Below The Deadline (1936) CRIME-THRILLER

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[Music] foreign [Music] so we are now below the deadline the financial and diamond district here there are more diamonds by the square foot than any part of the world including the transvaal good afternoon captain how are you peter oh hello captain time hello molly miss ravens is expecting me captain simon is here did you go in thank you how are you mr apron oh good afternoon captain come on hey have a cigar well thank you what's on your mind these diamonds these and a lot more to come and oh pardon this is mr evilly captain simon mr evelyn i'm glad to know you captain mr everly and i are negotiating a very large consignment of diamonds and we thought that you should be warned about it the wise precaution are you collecting the consignment here yes they're for my firm in chicago but uh they're not to be shipped for nearly a week well don't worry we've got a pretty good line on all the boys in town and not one of them would dare to shove his nose below the deadline i'll just tell my man to keep their eyes peeled and if they do see anybody below the deadline that looks suspicious at all to bring them in for questioning oh by the way uh where is your deadline now captain still canalstreet yes and if any of them come south of that line it'll be just too bad well so long bye yeah well i know where to get a nice solitaire for your molly as soon as you give terry mulvaney the gate you'll be swole by that time captain simon oh you're never too old [Laughter] yes sir good day captain goodbye i'll miss fitzgerald would you mind working an hour or two later tonight certainly not mr raven then as soon as you're through bring in your notebook hello hello molly mcdonald terry dear i have to work late tonight so don't wait for me i'll have supper downtown you can meet me near the subway entrance around nine sure darling i'll be there with me buttons all shine right good evening sister how about a list what's the matter darling oh and what's that old fella that thinks that offering a girl a list is a driver's license so i'll take care of him don't you worry about a little thing like that do you think i'd exchange your homely face for anything in the world no wait a minute what was that crack that goes for me too darling hello hello good evening ms david how are you this evening why do people always think it's like to ask silly questions well where look who's here oh thank you yes thank you hmm glass of milk and a sandwich i suppose standing up at some lunch counter oh well this rush will soon be over and then i'll have my evenings to myself again would you like to see terry i will fix her are you still here i thought it was time for you to be going home instead of coming here visiting well i suppose it is a little late for elderly people but moy and me won't mind if you want to go to bed if you expect me to resent that you're wrong why on earth don't you sit down you've been on your feet all day haven't you i guess i have good poor dogs every time i make them walk through they get sore and when are you going to get this advancement you're after well the exams are in june and by july you'll see me a full-fledged detective then crime will automatically cease i suppose oh no not immediately you see there's the honeymoon first terry mulvaney if you don't make molly the happiest fight in the world you'll have me to answer them it won't be for the water trying molly needs a rest that man abrams works her too hard i don't know why people want the diamonds anyway useless things and yet they can't buy them they steal them oh no not much chance these days wow half the crimes in the world are never solved well here let me hold it for you well that's only used for policemen oh i don't know molly found one did you ever try it are you two still bickering hey let me help you are you sewing on now darling if i'm permitted to ask pillow slip mr mulvaney for that red head of yours you'd think you two were married already when i was a girl no young lady would have said such a thing did you faint too or was it sworn i think you'd better confine yourself to questions but more important you got your book teddy oh yeah sure when an officer takes a prisoner into custody what does he do to search the prisoner for weapons and uh evidence and conduct him directly to the station using every care to prevent his escape good under what circumstances is a policeman legally justified in using his pistol what's that correct under what circumstances is a policeman legally justified in using his system and let me tell you flash even if she wouldn't give me a tumble that fitzgeraldine can have my role anytime she gives me the come on what she got the others don't have a boy she's got everything hold on spike we're not mixing pleasure with business she didn't fall for it so now we got to find out some other way when april is going to ship those diamonds rocks fascinate you don't they how do you think i got the name diamond dutch chasing after fluffs maybe not but i never saw you pass one up right but when there's a job on hand i don't play with fire you never saw me get burned but i'm getting penny burnt right now here we are all set to make the biggest hole that's ever been pulled and all you can think about is some dame that you've never even seen [Music] but i'm going to see her tomorrow i think and we better call the whole deal off when you fall for a new club i know what happened so do i but i can also destroy the pleasure to an appropriate time don't worry dutch i've seen him play a fish for months before she took the hook [Music] all right but when does abrams get in the balance of that consignment that's all i want to know why pull this job a day too soon when by waiting another day we could get maybe a hundred grand more what do you bet i can find out by tomorrow night come on i'll split a grand with you 500 a piece okay that's a button you can land that fitzgerald you've got to come right young lady and you are miss uh mr abrams secretary can you wait a moment please pleasure i come to look for a diamond and behold i find a thrill uh careful so many synthetic throws on the market these days ah but then i'm an excellent judge professional i would think from the country amateur in its literal sense mr abrams mr akroyd's team you going please sorry i'm so late i suppose it's about your closing time there's another closing time when we have a client what sit down you said over the phone you were looking for stone of about uh five carats yes a yarder send in the stones i selected for mr kroy oh that looks like a very fine stone you have in your ring may i see it yes i picked that up in the hatton garden ah you know diamonds it's perfect can you match it well you can judge for yourself yeah i use your glass suddenly aren't you going home molly doesn't look like it does it i had a date too woman proposes a business disposal well i'll be glad to get home and dispose of that corned beef and cabbage just waiting for me well these are the best but neither is as good as mine i'm afraid you're right but i shall have more in thursday and i think final one could you call them i'm not sure but um i think i could make it friday well i'm very sorry but they'll be gone then tell you what i'll do i'll give you a thousand for that one that's fitzgerald make out a receipt for mr actroid for one thousand dollars so that's right here's your receipt jack rice thank you i'm sorry to have been the cause of keeping you so late but uh perhaps i can drive you home well i am rather late then why don't you let mr take you home all right good night good night good night thanks a lot you see i'm not so bad wouldn't you take me on approval for a while someone else there's the proof hello terry this is mr aykroyd officer mulvaney that no you indeed so you're the reason she was so anxious to get home meaning what well you see mr abrams and i kept a little late and uh i offered to make amends oh so you're a friend of mr abram's club that's different i'm afraid i don't follow terry thought you were another smart aleck like the one that tried to pick me up the other night well i uh might be sorely tempted but uh i don't think i've tried i seem to be a better judge of character than you are well uh good night mr mulvaney good night mr cheryl thanks again mr don't mention it what's the matter you don't seem to like the gentleman i do not oh terry you need never be jealous of me as a matter of fact i only accepted his officer that i wouldn't keep you waiting well who is he all i know is that he just bought a diamond for a thousand dollars hmm i thought he was another one of those matches like the one last night i'm not that you're in love with me aren't you yes spike you're right she had to be seen to be appreciated yeah i thought you'd appeal to your sense of proportion yeah now i have another object in mind and now a snag interferes with a hundred grand you better dig for 500 dutch you too spike did you find out i not only got a good look at the office but i found out that the consignment will be complete on thursday night to top it off i drove the young lady home that wins the bet i think dutch you're a wonder flash yeah well it cost me a grand to do it i bought that one only worth 800. i'll get most of it back take a look at the girl's writing spike would you imitate it so she couldn't tell the difference herself what's on your mind she seems to prefer an irish harness bull to me meaning what he says oh so you're a friend of mr abrams well that's different they go i'd like to push the ugly mug of him down his own throat all right forget it we gotta think about this job ahead of us that's just what i'm doing dutch when you're pulling a big job it's always safer to have some goat to take the wrap sure it satisfies the public and gives the cops a chance to save their pictures right and this is where i kill two birds with one stone officer mulvaney will be the goat and miss fitzgerald will be in circulation again but how are you gonna do all this easy just practice on our handwriting spike and we'll send terry a billy do on thursday you're glad i'm not on duty down here every night it's too quiet yeah i'd rather be uptown myself hello boys well no pinch tonight palmer oh i think the captain's crazy there's no one below the deadline tonight five thousand bucks worth that has to be towed in yeah the fish have been cracked up give me my old fliver it's never let me down yet fetch wood better make the rounds again boys okay see you in jail right [Music] okay flash see anybody pass three balls and they never give us a tumble let's get going then all right hey just come on everybody well for crying out loud what are you doing down here well what's the matter with you bill you got the jitters who is it why it's bricktop mulvaney from 14th street and don't go be saying anything at the station about seeing me down here or i'll wipe up the floor with you oh you know me terry yes i know what he is so long hold on hey what's the game oh nothing we've been ripping him at the station about being in love he's got a girl works down here well we've seen somebody anyway let's shove off number 47 fishfield necklace check number three miss fitzgerald call the express company now number 54 a tray of 16 broaches check number four the line seems to be dead what stick him up olivia good work terry jerry shut up and let that be a lesson to all of you keep your head on your mug you want that brick top to give you away now turn to the wall apologies attack now move over hit him up um you're just the guys i'm looking for put them on put them up put them up what's the rib cut out the innocent stuff now wait a minute this is no time for kitten you've got to help me find the guys that slug me i wish we were kidding terry but you're under arrest under arrest well what am i under arrest for murder and robbery of the abram's office oh wait a minute the avon's office well how about molly is she hurt you ought to know you were there you can't get away with this abrams recognize you and you plug peters they all heard the other two call you by name and even if they hadn't that broken red hair would give you away we saw you heading for abram's office just before the sticker i must have been framed say will you take me back to where they held me you find the rope that was tied me up and the blindfold and the tape that was over my mouth wouldn't hurt to take a look even if we did what would that prove he could have planted them i was slugged i'd tell you sure i was on my way to abrams but molly asked me to call for her here look at me sad [ __ ] he could find a note from her there's nothing there you killed a guy in cold blood mulvaney and it'll take more than a block to get out of it they must have risked me after they slugged me oh please well yeah yeah we'll take you back to abram's office and captain simon's landing tell it to him go ahead max put him in rooney put that handkerchief over his face uh we've got you mulvaney you might just as well confess but it couldn't be terry well naturally you wouldn't admit it but i don't think it would be very difficult to prove that you were his accomplice now you leave her out of this mr abrams is that the man who led the hold up men it is without a doubt it is i've seen mulvaney many times i couldn't be mistaken mr abrams are you sure that he is the man that shot peter yes i'm sure he is i was slugged i told you all right bill take him away and lock him up terry harry this isn't true darling i was framed i'm going to prove it he's just putting on an egg take him away i have a few more questions that i want to ask you don't let them bully you molly and don't you worry about me i'm sorry bill but i i was framed and i can't prove it in jail yeah two six five three two i'll set it right out okay all cars attention all cars mulvaney has escaped in a police car license number 26532 he drove north on avenue a block all roads and bridges leading from the city he's handcuffed but armed bring him in boys that's all what can i do for you there's nothing to be scared of buddy you do what i tell you i want you to cut these handcuffs off me yeah well what'd they do to me for helping a prisoner escape you're helping an innocent man and you'll be glad of it one day come on hurry up and after they're off you're gonna plug me i'll make a bargain with i won't have a hair on your head if you keep still about this all right calling all cars attention all cars mulvaney reported scene on lincoln highway speeding west use special caution he's probably listening to these broadcasts so we can't give location of blockade that is all come on hurry up repeating broadcast 47 multani reported seen on lincoln highway speeding west step on it dave we must be right on his tail all right [Music] um [Music] he just left mulvaney just left he made me cut his handcuffs he went in that direction what's the next stop don't you know what train you're on oh sure pixie frame you got to go back to hopeful junction to get that where tucson albany 585 change its fine planes and chatham got this police wired buildings the man in section 9 answers the description exactly take a walk through but don't let him see a look at him and if you think he's the guy who'll stop and send a wire ahead to the sheriff pine claims right now looking mr gerald i'm not as interested in the capture of mulvaney as our friendly detective here but i'm an investigator for the insurance company and my job is to get the diamonds back are you going to help him or are you not i'll tell you again i know nothing i don't believe terry had anything to do wasn't it because you saw him that you painted i didn't see him terry didn't do then why did you call him by name i didn't one of the men called the murderer terry i repeated the name in amazing have i thought it would carry yes you admit you took him off i only told him i wouldn't have to work late after the diners were shipped soon same thing are you in the habit of fainting no but you did things at the most convenient time didn't you i hope yeah i did thanks hello this is stanton calling by request bill hi diddle diddle the captain the fiddle what's that you got him that's great okay you don't know anything huh then let me tell you something mulvaney's been caught and he's confessed and he said that you were not i don't believe it your game's up ernie you better cut out the blocking you're doing you're blocking your terry has been caught don't you think you would have been overjoyed they just sat there watching my reaction you better learn to act sorry i can't say the same thing to you but i'm very glad to know just how clever you are well they both think they're clever mulvaney has as much chance of getting away as the well-known dog with rubber legs hands on this field certain passenger on number 19 is mulvaney wanted for murder meet train at pine plains i hope there's a reward up for him maybe there is stop it clinton shoot this ahead [Music] [Music] please here's another body poor devil look at his face or what watch it hey john we found the body the conduction the [Applause] brakeman school well who are you and who asked you to come in if i wanted to be asked i'd be on the outside most of the time i see she's read the news are you one of the detectives no such luck death did their work for them i still have to find the diamonds but you won't find them here and i hope you'll have the decency to respect the poor girls grief i have the decency man but i haven't got the time perhaps she'll talk now more than she did last night are you ready to talk now what do you want you know where they want the diamond can't you leave me alone can't you understand anything terry didn't do it now he can never prove it he proved that he did do what you mean do you think that getaway of his was a knife of innocence not on your life it wasn't i tell you you expect to find the diamonds behind the pictures or under the carpet molly said she lived with iran are you miss tibbett none of your business i make a lot of things my business in fact i sometimes act like an old woman oh no offense madam no offense if you think you can get me angry that way you're mistaken and if you're through there's the dog who were mulvaney's confederates he had no confederates he didn't do it he didn't come on now molly terry is dead see those guys that let him down get all the gravy do you i don't know what you mean you know what i mean those fellas have framed them that's why they called him by his name you don't want to see them spec what's heavy and cold don't you think i've suffered enough yes you did you who killed him you with your false accusations you drove into it somewhere real criminals laughing at you laughing at your stupidity i'd laugh too i'd like to laugh carry a joke on you too you think he can pull through oh he'll be all right i'll probably have to do a little plastic surgery on his face then you'll be in your element well it's always interesting to try to improve upon nature wonder who the beggar is no identification where we'll find out soon we'll recover consciousness now that i've removed the pressure [Music] hello [ __ ] helping yourself i see my long suit you're telling me well everything still seems to be under control sure the dick's having the ghost of an idea that that was our job they're still showed with mulvaney but the cops are still watching every fence for the stones certainly why not every time there's a job full the guys make the same mistake they want to cash in right away so they peddle the stuff while it's hot and they're picked up i tell you dutch we have the right idea handle each job like a legitimate business and don't expect any profits for the first year and that's why we're still in business and never even an entry on the blotter against us well those abram diamonds are staying undercover for a year okay with me now i suppose you're going after the dame not yet dutch i know women and i know that molly fitzgerald is still thinking of mulvaney as a martyred hero nurse tells me that you're feeling a little better do you think that you can answer a few questions there was no identification in the remains of your clothes so we don't even know your name ted o'malley uh have you any relatives or friends that we can notify by the way what kind of a nose did you have i mean i shall have to build up your nose from practically nothing couldn't you get me a photo to go by i'm afraid he's a little too weak yet doctor oh well i i'll give him a classical one miss jennings if i thought i had any brains that blow them out what's the matter but wouldn't it be a terrible thing to drill a hole in one skull and find it empty am i together that you're still thinking about mulvaney case i start up in the middle of the night thinking about it i'm afraid your vanity is wounded wounded it's mutilated so much time has passed not a single clue and a fortune in diamonds disappears strange case alright i'm gonna see that fischero girl again i think she must be bluffing where's your winter coat oh i sold it i won't need it well this is your business molly but i'd like to see anybody try to force me to leave town you don't seem to understand that i'm branded as a thief nobody will give me a job here don't forget you'll always have a home here remember that oh that must be the man for my truck i'm going to pitch you a lunch to eat on the train may i come in i certainly i'm just leaving town you mean for good yes i didn't know it was as bad as that i haven't seen mr abrams again until today and of course i learned that you were no longer there i suppose you also learned that i was a safe do you remember that i prided myself on being a good judge of character yes but i don't quite uh maybe i should doubt of course i heard about the robbery at the time but i had no idea that you were supposed to be implicated i wasn't you don't have to tell me that's what i meant when i said i was a judge of character thank you i also gather from abrams that uh no one will employ you what do you expect of coursing i will what do you mean i'm interested in the alhambra the restaurant and night spot on 50th there is a vacancy for a day cashier you mean you're offering me a job like that i am i have the courage of my convictions how can i ever thank you by reporting for work at 10 in the morning yes we we can lay the bandages off now sure dark and that won't make me mad no i suppose it probably won't but uh evidently you would like to see what i've done for you that i would well o'malley how have i done hey don't break all my fingers little duck that's exactly how i feel and i doubt very much whether i'll ever be able to again but evidently you you approve tell me is it as good as the original in fact i think it's a bit improvement and if it wasn't for me head i wouldn't even know myself well you know you you really could die that and have a little joke with your friends oh yes it would be a joke wouldn't it well i'm really glad that you're pleased and the railroad company will be too you'll probably let them down easier what do you mean why the insurance adjuster has been here several different times they offer to settle with you for two thousand dollars in cash and all your hospital bills two thousand dollars yes and you won't have to go to court and give half of it away to some attorney that would come in handy well yes of course it would uh incidentally here's the the check that the insurance had just left and uh also his form of a release you can sign that if you care to it's entirely up to you doc i wonder if i can have that in cash why i suppose so just didn't toss the check and i'm quite sure they'll catch it come in thank you sir want to sit down you're the investigator employed by the insurance company on the abrams robbery hooray well sir i'd like to write around commendable ambition but i don't see the point well mr pearson is only a hunch but a faith in human nature would you mind telling me who you are and what you are well i'm just a dumb pug i'm training over here is arty nolans and i come from colorado and i had a brother here on the bus and he got into a bit of trouble we were pals from the time we were kids and i'm sure that he'd never do anyone hand mr pearson that man was terry mulvaney mulvaney yes terry's moving now i have a bit of money and i'd like to use it to clear his name have you seen the police no the cops are only looking for convictions he was wanted for murder his death closed the case now you have no extra grand or politics to play that's right i'm a private individual responsible only to myself and the insurance company and your object is to recover the stolen property right again you may be a pug but you're by no means dumb now your brother told a queer story to the police but if his story was true who framed him and what reason could they have that i don't know but it gave you when the cops are wrong still didn't it oh thank you by the way you have to know what i can find this gal i don't know what a dress but her name is uh fitzgerald just a minute i'll look it up for you miss jennings get the mulvaney file quick the fingerprint ready identical he's our man as long as you know the town i'll show you over to miss fitzgerald oh well that's it all right only be careful not to shock her remember she thinks you're dead terry how did you know because your yarn sounded phony i watched you closely and decided that your hair might have been died so i proceeded to get your fingerprints in my cigarette case and they compared exactly with the ones found on the stolen police car you think i wanted to be a detective you're doing all right we're going to work together on this case i take it that's what you want it's more than i expected tell me how did you work this substitution with the dead man well i heard a couple of the wrecking crew say that his face was all gone so when they went for the stretcher i emptied my pockets into his quick thinking my lad but i didn't think very long when i come too i was in the hospital and the nurse was reading the newspapers to me in other words you woke up and found yourself dead that's about it well you've awakened to plenty of worry and we've got to solve this case before the police get onto you they won't ever get on to me because i really have got a brother ed in colorado does molly know that sure right then you've got to remain ed even to her oh i could never fool molly the doctor didn't change me that much but you must try you know brother sometimes look very much alike i want molly to know that i ain't dead all right tell her terry escape to your place in colorado uk needs to clear up the case well couldn't i no no you can't take that chance with molly she might give you away by word or look and at a time like this had to be too much of a risk so come on you're a hard man we saw pearson outside talking to a guy here's all the insurance companies forget him what'd you find out well we can get rid of a few grains worth it's safe enough now you don't think pearson means anything not a thing he used to park on molly's trail but he's given that up and i still claim you should have given that name a job here why well fluffs have brought down bigger guys than you first oh forget it pour yourself a drink [Music] good evening molly why are you so happy now that i've got a job again can't you leave me alone please don't get me fired oh don't worry about that i just wanted you to meet a friend of mine this gentleman here has convinced me that mulvaney was innocent [Music] terry no head harry told you about me didn't he would you mind if we sat down yes terry did tell me about you but you might be his twin now is that nice here i thought i was much better looking you talk like him too of course your hair is darker and your nose is different but it's terry when it's dead he's not dead money he escaped from the train wreck he's not dead are you sure have you seen him yes is it my place in colorado is he well as well as i am and i never felt better in my life now if you'll dance with me i'll tell you all about him i'm glad you're having to dance in this gym i want to tell auntie can we all go home and you can tell me on the way no wait a minute wait a minute how about your supper i'm [ __ ] happy to eat come on mr person no you two run along i'll stay here hey boss piercing that egg we saw him with outside was talking to molly she's acting up like a two-year-old now don't you get scared the next time you see me then i did and you be careful careful of what oh you know a nice young fellow and a pretty girl in a romantic moon must i tell you the rest of that come on mr mulvaney [Music] boss looks like you've been asleep at the switch if it hadn't been for mr aykroyd's kindness i'd still be out of wood isn't that right that's right i'll look if it's some money that you're needing like oh no i couldn't think of it i'm doing nicely now young man your host is the right place but i can't say the same for your brain now wait a minute maybe miss divot is right i'm always right i objected to your brother as a policeman but no young man in his senses would ever take a prize fighting as a professional look now how about gene tommy he seems to have done all right for himself as soon as he got any sense he quit just the same i want you to know that you brought more happiness into this house than been here for many a day i like you hey you know that goes for the both of us and if i wasn't in love already i'd be asking you to marry me oh go along with you you're just another terry yourself good night and god bless you i guess i'd better be going through it oh no i want to hear it all over again again you know my dear child i told you in the taxi i told you in the park and i'm just after telling your aunt mary here i know you're a darling i didn't mean to say that what's wrong with calling me at heaven i don't know something just came over me i suppose it's because i'm so grateful to you mr mulvaney i thought you promised to call me ed what's the matter i don't know it i think they've known you but forever the way i want you to feel you don't understand please go i'm sorry will you forgive me for what i was going anyways i suppose you think i'm crazy i feel crazy after all these months of anxiety you suddenly appear and sweep it all away i want you to know how happy you've made me and how grateful i am to you you shouldn't have done that you misunderstood i think not but it isn't fair you know i'm engaged to terry and you said you were in love with somebody else i said no such thing you did you told that marriage human all fairness night melanie the gun oh it's mary what do i do what's the better molly i knew it was terrible but it's a joint mannerism i thought sure sure he was scary don't be crazy they're almost dead ringers it's true but terry wouldn't dare show his face around here yeah come here sit down molly i want to have a talk with you cigarette no thank you have a good time last night yes i heard some splendid news why do you ask well i happen to see you go out with uh mr mulvaney mulvaney yes he's a feudalist oh a fighter eh well i never heard of it he's terry's brother from colorado he's training with all he know them now so if it isn't one mulvaney it's another why do you say that look i've been pretty nice here haven't i i've left you alone never bothered you waiting until you got that crook mulvaney out of your mind now don't interrupt i'll do the talking i wasn't going to say anything until you got rid of the blues and now when i see you happy for the first time it's with another guy don't i deserve a better deal than that i'm sorry i had no idea you felt that way listen you're not as dumb as that why do you think i gave you a job here when everybody else thought you were a crook mr pearson doesn't think so now listen molly the cops have been on this case for months now and there aren't any clues if you think that he'll ever be proved innocent you've got another thing coming even if he were what's the matter with me don't you think i'm a better catch than an irish harness bull with a brogue as thick as a shillelagh now me darling it's time you got wise to yourself and started being nice to the fine gentleman that's been nice to you wait a minute sorry well i shall appeal to your reason in a more convenient time you mean a busting on the party what about the stuff doctor's got a deal to unload the whole lot and the guy's waiting i think we'd better wait molly was just telling me that pearson is off the mulvaney angle what do you mean off the mountain that's what i want to find out someday i'll up here at once what what's the matter molly's walked out that's the best news i've heard today shut up she must believe i'm an awful sap if she thinks i can't keep her from walking out well maybe it'll be more fun this way okay oscar keep molly's job open want me boys yeah dal you used to hang around already no one didn't you sure that's how i learned to use in a minute hmm unfortunately this job calls for brains however i'll try you out i want you to go back there and get to know a pug from colorado he's a brother of terry mulvaney's what's he look like you saw him last night going out with molly oh i thought there was something familiar about that mug's face what do i do spoil his lips no nothing so crude just get his confidence in uh all right ed you're shaping up fine now let's call it a day oh thanks daddy hey i haven't seen you around here much before have i no i'm a chauffeur now i can't get around like i used to but i like to work out with you whenever i can well that goes double let's make it often okay well i have to be on my way as soon as i hit the shower how do you feel sure and i'm feeling fine there's nothing like a good workout in the shower yeah i'm gonna get with you again or maybe some night when we have the car we'll go places well i'm not much for that night stuff they al who was that you worked for flash act roy the guy that owns the alhambra oh that's funny i met a gal that works there she used to be engaged to me brother and boy did i fall for her what's her name molly fitzgerald you mean she used to work there what's the matter was she fired she walked out didn't you know i haven't seen her today i i can't see why she should quit i don't know search me looks all right to me boss bit of a sap maybe humidity falling hard for molly he said that did he yeah but what do you care just give me the word go get him bring them up here now you're talking i'm telling you i couldn't be mistaken no two men could ever whistle exactly like that when he thought that he should be working as a show for it maybe not as funny as you think i just got your message there oh you're not mad at me after all this i mean for excuse me for existing your letter are you going to learn to love me that's not fair for me or to terry i told you before that i was fearing love and warmth repeating it doesn't make it so molly sit down i want to talk to you you know from the first minute i walked into that place last night and laid eyes on you the heart within me stopped and then it started to pound like a trip hammer and that sounds something like love doesn't not necessarily it could be indigestion once a snoop are always a snooper that's what i'm being paid for why did you walk out a necroid somebody had an ulterior motive giving me a job how did you come to meet him in the first place he came to buy a diamond from abram that checks with what theory young man how long before the robbery was that just a few days and if he bought a diamond he got a receipt yes i made it out myself better than i expected then that would give them a copy of your handwriting remember the note from you that terry told the police about well that would put terry just where they wanted them one of them might have had red hair or he could have worn a red wig and if he was able to imitate terry's bro oh what's the matter akaroy akeroy gave me a perfect imitation of it hmm and that checks somehow i think we're getting places do you really think so yes i do and you needn't worry about a job anymore i can get you back with abrams anytime you want but you'll soon have terry back and then you'll be getting married yeah wait a minute wait a minute what's that crack do you think molly would take a cut when she has a chance to get an up and coming fugitive like myself uh maybe i shouldn't have said it before kids you don't know whether it's terry or ed she loves leave it at me what's the matter miss fitzgerald mr pearson you really believe terry's innocence why certainly why do you ask because i i don't know whether i should tell even you but that's terry what are you talking about terry mulvaney not his brother ed i wondered why i was so attracted to him i thought it was his voice but his eyes are the same too go on it was when he cut his hand to his ear and said what's that crack then i knew for sure i tell you terry's come back from where i don't know but i'm afraid there's nothing to be afraid of terry didn't come back from the dead he came back from the hospital i've known it all along then i've been the goat going to give him a piece of my mind oh just a moment it was all my fault i insisted i was afraid that try as you might you would give him away he had no right to make love to me who had a better right nevertheless you wait don't you tell him run along you two i've got to go down to police headquarters will you see me home ed will i in a taxi further attack yeah there's something i must tell you and it may relieve your mind well darling you go right ahead and tell me i've been true to terry all this time even though auntie and everybody said i was asleep but they did yes and it wasn't until he disappeared that i found out what a wretch he really was that couldn't be so it's a pack of lies i tell you the truth all right well just show me one black eye that would ever say a thing against me against me brother i can show you a dozen people who bribed him girls belong well it's lies i tell you it's lies now tell me what you're laughing at harry mulvaney alias brother air oh terry what happened why didn't you tell i was making me escape on the train and it was rick i changed places with a dead man i'll carry you i was never so rich in all my life you must think i'm terrible but it was mean of you not to tell me mr pearson wouldn't let me i know he told me you know wait a minute this ain't the place i told you to go right but it's the place you're going really what's the record no rocket at all a guy just wants to talk to you come on both of you so here you are what do you want just this i don't stand for anybody muscling into my territory i mean in miss fitzgerald you guessed it mulvaney you flatter yourself don't you my advice to you is to get out of town tonight because if you're here in the morning you'll be in the morgue see as for you mr still you'd better come back to work if you don't there'll be a shortage discovered in your accounts and that after being mixed up in a diamond robbery would be uh just too bad just a minute throw him out he gets noisy well you know what to do but boss this guy is in that mulvaney what do you mean i heard him in the cab saying that he had changed places with a dead man his real name is terry mulvaney that it is what about it you wanted for murder what are you doing back in town looking for the guy that framed me still sticking to that story who do you suspect now who do you think got the car handy out sure boss see them home that guy knows more than he was telling pearson must be on to something i knew that name would snag us sooner or later oh snagged maybe they don't know a thing i'm just not taking any chances the alley's full of cops [Music] so what's the idea everything checks you terry all the credit for recovering those mistakes harry you always wanted to be addicted didn't you that i did well the chief says you are maybe uh you could use this not there i think you'd much rather have a wedding ring you can have them both [Music] foreign
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 159,104
Rating: 4.729425 out of 5
Keywords: MOVIES, crime, Below The Deadline (1936), Movie, CLASSIC, classic movies, FILM, #classicmovies, Theodore von Eltz, FREE, Cecilia Parker, filmstruck, PUBLIC DOMAIN, CRIME-THRILLER, Russell Hopton, classic movie
Id: vjwzUtVQVuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 38sec (4118 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2013
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