Three.js personal portfolios are amazing...

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what's up everyone i hope you're having an amazing day today you clicked on this video because you wanted to see some reaction videos and that is exactly what i'm going to give you guys today you guys been loving it so i provide more today we're going to cover personal portfolios especially ones that are made with rga so expect to have your brains blown and expect to be absolutely fascinated and encouraged to learn more and to see the amazing aspects of web dev now i want to point out that a lot of you guys are watching my videos are enjoying my videos but are not subscribing to my channel so if you like the videos you should definitely consider subscribing also i have really recently launched a startup series where i am myself building a startup from scratch solo just myself on my own just me just philip so if you want to see the whole journey raw the hardships and the successes and everything that has to be done to achieve maybe some success in the future you should check out the video here and you should also definitely consider subscribing now without any further ado let's jump in and get inspired by some amazing developers that definitely deserve a shout out today and let's really uh enjoy these videos because i am definitely going to enjoy getting absolutely blown away by the capabilities of some web devs [Music] now the way we're going to do it today is that i'm going to save the best till last so make sure you watch through the whole video and enjoy every single bit of it because you're just going to get impressed more and more as this video progresses so the first website we're looking at today is by someone called danny garcia who's an engineering creative let me move those balls out of the way come on get out of the way interactive web apps for various dashboard experience projects at stripe so this guy is a creative developer well it seems like it because he's doing things like this now obviously you go onto his website and suddenly your whole attention goes to these cute balls which follow your cursor which you can really makes and speed through oh whoa whoa oh they're going faster and faster oh they're going faster and faster anyway these balls that keep on you know they follow your cursor they change they are colorful attention grabbing very very awesome and as we continue scrolling what we can see is okay so he talks that he's currently working at stripe uh i helped build the stripe dashboard i mean very self-explanatory i guess so whenever you guys go on to stripe you know who it's built by uh he worked at apple as well the design lots of prototypes and best to build custom tooling and then he worked at red interactive you can follow him on twitter instagram linked in an email and that's his whole page sometimes we need to understand that pages they don't necessarily need to be over complicated although i assume creating these balls um was very very very difficult so i mean maybe that there was over complication here but as per the amount of information you provide you know it's it's not always about sharing your whole life story the concrete stuff is most important you showcase your skills clearly and that's it you don't need to show more so that's how i'm going to wrap up danny garcia amazing website uh really really awesome work and let's move on to the next one the next one is called break the code dot tech [Music] huh hello civilian you have been chosen to participate and break the goal of 2022 you as our appointee are required to use your skills and participate in action-packed puzzle-solving code breaking experience created only for the true hardened techies that can withstand the pressure of brain twisting missions that will stretch your mind to its limits um okay how do i register just click on the link in the description dumbass but be quick the code breaker starts today and time okay i'll be quick damn you're making me real nervous good you don't want to miss out on this why don't i want to miss out if i break the code do i get anything in return prizes incredible prizes starting from a tamagotchi on a ps1 console or a boombox a tutor matrix script signed by kanye reeves or james bond goldeneye weapon system or if that wasn't enough the main prizes consist of a one of one code breakers ps5 a one of one code breakers macbook pro or the code breakers player which is the grand prize and ultimate custom gaming rig with a monetarized gaming throne too much holy those prizes are amazing so what are you waiting for participant you'll need to dig for clues and investigate events of the past in order to set humankind on the right path to the future so start cracking codes and rise to the challenge i'm out it's very rare to participate in something where you learn have fun and can win amazing prizes so make sure you click the link in the description and become the code breaker of 2022. now i think we need to move on to the next website because we obviously don't want to miss out on some incredible inspiration by some incredible web developers the next website is by or just robin payot i assume he's a creative developer and we can enter and we get some music now i'm probably going to switch this music off because i want you guys to hear my voice but scroll to explore so oh oh this is awesome it feels like i'm on a running track and i think that's what robin wanted to achieve in this website to feel like you're running through a truck and seeing all the progress that he's been making oh and if you look to the left right here you can see his logo and as we move through the track it actually shows the progress of where we are and what we're doing so that is really really awesome and that's some really nice attention to detail and now we have little things coming up portfolio robin payout what whoa whoa whoa this is awesome what if i click on it okay that's nice that's a nice transition and then the same thing happens so basically an image has been turned into i assume some kind of frame and then that frame has been i don't know if it was pre-coded or not i'm not actually sure how he did this and the crazy thing is if you look on the right it's like a reflection of what's happening but it's like i don't know it's like gooey like like a like a jelly i i i generally have no idea how this was done oh wow that is actually really interesting how how is something like this made so i guess he's like testing for the specific color under the mouse cursor and then taking like a width and a height around the cursor of those colors and just converting it in that specific place into the colorful balls with those specific random colors in those certain areas there's some huge massive calculations probably going on see so now it's black and now it's red here and now it's blue with those planets and oh yeah yeah so it's it's literally taking like little segments and just converting into bulls absolutely no he does it it's amazing and then we have these pillars rising up again and here is his about section which is just a little bit of text and you know it doesn't always have to be over complicated like i said hi i'm robin peyote the freelance creative developer i'm based in paris what is up with all these incredible developers being from paris like if you've watched my reaction videos you've noticed that every single developer that does something incredible is from paris france what what so anyway well here you have his animations using webgl js html and css webgl course and all of that coming hopefully this year on my private startup page so if you're looking to learn more creative development from myself that's coming out quick shout out right there uh incredible website robin payot really really really enjoyable very cleverly designed so all someone needs to do is just keep scrolling and they'll essentially find out everything about you so awesome page and let's continue to the next one i have saved the best to last so hopefully you guys will enjoy this one he's cooking my ramen or your ramen in this case and let's start now this is what i call 3js website now it's basically a model of a ramen place and we can we can go around and it has so many cool features if i just zoom in a little bit so many cool features you can really tell what this guy enjoys and and i'll and i'll show you i'll give you my live representation here i can see iron man and i can see some movies so probably these are the movies that he enjoys let's move around oh i mean he definitely also likes ramen let's just have that as the cornerstone of everything this guy likes ramen um here we have probably him best ramen in town with his i'm guessing girlfriend here he has some uh it's it's stocks but i'm not sure which stocks or maybe it's like yeah i think it's stocks i can tell that he's a fan of boxing and a fan of basketball here is some of his pictures probably uh here are some games that he wrote what else do we have here here we have a tesla supercharger meaning he probably drives a tesla um okay and i love this ramen at the top look at this thing and it spins oh my goodness this is this is really really really really good work like really good work projects oh my god oh my god look at those projects uh freejs ramen shop portfolio nft price prediction model go back nba fantasy project model nice uh mortgage app business plan and mock-up so and and he shows you his skills that he used to make this so if we go on etsy sales scraper scraper and python scrappy story and python uh asl neural network transition opencv python keras and tensorflow so yeah it's really cool but i'm i'm just more interested about this game on the left and how do i play it click to start it's not clicking so maybe let's go back let's see what else he has so this is kind of like a menu what if i click on his name okay ah this is awesome so like i previously said and you saw how if i kind of go over around we can really tell a lot about this guy so it kind of now gives you a different perspective from the top where you can really go and close and see like everything about him and so on so this is a really really really nice touch and i really like that that's really awesome uh okay and here he gives you that he's a management consultant developer data scientist videographer and digital artist now what if i click about me oh nice blah blah blah blah a bit about him it's his skills very cool i like the way that is illustrated and his experience uh nice so contact me for experience details so where he worked and so on and so forth really really nicely designed and then credits what's that that's the game okay i want to play score high score level click to start okay developed by jesse zoo model censorship zoo uh inspirations css loader special thanks to bruno simon well there you go and and that's it where is the game man where is the gay everyone you got to have a game on your website jesse come on if you're showing a whole console you got to have some mini game like pac-man or something so we can play over arrows um i guess there is unless it's like a it's like an easter egg and i don't know how to click it but clearly i can't do that so um yeah level two wait what level one all right we go for the pages and it's a level two okay well there you go guys another incredible website that someone has designed as their personal portfolio i think it's absolutely fantastic i think it's the best one we saw today let me guys know what you think about this let me know if you enjoyed this video if you did make sure you smash the thumbs up button and as always i will see you in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Developer Filip
Views: 381,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Web Developer Reacts to Incredible Personal Websites, Web developer reacts, developer reacts, reacting to websites, reacting to amazing websites, personal portfolio, personal website, developer reacts to amazing websites, developer reacts to websites, amazing websites, software engineer reacts to websites, software engineer reacts, amazing portfolios, reviewing your websites, reacting to your websites, developer filip, three.js, web developer reacts to three.js websites, webgl
Id: H60ByFADAfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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