Three of a Kind (1936) COMEDY

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[Music] l [Music] [Applause] [Music] a father will you listen to me we're not going to discuss this matter any further we'll discuss it forever if it takes you that long to get over your stubbornness I have heard all I want to hear about Mr Randy rodnell Rodney Randall or whatever his name is he's a parasite he's a lounge lizard he's a hideing behind a woman scuttering Mr P you shouldn't say such things about a man you've never even met and I never expect to meet him but all he wants is an interview all he wants is a chance to steal my money but he doesn't want to steal it all he wants is a chance to convince you that it's a good investment oh it's the same word nowadays my dear do do run along please I have most important things to attend to indeed you have Mr Penfield this is the annual award day and are you going to listen to Reasoner aren't you I am not no you're just an old Miser that's what you are a gloaty greedy stingy old Miser of money but you're not going to spoil my life Mr P I'm not going to let you spoil your life Rodney and I don't have to use your money you know I have a little of my own I won't let you give money to that n n exactly I forbid it and I don't suppose you allow me to marry him either most certainly not I forbid that too I forid you even to see this he gold digger again is that your final word that is my final word now wrap your ears around my final words I'm going to give Rodney everything I have I'm going to help him put over his subdivision idea and I'm going to marry him whether you like it or not oh you are eh well I'll put a stop to that young lady as come in here at once I'm right here sir where have you been oh I've been here quite a while sir ever since Miss Barbara called you an old let that pass where you standing there with that with a shaving mug for but Mr Penfield this is the Penfield Tran stop blithering and put it down yes sir I want you to stop my daughter's allowance I want you to tie up her bank account yes sir I'll show her who's boss of this family I'll teach her a lesson yes sir well what are you waiting for why uh uh get that champagne mug out here but Mr Penfield what is it what is it all the employees are gathered in the courtyard sir do waiting for you waiting for me what are they waiting for me for why aren't they at work but this is the annual award day oh oh the annual one and they're uh they're waiting for me to present the awards oh was she well we can't keep the folks waiting no sir that's a bad example yes sir always be punctual remember that F yes sir well quit darling go on go on your way go on hurry up long distance please I want the Royal Valley Hotel Valley Springs I want to speak to Mr Rodney Randall that's right well I I'm afraid we can't dear Babs dear how many times have I told you that I will not marry a woman unless I can support her properly besides I can't come to the city now well if you must know I haven't enough money to get out of the hotel now I'll just have to stay here till I can find some s backer for my subdivision well how much do you darling Oh well don't worry about that I'll get it to you somehow yes I'll bring it to you today I love you too goodbye here's your speech Mr Penfield thank you where are my glasses you left them in the off why don't you bring them in you know I can't read this without my glasses it's the same speech you always make on award days same one friends and co-workers of the Penfield Peerless laries you don't know how I've looked forward to this day this day of days now efficiency system the winner of the Peerless p fi Trophy this is the trophy trophy I'm certain that you'll all you'll all applaud the winner the man who by his out outstanding efficiency his punctuality his his diligence has achieved his goal your friend my friend what's that guy's name Jay Basset Jay Basset Jay fet not fet Basset took the words right out of my mouth J bassnet will the uh will the uh will the winner please step forward will the winner please oh I have just learned I just learned that the winner typical of the efficiency of the Penfield long service is now what is it rout and we'll be back in approximately 2 minutes six pairs of socks nine hankes couple of drawers couple of shards hey look it look at what look at it well what's wrong with it brand new ain't it that makes 18 brand new silk shirts that guy's head since March and each one of them costing more than I making a week yeah those shirts earn any more than we both make in a year huh you heard me how do you figure how can a shirt earn do for it's front my boy wind dressing believe me if I ever get a bank roll I'll well I'll have the finest front in town I don't get you it's simple the guy that owns those shirts dresses like a million bucks so we'll have a million someday you know it isn't what you got in this world at counts beef it's what you look like oh you're wrong Jerry to get to be a big shot you got to work harder than anybody else and show the boss how good you are oh sure sure I tried that didn't I I set up nights working out that new flat rate system and what happened well fash took all the credit for it now I got a tougher route now look at us we dress like 30 bucks a week and what do we get 25 right now if I were to put on that shirt and the clothes that go with it what do you suppose I'd be able to get a pain in the neck this guy wears a 14 colar [Applause] Mr Penfield this is Mr Basset are you quiet and now young man I'm going to present you with a goal that you have striven so earnestly to win the Penfield thank you very much sir just just a moment please I I have a little surprise mm uh not only does he retain the trophy but he soon to become the lucky participant in another award please young man here is your opportunity to become a member and a partner in the Penfield laundries you may have your choice of this envelope which contains $1,000 or these 11 shares of Penfield stock with a par value of $1,100 11 shares with which you can become a part over like I except on a smaller scale what what you say is the is the stock at par now Mr Penfield well not at the present moment no but with your cooperation and coordination what we'll put our shoulders well I'll take the cash what are you talking about you don't want I want the cash I don't want any shares in any laundry I'm fed up with laundry and I'm sick and tired of dirty clothes and cranky customers I'm taking the money and you sir can take the laundry the trucks stuck mangles and all wrap them neatly into a laundry bag and but you don't understand call him back and fire fire him and don't call him back there you are Mr beit well what do you think well you put it in a little in there and uh Pat up the shoulders a little and and put some poil buttons on the vest H what do you think I'm going to a masquerade well one round finegan had his Rags tricked up like that and he who was the best dress fighter outside the ring what do you think Mr bezard with a few minor alterations you look positively magnif magnificent positively beautiful well I get a piece of paper and mark down the changes you need and then I'll try on the other ones the other ones how many suits you're going to get all of them now wait a minute oh I've waited years to play this hunch but all those suits that's an awful lot of Jack to lay out it's only the the beginning only the beginning folks come on come on give me the rest of it before I call a silly way well I want some luggage set of golf clubs New Bag one good piece of jewelry and a Snappy Car that's where i' come in you ain't going to buy a secondhand car well I got to have a because I'm going to get it for you I know more about engines than you Mr bessard you got to Stood Still you stay here and play pin cushion and I'll get the Chariot for you hey come back back here byebye Sunny well good morning Miss and what can I do for you I've got a raise some money right away I see and I want to sell my car well young lady you certainly came to the right place most of the boys alone this drag could pick the fillings right out of your teeth but not old doc Adams Golden Rule Adams that's what they call me square with one and square with all how much do you got to have how much is a car worth well you see Lady it's all a question what I can sell it for it's a pretty looking job but it sure is a cream puff cream puff yeah yeah too swell a heap for the used car market guys buying used cars can't buy gas for these big birthers that makes them hard to sell just a headache but the car's only a month old sure I can see that easy if it was a little older I could give you more on it you mean you'd pay more for an older car mhm proves there ain't no flaws in them when they've stood up for say uh 10,000 miles a lot of angles to this right um this business Miss how much will you give me for I don't know I always get myself stuck buying cars got too soft a heart I guess how much will you give me well I'll tell you just on account of you I'll give you 400 bucks cash on the line 400 you know how much the car is worth sure sure I know that but just trying to do your favor that's all the car's insured for all now lady I don't go in for no rackets like that if you want to have your car swipe for the insurance you'll have to try to find somebody else to do it no no no you don't understand I've got to raise money now if you make any sort of a decent offer well uh how about some sort of a trade maybe a little cash in one of my fine slightly used cars that might work out wait a minute my wait a minute what are we stopping here for I just happened to recollect my dear that a dear old pal and bosom friend of mine runs that jalopy joint over there good old doc Adams that's the name all right but what's any old friend of yours doing out of jail no now my dear have a little respect for your father please I'm sorry you suppose he's good for a touch friend like old do my dear we're practically sitting down to lunch at the rich right now I know let's make it five full dinners at the Beany instead patience my dear patience while your pppy puts the bee on Old dark edans good luck pop now here's what I call a rare opportunity opportunity you could hardly call it the car now look Miss I'm just trying to help you is it still able to run what same is this car is just nicely broken in you mean broken down don't you tell you what we'll do we'll take a little ride in it just step in here and try this Elegant Upholstery there you are well well if it isn't my old pal and bosom friend old do Adams oh go on feed it is that the way to greet a pal to welcome a man with whom you C the paths of adversity to shun a loving brother what sare M but Doc is one friend to another well we are I'll wa for you do sweet job buddy certainly is practically new ain't she practically now how much you asking for asking for uh I asked you how much uh uh well uh that depends uh what do you mean depends how much you've got I mean uh on various things yeah never mind the buildup tots all I want to know is how much you want for cash cash cash make me an offer 400 Bucks sold hey wait a minute what's the catch catch there's no catch this car ain't hot is it I should say not well uh what's the idea well you see I'm getting out of the used car business this is a clear and sale prices reduced on all cars brother you made a sale how about it pop the we do we I'll say we do Prudence darling and we're going to get our working clothes out of Hawk pop you're wonderful wait to see me in my frog coat again Kel Cornelius of the k KY Cornelius oh Pop make it the Rian Grand Duke I get so balded up on that southern accent stuff yes darling and you're not so hot as I'll get to T ofage either never mind honey our luck has turn my car what's gone what what's standing right here well you you should not have left your keys in it but it's all your fault oh no no wait a minute lady you can't hang that swipe on me I got an alibi I was with you but if you hadn't wasted so much time trying to make that cement mixer do 50 you wanted a demonstration didn't you I didn't ask for cook's tour well say it may be a lucky break for you with that now you can get that insurance money you were talking about of course you'll have to wait 90 days I can't possibly wait that long WR I've got I have the money today now what am I going to do uh well I'll tell you miss they show you my hearts in the right place I'll make you deal yeah sure I'll give you that swell little clothes job and maybe a little cash besides oh thank you uh for that diamond ring you sporton come on oh i' forgotten about that well it's a go all right come on in the office and we'll report the swipe oh uh what was the like Li number of your car license number well I don't know oh well the cops can check up on it we'll phone them and then we can fix up the papers on this ring deal hey Jerry Jerry come here come here how you like it here's your change and here's your bill of sale well I still don't believe it Mr beant Please Mr bezet you didn't tell me where I should send these beautiful garments well how soon can you have him ready oh oh I couldn't possibly have him before next Monday evening and if I gave you an extra $10 for a rush job in an hour and a half get going thank you well you got a lot of car there miss well Dependable Transportation what I mean I hope so well you got my word for honest doc Adam's word why that little job is just about perfect well goodbye so long excuse me that's all right tell me the worest doctor will she live huh what's the bad news well the water jackets busted and the connecting rod bearings are shot along with two of the mains the cylinders are out and 900s easy the ignition wiring is mostly rotted and half in the teeth have gone off your transmission and differential gear your frame is sprung out of line and well outside of that never mind never mind tell me could I drive it as far as the Royal Valley Hotel lady you couldn't push it that far tell you what I'll do I've got a junkyard I'll give you five bucks for the heat the way she stand I'll take it before she falls down there you are I don't suppose you could give me a lift to Royal Val could you I'd love to lady but I did that once and my wife raised heck she's very jealous oh why don't you stand over there where anybody coming along can see you maybe someone will give you a lift yeah sure thanks I'll try [Applause] that [Music] sh anything I can do might try knocking before you enter lady's wood wall sorry but you left the door open can I be of any help you going that way well I'm going as far as the Royal Valley Hotel oh fine fine oh what's the matter this car it's exactly like one that's so yes well there's quite a few of them yes I guess they are here I'll help you with those bags all right you travel pretty heavy for a Hitcher oh I'm not a professionally my car broke down so hady to sell it for Junk what's the BP stand for B yeah your initials oh yeah oh uh vress uh beatric Payne beatric Payne I'll meet Jay Walter Basset Jerry to you how do you do Jay I'm doing all [Applause] [Music] right welcome to Royal Valley welcome to Royal valet you have reservations sir I never make reservations I want something nice with Southern Exposure certainly Mr Basset oh didn't you forget something forget you didn't register for Mrs Basset oh the young lady I we're not married not married no I'll register for myself certainly I want a room with the Northern Exposure certainly you better not try this sister the prices here are terrible I'll worry about that when I check out but they can put you in jail but I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay Mr Basset I hope so good afternoon be oh good afternoon and thanks uh Jerry this way welcome to Royal Valley Miss Penfield Penfield are you Miss Barbara Penfield yes I'm sorry I didn't remember you is your father coming down to miss Penfield I hope not and if you your phone don't tell him I'm here and when father gets like that he just won't listen to anything I don't want to appear critical Barbara but it does seem to me that you gave up too easily but Rodney dear I told you after all I'm willing to let you father in on the grandest seaside subdivision ever planned oh I know you are dearest and sweet of you to be so generous when he's been so unkind but father but you know what it means to us of course I do dear now perhaps your father is cool off by now and if you go back to the city and have talk with him he might consent to see me he's just set a new record for high blood pressure all right very well I'm I'm through all my lovely dreams my wonderful pleas plans for our future oh don't say that dear look on the brighter side things are a bit better you know better yeah your hotel bill is paid you have little money beside yeah your money you think that I'd have to ask you for money but makes me so happy to be able to help just a little bit you know and now I have an idea oh really you better have you know there must be simply Goods of people staying here at this very hotel and don't you think you persuade one of them to invest in your subdivision idea what do you think I've been doing down here playing marbles Oh you mean you tried that of course I've tried it no one has any money to invest oh there have plenty of money they won't part with any you see that chat right over there poter he has an income of a million and a quarter and the and the chap with him Thompson he just merged the inter Coast that's a that's worth 5 million with the apnl that's worth another million 750,000 and U Banbridge the Old Goat sitting over there he just won a $480,000 court judgment the chap just going out there young um Young Ron he inherits $9 million next Tuesday and all I need is a poultry 50,000 do I get it no Rodney I just had another idea well I hope it's better than the last one the chap who brought me here you know he may be the very man we want already what's his name b b it J Walder Basset did you ever hear him that sound familiar what do you think we go to being fun H thank you all sir yes sir would you care for cocktail sir I can go for a few drops of your best port wine for my daughter have you all any Kentucky bourbon whiskey yes sir well I'll indulge in some if you please sir little Fathead what's the matter now I could go for a a fine Southern lady you are what were we going to ask for a side car no shot of vodka vodka listen I'm not the Russian Grand Duke and you're not alga alga she was the one who drank vodka that's right sweetheart that's right but now listen carefully your Prudence Cornelius and I'm your pppe Colonel Cornelius of Kentucky oh I get so balded up perplexed but bald up well I do get baled up papy shut up well you told me to call you papy look at this look at these figures 1 million and a quar 5 million 1,750 50,000 480,000 9 million Ruden honey you're about to fall in love with that man what man a man that put down these figures let's see how can we meet him you want to make a Five Spot buddy do I see that young lady sitting over there with the fellow with a mustache yes sir her name is beus Payne I want to find out what room she's in how expensive it is and all that think you can handle it you bet I can oh hello Mr Bass oh how do you do R this is the Good Samaritan I was telling you about oh really well I certainly want to thank you oh no trouble at all now that you two shaking hands may I introduce you Mr Basset Mr Randall how do you do not the J Walter Basset yes I'm Jay wer Basset you've heard of me well who hasn't now boys please don't start talking business you know Rodney can never take his mind off of making money I'm sorry but when you're on the verge of a big deal oh I should say I do know right now for instance should we go out on the Terrace here his uh face is so familiar to me but his name just slipped my mind his name is Randall Rodney Randall of course imagine my forgetting that have you a scrap a paper hand to Sir oh uh boy yes sir yes that's very true I've developed some fine subdivisions in my time but this this Seaside idea well it's it certainly sound good to me oh it is good any man with executive ability can take hold of it right now and make history you are an executive aren't you why yes why he's one of the best well I'd hardly say that a Mr B it now this is no time for false modesty well as a matter of fact I have delivered some of the biggest men in the city is that so Mr Randall yeah this is for you sir oh thank you excuse me go ahead oh I'm sorry I I have to ask you to excuse me for a minute um will you look out for the young lady b well it'll be a pleasure thank you okay sir that gentleman sir thank you thank you sir uh pardon me uh Colonel Cornelius at your service sir uh Mr Rand I believe yes Prudence dear I want to introduce you to the gentleman we've been awaiting for Mr Eon aren I'm delighted sir I'm sorry Colonel has been some mistake I'm I'm Rodney Randall Rodney Randall yes well well swap me for Yankee sir I never dreamed there could be two Mr randles I presumed of course that you were the Emissary from the United tobacco Growers I'm sorry no I I'm the subdivision Randle oh well I'm might glad to make your acquaintance sir thank you and and I'm pleased that the other Mr Randle ain't shown up tonight I I'm a little bit too tired to arify with him oh pey why don't you just let them other Growers have their way what and bust the tobacco market wide open why honey you know I grow more than all the others put together but that W you had from Washington from the president now listen honey child you let the president run the nation and I'll run the tobacco business and I be I beg your pardon sir for losing my temp in your presence but it get so tarnation and mad I apologize again sir that's quite all right Colonel I understand exactly how you feel do you indeed sir absolutely I realize how annoying the small fry of competition can be Mr Randall your man after my own heart and I humbly ask that you'll do my daughter and myself the honor of uh joining us at the bar on a small refreshment it'll be a pleasure come come darling I can't imagine what's detaining Mr Randall well whatever it is I'm in favor of it you're just being polite oh do you really think so I know you businessman you'd much rather be talking about bonds merges and big deals oh not right now I wouldn't but with all this beautiful moonlight I'd much rather be talking about just what L of business are you in Mr Basset well as a matter of fact I'm sort of between operations right now as it were really yes I uh I just closed my last Enterprise a successful one oh very my Association myself cleaned up plenty as a matter of fact we left some of the biggest businessmen in town with hardly a shirt to their back how delightful from Mr Randall Miss uh if you'll excuse me surely will there be an answer no thank you no bad news I hope yes in a way Mr Randall's been delayed in important business well I call that excellent news now Mr Basset you called me Jerry this afternoon oh did I I don't remember that yes you did be they um tell me that the hotel has some very lovely Gardens somewhere around it has yeah shall we um try and find them well it's getting a bit chilly don't you think oh but it's not that cold well I'd have to get a wrap well I'll wait all right Hi boss well Sherlock did you find out anything bet I did she's a guest room 203 I slipped in While She Was Out she got a lot of swell clothes a pip of a dresser set and some peachy perfume too here smell m PE you kind of get you don't I sure what else did you find out her real name is Barbara Penfield Barbara pen oh don't be silly I saw a signature on the register card she's old F Thorndike penfield's daughter but that little hitchhiker why she's no more penfield's daughter than I am for flusher HH maybe I better tell a manager oh no don't do that not yet you just keep your mouth shut and your eyes open now go on okay boss well here I am oh you're all set all set oh it's fine look you mind if I speak out of turn why no well I know it's none of my business but you're too nice a girl to do what you're doing you know you can't get away with it I can't get away with what pretending you're Barbara Penfield supposing Randall found out who you really are just a girl after his money oh don't worry I'm the only one that knows you can trust me that's sweet of you why don't you go straight I I'm afraid it's too late oh don't talk like that I'll help will you will you really well I'll do anything in the world that I can then then I'll try that a girl I've always heard southern girls were entrancing but I never believed it till now well uh I'd best go in and find my py no please don't py wouldd be a powerful man if he found us a sitting here like this suppose he found us like this oh I don't know what he'd think darling Babushka what oh I mean your Northerners are sure masterful as far as I'm concerned dear I been captured by the [Music] Sal what's better with this place everybody asleep what kind of service is this Johnson yes sir never mind that to take the bags out will you please yes sir Willam minut never mind the luggage keep on honing yes Mr Penfield is something wrong honey boy yeah I mean everything's all right Johnson quit that awful noise please boys get my jum uh Prudence I'm sorry but you'll have to excuse me I I I just remember something something very urgent oh as you all going and leave your little Prudence yeah well I'm sorry but I have to I I'll I'll see you tomorrow oh as soon as I make my next connection I'll find a place for you some honest job you're so good to me I lost my compact I must have left it with the bench well you wait here I'll find it what's the matter your father he's here oh oh he is and he's looking for you for us bet he doesn't know you well he'll guess who I am he sees me with you yes yes I suppose you will so from now on we're strangers we mustn't be seen together oh but Rodney no now dear I I know it's going to be difficult but but it won't be for long I I found a grand Prospect tonight a wealthy tobacco grower Splendid and Mr Basset here he comes no luck I'll have to get a flashlight I was just going to find you I remember now I left it in my room oh that's great have you any idea where they might be Mr Penfield wait you're the manager of the hotel what are your ideas well they they might be over on the golf course playing playing golf in the dark I suppose oh you see the golf course is quite romantic By Moonlight yeah I never thought of that well suppose you search over there will you pleas very well I'll find her what's a big idea poodle face I wish I could tell you how much this evening is meant to me and to me good night Penfield yes Penfield I'll teach you to kidnap St you can steal my daughter and get away is she your daughter is she you know you know very well she's my I'll fresh you within an inch of your life I I'll run you out of the country are you sure she's your daughter am I sure what you what you insolent young puppy take that and furthermore young lady it's about time you learn to obey my orders from now on you'll do as I say or either well well you will do as I say and that's my final word on the subject can I depend on that Captain BL yes and about that young that young Rascal did you think you're in love with how do you expect me to sleep with you shrieking I don't expect you to sleep I expect you to get that bully out of your mind bully yeah that's a new name for him isn't it that's what he is he's a bully he he assulted me he assed me last night your own father he did what but he squared off at me he he caught me off my guard he picked me up and H me off the Terrace picked you but well I mean when I say pig I don't mean regular pck how did he do it one piece at a time look what are you up to young lady where are you going I'm going to take my shower any objections don't you think you're going to slip out and meet that Randle fellow what I say you can't go anywhere without me I'm going the minute I get Dr I you I forbid it I absolutely forbid [Applause] it yes I saying my friend I consider the menul the true and modern Reincarnation of the mythical am broal nectar I'm afraid I'll stick the beer every man to his stay sir and here's to yours thanks yes every man to his taste in business in ladies and in liquor right you are sir uh of course I I don't mean to say it doesn't do a man good to make a change now and then in liquor and in business yes sir does a man good to Heist himself out of a rut when he finds himself in one there's something in what you say Sir Now take me for instance a prosperous tobacco grow with acres and Acres of the gentle weed just a grown for me in kenty's most fertile land a princely income whether I turn a hand or not but am I happy do you think I'm happy of course not Colonel you need a change son you sp spit riding a not whole that time I know just how you feel Colonel how you take myself and so do I well I'm known as a subdivision King I've made money hand over fist but just now I've almost completed a development that's going to make history and am I getting any kick out of it none at all personally I never feel right unless I'm working hard managing something well of course I have no uh idea of retiring neither have I well gentlemen kind of looks if we might consider some means of exchanging interests H Colonel now there's an idea isn't it eh why we could all get a new slant on life is kind of appealing isn't it enticing to say the least well of course my sentiments are scandalized with a be suggestion the old Cornelius Plantation should ever pass out of the hands of my family well of course I wouldn't dare part with my property without considering and Consulting my associates associate then you are not the sole owner of well of course uh I hold the controlling interest but what would you consider your interest worth sir um what price would you put on your property Colonel well sir I consider my interests inval yes sir invaluable I'd consider managing a I'd uh enjoy managing a tobacco Plantation for a change or a subdivision for that matter Colonel that's a great idea of yours now you name your figure well to right now I found that to be a most perplexing um question I um well you see we Southern uh people are not just business folk oh papy oh I beg your pardon but it's time for you all the phone Washington is it already you know you asked me to remind you well so I did so I did well honey I want you to meet Mr Bass this is my daughter Pruden how do you do sir how do you do Jo delence but this is most important Secretary of the Interior W you sit down Miss Brut oh thank you sir and you my page uh you lost that b at once I'm sorry Mr ffield but see there he is now now is your chance to go and order him to leave I'd like to oblige Mr Penfield but all right then all right I shall never be a guest of this hotel again well who's that who's that chap with him you mean that fellow with Mr Randall that's Mr Basset that name is familiar to me in something but a Charming chap successful too nice car and good luggage nice car good luggage that opens up a new line of thought there's something I can do Mr P another thing thank you another thing your father's very lucky to have you around to remind him of things oh he's most forgetful the poor dear and the secretary just be wild if and papy sold his crop without letting Washington know really oh yes it always floods the market when py sells his cutting oh I see see that young man over at that table with the little mustache in the blue yes sir tell him a gentleman would like to see him in the lobby right away yes don't don't uh tell him my name just say a gentleman very good sir come here young man oh excuse me uh no wait a minute I want to talk to you please me yes there must be some mistake there's no mistake it uh you're the man I want oh yeah uh sit down please uh but I've got to see a man about sit sit down been talking to the uh manager of the hotel about you to the manager yes and he gave me a lot of information about you I suppose he would yeah he said you were an uprising energetic go get her he said that about me yes and a lot more Mr Basset Basset yeah I know who you are you know that's it well that's very nice you you know who I am you're Mr Penfield well sure now we can talk business you know you'd uh you'd like to make oh my foolish daughter thinks she's in love with a good fortune hter Rodney Randall I see you uh you know him uh we've met oh of course I've seen you together well we must cure her of that mad infatuation completely permanently she's going to fall in love with you with me well why not you're the very type she should fall in love with a successful prosperous handsome man well like like me personally and you want to hire me exactly I'll give you $2,000 the day that you sweep her off her feet and make her forget that Randle fellow um you want me to marry her well I of course I we had we take that up later if you don't mind am well is it a deal it's a deal there we are there we are and you're certain that your father is in a selling mood all positive Mr Basset but uh promise me that you won't let him know that I told you about it oh I promise well uh I'm afraid I'll have to leave you now I have to remind py to wire the British forn office goodbye goodbye hey What's Going who did that you whoo hey Jerry oh so it's you what do you want I want help I'm locked in what is that another gag Miss Penfield honest it isn't please let me out well all right is that you Jerry yes who locked you in my belov out there W stay out oh pardon me would you mind handing me my clothes well I don't see any clothes in here uh in the closet nothing in there but some shoes and hats oh dear well hand me a sheet sheet and some safety pin where there on the dressing table there you are I got one's open thanks you're almost welcome well goodbye oh please don't go why not cuz I need your help no thanks I don't want to be played for a sap again miss Penfield I'm sorry if you think I tried that oh no you just told me your name was beus pay and let me think I'd reformed you well don't you understand I I was driven to it oh won't you let me explain L all right go ahead well you see father's forcing me into marrying Rodney Randall I came down here under an assumed name uh to get away from them you didn't know that Randall was here well certainly not he followed me so did Father oh I told him I was in love with another man they don't believe me they they keep bullying me why didn't you let me know i' have punch their noses I had an inspiration I told him you were the man what man the man I'm in love with uh do you mind very much no no not at all in fact I'll uh help you keep them guessing oh fine how are we working we'll have to be seen together a lot and uh let them guess that we're crazy about each other H you're a peach to do this for me Jerry oh not at all I'll get quite a kick out of it I did already well goodbye for a while goodbye bye quick your father come back here you you bodw Bandit you you should be ashamed of yourself go your room how how dare you entertain this rangler fellow in a sheet he wasn't in a sheet dad I was don't don't quibbl you know how I hate quibbling never never quib was I quibbling but you said this I never mind what I said get into your writing pose what don't ask me do as I say I can't understand this sudden Yen of yours to play jockin well you know I always loved horses now if you love them you'd stay off of them oh I oh look who's here where over there my old friend and business acquaintance Basset Basset yeah uh Jerry please please Babs hello Mr Benfield hello this is Jerry Basset my daughter Babs this is a pleasure how do you do um you looks so you're going riding too yes I am well then why not join us delighted well by the way Mr Penfield did you know that glesby was stopping here Gillespie in the hotel here I I must see Gillespie I must you you two to run along and I'll see you later this couldn't possibly be a frame up could it frame up whatever let that into your mind I have something important to say the go speak oh never mind dad never mind are you ready Mr Basset ready 7s 7640 that's the one all right who brought it in here guy named Basset J Walter Basset uhhuh now don't say nothing to nobody right you say he's been getting thick with some of your respectable guests yes he has you don't think he's trying to I don't think nothing to I get all the facts but if he ain't up to something bigger than a car snatch I ain't the best detective on the force mustn't have any Scandal now don't get your ears in a tangle everything's under control what are you going to do give him more rope give him all the Rope he wants and then they can eat it so far you're doing all right with Mr rle I'm I'm sure I could do much better as alga can I change now now after giving him that Mason addiction line well I could tell him my mother was Russian rence you know a head like yours ought to be at some University really yes in a bottle of alcohol alcohol I'd like that now quit acting like your mother there's bass I put your together and be nice to him why honey lamb there Mr Basset all alone by himself oh how you doing y'all waiting for some pretty girl Mr Basset well I sort of hop that barara no I was just sort of loafing how about a game of pingpong oh I'd love to well all you young folks go right ahead and I'll just sit down and watch want to warm up a little very much my friend I mean uh I had a daughter well if it ain't my old friend the grand UK Oscar or are you PanAm and Peete working the Desert Gold Mine gag I beg your pardon sir you have the advantage of me I don't recollect ever having met you oh so it's the Kentucky Colonel racket huh I resent your impertinence sir if you'll excuse me sit down let's talk over Old Times well all right gy but you haven't got a thing on me haven't I what about the time I took you up the river and got back 5 years ahead of you still holding that youthful mistake against me youthful even the warden called you papa well I age prematurely now I'm a respectable upright pedestrian on the straight and narrow path sure you are and I'm little Lord FY g i appeal to you quit hunting w w well not for my stake but to spare my daughter from learning about my youthful delinquencies oh is your daughter working with you this time you know she's the one fine thing in my life now for the sake of that innocent unspoiled flower okay T for her sake I'll give you the more and to haul out of here but I'll have my eye on you in the meantime well that's my game you're serve not right now I'm kind of tired you want a drink of water oh no thank you wasn't that gy it was we've got to make a quick clean up and get out well how about bassard can you sell him the old plantation watch me well Colonel how about you playing a game I fear I've played my last game G sir why colel a young man like you did you observe that gentleman with whom I was just conversing well I had a glimpse of him my doctor he advises me to leave for the seashore at once really a matter of life and death poor old pppy worst of it is I'll have to dispose of my vast tobacco holding for whatever I can get what s old plantation what must be honey must be if you would be interested Mr Bess well I well I suppose you come up to my room and we'll talk it over so I promised I might make love to you pretty funny huh yes certainly a good one on Basset I get your father's blessing and he gets a kick in the pants he's rather nice chat who oh Basset sure he is say by the way how are you doing with him what do you mean well you know about getting him to invest in my subdivision oh so look here Babs you're not letting me down are you no of course not only only what are you sure your property as good as you say it is dearest how can you say such a thing sorry Rodney I should think you would be after all they you you know how much it means to both of us please Rodney not now uh let's ride back back to the hotel all right there sir the deeds and titles to the entire Cornelius Holden golden opportunity of a lifetime and your sir for me pittance well I told you Colonel that I'm looking for a job and my capital is all tied up in in Investments oh well uh but we could swap couldn't we but is your investment for these I'm afraid not oh come on now sir make me a proposition all right I will you have to go to the seashore don't you my doctor's precise words sir and Randall's subdivision is a Seaside one that's right and I want a job well now if I can talk Rand into taking these for his property will you make me the manager of the subdivision that's a promiser my hand on it thank you Colonel where you going watch your H I'm going down to tell Rand that be just went in the tobacco business so the old Colonel's in a trading mood huh I believe I can talk him into one providing there was something in it for me why should I cut you in what's to prevent me dealing with the colonel direct I think I can get you better trade maybe you can that you swing this deal and I'll give you a bonus of $22,000 cash cash I made a lot more this morning with much less effort indeed you've heard of the Cornelius tobacco interest oh yeah I have yes uh the colonel was talking to me this morning about it the wonderful Holdings I about to acquire them this is your lucky day isn't it I'd say so how I EnV you that ownership and the life of a wealthy Plantation owner unfortunately I'm going to have to sell my Holdings at once you sell them because of my other business obligations you know I I might be in the market for something of that kind take a large amount of cash well say that I I give you 5,000 as for an option and then things go as you say we we close the deal we might be able to get together along those lines Why and by the way Mr Penfield if this deal does go through I'm going to speak to my friend the governor of Kentucky and see about having you made a colonel you mean that I mean Colonel Penfield well colel Penfield yeah I'm going to need some help mhm but this joints crawling with Crooks Please Mr goer not so loud tight down will you now you remember bamy Benny alas snaky Joel I just seen him he calls himself Basset now uhhuh and and who do you think he's working with our old friend the Grand Duke Oscar yeah okay Captain I'll wait till the boys get here soong there you are TRS everything's under control oh I hope so now comb the wrinkles out of your forehead and as soon as the boys get here we'll pinch the whole mob hi there Bess oh hello Mr benville you know the more I see of you the more I made up my mind L that we ought to improve our relationship really yeah in what way well my daughter is a very Charming girl quite well I'm glad you think so a little bit you know independent but all in all have what well what I'm trying to say is that she's already fallen in love with you why don't you marry her and if I do well if you do I shall make you a very substantial wedding present sweep her off her feet we look with her tonight huh hello sweetheart why the sweetheart father's not around well he might be honey come on get in but I thought we were going to stay where father could find us and well things are different now I've got a better plan next Saturday well now wait a minute there's there are a few things I want to tell you I don't want to hear them oh but there's some things you ought to hear about me no if you confess then I'll have to and I don't want to confess oh darling break it up break it up what's the idea this is Basset that's Basset can we pinch the Dame too no no don't that's Miss pen hey give me a minute will you give you 20 years come on don't take him away bring him back here there there miss Penfield it's all for the best all for the best what do you mean why he's nothing but a crook I don't believe it it's true he even stole this car stole it yes in the city stole it my gloves this is my car really then he is a thief and worse Miss Penfield go ahead tell me all of it let me know just how big a fool I've been well the police call him bigamy Benny he goes around making love to wealthy young ladies so he can Swindle their fathers and I fell for that and I better take you back to the hotel Miss Penfield you ought to take me to the home for feeble-minded girls but let's go yes sir Mr Penfield you can thank your lucky stars and I was on the job and to think I engag that young crook baser to make love to my daughter well they all ought to be in the Colonel's room for now well here they are Sergeant both of them both of them that isn't bassard of course not that's Rodney Randall well the manager pointed this bird out and said he was bassard that's randler I'm bassard see he admits it well he isn't the bassard I want kind of a bassard are you well I'm bassard all right can you prove it well I used to work for that over stuff Pelican that's preposterous that's an out out lie don't call me a liar when when did you work for me you ought to know you gave me a $1,000 bonus what is this old home week or something wait wait a minute please I I think I recognize this young man good then maybe you tell me is he bassard or isn't he bassard I don't care what he's a bassard or not he's a disloyal and putting the scan what do you mean disloyal disloyal to me in my laundry were you in your laundry ever loyal to me I of all things I wore out 10 pair of pants in the front seat of your trucks and I sat up nights inventing that new flat raid system and what did I get for it a 20% cut in half it back in a bonus did you did you think out that flat rate cut I thought fash fash why he couldn't figure out a way to conon his thumbs I've got Mass Sergeant let go of me you Walley idiot that's the manager of the hotel that's what I've been trying to tell him I'm sorry Mr grimwood I thought he was trying to pull a fast one who told you that was Bard oh a chap with a little black mustache about Harry size here so I brought her back to the hotel but where is she now the last I saw her she was talking with Mr Randall dar operation I get you could stick in your ear here I do everything but slap bracelets on a whole confidence ring and you got to pinch the victim's best truck driver can I help it s if you don't give us the right name keep away from that window you might get wise yourself and jump how could hey there he is B it I mean the crook beat it with a Dame come on be my daughter she's ly wait for me please come on come on please please wait if you listen to a suggestion young man let scram scram nothing I'm staying right here I haven't done anything wrong well in that case I suppose I may as well keep [Music] company wait wait wait for me wait [Music] do you take this woman to be your lawful wied wife say yes I do do you take this man to be your lawful wited husband answer I do yes I Now Pronounce You man and wife stop why if it hain't Mr Penfield Babs then you didn't aope with him I'm through with men here but you don't understand I understand enough bigger me Benny big of me I'm doing this for you not for him go ahead go ahead Free Yourself well but lady these are no good there's a file there but if I start filing on these cuffs my grandchildren will have to finish the job but he I mean you've got to escape before they here B down a minute honey yeah around here I don't need these tools well good luck you're not going anywhere let go of me you you crook now you shut up and listen let go of I won't listen to you you're going to listen to everything I have to say I will not my daughter have you seen anything of my daughter why you oh yes Mr Penfield she left a message for you said if you came in you would have own room 304 room 304 yes sir room 304 rad hurry please H hello Dad did you enjoy your ride what am I doing I'm sitting on a young man's lap oh a very nice young man he's going to be vice president of your plant and your son-in-law yes his name oh I'm not quite sure Basset h b it that's it J Walter Basset b b that's a this way with my Banks I leave this hotel forever I beg your pardon there something wrong out of my way mik what is your name sir Oscar Grand Duke of all the Russians Oscar yeah
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 542,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filmstruck, con men, Berton Churchill, movie, Evalyn Knapp, Richard Carle, classic movie, CLASSIC, Three of a Kind (1936), Chick Chandler, confidence men, classic movies, MOVIES, FREE, #classicmovies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 11sec (4391 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2013
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