I found more incredible 3D personal portfolios!!!

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hey everyone my name is developer Philip and today we are going to shine the spotlight on very creative and very very talented web developers in regards to their incredible 3D website Creations that they have made now the other thing I really want you guys to know is that we are almost at a hundred thousand subscribers so if you're watching this video and you enjoy it make sure you smash that subscribe button alright well without any further Ado I just want to jump in and share and inspire you guys to realize how incredible the world of web dev can be so let's jump into the first website and the second one and a bunch more and let's enjoy ourselves so make sure you sit back on your chairs and let's get going alright so the first website is by joshuas.world welcome to my world I'm Joshua an interaction designer who is enthusiastic about creating engaging and delightful digital experiences now nothing is happening much yet but it says to explore my world so that's exactly what we're going to do so I click it okay nice Okay I uh I wasn't expecting it to be that cool I love the colors I love the color combinations clearly uh you know a lot of thought has gone into it and obviously the first thing that it says on the screen giving you a prompt is that we should drag to explore so I'm going to drag and I'm going to explore and there we go my journey as a designer started in Germany where I studied communication design and as you can see as we keep scrolling obviously we get that whole story after graduating I started working as a motion designer the whole story of Joshua uh very very cool I love the attention to detail here I love the little graphics and how kind of um cute it almost looks uh I assume we can scroll out so yes we can scroll out and see the whole map and that cyclist still follows along which is really really awesome and I'm guessing Joshua is into cycling and then we have this toggle and I'm assuming this toggles between light and dark mode oh I love that and and I love the little attention to detail where all these little lights are actually shining and Illuminating in the dark and then as we scroll we only see the sections that are important that get illuminated so very very cool now what else do we have on this side well I assume there's probably a bunch of Easter eggs that we won't find so I always encourage everyone watching these videos to go and check the website out and to go and see it in depth and see what it looks like and then let me know in the comments if they found any Easter eggs but also very importantly let me know in the comments and compliment the the designer give him some nice feedback usually I find that all these creators they come and find my video and they read the comments if you want to leave something positive for the creator of this website well please go ahead and do that in the comments okay let's see his menu Joshua's World okay so that's the one we saw so let's go back here we have an about section I'm Joshua a designer who is enthusiastic okay we just read that very very simple nothing actually is going on here just a one pager and then he has some legal and he has a contact page uh thank you all for the positive feedback that I have received about my site well you're definitely going to get much more positive feedback now I hope because a bunch of people will hopefully be visiting it so really nice work Joshua um I love the website and let's move on to the second one so this website is by Hamish Williams he's a designer and a developer designer and a prototyper and there's probably going to be much more things that are going to be coming up here and animator and straight off the bat I can see that he has this really cool animation in the background and I can see as I move my mouse it actually follows my mouse and kind of adjusts to my mouse this is a very common thing that we see in a lot of 3D websites nowadays that that kind of interactive design that essentially the web page is following your mouse cursor so it gives you that feel of things actually happening and gives you that feel of things being alive uh here we have a toggle as well which we toggle between light and dark mode as I assumed so it's just the background that changes there is a little bit of a cool fade that's going on and a very very unique kind of side navigation that we don't see very often especially with the text being sideways but I guess it gives it that cool feel and obviously that highlight especially when we're hovering over that text of what we're hovering over if we click on the details maybe heider I'm Hamish currently I live in Sydney working as a senior product designer at queue qlr Q Wheeler cooler cooler cooler maybe that's maybe how it's pronounced never had anyone from Sydney before which is cool I love seeing all these creative designers from all over the world which is great it has a bunch of Articles he has a contact me page okay so I'm a big person on contact Pages usually I hate them when it navigates you to like the inbuilt like Mailer on Mac it's just I I really don't like it I prefer something very simple where you just enter your email you enter the message and then it just sends from the browser a much nicer and ux friendly solution than anything else has his social media icons uh a link to his figma so if you guys want to check it out of course I always recommend it but again another really nice site a very minimalistic but of course oh wait there is scroll I didn't see that I didn't know okay very minimalistic but now looking at it well it that looks nice so there is a whole 3D model of a Macbook which follows your mouse so this is that 3d effect that makes the website feel alive I really really like that let's continue going a nice animation of some phones with some I assume Japanese text behind so it gives it that cool Japanese Vibe and as we continue scrolling okay we get the computer again which represents another project that perhaps Hamish in this case has worked on and then a little bit more information about him okay so I assume uh as I was clicking this it just kind of takes you to another part of the page very cool in the contact form awesome really nice work Hamish uh if you guys enjoyed this website if you want to leave some nice comments for him leave them below the video I'm sure Hamish will uh we'll see this and he's going to uh have fun reading those all right so on to the third website now this website is by Rio iragao irago and that's a nice loader here and it says hello world oh and it actually animates away so I I assume I'm gonna have to click something but I don't and we see a picture of a cat hmm that's interesting I actually don't know why there is a cut it's a portfolio website web designer and front-end engineer based in Japan wow we're covering a lot of the world today actually Japan and Australia are quite close together in that retrospect um but yes well it's uh very cool to see people from all over the world and we have a home menu and a nice little hover effect as I hover over we've got his works and we've got his profile let's check out the profile see who Rio or Rio is profile profile profile profile a nice little signature if you guys like this type of signature I'm actually going to be doing a tutorial on how to do that very soon and how to animate it so make sure you subscribe for that um and then let's scroll down hi there I'm a web designer and the front engineer based in Japan okay so there is a little bit of text and very very minimalistic way of representing your skills hmm honestly I'm not sure I like this combination of Simplicity with how cool the rest of the page looks and maybe I would kind of animate that information and make it a little bit bigger it's a little small and therefore it would make it a little bit maybe more matching the aesthetic that he's going for here although maybe that Simplicity is what he was going for and then this is very cool we have a bunch of I assume his work so his projects he worked on a little nice date that pops up on the left a little nice kind of description that pops up on the right and it seems that oh this oh oh this is nice so if you pay close attention whenever I'm moving my mouse it actually distorts the image behind it which is quite cool so there is that little bit of a little bit of like cool touch that he added to the website and when I click it I assume it's just going to give us information about the current project and what it has involved and some screenshots and images so the basic unusual stuff a really really cool website very minimalistic very dark again and has this whole vibe to it uh so yeah definitely love it I'd love you guys uh to rate every website actually give me a rating out of 10. and uh see what you think all right so on to the next website this website is called or they call me Julio version 4.0 all right and it's a fully blue screen and uh the only prompt I get here is this circle which tells me to enter and as I hover it the cursor changes let's click enter [Music] okay we're getting some music in the background and almost now with the music it feels like whenever I'm speaking it just sounds like uh like I'm narrating something but I'm not or maybe I am I don't know now I'm placing my bets here and I reckon that as I scroll because it says scroll down to see some work maybe that character in the middle is going to move it almost feels like it so let's scroll and see what happens and I was right the character moves oh wow when the music gets intense the music gets very intense oh that was really nice that was really nice if I turn the volume down what you can see is we've got this vertical scroll that's happening and then as soon as we get to a certain point we've got the projects coming in and scrolling horizontally so that scroll Direction changes it really feels like maybe I should do a tutorial on that too because it's fairly easy to implement but it's actually really really really exciting when it happens because that change in direction of of scroll is super fun and then I assume we're gonna go back to vertical yes and we're back to Vertical so very very kind of common trick to do um and just in general a really kind of um a impressive one so uh maybe I should like the video if you want a tutorial on that uh I was born in Venice in September 86 and today I live in Como and work at sketching an advanced Design Studio as a creative technologist so we've got a guy from Italy now so all over the world in this case and as I continue scrolling we get uh we get a lot of cool kind of messages pop up oh he won the awards times six and csi's Design Awards 76 in general that's a lot of awards and then as I continue scrolling the direction changes in contact and I love that the character tells you come on message me send me an email very very cool and a little animation on the email I love it uh really really nice website quite exciting a lot of things happening that music is also quite intriguing they call me Julio very very cool uh let me guys know what you think of it and uh let me just mute this and it works and let's jump on to the next website okay this website is by Dustin Brett wait what this is a website it is a website wait I I got so confused for a second I was like why do I suddenly have a Windows computer in front of me um okay so my PC oh my goodness so he actually created he actually created a Windows machine inside the browser okay okay I can move the windows can I resize them I can resize the windows um do we have a start so there's a oh my God what emulators games what is that what one two three four five six games in build into this AI chat hey how are you nice um where am I virtual assistant chatbot okay so um wow that is impressive I minimize it it actually minimizes um what else do we have here we have a back pain no way the guy did not do paint and browser oh my God and it will it actually work I mean are you kidding me okay there's no way I'll be able to say oh my God it actually saves it as an image are you serious wow that's insane so he has paint in the browser he has what it seems like a chatbot he has a Monaco editor which seems like a ripple of Visual Studio code but is it an editor that actually works um Dustin documents uh games very very impressive what just just very what and I mean documents icons music pictures Dustin working on it and I guess that's the guy um very cool I mean I'll let you guys play with it there's probably so many Easter eggs on this website but oh my God and there is a right click as well um sort by no way oh my God it actually does background hexels no Coastline landscape insane absolutely insane I mean I love it um Doom what's this so now maybe if I launch it it's gonna okay yeah that worked what is this it's a game inside the thing new game me and the Deep dead I don't know like I'm Too Young To Die oh my God he actually made a game inside there and and I mean that's not the only one wait if I just close it there is there's more games right here well I'll let you guys explore this is absolutely insane Dustin you did an awesome job I'd love to know how you actually built this I'd love to know how long this took you to build I mean oh my goodness how many things have you implemented in one thing clearly impressive as a portfolio website maybe not the greatest of course yes you're showing off your skill which I think is always good in portfolio website maybe finding information about you could be done a little easier but again I get the whole aesthetic you wanted to achieve here should look like a Windows machine and it really does that's really cool anyway let's uh let's jump on to the final website this website is called bryantcodes.art and what are we seeing in front of me um click to start okay so as I move around it obviously moves uh with the mouse cursor so very common effect click to start boot up wow wow that's there's a lot going on in this one um God damn it that's um that's a lot of colors and a lot of things that are just standing out I'm Bryant I build web experiences and projects that we have blog coming soon and let's learn more about Bryant um I'm a freelance Dev who helps awesome designers like you build their Wildest Dreams together let's create something that stands out and has your users saying wow okay uh self-concept honestly Brian that is that is exactly how I imagined you would look after seeing your website so I'm not surprised here tell me more about yourself okay kind words from others oh these are all draggable this is quite cute I didn't know that actually I didn't think these are all draggables so I guess this is his very cute dog very cute dog very smiley dog kind words from others and I'm assuming I can click through these very cool let's check out the skills though draw on me in every color oh oh I see what happens so every color presents something different and you can read about him as you wish oh that is cool that is cool I'm I'm trying to wonder how he achieved that if it's like different layers I assume it's different layers that are hidden and those layers are coming up front as he's selecting the different color which is just exposing that specific mask underneath the brush although I may be wrong so Brian if you're watching us please tell us how you did this specific part uh very very interesting so back to menu let's check out his projects let's see what's going on here a click and Ice Cube okay so he has a bunch of ice cubes that U of I so if we all right so if we hold it for a while it comes up with a of the name of the project and I love how it kind of animates from this to like an actual color oh that was smooth that was really really smooth I don't know if you guys caught that so if I'm assuming this is with every Ice Cube so if I click the Ice Cube it actually animates to the right expands and then like does a really smooth transition into this whole new screen look at that oh that's smooth that is really really nice that is really nice I love that and then obviously we get information here about his specific project very nice so I guess he's very funky on the outside but when it comes to being quite aesthetic he knows how to do it so great job Bryant uh love it and yes that is the end of this video I hope you guys enjoyed it I hope you guys got inspired of course all the links to all the websites are going to be in the description make sure to check them out play around with all these websites these creators you know they did it for not just them to have fun making it but also for others to enjoy so I encourage you guys to go ahead and enjoy it and if you have any awesome comments you want to leave to the creators leave them down below in the video and make sure you guys subscribe we are so close to a hundred thousand so I'm I'm really excited and uh as always I'll see you guys in the next video uh and make sure you don't miss it because something really special is coming so I'll see you guys later
Channel: Developer Filip
Views: 164,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Web Developer Reacts to Incredible Personal Websites, Web developer reacts, developer reacts, reacting to websites, reacting to amazing websites, personal portfolio, personal website, developer reacts to amazing websites, developer reacts to websites, amazing websites, software engineer reacts to websites, software engineer reacts, amazing portfolios, reviewing your websites, reacting to your websites, developer filip, three.js, web developer reacts to three.js websites, webgl
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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