Thrift Store Treasures: Uncovering Goodwill's Hidden Gems

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welcome in thank you all who are here we're going to do a quick little live it's been a while since I've gone live with you guys and I really do miss the interaction so welcome in we're going to look at the little jewelry that I've purchased I've actually had it a while but I've wanted to do a haul with it and I haven't had a chance to sit down and do as many videos as I've wanted to I have recorded a few jewelry bag unbaggings unboxings so I hope you have enjoyed those and I have more that I'm editing for you so be sure and check those out but for right now we're going to do what I have in these little tiny jewelry bags I actually forgot most of it so it's been in this box waiting for me to let you look at it plus I am going live in about 30 minutes over on Facebook with a live auction if you're not a member of my Auction Group please see that description box in most of my videos and it's a pretty easy link there it's free it's private but uh you do have to click on the link and request to be accepted into the group so welcome in everyone thank you so much for being here this is a channel where we love to look at jewelry we look for it everywhere we can find it literally everywhere we can find it mostly thrift stores and estate sales Etc let me know if you can hear me okay and all that good stuff um so we can get started okay so some of these are still in their little bags I'm going to cut through them because it's a a little easier than um doing the little staple hey Jason how are you guys that's Jason in the chat if you've been under a rock and haven't subscribed to that amazing Channel please go do it now because he is a wealth of knowledge fun to watch you you will just go goooo Gaga over all the jewelry he has collected and sells and curates and wow just an amazing blessing here on YouTube go check him out hi Miss uh Tanya how are you hope you're doing well Tanya's got another great Channel check hers out as well all right so I heard years ago maybe three or four years ago that the puka shells do well um I have sold a few for like $30 $40 things weighing you know how it is on on eBay Etsy Etc you really have to keep tabs on it I was surprised that I sold something it was I was sitting on for 10 years a little baby doll I sold a 70-year-old baby doll today on eBay I was really excited about that things sometimes take longer you know it all depends on your game whether you are in it for the long tail as they say H or not but it's always fun to find treasure right especially jewelry I feel like jewelry is for everyone it doesn't matter if it's High jewelry or if it's Paparazzi I'm not kidding about Paparazzi so it's just what you enjoy and what you like to wear but definitely the Gen X the genz have embraced the quirkiest things you would not believe it um things like these puka shells check them out but they have to be the original you know look for your little barrel clasp look for the nice soft beautiful natural shells a lot of people are just doing it you know quick imitations and you can feel that pretty quickly hey Miss Becky let me say hi to a couple of friends in the chat we are virtually live right now so I'm speaking to people in the chat but if you watch this later feel free to comment in the comment section as I said I'm going live in just a few minutes over on Facebook and I thought you know what I need to find the stuff that I haven't showed you guys because I don't like to bring it for sale until um I've shown it in the haul and miss Karen Kean was looking for these for the last two weeks finally located them I had to move an avalanche look literally an avalanche of jewelry to find them but these are Alexis pitar they're absolutely amazing uh I believe they are what is that what is that word loose sight gorgeous found those finally I honestly had to move an avalanche and you should see my room I'm going to take a picture and post it in my community because people do not believe that I am drowning but I am all right what else did we get we got let me see who else is in the chat real quick Kiren how are you Kirsten check out my my friend Kirsten as well she will floor you with the amazing jewelry she puts out on her auctions I stay away Kiren only because my pocketbook will get very upset but uh believe me I'm watching from a distance and admiring all those beautiful beautiful things you pick up all right well that was $2.99 and I bought it because of this cute little articulated thing I love these and they're usually fish but this is a seahorse I thought that was kind of different and these little BRAC these little bags you honestly have to pick them up sometimes you'll find things hidden behind each other you don't know what you're buying even though you can see most of it uh this looks like some kind of a saint and he's on a stretched Crystal but I bought it for the little seahorse hey Miss Kathleen thanks for being here isn't that cute yes I love this I love these fish and um I've never seen a seahorse I'm not even sure what you call this if anybody knows the exact terminology please please educate us we are not I know it all's here or I'm not so um I definitely love to learn from my viewers this is $6 boy I've had this one a while let's open it up see what I got don't even remember but it looked interesting here it is what in the world is it like a a locket it is it's like a clear little locket I guess you can put a photo behind it that is so cool what do you think about that is it really I don't know maybe it's just crazy live YouTube you know how it goes Kathleen some days you're you go on YouTube and everything changes I swear I I have to relook at my dashboard all the time there's something new to learn okay I'm going to open it with the scissors there it goes that is so cool that could be the back of it I suppose and that could be the front of it this is not vintage or anything it's got a little magnet but I think it's really cool and for six bucks I just thought it was amazing has a nice little Victorian oh is it a magnifier maybe it is let me look and see that would be great hey Dusty that would be awesome how are you Dusty Leather and Lace another fabulous jewelry channel um no it doesn't serve me as a loop or anything but you know what maybe I could fit it in there or something that be cool all right let's see what else is here what else did I spend money on $3 for this little package see what we have here why did I buy it probably for the probably for the fourleaf Clover there have a thing for the clovers yeah I did I bought it for this and then I think this is a sterling finding as well it is indeed and it looks like Jade could be just that you know uh want to be Jade looks like Jade may not be Jade uh what's it called adventuring could be just be that it's a nice leather little cord there and I just love this I'd probably take that right off of there it's on loose site and it looks like it might be a real one in there incased isn't that cute that's why I bought it I believe that's why I bought it and something's Tangled Up In Here what is it let me see here oh it's one of these wab B Von CLE and our pels of HRA but it's not just a little Claire's I guess and then this is Claire's too again I bought it for the uh for Clover I'll probably put it on a put it on a torque or something that's it there okay yeah I really like this call me crazy it's what I do I fall in love with jewelry how's everybody's weekend going y'all have plans for for the celebration of our dad's I um actually today is 10 years that I lost my father mother and uh it's funny how sometimes things just pop up but I was clearing out the jewelry for the last 3 or 4 days and I found a wonderful card from some some roses he had sent me on my I think it was my 28th birthday or something and on it he said you thought I forgot or something like that it was just oh my gosh you know you just sometimes find little messages don't you but uh yeah do celebrate your dad if he's still around and don't let anybody steal the day okay don't let anybody say oh let's thank the moms who did the dad job no no one can do a dad job no one can replace that male energy good or bad no one can replace the male energy you know I love moms they have their day we have our day let dads have their day just let them have their day because they are irreplaceable and when you lose them and if he was a good dad you feel feel it you feel it and um if you don't have or you didn't have that positive male energy you feel that too all right here is a mother of pearl and it's genuine mother of pearl and this one I just opened up and I didn't even show you the price but I think it was $3 and this one's very nice it looks like quality it's Tangled so God bless all the dads out there whether they have moved on to better places or still they're doing what only they can do here it comes trying to see if it had a a tag a swing tag or anything I think I just liked it because it looked like quality even through the bag it's just a Lobster Claw but it's just a station it's got a knot now thank you thma it's got a knot but it's it's really nice and it's open on one side with genuine mother of pearl and the other side oh no it is open on both sides these are gold gold tones so it has inner spersed with the genuine mother pear I thought it looked very very rich and designer so I got that one for less than $6 did you really oh thank you I didn't know that either I didn't know it renew it I thought it renewed automatically well thank you Kathleen I appreciate your membership uh your subscription there to the as a member appreciate that very much this was just plastic I think it came with that one so again like I said you get one sometimes you get two or three things and you just take what you can get because you want the other thing right that's what's going on there all right exactly Vanessa exactly 10 years today for my Deb yeah you know it's just like no one I don't know I think about all the things that he said to me that changed my life in many ways of course all the things your mother does are different but no one else could have said that but your dad could tell you that you know and different things like that this is a nice piece too it has a mother Pearl look on it and that one was what was that $4 I forget $4 it's got a really nice mother Pearl as well genuine mother Pearl here kind of the golden kind and then it has like a green stone can you see that I hope you can see I don't know if there you go sometimes some of these lies I cannot zoom I know over on Facebook I cannot zoom when I'm on a live video it's crazy isn't that beautiful I love that I'm sorry I'm sorry for your lost Christina Harden absolutely but you know the days come around the days come around they really do okay this was $10 this is Goodwill hi Carrie how are you okay this is gorgeous yeah I had not shown you this look at this let's open it up oh it's so pretty it's like a blue crystal thing look at that but it's like Mystic special gift for a special moment I guess they wrapped it like that at the Goodwill I don't even know if it's Sterling but it's so pretty it's probably electroplated Silver Plate it's even got another little embellishment there in the middle can you see that and then the post earrings and that was only $10 oh my gosh it's so beautiful it's not a so it's got a dimension of Blues it really does it looks like what is that Titanic neck necklace even deeper than that cuz I see purples in there and everything that was amazing I've probably had this one six months and I've been wanting to show it to you so that I could bring it to my auctions and then I have it and then here's more these are probably all picked up at Goodwill as well or my other favorite is Texas threat good morning from Melbourne how are you tap booy thank you so much for being here Carrie you having lunch right now no what time is it over there you're getting ready to go to bed on uh Monday morning Sunday morning exactly exactly Kathleen you just learn different things and that's why I hate to hear oh she was my dad and my mom no she wasn't she was a great mom doing double duty doing double duty no no shade to The Single Moms but no one can do what your dad did no one and like I said and even if he was a bad dad no one could have replaced that either cuz they they they're not all Saints believe me there are the heroes and there are the look at these aren't these gorgeous it's Sunday morning 8:30 okay what's for breakfast carry over in Australia I love these they're clipons I'm not sure of the brand now these probably were not very much I don't usually pay more than $10 when I pick something up at Goodwill can you see those beautiful colors that's like pink and then like a Madera Garnet or something and an AB champagne colored there those are amazing and they are in great condition really nice okay then we got this necklace great beads on here um this one I believe was like $2 it was not 12 it's got what I think is actual clo let me know I hope Jason's still here cuz there's so many CL um not quite CL not the true CL see this one even feels different this one I can feel like the texture so it' be nice to have a little lesson for those of you who know and look at these those are beautiful beads just amazing aren't they I love those okay this one says crystals they're sort of an orangey color don't remember what they were cuz I guess I took the price off uh let me see thank you how are you Nails Jamie B reseller thank you so much for being here I appreciate it Miss Laura thank you so much everyone who's here in the chat all right more oh this one's cute Red Heart Red Heart themed glass all glass beads bracelet love that here is something still in the bag for $15 what did I pay $15 on let me check and when they have a pink tag at the um Goodwill counter they're not discounting ever oh this is so pretty um could be a blue topaz could just be glass but it's absolutely beautiful look at this clear as Crystal on that that is really pretty and I do believe it's Sterling that's why I picked it up and this one let me see what this one is is this I think this is a Brighton yeah this is a cool brighten here with the it's a double chain so it's a little tingle so I'm going leave it like that so we don't waste too much time but it's a double strand and then it has a little interlocking ring there of black and and I do believe they use swasi crystals brighten does and this is a Brighton there's the be there isn't that cute and they actually articulate and one side is clear then the other side of the ring is dark and they're both identical so both rings and again forgive the tangle there both Rings um have different colors black and clear on that black and clear on that that's gorgeous that's a really nice brighten from the Goodwill for $15 but it also had this one in there and this one's Sterling as well beautiful heart so that was a good deal then I found these these are a Native American inspired not sure if they're actually native they were $8 U they do appear to be genuine and I be very leery of these as well often times they are just painted so again this is where reputation comes in backing jewelry take a good look at it under a loop as well if you see it in person they are Sterling and these are usually imitation these tiny little beads are usually just colored or else they're from a loaf and I explained that in my last video what loaf turqu quois is basically it's Rec not Recons composite turquoise mixed elements including real turquoise but they add stabilizers dyes and things to uh make it feasible to cutting tiny little pieces that's nice inlay though so that was a nice score there and then I got this necklace this was not $29 these usually come off the rack and it depends on the Goodwill and their mood sometimes they get them out the door at $8 sometimes $10 but this is really nice it's all laborite all laborite Beads and it is on a sterling finding and then these are little tiny seed pearls likely dyed but very pretty I hope you can see that thanks for giving it a thumbs up guys appreciate you being here for the live I am in virtually speaking to people now live but please leave comments please give it a thumbs up and if you haven't subscribed please do so today that will ensure that you get notification when I do other live videos or when I do recorded videos this is Crystal isn't that pretty this was from the $8 rack at Goodwill 8 to $10 it depends sometimes they've even let me have them for six lately they haven't had any jewelry though at that particular Goodwill I don't know why things kind of run dry sometimes and then they come in again all right these were $8 these were from actually these were not from a from the Goodwill these are from a boutique area called n resale and these are pearls paid $8 for these those are pretty Sterling findings three different size and colored pearls on those love that and then here's another necklace very cool necklace is this okay yeah there it goes it's a little twisted there but it's kind of a two-tone Rebecca how are you I hope you're doing well thanks for being here my cozy nest with Rebecca yours turned out to be topaz Carrie fabulous awesome hi Sox Sims oh my rings of the day this is a wonderful looks like a Carnelian it's a costume piece that I got from makeup zombie it's got a swan here it's amazing it's just a huge little costume piece it's even adjustable on the inside isn't that wonderful I think this is just acrylic but it's it's uh kind of the Carnelian look so this is really nice in kind of a wood and gold and also a silver tone I love that look kind of archaeological Revival there beautiful oh yeah yeah yeah this is a main brand who is this kjl I think let me check this was another $9 no it's mon $9 um Goodwill Rock isn't that gorgeous though I mean look at that look at that in excellent condition Monae capital M copyright just look at that hook too very easy to put that rich thing on double curb oh my gosh this looks like it never even made it out the out of the store looks like vintage dead stock Monae is that fantastic Marita yarn and crafts how are are you hi Lisa fun finds how are you thank you all who are here I appreciate the thumbs up appreciate the subscription if you haven't done it yet really do appreciate you being here on the live and I do have some more recorded videos coming your way I have another antique one uh jar another Goodwill jar and I have about 10 of them sitting under the table wait waiting to be open so be sure you hit the notification bell too all right here was another pretty one that I picked up I think this is uh cororo also in the $10 $8 $6 depending on the mood Goodwill's crazy I used to go to this one Goodwill where the guy would like we're staying late today everybody hang out we're not going to close till 10:00 this is a listener and uh it was fun they closed that one though I'm so upset that's one of my favorites they close a couple of Goodwills they open three more there's so many I haven't been to yet look at this amazing listener isn't that pretty I thought for sure it was a coral with that I don't know it seems something like the metal but that's listener look at that all of the rhinestones are present they're so sweet do you see the little flowers aren't they sweet and cute and and then this little chain here I don't know what to call that chain let me know in the comments if you do know what we call this chain bars maybe I don't know it's cute all right let's see what else we [Music] have this one who makes this one this one is by Trina Trina somebody Trina TR Travino no Trina tarino or something like that it's so cute though and it's like a little pink heart looks like rose quartz it's actually kind of etched or some kind of relief work on that but it it's all acrylic and this one's a little pearlized heart so cute have you guys heard of that name before Trina tarino has two names on it look at that look how pretty that is a little asymmetrical value there I love it I think that is so cute I think I have another haul I need to show you and I haven't done it yet look at these fantastic things they look like Amber they are I believe acrylic they were also $8 at that Boutique but they were just so darling they're black enamel too I don't think they have a name no I don't see a name on them I just love it and look how they're very dimensional they're prettier than Amber honestly they really light up they're fantastic all right then we have this one here's a little Crystal thing too I believe this is um what is that rated and this one was $9 and this was from number two to I believe it's very nice very nice little drop these are these are I think kind of tumbled they're not quite nuggets hello New England and cajun Roots reseller how are you thanks for being here and this is also on Sterling very nice piece I love [Music] that then we got this with some trading bead there buffalo nickel a real Buffalo Nickel so cool why did they have to do that though I hate when they have to deface the coin but they did so it's okay and then of course the image of the Native American there I have a beautiful piggy bank with this image in the front and the back I have to list it though I'm just trying to clear my entire estate I've been listing like crazy this was $7 isn't it beautiful look it's all Buffalo nickels Buffalo nickels genuine buffalo nickel throughout so how many are there let's see one two three four five they're fantastic five cents five nickels they're they look pretty old I don't think I can even read the dates on these isn't that fantastic and someone just put it together on a long beautiful chain and leather and then there's some kind of thing here I don't know what that is but there's something in it do y'all know what that is it has like beads inside I guess it's like a little charm looks like a Moroccan thing or something Isn't that cool all right that's the haul thank you for joining me live don't forget to give it a thumbs up on your on your way out don't forget to subscribe consider supporting the channel as a member if you'd like to support the content here with a little bit more and you do get perks with that of course I will see you very soon stay tuned for my recorded videos I have quite a few jars to open and share with you if you found anything of Interest email me at theah hords other than that go look for me over on Facebook and whatnot that's where I do my selling thank you so much have a wonderful weekend and celebrate those dads bye-bye
Channel: Thelma Thrift
Views: 4,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's open a jewelry jar, Goodwill thrift haul, Jewelry mystery jar opening, Jewelry unboxing, Vintage jewelry unboxing, Vintage Jewelry collection, Miriam Haskel Jewelry, Valuable Costume Jewelry, ebayer, reseller, Valuable vintage, Jewelry expert, My jewelry collection, How I handle my massive jewelry collection, What I sell on Whatnot, Jewelry Sales, How to sell your costume jewelry, Vintage jewelry how to collect and wear it, Estate sale finds, How to make money
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 0sec (1860 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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