Does Temu sell real jewelry? Testing sterling silver and moissanite from Temu

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today we're going to abuse the heck out of some Teemu jewelry to see if it's real sterling silver or not be sure to stay tuned to the end because for the last ring we're going to make a sacrifice to the jewelry gods and really see if this stuff is real this is actually the second time I've made a is it real jewelry teu video I had a lot of people in the comments tell me that I was testing the jewelry wrong or that I was being dishonest because I wanted to drive traffic to Teemu which for the record I am not a teu affiliate I don't care you buy a jewelry I actually encourage you to not buy it from there I encourage you to buy it from small businesses honestly because you're going to get great pieces that are curated for your collection and knowledge and customer service after the fact I feel like that website does not offer any of those things but I digress I got a total of five pieces and two of them actually are moison knite because I did have people in the comment section request me test mois andite rings to see if you're actually receiving real moonite from teu so we're going to do that too all right let's do it let's open these bags and dive into some jewelry all right I've set up my phone so we can have an overhead view and here we go and also do as I say not as I do always wear gloves when you're testing also just one of the other comments I got was just how can they do it so cheap and blah blah blah I'm pretty sure that the people manufacturing this jewelry is not just doing it for Teemu I don't think that's a thing my guess is that what they're probably doing is mass-producing it the Overstock goes to teu and the other stuff maybe they get a maker Mark stamped in there as well they get sold at a higher rate on other websites it's not just being made just for teu and being sold super cheap at teu that's not that's not smart business you got to diversify where you're selling so that would be my guess maybe I'm totally wrong okay so so far we've got oh you know what this this looks suspicious to me right off the bat do we have our first fakey that looks legit that looks legit I I don't know just so you guys can see what things should be looking like here I have these two rings this one is definitely Sterling this one I just bought today and I'm pretty sure I was had on it all right so when I test with this acid testing kit I always use 18 karat for me it's given me easier to read results and also it is what my local jewelry uses and suggests so I go with that I've also tested things myself brought them to him and he's verified so I feel very confident in it so this should be real this is a sterling and opal ring this is what I'm guessing is fake but we'll soon see yeah I can already tell just by looking at it that I am correct which is such a bummer but you can see maybe that this color is has a little yellow tint to it this one does not so if it's real we will get a nice silvery blue kind of color and if it's fake the acid eats it away so this is what we're looking for in our results so on the left we have the real one and on the right we have the fakey where the entire Mark has been eaten Away by the acid it really shows up nice and pretty silvery blue when it is real that is quite a bummer I just bought this today h oh well what are you going to do the ring is still pretty and who's going to know at a distance but even so all right first in our lineup this is like a what do you want to call that they call it like a a sand blast or a diamond dust or there's you know different things that they call it but uh it is just sterling silver where they've kind of blasted a ring around here to make it kind of sparkly or at least it should be sterling silver let's find out so this is the first one of our teu batch now what we're going to do is scratch this entire length of the plate this is already looking bad oh no teu did you do me did you do me bad this time all right hopefully hopefully we're still good but it's looking the same color as the fake earring so I guess we'll see in a second but what I am doing I am pushing down as hard as I can and moving back and forth the exact same spot all the way down this tray so that if there's plating I'm going to get down through it so in some cases if it is plated what will happen is at the top of the scratch it'll be positive and then as you go down it'll start eating the away because you're wearing away the plating and getting to the base metal you guys okay okay uh it's totally it's a fakey I can't believe it I know you guys are like well duh but listen spoiler alert last time I ordered everything was real I didn't have anything that looked like this this one totally is plated look okay so you can see this is what I'm talking about at the beginning I'm telling you this didn't happen last time at the beginning you can see where're kind of is a little silvery and then as you go down w w w all I can say is that the mois night earrings better not be fake I'm going to be miffed you know what I still have a ring actually I think I still have two rings left over from last time I'm going to have to grab those and we'll have to test those too oh my gosh all right here we go number two so number one's fake it's freaking fake I am blown away right now this is the one that looks fake to me so let's see look it I I don't even need to scratch more than that cuz this one's colored what I'm just going to yeah it's it ate it right away way all right so that's oh my gosh you guys I did not know I'm so mad right now this time I got jipped last time I swear it was legit all right well now stay tuned to the end of the video because I I don't even know if there's a point in cutting one of these open but we can do it anyway if one test positive but I'm going to get to the rings that I have left from the last time I did this that I got from Teemu we're going to test those two like really scratch the heck out of it maybe you guys are right the whole time I Amber fraud all right this feels legit too but so did that first one I me guess it is a little on the lightweight side but it definitely looks Sterling I guess maybe because it's plated this one right off the bat didn't look real this please be real all right here we go okay this one looks better this one looks better all right we're rubbing we're rubbing I'm going to keep going get through that plating you guys can see too look how much I've rubbed away on it that's right there see it's all flattened out now hopefully you can tell right there right in front of my nail there I'm catching the light on it right now I just flatten that piece out quite a bit this one no no this one does look brassy too I can't cut on my channel but I want to right now oh my gosh you guys it looked good at first but not when I pulled back from it okay no there it goes there it goes we got one we got one all right like we're blue all the way down okay cool it that definitely looks like it has a yellowy tint to it though so I don't know what's going on with that but but it's test that one's at least testing positive okay we're going to we're going to throw that there it's a keeper all right we got two left now these are the moist night ones these mamama jamas better be real because they were not cheap everything so far has been under $10 which still this this one was 9.81 oh these two together was $524 oh no that's not true it was actually a little cheaper than that I got a t-shirt because I had to to get free shipping I like hadn't hit the threshold so I guess when they ship from different different warehouses you might end up paying shipping that's what turned out to happen to me but this one was actually 4105 after taxes we're going to go ahead and and scratch this one and all right here we go okay this one is looking good too get all the way down I can't sacrifice one of these ones oh my gosh that's really hot okay all right here we go this is looking like the the last one so I'm hopeful okay all right we got a real a real Sterling piece here all right well that's a relief put that one on on my finger there ain't that pretty all right and last but not least we've got this one and then we're going to have to figure out if those are real moison or not all right here we go scratchy scratch scratch woo oh wow I just put a scratch on my table I was pressing so hard and I slipped off my mistake oh my gosh can you see that well I guess that proves I was pushing hard enough okay well that one looks a little that one's looking a little iffy isn't it it's like some of it is good and some of it's not I wonder if it might be rodium plated cuz that's a possibility too that when it's plated with rodium the rodium won't test but then when you get under it the Sterling does so that's definitely a possibility all right let's try to scratch one more time just to make absolutely sure I'm trying to get that same spot so I can already be past the rodium if you know what I mean if this doesn't do it see this looks this looks wrong at the top but then at the bottom it looks good so that's really interesting I don't know what this metal the plated metal is on top that would scratch like that bronze kind of color that's very strange but nevertheless the base metal does appear to be striling silver so that's good okay this is future Laura here I had to locate my diamond tester which didn't happen until after recording the rest of this video so here I am also this gives me a chance to show you my fingers and what happens when you don't wear gloves and you're using testing acid so don't do that don't be like me and think that you're better than everybody else cuz you're going to end up with the yellow fingers okay we've got our diamond tester uh we have to set it to the appropriate setting this is our diamond ring we're going to test just to prove that the tester is working this is not a diamond so all right we're going to set it about four for these smaller ones and it'll be a quick beep if it's hits metal a slow beep is diamonds and no beep at all is nothing okay well that that was no problem at all so this is that that Center Diamond here here's the side let's see if it can do the teeny tiny ones yep there we go and if you hit metal that's what you get all right and so just to prove that this thing isn't just going crazy for anything okay all right so you might be thinking but Laura these are moison knes why are you testing with a diamond tester well moonite will in fact test as diamonds on a diamond tester if they are real uh I'm going to do this one first just cu the setting is right let's move this back to four and then we're going to move it down to two and test the bigger guy here so supposedly at least the center one should be mois andite I think all the small ones are and then these really small ones are CZ I think but let's see all right okay let's Okay cool all right it looks like these ones are real okay now let's test these super small ones I think I don't think those are moison nightes but oh I guess they are okay well I misunder well that's super cool all right so all of these whoops all those are so maybe it's this other ring that's got the Center Stone is the moison knite awesome all right well there you go so at least the moison knite at least this one is real let's see about this other one I'm going to test the small ones first just to see what they do or don't do okay all right so that's what I thought all right so now we're going to move it down to the two for the center ring or Centerstone I mean all right here we go all right well there you go there you have it the moison knite is real all of these are moonite on this one and this one is just the centerpiece and the rest are C's all right so there you go there's Z moonite all right next phase I got to go get the other uh I got to go get the other rings and we're going to test those two from the last video the ones people told me I didn't scratch hard enough to prove it but I'm pretty sure they were real but now I'm questioning everything because what the heck although those ones were scratching bad off the bat okay let me grab those Rings I'll be right back all right I ran upstairs I grabbed these two rings these are from last time there's the dragon and then the Moonstone ring they're both pretty dainty I really do think these are real and I did test them in the last video but now I'm questioning my entire existence so now we're going to have to test them again so let's go ahead and do it we'll start with the dragon do the same thing the other rings I had um I have one more upstairs and then the other ones I I resold at cost so I don't have them anymore to test but I did still have these ones so let's go ahead and see so this is the Dragon one okay so this one is real so I I don't know maybe I I mean I just like I said these are all from different places last time I think I got it all in one shipment so I guess it really just depends on the seller all right and then last but not least this cute Moonstone ring I couldn't get rid of this one I just think it's it's so dainty and pretty now let's Maru it I'm afraid I'm going to bend it it's so like I'm I don't want to bend it oh my gosh I can feel the heat in my fingers cuz the band is so dang thin oh yeah so you can see I've really I've worked it out of shape from pushing so hard oh I don't know what the heck is on my fingers but anyway all right here we go last test of the day and there we go so I I think I did do things right last time can we see I can't okay there we go um and I do believe that my last batch was good but I guess you can't trust the labels I thought that if you ordered so long as in the description it says it's 925 and the main medal is 925 and blah blah blah that you would be okay um but apparently that trick did not work for me this time so I don't know I guess it's a buy aty own risk kind of situation I hate to say it all right well I did promise y'all that I was going going to sacrifice a piece of jewelry so I guess we're going to go ahead and do it with the dragon which I hate to do but it is the ring that I don't wear and so we're going to do it and he's the one that tested positive so let's really prove it right or wrong by doing this oh my gosh it pain me to do this all right let's do it all right let's see oh I guess I probably should have done it in a part where it wasn't hollowed out it's hollowed out in there let's let's pick a part where it's a little thicker this is going to go in my scrap bag I guess all right so see on the inside there's no internal like silver if you will or no internal alloy or metal that's a different color it looks like it's silver through and through it's like hurting my hand to do this I'm going to need to replenish all my testing supplies here okay there we go all right so hopefully that proves it to you but now I don't even know what I'm proving because I already had fake stuff in the batch but at least we know if we do the typical acid test we can pretty much get a confirmation out of the test anyway um and now I just have little scrappy dragon guy he's going to go in my Sterling scrap bag and I guess I'll just move on with my life all right y'all that's it for this video let me know what you guys thought did you have a favorite ring and did you think everything was going to be real be honest did you think I was the dummy for thinking everything was going to be real cuz I feel that way if you want to test your own jewelry I'm going to leave a link in the description box below for uh some acid testing kits that you guys can use if you want to see a similar video I did on Sheen's jewelry go ahead and click the video that's on your your screen thank you guys so much for joining me today I really appreciate it if you found this helpful or interesting or entertaining or anything please hit the thumbs up leave a comment below let me know what your favorite piece was and that's going to be it for this one y'all thank you guys so much for joining me until next time do more of what you love and I hope to see you all on the next one bye
Channel: Laura, etc.
Views: 56,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: texas gal treasures, clad queen, anita funita, jtv, the funky pickle thrifter, jewelry nurse, kelly jones jewellery, 10k gold, jewelry jar, jewelry bag, lalaraerae, goodwill, salvation army, how to sell jewelry, how to buy jewelry, gold, silver, lalarearea, Jewelry, jewelery, jewellery, jewerly, sales, resell, reselling, resell jewelry, resell jewellery, ebay jewelry, unboxing, unjarring, unjaring, unbox, mystery box, finding gold, finding diamonds, buying jewelry, selling jewelry, temu, shein
Id: XpJHJNyGom4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2024
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