I don’t care what people say! THRIFTING IN SALVATION ARMY + THRIFT HAUL! Thrilled Thrifter

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[Music] all right y'all welcome to today's video today we are thrifting at Salvation Army I don't know if they have much new merchandise here because I don't turn it over very often but we're going to go in here and see what they've got decided to come back here and start in the back of the store today look at all these little poops here these make great little projects how much is this $2 have quite a few of them what is this I see this book here I want to see what this is real quick Christmas Memories $150 that's cute what is this oh it's like a little C sake book I see that's cute puzzles and games not really in the mood for that today let's come over here and just see if they've got anything I need for the house I'm not in the digging mood today y'all ever get like that when you go thrifting like oh what is this I must took this out of a bathroom I like that green though H that's pretty all for five bucks that's really neat I think that's seia toothbrush holder look at that green it's pretty I don't know do people use that kind of stuff anymore when they redo homes little piano over here they've been getting a lot of furniture here at this Salvation Army $850 says Don't Touch the Piano please and I kind of want to get over here and see if they have any spring that's another reason I came in here today too look at this cute little $7.99 it's a little sewing machine table what is that for $3 that's kind of cute paint it this for one of my girls though oh and it's does still have the sewing machine in it that is not a bad price okay this is not closing oh I bet it's just because of the cord let's see oh look at there definitely need some a little bit of TLC but make a cute little project piece I guess for just texted my girls and look it's not it's not painted over here you could easily strip that I think see Y what is painted over here let's look at the back yeah it is painted but I think they could strip that pretty easy and then repaint it their Easter stuff over here they don't have a whole lot of Easter Decor but what is this let's go on an egg hunt $3 lots of little I don't know like eggs it's cute little basket definitely Thrift your Easter baskets there is no sense in buying $2.50 see there no sense in buying these brand new now what are these the kids might like these what is this H it's kind of cute look at all these Easter baskets up here this one's a pretty this is this is a I don't think this is an Easter basket but I mean I guess you could $5.99 make a good planter you could take this little part off take those little things off there not a bad price more furniture pieces back here they're getting like all this like flooring and all kind of stuff at my Salvation Army so if you're local and you know where I live you need any of that kind of stuff see y'all got any prints in here that I what is this now how cute is that Pat Pearson 1983 that that's really cute what are you though it's frames I don't know if it's in painting or okay y'all know that I love primitive decor and I think that this kind of fits that bill what y'all think and Kelsey did tell me to be on the lookout for Riot a new bed because his his frame and everything broke so I'm wondering I see this metal one wondering how much it is I'm going to have to ask see how much that is see the size on it anywhere coffee table don't need that not that that ever stops me I am looking for a wooden round one if I can find one of those I will replace it for my beloved $3 garage sale coffee table that I currently use this is not what I'm looking for though but pretty inexpensive if you're looking for furniture check your Salvation [Music] Army this is a pretty spring color guess it's standard price but that's pretty now look at this see cushion [Music] this is a huge huge tablecloth huge and it's like oval so I don't think I'd be able to do too much with it I mean you could use it for fabric for sure but if I can get it folded back [Music] up now this is what I'm talking about books $1 $1 so us I'm going to take a minute and look through here cuz the Goodwill be trying to charge three3 to5 per book these days all these Diary of a Wimpy Kid I wonder if my Bry would like [Music] that it's pretty good deal for all those books [Music] so I have finally made it to the front of the store where they have a lot of their knickknacks their dishes just different fun little things like that so I'm going to take you shelf by shelf here and just show you a few of the items that they have a lot of their things here were here last time we were here so I won't be filming those up close really for you just because their merchandise like I've said more than once just does not move as as fast as Goodwills does that's why I don't come here as often but I do find some great little things in here and I'm going to demonstrate some of the things that I picked up for you later on in the video so that's super fun but anyway let's just look around here and see what they have to offer at the Salvation [Music] Army [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so when I was cleaning our master bedroom the other day I did break a frame that was holding a wedding picture of my husband and I so I am on the hunt for one of those little gold rimmed frames that I love so much and I do actually find one here in just a minute but y'all I am so cheap and I don't care what people say but I am so cheap that I didn't not want to pay even what they were asking here at the Salvation Army I'll just hold out y'all I'm an avid thrifter so I know what I can get things for for certain prices so I just hold out so that's what I decided to do I didn't have to have it [Music] today [Music] [Music] [Music] so I was also wanting to look at all of the different Easter baskets not necessarily for myself or making Easter baskets for the kids but for my older daughters Cara and Kelsey they are both wanting to Thrift their Easter baskets and actually I believe they both have videos maybe coming out on them if you have not checked out either one of their channels I'll make sure to pin them in the first comment and both of their channels will also be listed in my description box so after you're finished here you can go over and get caught up on all of their videos as [Music] [Music] well [Music] so it was several months ago that I thrifted a Fossil purse y'all genuine leather Fossil purse at a garage sale for $2 you heard me right $2 so I got kind of excited when I saw this Fossil purse hanging here in the thrift store they had a $15 price tag on it for a Fossil purse I feel like that's probably pretty good if it's in great condition and I felt like that this one was however I'm just not crazy about that color I would have got tired of that color really fast and then I noticed the purse behind this one was more of a canvas type purse but y'all it was actually a Fossil purse I'd never seen a Fossil purse like this but I thought it would have been beautiful to throw your Bible in some notebooks different things like that for a church or like used for a diaper bag and it was standard purse price which they have now put at almost $14 a purse at the Salvation Army which I think is crazy but anyway let's get into this Thrift haul and let me show share with you everything that I picked up today and what I'm doing with it I cannot y'all this is the cutest little thing I have ever seen and for only 75 cents I had to bring it home I was actually getting ready to make some tuna fish so I'm going to get this cleaned up and show y'all how this works exactly in the store I thought it was messed up like it didn't have all of its parts but then I realized it just opens very easy like this and that that's how you use it to slash your egg so let me get it cleaned up and demonstrate for [Music] y'all [Music] never used one of these before we are going to experiment with this together dry off the little grates here grates I don't know little cutter whatever those thing blades blades let's go with blades so what I think you do is y'all like me using this little thrifted Bowl here that people told me was absolutely unnecessary to Thrift because I just us them for Decor on my counter actually I don't I actually use them anyway back to our regular schedule program here I think you put the egg in here or do you do it this way I don't know we going to figure it out together so then I'm assuming you need to make sure you have a bowl underneath it because there's nothing under here to catch it and we're going to slice it wow wow that was so fun okay now you know what I want to see if I can take it it and cut it the other way so I can have it in a little um like chopped up for my tuna fish oh my goodness who knew that a 75 cent purchase from the thrift store could bring so much joy okay let's see what it looks like out of the little cutter thing y'all it's perfect okay now I will admit I probably could have went the other way again but this will work look at that y'all get it up close where y'all can see and I probably would have turned it one more time just to get some smaller did I turn it right to begin with I can't I don't know I think I did but I think maybe if I turned it one more time it would be okay but this is this is perfect that was so easy and you could just make leave them as slices if you wanted y'all I love finding little kitchen gadgets at the thrift store and they actually work and I also mentioned in last week's video that I am looking for Solutions or cups different things like that for all the kids when they come over here here and one thing that I do have an abundance of all the time is mason jars so I thought that this would work really good especially for the few older ones they could just get a mason jar these little Lids will fit on there they can put a different color straw in so they can all keep them separate yeah for only A1 for two I thought that that was pretty good so I got four all together I did pick up this picture y'all I could not stand it with that little house right there it reminds me of a Warren Kimble print so much I'm not sure if it is the back is like all kind of like taped up not taped up that's not the right word oh it was $2 whatever this mat not matting I don't know whatever this is somebody has like folded this and kind of like covered up the back just to clean it up and make it look nice I guess is what I was trying to say so I'm going to show y'all a picture that I have in our guest bedroom and in my kitchen that is Warren [Music] Kimble [Music] [Music] but look at this old primitive house y'all I love this this is almost like an oil painting I don't know where this came from but again there's no name or anything on the bottom but yeah let me show y'all where I ended up styling this over by corner hutch in my living room where I was really needing something to just kind of fill in that space and this is going to be perfect just look at those colors here on the bar with some of the rest of my Decor oh my goodness love it so much [Music] [Music] stack of books that I am so excited for y'all this is going to work amazing for little Easter goodie bags for all of the kids I have six of them to buy for and remember I've told you in several Goodwill videos before that I've been trying to gather books for Christmas but these I got for all of the kids for Easter they are the dear God kids books and they are so cute and I wanted to show y'all that these were only only 50 cents a piece there's the little sticker there I know that their sign in the store said a dollar but it said also unless Mark so these were only marked for. 50 cents a piece and I think that these are the cutest little books inside there's always a question it says Dear God guess what I'm ready to listen now and then it just goes on and gives scripture there at the bottom I just love these so I think each kid is going to get two of these books and I wanted to show y'all this one I've already taken the sticker off of and kind of cleaned um maybe you can tell the difference I don't know they are all very clean inside there's nothing wrong with them there's no marks on the inside no to and from nothing like that they're like I said they're hard backs they're easy enough for the younger ones to read them I mean excuse me they are hold on let me rephrase that okay so I have one that is nine and so I don't think that this is going to be too easy for her or too baby baby as she says sometimes for her and it will give you know scripture reference for them or their parents to look up when it talks about different things like that you know being sad when it rains different things like that anyway it's funny cuz it's raining outside right now but I love these books just because I want my kids and my babies and and all of them to to to definitely know the Lord and so I'm always trying to gear them in that direction so anyway I wanted to show y'all what I will be doing is probably taking some of this Seventh Generation little um wipies and I will be you know disinfecting each book page by page it won't take me that long but I wanted to show y'all how to get this sticker off a lot of times I will use Limon essential oil to get the stickers off or I have a so many people had questions about what I used in last week's video to get those stickers off so easily well this is just a thieves cleaner from Young Living and I dilute it with water but honestly if you will just use good old rubbing alcohol and hot hot water you can get those stickers off so easy too now what I'm going to use today I've already got this one off but I wanted to kind of demonstrate for y'all here these are just those little round stickers and if you go to pulling that off right now you might pull some of the little cardboard book off so what I'm going to do is just take a paper towel and I'm going to put you know a generous amount on my paper towel and I'm just going to begin to soak that sticker and let it sit for just a second and then probably use my fingernail just because that's how I roll or if you have an object you know kind of like this this is a Pampered Chef scraper you can use something like that but just be very gentle because this is like cardboard book kind of and you don't want to you know start getting parts of your book off like let me show yall like I did on this one so I scrubbed way too hard and kind of jabbed it with this thing right here and got a Nick in this one so I did have an extra book and I probably will just leave this one at my house for them to read or something I don't know cuz I don't want to gift it with that unless I could I don't know figure out a way to fix that we'll see but anyway my point is is you know don't grind on these too hard because they are paper books but as you can see I'm just rubbing let me zoom in and I know some of y'all probably could care less about this part but so many people do ask me how I get these darn stickers off so I'm trying to just give you some little tips and some real time inspiration here so I'm just rubbing this sticker and as you can see it starts to kind of come off and then it will leave you know that a little bit of a a thin layer on there as you see and so then what I do you just start pressing a little bit harder and a little bit harder being careful not to grind down on it and eventually that little sticky film as you can see let me get up close it comes right off now what I've been doing is just taking this alcohol and kind of kind of cleaning the outside of the book as well very gently tell it's really it's kind of I can't tell if that's just dirt or if that's just part of the book it's I can't feel anything so I'm going to just not worry about the kids are not going to care but I do want to get that you know 50 Cent sticker off so yeah there you go I got let me show y'all real quick I know that some of y'all could care less about all these books but I'm going to show you anyway so we got this one going do it really fast this one this one I don't know how much these retail for but I am going to try to and look y'all this one's dear to my heart I love this one y'all know we have a daughter who uses a chair so that's so sweet and then this one this one and then what they can do I thought you know because um they live in different households they could switch them out so like once they got finished reading all of theirs they could switch with the other kids and then they could have some that you know they haven't read before so I will try to look these up and just see what they retail for but yeah I was so excited to get this whole stack and like I said I think each kid will be able to get two and they can switch them out with each other so that they have different ones to read too so yeah super excited for that whole set there for $5.50 thank y'all so much for coming thrifting at the Salvation Army with me today and seeing what I did with all of the purchases I made oh yeah don't forget to go check out my daughters Cara and Kelsey's YouTube channels I'll be sure and have their links in the first Pinn comment and in my description box but in the meantime we hope y'all have a wonderful weekend we love y'all and I'll see you next week with a brand new video
Channel: Thrilled Thrifter
Views: 53,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thrifting Salvation Army, Thrift haul, Thrilled Thrifter, Thrift with me, Thrift shopping home decor
Id: D5T0DXv1fcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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