Thriller Crime Movie - The Tertiary Caller

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] darling funded and lectured like people again wizard in for short story and hope you get it published next month hello it's mine too in a way huh oh oh good morning what can we do for you Stevie Stevie quick I'm afraid she's booked up every day this week yes not day pre when a Thursday week oh well if you were hold on now look at her engagement focus export fashion fair camp oh goody like well they want you to model that gown that they advertised in last month's thingy at the Fashion Fair gather on Thursday week yeah she seems to be free that evening how much five good yeah oh and expenses too yes yes yeah you will send the token gown um thank you very much good day to you I thought I did that all too well Jenny need is one little dolly can we eat up tonight save you washing happy [Music] yep vladakov who Pollan say you're only the seventh guy that's rung me in the last hour we can't take any more reservations for England for a month can't you hear I said a month listen you park face right I want a reservation on the next plane that leaves the ground now see ya I don't take that line at all anybody what did you say no yeah yeah Katzman I'm a great power lose we just but it you want to see us together well I think of this like to a guy like um I can't get something I want Lou takes a dislike to him - and when Lou takes a dislike to a guy something mostly happens - oh sure mr. Oliver Shaw I'll fix it for you you'll have a seat on the plane leaving on Monday yes sir oh you'll find everything in order thanks a lot bye [Music] [Music] [Music] excuse me excuse me do you have a telephone directory telephone directory yes sir which one which one I'm mint-flavored what letter does the name begin with sir C occurring Richard Richard calling telephone number I don't want the telephone number I want the address the address is [Music] also expected and I hope our acquaintance will be extended such broad hospitality as I can offer is waiting and tonight as you say who knows up to now you seem distant mainland telephone conversation good I'll be waiting good bye oh hi it's you at last captain come in I was late leaving Lester I'm afraid I can only give you a few moments you see I expect someone for supper I have fallen through where did you get your grieving yes and it must be back in Leicester by 12 tomorrow or the deal's off you told me on the telephone you have trouble at the meeting that is the one time I thought it would all break down one of them suddenly became very difficult why I don't know he was quite friendly at first it was when I mentioned your name is my partner he changed completely what was his name Venna dr. Benner oh yes dr. veena I remember he used to run an asylum in London don't be alarmed I wasn't the patient what did you say I don't hesitate I wasn't very pleasant it was in connection with a man named Houston Hughes oh yes he was an unfortunate fellow I took some interested I gathered that he was a builder who did some work for me yeah and he had some sort of a breakdown and you took him to Benna yes poor fella is quite incurable apparently he was not what do you mean he's out oh so this doctor phenytoin said you might be interested to know oh well let's get back to business did he say where are you someone know aren't you going to read it true for the heavens no I employ a solicitor to do that sort of thing but there isn't time oh yes there is I've arranged after your telephone from Lester he'll see you tonight in his private house as a special place but okay I've driven a long we're not dead time apparently in Finchley 143 Selby Road Horeb instante Lester at 9:00 in the morning oh that's all right you can be here by half-past eight with a note from her Ebina okaying the agreement and I sign it doesn't matter if anyone can get away I was hoping you could put me up tonight they're wonderful bits of business we ought to talk over my wife's not expecting me I'm afraid I shan't have time for business tonight maybe also tired why don't you stay in the Turkish that would press you off they'll drive to Nestor tomorrow there's one other thing what is it I wanted a field advantage beyond it's kind of my share in the list with you my dear cousin I have done nothing is but finance you ever since we make sand you've done pretty well out of it horses are if you first meet you you are shabby down-at-heel there any need to remind me of that it amuses me to think of it so you won't help me well why should I be expected to pay for your extravagance oh it's your wife we leave my wife after this into turbine how's your wish I'll go to your lawyer and be back in the morning hello is that you were horrible calling speaking curtains on his way to you now well you know what you've got to do no he must bring back a note from you advising me not to sign the agreement I quite understand I'd be waiting up for him all right Stu Kali I'll give Kirkland if you require good now listen you since out I know Houston's out dr. bill is with me now he's just arrived from Leicester you better work with him yourself hello Carly yes I'm afraid he wasn't out I couldn't keep him in any longer because he isn't certifiable any longer it's no good blaming me even a private Asylum has its responsibilities I was compelled don't you understand compelled certify that he was cured and sane enough to be at large I had no option Carly I took a hell of a risk in keeping him in for so long I had Rebecca horrible I'm sure dr. villa did his best he's anxious about Houston being at large as you are well he's got to be found I don't care whether you have to employ every private to check to the London you'll be reasonable mr. Carling you know quite well that none of us did employ any kind of detective I'm telling you horrabin he's got to be found goodnight you better come back first thing in the morning Justin's on his way here and it wouldn't do for you two to meet in my house [Music] [Music] very nice house you have here you do yourself well stay look at that supper already I couldn't it sounded better could I all very good real swell setup and you know me right away a mr. Carling her name is Carly yes Christian named Richard my excellent choice so much depends on a name especially if it isn't your own and you recognized me at once you haven't altered much today I can't return a compliment you have you know this house isn't easy to find I came around earlier but there was no answer I wasn't doing that my housekeepers away yes that accounts for it I thought of writing and letting you know I was coming but I thought you'd enjoy the surprise it is a surprise but but what I'm afraid I haven't got much time huh I expect someone another visit champagne must be a swell dish Jana telephone why I just thought you'd like to give her a ring and tell her an old friend or turned up unexpectedly I sure do nothing of the kind please yourself I was only thinking of her and with regard to that drink you were on the point of offering me I'll take a scotch don't drown it cigarette brings you here you mind if I sit down yes you my dear mr. Carling I had no other reason for coming and if it hadn't been for seeing a picture in a magazine of some people in a restaurant I wouldn't even have known my old friend was in London and although my own buddy was there hair wore a mustache and mr. Carling in the picture was dark and clean-shaven I recognized him alright there's nothing in that pocket Richard I don't carry a gun in England and now you are here now that I am here I'll have another drink stop beating about the bush why not what are you going to do I'm not sure maybe I'll kill you don't be absurd is it absurd now listen Oliver let's be sensible I admit that you've got some cause for complaint dawn I don't see any reason why we shouldn't come to an agreement is important now if you come tomorrow morning I'm sure we'll pick something I admit I owe you some compensation how much do you reckon it will cost for all those years in jail you framed me for the girl who died waiting for me those others who committed suicide because of you you need to enjoy watching people suffer surrounding yourself with nerve-racked soul sick and humiliated creatures with your idea of fun mother why do you worry over them beat one of them that's all you reckon you have enough money to cover that now tell me what you want I want another drink I wonder what would happen if London discovered who mr. Carling really is or what and I wonder what the lady friend you're waiting for would say if she knew something else I know about you but you're in such a financial mess I have more money in my pocket right now than you have in the whole world put that down you ever hear of a poem called Dante's Inferno what do you mean it's all about the different kinds of hell and in the lowest region the gentlemen who keep the devil company are traitors I know where is you I think it's a swell bit of culture myself base maybe I've been having phonons and sharp reasonable compensation for broken hearts and broken times you're willing to play the old payor right [Music] [Music] [Music] condragulations cricket [Music] steady ganic strong hmmm I made the tea darling oh sorry no I was talking to my husband yes well the account oh well that's my husband you know what these authors are they wouldn't forget things he will help see what you can do about it won't we would you give me the writers first patentees anything darling when you grow up you'll realize when you're out in the country can take this water something else oh thank you this is mrs. William Millington of granny avenue mansions I would actually see me lie on the bottom of this case in the budget and the bottle of gin as soon as possible oh well in that case I am afraid I should just have to talk to chairman of the company you haven't to be my uncle I didn't want you to know I wouldn't like you to think I expected residential treatment all right was it a lot about it it was turning around at once weren't you thank you very much I say who is the chairman having the least idea Oh theatre so Ellen actually if you guys I want you to tell him that I've been staying the night here what you said I got nervous alone in the flat last night I came out you no one here to know that I didn't like your kind of autumn made yes well Wendell Esther yesterday be back tomorrow afternoon fact this morning I found his car outside I couldn't go in it obviously find the place empty in the bed not sleep very awkward right back to hit dish I came to I did once before when here's away yes you brought your case with you I see you because you like things in it I thought I'd better listen so we could all tell the same lies yes we always help you're quite sure there must be something wrong I was I've been ringing for half an hour no sevens you're not living in there's a housekeeper which is a way oh I don't like it I'm gonna get in somehow your responsibilities erm if I can get the front door open will you come in yes if I was asked him or I will you wait here I broke the window at the back nothing moved and let's get this clear mister do you identify the body is that your partner and spite of the injuries to the face but yes you quite sure yeah it's quite well ah you'll never pass little prince the Royal thought of Bennett Finchley did that right yes that's right good well I was very annoyed by the way you treated me and started fighting quite unimportant reports with the agreement said he would advise Carling not to sign it we had a bit of a run I walked out what time was there just after past 12 and then I was expecting karting to put me up for the night he brushed me off to the Turkish baths so you went straight of the Turkish first and the boy that's placed Finchley did you think of the Turkish baths yes I had some engine trouble in the pinch in her robe that helped me out the husband and I got there just after 1 o'clock but journey all this isn't necessary nothing personal about it just there's been no the movements of everyone concerned what time do you leave the Turkish bath just before 9:00 I went my flat for a few minutes before coming here to have it out with Carly and no doubt mrs. curtain or be able to confirm the time you brought back this morning at the Oscars that effect on veggie time really why not I wish she wasn't at home last night oh that must've been a bit of a shock for you and as you said mrs. Curtin wasn't expecting you back from lift up another day now look inspector I'm not gonna listen many suggestions no please don't mistake me mr. Kay I'm sure that it's perfect ability nation did you pick missteps to find out where she was no I was in how to get here of course why didn't I think that she probably went around to the Millington she did once before when I was aware the Millington hears they're friends of ours they on the telephone it's a chapter four three five eight take a breath yeah no not the Millington quite some time ringing hello hello that you said it yes it is it's your husband yes but who's dead Oh Jack I'm so sorry sir I didn't recognize your voice at first but yes of course he's years he's been here all night fishy still resonating well of course if I call her Dara Dara you just honey daddy Joe has been darling pleasant surprise for you darling you're back how lovely wonderful surprise yes it was stupid of me I know but I've never I had a horrid sort of feeling something might happen I'll wait go by branches coming run em I have all the exhibitions of lying I've ever seen they'll be silly darling you ain't seen nothing yet you go do some more thinking I know dear you still are the heavens they try to look at if you did stay here do bumper-sticker pizza better than telephone number yes that much help oh by the way can you make anything of that yeah I feel like gone you always have that little stammer I'm nervous Oh goodbye go back to the present well he was all right yeah we should have seemed all wrong look at that solicitor horrible Tobin yes mr. hot oven speaking boom inspector Mallory is a to mr. holiday mr. curtain told us he saw you last night about an agreement yes that's quite true mr. curtain arrived here about 11:30 last night this tapes are about to see Koren are discussing an agreement with very annoyed because I told him I couldn't advise mr. Carling to sign it certainly inspector you can be assured that I'll help the police all I care but mr. Kirkland isn't the client of mine I see thank you very much mr. Harmon I'm a good deal more interested in mrs. Kerr now what you're thinking that's impossible anyway it solves a problem for us we don't have to search for use what was really behind Carly's please of Hugh's I never found out I only know it was something to do with calling forcing Hewson to build a secret chamber in Collings house he was an apparently repelled the Carling forced him to do it what do you think Charlie did to him well I rather gathered that calling himself attempted to bring him up alive in the secret chamber in his moments of comparative sanity he was always muttering something about brick on wrinkle his brain being in a cloud is it your opinion that he's not entirely mayor he certainly not mad enough now to be kept under restraint anybody what Elizabeth he says he wants to see mr. Collings oh and I felt a me car what's your name what do you want to be with Carly but the Backson papers instant papers yes that's right when did you last see mr. Carter oh I couldn't say that why not a long time ago a very long time it's a very long time ago in fact they don't you've seen in the game when you can't aim at the county man yes the teams with some money and then take my advice I always need to get yourself into this sooner or later perfectly all right you'll back me up yes we can make a husband believe it spend a night here when you didn't make a chance the only one we have to lie to everybody else how do you mean you won't let us down I love to not I mean if we go through with this you will state your story [Applause] give me a wizard idea the end of a short toy I want now is the beginning in the middle the other day middles in one pile beginnings in another which is a nice regular jacket mr. melindam yeah yes garage door what is it chairman Sir Henry Robinson regrets he was unaware that he was your uncle but he admires your spirit and hope she will enjoy his well I'll leave the big lie to you - I'm not in your class remember what I do you'll stick your story yes hello I'm having a few minutes oh I've had a pretty hectic time Oh Scott do you oh yes - the chairman let him oh no one you know by your uncle gave me a bit of a shock to find the flat out in the bed not lifting I know if I knew no coming back here that I'd have left a note saying where I was they wanted a new contract Silas I promised being list of it if I fell you mean you're going back we too do not know and the second census my partner Colleen was murdered last night I came back last night with a new agreement for colleagues time just before 11:00 you told me to take it at once to his lawyer eventually as to go back to Carling I live this morning and when I got to the house was no answer I call the policeman broken through a window we find Carling dead on the dining room floor do they know who did it it looks as if there was a woman in it oh darling was obviously expecting a woman last night he had a supper table laid out buzzing champagne usually set up it was all still now this morning in Chronicle beginning to a novel that what a billion no darling we should probably come to the end what do you mean well when they find them who did it well I must go to the office bring up Lester and try and straighten things out I'm sorry Donny Moore had to go back alone oh good better stay here and I'll collect her later what I did any ones with no of course that is very kind of a job see you dr. Carter goodbye Stefan goodbyes come on girl butter your are you thinking yeah I don't like it no neither do I seem fair lying to old Jack like that you know pretty rough I dare say you wouldn't be looking so good did it partner just be met by capable of looking after himself Skippy I wonder what she really was doing last night I don't think we did it like don't think she might be it's already believed it oh well whatever happens now oh you've got to stick to your story what do you mean now that it was light for you you should whatever happens there's nothing to it oh I wonder what are you looking at me like that but don't do it so don't lose your head yeah you might need it I don't like it must you go here I'm going to get some oh my god Great Scott Thursday I'm chilling - eight minutes - ten is 103 to MTV I need your idea a big make a change and anything else I can touch the old man for oh darling [Music] I'm inspector Mallory I understand with curtains yeah could I have a regular she was here but he left he's got her Oh in that case may I have a word with you you follow me so much more comfortably sitting done I believe I ought to ask for evidence or identification oh I mean I don't think I should know if I say anything I'm investigating the death of a mr. Carling well I'm sure you are doing it very well and that depends on how much healthy yes yes I'm afraid what we call investigating involves asking questions but sometimes seem a little unnecessary well yes and personal but I can assure you that purely a matter of routine you see me experience specifically well you see my husband writes detective stories really ends and middles and beginnings but you know routine or seems to come into them and now you would like to know the present guilty yes I'm sorry let's do our fuel Minami oh thank you you've been injured on mrs. Millington stay clever butyl medicine guys are very well-reasoned simple mrs. cousins a friend of yours I believe yes we've taken a statement my husband in connection with this case and he told us that his wife stayed there last night you want to know if he was telling the truth of course not but you're just checking up routine I believe I'm sure you couldn't be missing anything yes mrs. Carroll stayed here last night and what time did you get here well now let me think what time would it be was it - oh yes exactly wait a minute - right wait oh and how why do you remember so exactly yes I knew that was coming it always does others oh well now when my husband had suddenly begun to think he does not know you've got an idea of the end of a short story and I got him some days and I remember looking at the clock and wondering how long it would be easy for coffee to be picked and it was just that seems very well sorted well then I don't think I need Bali will you further and may I say how grateful I am Oh Pina de pez little piece of the routine I wish all my routine was better that is Billington Oh inspector thank you then you must come back and get and have some awesome [Music] [Music] [Music] hello mr. rush oh just misses Jack Kirk I want a face what's on the card oh sure you can manage something right away a video I'll come right away operator would you get me measure 99 eight either has the engage signal three times now nothing at all yes please this is Chelsea for three tidings I thank you very much oh yes please do it's very important [Music] thank you could possibly give us a line up on any of these ladies I've already told you I didn't know anything about his private affairs as was purely a business right there I knew nothing what everybody's friends men or women didn't want it certainly went vibrant I've already told you in the inspector everything I can and it's no use asking me any more questions you really must let me get on with my business but it's quite obvious you're better off by is it funny it has been too plentiful late is it what are you getting it there's a read out against you from the firm of dressmakers and your old 502 a moneylender who's been threatening you what do you mean by snooping into my affairs just routine sir discretions our middle name you'll be surprised the number of things we don't tell I've nothing more to say known the millington sometimes yes more my wife's friends huh I think you said his curtains stayed the night with him once before when you were away yes she did what of it did she happen to say what time she went around there last night no she didn't and one of them is that to do with you hello mrs. Magda speaking oh hello Jeb oh just a minute you have somebody's door yes export fashion company thank you very much who say that good Norman changed some of them would like to give you five but looks like a nice day instead No thank you ma'am I wouldn't I belongs to the no tipping lead and I like climbing five flights of stairs I hope what's inside will fit you sorry jack it was just my dress and cloak for this evening no there I went home soon after left had they found out who did it they made up their minds I was a woman in it there's gonna suggested they had a cooler they wouldn't say what it was what time then I went back to you last night good day whatever for it's got I need to do with them I suppose he does great has a habit of asking questions I shouldn't worry about it too much Jack I [Music] my name is Mallory Detective Inspector battery oh I'm afraid my husband's 19 you'll find him at his office as matter fact mrs. Curtin but you are the one to work if it's about mr. Carlin IV field there's 99 contained well there are just one or two points in which you may be able to help very much rather you saw my husband it's him this is not much I understand you spent last out of the minute what time did you get to the Millington specification I just like to know must have been just after Liv just after 11:00 and where the Millington suppose at home when you arrived yes no quite sure it was just after 11:00 certainly wasn't before well of course the night porter here would have seen you leave there isn't a nice porter okay well there ought to be considering the rent you must be paying did you leave him she usually leaves at 6 o'clock but her husband's home one leave so she has a few days off continue I'm sorry I can't answer any more questions I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to go you better answer the telephone which is good hello oh it's you I thought it might be I can't speak now you're not alone wouldn't be an inspector Melanie by any chance would you stick to your storage you understand and another thing you got here last night a tip hello hello yes I got cut off I'm sorry not you no it's alright it doesn't matter to revert to last night which is good I used to answer any more questions do you often stay with a Millington up in your husband's away yes trust me but last night you felt rather nervous here on earth another at all you're quite short was awful eleven when you've got the Millington really I this is curtain it's generally people who have something to hide who object to answering questions surely you have nothing to hide or have you very rude but just one more question which is curtain I diffused once did you stay last night at the Millington did you I can't force you to answer please girl may I remind you it's the duty of everybody to help the police particularly in a place of murder is that a threat no just very well meant advice I brought my new tastes and show you more Hootie's cabbage stefania's inspectors going how did you do that Hector's been asking questions about last night he seems to find it difficult to believe I'm staying with you I thought I convinced him of that I'm sure we don't ask unnecessary questions good day inspector doctor you've got here just in time this is very good if you want to see my husband he's here favourite picture yeah I wanted to get introduced the card in his house but the police wouldn't hit me so I thought I ought to get in touch with his partner the curtains I found is this myth in theory films activist now that's hard instead how did you know that it hasn't been made public I'm doing just a black cloud lifting from my brain there's nothing to be afraid of here it comes I thought as he was mr. Karnes partner he'd know about his papers where they were there's something among his papers you want yes we're in business with Carly I'm the Builder at least I I was a builder you were I've I've been away a long time I I think as a dude but I'm not now I I know I'm not in you see I want to get back to my book you know it's wonderful to feel something so see you've all gone with gone risk on there do you ever build anything yes I did something that I can't remember I was I was terribly afraid ice I can't remember his papers did you kill him mr. Houston no I'm not strong enough I haven't seen in a long time I wish I knew who-who did though I'd like to thank him why don't you take him away somewhere he wonder asking all these questions this is a police station I'm sorry mrs. curtain now you go on home mr. Houston if I find anything amongst colleagues papers which concern you I'll let you know couldn't thank some video myself well I'll tell you what I'll bet he's got a colleagues house about eight o'clock you come along then I'll see what I can do goodbye mrs. curtain thank you for being so very kind to me goodbye mr. Houston I'm sure the inspector will help you goodbye inspector I think I see the door shut this time thermometers millington Alex thank you darling hello bills just got back and saw your note and rushed over as fast as I could and append I interrupted your visitors tiara stupid Rd thinks oh he didn't want any papers you know snappy darling he was lying it's just a girl I get a word in edgeways yes darling give this away Donny it's about the police they picked me up this morning started asking me a whole lot of questions much really actually about what time they're to go to our flat last night you know I hadn't have to do brainwave I said it was the same time as the light programme news that was the touch that did it ten o'clock Oh what's wrong with that you think it's Jay Kapoor able to come to you you would have for long before that it doesn't matter what we all said as long as you stick to your story no time step you speak we all should the police can't disprove anything until they find out where you really were last night Dara Jack hello everybody oh what a day I'm dead I guess my box would you thought I'd never get here the police have been rounded the office goodbye dad okay darling being Asian getting a drink with you I'm all in please got anything on anybody is no man for Houston has been you're asking to use me some papers of calling you end away inspector inspector Bell right what did he want I really can't go over all that again Vera was it about your gang to the Millington come here I said come here I want to talk to you done you're hiding something agile why are the police so interested in what you did last night I don't know when I don't care I'm tired I want the truth I don't get it buddy where you headed I didn't stretch last night I didn't go there George morning when I saw your car outside here so you were lying all the time they persuaded step in building I - what did you do last night was it a gambling place at Brighton again will you answer yes you draw after you gave me a word promise it did you lose much as a against you from those dressmakers of yours and I had thought of 500 plans from a money then the last time to get you out of trouble those Brighton people and save your place now you're doing it again I tell you ruin me a bunch of business all night - I'm fed up fed up with business business business morning noon and price it's fortunate fuel that I have it was the money you throw away that may be there too what you don't get the business what you're giving it their all is taught by being ruined cuts no ice with me that you're basically business taking up the whole of your life I may as well not exist any wonder I try and get a bit of amusement elsewhere I still don't see where the police malory their vanity on yes inspectors here is to use that okay take care and laugh yeah it's pretty good what's that uh-huh I see but the dress 23 Fortescue mentions frightened yes yes I agree with the same quite a bit of trouble if she'd said so in the first place I'm just go get that address yes well that's where the Curtin woman now says she was last night so one of these people think we are we found now it's said in carding there's nothing on the envelope it links up with the writing on the wall to the police if I'm found myrrdin look for James see Oliver of Chicago and New York he considers he has a grievance against me and has repeatedly threatened my life Richard Carey to me could be find out if there is a James C Oliver and he was here you probably put up at some hotel or somewhere holy Arden tell him I'm on my way then get Webster check the airport's I'm saving this for the past four weeks I'll cover the hotel yeah get under Brighton and see what they can find out from that address Oh God caught up on something it's media pull it down again no blood darling try again my drawers up next time now ready the police come to arrest it might be all those lies and things larceny or whatever they call it we'll ask them to handcuff us together darling Steffi I told Jack the truth about where I was last night yes I thought you would I couldn't keep it out Leon it's been a good thing really I've been too wrapped up in business Darrin I going to understand each other better in the future good we're drinking cuz I know you and Bill only did what you did to health care that sometimes no today did you tell anybody else the police they make any comment no they say why they'd be so anxious to prove appeal I haven't stated this I didn't ask I'm glad the questioning drover what do you mean I knew you wouldn't have the guts to stick to your story there are it doesn't make any difference to you that's why you're making a big mistake me no yeah you thought we were getting you an alibi which was really giving me one just what I was someone who could prove I was here let me let me talk on with what on earth should you need an alibi you thought the inspector was bothering about there he wasn't there it's me he was after and he couldn't get me until he'd broken down the other stories why should he be after you because he knew I was at Carly's house last night you knew canning underwear last night yes that's nice diversity you never told me you knew Carly's right no of course not I knew you wouldn't approve of the acquaintance Stig of course you're my wife yes I know it's already what expect me to sit done Thank You husband's would you're one of the few best ones but supposing I broken up and find you've got me arrested arrested the murder of Carly but you didn't do it how can i I might have been all right if they had stuck to her story now that she hasn't I'm sunk but they can't possibly accuse you and say I was the last person Carly do you think I'll likely to believe me if I swear he was alive when I left how could the police know you were at Colleen's house last night well I've been wondering about that I think I must have slipped up somewhere perhaps they found the driver of the taxi I took and got a description of me well anyway they knew I was there and that's that I never let calling so much as put the tips of his fingers on me and I never meant to but you'll say no dear I didn't say you thought don't see what else I could have thought when you admitted gained Collings house like that I'm sorry to disappoint you dear but why did you go now I'm not going to explain anything now you can believe me or not as you like because I believe you whenever I am thinking yes dear your thinking is a pity jack such a light sleeper I wonder stood check would you be kind enough to induce your life to sit down we must a good evening how very nice oh we've thought perhaps you might look at a game I suppose we know mrs. curtains help ahead yes sir I was afraid to stick to her story but you mustn't mind her you see she hasn't at my experience she'll do better next time I hope not it's a serious matter deceiving the peace well of course I knew while you are trying to break down her story wouldn't you like to sit down no of course not you can't arrest people sitting down can you I beg your pardon well I suppose I might as well admit I was at colleagues house last night we reached a point where we must have the truth and nothing but the truth you do admit you at Carney's house last night good saves time doesn't it you realize the seriousness of your admission naturally inspector well at the time of the murder no can you prove that no I'm afraid what time did you get that Oh twelve o'clock was Carling alone I was expecting you really so you were the visitor who was going to suffer yes as all flowers no were you in the habit of visiting his house late at night now police or no please I'm dashed upon what time did you leave first well so you were the only Harbinger oh well you see I left because somebody has killed what I don't know I went into another room could you have them talking only very faintly inspector but it was enough to know it was a man and wife they were in the dining room I slipped out of the house so we've only your word for it that there was another visitor I'm afraid so your word hasn't been very reliable so far you understand the position you put yourself into by these admissions perfectly well mrs. Millington no inspector you can't arrest her she didn't do it just a minute mrs. Millington has told the truth go on mr. Kay how do you know I went back to Collins house last night and I can testify that he was alive and well when she left Jack what do you say keep out of this villa so it was you who came to Kylie's house yes what made you go back to the house at that time I was so curious when I left the solicitor eventually that I went back to have a dog with Carly how long did you stay only a few minutes and he was alive when you lived very much so so while no story about being held up on the finchley road was invented to allow for the lapse of time before getting to the Turkish baths when you were really at Carly's house I must say it's not easy getting the truth out of your people inspector I wish you'd tell me something how did you know I'd be into Carlin's house you tell me and just now I no idea of it before how did you come here for the pleasure of calling his last name isn't really do I came to ask mr. Kurt the question I went to his fete first he wasn't there so I tried yeah but what is it did Carling say he was expecting a third visitor no do you remember him mentioning the name Oliver Jim Oliver Oliver yes yes I think I do remember is mentioning the name some time ago can you remember what he said I think you said something about Oliver being the only man he was afraid of he was talking at the time he was in America why inspector it seems pretty certainly turned up last night how did you find that out we have our method have you traced him no not yet you can't get away I'm glad I'm not in this mr. Oliver shoot me I'll give you a warning word of advice if any of you have any dealings with the police again tell the truth at the beginning makes it so much easier for everybody I understand you're seeing it mr. Huston again at 8 o'clock this evening aren't you Susan I expect a ride you are it was yesterday rather sorry for him I do hope you'll find what he wants now can we go Jack would you give me a lift to the Fashion Fair gala yes yes acosta here thank you we'll wait for you in the car good night go go no Jack Farrell darling you've got plenty of Middle's and beginning to work on now I'm sure I've got to think of an end I'll find one for you Charlie you got yourself [Music] thanks Jack for telling the inspector that Colleen was alive when I left the house you'd have been in a tough spot of that yes I know where you think you're going to Carly's place later on this evening why don't we [Music] get me a key contributor the man here called Houston said he has an appointment with your son well tell him Ansari they've been able to find anything referring to him we're packing up here gets cooked I know that you're Horton I finished here pick up all over here Oh see in the morning no sign of him anywhere nice night good treasure I think I'm walking it to the Tate [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the key I shan't want it anymore you're charming yes of course I do I'm going to a party I hope you'll enjoy it oh by the way I thought I was the only one in the secret it appears I wasn't wears jacket how do you know he told his little story by coming here I think your body I knew he must be an idiot did he tell you situation of those in which as a decent fellow he had to admit he was here after I left he had no business to admit it to anyone the fate of him he lies almost as well as I do I wondered what your big do know it was quite simple you see it was in my house we put Oliver in a suit of mine my papers around him and my partner identified him as me bad anyway Oliver space wasn't recognizable and here I've had to bid I suppose you made his West curtains while to take the risk all he wanted money badly you were able to give it to him it was Oliver's he told me he had mom money on him than I had in the world he looks after his own yes you make a very nice gift away from all your troubles financial and otherwise with all this money I think you were very wise to give yourselves a hideout in the house I bet he could tell some tales I'm like a woman yes David I prefer to remain a hideout here two ways in two ways out he's off his head he's been in an asylum finish that building job for you what did you do to him better not ask you tell me something anything is there any possibility of your changing well I shouldn't think so I hope not what have you girl you'll always be the same well that's the way I was made yeah but let's talk about you I didn't think there was a woman in the world who could get me down but you have I appreciate the compliment if all if I hadn't come last night any use have you been playing with me yes perhaps our health and don't you think it might be a dangerous game all the best games are dangerous what do you mean have you given me away no I thought you had I could have given him up to the please not come back I didn't want you to the hand I wanted to kill you what you want to kill me of course we both changed a good deal since then oh it was in 1942 I was in France in the resistance movement helping British Airmen to get away it was there I met my husband but the Germans got me they sent me to a camp in Germany it wasn't a very pleasant place the world had a great deal about that camp later on most of the people in charge are caught and hanged you got away the commandant used to amuse himself with the prisoners one day he was a little bored he wanted a little target practice so he used me tied up against the wall the idea was I supposed to see honey I could get to that actually hitting me he must have been hard to form the last two went into my left arm don't you remember Herr Kommandant Otto Steiner don't don't you put that down you say oui ma I have no intention of being killed I assure you killed yourself when you had all of those body identified as yours extraordinary I don't even remember you no no up against along surely gone bull [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right the right offer do now I remember you [Music] that gives me a chance to complete the job I hate to leave things unfinished [Music] there's nothing to be afraid of now she did yes I think that I thought he should have died without knowing by whose hand oh you didn't get rid of that I wouldn't harm you you must leave nothing in this place I thought perhaps I'm glad to see you again he'll be afraid of me I'm not mad I never was there's go away now and forget that you've ever seen me what about you I have a plan there's nothing that you can do [Music] beautiful joke just as it should be I shall remember you with gratitude always police I want to be the message for inspector Natalie it's very there is the tequila my name is Susan yes you see I just executed legend calling I am at his house waiting [Music] [Music]
Channel: sallis65
Views: 980,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: film, complete, full
Id: Zc1YfNyxtng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 1sec (4861 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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