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today we are going thrifting at the Goodwill bins in Houston Texas it is me and all three of my daughters y'all we all love thrifting so much so we are super excited to get in here I have only been to the Goodwill bins one other time and none of my daughters have ever been my two older daughters Cara and Kelsey have never been so they are super excited to come and just dig around here and see what they can find we find so much stuff I'm super excited to show you a little bit of footage while in the Goodwill bins if you've ever been you know how chaotic it is and the first one we went in wouldn't even let Kelsey really film so she had to put her phone down and she didn't get to film in there but I did pull mine out at the second Goodwill bins that we're in which is this one here so I got a little bit of footage and then I'm going to share a thrift haul with y'all and what I'm doing with a couple of the items that I purchased [Music] so our families live about 2 and a half hours away from Houston Texas and so as a gift to my two older daughters for Mother's Day I got a hotel room in Houston and I took them out to eat on a Saturday night so they could just have some time to get away and just not have to be Mamas and worry about feeding people and doing all the things back at home you know all the responsibilities are just a lot on Mama sometimes and every now and then you just need a little time away so that was my gift to them for us just to all get out of town do some thrifting some retail shopping go out to eat somewhere nice and just spend some time away so I have some of the best son-in-laws in the world when we were kind of secretly planning this for them as a gift they never missed a beat they were like yes absolutely they need time away we're going to stay here with the kids and we'll make it fun for them too so I have to give a shout out to my son-in-laws for helping me make this special for them and also I would like to thank Danielle she has a YouTube channel here called homemade vintage she's a good friend of mine off of YouTube we follow each other on Instagram and all the things and she helped give me some of the addresses for these Goodwill Outlet bins so thank you [Music] Danielle I left y'all Al for what' you get I don't know I'm pretty sure they do on the rugs how big is it [Music] I think I'm about to get this for Mimi yeah oh what is that let me see I like that did you get it okay good thank you [Music] [Music] I don't think I have really room to edit this part in that I'm about to tell you anywhere else in the video so I'm just going to add it right here Elizabeth my youngest daughter that was also with us on this trip she was able to get I believe some shoes and some clothes while we were at the Goodwill Outlet bins at this facility right here [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I seriously thought about getting this little guy right here I don't know why I did not end up getting it I think here in a minute I get kind of distracted by something somebody asking me something or showing me something when we're all thrifting together it's like we're just kind of all over the place sometimes but that would have been so cute as like a plant stand or something like that it just had that very old country look to it that I love but yeah I ended up leaving that behind and I'm kind of sad about it now [Music] what are these I don't know but I like them I too I'm like what is it l of ornament I'm like how would you even stand it up or I'm not really sure [Music] that's clothes they're bringing out no that's kind of cute [Music] yeah I looked at it it's just it was like somebody started it but they didn't you think [Music] [Music] okay so we are now leaving the Goodwill Outlet bins I'm going to load all of this stuff up here that I purchased today and show you what I got at the Goodwill Outlet bins in Houston Texas it's a few days later now and I am so excited to share all of the things that I got with you if you have ever been to the Goodwill bins you know that you will just come across some of the most random things you'll find very good high-end type things and then you'll find things that are just really junk broken like top toys and all that kind of stuff it is just a matter of digging you have to want to dig if you are at the bins and all of my daughters realized that real quick we had to have a real short little lesson before you went in there like be careful about glass and don't touch your eyes your ears your nose your mouth and none of those things until we leave and wash our hands somewhere but it was overall just a lot a lot of fun they had a really good time and they all got so much stuff too like our truck was packed by the time we got home from this thrifting trip it was so fun so let me show you guys the first thing that I picked up I've already washed it so I want to get it in place and show you how I have styled it here in my home okay so the first thing that I did get and this probably contributed to a lot of the weight that was in my buggy was this very oh that's something else I was going to tell y'all real quick is I'll tell you at the very end what my total was maybe on the screen or something because you know how it is at the bins they weigh things and they separate things if it's electric different things like that so I'll give you just a total of what I paid for everything from both bins locations that we went to the first thing was this beautiful blanket it's almost like a crochet Tope blanket now this is not a homemade piece and I'm trying to get it up here where y'all can really get an idea of how big it is if you can kind of just see there it's a very pretty and then it goes all the way down but it's pretty big and I did notice on the tag when we were in there let me show yall if I can get to it I just saw it here it is it says Members Mark so I'm assuming that maybe this was something from Sam's even though I've never seen this in Sam's before I'm just guessing that at one time they sold these so here's the tag right here made in China which I do not love but I mean sometimes what you going to do so yeah I love this green here because it is a very pretty I think like I'm trying to get where the lighting is good it's a very dark day outside but maybe yall can see a sage kind of um a lighter type sage green and I just thought it'd be very pretty for the summertime over on a chair in the corner over here so I've already washed this smells so good there was no stains holes rips nothing like that so it's in pretty good shape other than you know a little bit of Fring trying to get over here you might be able to see like a little bit of frame but all blankets like this do that whether they've been to the bins or not so let me go get it in place and show yall where I'm going to put it so when we're watching a movie or somebody just wants to be cozy over there they can wrap up in this [Music] [Music] okay and since we are on the whole Linens blankets part of the video here I'll go ahead and show you the next couple of things that I got that's kind of in that category and it is two pillows so I know that some of y'all are probably like oh there is no way I could get a pillow from the bins or even the thrift store but I have probably every pillow in my house just about except the ones we sleep on that are like decorative come from a thrift store or something like that and I've never had a problem so what I look for in a pillow that is at a thrift store or something like that is can this cover be removed if I can get it to focus you can see the zipper right there and yes this pillow cover can be removed and so I can wash this pillow cover really good even if you can't sometimes you can throw them in a big um washer so I loved this pillow cover but what I also loved is that this is a down as you can see there went a feather this is a down pillow and I have been trying to switch all of my pillows to to this and I know that they are messy the feathers kind of go everywhere but I just love how a feather pillow feels and so I've been trying to switch all of my pillows um over to that my decorative pillows that is not the ones I sleep on but yeah so I can get the cover off of this I'm going to wash this and then I'm going to wipe this down and clean it up the best I can spray it with some disinfectant spray and I'm going to put it in the place that will disinfect it naturally and that is in in the hot hot sun so I will leave this out in the sun like all day I'll go out and set a timer and flip it about halfway through and then let the sun sit on the other side these have already been out on my porch for days before I even brought them in the house and I don't see any bugs or anything like that I know that's what a lot of people are always scared of and you have every right to be nervous about that you should always be very careful of things like that you bring home from the thrift store um I'm usually very careful so what I'm going to do is just get this cover off of this one and put it in the washing machine and then get this pillow sanitized and out in the sun okay so I got the pillow cover off and as feathers are going everywhere I wanted to just kind of show yall the shape that the pillow was in I didn't see any stains on it um that is something that I will do in the thrift store sometimes is take the cover off and just look at the pillow itself to see if it has any you know stains like that or anything on it and I would not recommend putting a feather down pillow in the washing machine and washing it like that just because with all those feathers I just don't know if you would ever get it completely dry and then you could have a whole milde issue but I just I love the way these you can do the karate chop if you want to and I just like the way these feel when you're lounging around in your living room laying on the couch in a chair something like that they're just more squishy I guess so so I'm going to take care of that in just a minute get these feathers off of me the feathers don't go flying everywhere like that usually when you have a cover on it it's only when you take the covers off to wash them and things like that that feathers are just going to go flying [Music] a [Music] let's go ahead and show you the next thing that I picked up look at this beautiful pillow y'all isn't this gorgeous I love this pillow so much and my thoughts behind this were for Christmas so when I decorate for Christmas I am really really trying to decorate with pieces like pillow covers um things that are not just full of Santa and things like that so I have the older I have got the more laidback I want my to not really laidback what's the right word I don't know just I just want to change it up maybe maybe not so kid-friendly if that's what I'm looking for I'm not really sure what word I'm trying to look for here but maybe some of y'all that are getting older understand I just want my Decor to be shown through in everyday pieces I guess and so when I saw this I thought perfect perfect for Christmas and again this is another I'm not going to undo this one because um I don't want more feathers coming out here in my kitchen but this is the same thing it is another feather down pillow with a removable cover here that I can take off and wash which I will do and what I'm going to do is take these covers off wash them and I may go ahead and use that blue and um white one there now for the summer and then I can use this one as well for the summer I'll just put the cover up so that's what I love about pillows like this that have a cover now this one says I've never heard of that not sure what store that is if y'all can see that's what the back kind of says there but just a beautiful beautiful pillow overall it's like a felt kind of feeling almost I think that's what it is and then just this back is very very gorgeous just I just love it so I was excited that I got a pair of feather down pillows and then two gorgeous gorgeous covers that retail would have probably been $15 to $20 a piece just because of the quality of them okay now now this next item I know there's probably going to be some controversy over it but I'm going to tell you what I'm doing with it anyway because I just I'm just going to be honest with y'all so I got this next item for my puppy I have a little miniature Doxon she is 16 years old in human years so y'all know that in dog years she is getting on up there in her years she is still in very good shape but she just is getting older and she don't move as fast she likes to lay around and sleep all the time and even when it's hot she will like bury and just act like she's so cold there's she's not sick or anything she's just small so I have been wanting to get her a little heating pad to just put at the bottom of her bed in here in the house and just put it on low um like I said I know that people are probably going to have their own opinions on whether or not I should do that but we have done that in the past especially during the winter when she gets really really cold and she's never been burned she's never hurt herself she's never chewed on the wires anything like that like I said she could care less about doing anything other rather than just eating drinking sleeping and doing her business outside um she's not going to chew these wires you like I said she's 16 she's not a puppy trying to chew on everything but I found this at the bins this W it's a Walgreens brand and it does have like a low medium high you can set a timer and all of that and it does work I came home and plugged it in and it does work and it's just it'll fit perfect in the bottom of her little bed and I think she'll really really enjoy having her a nice little warm spot for her little you know I just imagine that when you're 16 years old as a dog you know things are kind of hurting and sore because she does go out and walk our property and run around kind of do all the things so I thought maybe this will help her little joints or her bones you know muscles all the things cuz I don't know do dogs like get sore like that I'm not really sure but I can just only imagine that this would make her feel better so yeah I did get this and electronics are priced separately but I'm just going to add one price total for y'all at the end like I said so yeah heating pad with a very long explanation there and then I'm going to switch it up just a little bit here and like I said when you were at the bins you just never know so what if it's something that you think you can use or a family member can use go ahead and grab it put it in your buggy you can always pull aside and you know assess your buggy and see what you want what you don't want put things back so I saw a box and I could not figure out what was in that box and I was like hand me that box I want to see what's in there and um cuz y'all know me I always like to check boxes so I pulled that box over opened it up and it was a basically a brand new pair of name brand Crocs they had like a little speck or two I'm sorry about the lighting that little Shadow there little specker spec Speck or two kind of of dirt on it but it is a Crocs brand and it is literally y'all my husband's size and he he got a pair of Crocs for outside that are like this woo they are bright bright blue he got those at academy one year because that was the only color they had they are you can see him coming from a let's say 2 miles away I will say that so I was say oh my goodness maybe he'll get rid of those blue ones if I get him these if they fit him good cuz I couldn't remember what size he wore but Crocs at the bins literally weigh nothing and I said well if he can't use them maybe one of my son-in-laws or somebody can use them CU I knew that these would not cost anything by weight so I grabbed them and y'all they fit him perfect it is the exact size of his other ones that he needed and he was excited to get those so like I said again you just never never know what is there and people just I guess were not taking the time to look in that box but your girl was I do have a couple two three bigger items that I'll turn the camera around and show you'all in a minute but I'm going to get through the rest of the smaller things now I've mentioned for that I don't really decorate for Halloween anymore I used to when the kids were little just put out pumpkins or you know just really sweet happy not scary stuff um and I really don't do it anymore since they're all bigger even though I have grandkids I don't really I just don't do it anymore I don't know why I think it's cuz I already have my fall stuff out and I just don't know how to group them together or something but I saw this and I thought this would be cute even if I put it out on the patio or found a place here on my Hutch just to put a little candle or a little lamp in it just at least around the week of Halloween is this little pumpkin I loved it is the colors of this that is what got me and then it has this little hook on it I mean you could even put a little plant in it you know to make it look fun it it is a candle holder as you can see there and on the bottom I don't know where it came from it's it's not old or anything it has a bar scan on the bottom but yeah this this definitely caught my attention and I got this just to add a little fun something around Halloween I did see me looking through some of the books which I love to do if I go to the bin that's where I got a lot of books when I had been there one time before so this one caught my attention because it had this beautiful green color let me try to step over here where y'all can get a better glimpse of the color it's coming across more of a blue green on y'all's screen just because of the lighting in here but it is it is more green it does have like a blue undertone to it but I thought it was gorgeous gous and would look good in my Decor especially for summer because it says the complete Garden so that's what this book is about and its copyright date is 1921 so I thought that that was a lot of fun and then it just has all of these older you know looking these pages are so thick and it's got these beautiful illustrations in here which I love that like look at that so pretty so I'm excited to sit down and just kind of go through this but then once I'm done I can also use this and just put it in my Decor look at that how pretty so yeah got that book and books there I think all books there I think were 69 cents a piece I think [Music] okay another for Christmas piece of Decor that I got and I thought this was just the sweetest y'all probably saw me put this in my buggy it is just this beautiful little tray let me try to get up close where y'all can see it I know the glare from the lights on there let me see there we go and I love the colors in this so the colors are what got my attention this green this red it's kind of different yet simple and beautiful and this would just work great at Christmas time to lean and layer up against something just lean against a wall but just look at all of the Bey beautiful beautiful colors so I think that this is going to look gorgeous at Christmas time there's the back just plain like that yeah got this little piece here for the Christmas Time season so cute and then as far as clothing goes at the bins I'm the only one that got like one piece of clothing everybody else got tons of clothes and it's probably because I don't have the patience really to look through clothes in the regular Goodwill or the regular stores when they're organized y'all much less them clothes at the bins they are something else and if you've ever been you know what I'm talking about that's a hot mess Express now the girls did get quite a bit of clothes but they didn't get as many as they thought they would because they were the same way they were like this is chaotic these people are wild in here and so anyway I did see this kind of sitting on top like somebody had dug it out and just put it back and I've been wanting one of these um I have one but it's very uncomfortable it's a very stiff blue jean jacket and I just don't like to wear it so when I saw this one I was like well let me try this one on and see how it feels because I know their clothing is super cheap there and um wait I'm trying to show youall the sleeve okay there's the sleeve and then here's the front I'm trying to show it to y'all like this this blue jean jacket and it is so comfortable and I don't think it was ever wore and if it was somebody wore it with this little let me see if I can show y'all with the little plastic tag I don't know there we go right here I don't know if y'all can see that good so that could have came from a retail store I don't know if Goodwills use Clear tags like that it could came from just a regular Goodwill store I don't know but yeah I really like this it is a Jessica Simpson brand oh wait can y'all even see Jessica Simpson brand and it is bigger than what I normally wear but it just it's very like stretchy and it just feels good I don't like for stuff to make me feel all like mummied tied up so yeah this was the only one piece of clothing that I got while I was Ben's shopping I'll have a couple more videos whoops I'm sorry I just hit the trod I do have a couple of more videos because we did go to other Goodwills like I said other than just the bins and I did get some clothing items there not much just a few because again I don't really care to look through all the clothes like that so um I have a few bigger items so let me turn the camera around and yeah probably be easier to do that so let me take youall off this table and put you down here and show you the bigger items I got all right so this is one of the bigger items that I got and I know it it is completely unfinished y'all but I have a purpose and I have a plan for this this little bench here was just sitting over here looking sad all by itself and in my brain I was going look at the legs on this beautiful thing why has nobody got this and I know why because it's messed up and it's broke but when I look at this when I see older things broken pieces that like that are like this I'm like what can I do to that I know I can fix that and I can so my purpose and my plan for this is my daughter Elizabeth uses my little vanity bench in her bedroom currently just to kind of put stuff on because it's easy for her to will up to and get to and I kind of want that back with my vanity so it's in there with it so I was thinking what I can do is I can get this and this will replace the one that she has in her room that belongs to my vanity I can cut a small piece of little wood to fit this I can screw that piece of wood into this but I can also take and put some is it batting batting there's something I forget what it's called that you can put um a little piece of foam a little piece of that okay for whatever reason my battery camera I mean my camera camera just stopped recording so I can't remember what I was even telling y'all so what I'm saying is basically you can cut a little piece of wood for this and then you can put some a little piece of foam or some batting uh and then a piece of cute little fabric over this and just put it all on here and go in and you know screw it in from the bottom so this is an easy easy little upcycle uh Thrift flip type makeover project that I can do even though it looked like this I went ahead and got it because I know that I can fix it so that was my plan and my purpose for this and I'm pretty sure this is either this has got to be an antique piece it is just looks very old and worn out and loved on so I don't know I was pretty excited to find this little piece and I can't wait to get it made over for y'all so this piece here I debated and debated and debated I asked the girls what do y'all think should I get it should I leave it they were back and forth they were like Mom I don't know I feel like if you don't get it you're going to regret it and I think that this is an old either an old antique or vintage drying rack um let me turn the brightness up so y'all can see a little better it folds down like this very easy and you see how easy I'm picking this up this was a very lightweight too so I was like I feel like I'm going to regret it if I don't get it it did have one screw missing and this was just kind of flopping around but I came home put a screw in it and it's perfectly fine but look how beautiful the wood looks on this y'all um I just could not I just could not leave it y'all because I just I just kept thinking what if they throw this in the in the dump and I don't think it would be good for holding clothes so that's my thing is it doesn't stay up as you can see it won't to just well let me Bend y'all down so let's see it just wants to go down very easy could I do with this beautiful piece even if I just took it y'all and kind of folded it up a little bit like this can y'all even see like this and found a way to hang this on the wall like I wish I had a dedicated laundry room but I don't it's just all kind of on my back porch but I was even thinking what if I found a wall and I could hang this you know from the wall kind of like this and I could use it to hang little herbs on or dried flowers and just make it look pretty like that or even like I don't know hang little doilies off of it or vintage and antique little night gowns different things like that so I did go ahead and get this of naturally because it's sitting in my kitchen but give me some ideas y'all I just I just had to have it because of how old it looked and and didn't want to leave it behind to go to the you know the dump or wherever they take all their stuff so yeah grab that piece I even thought you know what just because I didn't want to leave it behind could even hang it on the wall like that or something and just let it be a conversation piece if I had a dedicated laundry room it would definitely just go hung up out there like this or I would hang it up on the wall like I showed y'all and use it to dry things um you know like bathing suits or different little things like that but then again I don't know because it's wood I don't know y'all anyway it's going to be a Decor piece for me for now until I do get a dedicated laundry room maybe one of these days when I get enough money built up all right let me show y'all the last thing real quick that I picked up on this trip and I'm going to use this little um stool here to help me out is this and this is where a little bit of weight came in for me too on my price is this chair here so I have kids right and left playing basketball baseball softball and all the things and every time I go and I sit on those bleachers I think to myself I really should bring a cushion or my own lawn chair or something because this is very uncomfortable so I spotted this right when we walked into that first bins and said okay there's my answer right there as you can see I just have it sitting on this so it'll sit on bleachers really easy and it is so so comfortable I'm not going to sit on it right here because I don't I don't want to sit on that bench I'm not sure how sturdy it is for me to sit on it but yeah this is great now it does have some wear and tear which is fine it has this little spot down here you can like slide your cell phone in there and then it just folds up like this this folds over hope y'all can see and then you just snap it closed and it has a carry handle I will be cutting this part off because this is like the carrying strap but as you can see it's like all messed up there on the bottom so I just won't use the carrying strap I'll just use the carrying handle and then it has this little thing to hook on to the bleachers when you put it on there so it don't slide but and it's not that heavy so I mean as opposed to like a big launch ha I guess is what I'm trying to say it's a little heavy in weight but not as bulky I guess I should say but yeah and then I guess this is here so when you're carried if you want to put keys or something in there while you're carrying this you definitely can so I'm going to cut this part off and then I will have me a nice little easy to carry foldable chair to take to the ball park or even the gym so that is everything that I picked up on this Goodwill bin thrifting trip I hope that y'all enjoyed seeing what little bit of footage I was able to get and then I hope that you enjoyed seeing all of the different things that I picked up at the Goodwill bins I hope it gives you some ideas of what's out there at the Goodwill bins if you are willing to dig you can find some pretty unique and fun things oh and let me share with you'all I'll put it on the screen too we went to two Goodwill bins on this day and the total between both Goodwill bins of everything that you saw today I paid $384 cents for everything so I did not think that that was too bad for everything that I got because some of my stuff was pretty heavy those pillows those blankets that um bench the little chair all of that stuff was a little heavier than you know just your normal clothing items and stuff anyway I can't even remember what I was saying before I stopped myself to give y'all the price so I'm just going to go with what I know to say and that is thank you for coming thrifting with us today we hope that you have a wonderful weekend we love y'all and I'll see you really soon with a brand new video you [Music]
Channel: Thrilled Thrifter
Views: 31,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thrifting goodwill, Thrift haul, Thrift with me, Thrift shopping, How to thrift for your home, Thrilled thrifter, Thrifting the goodwill bins
Id: Vw8edobOqGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 49sec (2149 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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