Interview with Senior JS Developer

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well that was our tool chain from last week this week is different javascript let me just put this i have a three production already just named after me four my job is to keep our code running while other packages are changing theirs should you learn javascript nope is there any other option no oh look another library was added today to patch the problems of the other 150 that were also released did you know javascript was actually written in seven days such a messy language i love it did you know javascript was actually not written in seven days no one ever knows what value variable is or what its type is now we use typescript we still don't know i'd rather use rust or webassembly they say adoption is coming they said that 10 years ago they say that every year but this year is different is it scalable no is it maintainable no is it portable not really yeah we use react we actually use pre-act we actually use svelter we actually went back to vanilla javascript yeah we're using a library for this that we rewrote to vanilla javascript because it wasn't efficient we're stuck with this messy language now i love it javascript yeah it's the de facto standard do you know there's a library for that i wouldn't trust the let's say finance application with javascript what our finance application does is totally fine to use javascript but i'd recommend using typescript not that we do we had callback hell and then we went to promises await came out went back to promises and now we rewrote everything back to callbacks because it's just more comfortable at least you know it's bad oh it's probably just a quick fix will take me three to five days to find it we tried coffeescript rewrote our codebase try typescript rewrote our codebase and then we went back to vanilla javascript because it's just more comfortable so we rewrote our codebase again yeah we used react and then react 16.8 came out and we had to rewrite everything to hooks react 17 came out we had to rewrite everything again and then react script was updated to version 0.4 and we had to fix everything to work with local images and now react version 18 is coming out we'll rewrite everything again we rewrote our code base around nine times this month yeah you can use redux totally fine but but if you're on it i'd recommend you use redux toolkit but actually it's better to use flux or flumax or flexible actually better to use recall not that we do but now react came out with the hooks and context api which apparently is better than redux apparently we'll rewrite everything again sometimes it just doesn't transpire we usually rewrite our code base now we actually wrote a custom transpirer to transpile transpider it's such a messy language we use it for our website desktop app mobile app for the fridge the tesla is not actually native i mean it is actually native but it's sort of not really native it's sort of hybrid native but some of it is native i mean some people use it in a native way but we don't really use it in a native way technically a lot of people are switching back to native no one has switched yet angular talk to me when you use angular 2 or react npm is such a bad package manager no one uses that anymore npm is such a good package manager how many languages have one so that major version breaks our code but our code breaks the minor version i still don't know how to fix pure dependencies until this day yarn bpnpn turbo would make sense right javascript doesn't think so jquery what are you five we use jj query global variables no one uses them it must be somewhere in the window how do you debug node apps you don't you just write good code but not in javascript no one ever masters javascript i get a hundred thousand points in stack overflow i'm still a noob node is technically multi-threaded javascript is technically performant our code is never safe when they'll blow up probably won't work anymore probably will be using rust or webassembly or whatever j s an array is technically just an object object or object null is technically not an object but objects can be known so they technically can be non-object unless they're an object right so technically null is an object yes it's a bit hacky i admit but javascript is by design is it easy to learn have you tried javascript probably will be a bit hacky have you used javascript before i don't recommend i don't like our tool chain documentation and another advantage is that it's free so was java before it was bought by oracle so we prepare ourselves by installing modules from npm then we compile it to typescript then we use a term spyler called bubble to transpile it to es5 load it with system.js file for bankruptcy bundle it all up with webpack use it in a framework like react and let the state be managed by redux or flux flummox or flexible or recoil or whatever js and voila all of this just to avoid using jquery or in our case jj query but that'll be probably less performant as most of the things this isn't our production code it will be tomorrow though probably gonna get fired again i mean there's really no alternative to javascript right now de facto no one really knows what the value is until we get an error i love it well try writing anything without javascript nowadays javascript i love it no i don't recommend it
Channel: Programmers are also human
Views: 1,937,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: javascript jokes, programming memes, js jokes, web programming, programming humor, js humor
Id: Uo3cL4nrGOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 31 2022
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