Man I Married

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[Music] you [Music] miss Cabot Bree oh hello mr. Hoffman miss Cabot your husband is here it's a streamlined marriage go right here mr. Hoffman thanks Willie hello darling what are we done to prissy she's crying she's upset about my leaving did you get the tickets yeah outside Suites bottom private sundeck it strictly they like oh you don't really mind do you I can't help it if I'm American and a little gaudy maybe my one and only and I want to do it up round hang yourself up in the corner darling William I'm filing away the accumulation of my long and day career as an art critic why not toss it all in the wastebasket Oh someday somebody might want to write a book called the life and times of Kyle Cabot art critics confident that a woman oh did you get the things for Ricky Eric you didn't buy on that sailor rig how did both the suit you like - we spoil him dreadfully he shouldn't have so many things who watching the camera a kid of seven well after all the stuff you got him I didn't want him to think his mother was a heel I haven't told you JB's gonna pay my salary all the time we're gone and I'm going to send him some articles from Berlin isn't that marvelous but Coco I thought this was to be a vacation I can hardly wait to see Dresden Munich is nicer wait till you taste for your buck Pierre Dusseldorf lovely weird Dusseldorf sounds like something made out of pastry there's a little place in the Bavarian Alps on the side of a mountain where I used to go skiing looks like $1 town so darling let's go there I want to see everything the some of our flowers tiny flowers all over the mountain you can line them and look right down into the town from way across the valley you can hear the little bears on the goats just live in the Sun sometimes it's very hot but every time a cloud passes it's like a Cool Hand how this isn't fair I've still got work to do couch but no privacy yes dr. Gerhard here yes send him in please that's funny what does he want was made to issue one for yard he loses its out to all these obstetrical cases I've never seen him outside his office at the hospital do i intrude of course not come in doctor higher you go seen mum you must forgive me I think busy Mary which is Hoffmann and how is the drinkie how on earth did our about going X exactly as if he had rabies the whole world has rabies Pierre 86 that is the Bremen no yes sailing at noon you prefer German boat were we wanted to take the Queen Mary but she doesn't go to Germany this visit it's unusual I know but I wish to speak to you whether they're not so many people like at the boat pass it down please you have wilted thank you all the way here I sweat it but not because it is hot I come to ask you a favor one moment I'm afraid that you will say no and the next that if you say yes that's it is wrong for me to ask you forever it is it's yes you know that you go I just learned that my brother isn't the ho you've heard of this place the concentration camp isn't my brother centered the heart six months ago I didn't even know you had a brother I do not often speak of him when I do it sounds like boasting in Berlin he had a very great position as some who called him the first philosopher in all Europe I'm scared I never connected you Mathilde I'm just another doctor in Yorkville no matter I'm not in a concentration camp last we gather data from Switzerland from an old friend he was in the same class with Ernst at school it says dance was arrested six months ago but why what had he done the letter does not say but I can guess Ernst was not a man to keep quiet about things he believed to be your own he may have been released by now you do not get out of the house easily my friend says it is possible to get out only if you have money to bribe that's how he got free please don't think I come for money 500 American dollars I can manage and into her that is unfortunate but I do not know any way to get it to him since his arrest his wife and son removed and I have no longer any friends in Germany after 20 years in America we'll take it to him we'll be glad to cause where Hugo you are very generous my friends it may not be easy the concentration camp is not like in a marriage in prison why better not half as bad as they say they are I hope you are right anyway I'm an American they won't stop me it is why I turned to you are you yet natural light oh I can get my second date at any time I have been meaning to he's waiting for someone to give him a lift down to the battery here Paul subways I told me on a hitchhike how long will you stay in Germany I have three months leave I have to be back in six months or coming on the quote again but I won't take the chance don't worry we'll have plenty of time I just have to settle some business with my father I know what you say you will do you will somehow tomorrow at the boat I will bring you the money I have to sell some things you find your head really worried about his brother wet he was crying can blame him he believes everything he reads in the papers well after all there are concentration camps and things like that it isn't all just fiction no but you've got to take a lot of these things with a grain of salt the newspapers didn't exaggerate a little bit now and then they never sell any papers when I totally elevate a man this morning that I was going to Germany on my vacation he looked at me as if I were out of my mind well there is any doubt in your mind darling I I could go along I could wind up the business with my father in four weeks and then we can go to the noodle sorry mister no soap oh don't mind him he just works here [Music] I have up posting them so draw and none for [ __ ] bad their way of saying hello and goodbye hey hold on uh mommy did you see bare hand oh if you saw consolidation it seemed to torture yeah nearly there's or even bit tighter he knew I would yeah we are accent of course it's funny I don't if it is if I really belong here I feel like it's very huge better I'd hate to be a little knick-knack you picked up abroad somewhere especially with this [Music] I've gotten better can you reach in my pocket I don't know to wake Ricky which part no little little bun sleep where do you go aleem then you will give me the ticket slave I am of course thank you miss ya artifact Timon can say the Germans have been brutalized again listen to this it was announced that because of the labor shortage and the extreme advisability urgencies clothes i guess of gathering the harvest 7000 farm workers are being brought from Ostmark that's what they call Oscar now that it's part of the right I told you there wasn't any unemployment here more jobs than men seems too good to believe you can't get around it these boys are doing a big job the government is going to put out radio sets for only 35 marks how much is that Oh rice marks are worth more than tourist marks about 40 cents I think 12 plus 2 $14 apiece come on little one is honkers 25 these are much better according to Gerber's there are already nine and a half million radio sets in Germany more than in all the rest of Europe I read somewhere they were making a small car cheaper than the food yes the Volkswagen much cheaper only but $400 do it well the government says you have to make it at that price industry has to make it that's all you have to hand it to them industrially they are way ahead of the rest of Europe in some ways even of America they should worry about unions over here and the government even fixes it so you play on installment all in advance by the time the car is delivered it's all paid for is it any good I'm producing it why are we slowing up waiting for a signal I guess what are the gods do you suppose those are prisoners no poisonous those are the workers from Ostmark you read about in the newspaper our German bullets we have to guard them because they're stupid they would run away from a country for there is no unemployment only soldier some labor dance oh you can buy a radio for 35 marks which you call for defense but it is the same as a dollar to a German of course you cannot tune in Moscow else one but only a traitor wants to heal but our newspapers don't tell us for our own good those poor stupid Austen's well I'll be home with the families buy the kind of ration cards or stand in line to buy bread then to work here in a country where you can buy an automobile for only four hundred American dollars which will be delivered someday maybe I'll read like he's crazy going around saying things like that to strangers you could get into a lot of trouble I guess we have that synthetic oh look what is anybody else starts anything like that dunk we've got to be careful darling keep our ears in crack shut seek to our own business you don't to get mixed up in all this don't worry mister I just came along for the ride [Music] Oh can you finish me thank you communists am even figure three behind you you're in this round isn't enough divine it into Zaman in the salient rule with my nephew number three the stool Oh Carol this is the ginn tankers wife he was my best friend went to school together and my wife hasn't there oh my brow sticky toys nice it's stupid of me I know but Eric already spoke English when I met him well then I speak English I can practice how do you do how do you do you are very pretty thank you so are you me I never think how I look we have so much work to do you would another have time for my services and best makers and cosmetics like in America so you don't need a John naturally lovely so afraid I come out of a job yeah oh I have tried them all mud baths permanent waves paint lipstick all those Philippines but that was before when there was nothing better to do before work before before master banana I don't know how to say Oh literally it means taking over power by the women you mean by the past you maturely oh well my my father was supposed to meet me here no I came in to sleep how do you they do understand he doesn't like riding in the trunk on tram car why it's his own automobile we cannot race petrol for private cars let's get out of here they take care of that I get the streetcar be fine it'll be fun but we're drinking oh there is we have a child that's what we call him but it's more like having a grasshopper his lung yes I'm serious so just before thank you this mrs. hangar are they going to war there isn't any world you go to reason you the big enough to join the universe someday perhaps you'll be a party leader I want to be a lone ranger assisting us tarragon the radio at home don't you know the lone ranger [Music] is it yeah today no meat tomorrow no butter the next day no sugar 1938 becomes like 1980 not so loud oh yeah well you speak English neither actor do you understand a little you spoke it well 20 years ago yeah 20 years it's fancy shout that is a lot of tight yeah he says that's a long time yeah that's true a century not so and living beyond my years sixty endowed a man's age is no longer measured by his years yeah the old Germany disappears Germany I understood understood me the new Germany is for the young people so I am old net so for six months I do not leave this house that's why I asked you to come here eh you must stay here on manage the factory or we must sell I cannot breathe uh spell in air any longer there is a little village on the Rhine above Cologne very little village and all the people who live there are old like the vineyards the young have gone away you see only faces gnarled like the vines I will go there there I can live in peace until I die because I think you are making a mistake oh no no Eric you don't understand yet what this building is this barely does to my health all the doctors say the same to bad time to sell without foreign market going to pieces you don't think I want to leave after 30 years but I must that's all this old man fry off she live next door Laurie she is he still here every Saturday night for as long as I can remember mr. file play chess with father and laugh you always lose it not anymore he doesn't come here since months mother used to say ever one we'd never team again your son was arrested the older one the one who wore glasses yeah he was already reading and remembering which is worse that was a daughter did it it's hard to clean it dark in CPT yeah not really the time had erector caps which get hurt you fry off boy he meant to make a choke he said a Fuhrer once promised not to take our stream and now he promised not to take Czechoslovakia and soon he would promise not to take the world you always been late for this chance yes what it was my misfortune that he said it while he was here at dinner with his father someone reported it to the police who else was here only myself and Otto of course far higher Harry I thought ah come too high there is just been an announcement on the radio dr. Goebbels is to go on the air tonight right away any minute Peter has knocked away the writer wouldn't you rather finish dinner Erik and I'll have plenty of chances to listen to Google's in Germany we all listen when the head doctor speaks it is forbidden not to know freedom when our leaders speak we are glad to listen dr. Goebbels is under oath article Ramos in a land landen out gluten this game defaults right in there inertia daehak-ro pass dosed in all seriousness so beautiful what's he saying his racing came with the bolsheviks and both service was yes Lawson and and floss and a Geneva yes energy unscrewing clinic the new format who have about happen by don't swap compete and be a feminine and earn s Turin nine Bell [Music] [Music] that's how the one of the future is going to be fought looks like something you see at the circus the world may last us now but someday they won't [Music] the Condors eating back from fighting in Spain gives you a boot doesn't it in the stomach imagine what it has to mean in German [Music] like it love it me to you especially this is the Germany I've dreamed what do you say we say over here don't go back at all Eric you're not serious I will do much better running the factory in trying to sell it I have met a decent offer yes so we can't why not technically I'm still a German citizen you're my wife very pleased and trick you likes it here now that you started in school let's not argue about but darling you just said you loved it I do here tonight but it is Mike home never Christmas it happens to be my home does not New York's your home our home you've always said so yes I know that that's the way I said but now everything is changed Germany is alive exciting the hospital song says make way make way here come the brown battalions let's not kid ourselves those boys are going somewhere if you don't mind I'll take the detour joke all you like but at least Berlin isn't out of the world anymore here's where history is being made right here and that's why I want to be eric addis ababa hot cider even across the East River in Red Hook but not here scene but what's good you so down on Germany all of a sudden I'm not really I'm not yeah yeah they be hiding over here like a large bear it's such a big place I looked everywhere [Music] do i disturb no of course not I wasn't sure you were coming you didn't say definitely harder said yes did you tell her I know not yet tell me what the money you brought from America for mg aha you must not try to deliver it to him you told her what I thought you might help please no need to lie of course he told me she was what it is it is right he wanted my opinion I told him it is impossible the two lesion not sure it how could you Hugo particularly asked us not to talk about it he had no right to ask that and jihad is a traitor but we promised I'd say they arrested me and is accessed what'd she say she wouldn't smuggle money to sing sing for a letter or would you this is different yes this is no slimmer even worse but lots of people send money to their friends and concentration camps all the time what's wrong about it it can't get us all into trouble you want to sell the factory don't you be sensible darling mg AHA is an enemy of Germany who helps him is an enemy also he was just a philosopher he was against the government you said we shouldn't have burned the book and that Hitler is a misspelling think of others beside yourself already he's German think of Ricky you wouldn't want to do anything that would jeopardize him would you nonsense you're just trying to scare me I don't care what you say I'm not going to be frightened I keep my promises anyway none of your business I'm going home [Music] coming Ricky mommy I jeans I do so love Oh nightmare I was afraid you were sick it was an awful dream what was it darling what you doing I forget sure for just a bad dream but he's all right now aren't you Ricky I want to sleep with you please mommy let me sleep in your bin don't be a crybaby oh she's frightened poor little Ricky that only encourages it sylua clock yet yeah fat time don't forget darling The Lone Ranger isn't afraid of dreams now you go to sleep like a good boy won't you lose too bad you aren't always so concerned about Ricki you want to begin that again about Gerhardt my wife is not going to make it full of herself and get us all into trouble that's final why didn't you tell me Frieda was coming can't she let you out of a sight even for a couple of hours what have you got against Prix dine away there once was a Nordic named Frieda always quoting the words of the leader she wasn't born people say in the usual way the Fuhrer simply to Crane der where did you get that out of my head yeah clever that way why don't you admit it you're jealous Oh doesn't that make you smug and lovely because of our looks I mean because hers don't come out of a jar as you said did you think I meant that well if you didn't mean to I D to say just flatter 'silly I wanted her to like me but right away she makes cracks and start saying things to you in German so I can't understand we've never said a single word in German you could have any objections to yeah isn't that a concert would b'fer we had I'd prefer not to have my husband reassure me he hasn't been making love to another woman right in front of my eyes good grief what you want he thinks the fellow does protest too much I give up darling let's not fight so silly as if we didn't love each other I hate to be mad it always does something to me inside sorry if I was mean but he was so bossy and I can't stand being bossed please won't you try to understand my viewpoints I'll try to understand yours listen hair Hoffman the ladies talking to you crying what do you think goggly I'm sorry Koko let's get it's about time [Music] the boss who do you mean Nick he's in London I'm running the show nah sure he'd been for the past six months don't you read the papers my special correspondent Berlin that's me I've even started to write my first book okay boy I'll see you my friends don't take me very seriously yet but don't worry and Nazis he'll do anything for a big American news agency and want to be sure and include us out of the next war Kenneth Elaine speaking no I didn't understand it that way the embassy is acting unofficially hasn't issued any formal order for Americans to get out of the country and Milly suggested if they haven't any urgent business here to be very smart to go that's right what is it now oh oh no thanks not this afternoon the little man with the moustache is ruined my putting stroke some other time boy huh they cut off all these phones Winnie honey yeah I'm right in the middle of a very important conference now would you mind telling me where you got that hat it's the first time I've ever been called a conference don't mind if I seem to be staring at you because I'm just just staring that Jack guys it's been months and months and months since I've seen a smart-looking American woman oh I got really smart just sort of Lexington Avenue oh oh no my homing instinct is unerring you are the breath the glamour lovely odor a fifth and 42nd and Lena afternoon oh dear I thought I was at least Madison in the fifties at shopping time you must have been away a long time yes century five years in fact three and lending them to here they tell me do they still sell hamburgers and ice cream sodas in America yeah do you like them I'm mad about we are gonna get along well what would the world coming apart at the seams it's Pleasant sometimes the ponder the relative merits of hamburgers and sodas they're really going to be a wall well chickie that's Hitler Chicago Hoover was his father's name Chickie's due to throw another convulsion at the Nazi Congress and Nuremberg and that may be a signal for the German army to march into the sedating land if that happens the Czechs will fight and my advice to you is not to wait and see I can't leave him to my husband cells attack tree hiya husband and I forgot he's German is me and now see a question no there won't be the slightest trouble about delivering that money to your friend in the concentration camp because that is one way the Nazis have of getting their hands on beluga foreign currency that is you mean they take it away from him you keep some of the money yourself let the people eat bribes know that they'll get the rest as soon as he's safely out of the country that's a way of stem what's his name ants Gerhard yeah Oh professor Gerhard a Berlin University mm-hmm I filed a story on him just a couple of weeks ago story will see a very close friend of yours we know his brother in New York why he's dead dad mm-hmm a commanding officer the Schutzstaffel headquarters told me that Ernest Gerhardt died in Dachau of acute appendicitis poor Hugo was it in the papers I'm sure my husband would have seen it well in the New York papers not here oh that's funny I thought he was famous rich my lady of the ivory tower honestly I'd forgotten such people existed don't you read the papers what's the use of reading a lot of stuff when you don't know what to believe huh my devoted public what are you gonna do with the money now take it back to the doctor I guess well professor Gerhardt's family might find it very useful the faintest idea where they live no I think we can fix that okay hello get me Colonel decade please they should stop alone the Gestapo work hand in hand it's amazing what they know hello ed Deckard mr. Lane American correspondent remember damn fine fine thanks say I just called up to get the address of the widow of Ernst Gerhardt who you said died in Dachau of appendicitis not over the phone will don't you recognize my voice can't you check by ringing me back here at the office Donald uh yeah yes I know I understand all about that a decade but I I don't think that you appreciate the fact that I have an American gentleman in my office yeah great industrialists I was just boasting to about the efficiency of your organization as a matter of fact I just made him a bet that you could give me the address of anybody I named within one minute after I picked up the phone oh thanks thanks very much never fails to worry expect there's nothing like landing on with a shovel women dealing with the high knees look what Chico Gruber did was convinced them they ought to rule the world because they're blond Aryans I forget he's a little on the dark side himself ah Thank You Shawn bison starts at 23 thanks very much thank you come on I'll Drive it down oh you're much too busy do you know how to speak German yes danke Schoen danke it's not enough I can't let a beautiful woman wander the streets of Berlin when she doesn't even know how to say no all right I give up I like having it laid on with a shovel too [Music] can't you make them get out of the way it doesn't do to irritate stormtroopers on the loose what goes on [Laughter] McBrine and slider I don't get it Ron shirt let's Greg against old people and kids choose no in this instance there check there's quite a few of them live down in this quarter you see that garbage truck bully boys bring their own filth dump it I'm gonna make the checks clean it up the chummy little pastime the police stop it only one man can stop this sort of thing he invented Allah by the guys are here tomorrow huh sure the stronger version lots to be Felix and a ton took vixen in society unsteady Dean's visits we all lost Le Mans Philemon is still on when he's coming I'm sending an to come see how lugar finished a series mother's house I bite slows to sorry I love little home cinders mother they started as a lot of talking [ __ ] Wow hey let him go he said he wanted to change his clothes he told him the suit he had on were the only good when he had if he got a dirty lose his job so they told him to go and change do you think they'd be afraid he'd get away no no he knows that they'd only get him in the long run make it worse for him SNC he's been americanus a journalist a certain sit in here excusa me Noah dusty author on skin is Ian Akana see I'm dr. midnight me that's fine barroom tan position in practice canals are Swiss so with the Box funny bisected armor the situation about balancing is tell her my cannon stop talking to see doctor situation immerman things finger nation people don't look so glum I just told them that you said the chicks are barbarians and ate with their fingers anyway you didn't why a little area can keep on smiling [Laughter] c'mere don't meet you I'm Rosie crying Easter hip speed Americana linen by a wooden footbed male discount Association panic okay yeah there's a really beautiful eagle I'll never forget it never perhaps I should have got you out of there sooner but I wanted you to see with your own eyes I gave you one of those people who pride themselves on being fair to the Nazis no I I just try to discount propaganda that just means that you've swallowed dr. Goebbels hook line and sinker it's gobble-gobble favorite trick making people discount facts the feel old involute er my English is so little it medically frail but my hat things you I'm sure Hugo would want you to come to America where he can take care of you I may be able to get you a visa no I stay but you are him will go he will be happy is that your son yes my son your hand Gera was one of the top surgeons here was yes naturally he loses his position at the hospital and his practice too when it is known his father is in the house why can't you both come to America if there's not enough money I am sure that it is not the money I cannot live inst she's dead of course but for 40 years we were never separated soon we will be together again in German Earth some day beautiful things will grow in Germany again and we will be a part of them I understand I'll tell you go I'm afraid I'll have to be getting back to the office you will not stay and see how are you just wanna walk you will not be long I wish we could but honest be getting back to no one knows Ryan you are sweet my ideas to come and see me and brave just stubborn I'm afraid Oh what lovely work do you do it no your him makes it you are surprised because he's a man it's a delicate his hands are used to delicate work he does it to keep his fingers from becoming stiff and clumsy so that he can operate properly again someday it's really very beautiful work vitas I'm lady from ok to see how she did yes it the Schutzstaffel what do they say about this how he dies they told me he died of acute appendicitis so my Manhattan and Linda ability on you have Fortran C here saying my friends what'd she say that's more properly enemy damn she says her husband had his appendix out twenty years ago what do you expect soft music this is a revolution certainly a few people get pushed around but the Nazis were doing it for fun if you would have seen them there's nothing to what the checks have been doing to the Sudeten Germans anyway you can do it and you work without a few people running wild wasn't just mob violence I can understand that but they went about it in such a methodical disciplined way it was horrible that's then your world why don't you look at the good side without accomplishing these you know what they're made of look like flannel wood fiber ah seen dresses made of glass at home in our factory we are using grease made of lumber byproducts here seem guna is better than rubber and now they've even found a way of turning whale oil into butter oh I'm glad I'm reducing look at the roads in factories they've built let them off not to mention all the nice shiny airplanes tanks and guns always that pacifist Pat she got you talking just like Chico Gruber like what Chico Gruber why did you beat that up it was his father's name don't you love it so loud with you nobody can hear us so I'm very fine you're sounding off but I haven't got an American passport it's not very funny to me o darling let's get out of this firetrap I want to go home how much longer do we have to stay here with some time I've had one off already and all fast how much four hundred thousand marks darling that's wonderful then we can go right away if I take it yes you take it Eric it's said to take the first proposition Markham is interested others will be maybe I can get another 50,000 marks but what do you care about another tisket ours and your father will have enough without it I'm afraid your scarce and the one to judge My dear darling you know I'm crazy about your father I wouldn't have said that if he hadn't said that all he needs is ten thousand marks a year four hundred thousand is enough for 40 years I have to think of Ricky it will be here someday Rick you'll never get it you know you can't take money out of Germany I'm just as anxious to get it settle as you are but after you do it my way I'll die can't we at least go away for a few days just the three of us you said you'd take us to Munich and president that little town in the mountains where you and Ricky can go if you like but I can go away now right when things are popping aren't you gonna wait for me I have to go out to dinner I told you oh yes the party officials yes word in the right place make all the difference in getting the government's okay on the sale it's Frieda going to be there naturally without I never being able to meet them and your objections by the way I wouldn't go around saying Chico grew by if I were you it happens to be against the law to make fun of the fear of what can he do sue me for libel there's other things it's grounds for divorce good night Coco good night [Music] there's no it's Carol father come here leavers what troubles you nothing I just can't sleep for several days you don't look so good are you so hot still this is everything the whole world holding its breath it does how can anyone breathe until we know is it war Ericsson no I hope yes you Bravo it is one way perhaps the only way make an end of these lunatics spread fear and hatred over the world [Music] soldiers come closer where they are going to the border always to another border father don't you say the fry are stood next door Yeah right somebody's hurt I'm going down to see no no don't go you better not steal a position you can I help don't be fighting hips I love American boys yeah Milligan yes I have seen please you don't see anything you know nothing probably details yes listen he escaped tonight from the police when they take in Buda ha they will be here soon to look for him I'll go quicker they find you - who are you going to do it will hide him in the bushes he's to be stable father tonight he loses much blood for left him hurry [Music] nah don't ever with that didn't pass Snell why just once don't him got my father mistake my wooden debase mash Ned who's that my other son he betrays his own mother I don't feel big big huh no it's too late I'm glad watashi said I'm sorry this next table for you but god bless you they can't do anything to me I'm an American I'm an American I want to see a lawyer but this is not America Hoffman I'm a friend of Kenneth d'Alene the American newspaper correspondent you are the rifle for German citizen from Hoffman but I don't know anything I tell you I've never seen either of them before hmm you helped to hide a man you do not know certainly he was hit and of course he does not mention that others escaped with him or say where they went he never spoke a word hmm he didn't I don't know anything really I don't anyway where I asked me why not ask them oh thank you that is very intelligent but I am afraid it does not serve the boy died during the night of his wounds and his father had an unfortunate accident in his cell so you seek media from excuse please as well incident so heavy rains outside another business sands industry to diminish Kenan it's really a ban on the super fan lesson yeah yeah all that unlucky mr. whitting special hello yeah here take it yeah Danny Heinrich is kind of arrogant she doesn't appear to know you huh Candice cow hello hello he's gone there was very foolish of you he did not hear you at all after the fight Hoffman is a [ __ ] reckless Heil Hitler Heil Hitler joy to see inside us and you can to talk about a bit allocator - what do you mean you were just gonna let her go you tell me over the phone you didn't know anything about it answer sir dr. Goebbels is gonna hear about this from me yes of course that's understood and eka sorry Jesus wedding come on Carol you're free good-o US Marines they didn't hurt you to make mind if I hang on yeah behold everything okay visually it was a mistake free Riviere okay let's not make a scene here did you glad to see me of course but own do I though us any good there people know we have been trouble with them is that why you stayed out here today truly nothing like being honest I always say don't mind if I seem a little gregarious 4:30 instinct mass demonstrations in the streets of club tonight after testing against acceptance of the Hitler turns the Czech cabinet has resigned the new cabinet headed by the one-eyed hero general survey is expected to resist let's just show their lives oh that's your book or this bag of coffee Alec musubi player the Czechs have completely mobilized yeah the time wanted it to e it is also place a dollop a student in a note handed to Lord Halifax general severly rejected the German demands speaking for the American people in a personal plea for peace fear under if attached a station police sign of fear Llosa free did you sedating Dulce and now for the news in English the leader speaks tonight to the whole world at the Berlin sports palace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we may live you see how do we make yourself is that is begin to Duncan this is gets kind of under eyes Monstar signed Archer that's student down from Doc me begin with inquiry got yeah I going to the car garden poker you they want out people I've had about all I can say for one night but you throw as you want don't ya know if you never see another night acted I hope you're right they yelling I had filled our Riveter it moves him kill you what she says you can't she doesn't want to do didn't lose a little destructive ends okay don't wait up [Music] hey lady want to listen hurry it up support of a Paris office right now [Music] Manhattan Transfer everybody else leaving that and suddenly he seems a strange standing there with his hand up like a mechanical doll screaming I've seen men go mad at football games but nothing like that he looked as if he were gonna pop it's convulsions of the ego I don't understand it they catch it from chicky Eric's not the hysterical type in New York he was always sweet and gentle he's never been like this it doesn't make sense in America we go in for other kinds of quacks thank heaven sometimes they are pretty silly we worship lamech groves and healers and quarterbacks wings to laugh at ourselves these poor boys over here lost their sense of humor if they ever had any nation that doesn't know how to laugh is dangerous what I can't get through my head is why these people listen to hit them when they know in the end will only mean bloodshed and chaos well chicky Sola McGoldrick probably the greatest goldbrick that's ever been sold any peoples in the whole history of time he's actually made him believe that the only culture in a world is a Nazi culture that the only former life worth living is the Nazi form he's a meta magician fanatical egomaniac with the greatest appetite for power of a scene on the surcin sad days of James Caan battle in the hunt he won't be satisfied until he makes an effort to wipe the democracies right off the money and I don't mean just England and France either yeah I know I know a lot of his Americans laugh at all often we hear things like this but not me I've seen too much I've seen the war machine he's constructed nobody can tell me he has the slightest intention of letting that machine go to rust in the long run of course he won't win with before he's through Chickie's gonna spilling off a lot of blood I get under get Eric back to New York he'd get over all this I'm sure he would wouldn't he he would too can't you say anything yeah good night [Music] shouldn't you better take your socks off [Music] and you say well wait I wasn't even going to speak to you but since you only got tight who's tied I've been lying awake worrying about you since two o'clock but their halls have been closed for hours so what where were you all this time Eric I saw you coming across the lawn from fritos just now you one doll I wasn't spying I got up to take a look at Ricky and just happened to look out his window alright I was it feeders what's that prove don't you think it's a little late to be coming home from a woman's house carrying your shoes particularly a woman who's been on the prowl for you for weeks Harry darling I don't care about Frieda not really those things just happen to people I understand that let's forget about it and I promise never to mention it again but Eric won't you please take Ricky and me away somewhere Dresden the mountains anywhere until we can go back home won't you please Eric all right since you asked for it you might as well know now I'm not going back to America I've decided to stay here and run the factory for how long permanently you expect me to live here the rest of my life oh you don't like it here I don't want to make you stay meaning you want me to go away and leave you here alone I want us both to be happy but you were happy in New York you always said you were we had lovely times together we can again that wasn't mean America not really me I found that out just hearing Hitler tonight what are you are Holy Roller can any cheap demagogue make you roll over and froth at the mouth I made up my mind a week ago join the party then the Nazis what other party is there freedom made you do it Oh Weirich how could you did you have to give you a mind your will everything did nothing to do with it no works while you sleep like medicine skip it you you are in love with it are you she's a German and so am i you wanna marry us naturally then I I suppose you bought a divorce yes that's the only solution she can't do that to me Oh Eric this isn't you she's just got you all mixed up I won't give you a divorce very well I'll divorce you on what grounds you couldn't you're ready cute athira Otto heard you that night he was in the hall he told Freda he'll corroborate my testimony well that's what you really want go ahead and get you divorce I'll leave to New York this morning I'm sorry do me one favor will you don't say anything to Ricky just just say you have to stay here on business I'll explain it to him sometime later you can trust me to be fair Ricky saying you're with me don't be silly Eric a child always goes with his mother not that I'd mind for a few months at a time when he's a little older belongs here is it German under the law he is not he's an American you can't make a Nazi out of Ricky I won't let you he belongs to me any civilized caught anywhere in the world what do you know about courts do you think any Nazi judge will let you take your party members child away I know what I'm talking about I've consulted lawyers lawyers you planned all this why do you think you're going to consult a few people myself at this hour I can't stand being in the same room with you another minute I don't even want to breathe the same air you breathe I'll heal well there's only one thing to do you and Ricky you've got to get out of Germany today this afternoon without Erik's knowing anything about it but how possibly first get Ricky out of the house on some excuse take him for a walk I'll meet you in the park near your home with my car I don't bring anything will you suggest your passport you're traveling on a separate Passport aren't you yes well it's perfect now leave the rest to me just give me a couple hours see it's 9:15 we've meet 11:30 just inside the park entrance I'll have your train of plane tickets at boat reservations some luggage and close enough to get you to Paris anyhow before Eric wakes up to what's happened you'll be clean across the border you don't mind flying do you I'd crawl on my hands and knees to get Ricky out of here I don't know how to thank you don't try Oh incidentally I expect to be in New York by January I'm gonna take charge of a special cable desk are setting up in Kate award would you like that Oh New York look awfully good to me right now say I forgot you'll need some kitchen won't you how about 200 that'll keep it going until you get in touch with your friends in New York on it you're very generous what he does gonna play justice what I really mean is just well hey where we going mommy free walk dear just for why still darling mom is in a hurry I don't have so many questions there go yes why taking Ricky to the park just for a little while but I want him to go downtown with me soon as freed and I finish talking with father do you begrudge me my last few minutes with him you said you're not leaving until tonight have him back by 4:00 no I would have known going upstairs until I call you mommy Eric you Shawn yes lurches father once a few thank you that you come sit down lubbers huh Eric tells me you leave bell internet yes I we I think that I understand I heard everything we're not ashamed of our love you don't take Ricky with you he's staying with me that is your wish no no of course it isn't but Erik says I can't have him you try to take a child away from his own mother you cannot a child belongs to the state now belongs first to his mother that isn't the law it is a law of nature trained by our tails from the trees was once a natural law the world changes whether you old men like it or not yes I'm old it is true but I am not yet dead and so long as I live I do not permit you to do this Erik I don't want to discuss it do you not injure enough of us must you destroy your own son destroy it will make a man of him a real man instead of a sponge Erik ten years you are away you are still my son still you hear my voice now if they're not deep inside any feeling of the small boy I used to know it cannot be dead only sleeping Mira that warm-hearted intelligent boy that used to sit on the arm of my chair while I read to him from Schiller or Gerty or Thomas mom how is the same sentimental trick when people talk of the old Germany it's always about books and music and painting life was give you tea then what did it matter that we've been surrounded by enemies robbed of our living space everything was given to me let the fatherland die so long as it dies charmingly please Eric my son take this woman if you insist follow your leader you're Antichrist who steals from us everything that makes life worthwhile but do not change your own child in this jungle making of human enemy like all the others allow him to go to America so he can grow up to be a human being not a beast knowing only to tear others apart in the name of Survivor no versus Steiner untoward man soon 9 I told you I've made up my mind it's final so Oh weights please one more thing I must hurry be quick you were in not such a hurry you would not do well to listen to what I have to say power force that is all your respect you make me use it a if you do not allow Rikki to leave tonight for America with his mother tomorrow I go to the Nazis and tell them that your mother was a Jewess to his art that trick Martino can is organ one of her vices I know I give their clothes proof yes I give it to them your mother came from Belgium as you know we were married there the record still exists they show she was a full Jewish the night the rice last burned I went to Brussels I could guess what was going to happen here it was easy to pay for fake documents saying she was an Aryan but the original records are still there for anyone to see Keystone to the sign dude nein I can't be I'd know it I feel it Frida Sebring you will suffer much my son from it you will learn what you would have done to others poor Eric I wish I could help you but I'm all dead inside I can't even feel sorry for you all right can't you see that's what this sort of thing does to people all this hating and grabbing what you want it killed everything with while or feeling loved sure you don't forget I'm looking forward to seeing you in New York I'm afraid that won't be possible how do you mean the Home Office has changed my orders under stay here now ha ha long for the duration you can do me a great big favor though my you know the little grunts go in the corner of 50th the Madison drop in there sometime order a hamburger and a chocolate ice cream soda and when you do you think we'll be able to time it goodbye bye bye Ricky [Music] you
Channel: Covfefe Trump
Views: 315,781
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Length: 76min 34sec (4594 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2017
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