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so in today's video I have a very large Goodwill thrift haul for you I told you in a video Last Friday that I took my girls on a thrifting trip to Houston for Mother's Day and I showed you where we went shopping in the bins and um our Thrift haul from the Goodwill bin so today I'm going to show you a Goodwill thrift haul from just a whole bunch of different Goodwills that we went to in and around the Houston area it was so much fun and I'm looking at this huge pile over here of all the things that I got so let me get right into the thrift haul and show you what we picked up while we were thrifting in Houston Texas okay and I guess that I should add that I don't have any thrifting footage for you today except for one little clip that I took because we were just in and out of those stores so fast because we just wanted to kind of go in get out go into another one get out all the things so I do remember telling youall a few videos ago that I wanted to help you out on making your own candles if you were interested so this clip right here is the only clip that I have from us thrifting at one of these Goodwills while we were there that's the first thing that I'll show you is that I did go ahead and pick up three of these little containers of this I don't know if it's candle wax let me put my glasses on real quick cuz y'all know how it is so they are calling them wickless fragrance Cubes but I'm thinking it's basically just like candle wax just without the wick so when I did Thrift mus I did a DIY candle project and so I still have a lot of those Wicks and different things like that on hand so I will be able to make some of my own little DIY candles with those and with some of these that I picked up so I picked up this one right here these were $1.99 a piece I got three different kind this one is the white birch and it's brand new it's never been used or open so there's that one Okay I lied I said I got three different ones I got two different ones but two of them are the same here they are the Sweet Orange and Pine and I thought that these would be fun to make for The Fall season and I could go ahead and do that now and just put them in storage again you can see that they are brand new I've opened these and smelled them in the Goodwill and y'all if you could smell this this smells so so good I did have these on my porch and before I thought about it they were starting to kind of melt a little bit but anyway I ended up bringing them in the house where it's cool so I hope I didn't like melt them too bad in there I love the pottery that has the blue stripe on it like this right here so when I saw this at one of the Goodwills I really don't know if this one is old or vintage but it had again the blue stripe here that I love and then it had this strainer thing on top I'm I'm going to try to get this twisted around where y'all can see what it says it says Ganesh I'll try to put it up here on the screen right here is where I'm talking about on this lid it says Ganesh I don't know what that means and I don't know what this is used for exactly is it like to hold a grease again I'm not really sure I was going to try to take the bottom sticker off for yall looks like somebody tried to do that in the store but was not successful it was $2.99 so now that I've showed y'all the price let me pull this sticker off fully cuz I want to see I haven't put oil or anything on this to get this sticker off I just want to see if I can get it off and if there's anything underneath and somebody did make a comment in a video or two ago that if I'm not a reseller why do I always look at the bottom of things and pull the stickers off and try to see like what the brands are and stuff well just because I'm curious and because a lot of y'all curious and want to see also that's why I do it I don't do it because I'm trying to see if it's a name brand something I can make some um profit off of it's just because I'm seriously just curious this one just has nothing on the bottom so I again I don't think it's really old or vintage I'm not really sure maybe y'all can tell me but I just loved it and I thought this might be something good to make one of those candles in with that wax that I just got so we're going to just put this in our Decor stash for now until I make some of those candles or until I figure out what it is actually meant for because if it is meant for grease or something I don't know that might be good I can't imagine what the strainer here is for again on the top I I don't know something that I have been needing for a while now is a metal spatula to use outside on my grill so pretty much every one of the ones that I have are plastic because I don't want to scratch up my pots and pans and so I needed something that was metal to use on the grill so when I saw this I thought that this would be just perfect it's not so big like some of the grilling tools that you see that you can't um store it easily and it has this little thing right here that you can oops there y'all are hang it you know maybe off the off a hook in your cabinet or something so I I really like that I love the wood handle that it had here it was only $1.99 so I thought that that was a pretty good score for something that I actually needed so grab this little beauty here okay and we're still on kitchen items things that I can actually use and what I was looking for when I was thrifting was like some um measuring cups measuring spoons different things like that that the kids could use and play with out in the sand so when I saw this set here for only $1.99 I thought that these might be perfect but the more that I like hold them and move them around and touch them I really like how they feel for me for cooking and baking and different things so I might take one of my older sets that I have in my drawer and donate that to the kids for the sandbox and all the things and keep this set right here for me I do believe that maybe this is a Pioneer Woman set I'm not 100% sure but I do love that it has these handles so I'll just turn it like this so you can kind kind of see that they're pretty much all there I believe and I do again love how it has this little handle and they all have this little pore spout thing on it which I think is really neat I only paid $1.99 for this whole set so I thought that that was a pretty good deal whether I use it or I give it to the kids to play with in the sandbox they have sand toys but it is so much more fun to use like real istic things and I noticed that they like really get creative and engage in playing like cooking and drive-thru and all the things when they have real utensils to play with in the sandbox so I'm hoping to start trying to collect stuff like this for them to use outside since we are going to be outside so much more now okay I did go ahead and open it I thought it would be fun to show yall the different little designs so there's one there's another one I have to try to put this up where my face won't be in it because it wants to focus on my face there's that one there's that one and then of course the big one that y'all can see so I just think that these are the cutest little things took my glasses off I forgot I still have those on okay so the next item is also for my kitchen and I have wanted one of these for a very very long time and I was super excited to find this in the thrift store because I know that these retail for so much more maybe not so much more but at least twice what I paid I know that they um retail for that and it is a Lodge cast iron I don't even know what you call this Skillet here I'll put it on the screen this oval cast iron I'm trying to get up where y'all can see the name on the back there that it is a lodge and it's just this smaller cast iron like Skillet and it is perfect for just making a grilled cheese a couple of eggs um just smaller portions which is what I cook and do during the day a lot of times if I'm trying to cook something and I don't want to pull out the whole big cast iron skillet that I have um this was I don't know if y'all could see the stickers kind of messed up let me see if I can get it fixed there we go it was $9.99 I hope that it's focusing for y'all but um yeah so I was super super excited to find this and threw this in my buggy so fast because I will definitely use this and it is so clean like it is so clean all I'm going to do to dis infect this is put some salt on it and some hot water and kind of scrub it and then oil it up and it will be good to go never wash your cast iron with soap FYI okay so now I think I'm going to move on to a little bit of the home decor pieces that I got and it is no secret I say it in every video that I published just about that I love Primitive Country home decor and so I spotted this little baby on the shelf and had to grab it I love this so much it is just this little I'm pretty sure this is a candle holder trying to get it to focus let me move my hands where y'all can get a good look at it it has this opening here in the back I'm assuming for a candle but what I'm going to do is well I'll show you later what I'm going to do but I'll I'll tell you I'm going to put like a little night light in it because I can stick the cord right through there and then it will just look like a little NightLight lamp I love that it has this little handle and it just looks so old I know that this is probably a newer piece I don't think that it's anything old because it has this whole sticker here on the bottom but it's made to look old and I thought it was really cute I only paid $3.99 for this and I have an absolute love obsession with little night lights and lamps and different things like that I love to have my house look just warm warm and cozy especially at night so I have little lights just everywhere so one of those little lamps will definitely get put in this and I was super super excited to find that you know what you could also do with with this if you use diffusers you could probably if you had one small enough I know they make them small enough like Walmart Target Amazon all sells the little essential oil diffusers you could even sit one of those down in here pull the plug through here plug it in your smoke would kind of come out of the top and I think that that would be super cute too I love the Stars on this one but that's fun so another home decor piece that I picked up was for the fall I thought that this basket right here would be perfect for The Fall season it kind of has that really deep wheat color that I really really love and knowing me because I love this color so much I might end up putting it out now I don't know but I bought it with intentions of putting a little plant in here like a posos plant or something during um you know fall season and because I'm trying to just continuously leave all of my real plants and my poos plants out all year long even during Christmas I'm trying to collect vessels to put them in that at least coordinate with whatever season we're in so I thought that this would be perfect for one of those that I have in a bedroom or somewhere it has these beautiful little leather maybe fake leather I don't know um straps right here so I just thought that it was super adorable for only .99 so yeah super excited about that and the bottom is it's a hard bottom here so that'll be perfect one of the Goodwills that we went in y'all I spotted this thing as soon as I walked in the door and I darted for it like I just took off sprinting for this thing call me crazy I don't care I already have several of these but I love them and I have this whole plan to just stack them up everywhere it is this beautiful vintage I know that this is vintage beautiful vintage picnic basket here it is in amazing shape like incredible shape here y'all I'm turning it all the way around for you so that you can see here's the bottom right here it's in great shape um here's the top and the best part y'all is that this thing was only $4.99 I hope that is focusing for y'all and look at the little nails on here I love that I love that so much and then the inside looks like this it had this I don't know if somebody added this to the basket or if it came like that um I don't know if I'll leave that in there or not we'll see but for now I'm going to leave it and we will see what I decide to do so yeah this one will easily stack with all of the other ones that I have and I use these to actually store stuff so not only is this basket beautiful in my opinion it's going to stack wonderfully with my other baskets that are all similar but they're all different if that makes any sense they are just all unique in their own little way and what I use these for is I stack them all over my house and I keep things in them like I have candles in one one I have material in another one I have ribbons in one I have seasonal clothing in one like all my Christmas shirts and pajamas and all of my fall shirts and things like that in one so I definitely use these baskets and then I love to just look at them as Decor pieces as well so so so excited to find that and not only was I excited to find it but for 4.99 y'all that was a steal so I'm always on the hunt for seasonal decor no matter if we are in that season or not I Thrift All Seasons all year and so when I saw this beautiful blanket it made me think of not only fall but maybe Christmas too it is this gorgeous blanket right here and I'm trying to get up where y'all can see the pattern good here on it with the colors it's been cloudy here all morning it's now about 2:00 in the afternoon and the Sun is just now coming out but here in Texas where I am y'all we have been having the craziest rainy weather like we had a storm come through last night that was really wild and really scary but um we're all okay just it is just soaking wet around here and every time we get our yard clean another storm blows through and we have to do it again I was literally paying a couple of my little grandkids yesterday to pick up sticks because we are so tired of picking up sticks so they made it a game and they were making money so they were excited so so anyway I totally got off subject here look at this beautiful blanket let's get back to the subject at hand here again trying to get the lighting where y'all can see it so the colors in this are this beautiful goldish wheat color this green that I love but then it's also got this color in it that I'm not completely crazy about sorry I feel like I have a hair right here it's kind of a mauve looking color in my opinion hopefully y'all can tell that's not my favorite but for some reason anytime I see something with that dark mave looking color in it or burgundy maybe color in it I normally will put it back but for this one I really didn't mind it I thought that could be beautiful at Christmas and the fall so I don't know maybe it's a mixture of the green with the creamy white with the the wheat looking color just really drew me in so I did go ahead and get this blanket now it's like this on one side and I can't get it all up but here it is just to give you an idea and then it has this fringy uh Fringe kind of look here just along the edge but then on the back it's just plain like this so my thoughts were maybe I can use this for fall and Christmas and then at Christmas in our guest bedroom maybe I could put this on the end of the bed and try to find a couple more things with this dark burgundy looking color I don't know I just I really don't like that color so maybe it'll incorporate good with red I don't know we'll see maybe I'll do all green and this will be the only little hint of red at Christmas time in there we'll see I never know what I'm going to do until I kind of pull everything out that I've thrifted throughout the year and then get all of my other Christmas stuff out and kind of clean things out see how it's going to go but this blanket was only $3.99 so I thought that that was an absolute steel for a blanket that I could use possibly for two different seasons so yep super excited to find that and then kind of to go along with this blanket I'll definitely use this before fall and Christmas I will go ahead and clean this up and use this now because it is the perfect color it is the color that I love and it is a pillow but it is this color here I am in love with this color for some reason and I don't even really know I always say wheat color kind of like the color of that basket I showed y'all a while ago and then if you look in this blanket if you see just look how beautiful these two go together like I think that they are gorgeous together or let me do it maybe like this together I don't know in person these two things these two items go together beautifully in my opinion so this we talked last week about my uh pillows that I got at the bins I got two pretty large um feather down pillows or whatever and this is the same thing so this is another down pillow and this cover does have a zipper and then of course here is some of the feathers that are inside there I did zip this open in the Goodwill and kind of you know look down in to make make sure that this pillow didn't have stains or anything like that on it and it didn't so this one's definitely got some different color feathers coming out of it than the other ones did so hopefully y'all can see that that's one of the feathers and that's another reason I'm not going to pull this cover off right now in the house I'm going to do it outside and then I'm going to wash this cover and get this all in place and so many of y'all in that last Friday's video told me that you throw your down your feather down pillows in the washing machine and that you could do that and so I've never personally tried it I've always been terrified I have never personally tried to wash a down pillow feather down pillow because I was told one time that they could like Milo or mold the from the feathers being all wet but so so many of y'all said that you do wash yours and you just dry them on really low and they're perfectly fine so just do your own research I guess but I am going to just clean mine the best way that I know how which is to like spot clean the outside leave it out in the sun and then wash the cover so yeah I was super excited because I am slowly but surely getting all these pillows switched over to the feather down pillows that I love because they are so squishy and so much more comfortable in my opinion so I'm going to put this down here on the floor until I get all that cleaned up okay so now on to something that I've been wanting to pick up but have not wanted to pay for it and you know like the retail stores I have a set of little um what do they call them are they dumbbells just little handheld weights whatever they're called I have a set that is like 3 lbs each and I really don't feel like they're doing anything for me I am getting older and so I know that I really need to do strength training and different things like that and so I wanted to have another set of these little weights that I could use while I'm doing that so I wanted 5 lb weights and I know that is probably not a lot for some of y'all but y'all that's that's plenty for me right now until I work my way up to something else 5 lbs each like holding both of these right now is 10 lbs and it's it's pretty heavy so I just wanted some of these to try and do like some arm strengthening I have pretty big arms anyway I always have like it's just how I'm built and um but I notice that things are just you know starting to fly in the wind and I really don't want that so I'm going to try to really you know incorporate these into working out on my treadmill that I also recently got on Marketplace I'm excited about that so I'm really just trying to do better um you know exercising and different things so I was super excited to get these and I think I picked these up at the very first Goodwill that we went to and they were only $3.99 for this set of two y'all so I thought that that was a really really good deal so y'all see me getting buff here really soon you know Goodwill help me out there okay I decided to come over here to show y'all this piece that I picked up y'all I spotted this one also right as we walked in and went back to the furniture section and snatched it up so fast okay so what they are calling this table it looks like here is an antique pie table it was only $12.99 y'all I have not Google lensed this or anything I'll try to if I can remember and put it on the screen here if I don't it's just because I forgot but anyway how gorgeous is this little table look at all of the little scalloped edges here look at the legs on this little Gorgeous Beauty it is just straight up Perfection and I have a hard time leaving little tables and things like this I do have a spot in mind where I have been wanting to replace a bar stool that's holding a plant so I thought that this might just be the perfect replacement for that I'm not sure you can tell whoever had it definitely put cups in the you know sweat and left rings and all the different stuff but I don't even know if I'm going to try to sand that or if I'm just going to leave that on there we'll we'll see what I decide to do but yeah so this gorgeous piece here I feel like was a steel of a deal for only $12.99 at Goodwill I mean we all know Goodwill's prices have gone straight through the so I was really surprised to see this beautiful piece there for that price so yeah I just rode around with this thing in my buggy through the whole store even though it says take the tag off take it to the front and all the things I was like m i don't trust y'all so I just threw it in my buggy and just let it go for a ride through the store with me so yeah if anybody knows anything about an antique pie table like this just let us know down in the comment section so y'all know I told you in last week's video also that I am not a fan of looking through the clothes but because my daughters were looking through a lot of the clothes I found myself over there looking through some of the clothes one thing that I really was on the hunt for is different tops to wear like casual but dressy if that makes sense so you could dress it up or you could dress it down I guess is what I'm trying to say not like church clothes shirts or anything but just casual enough that if you needed to you know run in somewhere but didn't want to look like you just got out of the bed kind of shirts so I was on the hunt for some of those which I did not find a lot of at all at the thrift stores but I was also on the hunt for a very thin and comfortable robe to wear around the house like when I'm getting ready in the mornings or whatever and I did find that I found this one here for $5.99 and it's just the right length that I wanted and it's a very pretty robe it just has these really pretty red looking floor orals on it and I like that so like I said it is definitely a thinner material let me try to open it up kind of where yall can see it better it's just a you know thinner type material not your winter time the brand on this is Sonoma Kelsey says that's a really good brand and I have purchased that before retail it is a good brand it lasts a really long time but yeah it's just um like I said it's not a really long one it would probably hit me right about my knees but I also love the that this robe has pockets like who else like I don't know why my robe needs Pockets I just feel like they do and I love that this one has the pockets so yeah it's very pretty like I said very thin and will work great for me in this hot Texas weather so this is pretty much the only shirt that I found that would work in the category of shirts that I was actually on the hunt for and it was a $4.99 and it's just this beautiful um sweater top sleeveless um shirt it's a gorgeous green color which is what got my attention it is a longer shirt which is what I like I do not like for my shirts to be waist level and boxy I feel like I'm short enough and those just cut me off and make me look wider you know than I think I am so I do like it when the shirt is like a solid color and it's long now this shirt um come from another good place it's another good brand it came from The Loft and so I know that the quality of this shirt is going to be good and it's going to last me a long time as long as I take care of it um you know as far as washing and all the things let me give you a little tip when you're shopping for clothes and this is something that I passed along when we went on this trip always check your armpits here of the shirts please because you'll be surprised you'll get home and see like armpit stains and shirts so please check the armpits for stains because you do not want to get home and have some nasty looking armpits on some clothes so these were very clean clothes and shirts and armpits and all the things and then if it's a button shirt of any kind make sure all the buttons are there yes you can sew on buttons but if you don't know how to do that you don't want to get home and be surprised that a couple of buttons or even one is missing off of a button-up shirt that you thought was complete so I was pretty excited to get this one because I do think I can dress this one up or down I can even dress this one up enough to wear to church I believe so yeah got me this shirt here okay so I lied again I had this shirt was hiding underneath something else over here so I did get two shirts it looks like while thrifting um that are kind of casual or dressy so this one was $5.99 right here it was a $5.99 like I said it was hiding under something I forgot about about it um the brand on this is KH KH I don't I don't know but it's just this simple kind of basic um comfortable casual but not too casual type shirt and again it's just longer it's pretty thin so it won't be too hot I try to see what materials these are made out of but I could not find another tag on it anywhere I was looking again but anyway this will go good with you know blue jean shorts or white shorts kind of anything like that so I grabbed this it's got these pretty little buttons here that are on the the shoulders up here kind of at the top and then the sleeve just kind of folds over like that let me get my face out so y'all can kind of see really pretty thin little shirt there so yes let me throw that over there in the pile of to be washed okay and then the other thing that I picked up clothes wise while thrifting was this cardigan that was $5.99 and I went ahead and picked this up even though I will clean it put it in the closet and all the things or store it for the fall is because it is this beautiful burnt orange color and yes you can wear this at any time but in my mind I want I wanted this for the fall it is kind of thin we still have pretty hot Falls here so just because the season turns over to fall does not mean it's going to you know be cool but sometimes in church and just in restaurants especially am I the only one it feels like every time I go to a restaurant if I don't bring some sort of little sweater or something I'm freezing to death and I cannot enjoy my meal if I'm sitting in there freezing to death so I always try to have a little cardigan or a little pullover jacket or something in my car so yeah this would work great for that as well but I just thought that this was a really pretty cardigan especially for the the fall look at the back here I just think it's so cute all the little designs on it here's here's the back and then the bottom almost has like a very faint look of like little scalloped edging there just really cute little piece here's the tag on that one so I did try it on and it fits beautifully so I really love that so I'm going to get that cleaned up and put in my wardrobe cabinet so when I'm ready to throw it on it's ready for me so yeah that is everything thing that I picked up while out Goodwill thrifting in Houston Texas it is a pretty large Thrift haul so I hope that you enjoyed going through everything with me today I will be showing you how I am using cleaning styling all of the things with these Thrift finds it just is not going to be in today's video because like I said our weather here has been crazy I'm really surprised I even have electricity today because so many people around me don't even have electricity so I'm going to just take the afternoon off to try to get things in our yard and around here kind of back in order but I will come back and meet with you on Tuesday to show you how I've cleaned all these up how I'm styling them or how I'm using them to hold and store things just all the different things like that so I hope to see you back here on Tuesday with a brand new video so with all of that being said I hope that y'all all have a wonderful weekend we love y'all and I'll see you next Tuesday with a brand new video [Music]
Channel: Thrilled Thrifter
Views: 14,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Goodwill thrifting haul, Thrift with me, Thrift shopping home decor, Thrifting tips, Thrilled thrifter
Id: i_4dBRGKoDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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