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[Music] [Music] la [Music] lollipop lollipop lollipop lollipop [Music] Lop oh pon pon comrade we we what we should be more careful what we do around here chisler W gentlemen my music at last it's finished what what my masterpiece now what we got to do is sell it well we better we haven't got a dime and the landlord is threaten to throw us out what is he sing about we only owe for 8 months F first call for lunch boy food I'll take care of the frying pan you set the table I'll do the shopping refresh a watermelon bananas hey where'd you put the eggs they're in the oven [Laughter] oh pon pon oh we we Pon we wa wait wait fish ain't good enough for you huh I'll get you nothing who here after you'll do your own [Laughter] shopping I wonder who that is quiet it might be the landlord it is the there's nobody home up he door he didn't believe me so there is nobody home huh I have asked you for the rent for the last time you will pay me now or you go to the B oh Mr giggy not that I promise we'll pay every Sue I just finished my masterpiece come on I'll show it to you giggy old boy and what you call this I should call the maid on a night out whining a Grandfather's Clock with her left hand Master pce free what do you mean free this will be worth of Fortune after I'm dead I should kill you now and find out yeah can't you take a joke I was only kidding but I am not kidding police police [Music] police oh [Music] [Laughter] laundry hey wait for me MO what a predicament nothing to eat and no place to sleep I'm so hungry I could eat a gend Dy yeah if we were back in America at least we could join a WPA what a y WCA look Foreign Legion that's probably the French branch of the American Legion and when they find out we belong to the American Legion they'll send us home in a TXI laffette here we come come on you Foreign Legion we American Legion brother legionaires get it we want to borrow some D yeah we want to go home oh yeah [Music] both we're going to get it he's going to give it to us what oh I get it he wants us to sign an IOU come on what do we got to lose why you say so in The Face Place curly and I congratulations gentlemen what did you say I say congratulations you just joined the army oh no we didn't I beg your pardon sir my mother didn't raise me to a soldier come on scram well looks like we're in the Army it shall be done Captain attention hey hey hey hey he the natives have threatened Captain Gorgan I want you men to guard him with your life let no one enter this tent you got nothing to worry about Captain you're safe as though you were in your mother's arms with us here thank you men I'm depending upon you draw Bandits draw that banet I can't stuck you'd better replace bayit shoulder HS about face forward March me out face captain H Captain oh who goes there you know him the captain's been kidnapped kidnapped the captain where's the captain here Captain call you call Captain Captain attention attention why didn't you guard the captain why didn't you guard the captain why don't you guard the captain why don't you guard the you'll face a firing squad for this give us another chance we'll save the captain honest we will remember your mother and my mother are both mothers Hest father's side I shouldn't do this but I'll give you one more chance but if you fail don't worry I bet you Buck we bring him back alive all right but you must disguise as no white man has ever entered the domain of simth sim I got it he's got it well you better have it or you'll get it H who goes there Santa Claus ah there ain't no Santa Claus that's what you think look we got a present for [Music] you what do you know they got slapped out I'll take a look through that window do not be a fool Captain I'm offering you your life and all this wealth if you'll only tell me where the stores of ammunition are hidden never Captain's in there all right look that's an open window come on hey how am I going to get up there shh give me a hand sap what happened oh you almost killed us that's what happened oh you hit Santa Claus just for that no toys come on we get up there we'll boost you up come on come on you going to start that again give me your foot i y give me a hand [Music] [Music] y WCA oh boy I'll take the blonde I'll take the brunette I'll take the black and 10 come on ah My Fair beauty open up thy curtains that I may see your beautiful [Music] kisser oh where you been all my life tots not a toy toy and to AV I just got over oh lunman remember the old pool room yeah well that's a chur now no yeah now you're the type what you e stenchy nuts no [Music] [Music] garlic hey what's the idea I'm Ling the dock catch me and I'll give you a kiss I'll find you you little cutie oh where are you say something cutie so I can find you am I getting warm huh tell me W there you [Music] off hey fell he's after me ex [Music] friend find him and feed him to the Lions y [Music] the he sh Escape captain and as for you Freedom reaches and your choice of the most beautiful of my Herm are death come let your eyes Feast upon the loveliest flowers of the [Music] desert come on SW we had some new arrivals I [Music] [Applause] [Music] see [Music] he [Music] oh massive massive massive [Applause] it's us come on we got to bring you back [Music] alive well save life that time old cat old kid thank you gentlemen we should be decorated for this you will the door's locked what do we do now [Music] I guess I told him I told him how you do it C it was a s [Music] i out don't push me now room I guess we showed him who boss what do you mean we mus mus la [Music] la hello boys Jerry I had no idea you were the men set out to pay for this room I'm glad to see you tell me Jerry what are you doing here well this is my house you must have opened the bank yeah at night oh I sell insurance say if you fellas want to quit working and collect 500 a month all you've got to do is take out a policy how do you get in on this insurance gang well you take out a policy then you go to the insurance doctor and and pretend you're nuts and the insurance company pays you $500 a month $500 a month it's a banana bananza bananza banana bandana long as we don't have to W anymore how much does it cost oh $25 down 50 a month I've got an application blank I'll get it and help you fill it out $50 F over where's that dollar oh no don't no don't that's my favorite dollar what do you mean your favorite dollar I raised it from a scent now cut it out don't come on [Music] start Hey where's the key in the p in the P what's it in there for any sap knows that so I won't lose it you won't come on come big pocket that's what you are a big pocket that's what you are wait a minute hold still will you getting at the hard way huh oh oh oh oh can't even trust a moth give me that you're next shoot the money to me honey I don't want to play Get Away come on oh come across with that door I'll tear the rest of it out all right all right now we'll fill out the blank oh uh which one do you want to Ure him not me I refuse oh I still refuse I Surrender dear I surrender all right here you are sign right on abouted [Music] Line This Is The Joint boy we'll be in the money soon come on fighter come on how do you do how do you do what's the matter with him bats in the belfrey yeah the insurance company wants the doctor to examine him to prove that he's batty that shouldn't be hard where's your policy right here [Music] madam how about a DAT Cuts woo woo go away go away oh hit a dumb animal would [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you're supposed to be a dog and don't forget come on here they are doctor hi doctor which one is the crazy one that one hey quiet Bowser this is a very sad case doctor ever since he's been bitten by a dog he thinks he is one what happened to the dog that bit him he died steping at the office I'll examine him come on hydrophobia up here now let me see the heart two Spades I double I redouble oh let the doctor do his stuff go on Doc oh doc you'll have to excuse him he's a very Playful Pup there's something loose inside oh you're wrong doctor his head is empty sounds like water on the brain and you mean he may go from Mad to worse exactly I ought to operate on his brain well you can't do that you'll have to cut through the bone come in oh oh this is serious he may go violently insane any minute oh he's worse than that right now now be quiet take it easy be quiet didn't I tell you he was crazy now do we get the insurance money why this man is dangerous I've got to operate immediately what on me yes now don't worry it it won't hurt I'm just going to take the top of your head off right there come on Mo me come on wait a minute call the police hey hey wait a minute hey what's the idea get up what's going on here quick officer a Madman just left my office you nwit if you had played your part like a pck a KN instead of a wolf hound I plan what a work there he is hey you on huh quick the TRU told him I don't care who you are it'll cost you $2 to get the pooch and pay you better telephone headquarters and have broadcasting alarm that's a good idea doctor hurry up he dangerous boy that was a narrow Escape you're telling me that guy wanted to cve me up [Music] I never heard two dogs make so much noise [Music] on when we're running dog is down why he's more fun than a painted clown we interrupt this program to broadcast a warning be on the lookout for three funny looking men one is an escaped lunatic who imagines he is a dog be careful he bites that is all that's enough they're trying to gas us we got to break a way out of here at the door come on ready come on let's get out of here follow come on hey this is the longest room I've ever seen come on hey see biscuit where you going I'm running away hey the win come on on come on ready go he hey the door come on hey it's the Mad Dog man get him get him hey [Music] hey come ride there they are I see them go nothing I won't he to the hospital quick I did take this patient to surgery preparing for cerean decapitation no not me I'm all right I tell you this a mistake this a mistake let me out me out here I let me out here I just a minute you Ain here if the operation is a success you may seem if not you can claim the body thank you Doctor where do you think you're going we're going to see your friend Charlie Charlie host Charlie you know Charlie fell walks like this yeah he's got a bad case of ingrown Hills he starts out like this no cop can ever catch us you said a kid that was a close shame look at the cute baby look [Music] sweee boy aren they cute yeah the one with the red ha [Music] with hey Doc did you see two funny looking guys running around here no he's a sick man I have to go hey you oh what's the use let me alone you don't understand I don't want no operation let me Al I got an idea so you have prepare the anesthesia yes doctor come with me nurse the anesthetic yes doctor don't put that on me do it do it it it wait a minute wait a minute the anesthetic is taken hold he's out like a life he's ready for you doctor it's Dr Delirious quick to smelling salce yes doctor hey you quick quick get a doctor is there a doctor in the house quick quick get a doctor is there a doctor in the house I'm a doctor oh doctor how are you how are you come on move these bodies to the Crematory yes sir the cremator cremator boy that's a real hot foot let's get out of here ah come hey hey come here come on boys wo [Music] [Applause] [Music] take it easy Mis we'll get you out of this yeah there we are I'm sorry bud yeah we'll have it all wiped off here right away hey it's him Jerry I'll the insurance pal what are we waiting for a big take here out out [Music] always fight number seven took off now men you know your objective instructions all clear I I I okay men scramble off myads [Music] [Applause] hey did you do the corners why sightly hey what's that my lunch why I'm sick of this we came overseas to join the RAF and we still civilians working in a garage how did we know you wouldd have to pass an intelligence test and what did you answer when they ask what does a navigator do I told him a navigator crawls in a swamp until it becomes a suitcase and bites like this too no like this get started switch on switch on switch on it is on hey is that all you got to do lay down on the job why don't you stick out your hand when you make a u t this is Colonel Henderson's card it's got a little squeak in it's driving the colonel nuts I want it taken out Savvy leave it to us we'll squ that squeak and nothing flat and I want it fixed by 3:00 or else or else what or else there okay man to work he he hey what are you looking for I'm looking for the [Music] [Applause] squeak I'm sorry Mo did h no oh I'm glad does this ah oh [Music] oh get out of here hey go away I'm busy boas oh I didn't know it was you Mo come on out of that car get up there and take care of the motor oh a navigator [Music] oh o back biter huh oh oh hey Larry it's chewing my arm off did you see what that did to me never mind I'll start the motor see if you can find a [Applause] squeak help get me out help help what are you doing down there Mo get me out of suffocating come on we got to get him out no use we can't get him out this way wait a minute maybe this will help oh [Applause] you got my bait get me outow [Applause] owowowowowow it's no use oh the Anvil let's break it off get me out of here when your fell take your time take your time now look lay it right down there like that oh no no take it easy four say if we heat it it'll slip off why didn't I think of that come on let's get going okay [Music] hey fell what's cooking it's me I burn enough that ought to be hot enough it's too hot let's put in the water and cool it off help oh Bo oh hey let's put his head in the bik and yank it off get me out hey race him up I'll pull his legs oh oh oh wait a minute we'll twist him out what do you say okay oh not that wait a minute wait a minute oh oh oh [Applause] oh got you out didn't we we without even hid in the pipe yeah Mighty you guys hey look out look out Mo you break the hammer I'll bust your skull well this is the last thing in there and still no squeak what does a squeak look like well uh they're usually a small well you juge heads you'll never get this thing together in time hey Here Comes Kelly I'll stall him off while you guys get the passs back [Applause] in hello Kelly you're a little early how early well roughly about 2 days when you smooth it out about a fortnite look I don't like jokes understand h looks pretty good say that winch here looks so clean you wouldn't know there was any glass in it you said it did you get that squeak Out Boy we got everything out I'll drive it right out now wait a minute Kelly listen there's one little thing that never mind I'm in a hurry sounds good don't forget to put in a good work to the colonel yeah we still want to be flyers and wear wings [Applause] so you wanted Wings eh s me well if this is what I think it is you'll get your wings in a harp with them out of here hey come on you Gophers get in this sewer pipe quick okay Joe this Baby's next let's load it on the plane stop hey I think we're moving a how can a saw pipe move what are we going to do now what did you say I said what are we going to do now we got to get out of this let me get up let me get [Applause] up I'm dizzy again this thing must be fallen maybe they're dropping a pipe in a ditch let's get out of here quick we'll be suffocated open her up [Applause] hey that plane just back the Blockbuster yeah and we're in it's drafty let's close this [Music] door don't you listen to our radio don't you know a German soldier never [Music] Huns [Applause] oh boy a one point living what's the matter with you I'm waiting for my stomach oh let's find out where we are I'll wor you when I get up it's a house and naot uncle what are you up to you got a nut cracker are you idiot that's a bomb oh yeah I'm those guys I go to use a nutcracker on your head what happened what happened we got to get out of here what kind of uniform is this well it ain't bad oh it's got wings too wings for the bagle oh 100% Viet hey go get your own i s this for What marshall boing here I'll be right out I wonder how he caught up with this I'm hungry don't tell me you want to eat some more of those sawdust Frank Footers they ain't bad with mustard yeah but that wasn't mustard hey look Checkers white moves first Crown me [Music] shle grber shh quiet here comes somebody come on let's get out of here Hitler Hitler Marsh boring where is your automobile don't cop I only got a a card oh I'll show you the maps no wonder we retreating Marshall Bing wait until you see the position our Tu in will you be surprised I better be boring and bomel come on let's see what they're up to what is this the 28th division in the Red Sea SE the African coins the North Pole no cup these plants mean [Applause] nothing I have other plant from safur oh he got some from a new astrologer yes is so the Germans never get stuck Z you try to make a booby of me huh get me some wine Larry hey h on there's no wine in there General one side H who are you I am moronica ah al lady well business could fate come here my little adal wise sit on my lap what lap pardon me General I think I know the frolin did you ever play football B for the Giants go on get the PLS they're in his coat he don't appeal to me what you heard the Marshall orders his orders that's the way to I got the plans good where are they stop it how dare you strike a Woman by you oh my little Bonia oh Marshall you're so big and strong do you mean that I love every chin on your face you know I got a feeling I'm going to fall for you I know oh you are yeah Mo curly let me out take spies GS GS Hitler hi Hitler hit hit [Applause] hit [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] la order those immediately I I sir telegram sir please wire my acceptance Lieutenant but Admiral count gal is suspected of being a spy exactly that's why I'm going there perhaps I can trip him up I see sir here take my uniforms down and have him pressed and tell those dumb tailor not to burn holes in them this time all right sir you know I'm getting sick and tired of this business it was your bright idea join the Navy and see the world no more smelly sweat shops beautiful girls in every port woo woo I got a good mind to punch her right in the nose yeah we've still been all right if you hadn't blabbed off about us being tailor well don't tail us sound like sailor I got a good mind to bust this iron over your head hey remember you how to pay for the last iron look look what you made me do to the captain's pants fix that hole H you know gasoline don't taste so good since prohibition what do you mean cuz they ain't so careful like when they use it for making gin but it ain't bad here taste it go on scram and get to work play fellas it's 12:00 come on we got the afternoon off make wait for a tail girl I'm going to get 18 blinds and 12 redheads I'm going roll in the park hey clean and press for the Admiral in a hurry clean and press for the Admiral in a hurry clean and press in a hurry clean and press in a boy when you see the dames go for me you should see that beard lady in the circus is she a be when she gets a shave when I get through rolling a boat boy I'm going to spend a hot weekend on a roller coaster a now I'm going to change my socks what an experience what's the matter nothing I always want to see how you look with AO wave attention why aren't you Men at Work Well you see Admiral he and I were just standing how do I look as an admiral get him got hey you Salute Your saror officer how dare you strike an officer sney how dare you what do you mean officer man do your duty wait a minute don't you know who this guy is you know I was thinking for how dare you wear my uniform I was taking it out for an eron it's full of I'll press them right away is there anything wrong sir yeah there's a guy everything's all right I wish to talk to those men alone IA you know for five bucks a piece I'll get you birds out I'll bust your skull in five pieces get us out you bubble brain say God put these men on on rations of bread and water I'll get you for this on second thought plain water oh salt water hey you oh Admiral yes all right you win you know I was thinking there's no sense in getting you guys out of here you need a pass for the other gate you chucklehead yours ain't the only officer's uniform in the tailor shop you're right gone release these men what all these men are in here for kicking an officer oh kicking an officer right yes sir so you kick an officer right kicking an officer right attention right Face Forward March my dear count Geral your Admiral is late Admiral Taylor and his staff let him now that's not ad T be careful it may be a tra don't I'll get the information if it's womanly possible Admiral Taylor I believe how did you know I was a Taylor well everyone knows the tailor of Kentucky one of the oldest families in America sure everybody knows old Taylor 100 Proof won't you introduce your friends why s this is B the button Captain presser that's them Miss ARA may I present Admiral Taylor Commander button and Captain presser say when do we eat oh it's a nice hunk of goods there buddy oh Admiral wouldn't you like to come and sit down would I let's go over and find a dark corner it's the kid the Admiral threads a fast needle he's an old so and so oh girls did you see my tattoo there you care for a cigar uh oh allow me sh me sh me won't you tell me about the Navy sure you see they feed your beans every day except on Sunday that's when you get beans soup and beans oh adal you're such a sturdy old and I'm your clinging Vine won't you tell me about your submarines I don't know anything about submarines I'm a tailor I mean uh oh Admiral don't you trust me sure but I don't trust myself you Foolish Boy please sir come on toots don't mind him do you smell rubbish Burnie smells like somebody's frying onions get up get up am I as heavy as all that no but I'm pointing up get up a what is that nice well I'm sorry dear I didn't mean it honestly oh please give me another chance will you please I didn't listen honey I did not I did not say you're getting in my [Laughter] hair [Music] you want to get us in wrong before we eat what's the matter with you I think I got spring fever spring fever or hay fever you got to get that off before anybody sees you get out there and I'll help are you got to show me I tell you I am Admiral Taylor I beg you upon there must be some mistake the admiral has been here for quite some time I thought this guy was a phony when I caught him snooping around outside the window now just a minute gentlemen those three imposters can identify me they're enlisted men tell these men who I am how should we know we never saw you before in our lives what just as I thought come on boo let's go officer please we'll be shot at sunrise for this maybe the sun won't come out tomorrow it might rain we got to find a place to hide this plays right into our hands how about that submarine Admiral oh is it big enough like submarine well certainly that's perfect that is I mean uh what are we waiting for calling all Patrol boats calling all Patrol boats submarine M9 has left Port unauthorized last scene headed out to sea stop her that is all H see I told you you couldn't get away with it my government needs this submarine and I'll either get it to them or sck in the attempt but what about us one move out of you and I'll kill you if you do I'll never talk to you again thanks Mouse stick them up hold him still Mo I get him hold him in one place hold him still wait a minute I got the wrong guy you made a mistake yes I did yes I didn't mean to hit you you can't get away with no one can with me no one mer so I can tie him up I did it I did it hurry up what what happened we must have hit land I see we hit bottom we're sunk we're lost hey what's the matter with you I'm practicing for when we run out of air what do you think you're in the movies oh we're trapped like rats speak for yourself oh a microscope I can see I can see what what do you see water why [Music] what was that the school of catfish just went by hey Blood Hound hey blound what get to your post what post I don't see no post not even a Street Lamp I'll put both your lamps out calling all battleships calling all Navy planes calling all bombers calling all Naval craft submarine M9 stolen by enemy spies sink her at all cost that is all that is all ain't that enough we better get this thing back before they find us right man the wheels what wheel any [Music] wheel hey fellas we're moving I can feel it in my bones [Music] I'll level a [Music] ro pardon sir submarine M9 was cided just off The Brak water order batteries 1 and six to open fire at once yes [Music] sir it's running smooth I'm going to get out of here okay hey fellas it's all [Music] right the mo hey she's firing and order my gate I'm going aboard that sub yes sir look what they did to the [Music] flag they were shooting at me no what' you catch again a pelican that's an aerial bomb you sa wait a minute this can't hide any of us it's a d oh a d e wait a minute what are you trying to do I'll fix it so it don't Hur in anybody I'll beat its brains out H you'll be Court marshal for this arrest these traitors oh now wait a minute sir we're no traitors we captured those spies we did it for you sir oh remarkable you'll be rewarded for this how did you do it it was a s i I took a piece of pipe and crowned them like [Music] this hey step on it look who's coming wow [Music] oh come on you guys step on it we got to get rid of this jalopy today [Music] a my goodness how'd your face get so dirty like this now cut out the nonsense help me with the wheel same all I think this tire needs a recap so do your head oh all the wheel steady [Laughter] you missed me go get them ah good morning sir something in a nice clean used chariot well I did a good step right this way something a use charot for this gentleman yes sir how do you do sir I'm on a snow that's on a shamp and that's that's Larry now this buggy is in wonderful condition yes it's our radio special for today belong to an old couple in Babylon all they did was drive it up to the Temple of Isis once a week that's the original paint job original paint uh did you notice the black side wall tires me action too never knew it had it you can't buy a chariot for half the money over in madman ramises wonderful condition the Best Buy on the lot only 400 shekels what do you say well it seems to me you're asking an awful lot of money howdy howdy boys howdy oh nice looking Chariot Sunny what do you want for it I'm afraid you're a little late we promised to sell it to this sucker uh this gentleman here for 400 shekel give you five six seven you can have it now wait a minute yeah I had one anyway you saw it first we'll stick to our original bargain 400 shekels well thank you here's your receipt there's your chariot come on help M go up she goes there we go there we go that if that Chariot doesn't do everything we claim for it I wouldn't be a bit surprised original paint open up you sers they'll get tired of that quick enough there we are 125 shekels a piece hey that's 150 for you you said it's going to be an even split yeah right down the skull he never knows when I'm kidding yeah so you dare Swindle the chief of the palace guards the cops wait wait a minute I know I know King shall hear of this I'm going to get myself a cheap LA palace how dare you bring me this miserable report when I suffer like a dog with a toot take but your highness silence collection of tax is 40% off how do you explain that well your highness there was a crop failure a flood on the Nile and there were other enough Bloods are no flood you're supposed to collect my taxes this is disgraceful oh away andies Kneel To The Mighty routon toon Hail to the ruler of the Sun and the Moon oh well who are these sand fleas your highness they swindled me I demand their lives I paid them 400 shekels for a chariot and it fell apart the moment I left their establishment you got me covered I have no time for Trifles throw them to the crocodiles and ramies find somebody who will cure this cursor tooth this is our chance if we can pull his too trth they may not toss us to the crocodiles yeah but how are we going to do it you got the tools what we get to lose my head like he was saying what have we got to lose oh yeah oh oh your highness this lad will fix you up he's known as painless Papyrus see he has his delicate instruments with him surely your highness will not permit these charlatans I'll try anything oh my tooth is killing me come forward naves but I warn you if you fail you'll die 10,000 deaths he never fails ready doc right all right twist where did everybody go oh all right folks give me a little Elbow Room take a powder kids what is Right King I think it's this one oh a rear by codor we'll have it out in a minute do your stuff doc [Music] look take it easy look the dock can't wa while you got your mouth closed you got to open it like this I got it Mo I got it I H well what do you know a vacancy I I'm sorry I'll put it back get away here come on now there that didn't hurt did it your majesty well then open your mouth come on fellas now's our chance hurry [Music] [Applause] up you're behind us you're H us what my tooth king size the pain is gone they've cured me unhand them they're free these men deserve a reward invest them as Royal chamberlains but your highness do as I say did he say Royal chambermaids no chamberlains he wants us to stick around and look after things yeah suppose he has a tooth EG again we'll cross that bridge when we come to it not bad not good oh did you see him hit a royal chambermaid some grape boy this is sure better than the used Chariot racket yeah if I could only get used to these fine feets oh thank you Bo I have this peel and brought back as soon as possible oops be careful that's me under that nail say it must be time for the king's afternoon nip where's the wine seller honey third dungeon Corridor first door to your ride thanks some perfume sister what brand do you use Spinx I know but what brand he use coming Mo coming so you see ramies I did collect the tax money I simply forgot to turn this pot in very clever and using the tomb of Old King put and take it was sheer Genius it was rather neat even if I say so myself and um look hey The Babe said it's the first door on the right right I said the Dame said it's the first door on the right right this guy don't know his right from his left when I say go we all point to the right go oh edex perhaps you should know tudon the king suspects you of with holding taxes in fact he has ordered me to watch you I know that's why I'm giving you a share of the loot Che it I get my [Applause] hand get those men D search every room in the palace hold hail wise Oracle which where did those names go they went that away and that ain't no bull come on I'll never think of looking in there again come on H that's funny nothing in there good old put and Tak it he sure was an ugly old cuss [Music] Mo I didn't know it was you a natural enough mistake my lad you know it now oh come on let's get out of here get [Music] back whoa whoa whoa who we cannot allow those Rascals to get to the king they won't check the main Corridor I'll wait here oh ramies [Music] [Applause] B you shall die for this all everything King don't you don't you come on here we are here we are rescue what is the meaning of this wait a minute King we have a surprise for you here is your tax money and they the fellas that held it out on you Splendid Splendid again I'm indebted to you one of you shall have my daughter's hand in marriage oh I'm the one here right hey wait a minute oh I'm the first chamber mate ain't I I'll settle this pardon me just a minute call in the princess ain't this the princess oh no she's only a slave if she's a Slave ohy this is my daughter let the lucky man take one pace forward congratulations my son what's the matter with him I don't Mo Larry do something do something do something [Music] move [Music] la [Music] well young fell we're taking you to Palm Springs tonight how do you like that huh I'll take about four honey how will that be oh well I'll have everything packed fine car is ready sir okay goodbye ding bye-bye oh by the way uh we sure and have the dog wash today yes sir I'll take him to that new place on State Street okay let's go and you go a customer come on what a beauty will we clean him up all okay now take it easy no so is this time everything open Ship Shape we've got a great reputation to live up to now so watch your cues everything seems to be in working condition here go get your equipment on ready men contact contact little lower to the left all right sh it that way a little L take it away contact reverse contact reverse contact reverse got nothing to worry about we'll have you on the ni fight his do in the world hold it it contact take it out take it [Music] away are you ready get on your mark go right down here we'll have it cleaned up in a [Music] minute [Music] hello step on it I'm getting sick and tired of this job I ain't getting anywhere oh let it down contact it down take it out well now let's see hey get your hat don't go away uh-oh power oh they got me let that be a lesson to you nice work inspector thanks are you ready for me take him away it's all yours swing it get on well this doesn't look like Palm Springs to me what are you stopping here for I'm just stopping to pick up the dog but you're not going to take that mut to Palm Springs what can we do for you sir uh how's my dog coming the dalmatian oh the one with the freckles that's him he'll be ready in a minute we're putting the finishing touches on him did anyone ever tell you you had pretty pores but you shouldn't bite your nails go get my friend's bill I'll show him come on darling we get this business running right pardon me there he is sing span 50 cents please looks fine thank you uh Mr pal the jackpot it's about time wait a minute wait a minute that 50 turn l 111 South North thanks Mr Manning pull again nothing like a satisfied customer hey what did I lock up you want the tools to be stolen where's Mrs Manning flag the taxi sir I imagine she's gone to Palm Springs alone where am I my key now oh dear no keys now you'll be a good baby while Mama goes around and tries to get in the back door that's nice 3 m an hour we ought to be going fasted net you're right you know the old engine ain't what it used to be you're telling me listen to that exhaust hey you come here why don't you close your cut out here thanks turn her over just as I thought two cylinders missing sounds like a carbon knock to me ow say did you ever have your valves ground certainly with onions yeah what oh hey fellas look why it's a baby ain't you never seen a baby sure but what you doing out there maybe somebody's trying to get rid of it you mean it's being adopted abandon you lug and if there's nobody home the kid'll starve to death go on get it I like babies I was one myself once ain't he cute come on we'll take him over the police station you going to have him arrested for loitering go on put him in I don't know it was my idea but I don't think much of it he's a cute little rcal ain't he yeah I'd like to keep him him raise him up my yourself nothing doing it ain't fair to the kid well maybe we could give it some milk before we T it in kind of fatten it up a little come on let's go go on now you've caused enough trouble get in your dog house and stay there you better step on her now Tom he's probably halfway to Palm Springs by this time Doug Penny bring that baby back here if the only knew oh boy you going to have a feast quiet shh he's there that thing what are you going to do with that oh put my hand over sh come on good evening Mrs stuts oh hello boys what's the trouble oh uh nothing could we have our key certainly [Music] thanks do [Music] something did you hear a baby crying it's only Carly he never could stand green onions they get in his hair I mean his eyes come on get the key get the key please hey wait a minute what on Earth has happened to you uh something I yet wait just a minute I think I can fix you up drink this right down it all fixes me up just take it easy and you'll be all right come on Hey where's Butch not bad he B look what I got for you how do you like that get rid of him quick it's the landlord I heard a baby in here a baby how was this thisy me you hi [Music] talking yeah now do you see yeah I always like to talk baby talk baby want to crack out oh yeah he's spoiled oh yeah well I'll keep my eye on you guys what I'm out a Butch the kid looks tired I'll fix his bed hey porcupine give me a hand take it easy kid hurry up here Butch come on making muffers a well I didn't want the baby to catch cold well if you were over here I'd give you this sleep all right huh here fix the baby's milk I'll handle it hit me when I wasn't looking e back biter hey fellas look it's Butch hey we ain't no kidnappers we better get that kid back to his parents I got it follow me here boy have I Got Brains what's the idea I'm going to pull the cups and dress you as the baby's mother but I never saw the baby's mother she never saw you either did she no well go on oh well I don't feel like a mother good morning Mr M good morning a fine bunch of cops we have around here letting babies get kidnapped all over the place don't you worry we'll have them Crooks behind the bars in 24 hours not bad not bad what do you mean not bad look at those wait I'll fix that what are they for I'm going to Pat them out with these sponges nobody will ever get wise give me a hand they've got a couple of suspicious characters down at headquarters the detectives pick them up this morning maybe you can identify them right wait a minute he's all the detective I need follow him and we'll find the baby the top of the m to you how are you mrin I want you to meet my sister Mrs Dennis OU she just came over from Ireland a Mrs OU is it from the IDE a fine broth of a b you have here is he on the bottle yet H I should say not he don't smoke drink not you oh Mrs UL you know Mrs UL oh I beg your pardon you remind me of a Caren I once knew in the county car then you remind me of a cop I once knew in the county chair oh come on over and see officer hin let me see the baby here Ah that's a fine broth of a bu you better be going just we'll miss that train goodbye goodbye Mrs I tell you I'll take the baggage c yeah I wish we were both going on that thing wait a minute why that's the kidnappers come back here come back here you kidnappers you can't get away with that quit ducking there hey hey hold on there just a minute ain't I seen you somewhere before and what part of China are you from may I ask from China East Side well I think we'll take a little trip over to the west side of the police station come along okay L give okay come on come here you I'm back here hey come back here you can't get away with [Music] it out that come on have [Music] it now where is Mrs ul and the baby they're on their way back to Ireland ah yes where is Mrs UL come on stop what's going on oh hello Murphy say I think I got a couple of the kidnappers but the one with the baby got away yeah quiet quiet see you woke up a baby that's him that's him it's a baby you're going for this I tell you this my baby come here do so you tried to fool me eh now wait a minute lady we found that baby on the doorstep we're no kidnappers aren't you the fellas that run the dog laundry sight me sure I'm Mo I'm clearly I'm Larry [Applause] quiet I see it all now they saw the baby on the doorstep and they thought I had abandoned it I'm sure there must be some mistake officers if you'll release these boys I'll vouch for them darling but look at you you're the dirtiest baby I've ever laid my eyes on oh we'll handle that let me have and follow me down the alley right right help me out officer ah come on get out of there thank hey wait for [Music] me wo [Music] Let Me Wait something way let me hang this I get away from [Music] me what you do I didn't mean to turn it off turn it [Music] off [Music] [Applause] la [Music] [Applause] my son Larry Mo and curly he [Music] cute get out of that bed you lazy lers and come down and help [Music] me [Applause] [Music] the idea rolling over in your sleep I couldn't help it get out of hey mom must been trying to wake us up again yeah let's go in the bathroom and clean up I'm going to brush my teeth I'm going to change my socks what of the experience hey what are you trying to [Applause] [Music] do what's the matter with you oh W where your reso oh right like this I got a little soap on my tongue thank you thank you wait a minute wait a minute open your mouth and say ah ah get out that b you lazy hey hurry up we'll have a miss our breakfast come [Music] on [Applause] it's a letter for Curly from The inventors Association this just poisal damn Mr Jack look at way he spells Jack j e r k come on you don't know how to read what's the idea covered my ears I don't want you to hear what the letter has to say yeah after trying your gold color button retriever I have concluded that It is incomprehensible and utterly impractical oh boy success success this m well just what does this invention do wait I'll show you Ma this is my new invention this is a color button I throw it away and wherever it goes the arrow will find it get out of here take it easy M we'll have out in a minute I've sced bye M goodbye M goodbye M we're off to the city to make our Fortune oh wait a minute here's $5 for expenses oh thanks you would take [Music] it goodbye ma goodbye you start by again hey fellas what are you waiting for come on goodbye ma goodbye ma goodbye ma we'll be seated don't [Music] worry you almost hit me in a safety zone never mind that we got to get somebody to buy that goldf finder did I understand you boys to say you had a goldf finder why sight me why I'm the fell you want to meet I can study the rights to the lost mine 100,000 tons of pure gold worth 30 $5 an ounce think of it I can't how much is that in round [Applause] numbers that's 80 billion 16 million 51 cents in a fraction profit no less income tax lead is $27 oh boy how much you want for it you only got $50 I it's a deal pay [Music] him hey ah thank you you don't know I got another 50 ah but I got the map and that'll cost you 50 more pay him the $50 I forget where it is oh [Applause] yeah a it's in his left pocket right where is this mine Way Out West boys oh boy out west and they're glad of it shut up taxi pick us up and make it snappy out [Music] [Applause] west go go go tin cans that ain't no goldfinder it's a scavenger maybe it's the climate is crazy with the heat how do you feel oh pretty [Music] good 6 months on the desert and all we've got this little poke of gold that sure has been tough Bo I shoot an arrow into the air where it lands I do not care I get my arrows wholesale come on get this thing started this time you find gold oh boy gold gold we want gold zo come on gold hey that belongs to me that's all I wanted to know hey should I shoot another arrow listen William Tell for two pins I'd betat your brains out I ain't got any pins you haven't got any brains either I'm on fire I'm on fire I'm stuck Mo Larry help me come on get busy don't worry kid we'll have those out and two shakes and a Twist come on hey you're leaving the ends in them well they don't show come on I'll handle this Mo he's got [Music] me hey what's the idea the Rope this is my last Arrow you think I want to lose it where it goes I go eeny meeny miny mo we need gold come on let's go make it [Applause] [Music] snappy hang on a kid we'll be right with you come on he hey Mo hey Larry get me out I'm stuck hey Mo L look at here he thinks he's an ostrich come on out of there what are you doing in there wait a minute grab a hole of his leg oh hey boys hey boys not that please put my legs down put my legs [Applause] down all still this ain't getting us no place we'll have the blast yeah wait wait a minute maybe we can pry him out it'll take longer but go ahead right give me a little room what I please stop it St it he he I think I'm snagged s go away go i w i [Applause] r get off I only have my hands free if I only have my hands free I better use the other [Music] [Music] end I wish goad go ahead keep it up keep it up give it up we can't pull him out this way we better push him through and then we'll take him out from the other end ready right hello down there hello up [Music] there throw down the tool he wants the tool come [Music] [Applause] on hey come on down hurry come on there's a ladder [Music] here he ain't got time now we got to find a gold gold what are we waiting for start digging out of my way here I hope it ain't tin cans this [Music] [Applause] [Music] time watch down that shovel and get a pick I'm murder you guys yet suffer and catfish they found the Lost mind so what but they liable to find the gold well let them do the work and we'll take the gold away from them I'm going to walk in the corner now you guys get busy B here Let It Go I didn't feel that I [Music] would I hit the jackpot yeah hey there's more here the jackpot hit you I like it come on boy won't ma be happy yeah we'll take her right out of the kitchen and move the stove in the dining room let's go those double crossers wait a minute Mo those Desert Rats are after us yeah and they want the gold too where's curly I don't know did you ring sir yeah did you see a guy about that high and about that wide did he have a cool hat on take it off where's the gold don't worry it's safe in the safe all right we'll cut it up three ways we'll have a shh you hear something must be those guys again where's that go hey quick we'll hide the safe with the go h r Gold's in the safe well they give me the dynamite and we'll blow him up you where the go there it is we sure fool them yeah hey what's that toy what's the matter with you I think a toy might bit me she is oh look a rollan candle Fourth of July hey Marblehead you know what that thing is your holding there that's Dynamite you mean the things with the hey I Smell Smoke I'm not smoking what theck was p a [Applause] [Music] squizzle [Music] yes yes yes okay will you quit worrying I'll find him something big boss is 100 Grand big sounds like the mint what is it three mugs have the winning sweep steak tickets worth 100,000 bucks who are they I don't know uh two of them are short and funny looking and the guy who bought the ticket is fat with no hair he's got two hearts tattooed on his chest all we got to do is find him and out of 50,000 fat guys you're going to find one with two hearts tattooed on his chest with your help Paton SP and so old this is the place now remember no less than $100 for the invention okay well what is it what is it what is it what is it nothing nothing nothing see you later wait a minute is the patent man in well that's me well we got a patent we want to sell a fly catcher how does it work oh it's simple that's enough you see a fly being a nosy animal he crawls into this little hole sees the steps and starts climbing the kitchen h half floor so he goes up to see what's cooking what no elevator don't be ridiculous how do you like this dop that's enough I'll tell this I want a fly gets to the top still being dizzy and nosy he looks down sees himself in the mirror thinking it's another fly he gets binded up he thinks this fly is cutting in on his territory get it so he jumps down lands on his stomach and knocks his brains out it's a beautiful sight and simple isn't it very and a penny of fly there's millions in it well when you make your first $100 bring it in and I'll give you a patent oh boy we're in the money hey brainy at a penny of fly how many flies do we have to catch to make a 100 [Applause] bucks 100,000 100,000 100,000 [Laughter] 100,000 what's the matter little girl you wouldn't understand with all that money I'm just a poor little orphan nobody loves me and I haven't any food I love you and they'll get you some food you mean you haven't had anything to eat no this morning I went to the cupboard to get my poor self a bone but when I got there the cupbo was Bare not even a bottle was [Music] there go on get her a bottle hey you know how hard it is to get a bottle these days milk you num skull oh you get the milk I'll get the bread and you oh don't leave me alone I'll stay with her why won't you take your coat off is comfortable won't you sit down I'm going to Rumple your hair you're such a big strong man I'll bet you've got two hearts right here I think you got something there I think I have come on let me see your hearts no I don't want to oh let me see no come on don't do that I said the are you hurt I think I'm stabed oh look look what you did to my bding needles it didn't do me any good either a come on let's sit down now let's see those hearts I said no another one oh so you have that's it you hit the bottom oh it must be wonderful to have 100,000 did you get it yet Oh you mean my fly catcher certainly we'll have 100,000 flies just like that not dollars no Flies why you double Crosser look out now get out of here you see what you did when I get the get out of here get out no no why that w wolf stand aside get out what's the idea Porter mommy puppy get away from here your mean Porter open that door going to hit him with the water no I'm going to throw the water away and hit him with the bucket why you they tried to drown me as a matter of fact they did yeah come on open that door come on we'll get in there I'm a door why you another step and I'll [Applause] Fight n what what are you trying to do it wasn't me all I did was this you shot that guy and killed him too come on what you do I'm going to die we better get out of here wait a minute we better take him along so they won't know you killed him give me that rag it's a bag quick we'll stuff a minute hurry up he's getting stiff okay see the trouble you got us into pull it all the way up around his neck and hide him good boy is he stiff slim just called and he has the guy who won the 100,000 did he get the D yeah and after he paid his income tax he had just 12 bucks left take it easy now kid come on hurry up we got to find a place to hide hey stuff them in that Barrel get them all the way in so nobody can see him wait down hey what are you guys up to we couldn't help it was an accident officer or suicide can't you read that sign now take that trash and get out of here you heard him take that trash and get out of here but that ain't shut up you heard what the officer said take the trash and get out of here just trash come on with that rubbish Guy come on hey come back here you murders well this is a place everrest pet cemetery do you think he was somebody's pet what difference does it make come on go [Music] on sh what's the matter somebody just ran by me what did he look like I couldn't tell he was running on his hands and knees yeah yeah he had a big head and long curls wait a minute why can't we bury him out in the street what and have somebody run over him and kill him again we're going to bury him right here [Music] hey Mo Larry hey Mo Larry [Music] what's the matter with you you know that dead guy yeah he just slapped me you mean like this yeah just like that only on the other side where's the body I ain't got no body I lost it well you better go find it hello hello Mr Black there's prowers in the cemetery you better come on over oh but I can't I'm giving a masquerade party oh all right we'll be right over get Joe there's something wrong at the cemetery let's leave the body here no sir you killed them and you're going to bury him oh I don't see why we have to do that there he is your chucklehead bring him over here this is all your fault did you kick me no well it's a good thing you didn't because if you had I would we'll spread out and search the grounds if you spot anyone whistle quiet hello call for Philip Blake call for pH black phone [Music] sir I wonder where that lunk head is I don't know and I don't care all I want to do is get out there's nothing to be afraid of in here everything is dead I think I see something over there come on follow me Larry are you behind me if you ain't don't answer me open the door open the door open the door hey Larry hurry up it's Mo it's where you hey Mo hey Larry I found the body let's get out of here never mind that I saw a big hole over there let's bury him first and then we'll get out of here pick him up it was around here someplace quick we'll hide in the hole and maybe we can catch him here it is throw them in we'll cover them up no no I said throw him in and cover him up I did I suppose he walked back by himself I'll throw him in we'll keep a sharp look out why don't you make up your mind are you a yo-yo why hey Mo hey Larry what's the matter he just walked out and kicked me in the mouth I'll kick you in the mouth come on get your shovel and cover him up hurry up hey hey hey what are you yelling about that wasn't me [Music] no [Music] how do you like that no beer you know this is the 16th Place we've been in yeah there ain't a bottle of beer in town hey I got an idea shut up I don't want to hear it what is it well boys we're all set we got the directions we've got the ingredients now let me see in order to make 10 gallons of beer pour one can of hopes hops Hops and a can of Mt into a large crook Croc Croc then fill Croc with hot water hot water hoty tatsy come on quit clowning yes sir get the hot water hi sir go on all right I'll open the mall you open the hoppies Hops boy I'd like to taste it right now hey what do we do next wait a minute and I'll tell you we did that here mix ingredients refer page 27 oh why you it was an accident mo mo it was an accident The Croc sked sorted your brain take it easy Mo I'm a citizen here take this m and clean up that mess that's an order present arms H right shoulder arms H about face oh what's the matter nothing are you now come [Music] on hey hey what are you doing well that's that let's see what happens next put in three cakes of yeast ye yeast I'll answer it all right porcupine get the yeast hello hey Larry it's for you okay I'm going to do things around here myself one two three oh what hey Mo that's for you where were we oh yeah three cakes of you I don't have to do everything myself I gu what can I do now oh the bules one two 3 what are we doing now hey fellas come on help me with those bottles so they'll be done when the beer is ready good night come [Music] on hey the soap is Bo over quick bail her out all away get another Tob faster I got an idea well hurry up with it let go why you dummy that gives me another idea I'll hurry up right here come on okay here's my brain child at last you got a brain child come get it in boy next day next day coming up next I'm up all right boys get working here success success oh boy it's stun look at all the beer we got oh boy so you know I don't want pour any cold water on this project but it seems to me there must be something wrong oh you're crazy we followed directions I put the yeast in myself you're crazy I put the east in you're both crazy I put the east in we all put the east in you imile who told you to put the yeast in you see that well I'll put matter what that's it the last one 185 bottles of beer we ain't going to run short of beer look at those bottles of beer hundreds of bottles of beer boy boy beer to swimming beer to bathing we can wash our clothes and beer we got beer Galore boys this is terrific say how about some Dutch lunch certainly I'll get some apple pie and Whi cream I'll take uh some burn toast and a rotten egg burnt toast and a rotten egg yeah I got a type for him and that's good enough for him put it [Music] down you got us into a fine mess this time yeah you had to go and sell one little bottle of beer how did I know he was a detective oh and charged him the black market price on top of it ah stop crying over spilled beer and the judge says we'll be out of here in 8 months on good behavior yeah you know it's a good thing we drank our fill before they caught us here and we'll drink our fill again oh boy wonderful somebody's coming hi okay this way you guys hey hey wait a minute what's the matter with you goer goer huh gee that's too bad okay inside you guys okay y get over there and line up see more here that's it yeah yeah that's better little more light here that's better gee it's hot in here I hope the beer don't spoil shut up be still my heart hey Mo the spirit is boiling shut up we can't do anything about it now all right get ready set hey I'll hang you for this they can't hang us we're innocent we're innocent I tell you you're telling me well they're going to hang us oh no no I'm too young to die I'm too young and too handsome well I'm too young no no no no hold that oh thank you you we got 24 hours to live think than think Pi it up Pi it up kid I got it what a terrific headache he's come on listen we got to get out of here if we only had a sore hey what about these well where'd you get these I say bottle tops is this a musical saw certainly it plays I hear a rity that was a rity in the kisser come on get on those bars [Music] quick wait a minute wait a minute let a guy that can s see s oh give me a home we're in a buo room and the be in the anope hey on you God oh oh look hello boys how you do all but boy it's great to be out yeah hi [Laughter] Blackie what's the idea why don't you get your big feet out of the way how would you like a punch in the nose a punch in the nose why you you couldn't even punch him in the nose oh I couldn't hey suck me hard put some steam in it so that I could really get [Music] soar don't give him a chance to say boo slip it right to him bring it way back from your heels boy and let him have it right between the eyes sa you Mr Warden speak to me Warden say a few syllables what a few adjectives get some water of you dummy come on Warden look was only an accident comeing on come on that's sand not water you dummy guards guards all right you guys keep working he's gone cheesus chees you hey you 6 and 78 bring that horse and Wagon in here you guys get ready to load this rock in the wagon okay hey we got to keep our eye open for 41144 maybe it's the warden yeah I'll Warden you get [Music] busy hey Great Dane what's the matter with you a hornet's trying to Horn in on me wait a minute hold still I see him thanks Mo you're welcome you with that iron head of yours now I'm might will have to pay for another Hammer w w come on come on com in now see that yeah all right two3 come on with me got some painting to do come on you can go back to your work [Music] you men take these buckets and paint cell block number six we got to find 41144 yeah wonder where he hangs out they generally hang out on The Gallows for what's the idea why you I'll Jam this right time it's him pomoy how did you know my name hey we came to get you out yeah that's great what do we break out here's the idea leing us wait a minute let's all go together go get those brushes and paint come on stop working boy they sure look like guard uniforms now you said it they'll never know the difference come on we paint our way out hey oh pardon me there's a white [Music] spot come on a wise guys huh huh take him to solitary another one get another one hey wait a minute that's a real one I'm no fool well boys last you're free thank you Warden or don't mention it hurry back we're out at last 40 years I've waited for this day do you know what I'm going to do what what I'm going to get myself a tall big beautiful bottle of beer oh yeah yeah oh hey what's going on here open up we got a new customer for you Warden take them come on pal I know where there's a a couple of beautiful blondes oh [Music] yeah [Music] oh Fus I have the the most marvelous surprise for you for me mhm we're going to have the whole house redecorated oh but Maggie we just had the whole house redecorated but that's not the point it's a political move you see om the famous Parisian interior decorator has just opened an office in town well Luella Pendle thinks he's about the last word now when Luella finds out he's done our house she'll think we're really people of quality it may mean we'll get into who who's who you might be invited to join the golf club Maggie do you realize before we came into all this money I was a letter carrier Golf Club yes Madam this is over oh Mrs smch yes how do you do how are you I'm sorry madam but some clumpsy men are walking in the corridor could you please speak louder uh could you please come to my office say at 12:00 oh thank you I'll be there thank you so much I'm the king now Crown me you're lucky you guys don't get to wake off cron you get it out of here quiet quiet what's all the fuss Madame Melle name of a pig how is it possible to make so much noise painting you don't know us guys we make noise stuff on the mattress take hurry up get easy easy easy see he don't mean nothing those tassels drive him nuts when he was a baby somebody tickled him with a willow this was the only thing I'll bring him out of it [Music] see easy kid thank you hey you oh me yeah you come here it's the boss show a little interest in your work what's your trouble boss the tenants are all kicking for signs on their doors we'll have to use these stencils temporarily okay wait a minute they're all in order now put them on just as they are these go on this side these go on that side it's a cinch these go on this side these go on that side that's right make it snappy okay these go on this side these go on that side these go on this side these go on that side these go on this side these go on that side right hey you got to get going here put these stencils on the doors on the left side of the hall you take the right side where you going I'm going to get my brush I'm the period man which is the left side that's the left which is right the one that's left that's right no that's SL that's all boys there's a pretty good morning's work how about some lunch that's a good idea where we go let's try the Reds oh I'm getting tired Rich how about the war I'm tired of both those places let's go to builtmore have you got a quarter on you I had 3 cents when I come in this morning somebody borrowed it from me any get they all sayk right on hey what are you guys doing talking behind my back nobody's talking behind your back that's Pig Latin sure anybody can understand it it's very simple well I can't and I'm simple now listen you tell him my name is Mo how are you fine thanks my name is Mo in pig latin that's om my name is Larry now what's that in pig latin oh it's AR l boy are youday Oh you mean I'm mday in pig language you're um in any language oh thank you now I'll explain it so even you can understand it now follow me Larry aray Mo om curly cly hold him hold him hold him hold him hold hold him hold om om oh you're wife to it too eh om's inside I Monday come right in lady we wasn't expecting any company uh om sure I'm om oh I'm so glad to find you in I want to ask you about look out lady get easy now you see he don't mean any harm lady he's a little touched in the head about tassels oh now what can we do for you the fish fish V yes what's the meaning of that don't explain I'm giving up my lease right now where are those guys Larry Curly MO excuse us lady what are you yelling about what's the meaning of that don't explain you're fired now come to my office and get your pay I'll give us another chance chance all right a I think you better tell Mrs SM we'll take that job when did he move his office to the basement are we go don't let do that must be a shortcut all right boys let's start on that [Music] table gentlemen you're not going to paint that table why satany but you can't do that it's a rare antique what that old thing it once belong to Louis the 16th oh secondhand eh go on now take a spin around the pantry oh gosh I'd sure like to help you know I haven't had a paintbrush in my hand in years sure you can help go on out there and mix us a batch of spotted paint oh swell swell for hey hey hey look what you're doing I want you be careful all right I'm sorry come on snap it up the old lady's going to have a card game all right hey wait a minute what's the idea don't get excited don't get excited hey look look I ain't got time to look I'm busy my hand my hand oh my error go on get busy hey what's the idea what's the idea now wait a minute it's all a mistake he didn't mean anything all right but don't let it happen again okay we'll bury the hatchet oh no I mean shake hands and make up go on be a yes boy well all right see he starts all over again wait a minute take it easy na oh boy lunch there we are thanks you can go we'll eat our lunch while we work come on hey why don't you watch what you're doing oh I'm sorry but I don't drink coffee so you can have mine oh practical joke all right I'll you for this time wait a minute go on get back to work you'll stick up for him go on num skull you guys had watch what you're doing you wouldn't make so many mistakes well here we are and oh by the way you're going to have a chance to meet om The Decorator he's going to call this afternoon reallymy my pot's done are you going to get down without spoiling the paint I got it you carry me down am my dumb hop up here up s Daisy yes you're getting to be a mental giant thanks something went wrong can I help it oh there's om om yes come and meet him hi Mrs SM om may I want you to meet Mrs Pendle she is the one that said that your work is very Rous oh anybody's liable to make a mistake yes shut up hold then hi am Mrs Pendle meet my partner hello out mommy well that's that be it with that lady oh he's mad the me get get him take thank you hey go on get some white done here hey what about my hair I G it back here didn't I come on we've got everything finished except this room but you kids can go on with the game you won't interfere with us get back there and get busy get that ladder up [Music] there what are you trying to do I thought it was golden bandom get up there and paint that cucko he'll be any minute get up [Music] [Music] there hey REM brand what's the idea I was painting the cuckoo but it won't be out for another hour oh I do hope I win today duri you know I just remember I owe you 360 from last week Mrs smge okay spoted pain but I insist upon seeing Mrs smch Mrs smch does not wish to be disted then then she's in there yes no isn't that a hand oh so this is what takes place this is a fraud who are you something's going on here boys looks like something's coming off too oh shut up ah I see it all now you have to cost me you sent these cheap painters here in my place a they're paying you a bigger commission Den I get the idea that old A's a crook let's give her the razzled Dazzle right right right right right look out there move fast now they'll be out any minute so you see Madam I am the original army well I never was so insulted in my whole life come girls get back well the last time I'll ever come to this house all theing places hold it ready it'll be a bullseye a bulls i e yeah but we got the wrong Bulls [Music] well doc how about it this man has a very bad leg you're telling me the vein in his right leg is greatly enlarged see here midway between the kneecap and the ankle joint there's an area of great congestion this vein is the cause of all your trouble I've never seen a vein like it in my life it's enormous what's the answer doc I ain't going to lose my leg am I doc I've had it ever since I was a little kid oh of course not just go out west a couple of months and you'll be just as good as new oh thanks Doc the leg is as good as nuk it feels great it's all right it's all Head West it's all right [Music] boy that saw bones had the right dope my like feels swell good what's the matter with that stuff give me some with a jolt in it I'm tough look we're out west now so we got to be tough don't worry about us we'll be tough we know what to do okay boys get Western shoot you for the drinks right now shoot you for the drink throw you throw hold it okay here's your chance AG there you go what's the matter with you guys what are you trying to easy easy moo this silk shoot you for the drinks those Jers down there who are they I don't know boss well come here go find out who those men are doc Barker I won't do it you won't do what you're forgetting girl who I got locked up down there that's better he's all right hello boys what brings you to Coyote pets well lady it's it's my Fain you're V bigest Vin you ever saw qu I always knew there was gold around these parts where is this vain well I no I'll show you I'll show you it's right there ain't it a Whopper it certainly is you see it's just halfway between it's all very interesting but I must go now I want to tell you some more about my vein I you can tell me I'm doc marus well pleased to meet you doc this is right up your rally did you ever see a vein like this all your life I should say not you know something I can do things with a vein like that you mean operate that's right partner we're really going to work on it no Small Time stuff either no if it's near the service we'll use 20 men with pick and shovel well that might be a blessing Doc and if the vein is any deeper we use dynamite oh no not on my vein there are tin horns around here who say Doc Parker ain't a big operator why they won't have a leg left to stand at neither will I oh Mr Ard you kill me all right thanks anyway doc but we'll handle a vein ourselves yeah come on let's go I saw it it's worth millions big operator he ain't kidding I've got to talk to you follow me no honey you shouldn't have come down here Johnny these men are going to help you are we are we are we yes doc Barker's a crook he murdered my father and stole the Red Dog Saloon from me and unless I marry him he says he's going to kill the Arizona kid don't you marry that Sidewinder honey it don't matter none what happens to me that's the old western Spirit kid besides you said these gents were going to help me why sure it don't matter none what happens to us what am I saying I have a plan yes if we can just get our hands on a key to this door yes yes we can let Johnny out and he can ride for help yes yes yes he carries the key in his coat pocket we'll get it all right oh your angels not yet we ain't all we got to do is get him to take his coat off that ought be easy shh here he comes oh by the bye Jasper how long do you wear a shirt like that oh down to here H what a brain should be on the meat counter glad to have you with us Mister having a little poker game over here care to join us oh I'm sure he won't mind at all partner go to it sit down give me some tips thanks well boys drinks are on me okay where's that bartender oh he's out I'll fix the drinks don't go away ity man that's Andy a dollar you take care of the Bender yeah good work what do you know about mixing drinks nothing that's fine get me a old homicide molasses that ought to sweeten them up yeah Tabasco open for 10 B These Boots are killing me [Music] I'll raise you 10 Salter eggs that ought to make them cackle hey you put paint in there so I did what's that paint remover all right give me three I'll take the same 3 one I'll bet you 500 well mister qu bet you 500 bucks Ni Call done right I can call only I ain't got 500 bucks don't let that worry you just give me that paper of yours for security and I'll Advance you five grand you mean this why sure thing I'll see you 500 and raise you 1,000 easy now good well Mr I re ra you a th000 can you call or can't you I wouldn't be a bit surprised I'll see you and raise you another thousand come King Eyes straight four races Come to Papa get me the S Barella this drink is for shamp I got to remember that we okay why don't you look where I'm going what's the matter I don't know which CL glasses which begin his luck come on hurry up with those drinks here's the crime yeah a short life in a merry one yeah very short life well a little bride to be fix the gall of drink here miss nail you take mine thank you you excuse me certainly Miss nil hey see pry well let's get along with the game water water water Hur up get that wet Co off he'll catch an amonia yeah they're in here someplace here they are okay I got them bre H you all right boss I'm all right get turn now honey Johnny I'm going up and settle with that skunk doc Barker no Johnny no there's only one thing to do go fetch the United States Cavalry I reckon you're right I'm burning the trail now boss it's the Arizona kid he busted out and got away got away he couldn't have I had him locked in I got the keys right here in my coat here came me you shry hey Mo where's take care your P lady put him in the Arizona kids room and really lock the door good this time hey Mo sh help I ought to hold him for 3 hours it'll hold him longer than that boss it won't have to I'm going to shoot him at sundal come on they're gone okay Mo they're going to shoot me at sundown not if you ain't still in there they won't I wonder how the Arizona kid is doing I sure hope he makes it before sun down sir there's trouble at coot pass we need the United States Cavalry Sergeant sound the assembly Colonel I hope you're not too late son never in the history of Motion Pictures has the United States Cavalry been too [Music] late I'm going upstairs okay hey hold that chisel righty he comes a gun he play something I feel like [Music] singing what are you waiting for I'm waiting for the click you're getting no place face oh oh oh come on here hold your re what is that a Fross cut what do you like that come on get busy here right hurry up all right all the [Music] bar how's it doing how's it lock how's my ear never mind the lock come on get over [Music] here what [Applause] [Music] [Music] happened I got one of [Music] you give me that chisel all right [Music] here that's it boy get it up there it [Music] get by the Bel by the Bel that's it that's it all right you all right now kid yeah we'll be 40 mil Away by the time those yal wake up yeah we don't need any help [Applause] fellas way stand where you are don't come any closer I'll blow you up to help me look out come here let's get out here the softies I sure bluffed them you sure did hey up there come on oh yeah look at them run they're scared of us you sure Bluff them down the cellar too what are you hissing about I ain't hissing must be you listen you want get R of that success all right to worry about everything well where are the Outlaws out like a light behind the bar Colonel the stoes have landed and have the situation well in hand you mean we made this nasty trip for nothing sorry colel what will Washington say about this all right man it's all over you can go back [Music] now no [Music] honey come in baby Cliff Hello darling gosh baby you look terrific say how much longer you going to keep up this act with a wheelchair when's the insurance company going to pay off today darling the Insurance ad Justice taking me to his office in the insurance building then I collect $25,000 what a say who did you get for Witnesses this time well there are three saps living downstairs who've been waiting on me hand and foot they've sworn I'm a hopeless [Music] all right darling see you tonight bye hey it's Mary come [Music] on what she saying she says she wants breakfast tell her we'll bring it up as soon as we shave and dress that's a dot dot dash dash dot dot dash cut it out will does my head look like a steam pipe no a steam pipe hasn't got ears besides what are you beefing about all I did was hit you like this it was harder than that well at the most it was only like this it was much harder than that I'll show you see take it easy kid all right all right break it up we got work to do see don't you use that tone of voice to me or I'll you'll what see that uh get busy do your exercises help me up sure than n of them down here I better do my swimming hey Barracuda get up here listen how it I'll fil you we got to get shaved Mary's waiting come on that's hey hey [Applause] hey he he [Music] hey right your face is too sharp towel tows towel low man again hurry up with those hot towel hot towels coming up tow oh tow tow tampons tampo powerder powder take a powder go on nice beautiful talcum powder schlam number eight [Music] ex hey fellas we better rush the breakfast Mary will be starved yeah I like the stove and make the hot I'll cook the eggs I'll get the cereal good what are we waiting for let's go wait look what's the matter go on fix those eggs get out of here oh nice fresh cackle food oh I got to have a mixing bowl oh let's see n too small this will be what stupid imbecilic fool put that I get oh am my dumb you lame brain fried eggs Mary likes them scrambled why you ought to mash it like a potato hey Mo where'd you get the sunglasses I bought them get out of here and get busy I'll take care of this let me see now the coffee grinder yes there we are the old Lo haha yes sir one two three that's fine p through [Music] [Music] go on nitwit set that table up so Mary can have a breakfast hurry up go on get out of here G yeah be a wise guy huh there you are there you [Laughter] hey oh what's the matter with you this thing is haunted every time I lift the legs they jump back you're an emal there's nothing wrong with it I'll show you one 2 3 4 now get this table set go on t h you stay up for him oh oh oh oh oh oh no my finger where's my finger where's my f oh there it is oh why remember no tricks wa you see what we got for breakfast this morning nice cold hotcake smothered in vinegar come in how do you do I'm the new adjuster from the Calamity insurance company how do you do oh so you're the crook that's been holding out on this kid everybody knows that you owe a door what don't you pay her she's a come on now start something I'd like to bop you right in the bean knock this off my shoulder you're looking for trouble knock it off oh oh oh oh oh oh but Jester E I knew you was a crook the minute you walk through that door think I'm afraid of you eh just because you're a big insurance man H if you don't pay her the money that she's got coming to her I'll boy I'll give it to you good boy shoot one that way you know I got just shoot one that way whoa boy what are you going to do about where is he oh you're getting smart eh oh a little H he oh a wise guy so you meant it eh oh oh oh cut out this nonsense Mary we got work to do we'll see you later come on Mr open that door get going here all right oh come on here come where you going let's hurry this up so we can get back and help Mary that's what we're going to try to do kid that's the way to do it hey Larry you what's the matter with you the matter with me what's going on well you Nick with you get busy around pulverize you go on all right I'm the only guy does anything around here why you you knit with you what's the matter with you give me that brush you're absolutely useless hey good I'm sorry kid why don't you look like you're doing I said I'm sorry so shut up go on get that thing up I'll knock your brains off all right hurry up okay don't be line her up he got okay here this week the great hypnotist Sven garlic he'll steal your breath away fine fine but business has been generally bad you got a great act Spen garlic but if you could pull some stunt that would make the front pages of the newspapers we do a land Office business for instance if you could hypnotize somebody to walk on water or make him do a dance up there on the flag pole of that insurance bill and you've got some you've got a great idea all right but I've got to find the right person to hypnotize let me think hey wait a minute I got an idea you yeah maybe we can get this smang garc to hypnotize Mary and make a walk a that hypnotism stuff is the bunk I'll bet I can hypnotize you and make you do anything for instance look me in the eye hocus pocus pocus hocus alabra you are now in Los Angeles I am now in Los Angeles you are now in New York I am now in New York you are now in sing I am now in sing you are now in Boston I am now in sing No you're now in Boston I am now in Sinking you can't get this guy out of singing good that's just where he belongs that's where he belongs hey I'll tell you limb from limb come on stop this nonsense and let's get away from here oh I'm sick and tired of this nonsense so cut it out I hope you num skulls are convinced that this hypnotism is a fake you are wrong my friend look me in the eye straighten the eye in the eye in the eye aside stay you are now a cat let me hear [Music] you you are a monkey start monkeying [Music] [Music] stay you over great great s garlic we're made you're a sensation man a sensation ladies and Gentlemen The Great sang garlic will now demonstrate the most amazing manifestation of hypnotism ever performed watch that flag pole on the insurance building across the street you are still under my spill come out come out walk out on the flag pool walk walk stop up you will now start dancing dance dance dance that's the way good grief when garlic has been inine speak to me Spang garlic say something the boys are up on flag for the boys hey what's that crowd doing down there let go of my legs let go my legs what do you think I got Wings if you don't let go I'll hit you on top of the head with this flag pole I'm slipping shampo still I'll spit in my hands and get a new hole I who [Music] no hey Mo what's going on I feel a draft MO hey Mo where are you you're inside out mo mo don't move come on oh you do it okay [Music] yep it's Mary she's cured she can walk it's a miracle thank you boys oh you blithering idiots take it easy take it easy no your [Music] imil [Music] indicator where are those pictures of that movie star you holding up the presses I have those three new photographers on the job Mr Wilson yeah what's their names click clack and clock what did you send them for what sir you I didn't say anything of the kind yes sir click clck and cluck oh my public darling sweetheart have you forgotten all your other wives completely except on alimon day but this is weddingday oh darling this this is the Supreme moment oh what was it what was it it's a man going to Fain oh hey what is this put the lights on put the lights where am I what's happening hey [Applause] help help what happened oh perel you think of everything just a little surprise dear I hope you like it oh hold it I got it why thanks you missed [Music] me how long has that been the soup froge head about um hey what's the idea of the three watches that's the way I tell a time how do you tell the time this one runs 10 minutes slow every 2 hours this runs 20 minutes fast every 4 hours the one in the middle is broken and stopped at 2:00 well how do you tell a time I take the 10 minutes on this one and subtract it from the 20 minutes on that one then I divide by the two in the middle well what time is it now oh 10 minutes four h so it is oh oh [Music] hey wait a minute I can't find a negative how about the positive I'm positive about the negative but I'm a little negative about the positive oh negative eh no I'm positive the negative is in the developer your brains need developer he fellas I'm lost why you num scull [Music] what happened hey what's holding up that picture here we come hey our boss we got it what a picture we always bring it back alive what is this H six for the price of one you diw you forgot to turn the winder how like this w clear out of here you're fired wait a minute boss every photographer we've sent to vulgaria to get a picture of that Ray machine has been shot so what what can we lose if we send them say I think you got something there I've changed my mind there's a boat lead for vulgar at 6:00 and you're going to be on it Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria a a [Music] take your picture Mister no no no no time make his time we ain't going to park here we just want to take some pictures hold it I got oh camera shy what's the matter with everybody in this town I think we better take a pant shot of the buildings or get something around here and for taking pictures in Bulgaria you are sentenced to be shot help what are you doing oh boy great let's get some pictures of it wait a minute buddy we want to shoot a picture you look important stand in the middle what say you're coming a little fell what are you doing wait a minute tilt your hat you're sheding your face I got an idea put this gun to his head hold it oh no that man shoot pictures now we shoot him an execution hey can we shoot a picture of it yeah you shoot the picture and we shoot you hey hey hey Buy open this attention you got nothing to worry about boys they can't shoot us a fire wait a minute this ain't according to rule 27 of international law we're supposed to have a last request yeah this is request night what do you request how about last smoke all right but when the smoke is finished so are you Jee thanks [Music] attention attention Ready Aim hey wait a minute stop pu what you go to sleep for come on come on stop it I'm ticklish find time to get ticklish come on I fell as I swallowed it when on the hoe well he oh he he oh fire fire some more fire oh look Colonel this is our new invisible Ray we can point it at any gun and the gun goes off poof well proceed with the poofy yes sir with that we can shoot the enemy before they shoot us Colonel there are three spies at Large taking pictures on the ground spies nobody in here come on hey look at the tricky gun if we only had cameras we could take a picture of it oh look at that big camera get in front of the gun I'll take a picture okay what a tricky camera but I'll get us smile fellas be sure to get us in Stand close together ready let her go watch the birdie what happened what happened I'll murder no no no I'm going to tear you limb from limb you ain't got time I hear [Applause] footprints I thought the shots came from here there's no one here now maybe I can get a report on the radio this radio must be dead maybe a tube's burned out look in the back it's funny worked all right a minute to [Music] go we must have a forign [Music] station [Music] stop that music [Music] yes it's on every [Music] station get the news [Music] yes calling all cars calling all cars beond to look out for three photographers they ain't here I wonder where they are well P you got me the last time I saw them they were running East on Main Street or maybe it was West for that matter I'm not sure it was Main Street and it might have been three other guys you know I'm a stranger here in town and I hey come there he [Applause] is [Music] hey e what you waiting for I ain't waiting get out of way today we got raw oyst just stew what you have oyer [Applause] [Music] sto [Music] [Laughter] momy head s there you are are these oysters fresh we just dropped them in oh thank you [Applause] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] oh Peppa he on hi [Music] that off you stop that cut that out let us down out of here take it easy who hey look out with that [Music] night [Music] [Music] guilty take the prisoner away next case your lordship a grave situation the three Ruffians about to appear before the court are in a fit way to wreck our Empire what sayest he ah your lordship only this morning these brigands attacked his Majesty's guard and did them battle on the very threshold of the palace bring forth young [Music] bar time signal 15 seconds before 11:00 a.m. baloney watch time shut us up order order order I'll take a hand sandwich hold thy tongue not tongue ham continue counselor your lordship these Rogues do lay claim to be kin to the Three Musketeers one for all all for one every man for himself silence she ye are accused of doing battle with his majesty guard what say ye to the Char I can explain judge you see it it was like this guilty I sentence he to new gate prison for 40 years e to 45 e to 50 40 45 50 I got 50 50 50 50 50 50 do I hear 55 do I hear 55 going once twice do I hear 55 who makeing 55 I shall thank you 55 years for the L at hard labor but your lordship it will cost the crown a pretty penny to feed yarn wasteful for 55 years why not send them to our colonies in America to fight the red skinned Savage H I just love corn beef and Savage silence I now sentence enes to defend our colonist from the Savages Cooks they'll scalp Us Alive not me a pleasant J gentlemen the same sire to be the good chip Pimpernel did anchor last Eve so soon I only one year in Crossing well well oh we've come to see the governor be thou the governor's daughters I sir I be fate and this is Hope and this is Charity oh I would the word with thee my little Charming Wallflower what doest thou I saw her first pish posh and Tish Tash I'll never give up hope why does I not take charity I need not charity I'm on the WPA WPA I willing pilgrims Association H all my life I hath been looking for a maid like thee tots oh give us a break kid I'm a stranger in town and knoweth not a soul by the by see what I have brought [Music] thee what [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] f f what means this foral [Music] quiet for shame that she dance while the colony is entire need of food who be thou and what do you hear we'd be sent by his majesty to defend the colonies our credential s huh Boston Downs weather clear track fast first race Whopper two to one they're off who's in the quarter Whopper who's in the half Whopper who's in the stretch Whopper who's the winner Rosemont who's the winner Rosman the wrong credential sire I am so sorry [Applause] I pray the governor come at once the Indians have arrived to sue for peace would thou go to the meeting oh W come shoulder H about face forward watch peace no more war no more war give 5,000 shackle but we have no more than this good down payment take mortgage on balance interest 6% thank goodness at last we are free to hunt no no hunt till fob fob f overbalance indian givers but Chief if we cannot hunt the colonist will starve but listen Chief I pray the We Shall Perish of hunger oh wo Is Us oh wo is us there's a chance to redeem ourselves Lads we shall hunt anyway and feed the colonist thou H has set a mouthful I shall bring it a moose and I shall bring it an elk I'll bring a couple of art fellas to the hunt to the h a hunting we must go with a hunting we shall go with right face left about face forward Mar a hunting we will go Hallelujah a hunting we will go yeah man yeah his best we disguise lads no hunting fishing or swimming Chief rain in the puss no camping no shooting no smoking and they call us to land of liberty wait heed them not they are only Indian signs verely I'm disgusted not a TIY in sight oh give me the bird n is mine wait give him the bird how I shall gobble this gobler look ties shh quick load th guns what are we do now fire at will which one is Will Ready Aim Fire [Applause] Indians [Applause] [Music] what why don't you look while you swish it hold that look we're trapped like rats you're getting personal what do we do ammunition men man the guns abai more Miss see what I found by the water's edge ah good I found this pineapple on Yonder tree pineapple woohoo here's a hornet's nest fire we'd best take the ozone before they reviv [Applause] [Music] a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Applause] poor Larry the Indians must have him by now we must save them L they chop off his head or burn him at the steak see him gadzooks what now keep a stiff up a chin we'll surround him present arms left [Applause] face oh I got one oh I got one I'll get you another wait okay [Music] I got another one Mo swing it MO [Applause] wait no is me to sorry I am friend I did not recognize the quite so quite so make haste L we be too late to save our comrade cly what's [Music] [Applause] happening [Music] he he hey Mo hey Mo hey Mo say it you hey Mo wait a minute why do th not look as where I Smacker quick he's fainted bringeth water I'll be back before thou can say taond deroga if thou can say taond deroga come on chid will you get up we're in trouble come on you're ungrateful what's wrong with the th Quin [Applause] head get over there with a club you help [Music] [Music] me W on with the the skies make a pace quin's head [Music] la
Channel: The Three Stooges+
Views: 235,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Three Stooges, The Three Stooges, 3 Stooges, Three Stooges full episodes, The 3 Stooges, Three Stooges in color, Curlys Grandson, Curly G, Moe Larry Curly, Shemp, Curly Joe, Joe Derita, Three Stooges cartoons, Disorder in the court, Three Stooges Plus, Stoogetalk Live, Stoogetalk, Nostalgia, Comedy, Slapstick, 1950s, 1930s, Classic Tv, Classic Film, Abbott and Costello
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 39sec (14319 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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