The Flash⚡️Drunkest and MOST Honest Review

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The Flash beer number one so the movie starts like most these action movies ever since dark night even though Dark Knight perfected it we have a Giant action scene Here Comes Ezra Miller and really what this always reminds me of is Ezra Miller playing Justin Long high on meth playing flash that's really what this character has always been to me he's just this annoying person you want to push off a building but now he has his own movie so we're gonna go with it opening scene is this big giant probably costs 300 million dollars at least half their budget went into making Ben Affleck for cool as Batman which did not work we have babies flying out of a hospital that all look demonic and they're about to die did I mention the worst CGI ever well welcome to a bad movie so flash has got apparently go save some babies from the hospital because it's about to collapse because he's a janitor he puts one in a microwave he throws a burrito at one to fling away the knives he saves the day he saves the baby he saves the dog he saves a woman that screams at him then he makes a little kind of funny joke that it really doesn't land because guess what you're just not funny there Mr Miller it just doesn't work so we fast forward past the hospital flash is feeling under appreciated then he goes into this dramatic thing with his co-workers who we have probably the worst acting I've ever seen we have a love interest that doesn't I don't know that'd be like me acting I guess I guess I don't know uh then we have two protagonists people that are evil at work that say they're as friends but they're picking on them yeah again don't care doesn't fall in line somehow you're making Paul Rudd look amazing as Ant-Man Barry's trying to figure out how to save his dad can't save his dad he gets really pissed off again we have another emo boy in the universe now this is DC and then we're back into extremely expensive CGI that looks like crap and Andy I know you came out recently and said it's supposed to look like crap because it's supposed to look weird like her face is melting because it's him running fast that's just you copping out DC's always had shitty CGI I'm sorry to say boom he's somehow back one day and the babies are flying through the air again and about to die and he's like what does happen we're now about 30 minutes in because again that opening fight team was 30 minutes for some damn reason and I don't know why we still hadn't found a rhythm Barry's still annoying his love interest is still a really crappy actress and all of a sudden Barry goes even more emo goes I figured out how to save my parents I'll be back and he leaves the woman in his apartment like she's not gonna Rob him or something come on dude this is New York City or Gotham or somewhere people Rob people so he goes back in time he makes sure his mama gets a can of tomatoes that's right kids remember that always buy your mom some Ragu or she's gonna end up stabbed in her kitchen you just gotta remember that okay there he goes and gets the Ragu stick in the cart fast forward about 18 years bada bing bada boom he's got parents again dad's not in jail mom's arrived she still sucks at acting and is really annoying but you know what we'll give her a pass because she says mom I guess I don't know if that came out of her side feel bad too now he meets his new alternative 18 18 year old self who is more annoying than annoying this is the ultimate annoying person what do we call him uh are they Zoomers Millennials gen Z I don't know who's annoying now Barry's interacting with Barry he's now realizing how annoying he really is which he is fear number two Barry's meeting himself seeing how annoying he is he's like oh my God I'm really annoying this is what people are talking about yes dude you suck find a cliff take a long walk this is why you're the janitor because Batman's killing you Superman's calling you hell even that cyborg dude which is a very lame character it's still cooler than you and then you maybe they can get Paul Rudd as Ant-Man to come over here and it'd still be better than you all of a sudden you figured out this is the day Zod comes or this is the day I get my powers or something's going on and you realize you created an alternative timeline that's how time works dick you change something and things change fly was on my beer Barry's got to go get some help because he gave his new guy Powers he lost power so I missed that but he lost Powers it wasn't really that interested then he tried to run around in a circle like a landlord he just looked even more like a geek again more horrible CGI bad acting and then he has to go find his sidekick Batman good news is this is where the rhythm of the movie starts building up and now you'd be like but damn that's where Batman comes in you're just being biased and I am a little bit but I'm telling you if you see this movie you'll understand what I'm saying because the only good part of this movie was Michael Keaton and he's Jesus Batman past that point we gotta get past hippie Batman hippie Batman wasn't really that cool cuts his hair he's a badass again they get down in the Batcave now we have a story now we have we're going to Russia now we're going in a deep base and we have an amazing fight scene awesome action we have CGI that doesn't suck don't get it baby's face is melting over here in the beginning of the movie We're watching Batman Flash and eventually super girl woman super they I them I don't know flying around and it doesn't look that bad it looks like the Superman movie oh sorry I need to get drunk to get through this so now we're getting the fight scene they gotta go say Supergirl got two flashes one's kind of half I can't say the r word so he's half not there missing half a brand I guess I'll say we got the original flash who just got his powers back uh we got Bruce Wayne Batman Michael Keaton who's a badass in the Batwing and we got Supergirl they're going to take on Zod now we come to the epic fight scene they're gonna defeat sod yes like grass Zod all right they're gonna be Zod now the timeline's completely changed because again Barry Miller being a genius with back to the feature in his brain but if I added a can of tomatoes to my mom's cart it's not gonna change anything and then he changed the whole damn world apparently Eric Stoltz is now Marty McFly I don't know this is crazy Zod zod's now Waging War in the middle of the deserts on the military instead of taking Superman away like the original movie we still have the gravity machines for some reason in New York pounding and grinding and killing people and doing whatever or maybe throwing a rave I don't know that's kind of what it felt like they do a big epic fight scene things are going the right way and then Batman dies and they go no oh my God every time we try to save them they still die because they found out this is a permanent influx point let me turn this off Zod all right beer number three Barry finds out he's finding himself in this weird Universe with timelines we have worlds clashing and then we have the Nostalgia everybody the only reason this movie is going to make money is because they brought everything back we have Michael Keaton as Batman we have uh Chris Reeves somehow comes back from the grave and so does uh the original Superman we have the other flag we have Adam West we had even Nicholas Cage comes and makes an appearance and fights a giant spider for some reason we get everything all at once again with all the bad CGI whatever happens Barry realizes it's himself he's got to defeat himself the guy stabs the other Barry he then does he goes back he fixes it he has a nice soft scene with his mother he hugs him he cries which I guess you can say that's touching we come to the end of the movie Fast Forward he's back he's like okay my mom died heartbreaking I had to fix it and then he runs the court and he You Realize Real Fast he did do one more thing different he moved the can of tomatoes up to the top so his dad would have to look up his dad's acquitted he's no longer a murderer he walks out of which I thought was first off because he walks out without his dad even though his dad was just acquitted and released I think the first thing I'd be doing is take my dad to get a burger or something I don't know that's what this guy does he walks out he's like Converse Wayne talks to Bruce Wayne remember he changed something and he didn't learn from the first time he gave that Mom that Ragu pasta sauce all of a sudden you hear this guy's voice you're like that doesn't sound like the Batman I know that really bad actor that's dating Jennifer Lopez and guess who it is it's Mr Batman nips himself George Clooney now we have even a different Universe what I took away from this is I was confused through the whole damn movie it was terrible CGI a lot of bad acting with some okay acting the story didn't find Rhythm until the middle this looked like a c CW made for TV movie I almost wanted to walk out but I'm glad I didn't because I got to see Nicholas Cage fight a spider and that was worth it all in all Dan gives the flash too five dance I'll see you next drunken review [Music] people
Channel: Titan Brew TV
Views: 643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christopher reeve superman, Ezra miller, Helen Slater supergirl, James gunn, Jason mamoa aqua man, Michael Keaton batman, Michael keaton batman the flash, Nicolas cage superman, Sasha calle supergirl, The flash, Titan brew tv, batman, ben Affleck batman, dan grant, dc movies, dc vs marvel, drunken movie review, gal gadgot Wonder Woman, secret invasion, secret invasion trailer, supergirl, the flash movie, the flash movie review, the flash review, the flash tv show
Id: tyumIhyXV10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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