The Magnificent Rogue (1946) COMEDY

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[Music] so [Music] move now don't even breathe [Music] i'm sorry vera that's quite all right hi kids good morning what's going on fat darling is what happens when a girl uses laramore lipstick the whole thing was george's idea he wonderful well george i oh it's nothing pat really you happen to mention that laramore was putting out a new shade of lipstick called tropical fever so i thought yes i can see what you thought that uh i have news for you effective immediately we no longer handle the larimer lipstick account what well lara morcane dismisses just like that we've got a contract we had a contract which mr larimar refuses to renew i spent the whole morning with him pleading with him but his mind's made up and i couldn't change it no pat don't let it get you down i never liked laramore lipstick anyway it's smears so do mr laramore's signature on our commission checks but we could always cash them but pat that's our biggest account what'll we do well we're certainly not going to close the steve morgan advertising agency just because we lost a client vera hold that will you please sure vera please i'm so sorry oh mr sheffield yes does this mean we're through naturally wait what am i saying of course not you've only worked 10 minutes and we'll have to pay you for an hour vera take some more pictures of them for what we just lost the lipstick account remember well that picture has other selling possibilities bathing suits suntan lotions stand for concrete use your imagination back to the gravel pits slaves why do they call this place a steve morgan agency i thought pat brown was the boss she has been for the past three years striker posed mary is mr morgan still in the navy practically they took him off a boat in san francisco and put him in a rehabilitation center in santa barbara combat fatigue or whatever they call it he's so handsome gee i remember my first job with this agency i sure had a crush on mr morgan weren't the only one but he married pat brown but what do we tell steve we're not going to mention this to steve you'll have to say something when you see him oh george i can't go to santa barbara not now i've got to stay here and make up the loss before steve gets back oh it would have happened if steve were here he'll understand oh sure he'll understand but he'll also give me that old routine about a woman's place being in the home and i like this business george i want to stay in it with dean when's he coming back in two months he said in his last letter well i've made out of this to prospective clients and i'm starting on number one today and who is number one the tommy tobacco company makers of smoothie cigarettes huh don't waste your time on that one what steve tried for a month to sell him until old man pilot kicked him out of his office hello man tally isn't going to kick me out of any office naturally he died two years ago his son mark is the head man now yes i know i'm having lunch at the epicure with mr mark townley really that's wonderful no pat pat you can't well he asked me i couldn't very well refuse well you can't go i won't let you do this to steve i'm merely trying to get an advertising contract for the agency but pat mark townley is a notorious playboy he's a he's a wolf you know what a wolf is don't you well i should i married one no a town is not like steve he's dangerous champagne yachts chorus girls you know the loveman leave them type and what are you doing just baiting the wolf trap george dear there's a limit to how these models can pose in bathing suits all right send them home vera wait a minute you smoke smoothies don't you yeah you know i don't smoke but i want you to take some good poses of those models with that pack of smoothies i don't get it you will okay but i still don't get it oh no you don't she thinks she's having lunch at the epicure with mark townley but i won't permit it i have a good chance to land that account then why won't you permit it surely you've heard of that man's reputation yes isn't it exciting good luck pat thanks vera stop her george darling after all she's having luncheon with a man in a public restaurant not midnight supper in his penthouse but townley always has that penthouse gleam in his eye i'm going along the chaperone i'm going to do nothing of the kind you're going to sit right down there while i get these smoothie pictures then you're going to have luncheon with me but it's just that i promised dave that you'd be her guardian angel darling you've done a wonderful job and if anything should ever go wrong which it won't i'll be the first to assure steve that you tried your best to warn her but she just wouldn't listen may i help you i'd like to speak to mr steve morgan mr morgan mr morgan i mean uh mr lieutenant morgan hello lita i thought you were still in santa barbara that's what everyone thinks including my wife so talk about how i'm here i want to surprise you oh but hello george hello there well where is she hmm the lovely lady where is she sitting there taking some pictures with it steve hi good old george jim glad to see you you know you haven't changed a bit oh sure i have i joined the club been playing hand ball must've taken off four or five inches right there baby oh oh steve steve do you know that's not who you think it is fira hello steve oh i'm sorry i thought you were pat you look just like pat from the or with your head under that thing i feel just like pat now where is she oh she'll be back you come along and have lunch with us i don't want any lunch i want to see my wife what's mattered what's so mysterious huh oh nothing's mysterious pat just left to have lunch with mark townley yeah she didn't expect you back for another two months oh so she's going around with mark townley oh now steve she's not going around with anybody this is the first time she's met the man and they're having lunch now let me explain pat thinks she can land the townley tobacco company's advertising account we don't need tonley's business yes we do we just left lara more lipstick lost larimore that proves it a woman's place is in the home yeah any idea where this little rendezvous is taking place they're having luncheon at the epicure i'll break that up now wait a minute steve if tommy finds out pat's a married woman she'll never get the account i need a wife not a new account i hate to say this vera but you're not very tactful why george it always pays to tell the truth cigarette oh yes thank you i just love [Music] smoothies smoothies are my favorite cigarettes really that's good i never could get used to them i like fighting oh well smoothies could be everyone's favorite cigarette mr townley if then advertising your product you could you could get a new oh that's for me i love a new approach oh well let me tell you some of the things i have in mind this movie oh but this isn't the time of a place oh well when well i couldn't possibly do it before uh tonight tonight sure you're trying to land a prospective client don't you usually entertain him show him the town well yes but you've seen the town not all of it it's a new show of me at twilight roof well the twilight was hardly the place for a business conference on the contrary i've closed some of my most interesting deals at the twilight room someone you know that handsome flyer that just came in you could double for my boss steve morgan the resemblance is starting well i wouldn't know my acquaintance with morgan is rather free what time shall i pick you up this evening will i oh steve oh you'll never know how i missed oh i've missed you too darling oh it'll be wonderful having you back in the office again boss who cares about the office well i do i'm going to do business looks like you're getting it oh i believe you two know each other hello conley mm-hmm won't you sit down we were just leaving oh we can stay for a minute good oh darling please don't spoil everything we have a good chance to land this contract look i am not interested we're all interested in smoothie cigarettes we were just discussing some advertising ideas yes yes i think miss brown has some very interesting angles always miss brown that's me remember you've called me pap for so long he's forgotten i have a last name i see where should i pick you up this evening why i missed you pick her up because we're going to the twilight room oh and let you get someone and come along no thanks i'll be very busy oh that's too bad i sold miss brown oh haven't you heard i've called an emergency staff meeting for tonight i want you in conference at eight o'clock oh well then i i'll pick you up right after the meeting uh no tom this is going to be an all night session i hope you'll understand oh yes yes of course waiting shall we say tomorrow night i'm afraid i'll call you tomorrow this one's on me [Music] forgive me forgive you uh it's only a step to your private office [Music] some messages for you miss brown contact [Applause] why don't you two go home that's what i've been trying to do ever since i found her but oh no this career lady has to come back to the office oh look at my desk they pardon darling your desk thank you i have a thousand letters to dictate i'll do the dictating sit down my name is brown after three years oh let's go home huh attaboy steve well i see you rescued little red riding hood from the big bad wolf yeah just in time too colin was trying to make a date with him don't blame him darling he didn't know i was married well how could he the way you work to keep it secret where's the ring i was known as pat brown professionally before and after i married you and you know it too you big log here please i'm sorry well all right with this ring i the wind take that back oh i'll call tommy and explain everything oh no pat why not you want that smoothie account don't you actually well their advertising policy is dictated by mark townley so what's wrong with pat continuing to be miss brown until she sells mark on the idea of hiring a new agency she's right there's any selling to be done i'll do it oh i expect you to close the deal but i think pat should handle the situation until it's time for you to step in with that special brand of morgan charm and salesmanship yeah i'll think it over now let's go home man all right darling coming vera i'll get my hat uh darling i don't want to seem rude but must we have vera over for dinner on my first night home have you forgotten since you've been a wave here has been living with me oh yeah well maybe she'd like to stay downtown tonight and see a show we'll drop her at a hotel why so she can get a room darling the only room vera could get would be in a hospital if she promised to be dead in the morning but it won't be all aboard for scarsdale ah looks mighty good we told the maid she could leave early so i'll run ahead and help with the dinner thanks honey fear is a swell gal so is your sister well we didn't ask her to come on our honeymoon no darling oh peace quiet oh baby this is what i've been dreaming about the two of us together and alone well i think i better you better not [Music] [Applause] boy now mother mother give the other girls a chance and that's all i ever wanted was just a chance hello marie well uh uh everything's ready come on let's eat [Applause] thank you alone at last oh come on baby it's so nice to see you dear sweet children together again thank you mr sheffield and good night poor dear sweet vera left alone with all the work oh i'm sure pat would do the same for me isn't it nice having someone like that living with you such a help this is such a help i had a wonderful time wasn't it clever of mine georgie to pick up the surprise party oh mother oh so you're the one he's such a thoughtful boy bless his heart yeah yes he is i'm really quite proud to be his mother you should be proud it isn't every woman that could be georgie's mother well i hope you didn't mind us barging in i didn't want you to be bored your first evening home [Laughter] not at all it was it was awfully thoughtful of you i'm sorry i have to rush off like this george but good night good night good night [Music] well damn honey steve good morning darling how do you like your civilian husband oh you're beautiful i'll bet you tell that to all the boys now you go back to sleep it's only seven o'clock seven o'clock i'll be ready in five minutes ready for what for work oh no you don't your working days are over oh no they're not we haven't landed that townley account yet i'll handle the timely account i'll handle the town the account now look i don't want my wife my campaign will be conducted during business hours only and my business hours are from nine to five yeah but now listen to me long cool and irritating [Music] oh hello mr tomly about those advertising ideas i think it might simplify matters if i knew what type of exploitation concerns your company radio magazines oh billboards yeah i think billboard's too tape especially for the summer with all the competition from the manufacturers of bathing suits all i see tonight ah well i'm sorry i'm afraid not tonight mr townley uh mr morgan wants me to attend another conference but when i have some sketches ready may i show them to you all right bye billboards that's marvelous you're so good at poster work and you can do the artwork now first of all i want you to make some sketches featuring silhouette an idea came to me last night a silhouette of a girl in a lighted ship may i use my desk please of course thank you uh uh where will i go home oh the darling you said this morning i didn't say anything this morning you did all the talking now it's my turn i married you because i wanted a wife not another career in the family well it's just until i finish these sketches i'm perfectly able to do that yes oh my this is no place for me vera giro can't you convince her wouldn't you rather have a home than that studio in there of course i would but why talk about a home when i can't even rent a broom closet navira don't be facetious answer the man if steve can't sell you on the idea of being a home girl how can i but i think i have an idea that might settle this whole argument okay shoot make it a contest now both of you submit samples for the smoothie account if pat's idea is accepted she stays here if not she stays home for keeps i'll buy that oh just a minute ah you're losing confidence in yourself you've made yourself a deal mister and don't you forget it what's he so happy about that's a man for you they don't give a woman credit for having any brains do you mean to tell me he's expecting me to lose what do you think i'll show him and i'll help you i'll do the best sketching for you i've ever done in my life hey this is my private territory what goes on well after three years i find myself a little rusty on billboard ideas thought i might find an inspiration in the files but that's old stuff why don't you try something new all stuff is right look at that it's the first poster i had made when i started the business cute mm-hmm it's pat oh adorable pose i managed to hire an artist but i couldn't afford a professional model so pet took over pat's liable to take over everything if you don't get busy oh i didn't mean that not the way it sounded but frankly she isn't too good at poster ideas between you and me i think that's why we lost the laramore account yeah that's why i suggested a contest between you two i know how much you want her home yes but i want her to be happy oh she'll be happy now come on dust off that pre-war brain of yours and give me some work to do i'll help you steve i'll do the best sketching for you i've ever done in my life ah thanks spirit you know that's just what i needed a good old-fashioned pep talk i'll get at it right away my inspiration [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well what'd you think of them i think they smell oh what do you know about advertising i know plenty that's my racket my dad at the first street follies they're standing room only and for every performance i sell tickets you want to sell cigarettes well what's the difference it isn't what you sell it's the way that you sell it and uh that is not the way to sell it you know something i think you're right who's tight i said you're right oh sure and i'm hungry too i have another martini look letter to the morgan advertising agency i'm starving we'll put an olive in it this time uh delete put an olive in at this time you ain't got noah will you stop what oh morgan advertising agency radio center attention mr steve morgan my dear mr morgan under separate cover i'm returning the poster ideas which you so kindly submitted unfortunately they are not the ammunition i need to interest our board of directors in your firm very truly yours mark it's a shame now darling don't worry maybe you go for mine when did you send yours i didn't he's coming here to see them yeah when oh any minute and don't think it was easy persuading him to come either it's a wonder he didn't ask you to bring your sketches to the twilight roof he did pat pat these posters are knockouts oh they did a wonderful job george put them on the display board will you and george will you stay here and help me with the exhibition sure anything to help land a client what do you want to do with this old poster you leave that right where it is i have a sentimental interest in that sketch if no one else has yes mr townley to see mrs brown ask him to come in oh steve aren't you going to stay with mark tonley in the office i certainly am oh oh darling hold on well but oh hello morgan mr townley miss brah hello mr townley so nice of you to come well since you turned out my invitation what else could i do this is another member of our staff mr sheffield oh hello mr sheffield how do you do have a smoothie oh no thanks never use them won't you sit down thank you oh morgan i'm sorry about your sketches but i thought they liked punch i thought they were pretty good myself well there was an angle i hope you like what i have to offer oh i do i mean i i hope i will will everything won't you sit down george [Music] very clever i like what i see it seems to me they're overemphasizing the sex angle these days oh no that smart salesmanship why only the other day of burlesque queen i mean broadway artist told me it certainly pays off as the box office yes but you're not advertising musical comedy advertising cigarettes yes since that's true let me see the next sketch oh yes of course george [Music] oh a smoothie i'm a pipe smoker remember oh yes i don't get it [Music] the sketch shows the distinguished gentleman alone on a tropical night in the smoke from his smoothie cigarette is the memory of an old romance is that clear hmm oh it's very clear it tells the story at a glance yes even though the story does imply that smoothies are drugged drugged hey admit it that oh now miss brown i don't want you to become too discouraged after all it was my fault for not telling you exactly what i had in mind and what i wanted to bring before the board of directors you know i think we should concentrate on feminine allure but on one girl a smoothie a girl who would become positively identified with smoothie cigarettes well what about the silhouette girl the one in my first sketch no i want a real girl a girl whose very appearance would mean only one thing smoothie cigarettes well mr townley i'm afraid that would mean a long and extensive search for just the right model i'm sure mr tomley won't mind that i'm sure you wouldn't mind it either mr morgan i've just one more sketch to submit i wish you'd look at it certainly [Music] well that's no mistake that's the girl i want oh no oh yes you know there's something about that picture it reminds me of someone it's it's it's it's you that's why the picture isn't for sale ah but the idea is he'll duplicate the pose with another girl oh no i don't want another girl and i don't want my employee plastered on a billboard oh but she's not plastered yet i i mean i'll have to submit it to the board of directors no since it's my picture it's my picture i beg your pardon sends it a picture of me shouldn't i be the one to say what you'd be done with it that's logical what do you say we've made a deal my smoothie girl hmm very nice well it didn't have to be so darn suggestive don't forget it was your idea you showed it to him well if tommy wasn't a wolf he wouldn't have gotten so excited about it and just why have you been admiring it all these years well he didn't have to use your face what's her face got to do with it [Music] thank you smoothie long cool inviting heads back in the car please going up ah why he isn't even old enough to smoke better get used to it dear they aren't the only ones who will be checking up on that billboard see you at lunch darling these are for you ms brown for me oh steve don't look at me oh oh here's hoping the billboard will be the beginning of a long and happy association for us my smoothie mark mark why is he so formal why doesn't he just sign it lambie pie what difference does it make as long as he signs his right name on that contract and i think i'll have him doing it very soon will you send these in please mark oh that does it leave a call mark tommy and tell him i just left for his office now don't get me wrong tommy i'm a firm believer in romance but if you continue to send roses to miss brown during business hours you can see how it might disrupt my entire organization i'm sorry morgan i hadn't considered that face of it you see i'm so completely fascinated by pat yeah but you're not the only one yeah martini who's he who's who martini it's a drink have one oh oh of course but uh even without the competition it'll be a hopeless case you see pat's heart set on a career and you know how it is with ambitious women i should they're the only kind i seem to meet as they swear they can mix marriage in a career but love usually ends up in second place you know i appreciate your interest morgan but why this terrific concern about patent me well we alone sure i thought you might appreciate a suggestion that would end pat's career and leave her with time on her hands yeah yeah i would well if she doesn't get that contract it would give me an excuse to fire ah you sound as though you want a fire well frankly i do i don't believe that belongs in our office or any officer but but i i practically promised the contract to bet yeah but why can't you tell her that the board of directors refuses to award it to a woman yeah i might get away with that if i told her in the proper setting proper setting sure you know soft lights sweet music they help when you're trying to convince a woman twilight rover oh never i'm sorry i'm sorry i lost my hand no if this type of an offering requires more subtle atmosphere sure more intimate spot likely like the budapest that's it the best best give me this problem get me miss brown why are we whispering now look let me get this straight i'll agree to have the board award the contracts to you if you agree to follow through by firing it is it a deal absolutely but uh you don't have to go to all that trouble to take you to the budapest oh it's no trouble it's all old man i've got a violinist there who never fails me never fails never oh hello pat darling how about stepping out with me tonight tonight well i'd love to but i'm afraid i can't um mr morgan's having another conference oh no he isn't how do i know are you having a conference tonight well i he says no steve knows you're taking me out knows it he practically suggested it practically suggested it are you better to date i'll see you at seven goodbye goodbye [Music] um [Music] i'm going down the station and wait for it oh come on relax she'll take a cab that's perfectly safe as far as the storm is concerned well it's my own fault i'm a regular cupid i am conley makes a date with my wife and i let him oh she can handle townley after all he is a gentleman wolf town is a that's probably george god i've been so worried about you what with the uh hello hello mark was kind enough to drive me home how nice oh well it was raining and pat told me she lived in this desolate spot and i i i what are you doing here i live here you live here oh good evening you must be mark townley steve's told me so much about you oh now i get it well i don't you're mrs morgan oh you fortunate fellow and what a charming place you have here here why don't we all get comfortable come along darling and whip up some drinks oh steve run in the kitchen and get some glasses oh smile ah this is what i love nice open fire warms the cockles of my heart won't you sit down oh thank you mrs morgan indeed i will well relax sweetheart sit down aren't you crowding things a bit darling come over here sit with me who's that oh probably george he's bringing over a contract he wants steve to check at this hour oh you know george time means nothing ah you uh you don't look very comfortable i'm not but i'm comfortable now thank you [Music] hello i just couldn't let georgie come out in this storm alone have you heard from molly and pat yes they're here they just arrived the notoriously mm-hmm i'm going to meet him i'm so excited i'm simply birth i can see that but before you do there's something you should know steve and i are married now get it sure good george how can you say that that husband this is mrs sheffield this is one of the most exciting moments of my life oh what's up mother's a great admirer of yours mr townley really yes indeed i make george by all the newspapers when you're having one of your breach of promises brother i mean you promise breaches mother you're right george it is plural you have more than one so it's rich in the promises i didn't think they showed oh why don't we all uh sit down it's a good idea no thank you you poor girl uh me i'm so sorry to hear about you and steve about steve and me oh she means your little differences over affairs at the office at the office hmm well uh good night everybody oh no no you've got to stay a while i'm sorry but i wanted to get this kind of nice so we could discuss it in the morning mr townley hmm yes it's raining you don't say oh oh yeah yeah it's raining cats and dogs in fact it's raining so hard that you you'd never make it back to town we'd be awfully glad to put you up at our place huh good old george isn't that swell of him tony yes charming thanks just the same george but mr townley's our guest and we're keeping him right here oh thank you mrs morgan oh well that's very sweet of you but we only have two bedrooms how many do we need well if i you can sleep with me and the two boys can bunk together i'll see you to the door good night good night good night folks darling so nice of you mr sheffield to drop over thanks vera good night good night mother steve how could you and still share the same house mother good luck well yes come along where are we going it's bedtime darling nighty night i don't want to go to bed oh but remember early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy i don't want to be healthy well wealthy and wise yeah yeah yeah i know i'm wise splendid fella steve yeah a little eccentric but sterling character oh yes and he's lucky too uh why there's a wife who understands him oh yes she does oh oh she does well it's getting late what about it we better go upstairs oh hey why when you're waiting for it oh let him wait oh steve won't like this i mean that steve what's he got to do with this well he always likes me to be in bed early so that i'd be at the office on time morning well uh come on [Applause] oh stop worrying yeah yeah why'd you lock the door keep you up here and why didn't you let george take timely home oh you know what a scatter brain mrs sheffield is she'd be sure to let the cat out of the bag then where would your lovely contract be you tell me you seem to know all the answers my steve i was only thinking of pat and you yeah i guess maybe you're right may we come in come in uh the door is walking oh just a minute i do hope you two boys will be comfortable oh i know we will i hope we didn't uh well i was just getting my things together yeah she was just getting her things together well getting late sweet dreams my beloved see what i mean yes i can see what you mean good night mr townley hi oh avira you forgot and you forgot to say sweet dreams my friend see you in the morning don't worry i'll be there on time good night good night you're a regular slave driver bleeding oh are you getting so excited about it your wife it is isn't it oh vera i'm not the jealous type my path that little kiss didn't mean anything i was just adding a little for mark's benefit well um congratulations you gave a great [Music] performance [Music] make up your mind [Music] wow [Music] you're so beautiful [Music] i said i'm sorry miss lee you're not half as sorry as your boss is going to be come in come it come in i am in hello sugar baby darling hello honey boy why'd you stand me up last night why i i was called away on business didn't my valor tell you your ballad told me he didn't know where you were and he was still telling me that the last time i called at five o'clock this morning who is she oh oh oh you know there isn't anyone else sugar there won't be if she ever comes within sucking distance of me well darling what do we do tonight tonight tonight oh yes well i don't think i can make it tonight because i own business you know yeah and i'm getting the business you know i haven't been in that front page for a long long time that's right and it's been weeks since you've been handed a preacher promise suit hmm you'll make it tonight goodbye honey boy goodbye sugar get get steve morgan on the phone tell him meet me at the epicure for lunch i want to discuss uh contracts well now we can get down the business oh contract well uh before i sign it i'd like to ask a favor steve old man sure anything at all just know it well it's this way a couple of months ago i heard about a dancer at the first street follies who was using a smoothie cigarette gag in iraq naturally i was curious natural yes last performance i went backstage to congratulate her you know actually i took her out after that we became quite friendly one night very foolishly i proposed who's the girl sugarly oh sugarly huh oh you know her too huh yeah i saw her overseas with the uso troop but i didn't get any closer than the first roll you didn't i wish i didn't get any closer than the first row what do you want me to do about it you've got to convince her our engagement is a mistake but oh it's easy it's easy she's expecting me tonight but you go in my place oh wait you gotta get it listen to reason it's a must but what about the contract the contract how can i think about a contract in my condition i'll sign it when you make good way to check please no no no no this one's on me thanks a lot old man overall yeah are these layouts ready to go yes they're finished thank you hi pat hello darling hey why didn't you join us for lunch today yes we missed you well i uh had an unexpected appointment new prospect oh how wonderful who is it well i'll uh tell you all about it when something breaks oh oh by the way we'll uh we'll be leaving the office early this afternoon i want to get home and change clothes and get back to town same prospect same prospect i'll get it [Music] brown speaking oh hello mark uh tonight well um uh uh just a moment he wants me to have dinner with him he says he has something for me it's the contract go on he has a date he's not telling you about hasn't he go on all right mark i'll go uh what time and where oh the circus room how wonderful i've never been there all right bye steve i just hate meddling in your affairs this way but pat's unhappy why don't you tell her more about this mysterious date of yours no can do why not because it's with sugarly sugar the burlesque queen why steve now wait a minute don't get me wrong i'm doing this for townley he's woked himself into another situation and he wants me to get him out before he'll sign the contract i'll bet that's right i guess i'd better tell peg oh no no steve you were right she'd never understand yes but what if you should find out about it oh you can depend on me i won't mention a word of it not one single word they're a pal come in mark well you made it and early too i'll be with you in a minute honey boy but you'll have to zip me up i can only work a zipper one way who are you steve morgan i'm substituting for mr town another business trip well not exactly a trip just business yeah i'll bet me from mark oh don't give me that mock strictly a gardenia boy you bought them to soften me up why come on let's have it well he wanted me to discuss a little situation with you could we go someplace and talk no i'll talk all right to mark townley personally [Music] excuse me hello miss lee if you'd like to know who mark townley's new girlfriend is you could find out tonight at the circus room who is this come in sit down sit down uh mr uh what's your name morgan yeah well look i'm very sorry i blew up uh i'm really very anxious to hear what it is mark wants you to tell me you may take me to the circus room of course oh okay make with the zipper who me yeah you said you were substituting for mark townley well get off your bench and substitute [Music] ah careful kid not fan [Applause] cigarette ah well i you don't smoke do you ha you know i like you you're nice people i'm sorry careful killer you'll have to set me up again somebody tripped me why steve morgan well pat well if it isn't my town it's a small world isn't it yes it's almost too small well i guess everybody knows everybody except maybe uh this is my um miss promise lee sugarly how do you do hard to do yes but we were just leaving welcome back what's your hurry we just got here no hurry but don't just leave but wait here let's check they haven't paid yet and they can't get out until they do i know come on let's sit down and keep them company ah sugar you're a lucky girl lucky steve morgan president of morgan advertising agency is that good he gets 15 of their gross business that bad 15 of 50 or 60 million oh that is good so you're steve's new prospect i wish i were well i mean just what are you interested in advertising myself you seem to be doing all right without an agency well variety rates me the queen of burlesque and um mr tangly has been very enthusiastic about my work too haven't you mark oh terribly and how does mr morgan feel about it oh he hasn't seen my act yet but you will handsome you'll see a lot of me from now on yes sir from now on my little date book is exclusively yours i'm canceling all other engagements you are i thought that would interest you mm-hmm ah now don't act so uncomfortable you weren't too uncomfortable in my dressing room mark i have a splitting headache oh we'll leave it once you're partners pat if you're only pat please for night have fun i'll only be mad darling steve darling relax relax yourself he's gone i don't have to make him jealous any longer well i wasn't putting on an act hmm you're not a substitute anymore handsome you've made the first team but miss lee i think we better have a little talk you've convinced me without talking decided to give up mark for you mr morgan yes from mr townsend thank you would you care to order now sir huh oh oh no thanks i have everything i want yes sir oh steve darling did you really mean it oh wait a minute don't get me wrong i i i i would contract oh [Music] oh how could he oh that if steve wants to step up that's his wife's problem it certainly is i mean well where is my dearest friend and she simply adores him not half as much as i adore you by the way you haven't asked about the surprise i have for you oh oh yes well i hadn't forgotten uh can i guess one gets the contract yeah it's a contract contract for life the first time in my life i'm really in love pat i want to marry you oh mark i'm terribly sorry i'm already married oh no i know it was a horrible thing to do but well i thought for business reasons that it was best that people didn't know about it are you in love with it i hate him god i love him oh wonderful keep talking i hope i never see him again oh it's terrific and we'll keep this little hunk of ice on ice huh on our path no pat don't do that huh oh oh i'm sorry yeah that's better aloe vera well guess what i got the town league contract oh and look vera if pat gets home before i do will you please explain what i was doing out with sugar lee yes dear i'll fix everything up goodbye darling what's the matter it's steve i'm leaving him oh now pat just because he had a business engagement he's not telling you about a business engagement there was a date with that horrible woman sugarly oh you should have seen them together the way she she crested what did steve do he he zipped her he fought is i heard to say so careful kira you'll have to zip me up again [Music] i'd hoped steve would get over this before you found out you mean that this has been going on before tonight [Music] oh well that settles it i'm going to leave this house this minute and i'm going to reno and divorce steve now mary mark townley oh no pass oh you just watch me that's what i'm gonna do i'll get even with him i'll marry him [Music] [Music] and i've left you [Music] hello hello conley this is steve morgan before things get any more complicated than they are there's something i think you should know pat is already married quite all about it you what yeah she told me tonight she also told me she hates the guy hey steve i wonder if friend husband's anybody we know he certainly is i happen to be friend husband you dirty double crossing no good oh you've been disconnected you're telling [Music] me [Music] so you see what i'm up against you just gotta help me well i've had all kinds of experiences but this is the first time a guy's asked me to talk his wife into taking him back well i'd do it myself if she and vero weren't registered at that hotel oh women only a man hasn't got a chance of getting in there why don't you call her up i've tried she won't talk to me so it's up to me huh okay here's a little idea that might do the trick let's have it let's have it well it's a routine we used in our show brother did we slay the people now let's see uh it was in a doctor's office he was a horse doctor and i was the horse's nurse just a minute there are no men allowed upstairs but he's a doctor i i have an emergency call for mrs steve morgan what room is she in plil she's in 1618 but i didn't know that she was expecting a doctor are you sure that she's the one you want to see i am positive hold that elevator oh mia nurse to you i could only forget this whole sorted mess but i can't you will other women have been just as much in love as you and survived separation but i still love steve besides if i were free i'd only have to marry mark [Music] come in baby steve mark can you get out of here honey please don't honey me oh that woman you have a nerve to bring that woman here sugar just came to explain and you're gonna listen to sugar pat doesn't want to listen to you and who asked you to stick your puss in this pat please oh now don't you touch me i happen to be a friend of both mr and mrs morgan who win this usually a friend of the hospital but he's in trouble and i'm gonna get him out you'll get out of here i sent the police up here [Music] oh steve do you speak to me be to me he can't he's dead it's all your fault my fault you hit him it's all right baby i'm all right i'm going to have you both arrested hurry it up flat face that's him i'm jefferson o'neill mr tally's attorney oh stop bragging in order to avoid any unpleasant notoriety mrs morgan and the hotel management have agreed to drop all charges provided oh here it comes um provided that you uh make no further attempt to see speak to or any way molest your wife new signs please repent you're not going to what else can i do i'm uh i'm sorry it'd have to happen this way mr morgan yeah i can see the tears in your big brown eyes are the reigns for your release immediately hey you are you mark tally's legal eagle i'm his attorney then you handle all his breach of promises naturally well glad i know ya goodbye i'll be suing you you heard what i said and i ain't kidding either i'm gonna bleed that guy out of every cent he's got and then i'm gonna get everybody i don't stop smoking smoothie cigarettes hey isn't that tommy's advertising contract yep 150 000 worth of unhappiness that's a lot of meek and nylons who cares thanks sugar well it's been swell steve what gives now i'm going to california alone alone i was afraid of that always cluttering up the office hey what are you doing dump it just a minute humpty dumpty all the king's horses and all the king's men might just put humpty dumpty back together again [Music] sugar you're on in five i'm always on [Music] they told me at the police station that they'd release steve i thought maybe he might be here with you he's back at that screen putting on some baggy pants i'm using him in the act come on now where is he he needs me he needs you like i need a hole in my head say you're the dame who told me to go to the circus room i did no such thing i did no such thing i know that voice of yours anywhere so now that you spread up stephen his wife you ought to grab him off for yourself nice going sister you cheap little gold digger gold digger maybe but not cheap and i've never split up a couple who were happily married you shouldn't have done that [Music] hey sugar you're wrong put me out later what did you say i'll be back in time to close the show hey who is take it easy punchy just tell the janitor to sweep her up with the rest of the dirt [Music] not interested may i help you get lost packing farina i suppose couldn't you even wait until i'd gone before taking possession i'm not moving in mrs morgan but that phony girlfriend of yours is sure angling for a lease you're not going anywhere and you're not gonna get away with that girl stop that oh oh you poor darling i'm so sorry where's the first aid kiss never mind the first aid kit i'm going to a doctor but how will i ever explain this to mother oh oh he can take care of his eye you take care of your husband i thought that was your department now it never was i'm not steve's girl i'm engaged to mark that was quite obvious at the circus room now you listened to me nothing in that circus room was on the level i went there because i was tipped off i'd find mark there with his new girlfriend and the tip-off came from your pal vera vera yeah i told you she wants to move in i don't believe you steve had to take me out in order to get mark to sign this it's the contract who tore it up steve he didn't figure it was worth all the unhappiness it caused where is he now packing i guess he's headed for california sugar i i'm sorry oh that's all right i can take it now you wait here to like it back what for because i'm cutting you in on this contract lisa i'm going home hello hear you are you ready to leave i know uh oh hold it my new associate will explain everything you're new oh mark [Music] hello sugar i want to talk to you yeah i get under your big mug [Music] steve hello i'm going with you glad somebody wants to see me off oh you don't understand understand what you'll be opening a new office in california you can't run an agency without an artist and a photographer ah that's awfully nice if you're here but don't you think you better stay with kat pat has mark townley now yeah that's right she doesn't need me and even if she did i wouldn't want to stay don't flatter yourself you wouldn't be asked [Music] remember that paper you signed you agreed not to uh see speak to on any way molest your wife i'm so glad steve isn't going to be alone he needs someone to take care of him darling then you're not angry absurd i came home just to drive you two to the station but pat it will only [Music] darling have a wonderful trip and when you get there be sure to buy to me oh pat you are precious i have no idea you'd take it the way you have well we're all modern aren't we [Music] oh well goodbye darlene goodbye dear you don't mind if i have a little chat with steve yeah but well in spite of our agreement we have a few financial matters that we simply must discuss of course not don't be long goodbye well well um uh what about the house it's all yours oh and um and well what about the business that's all yours too oh i want you to be independent in case tommy doesn't treat you right you can tell them where to go oh all clear well um what lion will i do with the war bond you can have those two oh it's funny isn't it i kind of thought we might use those to get the kids started in school yes i i had a few foolish plans about that too one should never plan things should they no well they never turn out right no something always happens doesn't it born oh oh steve aren't you going to oh darling i'm so tired of being a businesswoman i've been thinking about staying home for a little while for 50 years to be exact have you got my brain yeah but i promise never to take it off again with this ring i win hey my bag's on that train yes i know and i hope she likes it out in california you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 275,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lynne Roberts, Gerald Mohr, classic movie, WORLD, classic movies, John Alton, filmstruck, Albert S. Rogell, #classicmovies, The Magnificent Rogue (1946), Warren Douglas
Id: z4D8HA_J4ZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 37sec (4417 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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