Star Wars: Heir to the Empire - The Original Sequel Trilogy (Legends Lore)

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[Music] after the runaway success of the Star Wars trilogy of films in the 1970s and 80s franchise creator George Lucas authorized the creation of numerous spin-offs in the form of video games television shows comic books and novels these spin-offs would later colloquially be known as the Star Wars Expanded Universe now known as legends since Disney wiped the slate clean with their acquisition of Lucasfilm and Star Wars in 2012 these legends were met with varying degrees of both commercial and critical success ranging from the fan base and creator unilaterally ignoring their existence to integral pieces of lore adopted by the franchise as a whole long before Disney sequel films before Lucas began toying with his own ideas for a sequel trilogy before even the prequel trilogy was announced writer Timothy Zahn authored another trilogy a series of books that would become beloved pieces of the Star Wars saga and introduced ideas like Coruscant in the chest and a mythos many see these books the thrawn trilogy as the first and true sequels this is the story of the first book in the trilogy heir to the Empire before we get started I would like to kindly ask you to like and subscribe if you enjoy these lore and explanation videos and please ring the bell so you've never miss an upload I know I know everyone asks you to do that but doing it really helps out the channel and lets me grow my little project here and get more content to you more quickly a long time ago in a galaxy far far away there's been five years since the rebellion defeated the Empire at the Battle of Endor both Darth Vader and the Emperor are dead the second Death Star has been destroyed before it could ever be used and what little is left of the Imperial fleet has been pushed back into only a fourth of the territory they once held Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan and the smuggler turned war hero Han Solo have taken on substantial roles in the government of the New Republic have married and are expecting twins Luke Skywalker is a Jedi Knight the first and what he hopes to be a new Jedi order in a distant backwater of what remains of Imperial space several tighter Scout ships exit Lightspeed and join the Chimera a Star Destroyer Helms by captain Gill add belly on the Chimera is crewed by mostly well trained but young and inexperienced officers after a majority of the Empire's hierarchy was killed at the Battle of Endor both facts had an bitter the aging belly on the young officer reports to Pelley on that the returning ships were successful in their mission to gather information but were pursued they do not believe they were followed back to the Chimera after a brief encounter with Rukh a no gree assassin and bodyguard Helion reports this to his own superior brand Admiral Thrawn in the Admirals personal study and alien art gallery thron is a cunning military tactician and an alien known as a kiss blue humanoids with glowing red eyes bronze brilliance led him to gaining the Emperor's favor in the taina warlord in the Unknown Regions he is also the only non-human to ascend to the rank of Grand Admiral Thrawn does not believe that the Scout ships lost their pursuers but does not fret over it instead he discusses the holographic art hanging in the gallery with pelion telling the captain that he should make time to study the art of other cultures when a small fleet of New Republic ships exits Lightspeed near the Chimera thron calms the crew and orders simple maneuvers sacrificing one scout ship to the confusion of pally on from the tactics used by the Republic ships to destroy a single Scout the Grand Admiral is able to deduce that the commanding officer of the Republic contingent is an alam and he uses this knowledge to utterly destroy the rebel agitators with a clever counterattack using the information collected by the returning ties bran then orders the Chimera to head to a planet called Mercker a world that the Old Republic and Jedi Order avoided for nearly 300 years on the Republic capital of Khorasan Luke says goodbye to the ghost of obi-wan Kenobi who is finding it increasingly difficult to visit Luke echoes of the Emperor's dark presence can still be felt within the capital's palace in both Luke and Leia have been stressed and on edge across the galaxy han Solo and Chewbacca meet an old contact named Ravis in moss eisely on Tatooine Travis is skeptical of Han after hearing that the smuggler has gone respectable but Han tells his old friend that the New Republic is short on goods and skilled pilots and are looking to hire smugglers to move cargo and kickstart interstellar trade Travis agrees to pass the offer on and lets Han know that Talyn card is the new big fish in the smuggling pond after the death of Jabba the Hutt at his headquarters on Mir Kurt Allen card offers to train a secretive woman named Mara Jade to become his second-in-command despite her only being in his employ for a little over five months she is skeptical at his offer but card recognizes Mara Jade as a skilled and talented woman more than capable of taking on a more serious role in his organization their conversation is cut short when the Chimera appears in orbit above mere kur dispatching two shuttles to the surface card hails captain Pelle on to inquire about the visit Riley letting on that he and his people know about the Empire's recent secretive activities and that Grand Admiral Thrawn is on board the Chimera card deduces that the Empire is on Mir ker to capture some you saw Amiri furry tree-dwelling lizards native to the planet that can neutralize the ability of force users and offers to help the Imperials extract a few free of charge a move design so that card can keep an eye on the landing party while they are on the planet after getting some you saw Amiri and Meera trees transferred onto the Chimera throne then instructs the Star Destroyer to head to a planet called Wayland the Grand Admiral pelion and ruk make their way down to the surface of Wayland with a assalam Eyrie where they search for a Dark Jedi mint to guard a storehouse left on the planet by the Emperor they meet Joris about ruler of the planet who leads the party into a crypt of the guardian were hundreds of candles flicker in the darkness Giroux stels them that the candles mark the graves of offworlders that he has killed who had previously sought the guardian Giroux spins around and shoots salvo after salvo of course lightning at thrown in his party but to no effect the assalam Irie protect against the force completely the bout stops his assault and wishes to learn of this power leading the party into a private chamber throng states that they are in search of a cloaking shield technology in the Emperor's storehouse and what thron describes as another trivial bit of technology and that he wishes to recruit the services of a Jedi Master he explains that it was the Emperor's unseen manipulations through his will in the force that the Empire ships were so well coordinated and efficient in battle Tron wishes for cabal to help coordinate the remaining fleet in a similar way and he agrees only if cabal is delivered Luke Leia and aleeah's unborn children for training in the ways of the Jedi as they are about to leave Wayland pelion raises his concerns about cobalt mental stability concerns that throne echoes because as the Grand Admiral reveals this man was not Joris cabal Joris cabal is dead and thron had killed him in secret in the outer rim at Palpatine's command before the Clone Wars had broken out thron deduces that this man Joris cabal was a clone of the original jedi master mentally and emotionally unstable as was a common defect in many early models of clones back on Coruscant han delivers news that the smugglers won't commit to the New Republic to the criticism of Admiral Ackbar Han Leia Luke Chewie in the droids Ben had to be Masari in hopes of getting the native bim's to join the New Republic weapons aren't allowed in the bin city so the party leaves their blasters aboard the Millennium Falcon the bim's do not appear bothered by Luke's lightsaber or do not know that it's a weapon before the negotiations are to begin the bim's inform them that they must delay slightly as their primary diplomat has suddenly fallen ill the bhim delegation suggests giving leia a tour of the city's Marketplace on accompanies them as Luke explores the city's Tower of law though Luke did not sense anything duplicitous in the bhim delegation beyond normal political manoeuvring Han and Leia's escort disappears in the marketplace they are suddenly ambushed by nearly a dozen Oguri soldiers while Luke is attacked by several others in the tower though he tries to escape Luke is forced to kill his no group pursuers while Han and Leia pretend to steal some jewelry to start a small riot in the marketplace the party uses the confusion to escape to the Millennium Falcon and into light speed despite Leia's protests the party agree that it was time to continue Leia's Jedi training for both her own protection and that of her unborn children on the Chimera Pelion informs Thrawn of the no grief failure on the Masari to the annoyance of cabal thrown asurs the jedi masters that he will deliver the Skywalker's to him Helion confirms that they have the means to build the emperor's cloaking technology and thron orders its immediate construction as well as the acquisition of 40 mole miners ships he also orders another group of no Guri to attempt capture of the Skywalker's though both pelion and cabal agree that they should focus on Leia Helion suggests spreading rumors of Joris cabal and might entice Luke to come to them of his own volition and throne and cabal both agree that the plan is sound under cobalt coordination through the force the Chimera and several other destroyers exit hyperspace over the planet buffet SH while two other contingents attack to other systems however Thrawn explicitly orders all fighters to damage and frighten any defense forces encountered instead of completely obliterating them shortly after the attack begins throng orders all units to withdraw despite the Imperials operating at 40% greater efficiency than normal Hellion realizes that this was a test of both kebobs abilities and his unwillingness to follow orders han interrupts Luke and Leia as she trains with her new lightsaber to inform them of the three imperial attacks the council agrees that the Empire is up to something and Mon Mothma wants Leia to travel to the fash to reassure the locals that the new republic is willing and able to protect them the buffet she had issues with a Dark Jedi during the Clone Wars chasing them all the way to Dagobah this piques Luke's interest who has his own ship prepared to travel to the swamp world there Luke and are to find the Yoda's Hunt has been nearly completely reclaimed by Nature something the Jedi had not considered have grown up in a desert Luke asks r2 if he can sense any electronics in the area that Yoda might have left behind and the Droid leads him to the cave where he'd fought the shade of Vader inside Lucas truck with a vision of their final battle with Jabba's gang above the Sarlacc pit on Tatooine however as the Jedi holds out his hand to catch the lightsaber launched at him by r2 it swerves out of his grasp and into the hands of a slender redheaded woman on Jabba's barge mocking him with a cruel laughter the vision wanes and Luke finds a small tube with buttons and swishes on its side neither he nor are to recognize it but r2 recalls that Lando Calrissian once had a similar object Leia Han and wedge antilles examined the damage on the fascist surface wandering and craters left behind by the recent battle with other Republicans on wonders if the Imperials were testing a new subspace communication system with the coordinated attack but Leia fears that the Empire was instead using a Dark Jedi wedge suggests that it may be Joris cabal a pre Empire Jedi who disappeared before the Clone Wars but seems to have popped up again in the minor world Joe mark suddenly several know gree attacked the party from the edges of the crater but they soon appear to be saved when the Millennium Falcon appears overhead however before they board Leia realizes that she cannot sense Chuy's presence on the ship and the Falcon isn't blasting at the no greed it is a fake han impressed that the Empire managed to find another operational whitey thirteen hundred light freighter uses Leia's light saber to disable the imposter ship as the real Falcon and X wings fly overhead and the no Guri retreat though Akbar suggests bringing Leia back to Coruscant for protection han isn't sure that someone in the New Republic isn't feeding the Empire her whereabouts instead he suggests using an independent parties contacts to hide and protect Leia an old friend Lando Calrissian on Leia and Luke all arrived at Lando's operation in the efika system at roughly the same time on the harsh mining world McQuillen and the massive walking nomad city the planet is closer to the Sun at orbits than normal and exposure to direct sunlight is dangerous even to ships and structures but from the shell from a massive dreadnought class Cruiser Nomad city is mounted atop 40 captured 80 eighties so it could constantly move and stay in the safety of the site of nakulan shrouded at night but before they can even land on nomads city their comms are jammed in a Star Destroyer appears out of light speed above Nickell on destroyer scrambles a single squadron of TIE fighters and ships that the party assumer troop transports and Lando dispatches his own fighters to protect Nomad city during the brief skirmish Luke reaches out with the force to help guide his flying through the force a voice calls out to Luke and tells him to search and find them so that the Jedi may rise again during this contact Luke somehow lost half an hour and after a couple tie fighters are destroyed the Imperials retreat the short conflict was a distraction however those troop transports were in reality used to commandeer the mole minor ships working for nomad city on the Chimera cabal confirms the throne that they have stolen 51 of them more than Thrawn needs for his machinations on nomads City Lando laments the loss of nearly half of his work force Luke shows him the device recovered from Dagobah which Lando identifies as a pre clone war short-range signal transmitter called a beckon call which can control ships that it's paired with han and Leia explained the situation to him and Lando offers to help them in whatever way he can though he doesn't know a code slicer that he trusts with Leia's life that can keep her in secure contact with Khorasan while in hiding the closest Lando can offer is a named Talon card though han hasn't been able to contact him Chewbacca offers to take Leia to the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk where offworlders are generally unwelcome and the environment can be inhospitable the party splits with Lando offering Chewie and Leia his own ship the Lady Luck while he travels with Honda mecard Leia passes on the rumors about the valve to Luke who travels to Joe mark in search of the Jedi despite their careful planning thron deduces their plan and that Leia is being taken to Kashyyyk the Chimera intercepts Luke on his way to Joe mark and though he is able to escape Luke damages his hyperdrive during his jump to Lightspeed thron is aware of this and puts a bounty of thirty thousand credits on Luke's capture deciding it better to subcontract so the Chimera can prepare for future plans a short time later Luke is rescued by the wild card personal ship of Talyn card onboard card let's Luke know that he is aware of exactly who Skywalker is and explains that it was his lieutenant Mara Jade led them to Luke through use of the force cautious but curious Luke reaches out to Mara Jade but the Jedi is jolted by her black and bitter hatred for him before Luke can react Kart apologizes and shocks Luke with a stunning weapon knocking the Jedi Knight into unconsciousness Leia and Chewie arrive at a rural Oro the Wookiee capital city on Kashyyyk massive complex suspended in midair and supported entirely by the massive branches of the local flora here they are greeted by roar oisin a former imperial slave with a speech impediment that allows offworlders to more easily understand him in self hearing a childhood friend of Chuy's both have been assigned to help protect leia and despite her nervousness rookies were not known to be kind to offworlders Rara explains that the New Republic helped liberate the Wookiees Nevaeh Leia a life-debt several days later Luke awakens on mere cure unable to use his Jedi powers or senses in a room with Mara Jade who has taken his lightsaber Mara Jade takes Luke to card who explains that the Empire has a bounty on luke's capture and questions why they have a sudden interest in skywalker luke confirms the renewed imperial vigor for his capture as well as the capture of his sister and in return card describes the force negating effects of the local yasala Miri regardless card is willing to negotiate hoping to maneuver a solution to Luke's predicament that would keep him in the good graces of both the Empire and the Republic han and Lando arrive in the abregado system where they subtly rescue their contact and tour than a casino on the Falcon Torv agrees to take the pair to card as thanks for helping him out and because his own ship has been impounded card has Luke moved to a storage shed and his x-wing into the forest planning to have Han and Lando stay the night on Mira as to convince the pair that Skywalker was never on the planet should the need arise Luke searches the shed and discovers that r2 is in the building's second room and the pair managed to escape powering the shed door by connecting it to Luke's mechanical hand card here's out han & Lando's offered to ship cargo for the Republic but politely declines concerns that it would look like his organization was taking sides on then asks card if he has a talented code slicer under his employee and card offers to introduce them to his personal slicer a young man named Kent at dinner however the meal was interrupted when the Chimera appears in orbit with Ron himself departing from yorkers surface to gather Moria solemn eerie discuss the acquisition of new warships and cards apparent refusal to aid in the search for Skywalker after narrowly escaping the attention of Mara Jade Luke and r2 steal one of card ships in hope of getting off planet but they can't get out of the atmosphere with chimera in orbit mara jade hears the ship taking off and gives pursuit in another the chase ending when both ships crash in the forest when the Imperials land card lies and says the disgruntled employees stole and crashed the first ship and Thrawn insists on sending his own storm troopers to rescue the survivors on land Owen can't observe from a distance before retreating to the safety of the Hidden Millennium Falcon during this time Kent lets slip a card was holding a prisoner that had to be moved to a storage shed recently Luke awakens shortly after the crash and helps r2 off the ruined ship he then goes to check on the other ship for survivors finding Mara Jade conscious and pointing her blaster straight at his face she holds Luke and r2 at gunpoint waiting for card to send to the rescue but all three retreated to the tree line after spawning an imperial shuttle headed their way storm troopers search the wreckage departing when they find nothing though Mara Jade says they cannot return to the crash site the storm troopers will have left behind sensors to pick up any visitors Luke briefly questions why mara jade knows so much about Imperial procedure before asking why she didn't turn him over Mara Jade says that she hates Luke because he destroyed her life and has wanted to kill him for a long time but needs the contact card and see what cover he came up with for the chase before she decides anything she cannot with Imperials likely monitoring communications in the area Luke suggests that r2 could send an encrypted message through his x-wing a plan that conveniently keeps both of them alive for the time being she eventually concedes knowing that if they didn't return to the base throm would have card and Terra gated and executed Mara Jade privately decides that nothing in this wilderness be a beast or stormtrooper was going to kill Luke Skywalker she was going to do that herself after Thrawn leaves Han and Lando question why card is hosting Imperial officers at his base but card insists that they are not working for the Empire only helping them collect some local wildlife han is skeptical and tells the smuggler that they'll just say goodbye and leave the planet but card reminds them that they cannot leave until the Star Destroyer in orbit has left han agrees but he and Lando will still wait on the Falcon on their way back to the ship han and Lando investigate the storage shed the prisoner was being held in discovering several clues that suggests the prisoner was Luke Skywalker something card confirms as he arrives he also lets them know that Luke escaped and was being chased by Mara Jade who wants Luke dead heart however has no such desire telling the pair that Luke would be dead if they hadn't rescued him from space swatting Hans blaster from the space now back in orbit thron deduces the area that the crashed pilots will be heading and dispatches several bike Scouts and storm troopers to intercept them and piecing together that card seemingly refused to help in the search for Luke believes that the escaping pilot may have been Skywalker himself still thron says that the Chimera cannot stay above mercury their planned assault on sleaze van cannot be moved and the soldiers they leave behind should be enough at his base card moles over waste to convince han and Lando that he is on their side something he feels is necessary because they are his guests he tells an underling to gather a party to search for Luke and Mara Jade the next day and to liberate them from storm troopers if necessary there will be no shortage of volunteer many of the smugglers believe they ask I walker for taking down Jabba the Hutt and as a result clearing their debts Hart concludes that one way or another his life on mere cure is at an end through our two hearts ins Mara Jade a message warning of the stormtroopers waiting for them at their destination and the cards men along with Han and Lando will help rescue them on Kashyyyk Leia is awakened in the middle of the night by an ogre II grabbing her wrist she is able to free herself and kill the no agree with her lightsaber but his attacked by another from behind however after a brief moment the notary says something that she does not understand and lets her go in time for Chewbacca to arrive and knock the creature unconscious rora also arrives and tells her that sal Piron has been killed and that a fire has been set nearby so when the alarms they raise will go unnoticed Leia tries to convince Chewbacca and rora to stay behind the heal but they see through this as her attempt to draw the notary's attention away from the looking's know they will all escape together taking the unconscious notary prisoner the three make it to the Lady Luck and leave kashif's atmosphere Leia talks to their notary prisoner asking why they stopped their attack the no Green named khabar ACK smells Leia's hand and bowels before her proclaiming her Maul are you sh daughter and heir to the Dark Lord Darth Vader Vader had previously lifted the no grief from despair and they served as his personal bodyguards until his death since then they have been serving whom they thought to be his heir the Emperor and throng Leia says she will do what she can for the notary as Vader had but she must be taken to their home world the barque agrees but she must come alone during their travels Luke saves Mara Jade from a wild predator using his lightsaber which he surrenders back tomorrow jade is a sign of trust Luke wants to know why mara jade hates him and she reveals that she was undercover as a dancer at Jabba's palace when Luke Leia Lando and Chewbacca rescued Han Solo sent by the Emperor himself she was the Emperor's hand a secret force sensitive operative that would do his bidding but now that he was dead she has nothing and no one in the remnants of the Empire has any idea who she is she worked hard to crawl out of the galaxy's underbelly and earn a place in cards organization and now Mara Jade is frustrated that Luke seems to be ruining her life yet again as the trio comes up on the settlement they switch roles in an attempt to bluff the stormtroopers Mara Jade is initially uneasy about giving Luke a loaded weapon but eventually concedes and the Jedi Knight hides his lightsaber within r2 to further hide Luke's identity Mara Jade picks some leaves off a nearby plant and brushes them against Luke's arm where it touches swells and gross red Luke is allergic to the alien flora they then rub some across his face further obscuring the famous viscid Skywalker a pair of biker Scouts soon come across them with Luke identifying himself as a bounty hunter working for card The Imperials take them back to the nearby settlement where they meet up with another group holding han Solo prisoner Han assures Luke that this is all part of their plan and that Lando is with the rest of cards men hidden in the buildings of the settlement a short ways into the village they spring the trap eliminating all of the Imperial forces in a spectacular display card knows that there will be no way to hide his involvement from a man as deductive as Thrawn and with a great deal of sadness orders his men to start evacuating the planet on Luke Lando and the droids gather Luke's x-wing and leave Mercker with Han noticing how well Luke and Mara seemed to be getting on before heading back to Coruscant on decides to swing by the nearby slea span shipyards to repair Luke's x-wing and get Lando some medical attention for a wound he received during the battle but when they arrive they find the shipyards under attack by Thrones imperial forces the cloaking technology the Chimera salvaged from the emperor's storehouse allowed an entire freighter of TIE fighters and repurposed mole miners to approach sleaze van unimpeded wedge antilles in the rest of Rogue Squadron are on hand to defend the system having been assigned with skort freighters to the shipyards thron uses the commandeered mole miners to burrow a hole into the republic freighters in an attempt to steal them all while Tie Fighters and space troopers defend them however Thrawn has made an uncharacteristic oversight he failed to jam the Republic comms before the Empire could abscond with the fleet Lando uses his command codes to activate the mole miners causing them to drill through the ships they aborted and frying all navigational equipment aboard thron recognizes his defeat and orders pelion and the Imperial ships to retreat he will not waste ships and soldiers on a battle that is lost and there will be many more in the future despite their victory over 40 republic vessels were crippled during the assault and Thrones campaign against the Republic has only just begun as the battle calms Luke Han and Lando receive a message from Leia telling them that they must return to Coruscant immediately Admiral Ackbar has been arrested for treason heir to the Empire was one of the first stories in the expanded universe that fans held up as nearly equal in quality and importance as George Lucas's episodic films and looking at what exactly it introduced to the mythos it's clear to see why characters like Talon card Mara Jade and Captain pelion became integral parts of the franchise thron himself for whom the Thrawn Trilogy is obviously named was such a popular addition that fans were clamoring for more stories with the Grand Admiral and Disney's new Canon after the expanded universe was retired and let's be frank the reaction to his reveal in the rebels animated series at Star Wars Celebration says more than any words possibly can the Star Wars franchise has become one of the deepest fictional universes in terms of its lore in its legends continuity its official Canon and even in cut content what other questions about the Star Wars universe do you want answered and what other stories and franchises would you like explained let me know down in the comments below and hey please remember to Like and subscribe if you enjoyed this and you want to see more lore and explanations don't forget to ring that bell if you want notifications every time I upload really doing so helps a great deal more than you might expect thanks for watching and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Full Motion Videos
Views: 370,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Heir to the Empire, Thrawn, Mara Jade, Thrawn Trilogy, Sequels, lore, legends, story, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Darth Vader, Grand Admiral Thrawn, star wars theory, full motion videos, star wars trailer, grand admiral thrawn, the mandalorian, the mandalorian thrawn, thrawn, thrawn trilogy, heir to the empire, star wars legends, legends lore, thrawn mandalorian, thrawn books, thrawn book, furst, completionist, dykg, didyouknowgaming, normalboots
Id: nwxWuS09hrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 24sec (1704 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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