The Warhammer Fantasy End Times EXPLAINED by an Australian - Entire Plot and Lore

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen boys and girls asians and normal people the time has come for my most educational video to date i'll admit i've been a bit of a cocktails with the end times lore like you would have thought i would have made this video sooner with my three-part series detailing the fate of the legendary lords during the end times doing so well plus my reasonably successful age of sigma video well the reason why i didn't make this video sooner is because i'm an autistic [ __ ] and that's it really oh we did detailing the entire events of the end times from start to end explaining the fate of all factions including their best and worst moments if you're a die-hard fan of cafe nippon or the southern realms then i'm so sorry games workshop [ __ ] shot all over you guys however i will still tell you what happened to your faction so you still have reason to watch this video and the ads that roll with it if there's a particular character i missed out on that you want to know about just ask me and comment in the comments a question about them or you know what ended up happening to them and i'll let you know if a certain character gets enough upvotes or people requesting that i do a law video on them then i'll make a separate video for the end times for them specifically before we get started let me chuck on my capa twirl my jew curls because it's time for a word from our sponsor if you really want to support me but find donating to patreons to be as cancer as i do except eric's patreon he he really needs some patrons then i have a solution a partner with fanatical gaming to bring you guys some [ __ ] sweet ass discounts on most video games out there last week all total war games and dlc were up to 60 off so hats off to my viewers that took those deals if you think you've missed out and you've missed the boat then you're completely wrong my dude as vermintide 2 is currently 30 off with hundreds of other games copying serious discounts well more than hundreds get on that [ __ ] guys my kangaroo broke its leg and it's really hard for me to get to work these days so i need the monies for a new one just make sure you turn off that cheeky ad block and then we're gucci also one more thing as funny as it may be guys please don't try and copyright my [ __ ] videos it's really aids when i have to explain to youtube why my elliot roger parody wasn't a shitty unreleased death metal song let's get into it now the end times is basically a [ __ ] bum rush to close out hundreds of story lines in one plot which is never going to end well so at the start of the end times everyone is running around like a bunch of spaz [ __ ] starting with the elves finniba the current phoenix king realized he was super duper cursed by his goddessurian because apparently assyrian is such a spiteful [ __ ] about malakith you know the notorious rapist king not being king of all elves that he has been draining all of his power just to curse all phoenix kings with pride and misfortune hence explaining why the hell i elves have so many [ __ ] incompetent kings in the past while brooding about being cursed and what to do about it malacath projects his spirit in front of finuba and calls him a [ __ ] before summoning a randomized bloodletter into fenubar's chambers now fenubar is more than capable of taking out a single bloodletter however he decides that the only way to end the curse is to die so he lets it kill him in the meantime manfred and arkhan who are trying to bring back nagash kidnap the everchild alithria who turns out to be tyrion's daughter not fenubars controversy however no one except a few sneaky [ __ ] know about this bad stuff for the high elves tyrion is suitably unimpressed with the situation especially as the everqueen aka his babe allario [ __ ] off to go help the wood elves without even telling him dashing over to the dark elves a fuck-off massive army of cornite warriors and demons led by scarbrand and valakar the bloody launch a massive invasion against nagaroth this went as about as well as could be expected for corn as they didn't account for how [ __ ] demented the people of hard geneth were as the entire population ran out and started ripping chaos to shreds as malketh kills scarbrand and velika is defeated however as chaos is basically limitless due to our good writing and fairness eventually um the limitless tide of chaos eventually breaks the northern fortresses of nagaroth and they destroyed them so malekith decides to lead the biggest exodus the dark elves have ever had since the sundering and leads them to ulth1 they salt the fields burn down all their cities and kill millions of slaves as to leave absolutely nothing for the chaos armies to plunder oh yeah and malaketh calls his mom a dumb [ __ ] before he leaves i approve thumb thumbs up for that one malekith turns out teklas is a sneaky little [ __ ] as you've been manipulating various parties in pretty rough ways in order to achieve the greater good for example he took down the magic wards guarding finney bar so malaka could summon the demon to kill him he also cleared the path to allow manfred and arkhan to kidnap the ever child process process that for a second teclas helped some undead creatures kidnap his brother's daughter his niece knowing that she would die [ __ ] is ruthless tactless was doing on this on the instructions of his god liliath as only malakath could unite all the elves together being the chosen of assyrian and whatnot you know whilst the ever child had to be sacrificed in order to help bring back the gash in a weak enough state they would actually cooperate with the world instead of trying to destroy it and turn everyone into a bunch of zombie [ __ ] you know simultaneous uh goodness anywho checklist tells imrick prince of kalador that despite malachith being the worst person ever he's their king so he has to suck it up and team up with him imrick's like okay and consults his ancestor khalid or the dragon tamer who's still having a [ __ ] one stuck inside the vortex kalador verifies this story so imrick kalador and kalador's dragons team up with malakith and bash up some high elves um kalador is in the nation not the guy he's he's very much in the vortex having a [ __ ] one um malikith goes into the fire of sirian for attempt number two and this time he isn't a little [ __ ] and he stays in there for long enough for the remaining power of assyrian to enter him killing assyrian and instating malekith as the eternity king which means king of all elves finally got what he wanted without raping there's a lesson for you kids during this fiasco ellaria went to the wood elves and found isha and the oak of ages in a pretty bad shape the wood elves thought this was the chaos corruption entering the world however it was actually a liliath they're an elven god who is doing it ellario absorbs the demented as [ __ ] isha into her becoming even more powerful and gaining the loyalty of orion and the wood elf forces upon hearing that malikith has become the eternity king allario returns to uth1 via some weird underground world root system and instantly marries malachith you know like despite the fact that when she first married fenubar malachith summoned a selaneshi demon to try and rape and kill her i i guess she's just the forgiving type all right now bear with me for a second imagine being tyrion while all this is going down you've sworn your life to defending ulthoan from the dark elves and then in a short period of time your daughter and king die because of your brother your greatest enemy randomly becomes your new king and then the woman you love goes and [ __ ] him and on top of this you still have a small wiener naturally tyrion isn't happy about this and decides to become the avatar of kane as he takes up widowmaker and goes off to try and murder [ __ ] everyone he doesn't like which at this point is most people tyrion is joined by the high elves dark elves and wood elves that worship kane along with marathi that thinks tyrion is an aryan reborn while malakath is joined by everyone else who aren't spasticated numerous battles are fought against tyrion however tyrion wins all of them during to he's just you know been the god of war and what not he fights imric and despite imric creating a small hole in tyrion's armor tyrion defeats him and imrick is able to escape with his life in his next battle tyrion fights illario and orion in the forests of avalon orion kicks the [ __ ] out of tyrion and rips open the hole in tyrion's armor that imric had previously created however tyrion is able to stab orion killing him and keonos permanently illario duels marathi but retreats when orion falls tyrion and malik finally have their fateful jewel on the isle of the dead as both armies collide in a massive climactic battle despite being empowered by a suryan malakath is no match for tyrion who by this point is literally just kane with tyrion's body malachite is struck down but before tyrion can land the finishing blow anath anea the shadow king the mother [ __ ] shadow king saves the day by shooting tyrion through the heart in the hole in the armor that orion and imra created killing him and kane however the shadow king is a bit of a memer and he shoots malakath as well for laughs non-fatally though so it's fine all elves swear loyalty to malakath as he leads all elven factions to athol warren while tekklus goes to undo the vortex you might be thinking why the [ __ ] is teklus gonna undo the vortex like won't that ruin the world and the answer is yeah kinda see teclas figures that the world is ending and there is no currently no one powerful enough to truly challenge chaos hence that's why he wants to bring back the gash also by undoing the vortex he's basically freeing the winds of magic which will then enter the bodies of various great heroes and champions making them incarnates who could be strong enough to beat back chaos once and for all this is confusing but bear with me unbeknownst to teclas however is that however is that sigma himself is trapped within the vortex explaining why sigma was the most absent god around tekklus undo's the vortex and auth1 sinks drowning any elves who chose to stay behind which actually was quite a lot as it sinks slaanesh sticks her juicy fat [ __ ] out and eats as many self-souls as she can including kalidor dragontamer and muraffi marathi tries to bargain with slaanesh but this goes about as well as can be expected and she's quickly eaten and damned to eternal rapage which is you know actually probably what she wanted bam [ __ ] that's the elven fluff leading up to the climactic battle but i'll get to that later now it's time for my favorite skelly boy cetra the [ __ ] imperishable and he's less cool vampy friends not really friends he hates them but you know you know the people you have in your life where oh yeah they're my friends but you know they're [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah i got some of those anyway but wait i need to explain some gas vampire fluff within the gash and his pimps before he can get the tissues out and violently masturbate to central law akana manfred went about stealing and kidnapping to bring all ingredients required together to bring back the gash they kidnapped the faint enchantress during the uh bretonnian civil war they kidnapped the ever child from ulthoan and they kidnapped volkmar grimm as he went to tell manfred off and manfred's like okay like yeah you can tell me off i'll just kidnap you um and yeah yeah he really should have seen that coming shinny old volkman like everyone told him volkman don't go talk to manfred he's going to kidnap you involvement's like nah i'm fine it's fine and here you go i can't say i feel bad um wait here's a bit of law you guys actually love though krell had become so independent from heinrich clemmer that when every time heinrich summoned him krell would always boss him around and call him a little [ __ ] probably because it turned out that krell was actually the vessel of the gash and the gash was um you know using him in his weakened undead state and heinrich randomly also becomes a follower of corn for some reason so obviously him and arkhan have a bit of a disagreement about it and arkan blows them up you might be wondering oh heinrich was empowered by corn surely he would have beaten the powerful but not god-like arkhan well the answer is that corn doesn't give a [ __ ] about magic actually corn despises magic so by a heinrich declaring for corn he was maybe even weakened so obviously arkhan empowered by nagash [ __ ] him in the ass as the ritual began oh and also he took his staff because his staff was actually the staff of nagash not heinrich and he was able to use it for the ritual nice nice nice nice nice nice nice as the ritual begun the fey enchantress has her throat cut as volklmar is getting the [ __ ] beaten out of him however the ever child remains defiant and calls manfred an ugly bold [ __ ] and says that arkhan looks like a dried up scrotum this impresses the [ __ ] out of arkhan who starts thinking that the elves are more badass than him before the ritual can be completed an elven army led by elitharion and araloth attack and a battle ensures manfred gets his tits beaten off by eleftharion i'm definitely mispronouncing that [ __ ] you um however before elitharion can save the ever child arkhan gives him a wink and turns him to dust man arkhan's really racking up a body count arkhan then kills the everchild and slices off of vogelma's hand and replaces it with the gash's hand nagash violently takes over volkman's body painfully killing ivogma seeing the gash's return araloth leads the elven forces back to either lauren catching the 11am nope train and stopping off at [ __ ] of that ville seeing that nagash has indeed returned my boy etc unites the tomb kings and prepares for a battle that theoretically does not end i'm not kidding nagash and citrus forces collide however zombies skeletons monsters were all being revived as quick as they were being killed leading to weeks of just non-stop battle between millions of combatants nagash gets the bright idea to go and eat the god of the underworld hence becoming a true god himself he goes and does this with the help of all the souls in the underworld who rise up against the uh underworld god what do you call it it's not satan it's just it's egyptian i know well egyptian nekoharan you know now nagash became a god tear a god from his little uh trip down under and tips the battle in his favor wiping out the tomb king's armies and wounding cetera cetera stands in front of the gash holding his big [ __ ] off sword in defiance nagash is like hey skelly bro you fought well but i am literally your god you cannot win join me and you will be made a commander of my army to which cetera applies lick my rim [ __ ] cetera does not serve cetera rules and then the gash exploded him leading leaving only his still like a live quotation head to rot in the sand days pass as old mate cetera's head sits in the stand furiously venting as nagash raised nekahara to the ground and has the rest of the tomb kings kneel before him and serve him including khalida who realizes that if she fights now she'll die but if he swears allegiance to the gash she'll still get an opportunity to try and kill neferata in the future suddenly cetra hears four voices in his head laughing at him and telling him that they can grant him in his revenge cetra remains silent during this ordeal however his body reforms and he finds himself imbued with chaotic power to the [ __ ] in the audience that weren't able to pick up that that was the gods of chaos who revived him in order to try and get him to assassinate a gash that was the chaos god to revive him to try and look at him assassinate nagash now some people say that this isn't next part isn't canon well let me tell you that they're a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] and are totally wrong etc does indeed kill colic sun aida over a four day battle and he does indeed cut his head off if you disagree you're literally worse than isis yes so central goes to arkhan to see what's cooking in the hood and arkhan instructs them to go and kill the now rogue colec and in return cetra will be given even more power cetera is like era and goes and brings back kolek's head and dumps it at arkhan's feet and he's like and he just leaves he's like [ __ ] off somewhere else probably kill a few gods and [ __ ] such as you know it's pretty cool like that oh [ __ ] i've been smashing the beers while doing this so forgive my impending alcohol-filled autism now onto the empire while corn was attacking nagaroth slaanesh was eating ulthaon and nerga was infecting the empire and bretonnia with super aids i mean he even infected tal the god of nature which was very bad as with the god of nature being sick nature itself became aids millions died before the warriors of nurgle even set foot in the empire and over half the population of britonian peasants also died to sickness despite the green knight revealing himself as gillies the briton and uniting bretonnia after a brutal civil war eventually the remaining gods are able to cure tal and the balance of nature is restored dampening the effects of nergal's aids invasion but i'm getting ahead of myself before the end times balthazar gelt had been given some pretty dope magic gifts from various undead forces such as neferata and vlad which allowed him to create this massive fuck-off wall in the empire's north borders oh yeah kislev got [ __ ] to death with all the prisoners becoming rape slaves for seatbelt and the ice cream heroically dying which is good for her otherwise siegfeld would have literally raped and eaten it anyway this super wall could not be breached by chaos and it gave the empire a lot of time to sort that [ __ ] out now balthazar is a powerful mage but he couldn't keep his wall up just by you know clicking his fingers and using a bit of magic no no no he instead had to use faith magic and faith of the people of the empire to keep up the wall so when belthazar you know decided to dabble in necromancy and accidentally killed an elected count people stopped having faith in him the wall came down and the armies of chaos charged in with the [ __ ] glottkin and they just went straight down to altoff and just raised everything in their path the empire backed up by vlad who was now an elect account and again for you know being nice and belthazar fought against the crom and glockens armies while the blood dragons betrayed the forces of good and began what and became warriors of corn the leader of the blood dragon stroked down karl france with a solid torso stab however carl was able to survive due to his immense amount of plot armor and he got deathcore and himself back the [ __ ] to althoff the forces of chaos siege altoff in a brutal battle which ends in half the scenery being destroyed during the battle lewin rocks up with a [ __ ] gigantic army of like a big ass erranty army of bretonnian knights which makes up like 90 percent of remaining bretonnian knights and he breaks through the backline of chaos while vad vlad personally kills various greater demons of nurgle like its child's play his body count includes fetus leech lord and his severely wounded otto glot lyon has his head cut off by festus before vlad kills festus so rip leon carl is again impaled for like the tenth time and he sits in a temple of shalaya while he bleeds out however teklus unbinds the vortex at this moment and the winds of heaven choose carl as their host superfowl like carl gets [ __ ] like hyperpowered and he ascends to a godlike figure his ascension burns away all chaotic and undead beings in and around alth killing hundreds of thousands of ugly [ __ ] instantly and purifying everything making alt off a city of pure light and holiness vlada evolves avoids this flaming holy death because he thought it'd be a good idea to drink a nogolite blood of otto glot which is not a good idea at all and it sends him in a violently vomiting and [ __ ] himself free exco running away from the battlefield and what i presume was utter embarrassment from being such a massive [ __ ] now this is where the scale even come out to play they finally stopped their bickering and autism due to the horned rat appearing and eating the leader of the council of 13. he then calls the lea the council of 13 a bunch of [ __ ] and tells them to get their [ __ ] together the united skaven race caused some serious problems for the old world and the new as they simultaneously attack dwarven holds the empire provinces cafe nippon arabi indi the southern realms and the lizardmen destroying everything pretty easily with the only few factions being able to put up any kind of resistance being the lizardmen dwarves and cathay however these factions were unbelievably devastated by skaven before like they were able to get any kind of win cafe got anal raped in three-way war between chaos dwarves and skaven and greenskins and the cathay armies however turns out tit snitch had almost as much power as the dragon emperor of cathay as cathay was full i'm definitely not saying cathay right i'm making it sound like a [ __ ] cafe just cathay or just [ __ ] it bear with me i don't listen to audio books i just read turns out tits niche had almost as much power as the dragon emperor as cathay was full of tits niche cults after insane battle was fought and killing so many [ __ ] and losing all the land of cathay the dragon emperor calls it quits and takes what few survivors are left and he leaves off into the ocean on his remaining ships his fate is unknown i'm just gonna say he turned into a dragon and dragged dragging these balls over my face i don't know um needless to say the skaven were actually the real mvps of destroying the world as if it was if they had not helped chaos or even sided with chaos like arkhan would be licking sigma's [ __ ] hammer right now with a broken jaw and that broken jaw would have been from a getting hit with the hammer and b sucking sigma's [ __ ] because he's gay i don't know you might be sitting there thinking how the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] did skaven beat the lizardmen which is a fair statement as after all the lizardmen had dinosaurs millions of infantry and the most powerful mages in the world and that and they lost because of three things bad riding the moon exploding and more bad riding see the lizardmen nuke house was coming so they set up a shitload of anti-chaos awards and weapons and all these fortifications and this worked chaos could not put a foot in lustria without instantly dying but skaven could you might be like but major kill the slan would have sensed escaping and being able to prepare and yes they would have if they weren't trying to keep the moon from crashing into the planet and destroying everything yep you heard that right skaven used all their magic to pull the chaos moon more celeb towards the planet in order to try and get the warp stone on it to flood the world with chaotic energies and give them an unlimited supply of the [ __ ] because you know it's like crack to them it's [ __ ] clans skyra then nuked the moon and blew it up causing the fragments to fall towards the planet so needless to say the slan had their arms full trying to firstly save the world from a literal moon landing while then also trying to coordinate the lizardmen into an emergency spaceship evacuation to get the [ __ ] out of the doomed world most land gassed out from the effort and went into comas from trying to keep the moon away and then trying to destroy the fragments of the blown-up moon the skaven weren't playing nice either they sent they sent clan pestilence into lustria and just holocausted the place with aids juice so in between their armies vomiting and [ __ ] themselves and their sland passing out from a block from blocking a moon lizardmen didn't have much going for them even grimlock the mighty connoisseur ridden perish from plagues created by lord skrog himself and here comes the darkest part of the end times in my opinion so when the chaos gods were planning their invasion the old world they feared only a few individuals one of these individuals would lord mazamundi as mazamundi sland brothers passed out from the strain of the effort of saving the world from the moon he persisted deleting continent-sized shards with his mind mazamundi refused to give up or pass out so he kept pushing on even as he felt he felt his heart rip itself apart from the strain as mazamundi got close to death he began hearing a faint laughter in his mind it grew louder grew louder as his heart was tearing apart it was the chaos gods laughing at him as he died alone there were still too many shards falling and the world was about to be destroyed and masamundi died until well like he died but until lord croak the pepe himself wheeled himself back to life and destroyed enough moon fragments that only lustria and the southlands were destroyed lord kroger then combusted into flames from the strain of the effort so that's the lizardmen there are the kill by moonshards killed by skaven killed by aids or got on a spaceship and [ __ ] off out of there meanwhile clan morse took the fight to the dwarves taking over many holds and in an epic three-way battle between the forces of king beliga iron hammer quick head taker and skarsnik kweik amej vittorius taking bellaga's head off with his shoulders and killing skarsnik's favourite squig babe getting overly confident kwik then took the fight to thorgrum grudge bearer who had merged with the lore of metal and become an extremely powerful warrior queek leaped at thorgrim only for thorgrim to catch a midair and snap his neck with one hand killing old mate queek that's pretty much all the fluff about skaven there ears prince apophis went to help here because he was controlled by nagash and he murder raped a few thousand skaven until they trapped him in the realms of chaos and you know craven tale sat in a cave and masturbated onto the spicy dwarfs at the start of the end times a lot of dwarves were like [ __ ] this chaos [ __ ] let's just hide in our holds and wait it out but thorgrim a bro-tier dwarf was like stop being a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] and help me save the world so they kind of rally but not really the dwarves were very are disorganized in the way they were slaughtered thorek iron brow was attacked by queen neferata after the armies of nagash had conquered the tomb kings he went full isis mode and blow up his anvil of doom like a nuke killing thousands of undead and driving the forces of neferata out of the mountain holds nagash himself went about and started eating a few sleeping dwarf gods to pimp himself up a bit more but that was the end of the vampire vs dwarf battles after killing kweek thorgrum ordered the retreat of his forces away from karak 8 peaks and in doing so lost the favor of the winds of metal causing them to abandon him and find someone more worthy in his now vulnerable state death master schnick assassinates thorgrim or schnick or the the cool guy that kills everyone assassinates thorgrum and takes his head as his prize yikes the law of fire binds itself to ungroup who is the last remaining dwarven king and he uses it to great effect killing thousands of chaos soldiers he makes an epic last stand against overwhelming odds in order to buy time for carl france and the remaining surviving dwarves to retreat from zufba angrim then allows the wind of fire to consume him causing a [ __ ] off massive explosion killing many uh chaos warriors in the process at some point gron brindle also comes back permanently and saves malachus life with a throwing axe and forgives him for basically causing the biggest non-chaos of conflict in the world with grand brindle back in the picture he becomes the de facto high king of the dwarves and he revives the spirits of every single dwarf who's ever lived in order to write every single grudge that has ever declared by the dwarves [ __ ] me this is a long video i should start calling myself arch warhammer or something like that the greenskins law should just be called the adventures of grim gore as it basically just involves grim gore uniting every single green skin and ogre through the art of skull [ __ ] enemies to death with his massive acts grimlock creates the biggest war that there has ever been and just goes around killing everything he literally genocides the chaos dwarves for a laugh allowing gawk and mork to kill her shoot one of the chaos gods oh yeah and not only is grimgo now the incarnate of beasts but is now the avatar of not only gawk but the great moore himself who isn't even a green-skinned god but you know there you go while pissing on the corpses of dead chaos dwarves the greenskin armies mysteriously teleported to minhein in order to participate in the final battle now that's the main races and what they've been up to covered as you can see it hasn't gone as smoothly as we would have hoped for the factions as all their lands are either destroyed or full of aids coming back to the empire we see it in terrible shape as all the human gods were either eaten by nagash or were killed by the gods of chaos ninety percent of empire provinces have fallen and to make things worse valton the empire's greatest warrior was assassinated by a vermin lord deceiver during a jew with archon now that's the main races and what they've been up to covered as you can see it hasn't gone as smoothly as we would have hoped for the factions as all their lands are either destroyed or full of aids coming back to the empire we see it in terrible shape as all the human gods were either eaten by nagash or were killed by the gods of chaos ninety percent of empire provinces have fallen and to make things worse valton the empire's greatest warrior was assassinated by a vermin lord deceiver during a jew with archon now teklas has done a lot for the greater good but this part was pretty [ __ ] up texas was with his dead brother tyrion regretting that he was not able to save him until he realized that if he stole the flame of ulrich he could not only bring back his brother but also bind the law of light to him the consequences however meant that ulrich would die and midnight would be doomed tekla stole the flame anyway and cried like a [ __ ] as his brother came back to life while midnhime was overrun without their god to protect them now this is the setup for the final battle archaeon discovers that there is a third warp gate below minnheim and that if he opened it then the chaos gods themselves could walk the world it would be the end of the world for sure so archaeon begins opening the gate meanwhile nagash's turbo charged his black pyramid and now it flies like a spaceship it was pretty neat until it got shot down by the skaven this caused nagash to call a meeting with the incarnates which include tyrion incarnate of light carl incarnate of heavens malachith incarnate of shadow elarial incarnate of life carragerian and canada fire and balthazar incarnate of metal the law of death was bound to sylvania as nagash was having trouble absorbing it due to the wonky ritual that was used to revive him and the law of beast went to grim gore anywho the incarnates all made up for an emergency the world is ending what do we do meaning except for grimlock is he's still teabagging [ __ ] in the dark lands and all making the gas rocks up and is like hey guys i'm sorry for trying to kill pretty much all of you on separate occasion but let's be friends now and everyone was like hmm only if we get to torture mantra for fun and the gash is like [ __ ] a deal so manfred spent the next few hours with his nutsack clipped to a car battery lilliff the last remaining god who isn't undead or chaos goes to her babe teclas and is like hey man i [ __ ] up a bit and my master player had failed my master plan failed so it's time for plan b so lilith allows teklus to stab her and kill her in order to grant teclas enough power to tell about all the incarnates and their armies including our dwarf raping friend krimgor cast off at the moment raping friend grimgo to minnheim in a desperate last attempt to save the world upon arriving grim gore is suitably confused as one meant he was teabagging a stunty and the next minute he was face to face with malekith as grimgold raises his axe to swing at malekith malachith literally says this hey grimgo you are the best but that over there icon or no no no he think he's the best so you should go [ __ ] him up and groom is like google's like okay yeah right yeah do that hence began the biggest battle the world has ever seen i won't go into super detail about it but because it's long and a lot of [ __ ] happens but keradrian gets crushed by a big ass bloodthirster grim girl gets his head sliced off after kicking arkhan really high in the dick and cetra also makes an appearance flicks his bony wiener in a gash before declaring a jihad against chaos stating because those chaos [ __ ] try to control me and order me around i'll kill them all and then i'll kill you negash then cetra jumps into the massive norsken army of monsters that throg brought with him and begins a dance that involves decapitating hundreds of monsters siegfried beats krell to death because krell scratched his face and made him less pretty and then in turn gets his head crushed in by throgg because sigil tried to kill throg earlier for being ugly signaled get the [ __ ] over yourself you blonde aryan [ __ ] then throg to add a bit of insult to the ola already crushed an ugly looking signal pisses on his corpse the good guys are winning the battle grumbrindle is [ __ ] [ __ ] left right and center as teklas and balthazar work to close the warp gate sigma enters carl's body returning to the world and beating the tits off archaeon while gore-tek is in the battle side by side with gron brindle [ __ ] [ __ ] as well arcone gets thrown into the warp by sigma however the most [ __ ] [ __ ] happens manfred was protecting belfast as he was closing the warp gate but decides that it would be funnier to just end the world instead so he stabs belthazar in the back killing him i should also note before i go on that aberration the green knight fan favorites for sure definitely up there on my list were actually in britannia with the red duke and a few other bretonnian heroes and making their last stand so that's what they were doing um unfortunately their ending on their current status is unknown because games workshop i just a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] i don't i don't know i don't know what happened to them anyway back to the main battle of midnight the death of balthazar causes a ricochet effect as the law of metal flies to teklas who cannot simply handle the winds of fire beasts and metal at the same time so he explodes this destabilizes the ritual and then the gash has to absorb all the winds of magic blowing him up as well this like explosion of his death causes the warp gate to fully open and consume the world i thought lauren is the last place to be consumed as malakith elarial and tyrion sit next to the oak of ages looking depressed and calling rk on a [ __ ] lover everyone dies all factions are destroyed all hail chaos [ __ ] rip i've made a lot of videos on the end times guys which go into detail about various characters this video is more of meant to be a big summary and it's basically impressing 10 books of law into a 30-40 minute video i'll link everything in the description that you guys need and remember if you had any questions about any characters that i missed um or i didn't flesh out enough in this video then just ask me i i say all comments i reply to all comments we gucci like comment and subscribe for more of this autistic [ __ ] bullshittery and also join the discord if you want to see my nudes have a sick one [ __ ] [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 716,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MajorKill, end times, warhammer, games workshop, sigmar, lore, age of sigmar, story, fantasy, warhammer fantasy, explained, by an australian, the end times, entire plot and lore, gameplay, legendary lords, gw, chaos, Play, aos, total war, nagash, end times lore, entire lore, workshop, fluff, narrative, alarielle, warhammer 40k, backstory, kitetsu, AlternateHistoryHub, gaming, The Empire, Age, total war warhammer, geography, PC, old world, 40K, games, commentaries, cheap games, Ogre Kingdoms
Id: oACyOtx22V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 21sec (2121 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
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