods I may be able to get rid of some of these other spots then yeah let's assign him to there we'll unassign him from there this guy does everything he transfers every single resource so that's sort of like negates the need I think I need to look at how this is spreading right here but it sort of negates the need for all these other Harbors over here I think so what I may do is I may just break those down so that it's not quite as messy over on this side yeah cuz I mean that frees up building space so we might as well can only do like a little Foundation over there but it might be nice to get up to this big Crag on this side too and see what we can do with that Supply chains are still a little bit sketchy on this side so we may want to assign somebody that moves Stone over actually I guess I don't have any extra Pilots that are ready or I don't have any extra captains that are ready to move around stone the good news is we can get rid of all these Harbors too though these are no longer necessary uh destroying stuff is on the V Key by the way but you have to be moused over the little circle that's there I believe in a number of ways that has sort of messed with our ability to move iron around just due to the radius of this jump can I upgrade this guy right here I can't upgrade that I was hoping this would upgrade right here okay well let's work on it then the good news is I already upgraded that area so it doesn't matter that the iron radius is messed up and there's always the possib AB ility that I can just put in a new Harbor over here that directly supplies iron to that side of the city so let's reconnect that right there if nothing else we reorganized our trade Lanes a little bit better it's not a perfect solution but we did get iron back to this area all right so now that we have iron back in the area that's at plus n right now I do need quite a bit more population over here if I really want this to work uh you can also build up Towers from what I recall uh by pressing the F and the r Keys like so so I think we can do multi oh no never mind it won't let me do that I might need to upgrade this more for this and as you can see you can build some pretty consequential Towers in this game that build up pretty far and you can do fun things like that right there so you can have multi-layered cities that have like little tiers on them like so and then they'll build on the lower areas they'll build on the upper areas they'll have a good old time with it is there anything else on the map that I need to investigate right now we've got an anomaly over there so let's go check that real fast and see what that brings into the overall Imperium that we're currently building our Freehouse Citadel unfortunately is not producing as much Manpower as it did in my last run was producing a lot more in my last run uh these are pirates over here we could let them join our society or so we can let them join our society and it will add that little highlighted blimp to our flotilla so that our army gets a little bit larger however that will put Pirates inside of our society and they will bump foreheads with the locals or we can have hostilities with this guy sure they can join us I don't mind all together that much I'll probably tear that down later on but for right now I don't care about it for right now not that big of a problem but if we get them access to Wood they could develop this little area so technically I could reconnect another trade route that jumps over to there technically I think this can make another hop yeah it can so we can actually get like another nice little building area over on this side too let's take her up there we go few more little building spaces over here and if it can make the Hop from there it can make the hop over to here too I think yep it can make the hop over to here good all right so we'll expand that out right there and I'll probably just do like a full rotation on this side and what has that done for my population we're almost at 2,000 population right there not bad I think I had better luck last time because I didn't build my Citadel right next to a bunch of empty water and so last time I built my Citadel right here which gave me lots of building space around it which allowed me to just boost my Manpower up to like ridiculous levels so that I had Manpower distribution that covered like the entire world it was great it was utterly fantastic unfortunately the game only has one save slot so I can't show you that City we deleted it in order to make this video but I'm very very impressed with this I don't know how hostilities look and how War looks yet cuz in the couple hours that I've played the game I've been at peace with everybody there hasn't really been any major problems but that might also be baked into the map that I'm currently playing either way though very very unique title I don't think there's anything else quite like it it's a game that stands on its own that's for sure say if we can get those to connect right there that' probably help out a little bit too I mean it's just going to give us wood distribution but who doesn't want to distribute their wood even farther and even better cool looking City that we've built in very very little time look at the runtime of the video and look what we've accomplished here look at all the rad stuff that exists we've built like a metropolis over here we got all kinds of wild stuff going on on this side did that never get connected how come that doesn't have an iron connection it's got a stone connection that I just never build a walkway right there is that what happened no there's a walkway right there it's a little odd that it's not sending it's a little bit strange that it's not sending over anything in the realm of iron is what I'm looking at the yellow line doesn't look that Wiggly from right there either I'm guessing it's because these guys don't have the thing supplied that they want to have there we go all right now I fixed it we had to connect them to the main dock that has everything on it and honestly oh I was hoping I could shoot the Gap right there but I don't think it's going to let me this area looks more or less fully supplied except for this poor little Tower over here that just can't seem to to get a break we can build this guy up though good stuff I'm hoping to bring I want this iron to go up much much higher but I'm having trouble getting the uh the buildings built in order to make that happen this is now fully supplied over here so this guy should also ignore that tower that Tower was an accident I didn't mean to build that tower that Tower right there was not an intended tower that is what I wanted to do so now that we have this guy looks like we can do like a little Jetty right there but not much we do kind of another one right there maybe another one right there and they've got a walkway going that way this guy is now supplied so we'll try to drag that up that barely survives the hop right there but that's like a premium tile right there that's a really really good one whatever reason the output on my iron mine hasn't really gone up even though we have all this industry over here it may need more supplying if I take this guy over here things are improving and let's say we take this guy I serve to protect my ship cares well I only got a couple captains left I will carry Stone and workers only nothing else that guy will carry Stone might strengthen our lines a little bit then again Stone's making a lot of hops before it gets to that Harbor this one's definitely more disorganized than the last one that I built the last one that I built was really really organized it's just cool to look at isn't it there's three different maps you can play on each map you can play as all the different factions so there's a decent amount of content here who is this giant ship in my territory who are you who are you and what do you want what are you doing here you look well armed seems I have finally found that rumored Safe Haven and water sorry sight where are your gunships your Corvettes where is your Fleet truly my services are urgently needed this here is an ironclad steam rake not many of these around anymore and she is for higher we seek a new patr our seems all welc in they command a mighty warship to defend your trade routs and if we wanted to defend that trade route all we got to do is come over here and we need to take a look and there's the steam rake right there we assign him this is now a protected safe route it's considered a safe route if it has anybody armed inside of it it's consider a protected safe route if you've got a dedicated War Machine effectively flying around oh we're starting to get you see those little bat guys right there we're starting to get a bigger Fleet didn't want to do that I need to come back over here where' my little Fleet guys go I just flew off without him huh there they are you can see my little Eagle Riders right here that's actually like a little guy with like a plasma rifle that's riding on a bat and so as your Society gets bigger you get better and better escorts and like cooler and cooler stuff that cruises around with your Zeppelin that allows you to like intimidate other societies like let's say these guys over here let's go visit them what are these guys want the smelly log floaters we're slightly aligned with them due to Pirates living in our society they are slightly intimidated by us we could technically if we shipped Manpower over here from our Central base they will supply us with wood so we could do that because they're built entirely on a tree shroom over here we could also just declare war on them and obliterate them if that's what we wanted to do completely and totally inside of our prerogative but I wanted to make sure you guys understood these are not just like pterodactyls flying around my craft right now these are actually little riders that like fight and it looks like they've got a couple over there too like some of those are theirs but this is bullwark I think the game is really really cool I'm looking forward to playing around with it more and figuring out more of the intricacies of how it works I think that's honestly what attracts me to the game is that so many things are unexplained and just have to be figured out contextually as you play the game that you just got to fiddle with it for a while and figure out what works I'm guessing our main issue is a lack of manpower is my main thought but we did get stone fully supplied on and over here so this area is about as developed as it's going to go without us picking up another Iron Mine we've got another Corsair over here well my name is splatter cat I sift through the pile to find what's worthwhile in the world of indie games every single day so you don't have to today up on the chopping block we were playing bullwark Falconer Chronicles tomorrow we will be playing something else take care and that's about all I got for you folks bye
Channel: Splattercatgaming
Views: 377,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bulwark falconeer chronicles gameplay, bulwark falconeer chronicles walkthrough, bulwark falconeer chronicles playthrough, bulwark falconeer chronicles review, Lets Play Bulwark Falconeer Chronicles, bulwark falconeer chronicles preview, bulwark falconeer chronicles impressions, bulwark falconeer chronicles download, bulwark falconeer chronicles demo, bulwark falconeer chronicles trailer
Id: FjOYhu5yFR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 30sec (2490 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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