Thrawn | The COMPLETE Life Story (Canon) Part 1

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how is the peace he wished for to be achieved through the mutual respect and Good Will of all beings of course and how is that respect to be achieved sumacro's smile faded by proving Beyond any doubt that the ascendancy can and will respond to an attack with overwhelming Force indeed did you give your name as general Skywalker I did why have you heard of me thrawn caught cheery's eye as he touched the mute button interesting coincidence you follow a long history written by the Jedi where they choose what they believe to be morally correct instead of what is strategically sound what's up meta nerds this complete life of Mithra narodu or thrawn is by far the largest series yet Justin Canon it spans six books several different comic series a major role in a multi-season show and tons of other sources it all comes out to what will be six parts from his earliest memories in the unknown regions his rise to the chist ascendancy involving run-ins with Anakin Skywalker and how he became involved with the emperor concealing his true hidden Mission as he worked to eradicate the growing Rebel movement culminating in his mysterious disappearance let's begin his epic tale Mithra narodu with a core name of thrawn is a chiss male a species considered Near human originating from the planet rental in the unknown region a perilous and Uncharted expanse of the Galaxy referred to by its inhabitants as the chaos this region presented navigational challenges due to the supernovae black holes gravity Wells and other unfamiliar phenomena the boy's original chord name was Varon belonging to the kivu family a small and impoverished group within the chis ascendancy which governed a section of the unknown region born around 59 BBY as kivu ranuru had a force sensitive older sister named kivu Rick ardoc or taking the core of those three names vorica at the age of three she was selected to become a Skywalker Navigator a role necessary for guiding the chest through the unknown regions where navigation computers were scarce this extraordinary ability known as third sight usually emerged in young chess girls but vanished as they matured Varon attended a rental Academy and excelled academically catching the attention of various ruling families the myth family in particular dispatched in aristocra named myth or fianco to assess for Ron's potential subsequently thrawn attended another Academy on rent where he captured the attention of myth or a cured known as the rocky the patriarch of the myth family the rocky enlisted his friend lavaki later to be known as general bakif to take notice of Iran and introduce him to aristocrine myth or fianco core name thurfian at that time Supreme General bakif had recently formed the chiss expansionary defense Fleet when thurfian visited Varan on rentor kivu was about as obscure of family as the chiss ascendancy had ever spawned if you don't bring boron in he won't have another chance until next year that be such a catastrophe but keeps face heartened yes I believe it would following this visit Faron was promptly accepted into the myth family as a merit adoptive changing his core name to thrawn this adoption into the myth family involved an elaborate formal ceremony and occurred around the year 39 BBY following his induction thrawn was relocated to the taharim academy on naporar the planet where much of the chist expansionary defense flee operated from instead of what have traditionally would have been located on Cilla before this thrawn had never experienced space travel eager to familiarize himself with a ship he explored the Thomas Bridge even venturing into a restricted area there he encountered a melancholic 13 year old girl named alastav unaware that she was a Skywalker Navigator nearing the end of her third sight Powers assigned with navigating the Tamra to naporar as a test of her abilities a lifestyle was instructed to tell people that she was the captain's daughter to keep the existence of The chiss Navigators a secret these Journeys within the chiss ascendants C served as tests for aging Skywalkers as the risk were significantly lower compared to the dangers in The Wider chaos region the Navigator faltered the helm officer could easily correct the course and ensure safety despite alistov's distress over her navigation failure thrawn provided Solace encouraging her by mentioning the Myriad potential career paths a captain's daughter could pursue though she knew that was just her cover story his uplifting words left a profound impact on the young girl leading her to Aspire to join the myth family once she retired from the Skywalker Corps years later she would become a merit adoptive of the myth family known as myth aliastav core named thalius and she would long to Journey with Ron again simply to see him in the midst of this heartening encounter with alastav on the Tamra Junior Captain vorlip arrived on the bridge and reprimanded the new Cadet for trespassing in a restricted area testing thrawn's instincts she instructed him to close his eyes spun him around to disrupt his balance and then asked him to indicate the direction of the ship's bow impressively thrawn accurately identified the direction despite this being his first time in space earning vorlip's respect and though she dismissed him cautioning him to seek clearance before entering restricted areas in the future she can find it in Allah stop that it had taken her over a dozen space Journeys to develop such a keen sense of direction nevertheless the captain penalized thrawn with 50 down marks for breaching the restricted area upon arriving at the Academy he'd have to work diligently for three months just to make amends for these demerits this incident marked an early test in thrawn's Journey demonstrating his resourcefulness empathy and resilience amidst the challenges of a career within the chess ascendancy military ranks shortly after arriving at the tower Rim Academy on naporar thrawn was invited to a rematching dinner at the myth family Compound on avadich for orientation those in attendance run aware of the deep pain thrawn carried for his older sister whose star day coincided with this rematching dinner saddened by the loss of his three-year-old thrawn was warmly welcomed by aristocra myth rasafus affectionately known as thrass who held the rank of cousin within the myth family little did either thrawn or thras know that Patriarchs the rocky of the myth family and stimulumio vodu lamov of the stibbla family had already had a plan in motion to forge a strong friendship between thrawn and thrash recognizing thrawn's exceptional combat talents and thrash's political Acumen they believe this Alliance would Elevate the myth family to new heights and reinforce a long-standing but discreet friendship between the myth and stibbler families thrawn's induction into the myth family typically involved a formal welcoming ceremony at avadich before proceeding to naporar however an exception had been made for thrawn leading thrashed to surmise that a high-ranking family official had been keen on having thrawn join the fleet as quickly as possible the rest was astonished when thrawn astutely identified several artworks in the compound as creations of a female artist who had recently experience the tragic family loss his Works had indeed been crafted by the historical myth matriarch mythoso rosodo the tragic who had lost all four of her sons in battle during the final assault oncilla the rest sensed a deep personal loss in thrawn's past but the young Cadet kept these secrets locked away veiled behind his enigmatic eyes seeking to engage the new Cadet and understanding his interest in art thorass extended an offer to show him an extensive collection of artwork available at the avadich compound curious about the duration of thrawn's stay at abitic thrust discovered that thrawn had been granted only one night there eager to prolong this mysterious man's time on the planet thrass believed that getting him to stay for an extra night would result in only a few down marks and assured him that the myth family could have those demerits waived two thrash his surprise thrawn revealed that he had already accumulated those 50 down marks and perplexed by how thrawn earned so many demerits thrash learned of the political intricacies that enabled thrawn's presence that night Eva ditches a reason family patreon was in attendance at the rematching dinner as Rivals to the myth family the arizi family aspired to dominate the ascendancy military including bakif's newly formed expansionary defensively to Showcase three military rematches to the arizi family instead of two patriarch thuraki had requested coronal wavery leader of the taharim academy to Grant thrawn a one-day pass to avadich aware that thrawn needed to return to nepora soon thrash offered to show him the Patriot's art collection and describe the grand Art Gallery at the myth family Homestead oncilla though thrawn declined the offer he expressed interest in examining art with the aristocra on a future occasion during his time in a student at the tarim Academy thrawn consistently ranked among the top performers in its class however there was an incident where he was accused of cheating on a combat simulation exam overseen by senior Cadet arizi r Alani core name ziara thrawn score in the exam was so remarkably high that it raised suspicion leading to these cheating allegations in truth thrawn was innocent having devised a brilliant stealth maneuver during the simulation but since the simulation scenarios could not be replicated something put in place precisely to prevent cheating now it meant that they couldn't generate the same parameters in the simulation but having achieved a score that was several deviations higher than anything ever recorded many felt the only conclusion was that he somehow cheated faced with the possibility of expulsion from the academy thrawn's Only Hope was the aura who intervened on his behalf bringing General bakkiff into the matter bucketh proposed an alternative a combat exercise using the same parameters as the contested simulation the randomized computer program might not be able to replicate it but they could try and play it out in real ships and in this exercise thron repeated the evasive maneuver vindicating himself and showcasing his strategic Brilliance the first attack against thrawn would have opened up his aft oxygen reserves and fuel tanks spewing both gases into space behind him and fire the Thruster burst those escaping gases would have ignited temporarily blinding the attacker's sensors I'm thrown fire that twos after thrusters damaging them in a precisely specific pattern that not only temporarily knocked them out but also gave the ship a predictable wobble matching the pattern and hiding behind the ship it invaded just long enough for one and three to turn their attention elsewhere then came out and fired before they could respond in gratitude for ziara's support thrawn invited her to celebrate his acquittal with a night owl instead of a traditional celebration with music and inebriating drinks thrawn took her to an art gallery to analyze alien artwork and glean insights into their military tactics utilizing the opportunity thrawn shared his knowledge with Sierra teaching her how to analyze art for tactical info ziara then invited thrawn to her quarters where she displayed her sculptures proposing a sparring match with soft coat sticks seeing what he could tell about her from her artwork thrawn would emerge Victorious impressing ziara with how he understood that she would fight with certain Styles just based on the artwork she chose during their interaction thrawn's Keen observation and deduction caused ziara to blush as he correctly inferred her honorable nature in reluctancy to employ dirty tricks against an opponent this in countermarked a turning point in thrawn's Academy life solidifying his reputation not only as an exceptional strategist but he seemed more relatable and became an esteemed peer among his fellow Cadets around 37 BBY two years after being rematched into the myth family thrawn successfully graduated from the taharim academy and with a Lieutenant's Commission in the chiss expansionary defensively during this time aristocrophs had been keeping tabs on thrawn's progress but the two hadn't seen each other since that rematching dinner unexpectedly patriarch through Rocky summoned thrass to his office and tasked him with a seemingly trivial Mission convinced thrawn to remain with the myth family rather than joining the stibbla family as a trial born with this trial-born status being a promotion from merely a myth family Merit adoptive unbeknownst to thrash Patriarchs the Rocky and the mayav had orchestrated this all as a test they wanted to see whether thrash would openly declare his friendship with thrawn still pushing for this friendship that could benefit both families to fulfill this Mission the rest traveled from scilla to naporar to meet thron for lunch at a bistro as he waited a peculiar chest named stibbla Pippin psychok senior aide to stibbla patriarch lemayov decided to join thras Uninvited the stable representative informed thrust that they intended to extend an offer of rematching to thrawn and challenged thrass to offer something better mindful of his duty to keep thrawn with the myth family he dismissed stibbler's intentions stating that they merely saw thrawn as a pawn in their family's political games but in his defense of thrawn the rest surprised himself by admitting that he considered thrawn to be a friend which was exactly the Intel this Dibble rep was looking for when thrawn arrived exactly 10 minutes after thras aristalker's declaration of friendship had a significant impact on the unfolding conversation thrawn introduced himself to the strange kiss unaware of the plot behind the meeting into thrash's astonishment the pinsick abruptly departed leaving thrawn and thrash alone it was only then that thrast realized the purpose of this encounter was to test his loyalty and friendship with thrawn he decided to forget all the politics and just enjoy this lunch eager to learn more about ziara who he knew had saved thrawn's career from the cheating allegations thrawn humbly downplayed the impact that his live performance gave no matter the case thrass promised to retell the story using it as an opportunity to showcase the greatness of the myth family joking that when he does tell it the only thing he'll change is the level of smugness in his voice as a chiss officer thrawn's rise through the ranks of the chiss expansionary defense fleet was accompanied by both admiration and more controversy it had always been a practice that the force sensitive Skywalker Corps was kept a secret and so they would hire Pathfinder Navigators from the Navigator's Guild for their services making sure their alien neighbors all assumed that the chess also relied on the Navigator's Guild for their sole means of being able to travel through hyperspace during thrawn's time as a junior commander on a chiss diplomatic Cruiser the ascendancy was dealing with Pirates attacking their shipping Freighters in the outer reaches of their territory on one occasion while heading to bartramskoff to meet with the new prefect a thrawn and the crew stopped at the guild Concourse 447 to hire Pathfinder quillori of uandalon in order to guide them through hyperspace kuilori's navigation skills proved invaluable ensuring the ship's timely arrival at Bartram scoffed upon reaching the planet thrawn and kuilori were alone on the bridge he explained their situation and that they observed a ship belonging to another Nation resembling the Pirates crafts that had been attacking chess Raiders though the Pathfinder suspected the ship to be from the laoan regime he couldn't divulge the information due to the Guild's neutrality rules thrawn's astute observations and deductions however led him to believe that the Pirates were indeed connected to the Leon regime and he also sensed that Quinn Lori might be aware of this connection knowing that he would cover it for the guild following this meeting thrawn conducted further research and discovered the secret that Pathfinders could track each other through hyperspace armed with this knowledge he proposed a response to the pirate attacks to General bakif suggesting attacking the Pirates without engaging the Leo and regime directly despite the strict laws against preemptive strikes in the ascendancy he promised not to act unless he could accurately distinguish between enemy and neutral ships bakkief aware of the political implications and the need to project strength approved thrawn's request for three ships to deter future pirate attacks while concern about thrawn's self-assurance the general understood the importance of addressing these ongoing strikes which tarnished the ascendancy's reputation in the chaos thrawn's strategic Brilliance and unwavering determination to protect the ascendancy set him apart but this would be the beginning of his critiques of using unprovoked strikes with this Mission approved thrawn and kilori traveled to the Leo and heartworld aboard a freighter unaware that another chess ship also Guided by a member of the Navigator's Guild had arrived as well thrawn noticed the resemblance between Leo and Patrol ships and the pirate draft pokillory remained skeptical despite being too deep in the heart world's gravity well to escape through hyperspace Ron piloted the ship even closer to confirm his suspicions as they approached the repair center with two Patrol ships thrawn reason that one of them had recently raided the massage system akilori protested fearing the involvement of the regime with the Pirates thrawn questioned how he could be so certain of this but the Navigator denied any knowledge now insisting on leaving a concern that Pathfinders on the Leo and corsairs could track them through hyperspace thrawn decided to eliminate any doubts about the pursuit of pirates transmitting a message in a trade language known to the Leon confirming that they had found the Pirates in ordering the second just ship to flee as they made their escape Ron revealed his plan to bait the Leon Pirates at their Homeworld he believed that the Pirates used Pathfinders as well and had set a trap for their pursuers gilori received visions of the pursuing ships causing them to revert to real space twice in order for him to reconnect to the force throughout the journey thrawn remains silent during these pauses and upon arriving at the canal system four Leo and corsairs emerged from hyperspace confirming thrawn's strategy he confronted killori about the Pathfinder's ability to attract each other through hyperspace but even now the Navigator denied this thrawn explained that the Pathfinder's style had been part of the latest pirate attack and he hoped to lure the Pirates into a trap at the heart world before the Pathfinders returned to their base stations soon a cruiser under the command of thrawn's colleague mid Captain ziara confronted these four enemy ships she suggested that thrawn and kilory continue on their present course to witness the Pirates eventual defeat this engagement marked the beginning of the ascendancy's Leo and pirate campaign thanks to thrawn's strategic Brilliance foresight and playing loose with the Rules of Engagement after the Skirmish in the canal system General bakif promoted thrawn up two ranks making him a senior Commander while ziara was also promoted to senior Captain for her role the following year thrawn served as the fourth officer aboard the patrol Cruiser perala which was under the command of senior Captain ziara one fateful day the parallel received a distress call from security officer frangelic on the Garwin colony of stivic the planet and its orbital Merchant Hub were under attack by Leon and Pirates just like what the chis had experienced thrawn was eager to intervene and help the guardians but ziara hesitated she understood that stepping in would violate the ascendancy's non-aggression laws and jeopardize her career however she found a loophole in the edf's Mandate they were allowed to provide humanitarian Aid to other nations and assess threats beyond the ascendancy's borders she decided to bring the perala out of hyperspace and observe the Skirmish at stivic using the pretext that these were the same pirates that they had encountered at kinos and thus it would be prudent to assess this threat thrawn with his exceptional tactical Insight quickly identified the weakness and blind spots of the Leon corsairs he offered to help ziara defeat the Pirates without any damage to the perala she refused to engage them directly but did allow thrawn to calibrate the Perales ranging lasers secretly thrawn was using this to send a modulated laser message to the Guardians revealing the vulnerabilities he had discovered in the Leo and ships as soon as the Guardians received thrawn's message the tide of the battle turned in their favor only ziara knew that thrawn was the Mastermind behind this Victory despite her initial hesitation she informed her first officer Roscoe that her precious cafes aboard the merchant Hub had been saved hinting at thrawn's incredible contribution to this unexpected outcome again thrawn was getting dangerously close to violating the rules of non-engagement while also proving his Brilliance to more and more people in the ascendancy even to their alien allies and it wasn't long after the Civic incident that mid-captain rosku launched a disciplinary Report with the defense hierarchy Council accusing thrawn and ziara of violating the ascendancy's non-intervention policy the involvement of Roscoe's Clark family speaker brought the syndicure into what would have typically been a solely military matter in response syndic thurfian chose to include the myth family in the inquiry General bakkiev came to thrawn and ziara's defense which led Roscoe to perceive favoritism within the ascendancy military a month later Roscoe faced charges for a minor protocol infraction and no one supported her the EDF offered her the choice of official discipline or a quiet departure leading her to join the klore family Fleet in nature a lasting resentment towards thrawn and ziara four months after the pirate attack on Civic the perella's officers were summoned to Cilla for debriefing and testimonies before the council at Defense Force HQ among those called to testify was thrawn coincidentally thrash had been promoted to syndic during that time as the newest Smith family representative in the cinder cure thrash handled menial tasks assigned by more senior syndics thurfian one of the few myths and dicks overseeing chis Defense Force and expansionary defense Fleet operations entrusted thrusts with a data cylinder containing part of the perella's auto log record of the stiffic incident thorfian wished to keep this information confidential limited to the myth family syndics only thras realized that the data cylinder held evidence related to someone on the paralla potentially intervening in Alien Affairs pulling off some sort of Deceit and it became apparent that thurfian aimed to uncover any misconduct committed by thrawn during the Civic incident thrash speculated that thrawn might have found himself in serious trouble over the matter and ziara sought to Shield him from the consequences resulting in both being prominently featured in the report while chis families were known to protect their own adhering to the maxim family sides with family thrash sensed that durfeean's animosity towards thrawn surpassed his loyalty to the myth family despite this the rest remained uncertain of whether the senior syndics wished to indict or vindicate thrawn thrash delved into the records of the perella's ranging lasers modulated fire which rescue had previously alleged showed rapid fluctuations he began analyzing the pattern of frequency fluctuations against known encryptions and various languages starting with the primary chess language June and proceeding through trade languages like tarja and sibisti however the frequency modulations did not match any known conventional pattern in those languages thrass intentionally left mini sayat toward the end of the language list buying time as he sought evidence to question whether the frequency modulation was intentional but as he continued his cryptographic and linguistic analysis he discovered evidence that proved that it might just be a coincidence he noticed the modulator disk of the laser had been replaced shortly after the Civic incident considering that such modulators were prone to occasional malfunctions resulting in Rapid frequency shifts thrass deduced that the prior modulator on the perala had likely experienced such a malfunction unfortunately since that replaced modulator had been broken down the scrap parts and recycled it was impossible able to definitively ascertain if it had malfunctioned moreover the log of the parts replacement did not contain information about who performed the fix or the reason for this replacement adding further Intrigue to this investigation with his conclusions in hand thras reported his findings to syndicthorphian thrass used his explanation to provoke thorfian into personal attacks effectively steering the older syndic away from the original goal of indicting thrawn although thirfeen's initial animosity towards thrawn had led him down a path of bias thrash believed that loyalty to family and friendship were essential foundations for the chis Society he was determined to protect his friend thrawn and to uphold the myth family's potential for greatness with the matter seemingly settled he pondered the wise words of patriarch the rocky who had recognize thrawn's potential to elevate the myth family's Prestige and power thras knew he had made the right choice in safeguarding his friend's reputation following this thrawn received his first command the patrol ship Boko during a routine Patrol the vocal received a distress call from a chiss Excursion liner owned by the bandel family the liner carrying 8 000 people was crashing through the atmosphere of a gas giant with its thrusters and Escape pods malfunctioning due to the intense magnetic bands and radiation thrawn sprang into action knowing every second was crucial and despite the vast difference in size between the patrol ship and liner he activated the boko's tractor beams in an attempt to pull the massive ship out of its deadly descent but this wasn't enough to stabilize the liner and so he shot off an emergency message to ziara and as the parala arrived just in time thrawn explained that the passengers were gathered in the central cylinder which still had functional shielding and moved to fire the boko's Spectrum lasers upon the liner's port and starboard Wings knocking them off in order to lighten its mass some of ziara's officers were initially taken aback as they watched thrawn's ship opening fire on the very liner they were supposed to rescue by now ziara knew how to take thrawn's lead and the two worked together flawlessly she diverted all emergency power to strengthen her ships tractor beam pulling the now lighter passenger liner away from the planet's grasp the Bucko swiftly returned to the parallel side reactivating its tractor beam and thrusters to assist in the rescue after 15 tenths minutes the liner was successfully pulled out of the planet's atmosphere and gravity well securing the lives of all 8 000 on board so Ron thanked her for responding while she was still impressed by his quick thinking but she warned him that their efforts might face opposition from some of the wealthier passengers as blowing off those wings would have resulted in the loss of countless valuables especially because the luxury suites were all along the wings they both knew that saving lives took precedence but in their political system full of vain ruling Elites they knew someone would be complaining it was after this that he was summoned to a high-level hearing on Cilla this was thrawn's first time setting foot oncilla and he was accompanied by ziara who tried to reassure him that he had a political advantage in the hearing due to the presence of aristocrofen various ruling families along with the safe passengers and thrawn resented how these Petty politicians worked their way into everything as they descended to cilla's surface he asked if the city they were approaching was saplar the capital city of the ascendancy zero confirmed it was and mentioned that it had once been a center of culture and thrawn still under the belief of that commonly spread lie believing it to be heavily populated was surprised that a city of 7 million could not support both arts and government ziara knew the population figure was vastly inflated and she promised to reveal the truth to thrawn later the hearing proved to be contentious with representatives from the bottle family demanding punishment for thrawn While others argued for Commendation and promotion in the end the aristocras claims and counter claims balanced out leaving thrawn without a promotion or demotion but they did strip him of his command of the bako Ciara was outraged by this outcome and apologized to thrawn as they traveled back to saplar she offered him a position on the perala and launching at her family's Homestead despite the intense rivalry between the myth and arisi families in dig at their political overlords she was determined to show thrawn the truth about Cilla arranging an unconventional tube car ride across the capital thrawn quickly realized the contradiction between what he had been taught and the reality he was seeing ziara explained that Cilla had undergone an exodus thousands of years ago due to the freezing of the planet's surface only a few hundred chis remained above ground in saplar while the true cities were all underground she explained the Tactical purpose of this deception protecting Cilla from potential attackers by presenting a false image of a thriving Capital he understood that such detailed knowledge of Cilla was restricted for someone of his rank but she assured him that he would be promoted soon and just asked that he looked surprised when he did get the briefing as they arrived at the ziara family Homestead thrawn asked if she had informed her family about his stay but she had not assuring him that it wouldn't cause any trouble though thrawn was skeptical nevertheless he appreciated that she told him the truth about the city and a few weeks after his day thrawn received his summons to the office of he arrived at the specified time and was welcomed by The aristocra Who acknowledged the Commander's growing reputation and dedication within the ascendancy sistelmu hinted at problems with thrawn's myth family and offered him a recruitment opportunity into the arizi family aristocrac explained that thrawn could become a trial born of the arizi a promotion that would exempt him from undergoing the trials as the arizi family considered his exemplary service in the defense Fleet a sufficient substitute and this promotion would accelerate his path into higher ranks of the chis Society although honored and humbled by the offer who's unsure about leaving the myth family instead he just wanted time to consider the proposal before parting thrawn mentioned that the arizia already had a distinguished military officer in senior Captain ziara however zestalmu cryptically hinted that Ciara's status as an arizi might not last for long it wasn't long after this that Sierra was promoted to the rank of commodore which also had the effect of removing her from the arizi family now just being our Alani during her promotion celebration thrawn sought advice from aralani about whether he should join the arizi family she shared her discomfort with the arizi family's dominance in the military But ultimately left the decision to thrawn he expressed his gratitude for her Support over all these years she then revealed that she had requested the defense hierarchy Council to a point thrawn as her first officer invited him to a quiet place for a celebratory drink where he could share more of his goals for the ascendancy that might not be publicly acknowledged after her promotion the Garian Unity invited her and thrawn to their Capital Planet Solitaire under the pretense of expressing gratitude for their aid during the Civic incident however the Guardians had ulterior motives seeking to exploit the chiss officers to learn more about the Leon's tactical weaknesses for a planned campaign in Leo in space in response the Leo and regime dispatched two diplomatic vessels to Solitaire in an attempt to negotiate a surrender to the Guardians before the diplomats arrived surround and aralani had been treated as esteemed guest fully immersed in Guardian culture the Guardians took pride in their Artistry boasting numerous creators markets that displayed Exquisite handcrafted items including clothing artwork and Delicacies during their stay ariolani admitted to thrawn that she had started to see non-chiss as individuals a perspective she had not held before she believed that thrawn had always recognized the personhood of non-chiss and consider this the strength of his in response thrawn's Demeter turned cold as he asserted that he viewed non-chiss as assets first and people second when the Leo and diplomatic ships approached the planet the guardian staged a false attack pleading with thrawn to lead a counter-attack for their forces aralani intervened just in time to prevent thrawn from unwittingly supporting the guardian aggression but in the process thrawn inadvertently revealed some tactical information about the Leon subsequently the Guardians attacked the Diplomatic ships causing them to broadcast surrender and distress signals but both just officers felt angered and manipulated as their non-aggression principles had been compromised before departing Solitaire they issued stern warnings to the Guardians vowing that the chis ascendancy would never be crossed again these actions on Solitaire provoked the anger of the defense hierarchy's councils resulting in his demotion from senior Commander to mid-commander after departing Solitaire and nearing the ascendancy arlani summoned thrawn to her office and he took responsibility apologizing for nearly violating the ascendancies on aggression laws saying he should have recognized the garwin's manipulative intentions but she rejected this stating that she should have been the one to see through them and she said that his failure here was just due to his lack of understanding in politics and how these leaders were almost always honorless and driven solely by power and Prestige thrawn asked for a help in understanding politics and while she acknowledged it was useful she thought it might be the one thing he was incapable of mastering describing him as tone deaf to the many intricate and self-serving maneuvers of politics despite his demotion the defense hierarchy Council assigned thrawn a new command The chiss Heavy Cruiser springhawk they considered placing him in his command ship in picket Force 2 on the ascendancy's Eastern Zenith border far away from the Guardians and layoe the arizi family who had previously offered thrawn a position as an arizi trial born now presented him with the opportunity to join them as a ranking distant a higher rank than trial born in response thrawn's own myth family extended an offer of trial-born status without the requirement to undergo the trials aristocriterfian was Furious believing that these families were rewarding with Ron for a reckless and politically risky act while speaker thistrian argued that keeping thrawn in the family might bring them Glory leading thurfe and to suspect that the arizi were bluffing thus they would desperately cling on to this man that would only bring them embarrassment or disgrace lurfian questioned who thrawn's high-ranking benefactors might be with thistrian speculating that it could be general bakif or Admiral jafosk from the fleet side as for the myth family this dream could not conclusively determine if it was patriarch the rocky shortly before he was set to officially assume control the spring Hawk and picket Force 2. Ron received a mission from patriarch the rocky the stibbla family required him and syndic thrass to report to their stronghold on the poorer in the stibbla patriarch's office lemaiev explained that 12 hours earlier one of their cargo ships had fallen victim to Pirates along the ascendancy planet's osia while enroute from Cilla to naporar the Pirates had cunningly disguised their ship as a transport belonging to the obic family another ruling family who recently formed a delicate alliance with the myth thrass inquired about the composition of the sposia orbital Security Forces which was a mix of klar obik sap and krinku family Crews and ships these four families collectively took charge of the planet's security duties thrawn asked about the management of the orbital security patrol schedule but the man clarified that it was shared among the four contributing families and there was no evidence evidence of a conspiracy to withdraw Security forces from the stibbler cargo ship the stable authorities presented thoracent thrawn with three security recordings of the attack with only one capturing the events leading up to the assault as the pilot who recorded both parts was from the Clark family thrawn deduced that the pirate attackers were affiliated with the claws thrash said they should detain the Clara Patrol pilot the one who made the recordings and urged the mayav to immediately contact patriarch clarif XL core name rivlix who would be found on the planet rhaegar the pinsick revealed that the Clark pilot responsible for the recording was already safely in custody and the mayaf mentioned that rivlex likely knew about the attacks since they were receiving reports of high-level Communications between revlik's office and spousia ever since the Pilot's detention the stibbla patriarch emphasized that rivlex knew about the theft and was now attempting to track down the hijackers and thus he was aware of something crucial that had been on the stibbler cargo ship afterward lemiov dismissed thrawn and thrash to a waiting room to continue their analysis of the theft while he contacted patriarch rival X thoracic acknowledged their duty to serve at lamayov's command until patriarch through Rocky stated otherwise thrawn raised concerns about the impact of the delay on his scheduled command of the spring Hawk which was supposed to be in just three hours fearing possible repercussions from his superiors the mayaf assured thrawn that he would speak to General bakif and ensure that there would be no negative consequences while the pinsick led the two myth friends to the lounge here thrawn revealed to his friend that the Patriarchs seemed interested in one particular item this must have been the reason for the ship's hijacking the rest noted that the Ron seemed frustrated when the mayav in the pinsick declined to engage in a guessing game called riddle me asking thrawn to explain how he had determined the Clark family's skill instead of letting them piece together the puzzle on their own thrawn expressed his disappointment claiming that it was right in front of them but his friend reminded him that he had a rare gift of insight most people didn't see things as he did and that surely the mayav noticed this about thrawn as well within the ascendancies criminal law agreement more severe punishments were prescribed for individuals of higher family status who committed crimes against other families in extreme cases a blood relative of a family committing theft or manslaughter could profoundly strain family relationships for instance if a cousin or blood-ranked member of one of the chiss families killed a member of another family that perpetrator would immediately face the death penalty however this penalty could only be carried out if the victim's family captured the offender incentivizing families to police their own members to both prevent and punish crimes against other families in certain scenarios neither family might want to execute the perpetrator leading to a quiet resolution if the offender's family apprehended them first never officially recording the crime for three hours thrawn and thrash continued their investigation while patriarch reflex tried to delay lamayov thrawn suggested they would eat on the ship astonishing the mayav with his ability to deduce the plan thrash was lost however cryptically the mayav asked how he knew without specifying what it was in Thrones explain that reflex was likely unaware of the special cargo just hoping to capture the thieves of his own family before his Rivals did he further pushed that the car patrol pilot hadn't been involved in the attack but rather was working as an agent of patriarch rivlex who informed him that the supposed obic transport might actually be a pirate vessel rivlex and the patrol pilot had refrained from altering Patrol command because they were uncertain whether the attack would occur fearing that any alteration would tip off the hijackers and prompt them to attack elsewhere considering the tiered penalty Clauses in the criminal law agreements between the clar and stibbler families throndadu said at least one of the hijackers was a claw with the high family rank of cousin the mayaf corrected him revealing that the hijackers were even higher ranked as blood under usual circumstances the stable might have negotiated with the Clark family to settle the hijacking but since the stolen cargo was a piece of the ancient star flash weapon it was too crucial to be left in the hands of the Clark family thrawn assured him that he would deliver the lost cargo to the stibbler patriarch while thras finally realized why patriarch through Rocky had put them on this Mission it was all in pursuit of that weapon lamayev agreed to let thrawn try and recover the cargo along with General bakkie's suggestion and the two set off in the patrol ship jandalin accompanied by lapinsick and a stibbla family pilot in the mayav admitted that he had initially believed the Rocky and bakif had exaggerated their investigative and deductive skills but now he was seeing why thrawn was Rising so quickly informed the two myth that the Clara Patrol pilot had sent two Transmissions one to cormit and the other to raigar rygar was the location of the Clark family Homestead and was a center of influence in the Clore family cormit housed a Clore Fleet Depot where the Clore family's light Cruiser orisan was docked from the fact that the transmission had been sent from sposia to kormit thrawn believed that the hijackers were headed to the galactic Southeast possibly exiting the ascendancy Via a border world he knew that Smugglers chose border worlds as Rendezvous points with clients on a rotating schedule usually shifting monthly he further speculated that rivlex had kept lemaiev on the calm for three hours while saying he was trying to negotiate an agreement was really providing the calor family with time to determine the hijacker's destination however unlike the Clark family Saron believed he knew their target glastis III a remote and seldom used chist Defense Force emergency repair black dock located midway between Cilla and the ascendancy planet copero toward the ascendancy's South Nutter border with a pin stick in the stable pilot thrawn and thrass embarked on the gentleman to head the glasses III the black dock orbited a planet considered marginably habitable but noche's family had colonized or deemed it worthy of development thrawn reasoned that the Clore family hijacker is intended to abandon the cargo ship and its crew in a secluded location where they would eventually be discovered and rescued but not quickly enough to allow the Pirates to be easily tracked by authorities if any of the stibbler crew had either died been kidnapped or gone on missing for over a year the hijackers would be subject to the death penalty as stipulated in the criminal law agreements between the clar and the stibbla let's call it here for part one of this epic series as we see thrawn start to develop his political skills and further refine his military genius and what will lead to contact with the Republic and the development of his lifelong goal to become a deep undercover operative seeming to serve the will of Emperor Palpatine if you made it this far please hit that like button share the video leave a comment and subscribe those are all the best ways to help me out but most important of all remember it's called the chaos for a reason and the force will be with you always foreign
Channel: MetaNerdz Lore
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Keywords: star wars, grand admiral thrawn, star wars lore, who is thrawn, star wars canon, star wars complete saga, chiss ascendancy, heir to the empire, metanerdz lore, thrawn explained, star wars ahsoka trailer, grand admiral thrawn death, grand admiral thrawn mandalorian, grand admiral thrawn reaction, grand admiral thrawn theme, grand admiral thrawn ahsoka, grand admiral thrawn rebels, thrawn ahsoka, ahsoka show, star wars complete, complete life of thrawn, thrawn quotes, thrawn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 35sec (2495 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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