Champions of Chaos - Azazel, Festus, Vilitch and Valkia - Warhammer Fantasy Lore - TW: Warhammer 3

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all the factions of the world have their own champions mighty heroes whose feats are legendary and whose deeds will echo through eternity while many may be noble and bold others may be terrifying and despicable and there are none who are more horrifying in deed and aspect than the champions of chaos it is known that chaos worshippers norsken raiders beastmen and other unnameable creatures are forever searching to please the chaos gods seeking to draw their gaze upon them to be able to receive the unlimited and powerful rewards that the ruinous powers always have to offer to the ones they deem worthy chaos is known for its uncanny ability to walk and distort the flesh of its worshipers while empowering them to great heights so that they might perform even greater feats in the name of the ruinous powers they serve indeed very few of the champions of chaos are as terrible as the demon prince azzazo who serves slaanesh festus the leech lord who serves nurburg village the cursely who serves sinch and valkyah the bloody who serves corn their names are feared across all realms and today we will explore more about these characters and how they made it into the animals of history before we begin exploring more about the champions of chaos we'd like to thank today's video sponsor bloodline heroes of life a strategic card-based rpg where you can not only build kingdoms and manage its economy but also create half-blood heirs of your houses by merging the powers of various bloodlines such as orcs elves lichens and demons you can download the game now using the link in the description below or scan the qr code shown on screen with many strategic options you can recruit a variety of legendary champions to pass on your powers and raise heirs with true companions from a vast fantasy world taste the mighty power of vulgar the demigods bloodline heroes of lythus is free to play for both android and ios download the game now using the link below or scan the qr code shown on the screen use our link to get the karg dragonborn clan and the hybrid air for free come take my hand there is no wish of yours i cannot grant no desire i cannot fulfill forget your gods your family your loved ones [Music] what can they offer you i can give you more than you have ever dreamed of i have such things to show you such pleasures for you to taste there is no love greater than mine come now join me it is such an easy step such a short climb yes that's it come to me my champion stay forever azazel was born a mortal man under the name jarrion of the umberrogen tribe alongside his twin and his elder sister ravenna when still young jerian's mother was told a chilling prophecy only one of her sons would know the greatest extremes of pleasures and the most enticing extremes of pain as the boys grew to manhood they would eventually find themselves in the retinue of mighty sigmar himself fighting alongside him but this glory was not meant to last it happened that in a deadly battle against the greenskins trinaventis was slain jarion was lost in his grief over the loss of his brother and he blamed sigmar for his death it was then that the tormented jarion swore his vengeance against the king as time passed after the incidents jarion himself grew so close to sigmar that he began to feel conflicted recognizing the inherent nobility of sigmar and his brother and he began to doubt his own oath to seek revenge but six years later the time had finally arrived bajarian to at last strike sigmar and attempt to take revenge and struck he did with a poisoned blade jarion wounded sigmar but in the confusion and chaos of the situation he also mistakenly slew his own sister ravenna who was betrothed to the king plagued by guilt for his actions jarion fled to the north as a fugitive having left sigmar hovering on the very brink of death while in his self-imposed exile in the far north he found sanctuary with the norsei a tribe whose numbers had been nion annihilated during battle with none other than sigmar heldenhamer and his men among their survivors was a powerful sorcerer who had foretold the coming of one who would be a great champion of chaos and so bestowed upon jarion a new name the name that would one day drive fear and trepidation into the hearts of those who hear it azazel [Music] azazel would devote himself to the prince of chaos slaanesh with his newfound powers and dark motivations he slew many enemies from all races one of the most remarkable was the slaying of arthur the exalted champion of porn who was also killed in single combat [Music] pleased with his might and devotion to the arts of excess slaanesh in return elevated zazel to demon hood as his demon prince and made him the commander of one of the selaneshi demonic armies the ecstatic legion [Music] blessed by slaanesh azazel is second in beauty only to the gods themselves he boasts great polished horns that curve out from his brow and beautiful pure white wings in his right hand he carries an enchanted demonic blade that writhes as if alive it is a sword that no armor can ever hope to deflect the beast has a sickening beauty that can drive any man or woman mad in fact there are a few legends and tales that make up this argument one of the most famous being when a questing knights called we though de breon went on a mission to kill azazel only to kneel before the beauty and splendor of the demon his head was separated from his shoulders in one quick slice and the questing knight didn't even try to move or defend himself in his mind the act was truly justifiable or how could he resist against that excessive beauty it is said to in hushed whispers that the beast can see the deepest desires and hidden pleasures of all mortals and look into the most private corners of their hearts as such the terrible and varied temptations that the demon whisperers are nearly irresistible now azazel wanders the battlefields of the old world slaughtering with reckless abandons on wings of pure alabastic one champion of chaos who has seemingly fallen further than most is a doctor bestest the leech lord once a skilled kaiogen who founded hospices across the province of northland with his abilities he cured hundreds of wounded and sick men and women with his many recipes procurative solutions sows and unique [Music] he was as compassionate as he was gifted and his reputation preceded him amongst renowned physicians alchemists and scientists across the length and breadth of the old world but fates played a cruel hand to this once noble man his downfall came when he was finally faced with the disease his famed potions concoctions and unduents could not cure this new contagion dubbed the gnashing fever spread with tremendous speed and left stacks of bodies in its wake in desperation the doctor retreated and locked himself in his fully equipped laboratory where despite his greatest efforts he watched patients after patience shake out their last breaths and die painfully before his eyes [Music] [Applause] [Music] finally when the last of his patients had perished he fell to his knees and cried out for help from any that might give it in that dark room heavy with the stench of death and disease those same slack-jawed corpses each turned their dead gaze to festus and with one voice offered him the ability to cure any and all diseases in exchange for a lifetime of servitude the plague god would bestow festus with the knowledge necessary to cure not only this brutal gnashing fever but all diseases that ever could and would ever be it is important to note that many humans do not seek to initially please the dark gods actively there are many reasons a human soul might turn to the worship of chaos some of them seek a release from their lives of slavery endless toil or hopelessness many others however desire power or influence whether to provide for those who depend upon them or to reach their own ambitions it is a slippery ladder crowned with morally compromising choices that oftentimes begins seemingly justified or even a noble cause but quickly it turns into full heresy and by then it is far too late to step back in the case of dr festus his choice was made out of pure desperation and the seemingly simple and noble wish to cure his patients thinking only of the good work he might do and how many lives he might save in the future festus agreed to the offered pact and his mind was instantaneously flooded with the knowledge that none but the great god nurgle could impart every disease was revealed to him in an instant that truly felt like an eternity every cure was put at his disposal every concoction suddenly made known to him the knowledge of all the sickness suffering rebirth and death was suddenly his it was absolutely overwhelming and in that bestest became the leech lord of nirvan an exalted champion of nerd who goes to war in the name of furthering his revolting studies this new understanding drove every shred of his once-renowned compassion from him and left festus utterly insane this madness was swiftly put to use in service of grandfather nerb as festus then founded the tinayan fellowship an imperial society of physicians which in truth sought to corrupt yet even more practitioners of the noble arts of healing into falling under the sway of grandfather nergal before retreating to the northern wastes bestest even used his new knowledge to devastating effect when the son of aldebron ludenhart the elector count of hawkland fell ill disguised as a cloaked physician the gardener of nergal instructed the young man to drink a mysterious potion should the symptoms of his rare illness return and in time the symptoms did indeed return but when the young man drank the elixir given to him rather than being cured the man turned into a great slobbering mutated beast that slaughtered a score of the electric count's closest advisors before running north to obey the whims of its new master now festus plagues the world spreading nurgle's gifts among any and all who he crosses paths with this champion of chaos is a walking repository of olympics and fowl smelling potions to the ones blessed by grandfather nergal these elixirs are restorative brews but to others they are deadly poisons that only hurts and corrupt the body and even the soul not all of the champions of chaos have descended from such noble routes indeed some have their beginnings in very dire circumstances forcing one to wonder if some of the servants of chaos had any choice in their own fate or perhaps they were controlled the entire time village the curseling had his start in similar circumstances he and his twin brother thulman were hard born pushing their mother to the breaking point and inevitably killing her as they fed greedily at her breast the twins could not be more different even from birth thulman was a strong robust and strapping boy while his misbegotten twin was small sickly and rentish these differences only grew more and more noticeable as time passed thulman grew stronger greater and more handsome taking to the way of the warrior with little effort while village struggled under the tutelage of the tribe shaman and soon grew to be despised not only for his acts and mannerisms but because he was ugly and frail things far too intolerable were the hearty men of the tribe it was during this time that thulman began to beat his lesser twin or even the smallest perceived infraction village's father never intervened on his weaker son's behalf this cruelty and mistreatment mingled together with his already despicable personality and it inevitably led village to nurture and develop his resentment and hatred until finally he started praying every night that his role might be reversed and that it might be he who was the stronger twin the one who could punish the one who could dominate and rule over those he deserved to be above sinch the god of change in his infinite wisdom is also the god who delights in anarchy eventually he agreed to village's selfish request was time for a change one night when the dark moon moorisly was full in the night sky with the darkness drawing in in the chaos moon passing close to the world the dark god siege master of misrule and treachery took heed the wretches prayers and gave him the power he sought with his usual petulant twist what emerged from village in thulman's tent glowing with baleful magic light would be the being from henceforth known as the twisted twin [Music] sinch had fused the forms of the twisted village and the mighty thuman together bestowing magical power in village that dwarfed any of his opponents a hundred times thulman as requested became the subservient twin his mind dulled slowed and quiet but not erased his body was no longer under his own control but full of strength out of this world and now under village's command instantly the new twisted being used his new foul powers and stolen strength to slaughter countless members of his own tribe the horrifyingly powerful hands of thulman throttled the life from any who attempted to stop the great arcing bolts of magic that reduced villages victims to little more than poles of liquefied flesh all who had looked down upon village felt the dire consequences of their actions in time the village also known as the cursely hunted down all the elite warriors of his tribe and with his new diabolical magical powers he enslaved their minds and held them all enthralled to his own whim in a great army the foul village now battles against every foe he can find in service to his master the great anarchistic siege queen of gore demigod of war valkyah is the bride to corn himself many centuries before the rise of sigmar when men were still not much more than prey she led a tribe of blood-thirsty norskens into conflict against any who did not worship the blood god [Music] but before all of that she was lil van meaning little friend in her norsken tongue dubbed that by her warrior father merrick by the age of 10 she had already fought as a shield maiden and had participated in a successful first battle they say that when the acts father is pleased with our efforts the tides of the sky will flow and ebb with tides of the darkest red leeched from the blood of our enemies on the day that happens live then our people will rise far above all others when she became of age her tribe had begun to be stricken by the misfortunes of fate and her father grew sick with plague another tribe farmers and fishermen all have been maimed by their rivals and requested aid in shelter from merrick and he abided physically weak from the touch of venerable this action of mercy cemented the chieftain as weak in the minds and hearts of his fellow tribesmen especially valkyah his own daughter who grew resentful towards the weak attitude shown by her father valkyria had taken upon her only true mortal lover radic a powerful and mighty warrior and it was radic who ultimately struck down her weakling father in a sudden turn of events valkya killed radick 2 declaring him a traitor and becoming herself the head of the tribe she led the tribe in daring raids eliminated anyone who opposed her gaining the favor of corn above all others valkyah was a ruthless killing machine the tribe grew and alliances with fellow marauders were formed in the coming winters the ill elderly and weak all perished under the oppressive and unforgiving cold of the north these were all acceptable losses according to valkyria for her mighty warriors were supposed to be able to endure the droughts of weather of course being a chieftain also encompassed politics and as time passed she grew more and more tired of it eventually she was forced by tradition to marry a fellow chieftain darren and she bore him two daughters aerys and bologna valkyria eventually gutted her husband darren in a bloody ritual not too long after their offspring were born loss of facts a demon prince of slaanesh bore the humble visage of a hooved man in purple robes when he visited valkyria stricken by her unnatural beauty he demanded the valkyr kneel before him as his enslaved girl so that she would no longer want for anything and her nights would forever be spent in extreme ecstasy you could concede defeat to me now girl admit that i am your better and take your place at my side your days will be filled with all you desire and your nights will be spent in pleasurable ecstasy i'm offering you so much than the snows of the north and the ingratitude of these barbarous people if you come with me now you will be a true queen her rage within was indeed mighty but she contained herself and in an act of contained hatred she challenged the demon to a duel prideful and confident the demon accepted thinking that she would never best him for an entire day and night the two fought valkya had relinquished her crimson armor for she had no need of it she allowed her hatred to seep through and the rage carried her into frenzied battle never tiring with a thundering spear thrust she decapitated the demon his head still whispering things was affixed to a shield and val'kya swore to her tribe that she would deliver this vile skull to corn's throne in person a bold acclaim but she followed through she marched like the queen she was into hell itself there the demonic hosts of slaanesh assaulted her attempting to avenge the loss of their demon prince and one by one with time her followers were cut down until eventually only she remained every spear thrust was a demon banished every shield bash was a skull split but it was not enough she was eventually cut down ripped apart by many a depraved form of life and there laid valkyr bloody and torn apart with a rumble the mountain shook the heavens were inked with a cover of blood and the very core of the earth cried crimson roars for corn had noticed her monumental efforts and from death did she return now made into the gore queen val'kyal the bloody bride of the blood god with the singularly important task of bringing to his brass halls all of those who died in worthy and bloody combat her first act as a demon princess was to return to her old tribe to sever her few remaining mortal ties there she met her daughters and stepbrother who alongside her tribe had not only survived but thrived with a shy smile the gore queen descended upon the marauders with her own demonic band of followers slaughtering them all the myths of norska foretold the coming of the gore queen she aided the norskens in the burning of an orderly performed bloody rituals alongside raiders against the dwarves of carrick gold and has claimed more skulls than can be counted these are the champions of chaos true abominations twisted by their patron guards to do their bidding they now consume the world of living and their thirsts for souls is at its peak who can possibly stand against them on this channel we are putting together narrative total war cinematic battles and warhammer lore videos a special thank you goes to our patreon supporters who help us in the making of more content you can also join patreon and earn extra perks while supporting the videos to come find the link in the description below make sure to subscribe and thank you for watching see you on the next one [Music] uh
Channel: The Book of Choyer
Views: 112,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Total War, Total War Warhammer, Cinematic Battle, Total War Cinematic Battle, Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer Lore, Total War Cinematic Battles, Warhammer Fantasy Battle, Warhammer Fantasy Lore, Total War Warhammer Lore, warriors of chaos, immortal empires, warhammer 3, warhammer 3 immortal empires, champions of chaos dlc, warhammer 3 azazel, tzeentch lore, warriors of chaos lore, total war warhammer 3 valkia
Id: fe-K8I_FfaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 44sec (2264 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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