SPENT $44 to FLIP FOR $100’s Thrift with me Goodwill ~ VINTAGE THRIFT store RESELL eBay PROFIT

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so today I am at Goodwill um it is very busy here so we might not get a cart but let's get inside and see what we can find to resell but if we don't have a cart I could just um use a travel bag you might have one I got a cart but it doesn't steer well and it's very noisy so have to be careful where I'm pointing that thing um oh here's a brown bag um how much is that I don't know those don't like sell too well maybe certain patterns um it's a made in Italy I believe how much is that $4 oh I like it though $4 I can't do four it's probably like a $12 item eight or 12 is that cats meow no it's um Brandy Wine hm these are neat too mix that that feels a little cheaper I'm not seeing anything in the figurines what about this oh my gosh I love it it's Russ wow this is a um hobbyist and the neck is repaired okay wooden horse at Adelia I don't think it is it's pretty cool though it's bird house or lighthous is party light okay it's a glass face $2 oh that's cool say amberina I wonder if this glows I know I'm going to get it for $2 that this I'll do on whatnot a lot of items I'm doing is starting at $1 this there a awesome Pottery wow it is new I like it though it's $2 see about this Pottery jug wow that is damaged but looks like it might be a little older H $8 I don't know I just picked up a whole bunch of pottery at City Mission oh look at this one I can't tell that's modern I like the flower it's neat okay and here's a Mexican fish oh I like it I like the colors never seen this one before look at the original tag 9 so it's definitely vintage I'm going to get this $5 these are poppies bizar salt lamp here we missing anything I'm doing the duck walk again there's a vintage glass wood section some duckies oh it's broken these are neat too oh it's some norleans those are from a probably Antique Booth I don't know I don't want to just get one yeah I can't brass it's a 1970s dish o they have a set oh W it's a different shape it's Syracuse China [Music] h w in Duck Right Here is so cute my gosh look at the eyes it's brass eyes it's only $2 yeah look at the the stain I like this one I'm going to get it at that make sure I'm not missing anything else I had that before um it was a larger one it doesn't sell for too much A lot of people have it listed it's inlay Stone inlay what this okay don't know what that one is for cooking on wood all right nothing else here I had this before these are from the70s $5 um I couldn't nobody wanted them so I I think I red donated them I might still have it what was I seen two things here that the lizard um item number H is that like a souvenir that's $6 this one that feels like stone is this soap stone made in Mexico it's a pottery but it feels really heavy I wonder what kind of clay it's like ceramic $8 a do [Music] that all right there all right I'm just roaming the shelves see if anything pops out sometimes I find Mackenzie child over here because it's pink most of the time except the other time I found out that in the cap but any who look at this Tri but know um Lisa Larson I'll look at the Mickey Mouse right I'm not going to look up folders right now Michael's underwear this is where I find all the panties all the panty hoes um all right nothing there these dishes down here those are pretty it's Royal Norfolk I love red with um I like red poppies hey those are plastic okay glasses right here look hand balloon I'm probably Mexican oh I love the teal I'm just noticing the Color Wow $3 um so I have blown glass vases and whatnot I have those starting at a dollar it's kind of like a dark am um amethyst it's an Italian facee maybe that is [Music] five I don't know I never really have luck with talian vases unless it's like tosy teapot and the lid is chipped I want to see who made it let's see I like the green oh there's a hair oh no it's a light ceramic right I was looking at the silver but I noticed something Crystal right here oh it's MAA it's cool [Music] $2.99 back there It's Made in India oh here is a beautiful table run this is made by April Cornell um it's only $3.99 and I could get about I'm going to say like 2535 for this so I'm going to get it for $4 this will be easy to get pictures and store and ship I love finding stuff like this Fabric or underwear oh my gosh that's awesome I love this one 15 well worth it cuz you know how long that takes to make this one that is mass produced by city so I found this lamp now when I looked at this I thought it was a little bit newer but then I saw the cord and it's older this is mid-century it's a wood base I'm totally going to get this I got to find a shade we're going to go to the sa um the shade section on a shade look at this one it is bamboo I think that goes perfect right what does everybody think this is $6 and the lamp is $7.99 but I think that's awesome I could get a gray shade which is more modern to go with a gray um specs on the pottery but I want to be different so I'm going to do that it's awesome weird is um party light has something similar to this a lot of candlesticks with this um oil spots so that's what I thought when I first got it when I first saw it that cute [Music] piggy teapot so boho hey yo so boho all right these vintage I don't know I don't think these are vintage it's cute for them to bring a new card out oo just looking at this set right here um let me show you plate off $3 each Marina puppy Trail I didn't even see that I just looked at the cup I'm going to look this pattern up quick so I looked it up and I'm only seeing about $30 for a set of four I don't want to I don't think I want to mess with it a lot of people have it listed also not bad if you want it for yourself I kind of like it there we go looked at that what about this cup and saucer um okay that's $4 remember seeing this so let's take a look oh my gosh that is cute it's fult graph what for $5 put that in I think I'm going to research this a little more but before I spend $5 but it's pretty cool this is plush it's a Honey Jar that is awesome waiting for a new cart so I'm at the white section and I always look at the mugs cuz there's always something hiding you want to look for brand names like Jonathan Adler or mugs with medication names on it Brands sometimes they could sell pretty well people collect stuff like that number one dad Syracuse that's made in China I'm not seeing anything though what about this I saw dog oh my gosh Merry Christmas I actually can't wait for Christmas but I don't want winter like really sick of winter popcorn and Craton Barrel H maybe I should look this up quick so it's not really worth picking up there's 76 listed and only seven sold yeah I'm going to leave it walking past this cone it is a cup okay probably for like a college yeah and everybody parties oh look at this is a print but it's pretty like a [Music] 1885 take a look at this oh wow that's awesome look at it's a shirt $5.99 I could probably wear that this one looks to be looks like it be African I could be wrong velvet oh I think I'm going to get it I just did a little research on eBay I could probably get like 60 to $100 for it yeah so I'm going to do this for six bucks that'll be easy to get pictures too uh FAL craft bear um cabinet drawers I'm going to get this for $4.99 I'm just going to take a chance on it I think that will sell well even though it is FAL graph um not all most the fal scrap doesn't really sell well that apron is vintage no maybe it is it's a big old hole on the side I almost forgot we got to check see if that glows oh it does oh wow it does glow okay I was thinking that was flashed it's not it's very hard to see but yeah all right here just noticed a fur Tech Squad oh this is vintage oh my gosh it's a bomber's jacket I have one at home it's newer but this one is vintage how much is that 15 let me look this up quick so it only sells about $20 which I am surprised because 80s and 90s style right now is in um some of the' 70s also so I'm going to leave for 15 unless I do I want it for myself what size is that that can't see the size huh guys I'm not seeing anything else um I'm waiting for a new car but it's been a while and I want to go home and start listing stuff so this is everything I'm getting I'll give you the total in the car but somebody came up to me and said oh my gosh you think you want this I was like yes please so I did spend $6 this is for myself though um I don't know how much more I could get if I could sell it for a lot more I'll sell it but I'm going to actually use it $5.99 I already cashed out oh my total spend was $43 I always round up it was only 12 um I'm excited about everything I got especially the mushroom thermos is made by Aladdin um make sure you don't go away because I'm going to show you what I list everything for how much I paid and if anything sold and don't forget to check out my eBay store um and Michael's eBay store I have links in the description I'm running a auction cuz my sales have they've been kind of slow this week so whenever that happens I always refresh or I end items I relist where I run some auctions so check that out I have a lot of stuff starting at $1 um all the antique shakers right don't forget to like comment subscribe and I will see everybody next time bye Wooden Duck Right Here is cute my gosh look at the eyes it's brass eyes it's only $2 yeah look at the stain I like this one I'm going to get a this one that feels like Stone who is this soapstone made in Mexico how much are you $8 I'm defin I'm going to get this so I found this lamp now when I looked at this I thought it was a little bit newer but then I saw the cord and it's older this is mid-century on a shade look at this one it is bamboo I think that goes perfect right what does everybody think this is $6 in the lamp is $7.99 but I think that's awesome I could get a here is a beautiful table runner this is made by April Cornell um it's only $3.99 and I could get about I'm going to say like 2535 for this so I'm going to get it for $4 take a look at this oh wow that's awesome look at it's a shirt so I think I'm going to get a I just did a little research on eBay I could probably get like $60 to $100 for it yeah so I'm going to do this for six books but somebody came up to me and said oh my gosh you think you want this I was like yes please so I did spend $6 this is for myself though um I don't know how much more I can get if I could sell it for a lot more I'll sell it but [Music] h
Views: 5,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thrifting, eBay, Reselling, Resellers, Profit, Goodwill, Thrift stores, Thrift with me, Shopping, Money, Flipping, Reseller
Id: 23NY5GAYTv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2024
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