7 Portfolio Websites That Will Make You Jealous

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portfolio websites ladies and gentlemen today we're going to be going through some amazing portfolio websites that will get you fired up they're gonna be filled with carefully crafted interactions eye-popping animations in beautiful typography the goal of this video is simply to show you what is possible if you're looking to get noticed as a designer these websites will serve you with just inspiration you need to revamp that portfolio website and stand out from the crowd and all you have to do is like this video seriously that's it that's all you got to do question is why are you not doing it you get it right there yep click we're starting off this video hot we got one of my favorite portfolio websites we got dennis's portfolio this portfolio is for you web designers and developers out there see the interactions and animations on this website are super smooth and front and center we got a great photo of dennis but notice how his portrait matches the colors and the minimalistic design of his website everything is put together pretty nicely oh yeah and check out this little detail his name automatically moves horizontally but if you scroll it actually changes directions as i hover my mouse we see this kind of magnetic pull then bounce as i hover away same type of interaction with the menu it pulls from the left and goes from curved to straight but let's actually check out some of his work super dope transition very nice presentation of his visual design and awesome mock-ups i don't even know how he got the utmost updated macbook pros however i kind of wish he added a bit more context on the problem that he was solving for the client i'd love to know why he made certain design decisions and interactions wow beautiful honestly this is amazing i just love how interactive all of his work is if you take one take away from this portfolio website is interaction very well done dennis bravo next up we've got oliver's portfolio this is for all your ux and product designers out there you guys are in for a treat see oliver is currently a product designer at snapchat and previously zip recruiter so his portfolio is actually going to be focused on user research problem solving and strategy wait you didn't think i'd only show you great visual design and typography did you come on now in front center we've got his work he's not playing around first we get the context we need to understand what this project is about his roles and responsibilities his team and the background of the project most importantly we get a clear problem statement an aspiring nurse looked at a nursing job in new york but she also helped her husband look for marketing jobs so now she's getting marketing job roles which doesn't really apply to her see how fast i was able to understand the problem this is an example of a well-crafted case study because immediately i know what the problem was now look at this we also see how research was involved in determining how users felt about their suggested job results within user surveys this is an example of what you can do in the user research step of your product design case studies and this is also how one would validate that the actual problem exists interesting so oliver's design just wanted to show transparency of where these suggested jobs were actually even coming from so users are informed and are able to then give feedback on whether they want to see these suggested job results now this is how you end a well-crafted case study you talk about the results so this redesign increased clicks on suggested jobs by 22 percent applications went up by 8 and unique users who engage with suggested jobs by 10 and they also lifted satisfaction by 8 now results are key to a well-crafted case study all i have to say is bravo 10 out of 10. so if you want to build your own portfolio website i recommend using hostinger hostinger is a web hosting platform that is perfect for your portfolio website i've used hostinger in the past with some of my client projects and as a designer i love how simple and easy it is to use they have super fast servers they're optimized for wordpress you get a free domain and there's a 30 day money back guarantee i actually have a coupon code andres the designer which will give you 91 off all the yearly plans so after you use my coupon code and create your account you'll want to click on premium shared hosting then choose i'm creating a website for myself then select it'll be a portfolio website choose your level of experience then you can directly connect your wordpress account and just remember that email and password and don't worry if you haven't created your wordpress account quite yet you can set this up later but you do want to get that free domain i recommend choosing something with your first name in it and after you go through that super simple process you're introduced to the h panel where you'll be able to manage the back end of your website and here's where you can connect that wordpress account if you haven't already and wordpress has a huge library of templates online that you can use for your portfolio website i'll put some links down in the description for you to check out but just remember to use andres the designer when signing up for hostinger [Music] we got another one for you ux and product designers we got one by kyson he's a senior lead product designer at rivien and he's also worked with brands like tesla moment boosted and more let's see what kind of inspiration we can get from his portfolio really simple and clean way to present his work love it case studies let's do it let's check out this core case study nice we get the background of the project the challenge aka problem statement oh and we get a visual look of the prior designs as well it's almost like kyson is telling a story here with his case studies and i love it it's great and for you aspiring ux or product designers out there notice the pattern in these case studies notice how they're crafted reverse engineer them take notes i really love the simplicity and clean design of this portfolio well done well done sorry if i'm mispronouncing the names so right from the beginning we're introduced with moving gradients oh look at that it's interactive as i move my mouse around it creates a sort of splash check this out and she has a dark mode and light mode switch that's pretty cool oh and this is really cool jelly rolling effect i wonder how she actually developed this effect there's also this like interesting bending effect that happens as i scroll over certain objects like these photos interesting let's see what happens when we click through some of her case studies very nice transition as i click through her work and that bending effect continues on to other web pages as well yeah and the art direction to these case studies pretty awesome you know if you take any one of these small details on their own they wouldn't be super impressive by themselves however these details in combination with the entire user experience is very impressive so this just goes to show that these little touches that you do to your website on their own they don't matter but in combination can make your portfolio stand out so this next portfolio is from paulos and it's a perfect inspiration for those of you that want to start your own ux design consultancy this is a unique style portfolio that breaks the norms of what you typically see it's an interactive grid it also seems to be built on webflow which i'm a huge fan of as well oh and it looks like he's done some work for pandora very nice it also seems like you can toggle through and see multiple images within the grid it would be nice to see some case studies on the portfolio but overall it's nicely done well designed i haven't seen this type of format before so again if you want to stand out this might be an inspiration for your next portfolio next up we've got francisca she's a graphic and interactive designer and her website is very interesting we got this infinite photographic scroll going on and on these photographs actually represent some of her work and when we click through some of these photographs you get a beautifully presented transition and animation and as we scroll we got some interaction as well which makes her website look quite polished we can see that she gives context in a brief honor case study which is much appreciated and this is also super helpful when someone's trying to hire you they want to understand why you've made certain design decisions not just that you can make good visual design work really nicely done there overall her work just looks really nice it's great use of spacing and typography and movement as you scroll and as we finish reading this case studies we're prompted to see the next project keeps people engaged keeps people wanting to see more and more [Music] then we got willian's portfolio he's a good friend of mine so i'm probably going to be biased but it's still worth checking out because honestly i think he probably has one of the best most well-crafted case studies i've seen so let's start with his home page i love the fact that he has a video trailer that introduces himself you get a good idea of what he sounds like what he looks like what he's about some of the philosophies that he believes in watch the video it's good and it's also a sign that he goes above and beyond and as we scroll to see his case studies we see this cool color background change and check this out guys when we click through his case study we see the most detailed comprehensive breakdown of his work damn it's just filled with user research personas competitive analysis interaction design and downloadable pdf of the design spec actual design work screenshots of his process him reflecting on the successes results and lessons of the project man if you're building out your portfolio need some ideas of what to include in your case studies willian's website might be just right for you now if you thought this video was any good you should see my other videos especially if you're trying to teach yourself ux design and have actually made a self-taught ux design guide right here go ahead give it a watch there's no courses there's no boot camps it's how i personally learned how to teach myself ux design do it click on the video it's really good adios [Music]
Channel: Andres The Designer
Views: 412,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ux design, ux designer, product designer, product design, portfolio website, design portfolio website, ux design portfolio, web design portfolio, best design portfolio website, best design portfolios, best design portfolios 2022, inspiration for portfolio website, top stunning portfolio websites, beautiful web portfolios 2022, amazing portfolios, personal portfolio, reacting to amazing websites
Id: 5O0YDHiosD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.