Throgg, the Troll King

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of the many monstrous creatures that roam the Warhammer world there are none so infamous as trolls although exceptionally strong these creatures are remarkably stupid even when compared to most mindless beasts if it weren't for their resilience they likely would have gone extinct but they're impressive regeneration has led to trolls being one of the most commonly found monsters on almost every continent beyond granting them the power to regrow limbs internal organs or even decapitated heads the regeneration of these creatures has also allowed them to adapt to virtually every known environment on the planet River trolls stone trolls and ice trolls are all known strains that can be discovered in the right places but none can match the strange variety of the horrific chaos trolls saturated with the magical energies that swirl in the Northlands chaos trolls natural regeneration causes them to develop an alarming amount of mutations in short order like an aggressive cancer normally these additions are purely physical such as extra mouths protruding spikes or tentacles but legend has it there is a troll who was altered in mind as well deep in the icy lands of troll country is said to dwell an elder beast possessed with a dark intellect a monstrous king who sits upon a rocky throne surveying his realm of trolls and snow the one kislev i'ts have come to call winter tooth the chaos troll that bears the name frog much of the troll Kings early history is a mystery unknown both to him in the wider world most likely he was born in troll country growing over the course of many years to become one of the countless monsters to lurk in that land due to the physiology he would one day possess throg must have at some point wandered north into the chaos ways where the winds of magic blow strong here the troll encountered many enemies that sought to kill him whether it be champions of the dark gods seeking glory or simply another monster looking for a meal each one of these foes failed however whether pulverized by massive fists or dissolved by acidic vomit throgs regeneration played the most important factor in these victories as it was a potent force even when compared against others of his kind though this made him particularly susceptible to mutating during one of these many battles for survival the winter tooths suffered a horrendous blow to his thick skull that scattered his brains along the ground despite missing most of his head however throg did not die as any natural creature should instead he began to regenerate but this time the mutation that the God saw fit to give him was something truly unique when the troll Kings head finished reforming the Beast was suddenly capable of thought he was self-aware able to observe his surroundings for the first time in his life it wasn't just a simple mockery of intelligence either throgs mind possessed an alarmingly quick wit and developed exponentially his curiosity and desire to learn was only matched by his ravenous hunger typical of all trolls the winter tooths said about making observations on the world around him and quickly identified the chaos waste as a place lacking in abundant food and treasure so he went south returning to the snow-covered realm of troll country that bordered with Kislev it was around this time that throg learned his most extraordinary ability of being able to speak the tongues of men whether this was learned from captive teachers who were subsequently devoured or just innately understood due to some quirk from the dark god's gift is entirely unknown regardless this skill opened a brand-new world and most importantly gave him the ability to develop and build upon complex ideas with this ability to form plans throg roamed the windswept wasteland of Crow country and said about gathering numerous monstrous beasts to his banner trolls already have an innate habit of gathering into groups so this proved to be an easy affair after assembling a small force of horrific creatures the troll king scouted for a lair suitable to his needs it would need to be a place large enough to accommodate the beasts rallying to his call but also hidden well enough that no army could easily stumble upon him it was beneath the mountains just south of the Tower of crack that throg would find such a prize he discovered an icy labyrinth large enough to easily confuse any intruder who was guided by mere sight lone at the centre of which resided a massive boulder grinning ear to ear with his grotesquely large mouth the winter tooth smashed the rock repeatedly with his colossal strength until it resembled a throne the King had his castle now with an established lair throg gathered up his kin and said about launching a devastating series of raids upon the lands of men surrounding his home normally large caravans and hunting parties had little to fear from trolls so they passed through his lands with only the typical defenses against such stupid brutes unfortunately for them bonfires and loud gunshots only attracted the hungry attention of troll country's new king throgs specialized in launching midnight raids able to galvanize his kin into vicious ambushes in the dead of night knowing that humans couldn't see well in the dark and that they certainly weren't prepared for such brutal assaults each one of these attacks proved to be a massacre the troll Kings horde gorged themselves on flesh and he claimed a great amount of treasure to enjoy these night ambushes continued to prove effective as even if the odd merchants survived and escaped to warn others none would believe them an army of monsters led by an intelligent troll at best they would be a laughingstock and it worst committed to the not so tender mercies of the old world's many asylums yet eventually the reoccurring disappearance of armed caravans did become concerning enough for the truly wealthy to invest more heavily in guarding their treasures at first this deterrent proved successful for throg wouldn't engage a foe expecting him with superior arms without some sort of upper hand so his trolls do he adapted the land of troll country is a truly harsh climate with mighty ice shard blizzards constantly ravaging the landscape that can Flay the flesh from men foolish enough to stand outside in one yet two trolls this deadly weather was no more concerning than a light summer rained realizing this when throg spotted a target he would gather his kin and wait patiently for one of the storms to arrive the troll King had a knack for understanding the winter storms paths and was always exactly where he wanted to be when the full brunt arrived utilizing the cover provided by the slicing Hale the trolls would charge roaring into their foes and tear them apart but the time the storms pass all that remained were shattered carriages and plentiful amounts of gore slipped ice it was these terrifying winter raids that earned throg the epithet winter tooth he became quite infamous among warriors of the old world due to the horrific tales brought back by the rare survivor of this king of trolls every season great and lauded heroes rode northwards brave knights and adventurers all seeking out throgs lair to slay him every season he dined upon noble flesh they were all the same headstrong humans who didn't truly understand the threat of what they faced until it was too late only one of these aspiring champions was of any note a man wearing the golden crown who cleaved his way through the monstrous guards of the ice labyrinth the unknown hero battled his way to the center of the maze where he discuss throg glowering on a rocky throne the warrior appeared stunned by the sight of the troll king who in his red tattered cloak looked to be almost mocking the lords of humanity's kingdoms this abrupt interruption of his dinner was not well received by throg who swiftly lumbered across the room with his massive stone hammer in hand the knight roared and challenged and left towards his foe lashing out with an eloquently crafted sword the winter tooths flesh parted easily as the blade struck true and stabbed through throgs heart this only caused him to roar with a mixture of anger and pain as his hammer came arcing down like a comet pulverizing one of the Knights legs in a single blow the man collapsed screaming in agony as the troll king glared down at the steel protruding from his chest grunting an annoyance before removing it if he had been any other troll that blow may well have killed him or at the very least may have stunned but grudgingly impressed with his squealing foes apparent skill throg proceeded to vomit upon the man to grant him a Swifter death than being eaten alive glaring down at the humans bubbling flesh the troll Kings eyes wandered to the now filth covered crown that rested upon the Warriors head truly a treasure worthy of a king was it not eyes gleaming with greed throg tore off the human's head and deftly removed the crown before tossing the rest into his MA with a sickening crunch as he bit down although it was far too small for his head throg experimentally placed the treasure upon one of his largest tusks it slid down about half way before coming to a snug fit and the winter tooth was immensely satisfied now he truly was a king of this realm years continued to pass and life remained consistent for the troll king every year he would wait for the winter storms to come and begin launching his devastating raids on those caravans and villages within reach at the end of the storm season a new batch of suus idle warriors would ride north and inevitably find their way into his gullet over this time throg only grew until he towered over other trolls and even Giants were weary of his brute strength were still all of the wounds he had taken over the years continued to regenerate into more mutations as the Dark Gods showered their prize monster with numerous gifts deadly bones spikes protruded from throgs arms and back hideous extra mouths full of razor fangs spawned along his side's and his vomit became so horrific Aleppo Tintin could melt steel and iron as easily as flesh this simple life couldn't last forever though one moonless night as throg was picking his yellow tuss clean with a gem encrusted blade he beheld the broken bodies of his prey and began to think throg muttered to himself his eyes burning with cold fire for several long days if the race of man was so keen to fight him in his beast eale subjects then fight he would with all the monsters of troll country at his side that night throg vowed that he would see the lands of men despoiled in the name of the Dark Gods he would gather every monster mutant and madman under his rule and march at the head of a nightmarish horde deep into the so-called civilized lands of the south on his heels would come the bitter cold of winter for where the creatures of chaos tread the land itself warps and changes throg would bring about an age of ice and darkness and make all of the races of the old world his slaves as the troll king marches determinedly south his monstrous entourage grows with every passing day under throgs dominion the creatures of the hinterlands have united into a vast army and soon the race of man shall feel the troll Kings wrath all right now that the troll Kings history has been covered it's time to check out his equipment the most crucial one of throgs items is the Golden Circle it that rests upon his tusks known as the winter tooth crown once the priceless heirloom of some ill-fated noble this artifact allows throng to exert his will over all things beastial and savage that served the Dark Gods whether this is due to a magical property of the crown itself or was a gift bestowed upon the troll king when he claimed the item is a mystery but its power is far more dangerous than it first appears most of the monsters that join alongside the tides of chaos have one notable weakness which is that they're hard to control and are either stupid or easily frightened throg can completely remove all those problems from the equation replacing the dim-witted intelligence of trolls for instance with his own beyond that the crown has allowed him to recruit beasts to his banner most would struggle to handle as he can communicate easily with them and often manipulate such monsters into subservience furthermore the winter tooth crowns ability can be focused further to allow throg to directly possess another monstrous creature with his own mind which may at first seem unimpressive until one considers this could result in a giant who is neither stupid nor clumsy this makes the monstrous hordes of the winter tooth one of the most terrifying forces on the planet as it boasts a single-minded in organised army bent to the will of a savagely intelligent lord the only other notable piece of throgs arsenal is the rather simple but effective great weapon that he wields little more than a stone headed sledgehammer the troll Kings preferred weapon has nothing and mainly unique about it other than its immense weight this accents throgs fighting style quite well as he tends to favor wide swings that build up momentum to grant his attacks bone-shattering force it would take the heavy armour known to the old world to even hope to survive a blow from that weapon at full swing it's little wonder that so few have crossed the troll Kings path and lived to tell the tale with the troll Kings equipment covered it's time to move on to his skills obvious by the size of the weapon he carries around throg possesses amid strength even when compared to other trolls this is mostly thanks to his increased intelligence as it makes the winter tooth able to utilize the full range of his strength in long reach able to contest the might of giants the troll king is more than capable of pulverizing anyone who gets in his way when it comes to defense throg has no need to hide behind armor or magical artifacts to protect his already tough hide instead he relies purely on his aggressive regeneration which is capable of mending even the most grievous of wounds there's no organ or body part that cannot be repaired by this healing factor so long as the origin of the damage isn't a flaming attack but throg is rather clever when it comes to avoiding this weakness the most dangerous aspect of this ability however is that The Witcher tooths healing is even more potent than that of other trolls when his body mends instead of simply replacing the damaged tissue his mutant regeneration instead augments his body with new mutations it could be said that throg is a living embodiment of whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you stronger the final carry over from the troll Kings race is his horrid ability to empty the contents of his stomach on his opponent as an attack the vomit of most chaos trolls is arguably the most dangerous of all troll species as not only is it acidic enough to dissolve steel but tends to contain large flesh-eating worms frog has mastered the art if it can be called such of puking deadly liquids on to his foes instead of just using it as an instinctual defense mechanism he likes to keep a full stomach so his copious vomit is more than enough to drown even large creatures and agonizing acids the most unique skill of throgs however is his ability to speak with and control the monstrous horns that make up his army when adding in the ability of his crown to assert dominance over specific creatures as well this makes the troll Kings ability as a general quite fearsome the monstrous hoard of the winter tooth is one of the fiercest legions in the old world and they bring an avalanche of cold hatred to the realms of men now that his skills have been addressed it's time to examine the featured famous battle in the Imperial year of 2490 nearly twenty years before throg decided to begin his invasion of the old world a different kind of monstrous horde was invading troll country the master necromancer hella half-dead had gathered a massive host of shambling dead from the battlefields of Oster mark and was marching north scorned by the living and with a thirst for vengeance that only mass slaughter could satisfy she raised all the dead she could find and butchered any with the misfortune to cross her path men women children none were spared the necromancers wrath as she sought more corpses to be added to her army kislev would drown under an endless tide of undead with the other realms of men soon to follow as the moaning legions wandered into the icy wastelands of southern troll country hella failed to realize that her path was marked by creatures hidden by billowing ice storms such a brazen force was difficult to miss even amongst heavy blizzards for the scent of dark magic was quite heavy on the wind it took only a few days for throng to become aware of the undead intruding upon his lands and the troll Kings brow furrowed with anger not only was this wizard killing all the good sport in his realm she is also causing the earth itself to warp with necromantic power the winter tooth would suffer no rival claim to his lands and unleashed an angry roar rousing his trolls for battle frogs swiftly located his quarry as the overwhelming stench of rotting meat carried far in such a desolate place the trolls following him didn't need much encouragement for this particular March as they were already drooling in anticipation of so much rotting meat the winter tooths monstrous horrid approached a snow-capped overlook and gazed down upon their foe with gluttonous expressions throg held his subjects in check however his crown radiating with oppressive power that kept the idiotic creatures rooted in place the necromancer was far too confident in her legion of undead not even bothering to post any Vanguard to scout out the treacherous terrain her arrogance made Hellas trespassing even more offensive to the troll king drawing undue attention to herself like some self-proclaimed goddess who knew no fear throg would teach her to be afraid knowing the lay of the land better than any man the winter tooth waited patiently for his prey to march into the perfect position before raising his stone hammer and roaring finally unleashed the trolls hefted their clubs in response before charging down the hill into the enemy below thousands upon thousands of dead turned at the sound shambling into some semblance of a battle line at the will of their mistress it made little difference the monstrous creatures slammed into the zombies scattering rotten corpses in all directions although hella had gathered a tide of undead too massive for any human army to successfully combat numbers were of no concern to a few hundred starving trolls the thick press of undead bodies that normally proved to be their strength was suddenly a grave weakness as each troll could simply swing their club to smash apart dozens of bodies were still the ages of hello were helpless as their constant assault of minor wounds that would wear down most foes was shrugged off by swiftly regenerating flesh throg led from the front casually crushing zombies with lazy swings of his stone hammer in glaring around for the source of the necromancy he knew there had to be some type of wizard nearby the whether it be a necromancer or a vampire remained to be seen after the charge split the undead column in half it didn't take long for hella half-dead to come riding towards the threat to her army a whirlwind of dark magic surge around her as the master necromancer shouted out incantations to raise her fallen troops the troll King turned in her approach as all the dead around him began to raise up now that the witch had revealed herself it was time to wrap this up unleashing the power of his crown on his kin all of the trolls snapped their heads in hellas direction and unleashed a torrent of vomit the rancid bile dissolved any flesh it touched clearing a steaming path directly up to the necromancer throg stormed forwards with his troops following close behind the monstrous birds shoveling as much of the undead into their mouths as possible he could see the bewildered panic on the woman's face her barrier of undead had been annihilated in an instant and she couldn't reconstitute bodies from puddles of melted corpses or those being tossed into empty stomachs in an act of desperation hella summoned her foul magics and unleashed a torrent of dark magic at the troll King The Witcher truth only laughed as he continued to wade towards her his flesh regenerating even as it rotted away there was no incantation that could save this arrogant human from his wrath the necromancer tried to flee but was far too slow and further isolated by throgs own copious vomit boiling away undead reinforcements he raised up his hammer and with a grunt brought it down with shattering force crushing hella half-dead with a wet crunch even as her insides leaked out to color the surrounding snow the magic binding the legion of dead evaporated and all of the zombies collapsed throg roared his victory and stomped his foot upon the woman's remains before glaring at the seemingly endless number of corpses lying about his army would eat well tonight and that concludes the famous battle section we will now move on to the end times of course if you are avoiding in times lore because either you hate it or because you do not want it spoiled for you for some reason the comment section below has time stands for all the sections so you can just skip to closing thoughts also if you are reading the go trick and felix series of novels and you do not want be with part one of the end times forego trek and felix spoiled which is the book in slayer that features throg so we will be talking about that so if for some reason you don't want to hear this part you can go ahead and skip below for the rest of you so here's essentially throgs role in the end times when the end times begins chaos sweeps South before the arc Bastion essentially and completely wipes Kislev off the face of the earth kislev and all of its isolated cities put up pretty good isolated fights but ultimately are just crushed annihilated and defeated don't wreck darkness in at this point was already up there which we'll get into in a bit I don't know why I just said that but any of it so wrong was at the city of Prague and much to everyone's surprise instead of joining forces with the rest of chaos throng instead led his entire army into Prague and allied with a bunch of different kinds of monsters from chaos Giants to it dragon ogre sh Agatha to just a bunch of stuff and he basically took the city by force and barricaded it from the inside to prevent any of the other forces of chaos from getting in so he was surrounded by warriors of chaos nor skins chaos dwarves demons everybody wanted a piece of throg but because his army was so ludicrously powerful nobody could get to him and he basically turned Prague into his own personal city and his capital for his new world essentially so after that point he basically started paying bounty hunters slavers and all sorts of other individuals to bring him wizards and so and he of course sent out groups of trolls or monsters to also gather up wizards and he was taking all comers you know great escape in gray seers and warlock engineers necromancer's Empire's human sorcerers just whatever he could get his hands on so he brought in all these wizards and throg cast all of them with creating intelligent trolls so basically at this point in the lore throg was alone and he was kind of lonely to an extent I think it had more to do with the fact that he couldn't control all of the trolls at once to make a cohesive army that could take over the world but if he had another troll just like him or if they're all the trolls can think that he would have the most powerful army in the world without a doubt because trolls physically are pretty much the best race there is in the Warhammer universe when it comes to being soldiers the problem is they're complete idiots and they're just stupid as hell so all of these wizards were tasked with no matter what they had to do or what it would take to create intelligent trolls so one of the people he kidnaps is a friend of go Trek and Felix's from much earlier in their sagas who shows up in a number of books max scriber and basically the go track and Felix book King Slayer occurs where go track and Felix kind of go through their adventures and I won't get super into what they did but they come to Prague and they fight throgs army so they basically fight their way inside the city where we do see for the first time throg demonstrate his ability to directly control another creature because he possesses a Castrol who is fighting in the outskirts of the city and that troll goes from being kind of dangerous but something go trick and feel can handle to be a really serious threat that is incredibly dangerous and takes an entire party of very skilled heroes to even have a chance of taking on because the heroes had essentially launched an assault against throg and he wasn't having it he used that direct possession and some other shenanigans he had up his sleeve he basically manipulated them into a no-win situation and he captured a lil Rick of the vampire who is of course Felix's lover it was leading the escapade and he managed to basically defeat go Trek and Felix or at least push them back and so he captures Ulrika and he basically takes her down into the pit of his dungeon and throg at this point is surrounded and he's not very happy about being surrounded and he's trying to find a way to win the battle so Arika was expressly sent there by Vlad it's kind of a side mission she lured Felix in go track along as kind of protection and insurance and claiming they were there to save max but what Ulrika what she did because he was a previous lover of hers but what she really wanted or what she really was sent for by Vlad von Kahr Stein was to basically proposition throg to join an alliance with the undead in the Empire against the hordes of chaos and basically secure himself a place in the new world where he can have his own Empire if he was willing to ally with them you know basically a Empire of monsters which throg doesn't really go for this plan he thinks that the forces in the south are weak and they're only asking for his help because they're stronger he is stronger than them and he refuses to ally with anyone that he perceives as being weaker than him because it would just cause him too much trouble and he doesn't want to leave Prague so he essentially being a very nasty clever individual knows that Ulrika is hungry for blood and that if she does not feed she could become a monster like a bar guys essentially au revoir so he basically leaves her alone in a chamber with a troll and the problem with that is that if Ulrika gives it to her in tations and feeds on the troll it's gonna be really really bad she'll basically go insane and some other problems so he then returns outside where goat wreck and Felix are launching a rescue mission for al-raqqah and they have Snorri and some other old friends of theirs and throg goes out to fight them but instead of finding them himself because he has other matters to attend to well he shows up and he intends to fight them himself alongside his dragon oh gosh Agatha who is like the ultimate pinnacle of his army so he summons up the Shagga 'the who goes after don't wreck and throg basically decides all right I'm gonna kill both of them here I'm just gonna deal with this myself but at that moment he feels an incredible amount of pain something just like he basically gets a migraine on steroids and is like bleeding from multiple orifices and he suddenly realizes that something is terribly wrong so he goes up to his tower where he's keeping all his wizards where it's revealed that max has successfully created an intelligent troll the problem is he took throgs insistence that there is no price too great a little too seriously and the way he was able to create an intelligent troll was by utilizing a mixture of the winds and he basically sacrificed the life of every single troll inside of Prague with the exception of throg and the troll he was experimenting on so he created and intelligent troll but it caused every single other troll in the entire city to drop dead so frogs army was literally cut into a fraction and he lost his basically his entire foot soldier of Legion you know very powerful foot soldier bleating so his defenses completely collapsed which meant that all of the forces outside the walls were now attacking vigorously because they realized the trolls were no longer alive so the cast warriors the words of chaos and a bunch of other legions basically just launched into him and throg at this points pretty pissed this neutral that was created wasn't even it was intelligent but it was like a baby so it was like aware of the world and hat was had the capacity to think but it was like a newborn which was not what the rock had in mind and of course throg once he got what he thinks he wanted he realizes that he's jealous and doesn't want to share his intelligence so he doesn't want anything to do with this control and it is killed I believe shortly thereafter so at this point snoring who is a friend of go trekking Felix says he's another Slayer comes up and fights the wrong one-on-one and the two of them tussle but throng completely overwhelms nori and basically beats him to death after that point go Trek and Felix arrive on the scene and before they can attack throg al-raqqah shows up because throg summoned her and the caveat to what happened is when she drank the trolls blood because she finally gave in she basically became beastial and savage and that gave throgs winter tooth crown the ability to influence and control her so he basically tells her to hold off go tricking Felix because he's gonna flee frog Prague now but there are things that he needs before he leaves so he runs up to the tapas tower where his personal quarters are to grab some stuff while Erika fights contractor Felix and I won't spoil how that is and so at the very very end go Trek and Felix make their way up to the tippy top of the tower well go trick gets there first and then throg to start whaling on each other and it's an interesting fight it's not by any means the closest encounter of the go tricking Felix series frog is not quite as monstrous as things that go trick has got very used to fighting the only thing he has going for him is that he can regenerate as fast as go tricking to damage to him but the problem is goat Rick isn't alone he has friends and for all that goat wreck may and although thrall can sustain his healing against goat wreck he's stuck essentially he can't break out and he can't actually kill bill' trick because go tricks just way too skilled for throg so they fight they fight they fight and at this point frog starts bark trying to bargain he tries to bargain with Trek by telling him you know I've got the book of grudges from one of the lost dwarf holds I think carrot blag and I've got like all these famous treasures because you know frog is a hoarder and does like fancy things and go Trek basically tells him to screw himself and then he offers to Felix that okay I've reconsidered and I'm now willing to join an alliance with mankind and the undead if you'll spare my link if you'll spare my life and stop fighting me then I will agree to join you guys against the the hordes of chaos and the Dark Gods and Felix tells them no you know you're too monstrous we would it would be pointless for us to ally with something like you and throg gets incredibly angry at this point it basically battles very as best he can against go trekking Felix and in the end what happens to him is that he basically ends up with his back against a window and go Trek is has pinned down throgs hammer against the ground by standing on it and so frog in a moment of trying to be clever basically throws his hammer back over his head as hard as he can with the hope that it would cause go tractor then go flying out the window well or that it's more of a giant hole he made of the wall but unfortunately for him guilt wreck is basically smarter than him and go Trek just cuts the haft of throgs hammer so when throg throws his arms over his head there's no weight so he just literally throws himself backwards and he tumbles off the edge and falls down at the corner of Heroes which is super long way down and ever it's presumed that he's dead however though it's revealed later on in the entire sand the final battle for midnight that throg did not die from the fall he definitely did not enjoy the fall and probably it hurt a lot but he didn't die and the dart gods along with a bunch of other different characters basically picked him up and dropped him off in min hein to help archaeon with his defense against the Mary's and Carnot's so at this point our K on or a throg has basically decided to throw in he kind of pulled a 180 because the authors probably didn't consult each other and this frog is completely for the Dark Gods and he basically is like there to fight for them and honor them and do what he can to help in the world at this point but it does mention that he seems rather beat up and but his he still has his hammer magically so in any event he gets archaeon tells sig Wald and throg that they have to go hold off the cash and SiC ball does not take kindly to being partnered with an ugly troll because signalled is vain as [ __ ] so sig bald basically tries to attack RK on and throg grabs him and like pins his hand in place on his sword and it's like ya know we're leaving so the two of them go to fight and of course while throg is walking ahead of signalled sig wolde tries to kill sig well just stabs him in the back and throw out pretends to die because he doesn't want to fight Sigma oh right on because that's not a fight he wouldn't necessarily relish and they have a job to do so he pretends to be dead sick ball runs past him to go fight the gash and it's up fighting Krell and I've talked about that in Sigma let's video and then throg basically waits until he fully regenerates and then he goes down and he finds arc on the plat fighting so he attacks arc on the black and the two of them exchanged a couple blows they don't fight a bunch they fight for a little bit and after they fight for a bit sig vald kills Crowell but he is broken and ruined and as he's basically screaming his anguish the sky frog runs up behind him and just slams his hammer into signalled like a sideways swipe and just just obliterates him essentially and then in the personal novel version this is where throng proceeds to empty his bladder on Sigma's corpse because throng hated him at this point throg leads his monstrous horde full-scale against the gashes on dead horde and basically fights the cash to a standstill at least the cash is army and the gash is like well [ __ ] I don't have time this Sona cash goes after throg and basically just picks him up because the cash is gigantic and he tells throg either you know you're impressive and either you can agree to serve me forever or I'm just gonna kill you right now and throgs response is basically along the lines of I would never serve you the cash because there's no hope of ever being anything by serving you because your eternal stagnation at least the Dark Gods as terrible as they are offered the hope of being becoming something more so no I'm not gonna serve you and they catch says all right that's fair and stabs him with his sort of just overpowered dis and throg basically just turns into dust and dies and that's the end of throughout the trucking all right so we're on to the final section which is closing thoughts and this is the most casual section which is why I like it so a couple thoughts about throg that are kind of interesting one that his representation in total Warhammer is actually really interesting compared to his end times representations because throg never showed up in a novel prior to the end times you can of course he was in your army book but he didn't have any speaking lines or anything so the way they conveyed his intelligence in these two mediums actually ended up being very different and the end times throg is incredibly intelligent he can like he speaks almost poetically and is incredibly philosophical and smart and he's very the way that his like troll Ness is shown in his new intelligence is that he's very cruel and he's very greedy and he possesses all these really dangerous qualities but he is incredibly smart like he's probably one of the smartest Lords of chaos in that he was able to like when it comes to strategy he was able to outgun or outmaneuver a cold hell brass who was a who is an insanely famous and powerful case lord of zinc and throg literally captured him alive because he beat him so bad and then basically set him loose against the empire but throg was terrifyingly in the end times he appreciated culture and art and treasure and when you see his personal quarters during the go trekking feat the end of the gun tricks and Felix novels he has all of these like amazing treasures that don't necessarily have a monetary value they have a knowledge value or they're like really priceless artwork or something he appreciates those things so he is this really really smart individual who he's not smart for a troll he's just smart he's been a survivalist but that's kind of the way he ends up and total war Warhammer he went from being incredibly smart to just be smart for a troll you know he kind of speaks like he speaks like if you were if someone were to come to you and say there's a troll character who has the ability to talk that's what throg is like he doesn't really come off as a really impressive or intelligent individual he sort of comes off as like this really like he's smart but he's still a troll if you know what I mean so it's it's interesting to see how those differences wound up like Games Workshop literally just abandoned their end times version of him for the version that total war Warhammer made because I imagine Creative Assembly did have to get approval to make sure that their characters represent are represented properly which means someone at Games Workshop had to have okayed this version of throg who's very different than the novel's version of throg but of course those being only in times novels because in the words of chaos army book throg could be easily either one they don't really specify exactly how intelligent he is but he could easily be smart for a troll or just really smart because he the troll the throg and total Warhammer is still capable of speech and complex enough ideas to at least lead an army and you know force monstrous creatures under his banner and all that stuff so as far as the way throg was developed I really really liked throg in total more Warhammer his vomit the ability turned out a bit disappointing in my opinion I would have much preferred it to be a breath attack like wind blast or brace cream or something instead of that weird single target magic missile it's it's super bizarre and it doesn't do very it doesn't really do anything so that's a bit unfortunate because in tabletop throg throg is one of the most terrifying ly overpowered characters in tabletop because he's super cheap but his abilities are [ __ ] ridiculous because his vomit attack alone can almost one-shot any character of the game if you're not careful like going up against throg in close combat is one of the scariest things in 8th edition tabletop because if he vomits on you he he just ignores all of your defenses and has a perfectly good chance of just killing you on the spot on top of that he had a really good stat line and he functioned as a general and a battle standard-bearer even if he was not your general and battle standard bearer for other monsters in addition he made chaos trolls count as a core type so when you built your tabletop army normally 25% of your army had to be dedicated to basic troops to give it kind of like to make sure your army was grounded in the aesthetic something that didn't really translate the total war but so it'd be like you know until war if you had spent 25 percent of your funds unlike the most basic of troops but throg if you brought him in the army he could just take trolls lots and lots and lots of trolls and on top of that he could act as a secondary general for them and rally their leadership and he was terrifying he was absurdly strong and there was nothing worse than seeing him across the table from you at a tournament because you just knew you're gonna have a bad time trying to kill him was insanely difficult and he was a tough cookie to crack especially when he was hiding in his troll hordes but other than that I thought see a developed him really well I like the way looks I like the way he feels like the way he plays of course we're waiting for him to be put into total war Warhammer - but I'm a patient man I think we have made for throg so it's unfortunate but at least she's playable in Game one so it's not like we're completely waiting for Norse again we're just waiting for them to catch up with the rest of the world but in any event that's pretty much all my thoughts on throng he's not a super complicated character to talk about so I hope you guys enjoyed the video I hope you all have a great winter break for those of you preparing to end school for the semester and I will see you next time bye
Channel: Loremaster of Sotek
Views: 158,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Throgg, Troll, Throgg the Troll King, Norsca, Kislev, Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, Fantasy, Total War Warhammer, Total War
Id: Nr0A_oLuDQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 5sec (2825 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2017
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